You can add a bookmark to one list when you add bookmark. Please check "Add to a List" checkbox and select list from combobox.
Or you can add all bookmarks in a tag to a list. 1. Search by that Tag in "My Bookmarks". 2. Check "All" checkbox. 3. Select a list from "Add to List.." combobox.
Can you tell me what feature is in BOND of Is the Diigo complex Tag search not enough ? (ex: It can show not only list but also RSS and webslide.
> I have set the list's "keyword",why cannot the bookmarks tagged the keywords Automaticly be put to the list?
A list can be viewed as: 1) A folder which organizes your bookmarks in a traditional way while bundle is about how to organize tags and related bookmarks. 2) An ordered knowledge follow about a topic . For example, you can create a list, add some sections, drag and drop bookmarks to tell your readers what need to be read first, what needed to be paid special attention.
> I have lists for "music", "webdesign" and "libraries", and I want every site I tag as Web2.0 to be added >automatically to all my lists. Can that be done or do I have to add each site separately to each list?
Sorry, you have to add those sites to each list currently. However, you can 1) Go to "My bookmark" and filter all your web2.0 bookmarks 2) Select all 3) Add them to a list
thanks for your reply Joel To me that is a serious limitation, because I have to keep doing it each time I add a new site. I don't want to have to remember which lists each tag belongs to. For me the delicious approach with bundles is much better. Are there plans to add that feature soon?
> To me that is a serious limitation, because I have to keep doing it each time I add a new site. I don't >want to have to remember which lists each tag belongs to. For me the delicious approach with bundles > is much better. Are there plans to add that feature soon? to bookmark;
2.send to a list
So I have to do double work...- -
I have set the list's "keyword",why cannot the bookmarks tagged the keywords Automaticly be put to the list?
You can add a bookmark to one list when you add bookmark. Please check "Add to a List" checkbox and select list from combobox.
Or you can add all bookmarks in a tag to a list.
1. Search by that Tag in "My Bookmarks".
2. Check "All" checkbox.
3. Select a list from "Add to List.." combobox.
I think the list should be like BOND of keywords of lists were just a automatic pack work that diigo should help me to do so.
Maybe I'm too lazy...囧
Can you tell me what feature is in BOND of Is the Diigo complex Tag search not enough ?
(ex: It can show not only list but also RSS and webslide.
A list can be viewed as:
1) A folder which organizes your bookmarks in a traditional way while bundle is about how to organize tags and related bookmarks.
2) An ordered knowledge follow about a topic . For example, you can create a list, add some sections, drag and drop bookmarks to tell your readers what need to be read first, what needed to be paid special attention.
So List is different from the bundle.
Thx for your help.^-^
Sorry, you have to add those sites to each list currently. However, you can
1) Go to "My bookmark" and filter all your web2.0 bookmarks
2) Select all
3) Add them to a list
To me that is a serious limitation, because I have to keep doing it each time I add a new site. I don't want to have to remember which lists each tag belongs to. For me the delicious approach with bundles is much better. Are there plans to add that feature soon?
We are evaluating this feature.
> a 'bundle' function like in delicious
In the screen shot at
a menu drops down to show:
* bundles of tags
* Diigo bookmarks within each bundle.
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