I bookmarked some web page with image 2 weeks ago , checked snapshot ( because I need to be sure I've it ) , and I see now that the page is cached without the image, which take off the utility of the cached page for me : Why ?? ( I'm "Premium" for the moment .. )
Hi, Did you use firefox? The "capture entire page" feature was moved to capture button. I am sorry for the inconvenience. However, the new design is more logical.
I don't use capture button I use "bookmark" button in toolbar and I check the checkbox " snapshot / cache " with "more options" in the bookmark little window...
( I'm "Premium" for the moment .. )
Did you use firefox? The "capture entire page" feature was moved to capture button. I am sorry for the inconvenience. However, the new design is more logical.
I use "bookmark" button in toolbar and I check the checkbox " snapshot / cache " with "more options" in the bookmark little window...
so Why no image ?
What is the meaning of " cache" if there no images ? ( It's not really cached ! )
it's an image
there no way to do a web page ( with images) snapshot ?
( there 's image in google cache .. )
- webpage : no image
- screenshot : with image
please explain why / how does it work ( ? )
( I'm lost ! )