case-sensitive tags - any chance of it happening? - 383 views
> tag case will be preserved while displaying, but ignored for search Seems to work well for the majority of use cases. Thanks :)
> tag case will be preserved while displaying, but ignored for search Seems to work well for the majority of use cases. Thanks :)
Hi Hanna In as few words as possible, a) in this forum we have a few reports from Diigo users who have problems with tags b) in many ...
Tag limit? What tag limit? Please tell. Thanks.
> >600 tags to edit by hand, but at least I can do it. Sort of. Tip: don't rush to do them all at once. Edit a tag only when required. I'll be less painful.
Chris R wrote: > Oliver, is there a list of these operators somewhere? As far as I know, there is no official documentation of operators working in Diigo available on the Web. ...
Revising tags, deleting selected tags > 11 >>> option to Revise Tags is "ALL TAGS" > that's just plain stupid > who would ever use that ? Please enable e-mail notification for an earlier topic...
Maggie, A pleasure ))) maggie_diigo wrote: > Sorry, I should have participated in the discussion earlier - was too busy with other tasks lately to answer the forum questions until now. > > Sorr...
I am very disappointed that I did not learn of the Furl transition to Diigo until very late in March, between the 20th and 30th of March. I found out by doing some research here in the Diigo forum...
Soon. Taking longer than expected due to the amount of details and complexitiy, but it's looking very, very sharp. Thanks for your patience. We cannot wait to share the next gen Diigo with ...
Joel, Didn't hear from you after responding to the request for more info on the Toolbar Quirks / Issues thing. Just wanted to make sure you saw my reply. (& help improve this solid tool...
fridemar > > The author doesn't think, that the Diigo community is happy with such a state, which appears to him only as a bug feature of the diigo software and not a missing social ...
> a boolean logic "history NOT tibet" that is not currently built into Diigo. Diigo 4.0 beta introduces (at least) some boolean stuff to the groups interface. Example:
@sandy_diigo Nope, I'm still having problems. For example, the tag "firefox:toolbar" has no bookmarks associated with it (I've just deleted them all), but the tag still appears in my tag cloud here...
> 1. If you update tag in My Diigo doesn't automatically update tags on same sites in groups - Yesterday i went and edited a number of tags in My Diigo fully expecting these to flow automatically ...
No strong need. Cheers Ole maggie_diigo wrote: > Hi Ole, > > Sounds like a very interesting research. After publishing it, please share with all of us. Love to learn more. > > Q: do you real...
Hi dstanford, Thanks for your input. Please see comment below. > > I hate that the tags get cut off after a certain number of characters. It's particularly frustrating when your tr...
> It is useful to see the number of people who bookmarked an item.
>in my bookmark collection, it not only excludes all my Chinese tags due to "Tag number", but also cut >half of one tag "safety" to "saf". It could because a break-down of the whole tagging system....
The last time I tagged anything with "RUP" was in 2008 & it was 2007 since I used the "pocketPC" tag, yet they are listed under my recent tags. I add a new bookmark almost every day, so I doubt an...