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Scott Linford

Diigo, API, RDF, semantic web - 114 views

Me too. Diigo, please make semantic markup painless... somehow. Yes, I know painless is torture for the developer. I'd help code if you'd let me. Brain storming (or just possible cerebral flatulen...

API semantic RDF suggestion wish gpd4 application programming interface spam (electronic)

Daniel Gauthier

Where is this forum in the dashboard? the drop-down title-bar? - 983 views

Jay Peek wrote: > Maggie, > > I feel I have assembled the questions sufficiently in one post. -Then i guess we should only need one forum? > This is an attempt of you and yours to reverse time ...

and bugs interface qs bug


Killer Feature Request: Import RSS Feeds as Bookmarks - 346 views

Joel, that would be interesting. I am not a huge user of favorites, but I do read a lot of links each day. I think I could change my habits to use favorites as a way to save bookmarks though.

aggregator bookmarks feature feed request rss semantic tagging suggestion import bookmark

Graham Perrin

Private/Public Unread Bookmarks for Research - 405 views

Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple groups Subject: simultaneous saving/sharing to multiple lists Natetronn Jackson wrote: > … bookmark to any of the groups or lists that ...

bookmark research private public group unread suggestion boolean

Michèle Drechsler

socialbookmarking in the field of education. Michèle Drechsler thesis - 11 views

    Socialbookmarking practices in the field of education : semantic, socio-cognitive and formative affordances Research about Diigo's communities.

How Latent Semantic Indexing LSI Can Potentially Benefit your Overall SEO Strategy? - 0 views

    Xtracare IT Solution Software Development Company, Cater Growing IT Enabled Needs of Business, Website, Software, Mobile App, Recharge Software Development, Digital Marketing Agency . So to comprehend LSI you need to start by taking profound jump to investigate about web crawlers and how they work.
Graham Perrin

would be helpful to see the domain ('more from ...') in Groups - 35 views

… domain ('more from ...') in Groups Diigo Meta in Diigo 4.0 beta leads to the site community for the bookmarked page, so for example

domain_name groups domain site community context meta suggestion

Graham Perrin

classify the bookmarks - 12 views for just a few highlights from a white paper (most of which I don't understand); the curiously-named Virtuoso Sponger, or something like it, might be useful for classific...

classify bookmark artificial suggestion

Maggie Tsai

Diigo @ DEMOfall 07 - A True 3D Information App? - 0 views

  • Diigo @ DEMOfall 07 - A True 3D Information App?
  • announced their re-launch today with an information network unlike any we have seen in  scope or capability. The new Diigo network being unveiled at DEMOfall 07 creates global communities around data, information, interests and knowledge. These new communities engage and connect people around the content they collect and use. Diigo is already one of the most useful bookmarking and research sites on the Web. The integration of Webslides and the power of "writing the Web" makes Diigo perhaps the Web's first truly 3 dimensional tool. I spoke with Diigo Co-Founder Maggie Tsai on Friday about their deep and groundbreaking vison. I covered Webslides a couple of weeks ago, but honestly did not envision the depth or scope of Diigo's potential. Maggie demonstrated the capability of a development nearly as complex and difficult to encapsulate as the semantic search engine's technology. The simple truth of Diigo combined with Webslides is that with continued refinements Diigo could well be the mega site imagined by many for Web 3.0. Diigo Plus Webslides Diigo users can create groups, lists, collaborative forums, do research, annotate or comment on pages and essentially build layers of data and knowledge atop any Web page. The concept of a multi-layered Web is difficult to grasp, but Maggie's team have begun to capture the power of what content-centric (their word my understanding) collaboration can do. "Writing" to the Web via sticky notes, annotations and highlighted elements combined with various collaborative elements is power for more than doing a research project. With the addition of Webslides - essentially an interactive, selective browser/player within a browser - Diigo provides a multifaceted platform for unbelievable collaboration and monetization potential. Diigo also unveiled another crucial element for "directing" data at users with their Webslides embeddable widget. This tool allows users to embed Webslides bookmark or RSS shows inside pages and blogs. These shows can be customized to express any number of topical or thematic blog posts, topical articles, product reviews, real estate offerings or just about anything one can imagine.
  • A Tall Order Diigo is certainly a fantastic individual or collaborative research tool, but inserting a platform like this into what we might call "the hub" (the center of what people do) of the Web has deeper implications. Bookmarking and social networking has seen massive appeal. The idea of wrapping users up in this core of data and knowledge has been touched upon by sites like Wikia, Digg, Stumble Upon, Facebook and many others in the various venues. All of these great sites gather content that is acted on and sometimes enhanced by users, but the data remains rather static or 2 dimensional for the user. Stumbled Upon comes closest to letting users "filter" the Web and its data but even there the great volume of information is lost or scattered with time. Diigo's methodology effectively turns Diigo into a Web within a Web of filtered, searchable and dynamic information.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Summary Most of my readers are probably saying: "Phil has tested way too many betas!" Summing some of these developments up is rather like holding water in a net. For once I can defer this task to someone more capable than myself: "Diigo combines the best of social networking, bookmarking, highlighting, and annotating to let people discover, save, and share the information that is important to them personally or professionally," said Wade Ren, CEO of Diigo. "Not only can people find a collective repository of searchable and relevant information, but they can mark-up and save information along the way - all while connecting with like-minded people for future collaboration." Conclusion As Chris Shipley, DEMO's executive producer says: "It would be easy to dismiss Diigo as yet-another social bookmarking tool, but that would be a big mistake." In this instance Chris has not overstated a development's capability. Webslides embedded and noted inside a blog can spotlight any series of posts and topics with "live" pages and advertisements. If we think just slightly outside the box here it is not difficult to imagine video and audio annotation following highlighted text from several pages for an on-the-fly sales pitch or dissertation on any subject. Information, knowledge and interests gathered around people rather than people running to find fragments of data. This is Web 3.0 (if there is such a thing) in the development stages.
Maggie Tsai

Dave Johnson » Blog Archive » Social Annotation - 0 views

  • Social Annotation I have just read about a company currently in private beta called Diigo, which is in the business of social annotation (SA). Apparently SA is a superset of social bookmarking or tagging, which is of course the piece de resistance of ‘Web 2.0′. The question is can SA be an even better route to getting aquired by MAGY? Don’t quite me on ‘MAGY’ though since I am not sure what order those names should go in… I had been thinking about SA for some time but did not have the time / resources to get anything together for public showing - but this might be a good reason to do so. Of course given my record with getting code up on my blog I won’t have a sample till next year this time. Anyhow, the possiblities for SA are much more attractive than social bookmarking in my mind. With social annotations (at least what I consider it to be) I can surf to any web page and place tagged sticky notes (private or public) in a browser agnostic fashion that will contain my comments and refer to a certain block in the web page DOM. Then I can go to some central place to view / oranize my comments and can also subscribe to RSS of other people’s comments on those pages or from particular people.
  • The main problem that I have with Diigo (from the looks of their Flash demo) is that I need to install their toolbar - yuck!
    • Maggie Tsai
      Now we offer a light-weight alternative, Diigolet, without toolbar installation. Please give it a try!
  • The useful part of these systems for end users is that they can tag particular bits of content on a page and find exactly what they were referring to with a tag. Then if you combine this idea with microformats and the Semantic Web you might really be cooking with something combustible like methane.
  • es una pequeña sitios de trabajo. Este sitio está dedicado a todos los españoles están buscando trabajadores con un precio muy bajo. Si usted contrata a un trabajador de aquí. Te garantizo que es muy satisfactorio. Si eres un webmaster o BPA jugadores que necesitan ayuda. Acaba de llegar al mercado muy amable. Y yo también le ayudará. Por favor visite mi puesto aquí
Ole C  Brudvik

Adding Suggested Tags - feature,tag - Diigo Community | Diigo Group Forum - 1 views

shared by Ole C Brudvik on 22 Apr 07 - Cached
  • Another proposal, from Dave Beckett (2006), is to make more use of the social context within which tags are created by separating the tool that creates the tags from the tool with which they are used. He also proposes that wiki pages should be created for individual tags which users could then add to/edit so that the wiki page, in effect, becomes the tag. The on-going process of refinement for each separate tag would form a kind of consensus as to the meaning of that tag and would also record the processes (the semantic path) by which the end result is being reached. This would, to take just one simple example, allow direct links to other language versions of the same tag.
    • Ole C  Brudvik
      I like something like this. On a webpage one clip is relevant for one user, another clip on the same webpage relevant for another user. There are more than one way to interpret a clip thus a clip as a object the more tags attached to it the more possible meanings it can have, and in different contexts.
Graham Perrin

HTML edition in areas of Diigo: WYSIWYM (WMD), WYSIWYG (FCKeditor, Kupu, TinyMCE) - 103 views

> WMD that's used in the Stack Overflow interface Confirmed: Reportedly good for Chinese text, too:

WYSYIWYG WYSIWYM HTML links broken bug suggestion gpd4

Lars Bauer

Multilingual tags - 27 views

I ve the same problem with an international community, at the group level... My sales group exist both in French, English Spanish and German. All ideas ar...

localization tags locale suggestion

Graham Perrin

Adding Suggested Tags - 56 views

Dataloss: caution Whilst Post to Diigo is good for gaining recommendations, it overwrites existing tags. Personally, I use the combination of Diigo Meta, Post to Diigo, Diigolet, my ...

feature tag suggestion suggestions suggest suggested recommended recommend recommendation recommendations Post to Diigo


[Sharing] Please share your "Creative Uses for Diigo" - 125 views

Just tried something and it worked so I thought I would share. I was drafting an e-mail message, for a blog post, and wanted to include the link I had just bookmarked. I thought I would try just ...

usecase spam (electronic)

Graham Perrin

Next phase Diigo - the future - 462 views

> To provoke thought, in no particular order: > * System Services (interapplication communication on Mac OS X) That one is spun off to Mac OS X: System Services: provider services in ...

wishlist suggestion review gpd4

Daniel Eldridge

Search, Advanced Search, Date Search?? - 83 views

Hi Joel, I agree with you that the "My Bookmarks" page is crowded; but the problem is that the "tabs" are really just searches. I hope you can change the UI so that the tabs do more than just perf...

date help query question search search-feature sort-searching

vigrx plus

Buy VigRX Plus Online To Increase Your Sexual Life - 0 views

When you purchase VigRX Plus, you are buying an herbal supplement that will have a lot of power in increasing your quality of life. You will find that your sex partners will enjoy their time with y...

vigrx plus buy review penis enlargement male enhancement results

started by vigrx plus on 03 Jun 17 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin

Mash: bringing Common Tag format to Diigo: Faviki bookmarklet before all else - 80 views

More recently I use Services + Dictionary in Mac OS X to find Common Tags in Wikipedia - mash with the OS is more streamlined than mash with Faviki. Re Common Tag format and tag synonyms, see toda...

mash suggestion Common Tag Diigolet Faviki Google Zemanta gpd4

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