Private/Public Unread Bookmarks for Research - 405 views
Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple groups Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple lists Natetronn Jackson wrote: > … bookmark to any of the groups or lists that ...
Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple groups Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple lists Natetronn Jackson wrote: > … bookmark to any of the groups or lists that ...
I'm looking through my records for the letter I sent, although, to be honest, at 12:45 am my time, I'm not sure of just how motivated I want to be, so I'll give you the reader's digest version of i...
You can bookmark multiple links by using a browser's built-in bookmark manager. First, open all the links you want to save in different tabs. Then, in Chrome or Edge, right-click on any tab and sel...
Maggie wrote, at comment #2: > … the whole purpose of in-situ "social annotation" > > Just "add comment" to follow on a sticky note conversation. Please > give that a try and let us know ...
Thomas Laigle wrote: > I'd be pleased to help with french translation if needed :) (2010-03-25) requests Diigo in french.
I am very disappointed that I did not learn of the Furl transition to Diigo until very late in March, between the 20th and 30th of March. I found out by doing some research here in the Diigo forum...
I have paid little attention to UI of installed versions of Diigo but I'm sure that 4.x add-ons for Firefox are greatly improved :) Tag: resolved
> To provoke thought, in no particular order: > * System Services (interapplication communication on Mac OS X) That one is spun off to Mac OS X: System Services: provider services in ...
Thanks someone1000. That link just goes to the page mentioned earlier, which is dead. I guess I didn't transfer any of the links/bookmarks from Furl to Diigo in time, and now I don't even know...
Hi Graham, it works for me.
John Terrell wrote: > a 'bundle' function like in delicious In the screen shot at a menu drops down to show: * bundles of tags *...
Glad that you feel that way. We think so, too, and will be the absolute best :-) Please kindly assist us spreading the words. As more people participate, the more we all benefit from collectiv...
Sean Brady wrote: > Mike Chelen mentioned a bug in the FF toolbar that prevents public sticky notes from being published. Using Diigo in Firefox 3.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.5.5: * I can atta...
> I've never had any issues with the right click menu not appearing. The problem does seem to be random or transient (as I review this afternoon the stickies that I attached to this page on 10th N...
Seems that it is planned. Sorry for not doing my research:
Me neither. Call Me What You Want wrote: > Thanks. Already done that. Btw what was on Mia's link? Couldn't access it.