Ok, so here is what I have for when we simultaneously bookmark:
1. The annotated link shows in the description field of the Delicious bookmark. ew. Please make it go away!
2. You can't re-bookmark (sorry anyone who like GTD) . If I mark something to read later, and then actually read it later and properly mark it, those changes will not make it to Delicious. This is a problem.
My input: first, the "annotated link" text in the Delicious description. I would be OK with it staying but not URL-encoded. It's too long and unreadable, and you have to URL-decode it before you can even paste it into a browser location bar. Better still would be if it could be TinyURL-ed first (or, ideally, using an in-house Diigo-based URL shortener).
Second: I have had some success having changes to bookmarks in Diigo passed to Delicious. If it's not happening for you, then there may be some problems in the communication via the Delicious API. Don't have any guesses as to where the problem might be ... except:
Third (and I should probably start a new thread with this): starting late yesterday, none of my Diigo bookmarks were exported into Delicious. Up to that point it was working great. Other services that I use (Clipmarks, Mento) have been posting to Delicious without a problem.
1. The annotated link shows in the description field of the Delicious bookmark. ew. Please make it go away!
2. You can't re-bookmark (sorry anyone who like GTD) . If I mark something to read later, and then actually read it later and properly mark it, those changes will not make it to Delicious. This is a problem.
Is it meant to be this way? Or just a bug?
Second: I have had some success having changes to bookmarks in Diigo passed to Delicious. If it's not happening for you, then there may be some problems in the communication via the Delicious API. Don't have any guesses as to where the problem might be ... except:
Third (and I should probably start a new thread with this): starting late yesterday, none of my Diigo bookmarks were exported into Delicious. Up to that point it was working great. Other services that I use (Clipmarks, Mento) have been posting to Delicious without a problem.