Contents contributed and discussions participated by yc c
Checking for dead links - 4 views
Also looking for this - I've been using diigo since it started, so I must have tonnes of dead links.
This was said to be in the todo list... (source:
Any news since year 2010?
tinyURL bookmark BUG - 429496 users?? - 12 views
There's a bug here 429496 users?? see screenshot
Search groups others have made - 18 views
If you go to the group's home page you should see 'search this group'
I don't think you can search specific & multiple groups at once
Also check out the advanced search pages here:
Missing diigo's - 14 views
Trouble changing group avatar - 62 views
Can't change group avatar - 20 views
Diigolet does not work on iPad - 9930 views
I think you can manually copy Diigolet's code. (this usually works anywhere)
1. Create a bookmark in Safari (any page), copy the bookmark from Safari to your iPad
2. Edit the bookmark, replace/paste what is currently in the address field with this diigolet code.
Hope it works -
Apparently ipad only supports encoded URLs
Try this diigolet:
Can't bookmark this webpage - 33 views
I just tried - also using Chrome, the latest dev version with the Diigolet. I had no problem - see here
??? maybe it was a temporary glitch? Have you re-tried after relaunching the browser?
PS: when I can't bookmark a page, like flash (swf) pages, I use the Add New Bookmark page. To make things easier, I use, yubnub (eg.: with yubnub I just add "diiadd" in front of the URL) or the alternative bookmarklets
How edit sticky note ? - 14 views
collapsing two accounts into one - 3 views
Diigo for Macs - 11 views
How can I post a note publicly - 451 views
I went though a period like that, and one day I noticed that I could.
(But now that I can, I realise it's very rare - I try to only use it for warnings)
True, you've been here for a while now...
(It just might be possible that now that you mentioned this, you will be able to soon ???)
Meanwhile, why don't you try posting to groups?
Maybe they could(should?) create a request form with guidelines to agree to ?
PS: There were some pages that got so many it became a real issue.
Request: Actual bookmarks in the chrome extension pulldown menu - 71 views
yes, I think the Firefox diigo sidebar may have that..but yes, a slim mobile version that we can use in a sidebar would be nice to have
What's up?
PS: You can still search them from this page: