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Other modes of applying the principle of the invention may be employed, change being made as regards the details described, provided the features stated in any of the following claims-, or the equi...
I'm looking through my records for the letter I sent, although, to be honest, at 12:45 am my time, I'm not sure of just how motivated I want to be, so I'll give you the reader's digest version of i...
Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple groups Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple lists Natetronn Jackson wrote: > … bookmark to any of the groups or lists that ...
Oh, sorry, the forum tends to break links. I'll try to fix the six examples later.
1. http://about.diigo.com/about/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2008%2F11%2F27%2Ftechnology%2Fpersonaltech%2F27pogue.html%3F_r%3D4 2. command-click 'About Root URL'. = Expected = htt...
> To provoke thought, in no particular order: > * System Services (interapplication communication on Mac OS X) That one is spun off to Mac OS X: System Services: provider services in ...
Perhaps people who created diigo would add the "about" link in Meta page? "About" link provides information that is not visible in Meta page.
Graham Perrin wrote: > Subject: Annotated tab fails to show the vast majority of annotations > > Reviewing this topic The majority of bookmarks presented by the Annotated tab are *not* annotated ...
Joel Liu wrote: > We will have more computation power soon. That's smart, thanks to Joel/Diigo :) My aim in this topic was to whittle some symptoms, mainly for nearby http://groups.diigo.com/Di...
You can bookmark multiple links by using a browser's built-in bookmark manager. First, open all the links you want to save in different tabs. Then, in Chrome or Edge, right-click on any tab and sel...