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Rss Feed Group items tagged

Graham Perrin

RSS feed of unread bookmarks - 216 views

No separate feed in Diigo 4.0 beta. In the absence of RSS tailored to private unread bookmarks, I often apply the tag unread to bookmarks that are unread. RSS aside, compact view (...

tags unread tag RSS feed token suggestion

Graham Perrin

Time for localization and other suggestions - 159 views

Thomas Laigle wrote: > I'd be pleased to help with french translation if needed :) (2010-03-25) requests Diigo in french.

features localization tag (metadata) Common Tag tag bundle translate locale suggestion


RSS feed for unread bookmars - 243 views

I personally use this feature and this one as an amazing one. It helps in improving user experience by making it easy to access the listed links. Such bookmarking strategy can be also applied to th...

tags unread tag RSS feed token suggestion

Graham Perrin

"Unread" Bookmarks: Improved handling please! - 87 views

Cross referencing

bookmarks sharing toolbar unread suggestion 550236 958499 988878


what happened to the "Read Later" button? - 345 views

Graham Perrin wrote: > The under-used web interface may reflect the fact that it needs a little overhaul and rationalisation. Excellent, excellent points here Graham. Hats off. Also, the items...

toolbar suggestion

Graham Perrin

Private/Public Unread Bookmarks for Research - 405 views

Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple groups Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple lists Natetronn Jackson wrote: > … bookmark to any of the groups or lists that ...

bookmark research private public group unread suggestion boolean

yc c

anonymous view of a user's *unread* public bookmarks - 30 views

My own signed-in view of my unread bookmarks is I experimented with a signed-out view of the same URL, the result is something other than the 'U... syntax tab unread anonymous public suggestion gpd4

Suzannah Claire

BUG:: Converting Read to Unread - 40 views

Hey everyone, small bug tonight. having issues converting bookmarks from read to unread. I'm cleaning house right now with private bookmarks, and trying to use the unread feature, you know the ...

bug bugs read unread

started by Suzannah Claire on 18 Sep 08 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin

A private group, for you alone - 63 views

Benefits (continued) URLs are visible. A command-click (or Linux/Windows control-click) on an unread bookmark, to open it in a new tab, leaves the mark intact — depending on your point of...

workaround bookmark unread private RSS feed tag review 20091201 gpd4

Graham Perrin

Replicate "read it later" functionality from Firefox extension in Safari? - 131 views

> JavaScript that's offered at That paste has expired. Alternative paste: As before, it's experimental. Thin...

safari read later unread not read script JavaScript API help application programming interface

Joel Liu

Unread bookmarks in Diigo Sidebar and Toolbar - 40 views

We will add a unread button on the toolbar later.

Suzannah Claire

Feature Request RSS:: The importance of "read" and "unread" - 52 views

Sorry for all the posts, I am just heavily working on Diigo today. I dont know if this is a feature request or perhaps a bug, so i thought i would just let you know. This request is in regards t...

feature read request rss unread

started by Suzannah Claire on 09 Mar 08 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin

Diigo toolbar Read Later should add as Private - 179 views

I have recreated the missing topic at , Diigo service should allow obscurity/privacy by default for Diigolet, Post to Diigo and other scripts

read later priv suggestion public private

Graham Perrin

Diigo expressions 'Share to…' and 'Add to…' are debatably misleading; the act... - 129 views

> What you are suggesting is a "community" bookmark, which is a > completely different beast all together from the original posted problem. The original post

review share bookmark group list duplicate inconsistency help gpd4

Graham Perrin

New Toolbar coming sometime? (plus ideas) - 38 views

Rounding off some points from this old topic … soulgrind r wrote: > 1-Filters/Tags/Lists directly on the toolbar. (kinda like live bookmarks). > In particular, 1-click access to: > most use...

diigo idea toolbar tab suggestion


Diigo and IFTTT - 2 views

I want to post an 'unread' item to diigo from ifttt. Which tag must be used? The tag 'unread' doesn't place the item in the Unread section but adds a tag 'unread'. Anyone?

unread ifttt

started by anonymous on 02 Sep 17 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin

Diigo toolbar button/menu inconsistencies - three different behaviours for a single UI ... - 107 views

I have paid little attention to UI of installed versions of Diigo but I'm sure that 4.x add-ons for Firefox are greatly improved :) Tag: resolved

resolved Firefox toolbar GUI inconsistency

Ellen H.

diigo drop-down menu in main firefox toolbar - 95 views

Hopefully instead of just making it optional, you can add the drop down to the toolbar itself. :) Whichever way you do, it won't matter to users who use the context menu only.

Graham Perrin

API: POST and PUT: parameter for read or unread - 137 views

A related question/suggestion: (2010-06-20), Bookmarklet to replicate "read later" functionality (bookmark as private & unread).

API parameter read unread 4.1 review 20091201 gpd4 550236 958499 988878 application programming interface

Graham Perrin

Bookmarklet to replicate "read later" functionality (bookmark as private & unread) - 52 views

> bookmark as … unread My experiments with customising Post to Diigo didn't work. Please enable (and consider liking, or adding your voice to)

unread bookmarklet suggestion help

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