An innovative powerful feature: It allows a group manager to pre-define a set of groups tags as "recommended group tags" to improve group tagging consistency, or as a form of scaffolding to provide models of tags. These "recommended group tags" will automatically show up each time this group is selected in the bookmarking window:
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Suzannah Claire
Bug in Collecting Flash | FF3 Toolbar - 103 views
Wierd glitches today. Has happened multiple times
1. Bookmark & collect flash on a site. (site being youtube and vimeo) Little message and checkmark (Collected!) shows up.
2. Go to My bookmarks
3. Notice that there are no annotations listed. Think hmmm. I guess I didnt collect the flash properly. hmm.
4. Go back to exact same page.
5. Collect flash for the second time. Again, little message and checkmark (collected!) shows up.
6. Go back to My Bookmarks to check.
7 Now there are 2 annotations. each are the same video.
It's like the video wont show up unless I do it twice. It's weird. And then i have to go back and delete a copy. I didnt think you could clip an annotation twice without deleting the first.
Bug In the Diigolet: - 61 views
Since the advent of chrome, the diigolet is our only way to stay with Diigo if we love chrome. which i do.
I thought that I would report that there is a bug concerning tags that are two words with quotes around them. I reported this bug with the toolbar earlier and it was fixed so quickly - thank you. I hope you can do it with the diigolet this time.
I go to
I click the diigolet
I use the tag "White House".
I also pick a Diigo Group to post the bookmark to.
Go back to My Bookmarks Page.
On the My Bookmarks Page, the tag for the link will be "White House". I.e., one tag
On the GROUP page that I also bookmarked the same link at the same time, there will be TWO tags, "White" and "House".
Can you fix this?
THANKS!! Diigo rocks!
Diigo to Delicious Bugs - 91 views
Ok, so here is what I have for when we simultaneously bookmark:
1. The annotated link shows in the description field of the Delicious bookmark. ew. Please make it go away!
2. You can't re-bookmark (sorry anyone who like GTD) . If I mark something to read later, and then actually read it later and properly mark it, those changes will not make it to Delicious. This is a problem.
Is it meant to be this way? Or just a bug?
Rebookmarking /Editing: Does Delicious Get it? - 71 views
Cleaning up almost 1000 bookmarks here, and needs some help...
If you visit a bookmark, click the bookmark on the toolbar, rewrite the description, does the new bookmark every overwrite the old one with Delicious?
Also, where does the mapping of fields go? For a while there, my highlights were translating into Delicious as the description field of the bookmark - sending html code into all my descriptions. Is this still the case? Does only the Diigo Description of the bookmark get mapped to the Delicious bookmark description field? Or do comments and highlights go along for the ride?
Thanks a bunch. -
One more thing,
Can we add Remove Bookmark to the diigolet?
Tools for Google Chrome? - 1521 views
I have been bearing with the bookmarklet so that I can take advantage of google chrome's speed. I know that chrome hasnt release enough data so that Diigo can take part in the revolution. But the bookmarklet will do for now.
However, it seems as though since so much work was done on the toolbar, we have neglected the bookmarklet. Diigo should at least upgrade the bookmarklet's features until they can have all the info they need to keep up as chrome evolves. For instance:
1. Bookmarking to other sites: is it off, is it on? don't know like you know in the toolbar
2. Can't bookmark to lists. Big bummer. that webslides thing is super cool. lets keep being able to use it.
3. post to blog
4 post to chromes bookmarks simultaneously
and oh my lord - I would love you for ever if you could bring that little recent/unread/tag feature of the toolbar into the bookmarklet. purrrrrty please???
Toolbar (FF) Bugs in Editing a Current Bookmark - 77 views
This bug has to do with any tag that is two words in quotes.
Here's an example.
1. I go to the White House page :
2. I use the FF toolbar to tag the page: "White House"
3. I visit My bookmarks at the Diigo site.
4 I see the most recent bookmark of and so far the tag "White House" is intact.
5 I go to the White House site again. I use the toolbar to edit the bookmark.
6. I enter a description.
7 I go back to My Bookmarks,
8. Without out me doing it, the tag "White House" has been changed to two separate tags, White and House.
Here's the problem. When the window pops up with my saved current information for the bookmark of the site I am on, it reinterprets any two word tag WITHOUT the quotes. Do I have retype in tags everytime I edit a site, or can you fix this?
How-To Guide/Groups - Diigo Help Center - 1 views
Many possible use scenarios. For example, perfect for teachers to guide students for a more structured group bookmarking activities. Note: special credit to Steve Hargadon of Classroom2.0 for making this feature request!
Group Tag Dictionary Help - 126 views
Could someone send me to some information on exactly HOW you use the group tag dictionary? I love the idea, I am a tad lost on the how-to.
Thanks! -
Ok, So I found the documentation here:
(Just in case anyone else searches this forum and looks)
Is there anyway of enforcing this from the "Share to Group" option drop down within the "my bookmarks" page in the Diigo Website? Or do we have to go to the page, re-bookmark, and share from there?
Bug: Annotations in Bookmarks Shared to a Group - 64 views
hey, here is a quick fix i KNOW you want to know about:
When you are in "My Bookmarks", looking at your lovely list, if you pick the option "Share to group" from the pull down menu, only the LINK is shared but not the annotations.
You have to go to the webpage itself, re-bookmark, and pick the "Share to Group" option from the pulldown as offered to you from the Bookmark option of the Toolbar.
Simulation Environment Details:
FF Toolbar
Firefox Browser
Sharing to a private group
Any thoughts? -
I guess I was just a brain fart on my part. I have no idea why it wasnt working before and it is now. I did it three times too. Sorry Vincent!!!!! You guys have enough to deal with. Sorry for your time, I swear I recreate the situation three times before I post here. :)
*goes back to her corner*
vincent tsao wrote:
> hi, suzannah:
> i have just shared a bookmark with annotation info to a private group from my bookmarks with the "Share to group" pull down menu , and both bookmark link and annotation are shared to the private group. will you try some other bookmarks?
Bug:: Feeds In Groups :: Comments Missing - 55 views
Just a note:
Thanks SO much for fixing the RSS issue of comments and sticky notes not coming through on Lists. Thought I would drop a line that in the feeds for bookmarks in groups, the highlights and sticky notes come through just great, but the comments do not. However, because the comment ITSELF does not come through BUT the little text phrase "posted by" does come through, it looks like a simple merge problem to me. Someone just forgot to pop in that merge field (for lack of better vocabulary, sorry)
LOVE Diigo!!!
One other thought - I am sure it just got lost somewhere - the ability to move an item from one list to another. No option for "Add to List" is available when you are already in a list. you have to travel to the bookmarked link and use the toolbar. makes organizing lists a little difficult.
Bug:: FF Toolbar:: Custome Search Categories - 36 views
Just a note:
This only happens in the FF toolbar and not the IE toolbar.
When customizing a search category, if you choose to show that category in the toolbar, the icon picture becomes warped on the toolbar, cut in half almost, and the dropdown doesnt work, as if it's been shortened or is missing a piece of code. It tries to work, but no can do. :)
When will be possible to edit a link ?? - 172 views
If i want to COMPLETELY remove my dependency on firefox bookmarks, there are bookmarks - generally that have java - that I want to put into Diigo. These are things like bookmarks with code that opens them in firefox's sidebar, and such. I could tag them all as @mycomputer and filter them and have them at my disposal.
So being able to edit the bookmark URL right away will allow me to use - and add - the bookmarks that i can only keep in firefox and let me work with diigo and diigo alone.
antomonte wrote:
> thanks ! :)
> It will be very useful, we will see it
Feature Request RSS:: The importance of "read" and "unread" - 52 views
Sorry for all the posts, I am just heavily working on Diigo today. I dont know if this is a feature request or perhaps a bug, so i thought i would just let you know.
This request is in regards to the fact that if a bookmark is "read", then it doesnt appear in the RSS feed. So if you want to publish an rss feed on a site, you have to keep all the bookmarks on that feed "unread", which eliminates your ability to use the read/unread feature for what i think it was intended for.
Feature Request:: Edit Function in Lists - 35 views
Some requests for the lists feature:
1. The ability to edit the bookmark while under lists. If i want to change the tags, I have to search for the bookmark all over again in My bookmarks to edit it.
2. The ability to condense the view like it is under "public" view while in private view. If the list is over 6 bookmarks long, a lot of scrolling is necessary, making it harder to move the bookmarks around in order.
Help Java Gone - 31 views
What did I just do? One minute I am happily going along, retagging all the bookmarks I had quickd'd, and suddenly the java is GONE. The "about" and "preview" buttons do not work. The "edit" "comment" "unread" "public" and other little tools are gone. Everything is fine on other sites. Every thing is FINE in IE...but in firefox... its all GONE. ARe you guys doing anything right now?
ps... I have to write this in IE because the submit button for this entry in Firefox says ReferenceError: $ is not defined. -
ok, now they are completely back. That was weird.
Sorry for my freak out!!!
suzannah wrote:
> What did I just do? One minute I am happily going along, retagging all the bookmarks I had quickd'd, and suddenly the java is GONE. The "about" and "preview" buttons do not work. The "edit" "comment" "unread" "public" and other little tools are gone. Everything is fine on other sites. Every thing is FINE in IE...but in firefox... its all GONE. ARe you guys doing anything right now?
> ps... I have to write this in IE because the submit button for this entry in Firefox says ReferenceError: $ is not defined. -
Thanks for letting me know it wasn't me. I mean really. It saved me a lot of work to know that. I was just about to go around to various java sites and do tests and things because I have been cleaning registries and such today and was worried I screwed up something.
your customer service rocks, maggie!
maggie_diigo wrote:
> We're doing some backend work in preparation for the upcoming release.
> sorry for any inconvenience.
Bug:: Diigo to Delicious:: Bookmark Title - 33 views
RSS Bug Report of Tags - 42 views
I've noticed an error in translation of tags to RSS having to do with tags that are two words separated by a space with quotes around them. This has to do with the following: When you want to translate a space into a url, a "+" happens to be the way to signify space. However, Diigo just happens to have the fabulous function where a plus sign ALSO means that it is the narrowing down of a tag to the inclusion of other tags. Here is a good example.
As you know, If I tag this Diigo Group as:
"Diigo Communities"
then the link to the "Diig Communities" tags would be:"diigo+communities"
and would be translated in a web browser to be
great coding on your part. we just need to do the same for rss. Here's the important part: The RSS for a tag "Diigo Communities" SHOULD be:"diigo+communities"
and, like above, thus be translated in a web browser to be:
However, the RSS url next to a tab doesnt have the necessary format of"diigo+communities"
as stated above. Instead, the format is
This means that when you click the RSS url for a tag that has a space in it, Diigo is looking for bookmarks tagged BOTH the first word and the second word, instead of both together. For example, the RSS url for "Diigo Communities" is currently the exact same url of a feed that has both the tag "Diigo" AND the tag "Communities". So when I post a feed for "Diigo Communities" , Diigo is looking for bookmarks that have the single word tag "Diigo" as well as the single word tag "Communities".
In summary, the url for the RSS feed of a tag that is made up of two words and a space needs to have the quotes around it much like the url of the same tag has the quotes.
Does this make sense?
when you click on a tag like "Diigo Communities" which has a space in it, currently it is translating to: -
Thanks again Maggie! Let me know how it goes on this one too.
maggie_diigo wrote:
> Thanks! Looking into it now.
RSS of Lists: No Sicky Notes, Comments, Or Highlights - 78 views
I was wondering why the rss of lists leaves out my comments, sticky notes and highlights.
For instance, my firefox list is here:
It's RSS feed is this:
Is this an item that may be fixed soon?
Thanks! -
Thanks Maggie,
you're the best! Let me know how it goes..
maggie_diigo wrote:
> Thanks Looking into it now. -
Thanks for getting back to me!
I will patiently wait for the next release. I've posted a lot of bugs lately so I know I have been overwhelming.
mahsaito wrote:
> Hi! Suzannah,
> I checked it. And I found same problem. In the next version, this problem has been already fixed. Please wait for next version (soon :-) ).
Request | My Tools | My Feeds: list, categorize, tag, manage feeds - 96 views
Just a small suggestion:
With the POWERFUL tools on feeds and feed management that DIIGO has to offer, I suggest we flesh this out just a tad more...
Google reader really hit it off in the reviews and the subscribers with the 'shared' feeds option - mostly because people could choose the best of their feeds and republish them. Basically, they mark each article in the feed reader that they want to share, and a feed is set up just of those articles. Made a huge advance on other feed readers that way.
There are many reasons for this - but here is what i think the most compelling is - SPEED. people who like feeds (this is growing exponentially by the way) are people who are too busy to go website to website. Google Reader's function of marking articles and sharing articles from many feeds republished into one feed allows people to subscribe to others shared feed, and take the speed even farther. we dont have to search through all the sites because we have feeds, then we dont have to search through all the feeds because we can subscribe to shared feeds that include the best articles of our interest feed into one feed... enter DIIGO. Diigo can not only share the articles of a particular interest by tag rss - DIIGO folk can actually just clip the important clips of the articles. Its the fastest speed yet - the key points of the key articles of the key feeds of the topic of interest.
DIIGO has their own spin on this with what you already offer - rss feeds on groups, lists, and tags. It applies to this same excited niche of people who like to republish articles in a feed, but actually goes so many steps farther because our users actually comment on those articles with highlights and stickies. The RSS feed that comes from any given tag (or now lists and community) is extremely customized and only covers clips of the article - the bottom line of the article - which is yet another speed factor.
Ok, so what am i getting at???
I really think with all the feed ability DIIGO has could ride this wave because it is the same niche but no well designed competing products. I desperately need a MY FEEDS section!!! Somewhere where I can manage the feeds from my lists, groups, tags, etc. Rename them as news wires, offer them as publications for all those people out there looking for the bottom line of any given topic delivered directly to them. Once we can easily turn our feeds into publications on niches that focus on the bottom line that all busy people desperately need to get to, I think DIIGO could grow leaps and bounds. There you have firmly launched and expansion far beyond just bookmarking, slides, and research - but right into web design, marketing, and so much more.
Just my thoughts. :)
two other plugs ---- whats up with the invites for the beta? I am SALIVATING. 2. Whats up with the fact that the highlight button is all screwy now and i have to use the diigolet?
Thanks for listening. DIIGO ROCKS and i salute you pioneers!!!
-Suzannah -
sorry..thats going to be my personal account and this my professional account...
looks like i am not alone... i just found this post on the delicious blog... its compelling to me. its at:
Did you know that well over half of the requests seen by are for RSS feeds? That means that people cruising around our site in browsers are actually in the minority, when it comes down to raw traffic. Instead, our heaviest hitters include personalized home pages, desktop news aggregators, and even stranger things.
With that in mind, it makes sense to remember that small changes can have a big impact. Thus, given that our feeds have been doing a decent job this far, they haven't changed much from their austere beginnings.
Decent isn't great, though. So, as the team's semi-official (and published!) feed junkie, I've been working on some small improvements. I've been looking into how our feeds are used and how to better streamline and present our information in different contexts. These improvements include features like:
* including tag descriptions in feed titles and descriptions where available;
* offering the ability to save bookmarks straight from your feed reader;
* displaying an up-to-date count of saves, without making items appear new again in feed readers;
* building more useful feed content with links to people, tags, and more bookmark details;
* providing more metadata where it seems useful, or less where it appears redundant.
And, this is just the start. We're rolling these changes out gradually, on a per-user-agent basis, and we're planning for more. So, if you don't see any improvements in your favorite feed reader yet-or if the changes haven't quite hit their mark for you-be sure to contact us and let us know! -
This is not the case.
If a bookmark is private, and then it is placed in a list, it will not show up in the RSS feed. If it is converted to public, than it WILL show up in the RSS feed.
The only difference is that if a comment is marked private on a public bookmark, the private comment will appear in the RSS feed of a public bookmark residing on a private list. But, as Tom says above, the bookmarks must be public to show up on the private list's RSS feed - even with the new release.
Wade Ren wrote:
> There are several ways to go about this.
> You can keep your bookmarks private, but you can add them to a list or a group. You can then use the rss address of the list or the group to publish elsewhere.
> You can do this even if the group is private . In the new release, a private list will also have a secret rss address.
> Hope these solve your needs.
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Suzannah Claire
Non-Profit and Electoral Campaign professional who has worked as the Senior Field Organizer for the National Organization for Women, President of the New Jersey State Chapter of NOW, Political Director of Oregon NARAL and as a field and election day coordinator for various Congressional campaigns.
Currently, the format of the rss feeds of bookmarks that contain comments, highlights, and the like, can so easily cause confusion as to what content is the bookmarker, and what content is the bookmarkee.
I feel as though it is important to be a little more specific. Perhaps the words "posted by [diigouser] should be posted in front of the bookmarkers comments, or perhaps the words in the highlight should show up in the feeds as a different color, or in quotes.
I hesitate to share my bookmark feeds on popular readers like google reader because of this, and fears of being called a content pirate, but I feel as though doing so would give HUGE benefits to diigo visibility. it would really introduce diigo to a massive userbase, and show it's sharing capabilities.
any thoughts?
for the time being, I am going to take a run over to feedburner and see if there is anyway to doing this myself in terms of formatting feeds.
take care! VIVA DIIGO!