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Contents contributed and discussions participated by jeffreyjflim


"You have no bookmarks" When I do! - 29 views

started by takeoutweight on 15 Jul 07 no follow-up yet
  • jeffreyjflim
    takeoutweight wrote:
    > I just joined and imported my bookmarks from, and they seem to show up on the main page, but whenever I search or click a link on my cloud, I'm told that "You have no bookmarks."
    > What am I doing wrong?

    you are doing nothing wrong - don't worry. It's diigo's problem, apparently. Somehow or other, some updates just don't happen instantaneously... I bookmarked a few pages, tagged them, and had the same problem as well! Wait a few hours. See what happens.

Cached Pages - Inconsistency - 112 views

resolved cache suggestion bug inconsistency
  • jeffreyjflim
    woo1018 wrote:
    > What is up with the inconsistency of saving a full webpage? Some sites are cached while others are not. Does this have to do with max characters?
    > I love Diigo but am considering going back to Furl since I can capture a full page and then use a full text search for the whole page

    or how about this? My situation: I have a cached page. Or rather, I *HAD* a cached page. Used to be cached. Now not.

    "Cache page didn't exist. Please Click the following link to visit original page." - I love that wonderful message. Diigo used to be functional and "ok" for me. What's happened to it now?
  • jeffreyjflim
    joel wrote:
    > > or how about this? My situation: I have a cached page. Or rather, I *HAD* a cached page. Used to be >cached. Now not.
    > > "Cache page didn't exist. Please Click the following link to visit original page." - I love that wonderful
    > > message. Diigo used to be functional and "ok" for me. What's happened to it now?
    > ===== > Could you give us these URLs, so we can look into it and find what happened.

    I would be interested (as an actual, real life user of the service) to be given an honest (and technically accurate) answer here - it isnt the best of impressions when a service drops your data.. and then doesn't anything to pick up that error at all (shouldn't ur "error page generator" give u an alert? log something to somewhere?)
    (*NOTE - I "de-htmlized" the '%nn' characters back to their actual characters ['%2F' = '/'] because apparently the "overflow" here seems to be set to "hidden" - if ur url is too long, u dont get to see the rest of it)
Oliver S.

Unusual display of cached pages - 41 views

bug cache snapshot archive upload PNG HTML screen shot screenshot
started by Oliver S. on 06 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
  • jeffreyjflim
    joel wrote:

    > I guess this is due to the webpages and not Diigo's fault.
    >> Has anyone else noticed that, too?
    > The cache page include the content, but not the format files, such as css
    > files in the web page. Just like google cache page.

    perhaps, but really shouldnt these files be cached? or at least the CSS? what is the point of not caching the CSS? so that they'll look ugly? "Different"? Because anyway, since annotations are not available on the cached pages that the presentation of the page shouldnt matter anyway?
Maggie Tsai

Cache - 73 views

resolved cache discussion suggestion
started by Maggie Tsai on 11 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
  • jeffreyjflim
    maggie_diigo wrote:

    > John,
    > Thanks for your input. Will consider offering that option.
    > Meanwhile, try clicking on the "about" link for each bookmark - you
    > will see lots of related stuff all nicely presented there.

    Just to reiterate (and since this isn't the case yet...) annotations really *should* go with the cached page. Otherwise... what's the point of the cache? Is diigo a *cache*ing service??? or is diigo an annotation service?? neither here... nor there???

multi-word tags - how to tag properly? - 420 views

multi-word tags tag
  • jeffreyjflim
    hi, it seems that multiword tags arent really supported that well in diigo. I tried, for example, surrounding the words with "" quotes, and while that worked, when i go to My Bookmarks, and take a look at the tag cloud, i only see the first word (well, the first word with a space after that if u mouseover it) in the cloud? What should be (if any) the proper way to create a multi-word tag? (I would much prefer not to use underscores or dashes).
  • jeffreyjflim
    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > see
    > put quotation before and after the multiple words

    thanks, Maggie. I sort of figured that out. Although (see my 2nd point), the display doesnt really work that well for the phrase when it comes to my tag cloud in the "My Bookmarks" page... (if i tag "first second", the cloud shows only the word "first", with an invisible "space" after it! u'll see that "invisible space" when u mouseover the word "first" in the cloud...)
  • jeffreyjflim
    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > ---- > this has to do with not having enough space for tag display (in "My Tags" right column, for example). We don't yet have a good solution yet without doing major "operation" to UI. Suggestion welcome.

    actually, no - I just realized what's going on now. You guys only take *the first 12 characters*, space or no space... If a tag is less than 12 characters long (inclusive of all the spaces), then the whole tag will show! eg. "test 1 2". However, if it is longer than 12 characters, then it will get truncated at the 13th character, and only the first 12 (space or no space) will show in "My Tags"...

case-sensitive tags - any chance of it happening? - 383 views

discussion tag case CamelCase case-sensitive help suggestion
  • jeffreyjflim
    as per subject. I was wondering whether this would be implemented... It may not sound like much, but hey, mixed-case and selective-case tags can be good for organizing, and for the visual effect...
  • jeffreyjflim
    thanks, Maggie for ur consideration of the input. First of all, i would like to say that what i am suggesting is case sensitive storage of the tags - and not so much case *differentiation*. ie., (using an example) the tag "CaseSensitive" should NOT somehow be differentiated from the tag "cASeSeNSiTivE" (as if we cared about using the 2 separately!). So in that sense i understand ur points about the cons (potential mess, information not found due to case differences).

    I understand the concerns that u may have, but for me, the use of capitalization info would just make the tag *so* much more information rich. Implementation-wise, this is what i would suggest:
    - the first time a tag is created, it is stored as is case-wise. This will in future be the "reference case implementation" for the tag
    - for all future tags: to check for tag equivalence in future tag operations, simply just do a lowercase() operation, and then compare. All tags that are found to be equivalent through this process to an already created tag should therefore be switched to (with the appropriate case copys) the already existing tag. Therefore, tagging an article with "rubyinsight" would be the same as tagging it with your first "RubyInsight" tag.

    Would this help to take care of the cons? Search engines (+ other services) -wise, diigo can carry on to use the already default lowercase (so that the exising links + PR are still there, and will be preserved). I only ask that we be able to have the case as stored presented to us as we originally meant it... ie. in the "My Bookmarks" display, and in the tag cloud.
  • jeffreyjflim
    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Thanks for more helpful input from you all.


    > We will discuss more here to consider preserving tag cases for display, not for search. Of course, we need to figure out a good way to resolve the long tag UI display issue as well...

    yup. Imposing an artificial "12-character limit" on a tag doesnt sound like good information management (which of course, i presume diigo is all about!).

    > Glad you like Diigo. Despite lots of hypes and noises out there, we're focused in executing our vision - it will only become richer and richer in all aspects and become even more useful. We're idealists with lots of practical business sense. Diigo plans to be around for a long, long time :-)

    that's good to hear. I'm starting to think about the feasibility of actually putting all of my stuff into diigo. And if i ever get to start on my research project, i'll likely recommend to the team taking a look at diigo as well...
Dizzle Dorf

Diigo Toolbar delays each new Firefox window - 40 views

firefox toolbar
started by Dizzle Dorf on 02 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • jeffreyjflim
    dizzledorf, when does this delay happen? before the page begins to load (ie. u see *nothing* at all for that period of time), or is it a "while" the page begins to load (i'll explain that later on).

    I have noticed that for a particular page where there is a fair bit of annotation (I've got 19 and more), the page loads, but the "refresh status" bit (most frequently indicated by ur flashing browser logo) keeps on going for quite a bit before it stops. And only after that do the annotations load. Is this what u mean?

Editing existing notes - 77 views

edit suggestion
  • jeffreyjflim
    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Not yet. On our To-Do list.

    well if u need any confirmation, there's certainly more support for that feature here... ;)

    just wondering though, do u have this list to "to-dos" somewhere? along with priority notes? i mean, diigo is great, but there are still certain things i want that are still missing, and that might prompt me to go with another service rather than diigo... Knowing how the roadmap will be like would be great in assisting to make a decision!
  • jeffreyjflim

    sure, no problem. I understand. Thanks for the reply though!

note formatting - must line breaks and everything be "squashed" together for me? - 34 views

format formatting line breaks notes
  • jeffreyjflim
    hi, I would like to be able to just type in my notes as is - ie, with proper paragraph separation (hey, these are my notes after all!) for easy visualization and reading, but i hate the way diigo will try to "squash" everything together for me, even after i have taken all that effort to be able to format my notes nicely. Is there a plan right now to preserve the text EXACTLY as i type it in?
  • jeffreyjflim
    ok, thanks, i see it now. Although really, u only see the formatting when u go and edit ur comment... If u merely mouseover the highlight, what u see is the squashed text! Are u seeing something different when u mouseover? I'm using Firefox 1.5 here.
  • jeffreyjflim
    thanks, Maggie. I've figured out how to see the annotations already. I'm trying out FF 2.0 at the moment, and I must say that it's worse than for FF 1.5! I can't edit the notes that I have made already, for eg. with FF 2.0... With FF 1.5, that's ok.

    Also regarding my original point about squashing: it seems that this squashing is only done for non-rich-formatted notes... For rich-formatted notes, both the text as shown in the bookmarks, and in the mouseover are not squashed...
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