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Contents contributed and discussions participated by davido T

davido T

Superfish risk in Diigo Chrome extensions - 35 views

Superfish Awesome_Screenshot
  • davido T
    I was surprised to read that Diigo apparently included Superfish in its in Awesome Screenshot extension, after reading about the criticism of Superfish as a potential security hole at

    I love Diigo and I understand that you need revenue to survive. I'd just like you to clarify whether Superfish is still bundled with any of Diigo's extensions and if so, whether that introduces a security risk to users, as described in the Forbes article.

  • davido T
    Yes, it's listed in Awesome Screenshot, with opt-out instructions. It's great that Diigo is transparent about using it--and based on that, I hope that the lack of mention in their other extensions means that it isn't used.

    Maybe Superfish doesn't pose the risk, when embedded in a Chrome extension, that it apparently does when embedded with some Lenovo laptops (link above). That's what I'm hoping Diigo can answer for us.
davido T

batch-change URL of previously highlighted sites? - 15 views

URL-substitution batch-processing domain_names suggestion
started by davido T on 15 Jan 10 no follow-up yet
davido T

mashup with page-change monitor like Site Delta or Watch That Page? - 11 views

monitor changed_pages suggestion mash
started by davido T on 21 Mar 09 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    a feature suggestion: I use SiteDelta, a Firefox add-in to watch pages for changes. So I basically have a growing list of pages to be watched. But they are uncategorized. So I also tag them with Diigo.

    How useful would it be to merge these functions, with a checkbox to 'watch this page' as I bookmark it? Very much like your own user forum feature that sends an email when pages are updated. (Though Site Delta goes farther, allowing me to specify *regions* of a page to watch)

    It would certainly simplify my life.
Maggie Tsai

[News] How to transfer your Furl links - 276 views

diigo furl news faq
started by Maggie Tsai on 09 Mar 09 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I used to simultaneously bookmark to Furl, from Diigo. Is there any reason for me to transfer those links back to Diigo? I doubt it, but just curious.
davido T

multiple customized search at once? text export of customized search list? - 19 views

customizedsearch suggestion
started by davido T on 08 Feb 09 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I'd like to suggest that your excellent Custom Search would allow a search of more than one of the engines with a single click. From the context menu, the top or bottom item in a search category could be 'search all of these'--each search would open in a tab.

davido T

CSV export problem - 42 views

started by davido T on 17 Oct 08 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I just exported to CSV format, opened the csv file in Excel. All looked well, until I began scrolling down a bit from the top, where I found highlights in the Title column. It seems to be a problem with multi-line highlights breaking into many cells. Any fix or workaround possible?

davido T

how does "search bookmarks" (and Advanced Search) work? - 140 views

advanced_search search-feature stemming wildcards boolean help
  • davido T
    I've been looking in vain for a guide to Diigo's internal search feature. Am I missing a help file or guide somewhere, similar to Google's, on how to:

    -search using a partial tag
    like job* to search for all tags containing job. I've experimented but can't find a way.

    -search for phrases in basic search box
    I see the option in Advanced, but in basic search, putting words in quotes (like google) doesn't work, unfortunately.

    I love you guys, but frankly I'm annoyed... these are important features!

    I hope these are features that used to work and will work again, once v3 matures.
  • davido T
    thanks, Joel.

    It's a shame there's no way to search substrings/partial tags in V3. That overly limits bookmarks returned, in my opinion, since it would be easy to bring up all partial matches, then allow for filtering out using the + tags feature.

    Plus it messes up my system of tagging library-style, like this: "jobs--san_francisco". I can't search "jobs" and get all my "jobs--" type tags

    Maybe using ~jobs (or jobs*) to signal partial matches would allow for advanced users to do this, without confusing others.

Has Diigo's Bookmark Cache been removed? - 115 views

started by Rachel on 10 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    are there any exceptions to that? or any part of cached pages that are *not* cached?


    Joel Liu wrote:
    > There is a Cached link in every bookmark item.
ezuk -

Automatic backup? - 92 views

automatic backup export
started by ezuk - on 06 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I second that. If nothing else, maybe there must be some scripting app out there that can periodically go get a new export. I just don't know the app ;-)

    ezuk - wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I know I can export the bookmarks in all sorts of formats. That's cool.
    > However, how can I automate the process? How can I have a backup zip of my bookmarks emailed to me periodically?
davido T

changing background color loses highlights in Firefix - 44 views

accessability firefox highlighting accessibility
started by davido T on 04 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I like to have a gray background in Firefox, instead of blaring white for Google and other pages. I'm using a plugin called Accessibar to do that. But when I do, Diigo highlights don't show up!

    Any workaround you can think of to have my gray background and highlights too?

davido T

pdf file highlighting? - 1589 views

adobe_acrobat pdf suggestion
started by davido T on 30 May 08 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    There was discussion a year ago about pdf support--being able to highlight pdf files and search the highlights in diigo and/or making Acrobat highlights into diigo highlights. That would be SO useful to me.

    A workaround I use is to convert to html with pdfDownload or google's cache feature, but this has its problems.

    Any chance of a dedicated annotate-pdf feature coming along?
cuttingedge -

CSV backup shows no annotations - 116 views

started by cuttingedge - on 29 Mar 08 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    Unfortunately I got none of my highlights, using csv and rss a few minutes ago. This used to work actually. I have a csv export from Sept 07 that includes highlights. I hope this functionality will come back, because I'm with cuttingedge--it's nerve-wracking to wonder if my time spent annotating will be available in the future.


    cuttingedge wrote:
    > Great!
    > Joel, how will we know when you solve this and other things you are working on? Do we need to keep checking version history or do you post it on the appropriate threads such as this one? Nice work.
    > Joel Liu wrote:
    > > We are working on it now.
davido T

"recommended tags" is nice, "recent tags" would be too - 53 views

recommended tagging
started by davido T on 20 Apr 08 no follow-up yet
davido T

Firefox, disallowing pages to set own colors - 36 views

firefox highlighting
started by davido T on 20 Apr 08 no follow-up yet
davido T

is advanced search gone? e.g. full-text, not just tags? - 37 views

full-text search-feature
started by davido T on 24 Mar 08 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    can't find that functionality now ;-(

How to back up bookmarks? - 590 views

  • davido T
    hi Maggie, is there a help topic somewhere comparing the various export formats, what they include, etc?

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Hi Sugardiigo,
    > That's a cute username.
    > Please check out
    > CSV format includes your annotation.
  • davido T
    a belated thanks!

    I see that csv and rss include the most info. I'll try both.

    I'd love for my diigo bookmarks to be searchable by Google Desktop, so they'd pop-up as results and remind me I'd bookmarked something. Maybe by exporting and indexing, that will happen, but an auto-updating method would be even better.


    Mah Saito wrote:
    > Hi, Davido.
    > We have tiphelp which you can see in Export page. - > [?]
    > ----
    > IE Bookmark Format: Include url and title
    > Netscape Bookmark Format: Include url,title and tags
    > RSS Format: Include url,title,tags and comments and stiky notes
    > CSV Format: Include url,title,tags and comments and stiky notes
    > Delicious Format: Same as exporting format
x y

features request: diigo tools useful for pdfs on the hard drive too, universally apply... - 65 views

started by x y on 20 Oct 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    Yes, support for local files would be great! All sorts of local files can be viewed in a browser, and it would be so great to tag, highlight, etc. them!

    keep up the good work

    cinayakoshka wrote:
    > Why can't diigo store things separately for files on a hard drive, granted that they are still being viewed in the browser?

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