Cross-browser testing: Identify web application function in various web browsers | Clic... - 0 views
clictest on 01 Mar 16Many of the organizations neglect Cross Browser Testing of their web applications due to time, and budget constraints, and they might never come to know about how their web applications are experienced by customers in different browsers. If a web application doesn't provide required convenience in a preferred browser of the customers, organizations will be losing a lot of customers on a daily basis. To have a quality web application, proper software testing procedures need to be implemented. Organizations need to identify what all the types of software testing are required for a web application, which could enable to detect all the major defects that are the possible causes of customer dissatisfaction. With different browsers are providing a different experience for the customers they are enabled to select a preferred browser to easily access any service of a web application. Sometimes customers might not be able to access a web application in available browsers for them. Typically, after implementing a rigorous testing, organizations might have stable functional web applications. However, many organizations miss the key trick to implement Cross Browser Testing and scramble to reach customers due to poor compatibility of their web applications on some browsers. If an organization wants to reach customers worldwide, performing web application testing only on popular browsers might not help, since customers at different locations might be already using various other browsers. So, testing on an identified browser and browser versions that are commonly used in a particular location would help organizations to identify errors and improve compatibility. If cross browser testing is not performed, a web application might look completely different in some particular browsers as each of the browsers will make an application function differently than the other one which can cause incompatibility.