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Graham Perrin

Simpy import botched - 75 views

> >600 tags to edit by hand, but at least I can do it. Sort of. Tip: don't rush to do them all at once. Edit a tag only when required. I'll be less painful.

simpy import bug tags-related tag resolved

Chris R

excluding tags from search results - 281 views

Chris R wrote: > Oliver, is there a list of these operators somewhere? As far as I know, there is no official documentation of operators working in Diigo available on the Web. ...

question request searching tags syntax boolean help

Graham Perrin

how does "search bookmarks" (and Advanced Search) work? - 140 views

> a boolean logic "history NOT tibet" that is not currently built into Diigo. Diigo 4.0 beta introduces (at least) some boolean stuff to the groups interface. Example:

advanced_search search-feature stemming wildcards boolean help


How many characters are allowed in the tag list? - 42 views

Hi Maggie! You are absolutely right. I was redundant. It really unneccessarily increases the space. I will be attentive to this in the future! Thanks for drawing to my attention! maggie_diigo ...

feature tag

Graham Perrin

Time for localization and other suggestions - 159 views

Thomas Laigle wrote: > I'd be pleased to help with french translation if needed :) (2010-03-25) requests Diigo in french.

features localization tag (metadata) Common Tag tag bundle translate locale suggestion

Graham Perrin

Tags not "sticking" - 90 views

We're (nicely) off-topic from the subject Tags not "sticking" but this is a very good discussion, touching upon some core issues. I'll spin off to a separate topic… Approaches to working with (or...

tags-related tag group share edit add help review 20090924


Common 'tag groups' possible - 16 views

Noel, Thanks for your feedback. Indeed, currently we offer auto suggest tag based on previously tags entered, so that when you start to type "tagxxx", other related tags in that alphabet get p...

tag tagging

Graham Perrin

Delicious toolbar is better than diigo toolbar - 163 views

Subject: trees and hierarchies Lamarck Jean wrote: > … tree estructured tag list. I have thousands of bookmarks and > hundreds of tags. It is literaly impossible to find concrete...

tags help suggstion delicious diigo toolbar


Sharing a list with a group so that they can add bookmarks to the list - 675 views

Roger, Yes, the suggestion was a conceptual nesting with links, meaning upper groups linked to numerous sub-groups. There would be no formal mechanism to create a nesting structure with groups, alt...

lists groups sharing Diigolet suggestion educator help review

Graham Perrin

Next phase Diigo - the future - 462 views

> To provoke thought, in no particular order: > * System Services (interapplication communication on Mac OS X) That one is spun off to Mac OS X: System Services: provider services in ...

wishlist suggestion review gpd4

Soul Book

Questions about diigo from a newbie about search and recommended tag - 100 views

It sure seems to for me. if i search for a common word then i get lots of results, which aren't included in the tags, title or description. So i guess it must be searching the cached versions. ...

review 20091015 search recommend tags tag-related syntax

Graham Perrin

Diigo toolbar button/menu inconsistencies - three different behaviours for a single UI ... - 107 views

I have paid little attention to UI of installed versions of Diigo but I'm sure that 4.x add-ons for Firefox are greatly improved :) Tag: resolved

resolved Firefox toolbar GUI inconsistency

Soul Book

idea: get tags/recommended tags from lists - 41 views

Two connected ideas that'd be useful to me: 1) Recommended tag suggestions from lists. (or even groups) I've added tags to my lists, but i'm not quite sure what use they have. But it seems to me...

bookmarking lists recommended tags toolbar

started by Soul Book on 16 Sep 08 no follow-up yet
Joel Liu

What's missing in v.3 … - 114 views

Thanks for all your input. You have good points. We are focusing on fixing bugs now. However we will consider all suggestions in the Diigo V3 improvement plan. For blinklist bookmarking, I exp...

Virtual Me

the list feature - 47 views

Also, at the left of the list, we should have visibility for the most common tags for that particular list. I use lists practically for all my projects. I create lists way ahead I actually start ...

tags lists filter view

Ako Z°om

"suggest tag" feature idea - 165 views

yes , it seems a very useful -time gaining suggest .

feature suggest tag

Graham Perrin

Any plans for tag bundles or sub tags? - 289 views

The opening post is missing from this topic 553997 but I like it for what remains. An earlier topic:

categories bundles tag sub suggestion tag (metadata) group bundle

Graham Perrin

Mash: bringing Common Tag format to Diigo: Faviki bookmarklet before all else - 80 views

More recently I use Services + Dictionary in Mac OS X to find Common Tags in Wikipedia - mash with the OS is more streamlined than mash with Faviki. Re Common Tag format and tag synonyms, see toda...

mash suggestion Common Tag Diigolet Faviki Google Zemanta gpd4

Hilary Reynolds

Diigo Reviews. Online Software & Services Reviews by CNET. - 0 views

  • Diigo is an online bookmarking tool with a twist. Sometimes, merely saving a bunch of tagged Web sites to a list of favorites is not enough. Ever wanted to highlight one cool corner of a Web page? Do you wish you could scribble on various Web sites to collect recipes, plan a vacation, or write a big research paper, then share your notes? Diigo can help you do that.
  • Diigo's plain text interface is as simple as that of, yet with additional functionality. For instance, Diigo lets you select a bunch of bookmarks at once and change their settings; does not.
  • Diigo looks as basic as, but ease-of-use tweaks make a big difference in convenience. For instance, you can select all items on the page and change their settings at once, which doesn't allow. Advanced search features look within the text of a page, as well as at tags, titles, and your annotations
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • You can use either the Diigo toolbar or bookmarklets, a tiny bookmark applet, to save annotated Web pages without interrupting your Web surfing. If you install the toolbar for either Internet Explorer, Firefox, or the Flock beta browser, whenever you right-click the mouse or highlight something on a Web page, a menu pops up with options to bookmark, forward, search for, or blog about selected content. The toolbar drop-down menu scours four major search engines, as well as within blogs, mapping, news, music, TV, shopping, and reference engines. Choose the Diigo toolbar's Options menu to set privacy preferences.
  • Let's say you save a recipe for jambalaya but want to add your own secret ingredients. You can highlight, say, step 2 of the recipe and add a Sticky Note describing your own step 2B. The Sticky Notes mini-window appears whenever you roll over the highlighted text on that Web page. Add a Comment instead, and that will show up within your list of bookmarks on Diigo. You can make these annotations private or public to allow comments from other users and cluster a bunch of bookmarks within an album to manage various projects--and export them as a feed. And if you blog, you can highlight text on a site and use the Diigto Toolbar to make a quick post to a WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Movable Type, or Windows Live Spaces account.
  • How can you find the good stuff in your bundle of bookmarks? Diigo's advanced search lets you scour the text of pages you've bookmarked--not just the basic titles, tags, and URLs that goes through--as well as your own highlights and comments. So if you forgot to tag that jambalaya recipe, a Diigo search for "shrimp" should do the trick. And your tag cloud, à la, shows the most-used topics. As with, click any tag to see bookmarks that you and other users have made. At this point, many popular Web sites haven't been bookmarked by many Diigo users. Still, users are migrating to Diigo; one of its most popular tags is
  • Judging by common bookmark tags, such as "Web 2.0," the Diigo community is full of tech-savvy users. Still, we find it straightforward enough that a dedicated bookmarking newbie shouldn't have a problem adopting Diigo as a research companion. Diigo is great for taking notes on Web pages and using them to collaborate with other users--and since we started using Diigo, we've lost our appetite for
  • Diigo lets you save, import, tag, highlight, mark up and share Web pages--offering more advanced research tools than
  • Diigo imports bookmarks from elsewhere; tags pages by topic; lets you mark up and share Web pages; has a simple interface; toolbar and bookmarklet allow quick bookmarking; bookmarks simultaneously to rival services; searches text and comments within bookmarks.
Maggie Tsai

Help with RSS, Groups AND Individual - 33 views

I am having a lot of trouble with RSS. I am planning to bring over 2-300 bookmarks into an organized fashion from blinklist, but I have to figure these things out. so i am going to keep my groups...

bookmark feeds groups rss

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