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[News] Closed alpha volunteers wanted! - 188 views

> > 1. Your name rick oxford > > 2. Your email > > 3. Your Diigo ID luckyrickox > > 4. Your location islamabad currently > > 5. Your occupation / project(s) that you're ...

diigo news

tech vedic

How to disable Microsoft Office 2013's start screen? - 0 views

    Though Microsoft office 2013 has much to boast of, you may dislike some of its newly introduced features. Once such is the inclusion of start screen with Word, Excel, Outlook or other applications.
My Monaro

Can not add members! - 32 views

Still the problem. I go to: Add members to the UP1 Group Option 1: If your students don't have email addresses CREATE STUDENT ACCOUNTS & ADD THEM TO THE GROUP » I type in a student name in the En...


Why divorcee profiles prefer Matrimonial sites - 0 views

In 2021, 4,313 marriages and 108 divorces were registered in India. One of the most common reasons for divorce in couples is misunderstanding and incompatibility. In Indian, most couples tie the kn...

Marriage Matrimonial

started by truelymarry2 on 04 Jan 22 no follow-up yet
Maggie Tsai

Group RSS Feed displaying Nodes out of order / missing - 50 views

Thanks for everyone's input . We have high priority tasks at hand now. When we have more time, will review our 1-mile long of "to-do" list :)

rss feed group bugs loss order confusion inconsistency priority

Graham Perrin

highlights and stuck notes: contextual menus are less streamlined, more fiddly in Diigo... - 14 views

I'm still frustrated daily by the clunkiness of Diigolet 4.x. 3.x was far more streamlined. I'm fairly sure that if the design did not require the user to move away from the highlight, to the s...

UI GUI rant dislike Diigolet 3.1b900 4.0b8 4.0b14 highlight sticky note contextual menu click ergonomic speech bubble icon gpd4 962104 976077 977765 986182 1004191 1004206

Graham Perrin

colours unpredictable, varying, confusing - 21 views

Now, I regularly enjoy using the four colours, for example (Invitation to Google Wave in exchange for development of one simple web page). There remain...

bug dislike colour inconsistency annotated link Diigolet 3.1b634 gpd4

The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Forcing new windows, disrespecting user preferences: the target="_blank" effect - 39 views

Having offsite links open in a new window in a page of website reviews - something that really is a good practice - means that the visitor can easily find his way back to the page and ...

UI GUI dislike target _blank new window suggestion gpd4

Soul Book

Diigo Search Bar Opens New Tab - 162 views

I agree with you that the left click for same tab opening/middle click for new tab would be great - or making it custom a menu option would be fine as well. To be honest, I couldn't deal with it a...

Maggie Tsai

numbered highlights--nice, but better if optional - 16 views

davido, Thanks for your input. First, agree that we will make this an option. Second, like to get more user feedback on this one - we're planning on adding some enhancement to this - but like...

enumeration highlights numbers

Graham Perrin

sticky notes detached from their highlights - 13 views

Senseless: the sticky note at Gary Edwards write...

dislike UI GUI bug sticky note missing highlight meta orientation page comment orphan repetition gpd4 974298 978763 978764 978797 992145


Bridesmaids Dresses - 0 views


Wrap Dresses Maxi Party Wine Emerald Winter Bridesmaids

started by goddivalondon on 15 Feb 21 no follow-up yet

Followers - 248 views

Get the best designed Doors- Scaffolded products of best quality

diigo followers follow help suggestion allow block remove

Graham Perrin

Please restore the ability to sort by date added/created (was: Library out of order! -I... - 212 views

Thank you so much! I'm 99% certain that some users will prefer the Diigo 4.0 beta behaviour - sort by date edited, reverse order (most recent at top) so what I'm requesting - ...

rant regression dislike priority order inconsistency bookmark library date sort browse gpd4

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