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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Joel Liu

Graham Perrin

private comments - 63 views

started by Graham Perrin on 05 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    Hi Graham,
    You can still share a comment to your group. In the bookmark window:
    1) Write the description when you add a bookmark
    2) Share the bookmark to a group

    Then, your description will be converted to group comment in the group.

    This solution is not perfect, however, we are thinking better group sharing feature. Howe about a comment area designed for group specially?
Joel Liu

Group email alert issue - 12 views

started by Joel Liu on 07 Apr 11 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    We find an issue about group email alert and we are working on it.
David Murray

Email to diigo - 279 views

email RSS Flipboard
started by David Murray on 22 Feb 11 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    Hi David
    1) Diigo will release a reader soon You can sign up for the beta test if you like it.
    2) Please email Flipboard team to ask them support diigo!


So many little Diigo integration - 293 views

  • Joel Liu
    Hi Sean,
    Hopefully, we will integrate quick note to diigo in 1 to 2 weeks. Others will be integrated to diigo later. BTW, could you let me know your webslides use scenario? Thanks.
  • Joel Liu
    Read later fast chrome app was also integrated in diigo now.
Tyme 2.0

No more image in some manually "cached" bookmark ! ...why ? - 31 views

Diigo snapshot cached image bug
  • Joel Liu
    Did you use firefox? The "capture entire page" feature was moved to capture button. I am sorry for the inconvenience. However, the new design is more logical.
  • Joel Liu
    In order to get image, you need to click the capture button and choose capture the entire page in the new version.
  • Joel Liu
    Please try it. Thanks.
Matt Earl

Caching for Safari or Chrome users - 16 views

started by Matt Earl on 10 Sep 10 no follow-up yet
Soul Book

Questions about new pricing levels (Free, Basic, Premium) - 131 views

diigo question ideas premium basic price
started by Soul Book on 14 Sep 10 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    1. It's for cached pages user uploaded.
    2. We'd like to hear more opinion about it.
    3. We will evaluate your suggestion. However, I am afraid it will make things complicated for normal users.

Textview - 38 views

started by anonymous on 14 Sep 10 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin liked it
  • Joel Liu
    a) Yes. The system parses the cached pages
    b) Let us know if you experience issues in some pages and we will improve it.
    c) Due to a), it can't work on multiple page articles now.

    We will continue to improve the text view feature, including add text view in diigo mobile client.

Terrance Heath

50 Highlights Per Month? Farewell... - 115 views

Tyme 2.0

PREMIUM : alternative to no more SNAPSHOT : the counter - 223 views

diigo suggestion premium snapshot
started by Tyme 2.0 on 07 Sep 10 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    Hi All,
    We are listening your suggestion and will release a tiered pricing soon.
Tyme 2.0

/n in Notes instead of breakline - 30 views

bug resolved duplicate note
started by Tyme 2.0 on 02 Sep 10 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    Did you mean you all your breaklines were convernted to "/n" when you tried to edit the note?
Graham Perrin

Follow not working - 70 views

bug assigned follow whitelist gpd4
started by Graham Perrin on 06 Aug 10 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    Hey Sheryl,
    I am still here. We are still working hard on diigo.
Gregor MacLennan

Redirect after sign-in fails - 14 views

bug assigned Google Chromium edit redirect
started by Gregor MacLennan on 07 Jul 10 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    We fixed the issue yesterday . Could you check it again?

Joseph Mornin

See only un-annotated bookmarks? - 29 views

diigo suggestion highlighting annotating ordering
started by Joseph Mornin on 30 Jun 10 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin liked it
  • Joel Liu
    Ok. We will order items in my library as "created at" and see whether it fits all users.
Graham Perrin

Please restore the ability to sort by date added/created (was: Library out of order! -I... - 212 views

rant regression dislike priority order inconsistency bookmark library date sort browse gpd4
  • Joel Liu
    If you edit bookmarks in diigo site, the system will not change the date. However, if you make highlight in an old bookmarks, or rebookmark the page from the toolbar, the system will change the time. We want to solve the following problem by this design:
    1) A user visits a page which was bookmarked months ago
    2) He/she forgets the page was bookmarked before
    3) He/she rebookmark the page, or add some highlights
    4) If they can't find it in first page of my library, they may think the bookmark was lost.
  • Joel Liu
    Ok. We will order items in my library as "created at" and see whether it fits all users.
Graham Perrin

problems with FAYT/filtering and auto-completion for tags beginning with u, v, w, x, y, z - 12 views

bug assigned tag filter FAYT gpd4 Diigolet
  • Joel Liu
    Hi Graham,
    I will look into the issue.
  • Joel Liu
    It works for me. However, I found a bug which will affect your tag cloud. We will fix it soon.

Carol Furchner

Placing bookmarks in multiple lists - 42 views

suggestion diigo Diigolet list 550954 956252 956297 958173 1043298 1755898
started by Carol Furchner on 18 Jul 10 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    Hi Carol and Barry,
    We noticed some people s want to add a bookmarks to several lists or groups and will add this feature request in our to-dos.
Barbara Pittman

still trouble changing group avatar - 11 views

bug resolved diigo help group avatar
started by Barbara Pittman on 13 Jul 10 no follow-up yet
  • Joel Liu
    We fixed the issue. Please check it again. All avatars you uploaded are visible now.
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