Thank-you for your work. So far, I have been very pleased with Diigo and believe it has great potential. Having used it for some time, I would like to point out a few issues which could enhance Diigo and allow it to become a more professional, powerful tool.
- Lists: It is extremely frustrating that Lists do not prevent the creation of multiple copies of the same item. When a bookmark is (accidentally) added to the same List on two separate occasions, that List's item count goes up (eg. "Showing 20 of 20" becomes "Showing 20 of 21"), and the bookmark is displayed multiple times under the "By Time" tab. There is no intelligible reason as to why Lists should function this way. In fact, for people such as myself who use lists as a sort of "ordered checklist of sites to visit", it wastes my time by sending me to the same page repeatedly. Also, it causes the item count on my lists to grow incredibly daunting - even when I actually end up having few items. This makes me misjudge the amount of time needed to visit all the bookmarks on my List, and affects my overall time-management! Such duplication within Lists needs to be written out of the program so that Diigo can be put to professional use.
- Simultaneously adding a tag to multiple bookmarks: If I want to add a specific tag(s) to two or more bookmarks, I have to either edit each bookmark separately, or check all the relevant ones, choose 'Edit' in the drop-down menu at the top of the page, and then manually type each tag for each bookmark into the textbox that appears. An example of a more desirable method can be found on Gmail, where I can "label" several messages simultaneously by checking all the relevant messages and choosing the desired label from a drop-down menu. Using the same method - just substituting messages for bookmarks and Labels for Tags - Diigo could instantly become a far more usable tool. My lengthy observation of the Diigo Forums shows that I am not the only user looking forward to this innovation. The user drojack has posted the same suggestion (
- Different versions of the same tag: When I search through my bookmarks by tags, I sometimes do not get all the results I want because some of the relevant bookmarks have accidentally been tagged under a slightly different version ( e.g. some relevant bookmarks are tagged "community", others are tagged "communities", others are tagged "comunity", etc.) It is difficult to remember the exact conjugations of words that already exist in your tagcloud, especially when you use Diigo a lot and have a great variety of tags. Furthermore, one can easily misspell a word and thereby accidentally create a new tag. To prevent this, I suggest that the Diigo form for creating new bookmarks should anticipate which tag the user is entering when creating a new bookmark. A wonderful example of this was the drop-down menu which used to be available on the form, but which is unfortunately no longer there (at least in my Firefox browser). An alternative and even better system would the one used by the Firefox extension "Bookmark Tags". Let's say I want to create a new bookmark using Bookmark Tags, and I want to tag it 'french'. When I bookmark it and type 'f' into the 'Tags' text box, it alphabetically suggests the first tag that I already use beginning with 'f' (e.g. 'facebook'). When I continue typing, it automatically changes its suggestion, whilst still suggesting existing tags ( e.g. 'facebook', - 'free' - 'free' - 'french '). If 'french' is a tag I have not used before, it will stop making suggestions after I have typed 'frenc'. I then simply finish typing the word, and Bookmark Tags recognises it as a new tag. Using this kind of system, Diigo users can more efficiently create and retrieve both bookmarks and tags.
- Lack of means to contact the developers: Last but not least, I am rather disconcerted by the fact that the users' only means of (perchance!) reaching the developers is through the Community Forum. I searched the entire site and was not able to find a single e-mail address for "User Support", "Helpline" or anything to that effect (instead, I found this info-email for people interested in "partnerships, investment, licensing, and career opportunities"). A more direct line of communication would benefit not only the users and the community, but also the developers and the program.
Thank-you for your time. I look forward to the improvements! Please feel free to contact me.
Hi truefrancesca, Thanks for your suggestion. 1. Lists. Could you tell me how to reproduce the bug? I can't reproduce it here. 2. Simultaneously adding a tag to multiple bookmarks: This feature was already implemented in diigo V3. You can use it soon. 3. Different versions of the same tag: What's browser you use? IE or FF? Diigo toolbar has a tag auto suggestion feature which works as you described. However, some users reported this feature didn't work recently. With the upcoming Diigo V3 toolbar, this problem can be fixed. 4. You can reach me at joel 【at】 diigo dot com :).
truefrancesca wrote: > Dear Diigo developers, > > Thank-you for your work. So far, I have been very pleased with Diigo and believe it has great potential. Having used it for some time, I would like to point out a few issues which could enhance Diigo and allow it to become a more professional, powerful tool.
Lists - recreating the problem: 1) In My Diigo > My Bookmarks, click 'Create a List'. Name the list 'Test' (the rest is up to you). Then return to My Bookmarks. 2) Locate a bookmark that has two or more tags attached to it. Let's say it is called 'Fairtrade' and has been tagged 'shopping', 'politics' and 'educational'. Add Fairtrade to the Test list, using the drop-down 'Add to List ...' menu. 3) Once it has been "Added to List successfully!", take a look at Test by clicking on its link in the 'My Lists' box. 4) In Test, you will see that the main blue box is set to 'By position' and contains 'Fairtrade'. In the top-right corner of the blue box you will see "1-1 of 1". If you click on the 'By time' tab, you will see the same thing. 6) Return to My Bookmarks and find your 'My Tags' box. Click on the first tag associated with 'Fairtrade', in this case 'shopping'. This will show you all your bookmarks tagged 'shopping'. 7) Locate 'Fairtrade' and add it to Test using the drop-down menu again. Again, you will see a message saying it has been "Added to List successfully!". 8) Go My Bookmarks > Test. In the blue box, you will see that the 'By Position' tab still shows only one copy of 'Fairtrade', but the text in the top-right corner has changed to '1-2 of 2'. Click on the 'By time' tab and you will see Fairtrade has been added twice. (If you repeat steps 6. - 8. for each of the other tags (i.e. 'politics' and 'educational'), then by the end, 'Fairtrade' will have been add to the 'By time' tab of Test a total of four times, and the text in the top-right corner of the blue box will read '1-4 of 4', even though it is all one and the same bookmark.)
Simultaneously adding a tag to multiple bookmarks: That's wonderful news! Thank-you! I very much look forward to that feature.
Reaching the developers: Thank-you! I have sent a copy of this message to your e-mail address to save you some time :).
Again, thank-you for all your work!
joel wrote: > Hi truefrancesca, > Thanks for your suggestion. > 1. Lists. Could you tell me how to reproduce the bug? I can't reproduce it here. > 2. Simultaneously adding a tag to multiple bookmarks: This feature was already implemented in diigo V3. You can use it soon. > 3. Different versions of the same tag: What's browser you use? IE or FF? Diigo toolbar has a tag auto suggestion feature which works as you described. However, some users reported this feature didn't work recently. With the upcoming Diigo V3 toolbar, this problem can be fixed. > 4. You can reach me at joel 【at】 diigo dot com :). > > truefrancesca wrote: > > Dear Diigo developers, > > > > Thank-you for your work. So far, I have been very pleased with Diigo and believe it has great potential. Having used it for some time, I would like to point out a few issues which could enhance Diigo and allow it to become a more professional, powerful tool.
Thank-you for your work. So far, I have been very pleased with Diigo and believe it has great potential. Having used it for some time, I would like to point out a few issues which could enhance Diigo and allow it to become a more professional, powerful tool.
- Lists:
It is extremely frustrating that Lists do not prevent the creation of multiple copies of the same item. When a bookmark is (accidentally) added to the same List on two separate occasions, that List's item count goes up (eg. "Showing 20 of 20" becomes "Showing 20 of 21"), and the bookmark is displayed multiple times under the "By Time" tab. There is no intelligible reason as to why Lists should function this way. In fact, for people such as myself who use lists as a sort of "ordered checklist of sites to visit", it wastes my time by sending me to the same page repeatedly. Also, it causes the item count on my lists to grow incredibly daunting - even when I actually end up having few items. This makes me misjudge the amount of time needed to visit all the bookmarks on my List, and affects my overall time-management! Such duplication within Lists needs to be written out of the program so that Diigo can be put to professional use.
- Simultaneously adding a tag to multiple bookmarks:
If I want to add a specific tag(s) to two or more bookmarks, I have to either edit each bookmark separately, or check all the relevant ones, choose 'Edit' in the drop-down menu at the top of the page, and then manually type each tag for each bookmark into the textbox that appears. An example of a more desirable method can be found on Gmail, where I can "label" several messages simultaneously by checking all the relevant messages and choosing the desired label from a drop-down menu. Using the same method - just substituting messages for bookmarks and Labels for Tags - Diigo could instantly become a far more usable tool. My lengthy observation of the Diigo Forums shows that I am not the only user looking forward to this innovation. The user drojack has posted the same suggestion (
- Different versions of the same tag:
When I search through my bookmarks by tags, I sometimes do not get all the results I want because some of the relevant bookmarks have accidentally been tagged under a slightly different version ( e.g. some relevant bookmarks are tagged "community", others are tagged "communities", others are tagged "comunity", etc.) It is difficult to remember the exact conjugations of words that already exist in your tagcloud, especially when you use Diigo a lot and have a great variety of tags. Furthermore, one can easily misspell a word and thereby accidentally create a new tag. To prevent this, I suggest that the Diigo form for creating new bookmarks should anticipate which tag the user is entering when creating a new bookmark. A wonderful example of this was the drop-down menu which used to be available on the form, but which is unfortunately no longer there (at least in my Firefox browser). An alternative and even better system would the one used by the Firefox extension "Bookmark Tags". Let's say I want to create a new bookmark using Bookmark Tags, and I want to tag it 'french'. When I bookmark it and type 'f' into the 'Tags' text box, it alphabetically suggests the first tag that I already use beginning with 'f' (e.g. 'facebook'). When I continue typing, it automatically changes its suggestion, whilst still suggesting existing tags ( e.g. 'facebook', - 'free' - 'free' - 'french '). If 'french' is a tag I have not used before, it will stop making suggestions after I have typed 'frenc'. I then simply finish typing the word, and Bookmark Tags recognises it as a new tag. Using this kind of system, Diigo users can more efficiently create and retrieve both bookmarks and tags.
- Lack of means to contact the developers:
Last but not least, I am rather disconcerted by the fact that the users' only means of (perchance!) reaching the developers is through the Community Forum. I searched the entire site and was not able to find a single e-mail address for "User Support", "Helpline" or anything to that effect (instead, I found this info-email for people interested in "partnerships, investment, licensing, and career opportunities"). A more direct line of communication would benefit not only the users and the community, but also the developers and the program.
Thank-you for your time. I look forward to the improvements! Please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Thanks for your suggestion.
1. Lists. Could you tell me how to reproduce the bug? I can't reproduce it here.
2. Simultaneously adding a tag to multiple bookmarks: This feature was already implemented in diigo V3. You can use it soon.
3. Different versions of the same tag: What's browser you use? IE or FF? Diigo toolbar has a tag auto suggestion feature which works as you described. However, some users reported this feature didn't work recently. With the upcoming Diigo V3 toolbar, this problem can be fixed.
4. You can reach me at joel 【at】 diigo dot com :).
truefrancesca wrote:
> Dear Diigo developers,
> Thank-you for your work. So far, I have been very pleased with Diigo and believe it has great potential. Having used it for some time, I would like to point out a few issues which could enhance Diigo and allow it to become a more professional, powerful tool.
Lists - recreating the problem:
1) In My Diigo > My Bookmarks, click 'Create a List'. Name the list 'Test' (the rest is up to you). Then return to My Bookmarks.
2) Locate a bookmark that has two or more tags attached to it. Let's say it is called 'Fairtrade' and has been tagged 'shopping', 'politics' and 'educational'. Add Fairtrade to the Test list, using the drop-down 'Add to List ...' menu.
3) Once it has been "Added to List successfully!", take a look at Test by clicking on its link in the 'My Lists' box.
4) In Test, you will see that the main blue box is set to 'By position' and contains 'Fairtrade'. In the top-right corner of the blue box you will see "1-1 of 1". If you click on the 'By time' tab, you will see the same thing.
6) Return to My Bookmarks and find your 'My Tags' box. Click on the first tag associated with 'Fairtrade', in this case 'shopping'. This will show you all your bookmarks tagged 'shopping'.
7) Locate 'Fairtrade' and add it to Test using the drop-down menu again. Again, you will see a message saying it has been "Added to List successfully!".
8) Go My Bookmarks > Test. In the blue box, you will see that the 'By Position' tab still shows only one copy of 'Fairtrade', but the text in the top-right corner has changed to '1-2 of 2'. Click on the 'By time' tab and you will see Fairtrade has been added twice.
(If you repeat steps 6. - 8. for each of the other tags (i.e. 'politics' and 'educational'), then by the end, 'Fairtrade' will have been add to the 'By time' tab of Test a total of four times, and the text in the top-right corner of the blue box will read '1-4 of 4', even though it is all one and the same bookmark.)
Simultaneously adding a tag to multiple bookmarks:
That's wonderful news! Thank-you! I very much look forward to that feature.
Different versions of the same tag:
I use Mozilla Firefox v. - again, I look forward to this bug being fixed!
I have uploaded some screenshots of the mechanism that I was referring to, just in case it may be helpful to you. You can view them here:
1) Typed 'F':
2) Typed 'Fr':
3) Typed 'Fre':
4) Assuming 'French' is an existing tag, typed 'Fren' and then click 'OK':
5) Assuming 'French' is NOT an existing tag, typed 'Fren':
6) Assuming 'French' is NOT an existing tag, finish typing tag and then click 'OK':
Hope it helps!
Reaching the developers:
Thank-you! I have sent a copy of this message to your e-mail address to save you some time :).
Again, thank-you for all your work!
joel wrote:
> Hi truefrancesca,
> Thanks for your suggestion.
> 1. Lists. Could you tell me how to reproduce the bug? I can't reproduce it here.
> 2. Simultaneously adding a tag to multiple bookmarks: This feature was already implemented in diigo V3. You can use it soon.
> 3. Different versions of the same tag: What's browser you use? IE or FF? Diigo toolbar has a tag auto suggestion feature which works as you described. However, some users reported this feature didn't work recently. With the upcoming Diigo V3 toolbar, this problem can be fixed.
> 4. You can reach me at joel 【at】 diigo dot com :).
> truefrancesca wrote:
> > Dear Diigo developers,
> >
> > Thank-you for your work. So far, I have been very pleased with Diigo and believe it has great potential. Having used it for some time, I would like to point out a few issues which could enhance Diigo and allow it to become a more professional, powerful tool.
I have just read it and it all looks very promising. I look forward to it!
I'll also copy and paste your reply here so that the community can see what improvements are on the way! :)
(deleted by Maggie - note: sorry, V3 details should be confidential :-)
Thanks Joel! And well done, it looks good!
joel wrote:
> I replied your email.
When is diigo v3 going to be released?
Thanks for your patience. We cannot wait to share the next gen Diigo with you all soon!