Google ID/account association with Diigo ID/account is forbidden - 107 views
> 8. launched Firefox > > 9. clicked the 'Diigo - Sign in' toolbar icon > > 10. took the Google option > > 11. attempted to associate Google OpenID with Diigo ID > >> ...
> 8. launched Firefox > > 9. clicked the 'Diigo - Sign in' toolbar icon > > 10. took the Google option > > 11. attempted to associate Google OpenID with Diigo ID > >> ...
The wording was changed. Sorry for the mistake.
> That's right. We fixed it about 10 days ago. Ah, thanks … sorry for not mentioning the (past) date of the issue when I opened this thread. It could have saved you some time! - sorry. Postsc...
Graham Perrin wrote: > Firefox 3.0.3 + Diigo + *.myOpenID - OK. yes you are right. thank you. mine does work again, too. thanks @diigo for fixing it. best regards, march.
Of course. Wow, I feel silly now. Thank you!
Nicely done - that was a good guess! I hadn't thought to reset my password (that didn't exist), but sure enough, it let me enter a new one after I reset it. Thanks very much for solving this for me!
A response to Maggie's and :) to balance
Your tool looks great for my organisation, however we use google apps and the google account login doesn't work. Google apps does act as an OpenID provider, but you have to jump through soem hoops ...
This may translate to a simple issue with Diigo/Diigolet help/documentation but to begin with, I class this as * a bug in the membership/registration workflow that applies to new users of Diigo. ...
> a better example, of a bookmark that is shared with multiple public groups Here, the better example: 1. 2. http://groups.dii...
Hi Laura If you have forgotten your OpenID password, you must contact your OpenID provider. At there's a list of common providers, maybe yours is in that list. Regards G...
Ooops. That issue about separate tags: some of mine worked, so maybe that one had a difficulty, so nevermind. Here's another trivial, grammatical thing: when I edit my tags, the message says: "su...
On Linux using the epiphany browser you can also do Edit ===> Preferences ===> Privacy ====> Cookies ===> Always accept cookies
Subject: meanings of spinners and other 'busy' signs in an already busy and multi-purpose dialogue > the spinning cursor (indicating "working") was taking a while to > find "suggested tag...
Whist I can't answer the Furl part of the question, you may wish to associate your OpenID use of Diigo with any other use of Diigo. Your route to this: The assoc...
Suggestion: * change log of services. (Not to reveal private information. Rather, simply to know when issues both minor and major have been resolved.) For the toolbar we have the bl...
Sorting bookmarks >>> 2 - Sort links by frequency of use. >>> This would be really handy.. so your most commonly used sites >>> were always at the top of the list. I've set up a "@daily" tag >>> ... * was intended to present with a...
See also Diigo and Diigolet problems with XHTML at
Subject: Save Elsewhere Not Working After Installing Toolbar 3.1.3 Keisa Williams wrote: > using the 3.1.3 toolbar That's very outdated. Please update. If you have problems with the most recen...