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Allow user to define button order on toolbar. - 88 views

I need it more than you, mate! You can understand how helpful it will be for e-commerce-based businesses like my client's business, which is selling vintage jewelry of Bvulgari throughout the USA....

feature toolbar

Maggie Tsai

Installed toolbar but it doesn't appear - 17 views

Good to hear that :-) Thanks for sharing Diigo. Let us know what forward problem you're having.


Joel Liu

Problem with Diigo Firefox Toolbar v.1.0.2007061301 - 80 views

Gabypa: We will look into it. Before we find out what happened, you can use Diigolet Thanks.

firefox toolbar

Array Suh

Diigo Toolbar doesn't display on Firefox 3.0.4,Ubuntu 8.10 - 161 views

I use "Tab Control" Add-on,so this problem solved. It doesn't feel odd.

firefox toolbar diigo Ubuntu compatibility bug resolved

Graham Perrin

Save Elsewhere Not Working After Installing Toolbar 3.1.3 - 59 views

Subject: Save Elsewhere Not Working After Installing Toolbar 3.1.3 Keisa Williams wrote: > using the 3.1.3 toolbar That's very outdated. Please update. If you have problems with the most recen...

3.1.3 save-elswhere toolbar resolved

Maggie Tsai

copy without format copy with URL - 39 views

Tried to send a toolbar for you to try out, but your email bounced. Please contact us at info at diigo dot com.

bug toolbar

Tom Tullio

Diigo warning me of redirection - 93 views

The error appears on my PC at home: - XP Home SP2 - Firefox - Diigo toolbar 1.0.2007081101 - no other Firefox extensions installed - ZoneAlarm 7.0.337.000 (I have tried it with the firewa...


Graham Perrin

OT: how to make Diigo toolbar the lowest (nearest to content) in Firefox 3? - 66 views

Call Me What You Want wrote: > Try this Firefox add-on … Thanks for the add-on and other suggestion! I'll continue this thread at

Firefox toolbar help resolved

Graham Perrin

sgst: sort by visited, integrated search results, etc.. - 59 views

Sorting bookmarks >>> 2 - Sort links by frequency of use. >>> This would be really handy.. so your most commonly used sites >>> were always at the top of the list. I've set up a "@daily" tag >>> ...

discussion feature suggestion

Joel Liu

Can't sign in in Digolet! - 406 views

Hi all, The problem was finally solved. 1. Diigolet uses cookies authroization if available (available means that 3rd party cookies are allowed) 2. If cookies are not available, diigo...

Diigo About diigolet Firefox resolved

Graham Perrin

middle click?? - 113 views

> I've never had any issues with the right click menu not appearing. The problem does seem to be random or transient (as I review this afternoon the stickies that I attached to this page on 10th N...

toolbar firefox extension usability interface GUI suggestion

Graham Perrin

Toolbar Failing to Display Items to Left of Highlight - 60 views

> Once or twice in the past I found (and posted) some other workaround, > tagged the topic thoughtfully, but at the moment I > can't relocate the topic :( ah well never mind Found that other to...

Toolbar bugs Firefox help custom drag drop resolved

Robert T

Toolbar Quirks - Default Settings - 86 views

Joel, Didn't hear from you after responding to the request for more info on the Toolbar Quirks / Issues thing. Just wanted to make sure you saw my reply. (& help improve this solid tool...

Diigo Toolbar Diigo GUI

no mirror

Diigo toolbar missing icons for sidebar and for Diigo and Bookmark buttons/menus - 112 views

I had the same problem and solved it in the following way: right click diigo tool bar Customize... Restore Default Set Good Luck

Toolbar Firefox bug resolved

Graham Perrin

New Toolbar coming sometime? (plus ideas) - 38 views

Rounding off some points from this old topic … soulgrind r wrote: > 1-Filters/Tags/Lists directly on the toolbar. (kinda like live bookmarks). > In particular, 1-click access to: > most use...

diigo idea toolbar tab suggestion

Peter Fleming

adding a toolbar open/close button on FF navigation tool bar - 93 views

I had the very same idea. Infact an addon that creates a close button for all toobars at the end of each toolbar. Or as you say a small panel of icons in the navigation toolbar that toggle. Real es...

button feature requests toolbar

Michael Farina

new group I created isn't a share-to option when bookmarking - 82 views

I don't know what all the specs are, but I'm having the exact same problem. After creating a sticky, I am only given the option of sharing it to one of my three groups. I created all three groups...

groups sharing

Graham Perrin

[New] FF toolbar - 89 views

@ Cee Bee Please: 1) Is the platform of your Mac: PowerPC, or Intel? 2) Can you recall the numbered version of Diigo Toolbar that you used when you encountered issues with performance? ---- @...

ff toolbar updates bug change log

Graham Perrin

Why my sticky note can only be private.? - 229 views

Sean Brady wrote: > Mike Chelen mentioned a bug in the FF toolbar that prevents public sticky notes from being published. Using Diigo in Firefox 3.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.5.5: * I can atta...

public sticky note

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