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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Novica Nakov

Novica Nakov

diigolet doesn't sing in... - 132 views

diigolet firefox signin OpenID cookie help Epiphany resolved
  • Novica Nakov
    I'm having problems signing in with the diigolet. I'm using firefox 3, the latest diigolet available and openID. I did the usual clear cache stuff.

    The funny thing is that the diigolet succeeds on and fails to sing in on every other site/page. When it fails a dialog shows with the url requesting for a user name and password - and I can't enter the openID there.

    Is there some solution for this?
  • Novica Nakov
    Well it's been a while and I still have the same problem. Any progress?
  • Novica Nakov
    > Here is the solution

    Thanks Joel!
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