During the last days, some bookmarks that I posted publicly into my library, and also into one of my private group, were switched to "private". It looks like the common characteristic was that they all have a "sexy" tag.
The problem is that, in French, "sexy" can have several meanings and none all of them are about nudity. In fact, in the taxonomy we are using for annotating bookmarks, "sexy" is something (scientific project, software, idea, etc) that looks nice, independently of its intra-sec characteristics.
The problem is that, in French, "sexy" can have several meanings and none all of them are about nudity. In fact, in the taxonomy we are using for annotating bookmarks, "sexy" is something (scientific project, software, idea, etc) that looks nice, independently of its intra-sec characteristics.
http://www.seeks-project.info/wiki/index.php/Main_Page : moteur de recherche P2P web social web partage funky sexy veille technologique outil collaboration
http://ignorethecode.net/blog : veille technologique IHM recherche interface interface tactile GUI groovy sexy funky ergonomie
http://lab.arc90.com/ : javascript web social web HTML CSS recherche visualisation interactive prototype sexy funky RSS PHP SQL json ajax design
http://tabviz.org/ : web navigateur web innovation interface sexy recherche
http://fr.calameo.com/accounts/68698 : SlideShare web social partage publication sexy veille technologique
http://wakoopa.com/ : web social suivi d'activité partage trace veille technologique awareness découverte exploration web collecte sexy funky traçage outil
http://lab.andre-michelle.com/tonematrix : musique IHM veille culturelle veille technologique HCI interface visualisation ergonomie son intuitif visuel sexy groovy funky addictif magique Flash
It begins to be pretty annoying.