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Vahid Masrour

Facebook Application, is diigo still supported? - 334 views

Great. When i have a smartphone, i will definitely want Diigo to be there with me.

facebook diigo app bookmarks

Maggie Tsai

Permanently highlight and annotate text on any webpage with Diigo « Life, Technology, Creativity, and their Interactions - 0 views

  • Permanently highlight and annotate text on any webpage with Diigo Have you ever bookmarked a web page, but upon returning had to re-read it to find what it was that you found interesting ? Have you ever wished you could add your notes and thoughts to web pages, the same way you would on paper ? Do you want to save, tag and share only the highlights of a web page ? Enter Diigo. Diigo lets you permanently highlight, annotate, tag and manage text from any website. When you view your bookmarks you can also view the sections you highlighted and the notes you wrote. It is much more useful than a mere “social bookmarking” service such as, Furl, or Digg. Diigo is my current “killer application”. Read detailed reviews at CNET and TechCrunch, or go ahead and install it.
    Remain On the internet on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web online online online roulette from Modern contemporary modern modern modern australia, Fun and Free! Now you is able of doing Actual "" Remain On the internet on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web online online online roulette for Fun in Modern contemporary modern modern modern australia on a item new website, Using the latest on the globally web operating technological innovation, Fun Remain Betting home allows you be a factor of a authentic activity happening on a authentic table in a authentic gambling home, all accepted on Live! You can see other real players in the gambling home gambling on the same results you do offering you biggest believe in in the results as they are not developed 'just for you a, like other activity struggling with products such as 'live studios' or pc developed activities. Its amazing to think when your really in the gambling home that you might be on digital camera, and people on the globally web might be watching! The lengthy run is scary! Believe one day soon this will be the only way people would bet on the globally web because the globally web is finish of scammers, you have to be incredibly careful, and why would you execute On the internet Online on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web on the globally web online online online roulette any other way except from a Actual Betting home you can evaluate out, see, pay interest to and trust! Amazingly this website is definitely 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % free and has no identifying upon up procedure, no trash, no pc rabbit bunny rabbit bunny rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit mouse mouse clicks and no pressure. Just Immed
jc perl

Tags not working - 239 views

Excellent! Thank you very much! Graham Perrin wrote: > At Joel wrote: > > > All bookmarks can be retrieved though tags.

tags-related Ubuntu CAPTCHA sidebar tag bug resolved


Diigo Feature Request: (Post Which New Features u want to see in Diigo) - 150 views

That's a great feature request! It's always awesome to see companies improving their products based on customer feedback. I've checked Arthrogenix customer reviews, and a lot of people appreciate i...

Diigo feature request feature requests feature features suggestion thumbnail

Graham Perrin

Diigo bookmarking application for Android phones available: DiigoDroid - 1210 views

Cross reference > I'm trying to finish a Diigo Android app

diigo bookmarking android

Graham Perrin

Some major problems: can't change/edit/remove bookmark, can't remove module in dashboar... - 52 views

For reference, at a Safari Web Inspector view of the relevant line.

dashboard remove bug

Maggie Tsai

Whip Blog…. » Blog Archive » Web 3.0…or is that 3D? - 0 views

  • Web 3.0…or is that 3D? Posted by edutrails on March 10th, 2007 I admit that I have been struggling to even wrap my brain around many of the new web apps out there that others seem to be raving about…blogs and wikis seem almost old school as learners move to Diigo and Second Life….mostly it’s a matter of time, but sometimes I am just overwhelmed by the ideas of other teachers with amazing creativity and vision. People like Jeff Utecht, Karl Fisch and Clay Burell blow me away (links to their blogs are to the left)…how they find the time to develop their own knowledge and share with others is beyond me…but probably the teacher that I am most in awe of is Vicki Davis…Vicki’s CoolCatTeacher blog is a veritable smorgasboard of practical applications and ideas, but also has a real mix of great vision.
    Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over theworld by Google News.‎Finance - ‎About Google News - ‎Languages and regions - ‎Editors' Online from Australia and the World ...News headlines from Australia and the world. The latest national, world, business, sport, entertainment and technology news from News Limited news News Updates | Latest News Headlines ...Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breakingnews and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health,

How to bookmark multiple links? - 663 views

You can bookmark multiple links by using a browser's built-in bookmark manager. First, open all the links you want to save in different tabs. Then, in Chrome or Edge, right-click on any tab and sel...

duplicate JavaScript bookmarks bookmark post tab multiple help suggestion

Graham Perrin

Diigo: the Ultimate Bookmarks Solution - The 2.0 Life - 2 views

  • Diigo: the Ultimate Bookmarks Solution
  • September 28, 2009
  • by David Pierce
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • a huge fan of Instapaper
  • for all my bookmarking and reading
  • the application I use most often
  • one of the 21 iPhone apps that make everything awesome
  • manage information
  • it’s losing the battle for my usership to Diigo
  • fantastic bookmarking service
  • an iPhone app from Diigo
  • wasn’t as good as Instapaper – until now
  • a new release that  might just blow all other information-managers
  • out of the water
  • that was all already available from Diigo – and I eventually left
  • why I’m switching back:
  • follow someone on Diigo
  • tap into a whole network of bookmarks
  • the usefulness of Twitter, without the inane
  • always been better
  • download bookmarks and read them offline
  • Diigo lets you archive an entire web page, and make it searchable
  • quick snapshots of how a site looked and felt, both in HTML and image format
  • easier to save, tag, and find bookmarks
  • Simpler interface
  • caseyallen 1 week ago
  • I won't use any service unless I can capture or retrieve in under two clicks
  • it rocks
  • Diigo does that
  • reap the seeds
  • serve me quite nicely for years to come
  • Well done Diigo team
  • 6 days ago
  • I spotted potential in them months and months ago
  • XHi there! Thanks for coming by. We're in the middle of a contest for a computer bundle worth well over $1,000. Want to join in the fun? Check out the details here. Best of luck!Powered by WP Greet Box

[Sharing] Please share your "Creative Uses for Diigo" - 125 views

Just tried something and it worked so I thought I would share. I was drafting an e-mail message, for a blog post, and wanted to include the link I had just bookmarked. I thought I would try just ...

usecase spam (electronic)

Graham Perrin

case-sensitive tags - any chance of it happening? - 383 views

> tag case will be preserved while displaying, but ignored for search Seems to work well for the majority of use cases. Thanks :)

discussion tag case CamelCase case-sensitive help suggestion

Graham Perrin

Citations - 153 views

This is an idea using a fictitious example. I use Endnote which has a Personal Communication citation type (I don't see one on Zotero). There is a field erroneously named Title in which I type: Co...

citations biblio

Maggie Tsai

Better CSS and HTML for daily blog postings - 46 views

Bob, Two new changes are implemented now - 1. better HTML format as you suggested 2. post interval setting: daily, twice daily and weekly Please take a look and advise any issue. Thanks!



How to Change Your Company Name: Step by Step Guide - 0 views

    As an old adage goes - the first impression is the last impression. While we won't call it the last, but the first impression undeniably creates a lasting impression. As a new business, the company name is the first thing a customer faces. Hence, it needs to be catchy, unique, and convey the right message. The company name is a legal title of an organization. The incorporation certificate is the birth certificate of the company. It reflects the company name, date of its incorporation and place of its origin. In this article, we will talk about some key points regarding applying for a company name.
Maggie Tsai

Intelligent Agent Blog: Social Bookmarking For Enterprise Knowledge Management - 0 views

  • Diigo 3.85 (A/A-)Diigo is by far the most fully featured social bookmarking site in this list, and offers several unique capabilities. The most notable feature is that users can highlight text right on the page, as well as make annotations via a “sticky note” for later viewing.There are also other very useful features. I particularly liked the sophisticated and advanced search option for doing a keyword search of one’s own or public bookmarks. On that page you can limit a search by a phrase, and restrict a search to a URL, title, comments or highlights. You can even search “on” specific users as wellNote that when you place a “sticky note” to comment on a page for your later viewing, that note is viewable by anyone else in the Diigo community that views that page too! .There are some other interesting and unique features on Diigo. For instance, when highlighting a word on any page with Diigo’s bookmarking tool, a drop down menu automatically appears that allows users to search for that highlighted word on various search engines, social bookmarking sites; blogs, on the active site and more. I also had much more control in formatting when saving a page; and had an option to forward the page to another person as well.What about the all important group feature? Well, Diigo rounds out its offerings very nicely by just this month launching its “Groups” function. That feature looks to be a clear and elegant way to allow anyone to set up a private environment for sharing your bookmarks. Ultimately, if you combine the Web annotation capabilities with the ability to share in groups, Diigo has created a very enterprise friendly social bookmarking service. And, according to a spokesperson at the firm, this Groups function is “just the first of many more advanced group collaboration functions that we will be introducing in several phases” So we look forward to staying tuned!My Grades:Group Function Capability: AResearch Value: A-Design/Interface/Ease of Use: A-Fully Featured: A-(only missing “related users” and “larger topics”)
    • eyal matsliah
      indeed !
  • the ability to create your own customized group where you could share your bookmarks within a own defined group—such as a workforce team, department, project team, or any other defined group. That article provided a list of social bookmarking firms that fit that criteria, and included a detailed feature comparison chart
  • the four most important criteria for a social bookmarking sites’ applicability to internal/enterprise searching:1. Group function capability. How easy is it to create a new group? Can the group remain private? Other group features?2. Research value. How much of a page can be saved; are there advanced and precision search features?3. Design/Interface/Ease of Use. Is it a pleasant experience to view and use the site? Does it show evidence of being intelligently thought out and designed?4. Fully Featured. In the Knowledge Management supplement, I focused on these features:Ability to create an RSS FeedSurfacing of “related tags”Surfacing of “related users”Tag suggestionsTag cloudImport/export bookmarksAbility to crate larger “topics” or hierarchical categories
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Social Bookmarking For Enterprise Knowledge Management
  • I particularly liked the sophisticated and advanced search option for doing a keyword search of one’s own or public bookmarks. On that page you can limit a search by a phrase, and restrict a search to a URL, title, comments or highlights. You can even search “on” specific users as well > > >
  • Well, Diigo rounds out its offerings very nicely by just this month launching its “Groups” function. That feature looks to be a clear and elegant way to allow anyone to set up a private environment for sharing your bookmarks. Ultimately, if you combine the Web annotation capabilities with the ability to share in groups, Diigo has created a very enterprise friendly social bookmarking service. >
  • My Grades: > > > Group Function Capability: A > > > Research Value: A- > > > Design/Interface/Ease of Use: A- > > > Fully Featured: A- > > > (only missing “related users” and “larger topics”) > > >
Graham Perrin

Why can you add a simple feature as ratings your bookmark url ? - 422 views

Without re-kindling this topic (there's plenty going in other topics): In Nabble support area at the moment, discussions include: Ratings La...

bookmark rate suggestion

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