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Contents contributed and discussions participated by yc c

yc c

Are Diigo groups ending? - 51 views

diigo groups
started by yc c on 23 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    The link to the groups homepage is gone. I searched the blog and didnt find any news about it.

    What's up?

    PS: You can still search them from this page:
Alan Rolfe

Checking for dead links - 4 views

started by Alan Rolfe on 08 Nov 16 no follow-up yet
yc c liked it
yc c

tinyURL bookmark BUG - 429496 users?? - 12 views

    There's a bug here 429496 users?? see screenshot
kathleen johnson

Search groups others have made - 18 views

searching groups
started by kathleen johnson on 23 Mar 11 no follow-up yet
James Ashton

Missing diigo's - 14 views

started by James Ashton on 23 Mar 11 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    Maybe it's a private group?
Thomas Miller

Trouble changing group avatar - 62 views

bug resolved group avatar suggestion help
started by Thomas Miller on 07 Jul 10 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    Same problem happened to me - Must be a bug, a cache problem.
    I finally managed by taking my time:
    I 1st deleted it - waited until the old avatar disappeared - waited some more or else the old one came back... to be sure I let a day pass, only then did I manage to change it!
Courtney Walker

Diigolet does not work on iPad - 9930 views

bug Diigo iPad Diigolet
  • yc c
    I think you can manually copy Diigolet's code. (this usually works anywhere)

    1. Create a bookmark in Safari (any page), copy the bookmark from Safari to your iPad

    2. Edit the bookmark, replace/paste what is currently in the address field with this diigolet code.


    Hope it works
  • yc c
    I'm sorry I don't have one so I don't know... anyone?
  • yc c
    Apparently ipad only supports encoded URLs

    Try this diigolet:

Graham Perrin

green tags, blue tags in the Diigolet 4.0b166 view of a group dictionary - 15 views

help Diigolet 4.0b166 group tag gpd4
started by Graham Perrin on 14 Jun 10 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    I don't have those recommended nor group tags. ???
P. G.

Can't bookmark this webpage - 33 views

bug 1.5.4 Google Chrome 6.0.408.1 webhighlighter chrome website bookmark
started by P. G. on 15 Jun 10 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    I just tried - also using Chrome, the latest dev version with the Diigolet. I had no problem - see here

    ??? maybe it was a temporary glitch? Have you re-tried after relaunching the browser?

    PS: when I can't bookmark a page, like flash (swf) pages, I use the Add New Bookmark page. To make things easier, I use, yubnub (eg.: with yubnub I just add "diiadd" in front of the URL) or the alternative bookmarklets
Tyme 2.0

How edit sticky note ? - 14 views

sticky note
started by Tyme 2.0 on 02 Jun 10 no follow-up yet
yc c

Awesome Screenshot w Diigo Integration - Google Chrome extension gallery - 16 views

    Capture a screenshot, annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text, crop any part of the screen shot and save it as a file.\nInstall diigo Integration to come!
Jeremy Chen

collapsing two accounts into one - 3 views

started by Jeremy Chen on 18 May 10 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    I don't think so, I would advise to just delete one and reconnect the other to gmail/facebook
Tammy Stephens

Diigo for Macs - 11 views

Diigo Macs
started by Tammy Stephens on 19 May 10 no follow-up yet
Phillip Wilson

How can I post a note publicly - 451 views

help spam (electronic)
started by Phillip Wilson on 20 Feb 10 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    I went though a period like that, and one day I noticed that I could.
    (But now that I can, I realise it's very rare - I try to only use it for warnings)

    True, you've been here for a while now...
    (It just might be possible that now that you mentioned this, you will be able to soon ???)

    Meanwhile, why don't you try posting to groups?

    Maybe they could(should?) create a request form with guidelines to agree to ?

    PS: There were some pages that got so many it became a real issue.
Ido Magal

Request: Actual bookmarks in the chrome extension pulldown menu - 71 views

suggestion diigo
started by Ido Magal on 18 May 10 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    yes, I think the Firefox diigo sidebar may have that..but yes, a slim mobile version that we can use in a sidebar would be nice to have
yc c

Five Best Bookmark Management Tools - Bookmark Management - Lifehacker - 17 views

    • yc c
      how an earth can you compare xmarks and diigo? backup and annotation?
Shawn Brandt

Generate Report... sticky notes not listed - 95 views

bug help report sticky annotation comment note floating
started by Shawn Brandt on 25 Mar 10 no follow-up yet
  • yc c
    When I select 'generate report' nothing happens...
    Using good old copy/paste is 100% sure to work but I quit like the provided print button.
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