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ollie1-cohort7: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere (
    • kellie kendrick
      From both taking and teaching online classes, I know that this is extremely important. Students want to feel like someone is watching them and cares about what they are doing and contributing to class. If a teacher 'shows up' to class more often and updates class, then students will want to log on to class more often too.
    • Katy Lee
      Yes, Kellie, I agree. Relationship building is so important. Students are much more likely to take creative risks and accept/give feedback when they feel a connection with the instructor and other students.
  • • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • kellie kendrick
      This for me is a big challange when I teach online classes. I want my students to collaborate, but I hate the uncertainty of wondering when my students will log on and complete work. I hate the thought of one student working really hard on group work and then another student coming in at the end and not having an opportunity to complete anything, because the project is already done.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Something to consider might be building in a number of different timeframes thorughout the unit or class where students need to respond or work collaboratively within their group. This could result in all students working together as opposed to a few. Setting a number of target dates with certain assignments to be complete could reduce the number of students who see an end date posted and wait until the last minute to complete their work.
    • Julie King
      However, one thing I have found with my one attempt at providing a course for graduate students at the University is that they are very opposed to such timelines, indicating the reason they signed up for the class is so they can complete things in their own time.
    • Gina Rogers
      Personally, I like having some mini due dates built into the course (as I complete my assignments for one of those mini due dates at the eleventh hour). I helps me stay forcused and priortize what needs to be finished by what point.
  • iNACOL
    • Evan Abbey
      iNACOL = International Association for K-12 Online Learning.  Are these standards "universal", or do you think a different set would apply to teaching adults?
    • Katy Lee
      As I read through these standards I thought they would apply universally. I searched for standards related to online learning for adults. I found one resource that has teaching standards for k-12 as well as postsecondary.
    • Katy Lee
      I found the above resource to be aligned with the standards described here.
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  • • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • Travis Wilkins
      I think it is essential that the learning outcomes, targets, and expectations are clearly explained, stated, and communicated to the online participants.  This not only sets the stage for learning, but also provides a roadmap for the work that is to be completed.  The online learning environment can feel isolated at times.  Knowing the outcomes and expectations can help to put new and experienced students at ease.
    • Deb Vail
      You've made a good point here, Travis. I can feel like you are isolated at times. The roadmap is critcal - especially the big picture, not just the details of the assignments.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Travis and Deb, Both of you make some good points on providing participant with a roadmap. Knowing what is needed up front along with estimated timeframes can provide participants with a suggested plan on what can be accomplished today, tomorrow, and next week.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a
    • Travis Wilkins
      I think that this will be one of the most important yet challenging parts about facilitating an online course.  Insuring that the course is designed to encourage collaboration and interaction in all three of theses areas without making the course cumbersome and overly time consuming could be a challenge.  The use of forums and wikis would seem like to two tools that could easily aid in making this possible.  However, at times I feel that forums turn into posts that are done due to obligation and become a contrived conversation and interaction.
    • Steven Hopper
      I agree completely, Travis.  One of the things I loved about my masters program is that it was based primarily in face-to-face classes with some work online.  Since we were in the same place at the same time, the learning community really seemed to develop naturally.  In an asynchronous course, these opportunities have to be far more explicit (without feeling completely contrived.)
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • Katy Lee
      Evan has done this with our course by allowing those of us who are not familiar with or have much experience with online teaching with the option of using the template site (BB101). This has allowed me to focus on the process and use of tools rather than worrying about the content of my "course".
    • Deb Vail
      I don't like the "language learners" term. Aren't we all language learners? I assume they mean non-native language.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Recognizing that our students may have a variety of differnt learning styles should result with instructrion being customized. Evan has tailored our course to provide us with the opportunity to focus on the areas needed (whether it be the course tools for set up and design or the content).
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth (SREB L.1, ITS 7.b)
    • Katy Lee
      I am curious how models such as Collaborate Learning Teams/Professional Learning Communities have been incorporated into the work of those providing online education. What examples do others have of what this might look like?
  • Incorporates social aspects into the teaching and learning process, creating a community of learners
    • Deb Vail
      This seems so critical in an online course. Travis made a great point above about how online learning can feel a little isolated at times. Quick frustrations or questions take more energy to resolve. You don't have quite as easy or immediate access to answers in an asynchronous environment.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well (SREB E.5, Varvel I.B)
    • Deb Vail
      This is something I did not take as seriously as I should have in the past. I am trying to get up to speed with copyright, fair use, COPPA, etc. There is a lot to wrap your head around and it seems like there's a lot of gray area.
    • Steven Hopper
      Unfortunately, I think you'll find that the gray area is only going to get even murkier in the years ahead.  Just look at the variety of creative commons licenses available now.
    • Julie King
      I agree, there have been videos from youtube that I have embedded into instructional videos that later I was contacted by someone saying it was copywrited materials. Who knew? I feel like the more I get into this, the more I realize I don't know.
  • technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • Steven Hopper
      There are literally hundreds of technologies available to online educators.  However, the most effective teachers know that you should only rely on "cool tools" when you have a clear instructional objective in mind.
    • Gina Rogers
      Yes, Steven, I ageree with your assessment here. It seems like you first have to think to yourself what is that learning target and then match instructional technology to the learning target that helps facilitate the learning.
  • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use (SREB E.7)
    • Steven Hopper
      Administrators need to understand that taking away a student's device or trying to "lock down" a network are NOT the most effective way to deal with inappropriate technology use.  Not only does it take away a valuable learning device, especially in 1:1 schools, but it can also create additional hurdles for the students who are using the technologies appropriately.
    • Julie King
      This is an interesting point Steven, as an individual who works with students with behavior problems, I can see how there would be a knee-jerk response to just take away the device (I am not currently in any 1:1 schools, so have not see it happen yet). What might be some other alternatives?
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Evaluations and feedback are essential for effective design and delivery of a course. Upon completion of every course I teach a survey is made available for participants to complete (the return is around 80%). Questions presented to the participants are related to the course content, materials, connections to the curriculum and state standards as well as instructors knowledge, organization, support and availability. The information received from the survey will often times result in making some modifications within different unit/modules along with changes in the amount of time spent on a specific topic area. A pre-assessment (survey) is also sent to participants ahead of class to gather information on internet access, technology skills, knowledge of content, grade level and curriculum area. There survey includes an open ended question for other concerns. This has been helpful in gauging the amount of time needed for instruction along with customization towards curricular areas.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Knowledge of the content for instruction is significant. Participants for a course rely upon each of us as experts and look for us to provide the highest level of training possible. The worst impression one can present is the inabilitiy to respond accurately to a question or fumble through the content being delivered. We need to be continuously on alert and checking for changes or updates. I will often spend the night or morning before a class checking websites and links to make sure something hasn't been changed or removed.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Technology can be overwhelming to our students and if we are asking them to utilize specific tools we need to be available to provide support as needed. There are a number of databases that are utilized in my courses and teachers sometimes find it difficult to set up teacher accounts, create folders and save content to specific folders. I have already seen the value of creating a short video to walk-through the steps, instead of a phone call or face-to-face meeting. The short video used to demonstrate highlighting and annotations has spark the idea of creating video to set up teacher accounts among other items for certain databases used in my course.
    • Lynn Helmke
      Kathleen, I agree with you that technology can be overwhelming to students…adult or school age….maybe more for adults.  Right now I am teaching the Para Certification class to 42 adults, and I am amazed that some people do not know how to do the basic functions on the computer. But, I am determined that everyone will be successful.  Being new to online learning, I can identify, though, with the feelings of inadequacy or panic that my adult students have felt. When taking Ollie: Introduction, I was so appreciative of Mary's patience and help with technology.  Now Evan is assisting.  The video clips are very helpful.  A participant can see, hear, and then do which is multisensory.
    • Katy Lee
      I agree that video clips can be very helpful. My experience in trying to talk my mother through navigating her new iPad over the telephone reminds me of how futile and frustrating for all this can be. Providing a video and screenshots can be extremely helpful in helping to guide people in using technology that is new to them.
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • Julie King
      This statement reminds us that "creating" an online should not mean there is a finished product that does not change with the needs of the students. I know the next time I provide an online class, I hope to utilize more formative assessment measures that better differentiate the instruction based on student need.
    • Michelle Jacobsen
      Having taught several online courses as an adjunct instructor for a local university, I found it very difficult to use data from assessments to guide instruction. It was difficult because the courses were all designed (not by me) prior to the start of the course, and students were given access to all discussion topics and assignments when the course began so they could proceed through the requirements at their own pace. Therefore, there was no opportunity for me to let the assessments guide the instruction. This was very difficult for me having come from an elementary classroom where formative assessments guided my instruction on a daily basis! Do you have any thoughts as to how you might utilize more formative assessment measures the next time you teach an online class? I would love to hear your ideas!
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.)
    • Julie King
      This is a statement that will need to be supported by teh institutions doing teh pruchasing of the CMS programs. It seems taht many times an institution with change their software and/or hire new faculty with little to no orientation as to how best to use the program
    • Gina Rogers
      I agree with your statements here Julie. The purchasing of a CMS program is a huge investment for an instution. It seems that is order to get the best return on investment instutions should provide ongoing PL opportunities for faculty who are using the CMS. All programs - although somewhat similar - have very nuanced differences. For example, I have worked with both Moodle a little and ANGEL a little more and although they have many of the same features they do have enough differences that it is not always an easy transition.
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation
    • Christina Glaub
      It is helpful for students to have an idea of the expectations and how they align with the standards. I have used rubrics several times in my teaching and students, and teachers, appreciate knowing what is expected of them.
    • Deanna Weber
      When students can see expectations and where they are in line with the standards, they are more prepared to learn.
  • Provides opportunities that enable student self-assessment and pre-assessment within courses
    • Christina Glaub
      I think it is important for both the student and teacher to be aware of their understandings or misunderstandings. This should help guide instruction.
  • Has knowledge of and informs student of their rights to privacy and the conditions under which their work may be shared with others
    • Deanna Weber
      I work with this all of the time. It doesn't just involve students. Fair use is for all. Fair use involves how information is used and how we give credit for the resources we use.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • Joanne Cram
      I appreciate the flexibility of the feedback and timely grading- when the assignment is done. This has been very helpful in trying to balance a career, household, and extracurricular schedules.
    • Lynn Helmke
      Timely and constructive feedback to enhance learning has been well documented in educational research for face-to-face instruction. I am finding as a student taking part in online learning, it is critical for me to have feedback to enhance my learning.  It is not about the grade.  I want to learn.   I want to know that I am understanding what is being taught and I can apply that learning. 
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques (SREB C.14, Varvel V.F)
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques (SREB C.14, Varvel V.F)
    • Gina Rogers
      I think this is really interesting becuase I never really thought about how necessary it is to have a basic understanding of web design when one is an online instuctor. I guess it makes sense becuase you have to figure out ways to visually represent content to your audience. It seems as though the best online instuctors wouldn't necessarily be those with the best understanding of threir content, but rather the best understanding of how to communicate that content in an effective, visual manner.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • Gina Rogers
      I think this is a really important expereince for an online teacher to have, and maybe one that is taken for granted. Online teacher need to have the experence of what it is like to be an online learner to understand what works in online instruction and what doesn't.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core
    • Michelle Jacobsen
      I find this to be one of my biggest challenges this year when working with teachers in mathematics. Several districts still use a curriculum that is not aligned to the Core, and some teachers are torn between aligning their instruction to the Core and teaching each lesson from their curriculum as they have for the past several years.
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • Michelle Jacobsen
      We have had many discussions as AEA consultants about what our Professional Development offerings will look like in the future. Knowing that online course offerings are more than likely coming down the pike for us in the future, being able to demonstrate effective instructional strategies and techniques appropriate for online education will be something that requires a lot of thoughtful planning.
  • (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
    • Gina Rogers
      Test post
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Joanne Cram
      At this point in my online learning, as a student going through this class it is very apparent what the differences are between online teaching and face to face. I think that each instructor should be required to take an online class such as this to help guide them in how to be a more effective and helpful instructor.

Articles: Preparation - 6 views

  • Start with the end in mind
    • kbelland21
      I think this is really important. Looking at what we want our students to learn at the end of a lesson is the beginning of lesson planning. Looking at the end goal is the start of presentation planning.
    • Patty Harrell
      Yes. What is the outcome. Currently, we ask: What do I want students to know? and we also have to ask: How will I know they got it? In other words, what measuring tool will be used. This can indeed impact your story and the number of "big ideas" you choose to include.
    • Evan Abbey
      This makes sense for teachers, since we think this way for educational objectives. But for other speakers, this might be a more novel idea.
    • pattyharris123
      Even outside of education, Evan, we should be thinking of the end - what are we trying to accomplish or get across? Otherwise, the presentation would just be a mess....LOL
    • nettiemarie
      I think this only makes sense you need to know what you what your students to know in the end and work backwards
  • Who is the audience?
    • Patty Harrell
      Great question! And how do I get their attention?
    • tjbudd
      Exactly. I never have the same class from semester to semester. Students with different interests, abilities, and backgrounds.
    • pattyharris123
      Most of the time, my audience members have been teachers. (I have been an elementary principal.) My teachers want to focus more on getting papers graded, "side barring", and working on plans than listening. (Yes, they have been a challenge.) I need to really hit them with something catchy in order to get their attention! Teachers are hard to deal with. :) (Been there, done that. LOL)
  • If your audience could remember only three things about your presentation,what would you want it to be?
    • kbelland21
      This goes back to having the end in mind. What do you want the audience to remember at the end? Great question to ask when planning for your presentation.
    • mnollsch
      Yes, a great reminder about how to keep it simple.
    • joyisuful
      I always need to think about this before I start planning a presentation and then stick with it.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      A helpful tip in order to slim down a presentation.
    • jessicawoods8
      Important to remember when planning a presentation! 
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  • whiteboard in my office to sketch out my ideas
    • kbelland21
      This is another great idea. I am a very visual person. This would help me better prepare myself for the presentation.
    • mnollsch
      I think sticky notes will work well for me as I like to be able to move things around.  I do this with students as a class activity and it works well.  I think it will work for the planning stage too.
  • audience to remember your content, then find a way to make it more relevant and memorable by strengthening your core message with good, short, stories or examples.
    • kbelland21
      I agree. I can recall information if it can be related back to me in some way. Make it relevant to the audience.
  • contrast is one of the most fundamental and important elements to include.
    • kbelland21
      Never thought of having contrast in a presentation. Contrast does keep the audiences attention.
  • Do not fall into the trap of thinking that in order for your audience to understand anything, you must tell them everything. Which brings us to the idea of simplicity.
    • mnollsch
      I know I do this often.  It's a balancing act to figure out what the primary point of each lesson and yet also provide enough background for students to know the why. I want them to be able to talk about the evidence-base. It's important to recognize that the why can be done in a simple way.
    • joyisuful
      I do this as well.  Sometimes I need to let the background information come out as I'm talking and adjust if I feel I need to tell more as I find out their understanding.  Sometimes I give them way too much information when they would understand better if I kept it simple.
  • I draw sample images that I can use to support a particular point, say, a pie chart here, a photo there, perhaps a line graph in this section and so on
    • mnollsch
      In the past I have planned my words first and the visuals were added later to break up my words. So I wasn't really looking at the presentation as a whole.  This is definitely a new and better way of planning!
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This seems like it would be second nature to me, but I need to include more of this.  I use lots of visual examples, but this is different...using visuals to make points (rather than lots of bullets of information).
  • so what
    • mnollsch
      "So What?" Great question.  I want students to know some content in order to apply it to their own teaching and interactions with children.  If I am just giving them facts without asking the "So What? or So that?" question I might be overloading them.  This could help me learn to simplify
  • In a story, you not only weave a lot of information into the telling but you also arouse your listener’s emotion and energy,” he says.
    • mnollsch
      Weaving the facts into the story or connecting the facts back to the story will help them stick.
  • udiences tend to forget lists and bullet points, but stories come naturally to us;
    • mnollsch
      I know stories work when I see students use the stories or examples when they answer essay exam questions!  The story makes the concept stick.
    • joyisuful
      Bullet points only make us think we need to take notes and memorize.  We rush to get them all down and don't pay attention to what is being said.  Stories help us remember!
    • we4nails
      I often find that with bullets, now that most people will send you the outline or hand it to you, that I just start making a to-do list with (look over this later) as one of them!
    • Evan Abbey
      Some times I think bullets get a bad rap with Garr. I like them in many situations. But, they tend to be a crutch more than a tool in presentations.
  • Kamishibai is a form of visual and participatory storytelling that combines the use of hand-drawn visuals with the engaging narration of a live presenter. K
    • mnollsch
      Love this! I got a little distracted watching Kamishibai on youtube!
  • Force yourself to use no font smaller than thirty points.
    • mnollsch
      Larger fonts are also easier to read. It's very frustrating to watch a presentation where you have to squint.
    • tjbudd
      I had an instructor at ISU years ago who used very strict word limits on essay responses. I learned to eliminate all unnecessary words and focus on getting right to the point.
    • Evan Abbey
      Thomas- Interesting! I would have been in trouble in that class.
  • ten concepts in a meeting—
    • mnollsch
      Sure but I think you might have fewer concepts and more slides but I get the point. Less is better
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Ten concepts seems like a LOT!  
  • it is useful to think of your entire 30 minute presentation as an opportunity to “tell a story.”
    • Patty Harrell
      Keep it simple- pretty hard. You have to know what your audience doesn't know. Good point.
  • a simple sentence on the back of a business card. Try it. Can you crystallize the essence of your presentation content and write it on the back of a business card?
    • Patty Harrell
      Good idea. Maybe a memory hook or cue words to help them remember! 
    • Patty Harrell
      Wow! That would be a powerful and important message indeed!  Maybe a catch phrase or a "hook" for the memory?
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Would be a good activity for students and used as a tool to check the success of the presentation.  
    • Evan Abbey
      I'd have to write pretty small in some situations.
    • david moeller
      Precision and brevity.
  • 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint.
    • Patty Harrell
      Good memory hook here!  Knew about the 10 slides only. Ususally keep my lesson pwerpoints to less than 15 minutes anyway-Always worried about the font size. Good to have a reference.
  • If you can’t really answer that question, then cut that bit of content out of your talk.
    • Patty Harrell
      Good point. This should be any easy question to remember to ask myself.
  • authentic. His stories were from his heart and from his gut, not from a memorized script.
    • Patty Harrell
      Isn't this the truth. Authentic stories can mesmerize!
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This is a true statement, it is easy to tell when it is an actual experience.  
  • The biggest element a story has, then, is conflict.
    • Patty Harrell
      This absolutely makes sense. Especially as I teach middle school, where drama rules!
  • Humans are predisposed to remembering experiences in the narrative form
    • joyisuful
      I remember stories so much better than facts.  I have noticed the kids in my class do too.  I have realized that when telling stories I need to think about the important details though and leave out the unimportant stuff.
  • to involve people at the deepest level you need to tell stories
    • joyisuful
      This is probably why most people enjoy fiction more than nonfiction.  However, nonfiction can be in storytelling form too- true stories!
    • Evan Abbey
      So true! Storytelling is synonymous with "narrative", not "fiction", since many true stories are just that... true and stories.
  • we do not need to memorize a story that has meaning to us. If it is real, then it is in us.
    • joyisuful
      This is true, the problem is, I don't always know of a story to tell that has meaning to me.  However, even a story that doesn't have major meaning to me is easier to recall than a bunch of bullet points.
  • ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points
    • joyisuful
      These are easy to remember and useful!
    • Kristina Dvorak
      It is easy to remember, but might be difficult to implement! 
    • we4nails
      Maybe this means that delivery of content is often NOT where we should use PowerPoint! I think we have often been using it for the wrong purpose.
  • a normal human being cannot comprehend more than ten concepts in a meeting
    • joyisuful
      I'm definitely a normal human being.  Ten concepts might be too many for me even.  
  • find out the age of the oldest person in your audience and divide it by two. That’s your optimal font size.
    • joyisuful
      This rule wouldn't work in the elementary classroom as a Kindergarten font would then be 3 or smaller!  However, I do think it is a great rule when working with adults.  If we are going to try to keep it to six words or less per slide then 30 font would work well.
    • jessicawoods8
      Interesting equation! 
  • The biggest element a story has, then, is conflict. Conflict is dramatic. At its core, story is about a conflict between our expectations
  • It’s quite simple: a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points.
    • joyisuful
      Great way to think about keeping everything in the right proportion.
  • What are their backgrounds? How much background information about your topic can you assume they bring to the presentation?
    • joyisuful
      This should be easy when presenting in a classroom and for me easy when presenting to teaching staff as well.  However, if I ever have to speak to a larger group that I don't know as well, I will need to do some investigating in this area.
  • I suggest you start your planning in “analog mode.” That is, rather than diving right into PowerPoint (or Keynote), the best presenters often scratch out their ideas and objectives with a pen and paper.
    • joyisuful
      I don't usually do this but have started on my final presentation in "analog mode" and it seems to be a lot more efficient so far.  I'm not very far along though but I do feel in the end I will feel like starting with paper and pencil will have been a great help with planning.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      I never have considered this before, seems like it would be helpful in organizing ideas.
    • Evan Abbey
      I can't over- emphasize how important this is for me. It might be just me, but it does help get my thoughts out there and then see how they connect.
  • After all, the audience could always just read your book (or article, handout, etc.)
    • tjbudd
      Why don't students just read the book? Our job in presenting is to answer that specific question. The tough part is figuring out the why for each student.
    • fshellabarger
      This is such a solid point! When I go into a class or a presentation, I want to know that I am there getting authentic, tailored-to-fit instruction that I couldn't find elsewhere. This is what keeps the audience interested. I unfortunately know too many college students that would learn how a teacher lectures and from there decide whether or not they would need to show up through the semester in order to pass the class. As a presenter, you should always be indespensible.
    • Evan Abbey
      Thomas, I liked the way you framed this. To a certain extent, the information we need to learn is prevalent in this informational age. In a way, teaching = presentation
  • Why were you asked to speak?
    • tjbudd
      I watched a commencement speaker struggle with this as he rambled on for 45 minutes with no clear message. I imagine this is like going to watch my favorite band and having them not play any of their popular songs.
  • The best presenters illustrate their points with the use of stories
    • tjbudd
      I like this technique. I try to create stories that my students find interesting. Sometimes the most effective stories involve my past failures.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Stories are good, but only if they are not over-used.
  • If you must use more than ten slides to explain your business, you probably don’t have a business
    • tjbudd
      I teach a business class and students so often try to write a business plan with flowery language and unnecessary details. Interesting to see the common threads between selling a business and selling a lesson.
  • What is the purpose of the event?
    • fshellabarger
      Understanding your purpose for presenting can be very crucial. I was recently at a technology and literacy conference in Chicago. I went to the conference to collect strategies and network with other teachers for ideas. I also knew going into the conference that all of the presenters would inspire and motivate me as a teacher. This is what I was most looking forward to even though it wasn't part of the description for what the conference was about. Knowing how your purpose aligns with your audience's purpose is key.
  • always volunteer to go first or last, by the way
    • fshellabarger
      This is interesting. I would love to know what the research is behind this tip. I am guessing it is because those are some of the most memorable presentations. When you get caught in the middle, I imagine the audience's focus isn't as high.
    • Evan Abbey
      Haven't seen any research in this regards. From personal experience, these are often the places where the audience is the most attentive (first) or most likely to remember your message (last). It is the same logic we (our family) use when performing for martial arts competitions... the judges remember the first or the last one the best.
  • interesting, clear beginnings; provocative, engaging content in the middle; and a clear conclusion
    • fshellabarger
      This is good to remember for what kind of stories we want in presentations. Stories are meant to capture the audience, serve a puropose towards our cause within the middle, and serve as a point while concluding the story.
    • Evan Abbey
      I like this too. Stories are not synonymous with "fiction", but rather with "narrative".
  • people are not inspired to act on reason alone
    • fshellabarger
      This is so true! People make a change out of an emotional appeal that they have encountered that drives the change. Reason just helps justify acting on the emotional response for acting.
  • It may be cool, but is it important or help your story in a very important way…or is it fluff?
    • we4nails
      There is a fine balance sometimes working with 14-year-olds. Often, "fluff" draws them into the content - it seems that the "fluff" may have a place in what you say but not on the slide itself.
    • Evan Abbey
      Heather, this is a good point. I think teachers are much better at this than other public speakers, and Garr is probably talking to non-teachers here. Teachers have quite a bit of expertise at telling a story and connecting it to the relevant point of the lesson. Maybe the only "danger zone" for teachers is spending too much time on the anecdote, but that is not a very often situation.
  • Identify the problem. (This could be a problem, for example, that your product solves.) Identify causes of the problem. (Give actual examples of the conflict surrounding the problem.) Show how and why you solved the problem. (This is where you provide resolution to the conflict.)
  • and to know how to explain them well
    • we4nails
      This is where the idea of having your own detailed cue cards is very important. If you aren't clear, you may miss the points you need to talk about due to the minimalist slide presentation format.
  • People prefer to present only the rosy (and boring) picture
    • we4nails
      It also seems that in a classroom setting, when students can see you as being vulnerable and overcoming a conflict at some point, it helps them to be more willing to take risks in your class!
  • Twenty minutes. You should give your ten slides in twenty minutes.
    • tjbudd
      I think 20 minutes is appropriate for a pitch, not necessarily for a class period. That said, we wouldn't spend an entire class period on one point.
    • Evan Abbey
      True. I think his general audience for this book is sales pitch presenters. Probably the better way of thinking about this is that spend 20 minutes presenting the info in the class, and the other 20 minutes is interspersed q&a with student, checking for understanding, handling classroom management, etc.
    • jessicawoods8
      A 20 minute presentation would be perfect for my kindergarteners!
  • What is the essence of your message? This is the ultimate question you need to ask yourself during the preparation of your presentation.
    • jessicawoods8
      Great question to ask yourself before even beginning to put together a presentation.
    • david moeller
      Such a simple concept to keep in mind for success.
  • too much information into the talk without making the effort to make the information or data applicable to the members of the audience
    • david moeller
      I'm guilty of this. on many occasions. more focused information with a one-page overview handout out after the presentation is my current thinking...
    • david moeller
      As I prepare my thoughts for my final presentation (which is what I'm currently working on for beginning of the school year) I think to myself: which three big ideas to I want to convey about Office 365 to all K-12 staff. My initial thoughts are 1) communication and collaboration, 2) access, and 3) simplicity.
  • No software to get in my way
    • david moeller
      I struggle with where to begin. If the software is easy, and not used for the final presentation -- like evernote or onenote, or a mind mapping program, I like to begin there. I like using my whiteboard, but it limits my access to my thoughts--unless I take a picture I suppose, but I prefer either OneNote in O365, or an engineers notepad to layout and organize--along with some stickies!
  • “So what?
  • “sell” your message in 30-45 seconds
    • david moeller
      Selling points for O365 - collaborative, simple, accessible. done. :-0
  • Rambling streams of consciousness will not get it done; audiences need to hear (and see) your points illustrated.
    • david moeller
      Guilty. Again. Stick to the (mental) script...
  • ctually rehearsed with an actual computer and projector
    • david moeller
      Live performances. Authentic practice. I think live wrestling matches in practice and simulated races in dragonboat paddling: both make the real thing far less nerve-wracking. Preparation = confidence.
  • engage the audience
    • david moeller
      And engagement is key. I find myself much more engaged when a presenter related the facts to a story.
  • It is true that the presentation would have been even better if the slides had been better designed and used properly, but in this particular case, the CEO gave a powerful and memorable presentation in spite of those shortcomings. Trust me, this is very rare in the world of CEO presentations. There are four essential reasons for his success that night: (1) He knew his material inside and out, and he knew what he wanted to say. (2) He stood front and center and spoke in a real, down-to-earth language that was conversational yet passionate. (3) He did not let technical glitches get in his way. When they occurred, he moved forward without missing a beat, never losing his engagement with the audience. (4) He used real, sometimes humorous, anecdotes to illustrate his points, and all his stories were supremely poignant and relevant, supporting his core message.
    • david moeller
      This is a good lesson. Especially effectively continuing on with the presentation with the technology acting up...
  • What is the real purpose of your talk? Why is it that you were asked to speak? What does the audience expect? In your opinion, what are the most important parts of your topic for the audience to take away from your, say, 50-minute presentation?
    • jessicawoods8
      Good questions to remember even before beginning the PowerPoint! 
  • A data dump
    • jessicawoods8
      I have been a part of many of these types of presentations during professional development. 
    • nettiemarie
      I completely agree...these as the worst .. I dread PD for that fact...what do I remember from these .. nothing
  • If you took the time in the first step to outline your ideas and set them up in a logical fashion, then your thinking should be very clear.
    • jessicawoods8
      I feel a presenter has a clear idea of where the presentation is going if they take the time to outline ideas beforehand. 
  • The more you are on top of your material the less nervous you will be
    • jessicawoods8
      I have learned this in my presentations! The more I rehearse, the more I know my topic and the better I feel during the presentation. 

Articles: Delivery - 2 views

  • It is better to have the audience wanting more (of you) than to feel that they have had more than enough.
    • mnollsch
      This is very true and I have experienced the value of finishing early both as a presenter and as a participamt
    • tjbudd
      True, but in a class setting we shouldn't end class early to accomplish this. Planning other activities to enhance an early end is a good idea.
    • we4nails
      I think we have been taught that keeping students busy bell to bell is important and that often we try to do that by being in front directly instructing the whole time. Finishing a little early with an enrichment opportunity - or time for them to dig into the other 20% would be a GREAT idea for in the classroom!
  • press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote
    • mnollsch
      I can't believe I didn't know this!!
    • Evan Abbey
      This article is a bit dated, so you will need to double check it is true in the current version. I've got a button on my remote that does the same thing, so I'm not much help in this.
    • tjbudd
      I use a remote too. Didn't know that worked, will have to check it out.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Great tip.  I will be checking this out.  
    • we4nails
      I usually just mute the screen, same effect and works from the remote.
    • pattyharris123
      I had no idea....
    • mnollsch
      I don't seem to have many problems with logical resistance when teaching. However, emotional resistance often comes up with college students when I present information that challenges a belief they have about parenting, guidance or something they experienced growing up.
    • pattyharris123
      I have occasionally run into resistance with my staff members. Unfortunately, it was a divided staff anyway, and I think some of the resistance came from just being bull-headed toward others. I have felt my presentation was adequate, but would actually see some staff members look around before making any comments. It was a tough group of staff members to work with!
  • ...51 more annotations...
  • Acknowledge any sacrifices they’re making,
    • mnollsch
      Students are often overwhelmed by the work load when they get to college.  It's important for me to remember to acknowledge that they are overwhelmed and give them survival tips!
    • Evan Abbey
      Good point! Acknowledgement goes a long way towards your end goal of persuasion.
  • break it into 10-minute chunks. "At every 10 minutes or so, try to reengage the audience with something different—don't just keep showing slides,"
    • mnollsch
      This is a very helpful strategy. Or I build in a pair and share, small group activity, an opportunity to use materials, etc
    • Evan Abbey
      The pair/share is my staple... when planning, if I can't think of something more profound to put in there, I will put in a rhetorical question and do a pair/share. It does do wonders for keeping the audience engaged.
  • Practice 10 hours for every one hour
    • mnollsch
      Well, maybe for a presentation at a conference.  This isn't even practical for daily work in the classroom with the teaching load and preps I have!  
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Agree, that might be great if you only give a few different presentations, but I have daily hour long lectures to present just to get all the content in before the AP exam.  I would never sleep!!
    • jessicawoods8
      This seems like a lot! 
    • pattyharris123
      I had to give so many presentations as a principal. It would have been impossible to spend 10 hours for each hour! I know I did early on when I first started my presentation career, but certainly not as it go going!
  • However, he says most presenters will spend 99 percent of their time preparing the content and
  • Start strong
    • kbelland21
      This is very true! The presenter will keep the audiences attention if they start the first 2-3 minutes strong.
  • come up with arguments against your perspective
    • kbelland21
      Great idea! This will help you be better prepared when they come up.
    • pattyharris123
      I agree it helps to be prepared. With my divided staff, I always tried to play devil's advocate with myself to prepare myself for the inevitable. Sometimes, I won my "argument". Sometimes not, but I always tried to be prepared with facts.
  • "Try to find some way to break up the presentation into manageable chunks of time,"
    • kbelland21
      Engage your audience in a hands on activity if possible during your presentation. Keep them active and engaged.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Good suggestions for breaking up the time.  My presentations are always long, I need various activities for keeping the students active.  
  • give the audience's eyes a rest every so often
    • kbelland21
      Interesting thought. Images that are very busy can take time for the audience to digest, give time for them to comprehend the images and the presentation.
    • pattyharris123
      I like the thought of just blacking out the slide show every once in a while using the B. It gives the audience a short time to digest and yet continue with the presentation.
  • deliver your presentation and watch yourself
    • kbelland21
      Great tip! You will learn a lot from watching yourself present.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      I did this last year when working on my National Board Certification.  It was very eye opening, I noticed everything odd that I did (speech, questions, movements).  
    • jessicawoods8
      I found this to be the most helpful strategy during my student teaching as well! 
    • we4nails
      This is something I do a lot as a conductor, but haven't used it in presentations as much as conducting - what a good tip!
    • pattyharris123
      I love doing this! I always videoed my student teachers and when I started giving staff presenations, I always had someone tape it for my own review. It's amazing what you notice that you didn't realize took place!
  • passionate about your topic and let that enthusiasm come out
    • tjbudd
      I've been telling my business students this for several years. If you can find something you are interested in, your enthusiasm toward that product or service is evident. I guess it makes sense that it would translate into the things we speak about.
    • Patty Harrell
      yes, do what you love and love what you do. It matters.
  • individuals rather than scanning the group
    • tjbudd
      I like this technique. I think it helps create a bond with the group if you make eye contact and hold it for a few seconds before moving on. Scanning without holding eye contact seems awkward to me and insincere.
    • pattyharris123
      Scanning the group seems so unnatural to me. I DO make eye contact with different audience members. Granted, I scan to find that individual but it is not a robotic look around and I do settle on someone.
  • Make sure your text and graphics are large enough to be seen on the small the screen
    • tjbudd
      We use dual 42 inch displays in our training rooms. They work very well for freedom of content. Blacks and whites are all reproduced well but text size is critical. The monitors almost force better slide design by becoming illegible when too much text is placed on the slide.
  • standard template in PowerPoint? Title and bullets
    • tjbudd
      I think they're the norm just because they speed up the preparation side; not because they increase engagement or comprehension.
    • we4nails
      Some business places require this, I know that my sister who has shadowed me in this venture is forced to follow that outline and she hates it. It is also the format that original note taking strategies were taught decades ago, and we just can't seem to move past it despite all of the evidence that it doesn't work.
  • Unfortunately, people read from their PowerPoint slides much more than they think they do, Gallo notes. "When you read from your notes or from slides," he says, "that completely breaks the connection you have with audience
    • tjbudd
      I think this is an easy trap to fall into. If we've got a screen full of bullets and text, when we get a bit nervous, we resort to reading.
    • pattyharris123
      No doubt everyone in the room can read the slides themselves! This is one of my biggest pet peeves when being an audience member so I am very conscious of it.
  • everything to do with body language and verbal ability—how you talk, sound, look and what you're wearing
    • tjbudd
      So true, I've seen the atmosphere in the classroom change on a day I wear something more casual. On the same note, I think students seem to respect our opinions more when we are more formal. I tend to start a new semester with more formal clothing, then back off to make them feel more comfortable in sharing their opinions once I've earned their respect.
  • The first 2-3 minutes of the presentation are the most important.
    • Patty Harrell
      I find this true in my classroom on a daily basis. The opener for the lesson is most important for getting the students attention.
    • jessicawoods8
      I was going to say the same thing! This reminds me of the anticipatory set of a lesson plan. 
  • thank them for their input.
    • Patty Harrell
      Thank yous validate the speaker. They also give you time to ask them to clarify if your not sure of their point. 
  • remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies.
    • Patty Harrell
      This is so true. It is the presenters challenge to get the audience to accept and support your idea.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      For me, this means "selling" my class.  I need the students to be engaged and excited about the material so they convince others to take my classes.  
  • you want to read from them,
    • Patty Harrell
      It's like seeing the headlights of an oncoming car,if you look at it too long you will drive right into it. 
  • "Only about 7 percent of the actual words or content is important.
    • Patty Harrell
      If the presentation is good enough mush of the body language etc is not noticed. I think of listening to Temple Grandin. I was a bit distracted at times, but I was also applauding a lot. 
  • If you’ve made a sincere effort to look at the world through their eyes, it will show when you speak
    • Patty Harrell
      So really-make the effort to look at what you are asking them to do. Teachers are sometimes guilty of asking students to do something the wouldn't or couldn't do. 
    • we4nails
      I couldn't agree more! I feel like this is so important to remember, and that the more we DEMONSTRATE in a classroom, the more validity there is in what we ask them to do. They need to see us in action too.
  • Move away from the podium
    • Kristina Dvorak
      I will be doing more of this.  I have been too dependent on the speaker note function of PPT.  
  • Keep the lights on
    • Kristina Dvorak
      As technology in the classroom advances, this will be even easier to do.  Presentations done on a large screen TV versus a projector will make all the difference.  
  • esistance doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This is a good reminder.  
  • Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present
  • Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present
  • Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present
  • Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present
    • jessicawoods8
      This would be a good time for a hands-on activity or an activity that involved the audience to move around. 
    • fshellabarger
      I have noticed that the most resilient of students are engaged during video clips. If used appropriately and strongly, they can be powerful motivators to vest students in the information being given to them.
  • In reality, though, you’re not the star of the show. The audience is. It’s in their power to embrace — or reject — your ideas.
    • jessicawoods8
      Interesting viewpoint! 
  • Most people listening to presentations tend to tune out after about 10 minutes,
    • jessicawoods8
      I have heard teachers are the worst listeners so I can only imagine what the timeframe would be for professional development! 
  • They glance at a slide just for a second to prompt them for the next piece of information," Gallo says. "And then they turn and deliver to audience. They know what's on the slide because they have practiced."
    • jessicawoods8
      A presentation where the presenter really knows their material are the most engaging.
  • Humans have short attention spans when it comes to passively sitting and listening to a speaker.
    • joyisuful
      This is true.  It makes me think of sermons in church- my attention span is often short and my mind wanders easily when the minister says something that makes me think of something else.  I find that when the presenter (or minister) holds my attention best when they keep it short and don't repeat themselves.  I also find humor to bring my attention back if I do get distracted.
  • Get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium.
    • joyisuful
      Getting close to the audience really helps make it feel like a conversation.  
  • But it is all for naught if you do not have a deep, heartfelt belief in your topic.
    • joyisuful
      I think this is very true but sometimes we have to make presentations where we don't really have a passion.  For instance, if I were a principal, I might have to present something on safety or some sort of new law or requirement.  I may not have a passion for this but can probably still make it more interesting than it really is if I work at it.
  • Today’s projectors are bright enough to allow you to keep many of the lights on.
    • joyisuful
      The kids in my class always ask me to turn the lights off when we do anything with a projector.  I think it might be because I have a gigantic window in my classroom that lets in a lot of light.  I usually don't give in and will remember this now and keep the lights on.
    • fshellabarger
      I have the same problem. It is almost always a problem to see if we leave the lights on. I like the idea of creating ambiance though. I have invested in some floor lamps to use this year. I guess we will see how well that works? I am second guessing them now with this information.
  • Familiarize yourself with alternate lines of reasoning by digging up articles, blog posts, and reports that challenge your stance.
    • joyisuful
      I try to do this but sometimes people still come up with something I never expected.
  • You need them more than they need you. So be humble in your approach. Their desires and goals — and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present.
    • joyisuful
      This is so true but also hard to anticipate everything the audience will be thinking.
  • Above all, Gallo says, remember that the most engaging speakers have a simple secret weapon: "They practice much more than the average presenter."
    • joyisuful
      As with anything, the more practice the better!!!
  • let your passion for your topic come out for all to see.
    • fshellabarger
      I have noticed in teaching this very same thing. The difference between engaging students or distancing them from the content is how passionate the teacher is about the information and about teaching it. Passion is key for engagement with students.
  • In conclusion….
    • fshellabarger
      This is so true! This happens all the time at our church. I love my pastor dearly and wouldn't trade her for the world, but she has a bad habit of saying "in conclusion" about 5 times before actually closing. I do notice these are the times I am most alert during the sermon. Naturally, an audience can only hold focus for so long before drifting. I want to try to get my students to my "in conclusion" before they lose their main focus.
  • you’ll sharpen your presentation and stand a much better chance of winning your audience over.
    • fshellabarger
      This is so true! When we prepare for opposing viewpoints, we not only have a chance of winning over more of the audience but we also learn our content better. I know that I always seem to learn the most when I am forced to teach it to someone else!
  • Hitting raw nerves will set people off.
    • fshellabarger
      It is so important to remember to be mindful and cautious when we are talking about possibly offending anyone in our audience. If we are not careful, we could lose all credibility as a speaker from being careless with diverse beliefs in the audience.
  • wants to like you and they will give you a few minutes at the beginning to engage them — don’t miss the opportunity
    • we4nails
      I think this really applies to the FIRST DAY of class. As I prepare for upcoming lessons and new faces, I am reminded how important this really is in the first days of school. I hope to possibly have a new "get to know you" presentation idea from this class for those first few days!
  • and show that you’re shouldering some of the burden yourself.
    • we4nails
      I think that as teachers we are sometimes really bad at showing kids the amount of work we put in. There is a difference between complaining and being transparent. When my students realize that I spend two hours outside of their extra rehearsals working for them, they work harder for me. It is important to go about this by not acting burdened but by demonstrating that you believe in the work so you are willing to carry the weight - they are more likely to feel the same way too.
  • "When you prepare and rehearse the presentation—out loud, over many hours and many days—you'll come across as much more engaging as a speaker and effortless."
    • we4nails
      This is REALLY true and as a musician, is a great connection I can make for my students to the level of rehearsal we put in for a concert. If they can see that this type of rehearsal is important in the business world too, it may help them to find it more relevant to practice. The problem is, I don't know many people willing to put in this kind of time!
  • "Look at some of the great speeches over our history, John F. Kennedy's or Barack Obama's speeches, and they're able to galvanize the nation in speeches that last under 20 minutes," Gallo says. "So do you really need to two hours to get your point across?"
    • we4nails
      I love this quote!
  • o advance your slides and builds, use a small, handheld remote
    • david moeller
      I'm actually going to purchase one right now!
  • and it’ll help you develop a deeper understanding of the topic and a more nuanced point of view.
    • david moeller
      I generally appreciate when skeptical audience members challenge the topic I'm discussing for exactly this reason. It gives me a deeper understanding of what I'm trying to explain...
  • Fail to Rehearse
    • david moeller
      True. Just like in practice for sports, if we don't do a live run, the presentation most likely won't go the way we want. And in doing this we prepare ourselves for the unexpected. 
  • "They don't just wing it."
    • david moeller
      And if we want to sell what we are presenting we need to rehearse. I'm on my 4th round of my current presentation that I will share...
  • Grab your digital video recorder
    • david moeller
      We've purchased Camtasia, which allows for screen and video recording at the same time...

Articles: Delivery - 1 views

  • If I had only one tip to give, it would be to be passionate about your topic and let that enthusiasm come out.
    • sraymond21
      Love this! This is something I also hear from students: If I'm interested, they'll be a little more interested also!
    • stephhallberg
      I agree! Enthusiasm is contagious.  If I am enthusiastic, chances are very good my students will be also.
  • Humans have short attention spans when it comes to passively sitting and listening to a speaker.
    • sraymond21
      I'm adapting more and more to this the longer I teach! Kids really do have short attention spans, but so do adults these days!
  • To advance your slides and builds, use a small, handheld remote. A handheld remote will allow you to move away from the podium.
    • sraymond21
      My remote will not work with my OPTIMA. Any suggestions to those of us tethered to the computer?
    • debraschindler
      I have had someone sit and run the computer/slides while I 'walk' around the room. I just nod to them when I'm ready for the next slide.
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • If you are speaking in a meeting room or a classroom, the temptation is to turn the lights off so that the slides look better. But go for a compromise between a bright screen image and ambient room lighting.
    • sraymond21
      I am going to have to try this!!!
    • debraschindler
      In one of our large group meeting areas we can turn off the lights in just the front which helps it from becoming to sleep inducing.
  • As you plan your presentation, try to come up with arguments against your perspective. Familiarize yourself with alternate lines of reasoning by digging up articles, blog posts, and reports that challenge your stance. This kind of research will prepare you for skeptical questions and comments — and it’ll help you develop a deeper understanding of the topic and a more nuanced point of view.
    • sraymond21
      The old question: Why do I need to know this Mrs. Raymond?
    • stephhallberg
      This reminds me of when we have students debate others from another point of view.  I can see how thinking about your presentation from adverse angles will make you even more prepared.
    • kimkaz
      Authenticity is key.  Relevance is key!  
  • thank them
    • debraschindler
      I've listened to handful of speakers lately who keep saying, "That is a great question." They have done it so many times within the same presentation that it seems not as genuine as I think they truly intend it to be.
  • to tune out after about 10 minutes, Gallo says, based on expert opinion and research in cognitive functions. So keep the presentation to less than 20 minutes.
    • debraschindler
      Good thing to keep in mind
  • Gallo's Tip
    • debraschindler
      Great solution for when release pd time for teachers is very fixed (can only be out a a training a full day; not a 20 minute meeting every day)
  • We know through research that 93 percent of the impression you leave on somebody has little to do with content and everything to do with body language and verbal ability—how you talk, sound, look and what you're wearing," Gallo says. "Only about 7 percent of the actual words or content is important."
    • debraschindler
      Feel like I should read more about body language while presenting now....
    • kimkaz
      It's a powerful way of understanding the audience.
  • The first 2-3 minutes of the presentation are the most important.
    • stephhallberg
      That's pretty tough - you know you have to be engaging and very likable those first couple of minutes to try to keep their interest and attention.
  • Remember, it is your reputation, so always remain gracious even with the most challenging of audiences.
    • stephhallberg
      I believe this to be true in just about every situation.  The person who is calm and considerate is respected, but the ones who become less than ideal are remembered for those flaws.
  • Their desires and goals — and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present.
    • stephhallberg
      Another great reason to consider who your audience is, what you are trying to promote, and think about what type of adversity you may be up against.
    • kimkaz
      I totally agree that the best way to engage an audience is to anticipate their needs.
  • "Try to find some way to break up the presentation into manageable chunks of time," he says, "so people don't get too bored."
    • stephhallberg
      This reminds me of why Evan had jokes every few slides in his power point (the one that Evan said was bad, but to me was pretty neat).  Breaking pieces of information into chunks is what educators do all the time to keep the attention where it needs to be.
  • However, he says most presenters will spend 99 percent of their time preparing the content and slides, and very little—if any—on understanding and controlling their body language and how they speak and sound.
    • stephhallberg
      While the slides are important, the content of what you say and how you say it has more impact.
  • The term "death by PowerPoint" rings true with most people for a reason.
    • stephhallberg
      After having been in this course, I've shared with my fiance what I've learned.  He just came home on Friday after spending all day at a conference being read bullets to from a Power Point.  He said he kept thinking about everything I've told him about bad presentations.  Clearly he was annoyed with his day.
  • Try looking at individuals rather than scanning the group. Since you are using a computer, you never need to look at the screen behind you — just glance down at the computer screen briefly
    • kimkaz
      I like to connect with at least one person in the group who seems intertested in what I'm saying.  It keeps me from getting distracted.
  • With a TV screen, you can keep all or most of the lights on. Make sure your text and graphics are large enough to be seen on the small the screen.
    • kimkaz
      My new favorite tool is Chromecast.  It basically turns any tv or monitor with a USB into a screen!
  • you’re not the star of the show. The audience is.
    • kimkaz
      I think putting the audience at the center of attention is a brilliant concept.  It's true that if they feel that they are the focus rather than you there is more of an opportunity for learning to occur.
  • Anticipating resistance forces you to really think about the people you’re presenting to, and that makes it easier to influence them. If you’ve made a sincere effort to look at the world through their eyes
    • kimkaz
      Anticipating resistance is a way to prepare for the worst but expecting the best.  As a person who hates surprises I find that I can be very relaxed as a presenter if I have thought of the yin to the yang.
  • "Nobody is as interested in you as you think they are,"
  • slides ever created, see "8 PowerPoint Train Wrecks.")
    • kimkaz
      This are great non examples
  • Practice 10 hours for every one hour of the presentation (
    • kimkaz
      IT's true the more prepared one is the better the chance for success!
  • "You don't need an expert coach to be there to find these things," Gallo says. "You'll pick out one hundred things on your own that are annoying or maybe are some bad habits that you never knew you did."
    • kimkaz
      I didn't realize that I had so many idiosyncrasies until the staff  'roasts' me at the end of the year.  It's all in good fun but meaningful feedback.
  • First impressions are powerful.
    • julievanmanen
      It is important to grab the attention of the students or audience right at the beginning. The hook needs to be powerful and original.
  • By having the slide blank, all the attention can now be placed back on you.
    • julievanmanen
      This is such a simple concept and I use it all the time when running the Power Point during the worship service at church for that reason; yet, have not done that during my presentations!
  • One sure way to lose an audience is to turn your back on them.
    • julievanmanen
      This is especially true in middle school math!
  • Always remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies
    • julievanmanen
      This is so true. Again, this reminds us why it is important to think of our audience's needs while preparing for the presentation.
  • Practice your speech and know it cold, so that you can sustain eye contact with your audience while you are presenting
    • julievanmanen
      "Practice makes perfect." It is so important to know the information and be confident when presenting! An audience quickly becomes distracted when the presenter is not sure of himself/herself.
  • let your passion for your topic come out for all to see.
    • tamela hatcher
      This is one of my most valued attributes in a speaker.
  • Many people like the Interlink remote as well.
    • tamela hatcher
      I love my radio wave air mouse.
  • a smile can be a very powerful thing.
    • tamela hatcher
      A smile can be a GREAT thing for the presenter too.
  • If you press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote slide is showing, the screen will go blank. This is useful if you need to digress or move off the topic presented on the slide.
    • tamela hatcher
      I had forgotten about this tool.  I am going to use it again.
  • Keep the lights on
    • tamela hatcher
      I tried to use dark backgrounds contrasted to light backgrounds in my final presentation so I could see the difference on how they project.

Articles: Presentation "Awakening" - 0 views

  • in the aggregate (e.g., your “PowerPoint deck”) can be perfectly and completely understood without your narration, then it begs the question: why are you there?
    • stac34
      I love this, I wish that all presenters were given this statement to check their presentations before going public with them. I think it is a good reflection piece to see if you have developed a quality presentation. I am going to make this part of my proofreading process when preparing presentations from here on out!
  • You can wreck a communication process with lousy logic or unsupported facts, but you can’t complete it without emotion. Logic is not enough.
  • You can wreck a communication process with lousy logic or unsupported facts, but you can’t complete it without emotio
    • stac34
      I really haven't ever thought of the emotional side of the presentation, but it makes sense that if someone can connect with the presenter they might be more engaged. Appealing to the audience emotional side can help them become invested in the topic and information.
  • ...40 more annotations...
  • There is something very natural, compelling, and memorable about both telling and listening to stories.
    • stac34
      I think this is important, I have recently tried incorporating storytelling into my presentations, letting the audience know how I got to where I am in my journey with the topic and why it is something I am passionate about. This ties in with the idea of striking the emotional side of the audience mentioned in the other article.
    • brendahack
      I feel like this was one of my biggest ah ha's. I love stories and hearing the presenters story is always engaging. When I have shared a story in class, it has students attention, they interact, ask questions, volunteer information. When we are working through slides, I feel llike I need to sing and dance to hold their attentions. Stories are powerful! I have just not ever considered it as a presentaion method.
  • PowerPoint is a medium that can be used effectively — that is, with effective design methods — or ineffectively, that is with ineffective design methods. We would not necessarily say that books are rarely a good method, because books can be designed using effective or ineffective methods."
  • PowerPoint is a medium that can be used effectively — that is, with effective design methods — or ineffectively, that is with ineffective design methods. We would not necessarily say that books are rarely a good method, because books can be designed using effective or ineffective methods."
  • . Power
    • stac34
      I think it is important to note that PowerPoint is a tool that can be used effectively, but just simply having a PowerPoint doesn't make it purposeful just through using it. The design of a presentation includes multiple facets, the visual presentation is just one of them.
    • aneppl
      The key lies in what is the purpose of the presentation and how does the tool(powerpoint) aid in the purpose.
  • Point is
  • a medium that can be used effectively — that is, with effective design methods — or
  • ineffectively, that is with ineffective design methods. We would not necessarily say that
  • books are rarely a good method, because books can be designed using effective or
  • ineffective methods."
  • ineffective methods.
  • “sticky” ideas have six key principles in common: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotions, and stories. And yes, these six compress nicely into the acronym SUCCESs.
    • stac34
      I am a fan of acryonyms when they are easy to recall, I like that all of these are described below in more detail, but the "memory" word describes it well enough to trigger what you should remember when designing presentations.
  • Words should be presented as speech
    • sarahjmoore
      I think this becomes difficult in many settings educationally because the focus has always been on a away to help visual learners gather information. They are often used to be a note guide or a resource to refer back to. I wonder if the shift to being able to screencast would help this. I also wonder about how it leaves out the visual, non-auditory learners. I also think that as a resource, it is less effective if there is an audio track because then the viewer has more to sift through. But it is perhaps more effective as a teaching tool because they can use it to re-teach. Perhaps it is more about purpose matching the delivery. 
  • esented as speech (i.e., narration) rather than text (i.e., on-screen text) or as speech and text.”
    • sarahjmoore
      Somewhere along the presentation education line, these things get mixed up. When giving a presentation, there should only be key words to cue the speaker or drive a point home. I think that the concept of "cue the speaker" has lead to all of the text. We feel unprepared and this becomes a crutch. I think this is what most of my student struggle with. Although, this course is mostly focused on the teacher, as a high school English teacher, I think these concepts should be taught to our students as well.
    • jsoland
      I completely agree. I think it has been drilled into people to use the text as cues on what to talk about, but I think this has become misleading and has led to text on the slides that detracts from the presentation rather than add to it.
  • Third, create a written document. A leave-behind. Put in as many footnotes or details as you like. Then, when you start your presentation, tell the audience that you’re going to give them all the details of your presentation after it’s over, and they don’t have to write down everything you say
    • sarahjmoore
      I love this idea! This would keep your audience engaged in the presentation and allow them to not worry about if they have all of the bullet points written down word for word for the text. This would allow the information to flow faster because you don't have to provide wait time.  
  • But everyone else is busy defending the status quo (which is easy) and you’re busy championing brave new innovations, which is difficult.
    • sarahjmoore
      This makes it a lot more work too, but it is worth it if the information stays with them. They will remember the power of your presentation. They also will feel that they have missed something if they weren't present. 
    • jsoland
      It also saves you from having to present or follow-up later to go over the same information!
  • Unexpectedness.
    • sarahjmoore
      I think that sometimes this could be negative part of a presentation. The key here is to create something unexpected that directly connects to what you are talking about and proves your message. Often, I see people pulling something out just to break up the presentation and to give them a mind break. It is important to wrap those things together (mind break and message) to really get this aspect accomplished. 
  • Great ideas and presentations have an element of story to them.
    • sarahjmoore
      I think the key here is the word "element." I have been part of presentations where you are there to hear about and idea, and they end up telling you story after story. They are loosely connected, but I find myself disengaged with the content and the focus because I am wondering "how many of the "rabbit trails" we are going to go on?" I think you should use stories to help with concepts and examples, keeping them short and to the point.  
    • aneppl
      I think it's particularly hard in education, as we don't often have the "whole story" about a students success as they leave us and transition to another stage in their life. Teacher or student success stories are powerful and touch our hearts. For implementing new practices/techniques, or strategies, a true life story from a teacher is always more powerful.
  • The redundancy effect says that if one form of instruction (such as the spoken word) is intelligible and adequate then providing the same material in another form (such as lines of text on a screen that mimic the words being spoken) are redundant and can actually hurt understanding.
    • jsoland
      I found this so interesting and it can be counterintuitive, but the more I thought about it the more I reflected on how often I completely tune out as a result of seeing and hearing the same content (ie someone reading their powerpoint slide)
    • brendahack
      This was a stand out to me as weel. The more I thought about it the more I agreed with it. When I have bene presented to, it is extreamly distracting to try to read a slide while someone else is reading it out loud.
  • First, make yourself cue cards. Don’t put them on the screen. Put them in your hand. Now, you can use the cue cards you made to make sure you’re saying what you came to say.
  • First, make yourself cue cards. Don’t put them on the screen. Put them in your hand. Now, you can use the cue cards you made to make sure you’re saying what you came to say.
  • First, make yourself cue cards. Don’t put them on the screen. Put them in your hand. Now, you can use the cue cards you made to make sure you’re saying what you came to say.
  • Fourth, create a feedback cycle. If your presentation is for a project approval, hand people a project approval form and get them to approve it, so there’s no ambiguity at all about what you’ve all agreed to.
  • Fourth, create a feedback cycle. If your presentation is for a project approval, hand people a project approval form and get them to approve it, so there’s no ambiguity at all about what you’ve all agreed to.
    • aneppl
      In education, it's often about what is the implementation piece associated with the presentation/learning/ etc. How do we hold ourselves accountable for the information presented
  • The Curse of Knowledge is essentially the condition whereby the deliverer of the message cannot imagine what it’s like not to possess his level of background knowledge on the topic.
    • jsoland
      I really struggle with this. I'm never sure how technical to get with my language as I want the audience to feel comfortable with the content, but not feel like I am "talking down to them"
  • Concreteness. Use natural speech and give real examples with real things, not abstractions.
    • jsoland
      I really need to work on this one and spend some time coming up with better examples, stories, and analogies in my presentations to make things more concrete.
  • Often, people come to a conclusion about your presentation by the time you’re on the second slide. After that, it’s often too late for your bullet points to do you much good
    • aneppl
      This is so true. I think it's critical on how you set up the audience for what the purpose is, how this will help/impact them, and what they will/should walk away with.
    • brendahack
      Kind of shocking actually. The second slide??? All the more reason to ne mindful of what you are sharing.
  • Curse of Knowledge
    • aneppl
      I too am guilty of this. I sometimes feel that what I have to say on a topic is so important that it can't wait or that I have to include it. As a principal, I've had to learn to be disciplined to sometimes save my thoughts when others are presenting and not interrupt their presentations for my own sake of speaking!
  • Emotions. People are emotional beings
    • aneppl
      I do feel that I try to connect with teachers emotionally. I am very vulnerable in my communication with teachers. I don't want to be known as the expert and thus I engage a lot of teachers to be with me in presenting, sharing, modeling, etc. Acknowledge how busy we know they all are, but surround it with how important our new learning is for the benefit of students.
  • It is effective to speak to a diagram, because it presents information in a different form. But it is not effective to speak the same words that are written, because it is putting too much load on the mind and decreases your ability to understand what is being presented
    • brendahack
      Speaking to the diagram allows one to have their own thoughts, and consider the presenters ideas I beleive without the overload suggested by reaing the slide to them. I like the idea of an image that gets to the emotion or the concept that you are trying to get across.
  • Next time you plan a presentation, then, start by using a pencil and pad, a whiteboard, or a stick in the sand — anything except jumping headfirst into slideware on your computer with its templates, outlines, and content wizards that may point you down a path you wish not to go.
    • brendahack
      I love this! Of course anything done in the sand this time of the year in Iowa seems like a GREAT idea. I know I am guilty of starting with the slide and not the overall concept. It is so easy to rearrange slides in power point that is it ewasy to get caught up in headfirst jumping.
  • IMPORTANT: Don’t hand out the written stuff at the beginning! If you do, people will read the memo while you’re talking and ignore you. Instead, your goal is to get them to sit back, trust you and take in the emotional and intellectual points of your presentation.
    • brendahack
      Yep! save it until the end. How many conferences have you been to that people stick their head in the door, grab a copy of your slides, handout, whatever, and turn around and head out. If they could sit and listen knowing they will get materials at the end, I believe they will have a better learning experience.
  • Simplicity. If everything is important, then nothing is important. If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. You must be ruthless in your efforts to simplify
    • brendahack
      Easier said than done, but how very important! I know this is one that I will be giving lots of thought to.
  • "The use of the PowerPoint presentation has been a disaster. It should be ditched.
    • KIM BYRD
      I am not so sure it is a disaster. Perhaps we all need more training.
  • Powerpoint was developed by engineers as a tool to help them communicate with the marketing department—and vice versa.
    • KIM BYRD
      Now look how often PowerPoint is used. It has branched out beyond the marketing department.
  • Communication is the transfer of emotion.
    • KIM BYRD
      They talk a lot in these articles about how the audience needs to have emotion brought to them by presentation.
  • No more than six words on a slide. EVER.
    • KIM BYRD
      I never heard of this rule until I took this class. I have seen and made more than six slides for as long as PowerPoint has been around.
  • For your presentation, what’s the key point? What’s the core? Why does (or should) it matter?
    • KIM BYRD
      I feel like my end presentation is using simplicity too much. Perhaps I am just used to slides with WAY too much information on them.

PLE Articles - 3 views

  • I could stand to be more savvy in my own organizing of online learning and networking:
    • krcouch
      This is so me! I really need to create a personal learning environment for myself with everything in one place.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      I know that I do not take full advantage of these and I should! It just needs to be my go to and make it a habit. It totally makes sense to have everything in one place.
    • dykstras
      Right on sisters! I wonder how many of us DON'T feel this way?!?!?
    • brarykat
      For me taking the step after doing more of my own PLE would be to help my staff.
    • tifinif
      Exactly. How is it that I can create a Symbaloo and resources for teachers but can't find the time to do it for myself. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off some days trying to remember all my favorite places and websites that I use for different lessons.
    • dassom
      I am terrible at this to. I have lately been creating folders on my bookmark toolbar to get more organized. There are so many resources that we have learned about from each other and this course that I have forgotten about and I wish I would have come up with some way to organize them as I was learning about them.
    • carlarwall
      DITTO! I find myself going through many bookmarks on my computer daily. Need to get things organized and manageable.
  • ou can embed media (images, videos, and Slideshare presentations) in a tile, as an instructor, you can make a webmix quite interactive.
    • krcouch
      Love that this can be done especially so kids don't have to go to various websites all the time and try to navigate which can be tricky even for us adults at times.
    • brarykat
      Symbaloo has improved options since I was first introduced to it.  I'd like to help staff create their own!
    • Heather Whitman
      I agree with the ease of it and having others use it. I think it is imperative they have a full hour or more to work with it. I would recommend they come with sites/images/links they definitely want to include before work time. They may spend more time on that and not finish it. Suddenly, it gets pushed back and not used.
  • allows students to direct and manage their own learning experience while pursuing educational goals.
    • krcouch
      Nothing says great learning more than this...they decide how to reach their educational goal. great!
    • brarykat
      Agreed.  It makes sense that students with invested interest in their education and ability to make choices will be more successful.
    • emmeyer
      Exactly. This would motivate the students more than anything else.
  • ...31 more annotations...
  • Learning isn’t germane to structured classroom environments alone; it occurs in both formal and informal settings.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      This has been true for centuries, yet our schools still function with the thought that things must be learned in the classroom. That thought is starting to shift and progress has been made, but we still have a long way to go to change some mindsets.
    • brarykat
      I love getting updates from friends teaching through outdoor classrooms or non traditional settings.  They always share the successes but also acknowledge any difficulties.  Trouble shooting is key for those making shifts to PLEs.
  • The employ of PLEs in the classroom can go horribly wrong if teachers fail to prepare students and set usage parameters. PLEs place a large amount of responsibility on students and thus requires a high level of self-management and awareness.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      These are critical steps! We can't just assume students know how to do it. We have to teach them the skills either at first or as you go along. Throwing students into the situation is setting them up for potential failure.
    • dykstras
      Agreed Kim! I also made a comment earlier about student motivation factoring into this too
  • What I do like about Symbaloo is that if I make any updates to this webmix, students receive the updates as well!
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      I use symbaloo for my library resources. I am able to embed it on my library page. What I like is that it gives the students the direct link to many of the resources without them having to hunt for them. There are times that I want them to do that, but sometimes it just needs to be quick and Symbaloo works well for that.
    • brarykat
      I like the links readily available for a teacher's specific unit. Symbaloo helps students stay connected to assignments and increases efficiency of finding information.
  •  I encouraged students to use their accounts as an information dashboard for “professional” or school interests as well as personal passions.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      I really like this idea. I have never really explored Symbaloo enough or thoroughly enough to use it with students. I would like to explore that possibility more as part of my personal learning plan
    • brarykat
      I thought that was an interesting idea also.  We've discussed Symbaloo for years but I hadn't considered students creating their own.
    • Heather Whitman
      I like the clean look of it. People get easily lost in many online sites. Symbaloo forces you to find the key sites. This can really force you to find the best of the best.
  • Students engaging in networked learning have to learn to be more self-directed than in the typical classroom
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      This is definitely a concept that we need to teach our students. Cooperative/group learning was something that I did not like growing up as I was usually the one most responsible in the group and ended up doing most of the work. We need to teach all of our students how this concept works so that it can be successful for all.
    • brarykat
      Very true for this to be successful.  I think a step before that is to do an in-depth training for staff.  So many times new methods and teaching tools are dumped in our laps without training, supports, or guidance.  PLEs could have lasting, powerful effects on students so I'd make sure it's all staff not just teachers to benefit from training.
  • A PLE is the method students use to organize their self-directed online learning, including the tools they employ to gather information, conduct research, and present their findings.
    • dykstras
      Interesting ... a PLE isn't a physical environment at all, but rather a method ... hadn't thought of it that way before reading this article.
    • blockerl
      I think what is also crucial to think about is how to get students to effectively research. We find this as a battle a lot. I wonder, though, if students are picking their own path that we would have more time to teach and reinforce these skills with them.
  • These tools provide a medium for students to create their own learning space that is more natural and unique to their interests and learning styles.
    • dykstras
      What? You mean our kids don't like to physically come to school, sit down, listen and learn anymore? And we are to adjust our 'teaching' to best fit their learning, including the delivery methods and mediums?!?!? Now that takes a GROWTH mindset!
    • brarykat
      Lol!  I have a small group of students everyday.  Because of the numbers I let them choose where we work each day - comfy loungers, table with rigid seats… I also let them make decisions on as many things as possible every period.  I like to think these students feel empowered, valued, and appreciated because of these simple tweaks to my teaching style.  However, realistically I believe this would be more difficult for me in a class of 30.  I want to learn strategies and then help other teachers to take the leap.
  • This encourages students to apply their learning in different venues which creates a culture of lifelong learning.
    • dykstras
      This to me seems like the greatest benefit to a PLE, but still relies HEAVILY on learner motivation. If a student is not motivated to learn (individually or otherwise) a PLE seems like it could be a way lose touch with that student
    • brarykat
      I agree with this also.  Motivated students are not my concern.  It's my middle school students that project their lack of interest, refuse or struggle to learn in the traditional setting, and those that show apathy toward any aspect of learning.  These students may benefit the most from PLEs but how to convince them in a class of 30+ is daunting.
  • facilitation of students’ “active role in the learning process”
    • dykstras
      I think a lot of modern day teachers (will) struggle with this ... moving from the keeper and giver of knowledge to facilitator of knowledge. We don't 'teach' them anything anymore that they can't learn on their own ... if they WANT to (even the quadratic formula). The challenge to me is how do we motivate and teach today's kids to WANT to learn on their own?
    • brarykat
      Yes, how do we instill the intrinsic value of personal growth and learning?  I see one way is connecting to real-world implementation.  Students ask "why learn this" and "when will I ever use this".  I agree that some or many teachers will struggle shifting from keeper to facilitator because it's out of comfort zone and control issue.
    • dassom
      I currently have a few students that would be ready and do well with this learning environment. How do we change the mindset of those other students that think school is useless and would do nothing all day long if given the opportunity? I'm afraid the "active" role may need to be more facilated that what we have been reading about so far.
  • The concept of PLE is not a way to replace classroom learning, but to enhance it.
    • bbraack
      I think this is important because some people might think that having a PLE for a student, then the teachers role is done. The teacher still has to provide what students need to learn, standards, but it is the student who decides how and the teacher is there to be a facilitator.
    • Heather Whitman
      I second this comment. This concept would take a lot of background and professional development. Teachers may feel threatened and some may worry about losing jobs as the internet can replace everything. Understanding it is not meant to replace is essential.
    • carlarwall
      So important to know that the teacher still plays an important role in this type of environment. Especially as students who are so used to the traditional learning environment move to a PLE.
  • Teachers, she explains, are no longer the primary or even the best source of information available to students
    • bbraack
      This is so true! With all of the ways students can find information using technology, the teacher is more there to help or facilitate a students learning if needed. Unlike "back-in-the-day", when students relied on the teacher or library for almost all of the information or learning.
    • emmeyer
      Truth. While the teacher's job has changed greatly, they are still very necessary. Now however, the need to teach students how to find the information and find good and trustworthy information.
  • Not every student is ready for this responsibility,
    • bbraack
      It would be nice if all students would be able to have a PLE, but some are not mature enough or motivated enough to work independently. Some students still need to be "pushed" to get work done and stay on task.
    • Heather Whitman
      There has never been one way for students to learn. We have to be flexible and offer different ways. I agree, this does not fit all students. We can still integrate pieces of this for students but use traditional means as well!
    • dassom
      The concept of PLE's seems really appealing to "lazy" teachers and it will unlikely work. For those of us that use technology frequently in our daily instruction you know that it takes a lot of pre-planning to incoporate technology appropriately. If you add the element of a student not being ready to take this step you either have teachers never try or really really fail.
    • carlarwall
      I agree that some teachers may think that using the PLE will be an easy out for them in regards to planning and instruction. If it is done well, the teacher who is part of the PLE actually should have more work to do as they monitor students on their individual work.
    • emmeyer
      Even while this does not work for all students, a modified version would still beneficial for all students. Some would need more guidance while still setting goals and completing projects.
    • Jill Carlson
      I would totally agree that not every student is ready, but isn't this the point of personalized learning?
  • PLEs give learners a high degree of control over their work by allowing them to customize the learning experience and connect to others, including experts in the field.
    • bbraack
      I think when students are able to customize their learning, then they take more ownership of it and are more inclined or motivated to do it, share and work with others wanting to learn the same thing or similar things.
  • clean, visual interface of Symbaloo and the ease of adding content; they also liked that they could customize the “tiles” they were adding and that their webmixes loaded quickly.
    • tifinif
      I'm in an elementary school and use Symbaloo in my library site. The kids and teachers love how easy it is to use and find the sites that they use quickly. I even have teachers accounts linked to our school page so that specific ages can go to their own class symbaloo.
    • blockerl
      That's smart! I bet it is really helpful for the elementary students! :)
    • carlarwall
      I have been out of the classroom for a couple of years. I would love a chance to share these ideas with some of the new teachers I coach in my work.
  • Because Symbaloo is web-based, you can access your favorite webmixes from different computers.
    • tifinif
      Teachers and kids love this at my school. I even give families the link so that they can use at home. They know that if I put a resource on it, that it is safe to use and they don't have to be roaming around looking for stuff that may end up being inappropriate.
  • Instead of a teacher providing resources that everyone uses, students can utilize their PLE to acquire information using preferred apps and resources such as blogs, YouTube, Pinterest, Ning or Delicious.
    • Heather Whitman
      This is such a win, win. The students are finding what interests them, helping others, and also helping the teacher. All too often teachers spend a large amount of time finding the resources. This works much better in the upper levels as it is essential to talk about reliability and good sources. I think it is essential to look at databases provided by the AEA and others purchased. These are reliable and good places to go. In the elementary, I send them here for reading levels and as they don't have the same ability to search online.
  • PLE by creating blogs, wikispaces, prezi presentations and photo collages as final projects; thereby diversifying instruction.
    • Heather Whitman
      This is where I get frustrated in the elementary. Most sites are for students ages 13 and up. I won't allow them to create their own prezi, animoto, powtoon, etc. accounts. So I have them use my login & password which is likely breaking copyright rules. These social media platforms (including Pinterest), need to create student friendly ones for ages 7 and up (just threw out an age) so that we can integrate similar style of teaching.
    • dassom
      I agree. If we wait until they are in middle school to have them "appropriately" use websites they have already developed their sense of digital citizenship without the proper instruction we know they need.
    • schma3
      Heather- I did some digging into Symbaloo's privacy policy and it looks like as long as you have obtained parental permission, students under the age of 13 can create an account- but I would look into a creating a pro account. I know I'm going to check it out! "By making any such personal information available to Symbaloo, you acknowledge that you have obtained the consent of a parent and/or guardian of that individual to provide such personal information, and that you have taken reasonable precautions to prevent individuals under the age of 13 from falsifying such consent"
  • Students can extend their learning into questions to parents, email conversations, Facebook posts or even twitter hashtags.
    • Heather Whitman
      Organizations/schools have always tried to increase communication. Parents have always continued to want more understanding of what students are learning. Using this type of format and inviting them into the learning is crucial. They can give feedback, see how to help, and also feel confident in what students are learning and the type of projects/products. The trick- how do we integrate families without internet? That is not impossible (especially if they come pick at school and allowing access in the library), but something to seriously think about. Rural areas can't go to McDonalds 20 miles away to do homework. We must have a policy to help those without internet.
  • supporting students in developing their skills and motivations for becoming themselves networked and sophisticated online learners
    • Heather Whitman
      I was elated to read this quote. I think we can focus too much on the what verses how do we grow and improve our resources. The sheer number of resources is overwhelming and can cause people to shut down. I think the key is to teach how to evaluate a resource and think about if it fits the current need. Curating is not like liking or making comments everywhere. We need to teach people how to decide.
  • teacher centered classrooms to more learner centered classrooms
    • dassom
      When we can get teachers to put the focus back on what the student needs, ideas and classroom revolutions like PLE's or flipped curriculum become much more likely.
  • teachers must pursue training and be knowledgeable of how to utilize PLEs to enhance learning and ensure that students are using this e-learning tool in a meaningful way.
    • blockerl
      This is extremely important. If we want to do something well, we must have good support and good training. It makes more sense for the teacher to initiate the training because there will be more buy-in.
  • I decided to revisit Symbaloo, which I first discovered about a year or so ago through my colleague and friend Wendy Drexler.
    • blockerl
      Our teacher librarian uses Symbaloo to organize the library resources like databases, the library link, etc. It's a nice visual.
  • Personal learning environments are beneficial because they support learning anywhere and allow learners to connect the diverse environments of school, home and play
    • carlarwall
      I think it is great that this type of learning will help to shift the mindset of the students to one in which they think learning can happen anywhere.
  • Study group resources
    • schma3
      I saw this being used with Freshman- this was a way for them to organize their resources for a research paper.
  • Symbaloo EDU
    • schma3
      I was doing some research on Symbaloo EDU and it looks like they have created something called Learning Paths- This would be a way for students to move through learning at their own pace.
  • You can share with the public or with a select group of individuals (via email).
    • schma3
      I like how easy it is to share web mixes with others. You could use Google Classroom to share different symbaloo's with different sets of students.
  • let’s never forget it is an ongoing balancing act. 
    • emmeyer
      This is true of teaching in general, especially when they are doing PLE!
  • sharing with others.
    • Jill Carlson
      This reminds me of the first grade blogs, I used to have my students do years ago. They loved the feedback from their parents and grandparents.
  • The social media platform that supports PLEs creates a perfect space for peer collaboration and sharing information.
    • Jill Carlson
      What would be the best social media platform to use for lower elementary students?
  • Symbaloo
    • Jill Carlson
      I love Symbaloo and the fact that it is user friendly enough for first graders to use!

ollie-afe-2019: Educational Leadership: The Quest for Quality--article - 6 views

    • nealjulie
      I thought this quote was interesting. I always believe that having more than one data point helps a teacher see more of a rounded picture of that student. Relying on just one assessment isn't fair to the student. I believe we should look at multiple assessments, formative assessments, check points to help our students grow. JN
  • assessor needs to have a clear picture of what achievement he or she intends to measure. I
    • rhoadsb_
      Assessment needs to be directly tied to the standard you are teaching too.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      When we were rolling out the Iowa Core, we really emphasized how content, instruction, and assessment were part of the "curriculum". Each piece playing an integral part in student learning.
    • nealjulie
      I think we as teachers need to make sure we are focused on what essentials we need to assess. We have the mindset that we must teach the content, and not the process. JN
  • ...66 more annotations...
  • Do the results provide clear direction for what to do next?
    • nealjulie
      Do we use the data for reteaching? JN
  • Students learn best when they monitor and take responsibility for their own learning
    • kmolitor
      I really like this idea of having students take responsibility for their own learning, and putting the learning target in language they can understand would definitely help!
    • mpercy
      I agree that students do learn best when they take on the responsibility but I also think this is the ideal situation and often does not happen. How do we motivate more students to do this?
    • alisauter
      I agree with this, but it seems so foreign to students. I think we need to plan on a lot of modeling to shift the responsibility to them.
    • nealjulie
      Student friendly learning targets! I believe involving students in tracking their own learning targets is very powerful! It's high on the Hattie scale. JN
  • f we don't begin with clear statements of the intended learning—clear and understandable to everyone, including students—we won't end up with sound assessments.
    • Wendy Arch
      While this seems like a straightforward idea, in reality, making a learning purpose clear and understandable to everyone - students included - can be difficult. Especially in English, the skill were teaching is not clear cut. CCSS Reading Literature 11-12.6 asks students to "Analyze a case in which grasping a point of view requires distinguishing what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant." However, there's no "right" answer to this skill. Student analysis of "what is really meant" could encompass a huge range of ideas. Crafting an assessment and teaching/learning opportunities that clearly delineate "proficient" analysis from "poor" analysis can't always be put into clear and understandable language. How can you quantify the qualitative?
    • kimgrissom
      There is truth in the challenge. But I know I have been guilty of knowing what I was looking for but not clearly communicating it to students. Then they are left to guess...which means they are likely to guess in at least some ways incorrectly. I think the more modeling we do, the more "anchor papers" we provide, the better students achieve our expectations. Putting those expectations into words and examples is its own challenge, but a worthy one.
    • cathy84
      It is nice to hear from other high school English teachers about the difficulty of measuring such subjective skills. I always struggled. One strategy I did find helpful was assigning paragraph writing as an assessment and scoring them 1-5, with a 3 being adequate and a 5 outstanding Then we would do several together and discuss what constituted a 3 and the differences between 3-4-5. That did seem to help, and students personalized the challenge of getting at least a 3 to show competency and reaching for outstanding.
  • t also helps them assign the appropriate balance of points in relation to the importance of each target as well as the number of items for each assessed target.
    • annott
      I really like this chart, it's easy to follow and easy to read.
  • minimizing any bias that might distort estimates of student learning.
    • Wendy Arch
      This is where I know as an English teacher, I can get bogged down in the details. All of my writing assignments have an assessment category for "M.U.G.S." as we call them (mechanics, usage, grammar, spelling), but those aren't actively taught and retaught every unit. We just expect students to have a certain level of proficiency at this point. However, that isn't always the case. There are MANY students who have not internalized the "rules" of writing. Their mechanics (punctuation) seems haphazard, grammar atrocious, usage nonexistent, and spelling like they fell asleep on their keyboard. However, a complete lack of those skills might not prevent them from being able to distinguish "what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant." I have to be careful to not allow my internal bias against poor writing ability to distort an accurate estimate of a student's learning and demonstration of the skill.
    • kmolitor
      When I read through this about minimizing bias it made me think of the old ITBS/ITED tests and a student we had that was new to this country. The student was very bright but he did not perform well on the test because of bias. One example I recall was he had no idea what a fir tree was as where he was from there was no such thing.
  • Will the users of the results understand them and see the connection to learning?
    • Wendy Arch
      This is also where I struggle. Our department uses the online program to give students feedback on written assessments and grade almost all work. This is partially to alleviate issues with plagiarism, but mostly because it gives students and teachers a one access point to communicate feedback. The program allows users to submit rubrics that students can see. We've started assessing rough draft using the final rubric so students can see where their work is in the rough draft stage so they know which paper criteria need work. They also can view my feedback on the paper that tells them how to fix what they need to fix. My frustration is when students aren't willing to go back and look at the feedback on the paper or rubric so they know what learning skills they still need to work on. How can we motivate them to look at the results, see the connections, and make the progress in learning?
    • kmolitor
      That is a great point! How do we motivate kids to go back and look at the feedback and make changes. Many of our kids just want to know what do I need to know to pass the test or assignment and once they pass that's all that matters.
    • jennham
      You have mentioned before that kids always want to know what they have to do in order to get an A or pass...but that's what I want to know when I take a course. I want/need to know what the expected outcomes are. I feel that kids have so many classes, tests, and assignments that if they don't ask those questions or think in that kind of a structured fashion that they will crash and burn. I get that we want them to LEARN and be passionate, but especially in required courses, the passion just isn't always there and the class literally is a box to check off.
  • From a formative point of view, decision makers at the classroom assessment level need evidence of where students are on the learning continuum toward each standard
    • Wendy Arch
      This is another area where I personally struggle. The time and flexibility needed to be truly responsive is astronomical. I currently teach 4 of the 10 sections of English 10 at Indianola High School. As a class cohort, we try to be within a day or two of each other in content delivery. However, if my students don't get a concept, it's difficult to take a day to reteach since that throws off my alignment with the other teachers. It also means that I would have would have different periods at different places. I'm hoping the flipped and blended learning opportunities will help with the time and organization issues I currently have. If I can break groups up into smaller cohorts based on skill, then use flipped/blended methods for each group, I can (hopefully) accomplish more within the time frame. It makes organization more complicated, but allows more flexibility.
    • kimgrissom
      This is why common formative assessments can be so helpful. If some of your students aren't getting something, it's likely that others aren't either. If you look at the whole team's formative data, it could be that everyone needs to adjust rather than just you.
    • barbkfoster
      And if your class is doing more poorly than another class, you can have conversations about the different instructional practices being used. We all do our best but it's ok to not be the best. Together we can do what is best for our students.
  • Do the results provide clear direction for what to do next?
    • mgast40diigo
      We receive a lot data but never do much with it. What do other schools do with their data? There are great questions within this paragraph that should be asked when the results are in. MG
  • A grade of D+, on the other hand, may be sufficient to inform a decision about a student's athletic eligibility, but it is not capable of informing the student about the next steps in learning.
    • mgast40diigo
      SBL and transitioning from all letter grades is a lengthy process but very beneficial for feedback purposes. MG
    • tommuller4
      I agree with you about the SBL and how it shows a student exactly what they know or what they need to improve on. A letter grade just give them a percentage of the time they have a correct answer. Doesn't give them any information at what they know or don't know.
    • kmolitor
      I agree Matt, but how do we get kids to go back and internalize the feedback?
  • aim for the lowest possible reading level,
    • mgast40diigo
      I am curious to see if the new Iowa Assessments focus on this. MG
    • kimgrissom
      I think this is also interesting because I know there are some tests that do this purposefully to "increase the rigor" of the test. For instance, AP exams notoriously use vocabulary to make the questions harder. This is saying it could be not just separating those who know less about the content, but also those who have different background, cultural knowledge, or just English as a first language. I, too, wonder how the ISASP will do with this.
    • mpercy
      Are we challenging our top students and preparing them for their futures when we use low reading levels? Seems to contradict what we are trying to accomplish.
    • rhoadsb_
      This is so very important as we are seeing a dramatic increase in student populations that are not fluent in English.
    • jennham
      I have developed a system where I always read math tests out loud. That way students are not missing information due to not understanding the vocabulary.
    • chriskyhl
      Jenn that's an interesting concept of reading the tests outloud....have never thought of doing that in a HS classroom but might help!
  • The classroom is also a practical location to give students multiple opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do, adding to the accuracy of the information available from that level of assessment.
    • rhoadsb_
      This is an important thing to consider in the design of your course.
    • tmolitor
      I agree, providing students multiple opportunities to show their knowledge, and understanding needs to be done.
  • Most assessments developed beyond the classroom rely largely on selected-response or short-answer formats and are not designed to meet the daily, ongoing information needs of teachers and students.
    • mgast40diigo
      I fall into this trap with assessments. I do need to incorporate more questions that focus on higher DOK levels. MG
    • jennham
      You are not alone. So do I. When I have an average of 70+ students to assess on math skills, these are easier.
  • Five keys to assessment quality
    • sjensen21
      To summarize, the 5 keys to assessment quality are: 1. clear purpose 2. clear learning targets 3. sound assessment design 4. effective communication of results 5. student involvement in the assessment process
    • cathy84
      Great idea on how to use an annotation tool. I can see this being very beneficial to high school students
    • chriskyhl
      thats a really cool usage! Could see teaching my kids to do this when doing technical reading
  • grouping the assessments
    • sjensen21
      Grouping assessments into levels: ongoing classroom assessment (daily work/observation), periodic interim/benchmark assessment (weekly quizzes/ group work), and annual state/district standardized assessments. I would add summative unit assessments (tests/projects) here also.
    • kmolitor
      Grouping assessments should give us a better picture of where students are at and help to identify where they need help.
  • cannot measure more complex learning targets at the heart of instruction
    • sjensen21
      Our school district is doing the ISASP this year for the first time. This is a computer based test based on the Iowa Core. I worry how these results will be used to evaluate student mastery of content specific standards. How much effort will students put into the test and are there too many distractors that will bias the results?
    • kimgrissom
      Those are legitimate concerns. On the other hand, what this quote makes me think of regarding the ISASP is that at least the types of questions are not only selected response. So many of the standards in the Core can not be measured by the only multi-choice questions in the previous test.
  • Bias can also creep into assessments and erode accurate results.
    • sjensen21
      On the new computer based standardized tests, ISASP, I worry that there will be skewed results, because this if the first time students have had to take a standardized test online.
  • descriptive feedback
    • kmolitor
      We do need to make sure that our feedback is helpful. Telling students "fix this" or "revise this paragraph" doesn't help them learn, the feedback needs to be more specific and point to the learning target.
    • tommuller4
      I totally agree with giving feedback about why they missed a question or problem. If you just count it wrong the student might now have any idea why they got the question wrong.
  • The assessor must begin with a clear picture of why he or she is conducting the assessment.
    • kimgrissom
      I think a lot of times we default to "for a grade" but there are lots of other reasons to consider.
    • tommuller4
      I think this is very important sentence. I know I don't do the greatest job of outlining learning goals everyday and explaining value in each. It's same thing for test. Are testing because its end of chapter or because you want to assess learning goals from the chapter that were the most important from the chapter and meet the standards for your class.
    • annott
      I agree Tom, I am not the best at covering learning targets with students. And maybe standards based learning will help focus my lesson designing and improve student learning.
    • rhoadsb_
      I think it is very important that we focus on the learning that is taking place within our classrooms and not on grading. Our assessments should be an avenue to strengthen learning and to inform the teacher what they need to do for learning to continue to occur.
    • alisauter
      This reminds me of UBD, or working backwards. The teacher knows the outcome first, and then builds the learning and assessments.
  • Selecting an assessment method that is incapable of reflecting the intended learning will compromise the accuracy of the results.
    • kimgrissom
      I thought the assessment brainstorming we did at the end of last week with ways to assess face-to-face vs. online was an interesting way to think of all the ways we can assess. I think as teachers we often default to a couple content-specific norms and it would be good to open up to other alternatives on occasion.
    • barbkfoster
      Many years ago I remember assessing my math students at the end of the year with a multiple choice test. None of my tests during the year were multiple choice, but finals were required and it was the most efficient way to get my grades done :( I'm sure it did compromise the accuracy of the results.
  • This means that teachers need to write learning targets in terms that students will understand.
    • kimgrissom
      I was a part of a John Hattie book study this year. In Visible Learning he talks a lot about success criteria being so clear that students can accurately self-assess their work. I think that's a really great goal for any rubric or learning target.
    • rhoadsb_
      Again here we should aim to write them in the lowest reading level possible
  • common assessments.
    • kylelehman
      I totally agree with this statement that we are assessing more than ever before. I don't think that it has to be a bad thing. However, I could see from a student's point of view that it could be overkill if they don't understand why.
  • Teachers have choices in the assessment methods they use
    • mpercy
      Is it important for assessments to contain all 4 types of responses?
    • jennham
      I don't think so. I think the teacher is to pick the best assessment method for that particular learning target.
    • tmolitor
      I agree with Jen. I think the teacher would need to use professional judgement to decide what the best assessment method would be. Sometimes it may include all 4 types though.
  • inform what decisions?
    • kylelehman
      This has been a large debate that we have been having at our district. We need some sort of feedback roll out that will say how we have managed the data and what the data is and will be used for.
    • tommuller4
      I think is important part for a teacher after each assessment to use results to maybe modify teaching topics that students performed poorly on. Maybe need an extra day to cover certain topics more in depth if students struggled with it on test or maybe we have a poorly written question on the test causing students to miss points.
  • communicated
    • kylelehman
      This has been another large debate that we have had. We want to make sure that our assessments are given back in a timely manner but we also want to make sure that they have correct and accurate feedback as well as to help the student know what they did well and where to improve and all of that takes time.
    • barbkfoster
      TIME! It's a four-letter word in teaching! The feedback we give students is WAY more important than the grade, and way more time consuming. How do we effectively give the feedback necessary for student growth in a timely manner? I'd love to hear strategies from others here.
  • Summative applications
    • kylelehman
      I think that this becomes more and more important as we look into SBG. Summatives are what tell you the story of how the students mastered something and if you want to see the evidence along the way, that becomes the formatives.
  • Periodic interim/benchmark assessments can also serve program evaluation purposes, as well as inform instructional improvement and identify struggling students and the areas in which they struggle.
    • mpercy
      Our math department has been looking at the AAIMS tests for Algebra students which could be used as data to support the learning taking place.
    • annott
      This makes me think of the concept of scaffolding. Which I have used in my classroom when lesson designing. Now I need to do the same thing with assessing. Assess students periodically both formative and summative.
  • minimizing any bias that might distort estimates of student learning.
    • kmolitor
      As teachers we do have to be careful of bias and making assumptions. When I read through this about minimizing bias it made me think of the old ITBS/ITED tests and a student we had that was new to this country. The student was very bright but he did not perform well on the test because of bias. One example I recall was he had no idea what a fir tree was as where he was from there was no such thing.
    • cathy84
      I completely understand this. Teaching writing and reading at the secondary level is so very difficult.
  • Creating a plan like this for each assessment helps assessors sync what they taught with what they're assessing
  • Knowledge targets, which are the facts and concepts we want students to know.
    • annott
      As our district moves toward standards based grading, understanding our knowledge targets is naturally happening during this process.
    • alisauter
      We are working on Power Standards in our buildings. I think this would fit with those too.
    • barbkfoster
      It all goes back to 1) what do we want them to know and 2) how will we know when they know it. We are working hard on choosing power standards. It is a long and exhausting process but a necessary one. Even after power standards are chosen, we need to break them down into learning targets our students can understand.
  • students to track their own progress on learning targets
    • whsfieldbio
      I have seen this done throughout a unit of student with a Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light rating for students to self assess their percieved understading of a learning target. This self assessment was revisited frequently and used to drive student to specific learning activities that they needed to work on.
    • tmolitor
      I think allowing the students to self-assess and set goals is really beneficial. I like the idea of using red light, green light, and yellow light for students to show the teacher their understanding.
  • performance assessment or personal communication may be less effective and too time-consuming
    • whsfieldbio
      One dilema that teacher face is the factor of time which we all know. I have worked with teacher who have over 200 students in their classes and often default to a selected response assessment item even when a performance based would be more appropriate. It is challenging to assess and provide feedback in timely manner with this many students. This is not an excuse, but a barrier that needs to be explored.
  • or making the correct answer obvious
    • whsfieldbio
      I would also suggest to make non correct answers plausible and avoid answers that are glaringly impossible. If student select the incorrect answer then teachers could be able to identify misconceptions from an item analysis.
  • dependable data generated at every level of assessment.
    • whsfieldbio
      I wonder how much professional develoment or preservice teacher training is spent on looking at data to make decisions. There is most likely a range of understanding of what data should be used to design instruction. This is why is it good to have a strong PLC for teachers to work through data and assessment creation (which is really challenging in itself).
    • chriskyhl
      we are starting this assessment process and it is very challenging
    • mistermohr
      It is amazing to me that data acquisition/analysis and student feedback/scores are largely two separate endeavors. In this day and age, these should be the same step. Without some automation, I don't think this can actually be done. At least not in a meaningful manner.
  • track their own progress on learning targets
    • whsfieldbio
      I have seen this done throughout a unit of student with a Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light rating for students to self-assess their perceived understanding of a learning target. This self-assessment was revisited frequently and used to drive student to specific learning activities that they needed to work on.
  • if students will be the users of the results because the assessment is formative
    • rhoadsb_
      Use of formative assessment is vital to the success of students and to inform teachers. this should be a daily practice and done through multiple types of measures.
  • n the past, few educators, policymakers, or parents would have considered questioning the accuracy of these tests.
    • alisauter
      Is this because educators had more trust among these stakeholders back in the day?
  • Assessment literacy is the foundation for a system that can take advantage of a wider use of multiple measures.
    • alisauter
      We need to be teaching assessment literacy in teacher prep classes.
  • inform students about their own progress
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      Shouldn't this be the goal of all assessments? If it serves other purposes great. If this does not become the focus of the assessment, then a student will start chasing points.
    • mschutjer
      Ideally testing should serve the purpose of helping the teacher and student see areas where they need improvement...
  • clear curriculum maps for each standard, accurate assessment results, effective feedback, and results that point student and teacher clearly to next step
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      I believe that this is important because highlights the role feedback plays in the assessment process. I think we often forget feedback.
    • tmolitor
      I agree, feedback is really important. It also needs to be provided as quickly as possible.
    • zackkaz
      Feedback is most certainly key for something that can be so subjective like writing, but I also think providing feedback on LOT can also improve students understanding. I know that is something I struggle with - leaving the necessary feedback. There's always a time crunch, and sometime students that assessed well receive little feedback even though they could use it too.
  • students can use the results to self-assess and set goals.
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      We need to model how to self-assess and set goals. I was guilty of expecting that my students knew how to do this.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      Yes. It is indeed a paradigm shift for teachers and students. Modeling the process to students and talking about it will help them get the most out of the assessment process.
  • learning targets represented in the assessment into a written test plan that matches the learning targets represented in the curriculum.
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      I wonder if the creators of ISASP has taken this into consideration. It would be interesting to learn how they accomplished this.
    • cathy84
      Excellent point!
    • cathy84
      I wonder who "we" are when the authors say "we're betting." I don't think it's the teachers, for we know the limits of testing.
  • cultural insensitivity.
    • cathy84
      I think this is a way bigger problem than ,most people realize.
    • cathy84
      I think this is a real problem with ISASP
    • zackkaz
      I'm willing to let ISASP run its course though - I think it is vastly improved from the old ITBS. At least it does have open ended questions and require students to process and write instead of the good ole A, B, C, or D.
  • Making decisions that affect individuals and groups of students on the basis of a single measure
    • robertsreads
      The idea that a single measure can accurately assess students is absolutely baffling to me. ~KMR
    • chriskyhl
      definitely a scary concept with the large presence and weight placed on these assessments
    • mschutjer
      it seems this concept totally contradicts what education stands for. Only good test takers like these tests.
  • We're betting that the instructional hours sacrificed to testing will return dividends in the form of better instructional decisions and improved high-stakes test scores
    • robertsreads
      I could not agree with this more. The amount of hours we spend preparing students for a single test is astounding. The time would be better served to actually teaching students content.
  • The goal of a balanced assessment system is to ensure that all assessment users have access to the data they want when they need it, which in turn directly serves the effective use of multiple measures.
    • robertsreads
      Given the requests for data from our administrators and other stakeholders, this is imperative.
  • From a summative point of view, users at the classroom and periodic assessment levels want evidence of mastery of particular standards; at the annual testing level, decision makers want the percentage of students meeting each standard.
    • robertsreads
      It is more beneficial for students to demonstrate mastery of standards than for students to test well.
  • assessment formatively
    • barbkfoster
      I feel like we could do a better job of formatively assessing students. When students hear the word assessment, they think quiz or test and they get apprehensive. We need to change their mindset and show them how they can use formative assessments (exit tickets, class polls, one-minute papers, etc) to help them take control of their own learning.
  • the use of multiple measures does not, by itself, translate into high-quality evidence
    • jennham
      I happy to say that in our district we are working very hard at using only those assessments that we find useful to both the teachers as well as the students. We have drastically cut back on the number of assessments our students take.
  • At the level of annual state/district standardized assessments, they involve where and how teachers can improve instruction—next year.
    • jennham
      I feel this takes us dangerously close to teaching to the test. Is that really what is best for students? Changing everything around in order for them to score well on standardized tests? If the goal is truly to benefit students and how they learn, I am all for it no matter what.
  • "I can make good inferences. This means I can make a guess that is based on clues."
  • Who is the decision maker?This will vary. The decision makers might be students and teachers at the classroom level; instructional leaders, learning teams, and teachers at the periodic level; or curriculum and instructional leaders and school and community leaders at the annual testing level.
    • zackkaz
      For those that teach AP they also have the AP board to assess
  • or summatively—to feed results into the grade book.
    • zackkaz
      Evan, just curious since you suggested that potentially the answer is no grade book? How would use summative assessments? Would students just keep repeating until they were garnered proficient?
  • Effectively planning for the use of multiple measures means providing assessment balance throughout these three levels, meeting student, teacher, and district information needs.
    • chriskyhl
      so important to consider all 3 levels when planning
  • Reasoning targets, which require students to use their knowledge to reason and problem solve. A reasoning target in math might be to use statistical methods to describe, analyze, and evaluate data. Performance skill targets, which ask students to use knowledge to perform or demonstrate a specific skill, such as reading aloud with fluency. Product targets, which specify that students will create something, such as a personal health-related fitness plan.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      These categories of learning targets seem to tie in nicely with authentic learning.
  • balanced system
  • balanced system
    • Deborah Cleveland
      Do districts map out these different groups of assessments on a yearly calendar? It would be interesting to see how many days a year are students engaging in assessment and also the types of assessment.
  • overflow of testing
    • Deborah Cleveland
      Yes. There is a lot of testing these days One of my friends mentioned that between testing and snow days she hadn't "taught" from MLK day to almost President's day. Needless to say she was anxious about how well students wee going to demonstrate learning when they hadn't had much instruction for over a month.
  • schools now make decisions about individual students, groups of students, instructional programs, resource allocation, and more.
    • mistermohr
      I think that these decisions are made too infrequently. One test may place a student in a group that is not in your zone of proximal development. They may be stuck there for quite some time.
  • We're betting that the instructional hours sacrificed to testing will return dividends in the form of better instructional decisions and improved high-stakes test scores
    • mistermohr
      and to think of the potential impact on opportunities available to students...crazy
    • mschutjer
      too much time is spent testing....
  • about the overall level of students' performance.
    • mistermohr
      From my experience, most of the high stakes testing explicitly states that the results should not be used on the individual student decision making level. Oh the irony....
  • ults

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 5 views

  • When that happens, the structures around the classroom leave little room for the kind of authentic, whole-child personalization many teachers dream of offering.
    • jennham
      This is a challenge for me. How do we personalize learning while ensuring that teachers are teaching and students are learning what is expected? I do not want online learning to become just something else they do in order to check a box on Yes! I have personalized learning for my students!
    • tracyc4
      Agreed. We have a lot of boxes to tick already. Where does the accountability lie when students don't achieve their goals/what is expected of them?
  • It’s as if engaging them in learning without technology has become this impossible task.
    • jennham
      Whoa! Having kids engaged in school and in their learning is something teachers have been doing long before technology became an imperative part of education. (I realize he agrees with me. That anyone could feel this statement strongly is what I reacted to.)
    • tmolitor
      I thought this was interesting as well. It seems like an easy out for anyone that needs an excuse. Oh it's not the content we just can't compete with their video games.
  • the best thing we can do for kids is empower them to make regular, important, thoughtful decisions about their own learning, what they learn and how they learn it
    • jennham
      How do we make this happen? I do not think that one teacher in a building can pull this off. I see this as being a monumental shift in an entire district to truly make personalized learning personal to each student.
    • anonymous
      I think this is also one of my main questions, and something I hope to explore in this course. Does personalized/personal learning work in small doses? In the confines of a single classroom or a single unit?
    • annott
      That is a total shift in thought, and I agree, how do we do it? Give me the manual!
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • personalization is “not about giving students what they want, it’s about a recommended learning path just for them.”[
    • jennham
      This really sums up, for me, the difference between personalized learning and having personal learning. I think it is the learning path that educators get caught up on. The Oh! This program scales up the difficulty if the student answers the question right and scales it down if they miss it!, type of thing. That isn't personal to the student at all.
  • This kind of learning allows students to work at their own pace and level, meets the individual needs of students, and perhaps most importantly, is not a one-size fits all model.
    • mgast40diigo
      What do you do with students that work at a slow pace and can't meet deadlines? That may lead to more of a teacher directed approach to speed things up.
    • tommuller4
      I think this would be a hard sell in the high school where the smarted kids would complain about having to do more than the other students. They would say that its not fair.
    • tmolitor
      I think you both bring up really good points. How can you even grade something like this when one student does twice the work of another?
  • We can truly individualize the classroom by using data-driven platforms to continually assess and track progress through any given curriculum and provide the most relevant content or resources to any given learner based on specific needs or learning styles
    • mgast40diigo
      Technology is amazing. There are so many tools out on the web that I haven't even used yet. I amazed how kahoot, quizizz, and google forms can assess and track data. It is scary to think what the next five years may look like in education and especially the tools we will have access to.
  • But I marvel how that, in many schools I work with, the prevailing narrative seems to be that we can’t engage kids without technology, without a smartphone, tablet computer or some other multimedia device or tool.
    • mgast40diigo
      There is a lot of truth to this. The problem is not only is this the truth in schools but households as well.
    • k_gibson
      We can't stop the technology train, nor should we. Tech, when used responsibly and effectively, is an invaluable tool in our society and schools. The key here is 'effectively.' Too many educators put kids on computers to look cool,"Hey, I'm using technology!" However, in reality, it's busy work and low-level thinking. What we ask students to do with technology is key to creating a truly PL classroom.
  • Give them opportunities to learn personally, to create their own texts and courses of study, and to pursue that learning with others in and out of the classroom who share a passion.
    • mgast40diigo
      How would this work? The 3 most important things in my son's life are Fortnite, socializing with friends, and sports. Where would the balance be if they were in charge of designing their own courses?
    • anonymous
      Depends on the topic, of course, and hard to motivate either way- but there is reading/writing/communicating in social media, Fortnite, and sports. There is history in sports. Math in sports. I'm sure your son uses our fundamental skills and builds new knowledge using the things he loves.
    • k_gibson
      I think to ensure that learning happens outside of the classroom, we need to shift education to a trade school model, where students are shadowing professionals, choosing apprenticeships/internships, etc. during normal school hours. These experiences would replace some of the traditional classes during the school day.
  • 2. Education is about the transmission of bits of information, not the construction of meaning.
    • k_gibson
      I disagree with how this statement is written. Education isn't entirely about the transmission of information, but information is still important and shouldn't be dismissed. Education can't be an 'either/or,' it must be a 'both.' Students need information in order to apply it, design, and create. Without information, there is a huge gap left in their learning called 'ignorance.'
    • anonymous
      I agree with your statement- I had to re-read this section a few times to understand exactly what they were getting at. I think the idea here is that students should be choosing/finding their information, though, not having that information 'delivered' to them.
  • same knowledge
    • k_gibson
      Every person/child is unique. I agree that skills, and to a point knowledge, should vary. However, there is a certain well-rounded nature we want children to possess to be successful in society. Hence why we created a common set of standards, like Iowa Core. There should always be certain skills and information we set forth for children to learn. Then, there should be an element to learning that opens up new experiences and opportunities for exploring interests. Balance is important, I think.
    • cmanring
      Very true. I teach History and Government. There is some information that must be had by all. The method, delivery, way can be different but none the less some items must be covered.
    • anonymous
      I unfortunately don't remember the source, though I'm sure it's something I could look up- but I was once taught/read that a lot of the things we do is just to train our brain to do more complex tasks. We may not necessarily use all the algebra and trig we learn, for example, but it builds new connections in our brains and helps us learn and think in new ways. That's sometimes difficult to explain to students.
  • it implies moving away from the industrialized form of education that pumps out cookie-cutter students with the
  • and skills.
  • commitment to individualism yet experience a “relentless pressure to conform
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      This sounds like every teenager's experience. I wonder if there is more pressure now that we have social media.
  • learning tends to nourish kids’ curiosity and deepen their enthusiasm
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      Is this the goal of education? Our at least one of our hidden goals that we do not measure. We only include it in our mission statement.
  • it involves collaboration and takes place in a communit
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      I think we often forget this part of learning. We are quick to hand students a computer and system to help students learn.
  • “Follow the money” is apt advice in many sectors of education
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      I think of many of the computer programs that my children use and wonder who is profiting from the subscription. It really becomes obvious when you attend ISTE and see the over the top parties that being thrown by various EdTech companies.
  • ‘We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance.’
    • cmanring
      The longer I teach (22 years) the more I find that the continued focus on test scores hampers a lot of learning. Teaching to the test, focusing on the test, etc. , etc. are sometimes a large waste of everyone's time. In this current era do we actually need to have state testing to decide if a school is functioning? When teachers are evaluated there is not a test.
    • tommuller4
      As a teacher its hard to give up some control of the classroom and give students the freedom to learn in whatever style fits them the best.
    • tmolitor
      I agree, it is hard to give up control of the classroom, sometimes it feels like giving up control the whole class will go crazy.
  • First, ask just about any vendor of personalization technology what the intended outcome is and, with a little prodding, you’ll get to this: better test scores.
    • cmanring
      The longer I teach (22 years) the more I find that the continued focus on test scores hampers a lot of learning. Teaching to the test, focusing on the test, etc. , etc. are sometimes a large waste of everyone's time. In this current era do we actually need to have state testing to decide if a school is functioning? When teachers are evaluated there is not a test.
  • but meaningful (and truly personal) learning never requires technology.
    • cmanring
      Very true. I have polled my students and at times they feel that there is an unnatural push towards using technology. They feel that some teachers/administrators push technology just for the sake of it. This did answer my question about In The Day Of The Life entry as my student will show the example that learning does not have to require technology.
    • tracyc4
      Agreed. I teach band. I sometimes have kids write on worksheets, counting rhythms, or reflecting on something they played or heard. Their handwriting is terrible! They don't spend any time writing anymore, it is all done on computers. This, I believe is a true shame. Technology is great for a lot of things, but when we are losing skills because of its use, that is frightening.
  • authentic choice
    • mistermohr
      This is tough to implement. Students don't know intuitively how to do this on their own. There has to be coaching a feedback provided. I know that I have not implemented this to any degree of fidelity, but I am amazed at what students come up with on their own. They need to know they have that freedom, and that comes with the knowledge of how to use it.
    • kmolitor
      It is important for students to have the freedom to choose things that are meaningful to them. When that happens they buy into learning.
    • taylormunson
      I agree that this is tough to implement but I think it is a critical component. The freedom of students getting to play a key role in their own learning is so fun to watch. I am amazed when I see even a small taste of this, the difference in the students' attitudes and motivations.
    • tmolitor
      When students are given an actual choice, it does seem to make a world of difference in their efforts. It also seems like they are more excited for class, and sometimes even upset when the period ends.
  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves.
    • mistermohr
      I love this line! We have to help students do things for themselves. I don't know about you, but implementing this for the vast majority of students takes so much time in getting them comfortable with the desire to learn. I know, I know, I'm just trying to pass the buck onto someone that "should have taught them that". How do I do it? I need to only consider reality, it doesn't matter if they don't know how. They need to learn how, and that is where I need to focus my attention.
    • tracyc4
      This is a powerful distinction. Teaching kids how to do things for themselves is something that I believe is important. The kids in my school lack the intrinsic motivation to do anything, except play Minecraft. As in many initiatives in education, I think that it is not necessarily that we should make a shift from one thing to another, but how can we blend the good from all? That is, how can we blend personalization and personal learning, not just follow one or the other.
    • taylormunson
      Wow! This really jumped out at me. I don't think many people would acknowledge the difference between personalized and personal learning. When described like this... it really makes me think of the key distinctions that must be made. The important part is not just that we are altering our instruction to what our students like but encouraging the development of personal learning experiences and helping set our students up for successful experiences when this is done.
  • who knows each child well
    • mistermohr
      Who has the time for this? I say it sarcastically, but this is really a numbers game. 25 kids, 45 minutes, 90 class periods in a semester. That is 2.7 hours per student. That includes getting to know students, helping with personalization choices, decision making, monitoring learning, providing feedback, monitoring new learning, providing more feedback on dozens of standards. Our system isn't designed to foster personalized learning. We are trying to fit a square key in a round hole.
    • anonymous
      It's true, this is definetely a system-problem. It's one of the questions I'm hoping to answer through this course. Can these concepts be used in smaller ways and have a significant impact? They do ask a lot of us as educators.
  • Certain forms of technology can be used to support progressive education
    • mistermohr
      I think of this as adaptive learning. it can be a valuable resource in personalization. Going back millenia, personalization began with the socratic method from Socrates himself. He was able to adapt learning through questioning, but he didn't rely on technology. He also had groups of 10 students for extended periods of time. So maybe technology allows teachers to have a larger effective reach than without it. In today's world, do you think technology aided learning is essential?
  • She cautions educators who may be excited about the progressive educational implications for “personalized learning” to make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means.
    • tracyc4
      My school is always looking to be on the cutting edge, looking for the new shiny thing that will catch people's eyes. "Personalized Learning" is the flavor of the year this year. It is frustrating as an educator in this situation because we feel we are doing something new ALL THE TIME. Our administration has not been clear as to what it will look like for us and our kids yet. While, in theory, I think that personalized learning will have many benefits for kids, I worry about what else it is going to pile on to us teachers.
  • system of accountability in the U.S. educational system
    • kmolitor
      Standardized tests seem counterintuitive to innovative learning. How do we balance the two?
    • anonymous
      If the standardized tests are on concepts/objectives that we think all students show know/understand as they progress through school, they should be general enough that students can approach them from different ways/their own ways and still achieve the objectives.
    • tommuller4
      Admin is always worried about test scores and rankings but if we want to give students the freedom to learn what they want the admin may be concerned about scores.
  • Big questions, passion, personal interest are what should drive our use of technology, not the other way around.
    • kmolitor
      We definitely need to make sure we consider what needs to be taught first and then how can technology make it better.
    • annott
      Good point Kelley.
  • best student-centered, project-based education, kids spend much of their time learning with and from one another
    • kmolitor
      This is so true when people have the opportunity to collaborate with one another it elevates their learning and productivity. Ideas help beget other ideas and help stimulate thoughts and create questions.
  • it implies moving away from the industrialized form of education that pumps out cookie-cutter students with the
    • taylormunson
      This made me think of our last forum post when we discussed the difference between "personalized and differentiation". This is what I was referring to when I said using them interchangeably doesn't necessarily work. It might... but often time personalized means student choice based and out of the ordinary.
  • For many educators that’s not the true meaning of “personalized learning.”
    • taylormunson
      If educators don't have the "true meaning" of personalized learning... is there a correct way of implementing into the classroom? Are implementation expectations meant to be just as flexible as the concept itself?
    • annott
      Have to admit that is what I normally do? I wonder if students would be more engaged.
  • After decades of this approach, it is clear that all children don’t learn the same way and personalization seems to honor those differences
    • tommuller4
      If we really want to teach our students we need to change the way we teach. We might need to have 3-4 different ways to teach the same topic.
  • “We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance,”
    • annott
      This is a very good point.
  • Our kids (and we ourselves) are suddenly walking around with access to the sum of human knowledge in our pockets and connections to literally millions of potential teachers
    • annott
      That is a huge change since I started teaching 26 years ago, and we still had some typewriters in the building, and maybe 3 computers.
  • content knowledge that, as we know from experience, never gets applied in real life.
    • annott
      I have struggled with this many times. Will they ever use this again?

Implementation in a Secondary Classroom (Articles) - 0 views

  • give students choice
    • brarykat
      Giving students choices significantly changes the dynamics.  The interview with these Finish educators was done in 2010, so eight year ago.  I believe most of what they mentioned has been introduced to us in these AEA courses or through district pd.  I'm glad to see our knowledge of how to implement has been nurtured even if we haven't had the opportunity to put it in action yet.
  • they are getting away with less work and effort
    • brarykat
      I appreciate number of expectations being included in student choice.  Their perspective about work and exuding effort might change over time and experience. 
  • nto math class? It does fit
    • brarykat
      Such a true opinion of Math not allowing students to easily make learning choices.  I appreciate their examples of how it can work.  I'd like to see more and in my age range.  
    • bbraack
      I am also glad the article showed an example of how to use in math. Reading some of the articles in this course, I have always been wondering how I could use PL in my math classes. I am glad this article gave and example. I too would also like to see more examples for how to use it with my students in Algebra 2.
    • Jen Van Fleet
      This would be the content area with the biggest frequency of teachers asking how they could embed technology into their specific content area. Glad to see examples!
  • ...42 more annotations...
  • it makes for a less traditional- looking classroom
    • brarykat
      Opportunities for teachers to shift into personalized learning through layout of classroom space, students taking active role in their learning path, and teachers allowing method of completed work to be student choice.  Implementing concepts can be done at comfort level of the teacher.
  • purposeful design of instruction to combine face-to-face teaching, technology-assisted instruction and collaboration to leverage each student’s learning style and interests for deeper learning.
    • brarykat
      Robyn Howton identifies personalized learning isn't just putting a chromebook in the hands of students and saying "Ok, do whatever you want."  PLE takes time, planning, and dedication that students will benefit from choice and ownership in their learning.
  • It is a messier way to teach, though it takes more organization on the teacher’s part, not less.
    • bbraack
      I can understand how it would take a teacher to be more organized when students are choosing their own way to present material. The teacher in a traditional setting would have all of the students use the same method or material for learning, where now each student can have a different way to learn the material and present it. The teacher would have to have some knowledge of the different types of ways students could use to learn and present.
    • Jen Van Fleet
      Agreed, I think that teachers would have to look for more characteristics of presentations rather than a specific set of measurable criteria. You could try to set up a rubric based on criteria, but I still think teachers would need to be open should a student show up and do something that meets learning standards yet defies the confines of a rubric.
    • dassom
      I think this is where teaches shut down. Teachers think that Flipped learning or Personalized learning is less work, in reality it is a lot more work. It'd be easier to keep track of 20-30 kids on exactly the same path.
  • I use all of this data to inform adjustments
    • brarykat
      Coming from an early childhood/elementary teaching background the idea of continual assessment makes sense.  Checking for understanding during informal situations can lead to students getting help sooner.  It might be just tweaking a thought or more in-depth reteach, but the student will  have the opportunity to "get it" and move on compared to a final grade at the end of the unit and never understanding a portion or whole concept.  That isn't providing our students the best learning environment.
  • choices that promote feelings of control, purpose, and competence are likely to be more motivating than choices that do not.
    • bbraack
      When students have a choice, it does make them feel like they are a part of their learning and not just having someone else tell them what they are to learn and how they are going to go about learning the material. It gives them a reason to do the lesson and feel powerful in doing it.
    • Jen Van Fleet
      Yes. Not just for kids. When I'm not micromanaged and feel that my support system supports my learning and interests, I am much more inclined to be engaged, productive, satisfied, etc.
    • anonymous
      We experienced that in our Personalized Professional Development this year. We were able to select an area of interest, learn about it, then present what we learned. We had very positive feedback and pretty motivated on PD days!
  • My next goal is to let them “test out”
    • brarykat
      I think this is such a good idea.  It would take an organized, dedicated teacher to be willing to take this step.  How many behavior issues arise because students are bored because they already know the concept?  Give these students the chance to be challenged with deeper level of the topic.  The difficulty is it may take professional development, teacher willing to collaborate with global colleagues, and time.  Baby steps are still better than no step at all.  
  • I mean it is easy for me to learn because I can pick assignments that let me do my best work
    • brarykat
      To me this kind of reaction from students is one we should all be striving to receive.  Our world has changed and continues to evolve, we need to change with it.  
  • people who believe that they have control tend to be more motivated
    • brarykat
      I think many of my students feel they have no control over anything.  This statement can be a powerful motivator used with integrity.
  • A sense of purposefulness or meaningfulness is also heightened if the activity strengthens relationships with others.
    • brarykat
      I think this sentiment is true for all of us.  I am more motivated and engaged in assignments for these courses when I know the completed project has practical use with my students or staff.  Not many of us appreciate busywork to my knowledge.  We just don't have time for it.
    • anonymous
      I am the same way.Time is precious and I want to spend time in things that are meaningful and that I can actually put to use in my classroom.
  • It is less stressful to her and focuses the students on what they need to do to regain control.
    • bbraack
      When I have students talking too much during class or "goofing around", I have had them choose who is going to move. Like the article says, it is less stressful for me and the students usually end up apologizing and gaining control of their situation. Again, they feel they are a part of it and are taking ownership instead of someone telling them exactly what to do.
  • to use the students’ questions rather than her own to frame discussions,
    • brarykat
      I do a middle school battle of the books requiring students to submit 2 questions from each book they read.  They are expected to read a certain number of books to participate.  It was a game-changer when I started using their own questions instead of mine.  They were more engaged, listened for their questions, and teams were more excited about participating.  It really works!
  • Choices like this honor divergent ways of thinking a
    • brarykat
      Not only does it honor divergent ways of thinking, it also allows students to be exposed to another way of thought that they may not have considered.  Therefore helping students understand the concept even more and recognizing the creativeness of others.
  • schools must provide appropriate professional development opportunities, both from within and beyond the school setting
    • brarykat
      I worked in a school district on the cutting edge of personalized learning.  The district ended up dissolving it back to traditional teaching.  I think a major factor in it's failure was this point… ongoing professional development and support have to be in place.
  • vision must pervade the organization, top to bottom
    • brarykat
      Interesting… this was another reason it failed.  Our district was split - buildings had nontrad vs traditional teachers. It was tearing the system apart.  From my experience I believe the vision has to be realized and accepted by majority across all positions for success. 
  • this preparatory process
    • brarykat
      I understand this isn't the end all solution, but using a process like this could have saved that program from failing.  
  • This is not a method, but an art and a talent
    • brarykat
      Some teachers just have it… and others can learn aspects of it.
  • While choice can be a powerful motivator, on some occasions it can also have an adverse effect. In other words, not all choices have a positive effect on motivation and achievement. Therefore, it is helpful to consider a few factors that can help teachers design choices that have the potential to positively influence motivation and achievement.
    • Mike Radue
      I think this is what concerns educators and the general public when considering the implementation of personalized learning practices. Left to their own devices, students may not select the most appropriate or rigorous activities/topics. The success of personalized learning will include the teacher's ability to challenge that process when necessary.
  • Therefore, personalized teaching is not an isolated, or isolating, phenomenon. Instead, it combats the deadening effects on learning that result from teachers’ isolation and anonymity in large school settings.
    • Mike Radue
      While I'm glad and agree that personalized learning can help accomplish this, I think the reason provided could be true when implementing other programs/systems/philosophies. The more teachers collaborate, the better the respective learning environments.
  • Completion rules also give me the freedom to have small-group or individual conferences to assess learning and make choices about future instruction.
    • Mike Radue
      Great example of the many benefits of personalized learning. In this case, personalized learning and the completion rules alluded to actually create time for the teacher to work more closely with students. This is a win-win situation.
  • Not every program lends itself to choice, of course, but even then there are opportunities.
    • Mike Radue
      I think it's important to remember that flexibility and adaptability are important during implementation of personalized learning. Not everything will fit neatly and work flawlessly. If viewed as an opportunity or a challenge rather than a problem, the chances for success greatly improve. It always comes back to finding that right mix and balance of instructional practice and processes.
    • dassom
      If you have the opportunity to test this out in a face to face classroom I think it is important to not force this idea just because it's the new thing you learned about. If you want it to be successful it needs to make sense within the classroom and it needs to be authentic.
  • You really have to be on top of things to allow the students choice since now there is more than one “right” way of doing something in the classroom
    • blockerl
      I agree that you have to be more on top of things, but I really think that it helps to ensure good communication with students. Those quiet students are less likely to fall through the cracks. Plus, if we weren't checking in on the students and their choices, we would be nagging them to get what they have not interest in doing done.
  • I decided to “release” one piece of the assignment at a time in an effort to control students’ pathway through the materia
    • blockerl
      I really like the idea of starting small. It's the best way to do any transformation, but we often think we have to change all things at once. It's a nice reminder that we don't have to. A little at a time. :)
    • dassom
      I like the term they used a release because for this to be successful it is what the teacher has to do. They have to release control of the learning.
  • creating a website, or writing a script for a video that they then record.
    • blockerl
      Great idea! Sometimes I think we essay kids to death . . . for what purpose? Don't get me wrong, essays and formal writing is important, but I don't know that writing an essay has to always be the only way.
  • students receive a digital review of the research proce
    • blockerl
      I'd be interested to see more of what this digital review looks like. Does she have different videos for each step of the research process? This is an interesting concept.
  • Okay. Here’s a list of choices. Choose one. As long as you follow the steps in my rubric, you’re fine.’”
    • hansenn
      You would just have to create a rubric that would cover all of the ways students could produce a final project. The rubric would have to focus on the learning targets not what the project looks like. I would assume students would be presenting this work.
  • “One of the things I had to learn recently was to let go and allow the kids to experience the consequences of their choices.
    • hansenn
      What happens if a student does not work on the project? If the project takes a long period of time and they wasted too much time then They may not have time to finish it. I understand how student's might fail and that is part of learning. Middle School students need some time management help when keeping on track. It would be difficult to totally let go.
    • dassom
      I think this is where my hold up would be on a project. It's hard for me to see my students fail. Especially when the student is actively trying to succeed. Failure is a part of real life but I think I'd try to do too much of the work for the student so ensure success.
    • dykstras
      I'm with you guys here. Real life has deadlines ... and consequences for not meeting those deadlines. Personal(ized) learning requires a total growth mindset from both the student and the teacher. I'm not sure I'm there yet. Can't relinquish that control totally. I've tried blending my instruction and that's not going the best. Turning them loose completely scares me.
  • they liked it because it was what they picked.
    • hansenn
      Must students do enjoy the learning more if they have some choice. Some of the math class would have to be the same, but students would like choice where available. Or you could have students think how they might use a certain skill in their real lives.
  • One of you needs to move. You decide.
    • hansenn
      Interesting idea, I would love to see a video of this in action. The teacher must have taught conflict resolution skills. Many students do not have the skills to complete this task. Maybe with the help of a peer mentor, on their own would be difficult depending on the age of the students.
    • dassom
      This is a cool idea. I would also like to know more about how this works in class. I think putting the uncomfortableness on the students might help improve the behavior more quickly.
  • Learn from others. I won’t lie. The journey from old school to new learning paradigm was bumpy at first. I tried blended lessons that took less time than planned, had technology failures, chose the wrong method of delivery for various types of content or skills, and generally made every mistake you can imagine. But I didn’t give up, and eventually I had more successes than failures. My students’ input and further pedagogical study helped me refine my lesson planning until I got it right.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      This is HUGE! The whole thought can sometimes be overwhelming. I think the time and effort that it takes to develop this type of learning can be overwhelming, but once you have it done it is simply then managing and updating as needed.
  • Let students make choices. When I first embarked on this mission, I decided to “release” one piece of the assignment at a time in an effort to control students’ pathway through the material. Since then, I have learned that a more personalized approach to assignments — which is also aligned to the ISTE Standard for Teachers addressing digital age learning experiences and assessments
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      Giving students choice - hard concept for teachers to grasp at times. We have always been the ones in control. Learning has shifted to more student driven. We just need to get our teachers there.
  • One strategy that many teachers use to foster higher levels of interest and engagement is choice. However, research in the past decade has revealed that choice is not necessarily a cure-all for lack luster motivation. While choice can be a powerful motivator, on some occasions it can also have an adverse effect. In other words, not all choices have a positive effect on motivation and achievement. Therefore, it is helpful to consider a few factors that can help teachers design choices that have the potential to positively influence motivation and achievement.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      This is something I struggle with. I might have an amazing class setup, but if the student is not motivated by what I have setup how do I reach them? The struggle is real!
    • Jen Van Fleet
      Lately I've been studying some of the culturally responsive pedagogy discussion protocols that we'll learn more about next year, and the biggest factor that I see repeating is not only should the content be engaging, but some students need support in getting started. Some students need discussion protocols in order to feel like they have a valid voice. I think engagement and inclusion go hand in hand.
  • When you want to give students choice, it is often optimal to give them a limited number of options, but be as flexible as possible. Since motivation depends upon an individual’s perceptions of control, purpose, and competence, students may perceive the same set of options differently. For example, when a teacher assigns a research project, some students will prefer to have a broad range of topics, others will prefer a small list of options, and yet others will prefer to be told what to do. Giving students a short list of topics with an option to create their own topic, with the teacher’s approval, often works well.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      I think that it is okay to start out with fewer choices to get students use to the system and then add on as the students seem to be catching on. Too many choices might be overwhelming.
  • ore rigorous, challenging, engaging and thought-provoking curriculum.
  • Use the technology you have.
  • more to creating blended lessons than simply adding technology.
  • math had a purpose in relation to something they cared about.
    • dassom
      Changing the titles of graphs may help motivation but I struggle even in my 10 year of finding ways to gets meaningful connections. I find more success it making the math attainable to all the students so that it's not "too hard" to complete.
  • collecting data
    • dassom
      This is necessary to test if the learning is the same. Ideally the personalized lessons make it more meaningful, but if the kid is interested in learning but is not learning as much as a traditional classroom, is this okay? Is it acceptable?
  • This flipped learning setup frees up my students to use classtime to practice their skills.
    • dykstras
      I have tried this two years in a row now and just can't get the kids and parents to buy in. In today's day and (digital) age one would think kids would rather watch videos on their favorite device as 'homework' and do their 'homework' at school where there are under lock down anyway. Why can't I get my kids to buy into this concept?
  • lack of motivation among students
    • dykstras
      I see this as the biggest hurdle in this movement. You take an unmotivated learner and give them the autonomy to 'personalize' their learning and you risk totally losing them. You better have a system of tight checks and balances in place to keep them on track.
  • Units of study in each learning community are planned around the “big ideas” in each subject area and often have interdisciplinary ramifications.
    • dykstras
      For those of you non-elementary folk (of which I am now a part of) this reminds me of the dreaded end of program thematic unit from the late 90's early 2000's. In order to graduate I had to produce a multi week, multi subject area unit covering math science social studies and language arts. Now I think that's easier to pull off when you are the sole teacher. Trying to incorporate something like this in a middle, or god forbid a high school, would be extremely challenging. But I have an idea that centers around baseball if anyone wants to join forces :-) An idea like this has lifelong learning implications.
  • believe they will succeed during challenging activities tend to be more motivated
    • anonymous
      This is where we will see growth in student knowledge. They will be more willing to test things if they are motivated for success.
  • who, what, when, where, and how questions.
    • anonymous
      These were questions we has when students were doing research for World Peace Day. These are also the base questions for informative writing.

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 1 views

  • but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance
    • edgerlyj1
      This is such a true point. We emphasize wanting to produce independent critical thinkers, but most of our whole educational system is aimed at producing compliant students who have all mastered the same things.
    • agoeser
      Do we have a need for students in society that haven't mastered the basics? I just feel we need both worlds. We need a traditional classroom with traditional standards and we need personal learning aspects to benefit the individual.
    • crystalseier
      As teachers, we think of adding choice or creativity is a simple way to differentiate and personalize learning for students. Yet, we are still in the mindset of assigning grades. How do you grade someone on creativity and innovation?
    • cgerbracht
      I think it is difficult for teachers to offer a more personalized approach to learning when the state demands rigorous and frequent assessments on our students.
    • edgerlyj1
      crystalseier: "Yet, we are still in the mindset of assigning grades." I agree 100%. The realm of personalized learning is hindered by the current reality that we have to grade students. I see progress in this area because some schools are going away from class rank and some are even getting rid of GPAs. I think standards-based grading is progress towards being able to have more flexibility in the classroom and not being restricted by grades, both as a teacher and also in the minds of students (and parents!)
  • Personalization is often used in the ed-tech community to describe a student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace. The only choice a student gets is what box to check on the screen and how quickly to move through the exercises. For many educators that’s not the true meaning of “personalized learning.”
    • edgerlyj1
      This may not be "personalized learning" based on the definition, but I feel this is a common stepping stone for most teachers to move in that direction. I feel it would be very hard to move from traditional teaching to completely PL based on how it is defined.
    • cgerbracht
      I think there can be a place for these tools in a classroom. However, they are definitely not personalized. My first graders use a math program like this. It adjusts instruction based on students' answers. I use it as part of my math stations, but I do not see it as the entire instruction by any means. I also do not see it as personalized learning. Students do not get to choose interest areas. It does not even really allow for solving math problems in unconventional ways. However, I do find it to be a useful resource for a small part of the school day.
  • personalization only comes when students have authentic choice over how to tackle a problem. A personalized environment gives students the freedom to follow a meaningful line of inquiry, while building the skills to connect, synthesize and analyze information into original productions.
    • aaronpals
      This particular section revealed some real fears I thought I didn't have about relinquishing control.
    • agoeser
      It seems like technology will be controlling the classroom instead of the teacher.
    • jessicamotto
      When teaching very young students, how can the make an authentic choice to tackle a problem?
    • crystalseier
      Facilitating opportunities for 'authentic choice' for each student for every concept is an overwhelming thought. Students need to have the skill of being self-motivated.
    • mriniker
      I love the idea of personal learning and kids would be more engaged in authentic work. But how do we give them the skills we are still required to teach while allowing this type of environment.
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • However, in order to navigate the system of accountability in the U.S. educational system, many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum that will be evaluated on standardized tests, while at the same time telling teachers to be innovative and creative within their classrooms.
    • agoeser
      It seems that the older generation is more reluctant to change the way students learn. I feel that a large percentage of people that have been in education for quite awhile want standardized tests, data, etc. That is what they know. Changing to a personal way of learning is going to take many years for everyone to buy into that my opinion.
    • aaronpals
      Agreed. I think even the new generation of teachers out there are behind the pace of what students need nowadays because the conventional ways of education have been so slow to change.
    • edgerlyj1
      Yes, it's going to be slow change.... I think what complicates this is the rate at which technology changes things. We just can't keep up!
  • From what I’ve seen, flipping doesn’t do much for helping kids become better learners in the sense of being able to drive their own education.
    • agoeser
      I had a friend that taught HS English/French for over 30 years. She retired last year because she said her school was using more and more technology. Her exact words were "I have no desire to learn all that new technology." My first thought was "that's too bad. Maybe she would have really enjoyed the new changes."
    • agoeser
      Her style of learning was having the students read the material at night and discuss the material during class.
    • anonymous
      It really is a shame at what some of these teachers that are near retirement age are missing out on. I understand that change is not always fun at first. However, when we see the engagement and joy in the students' eyes with these new and exciting resources we have to offer them, that's when our jobs are most rewarding!
    • christopherrush
      That can be true, but I know students who feel the opposite. In some foreign language classes, they are being inundated with technology (videos, interactive sites, music), but they hate the courses because they aren't learning anything! No grammar, no sentence structure, no parsing, just parroting sounds pretending technology is giving them an education. Sometimes too many resources can be detrimental.
  • Certain forms of technology can be used to support progressive education, but meaningful (and truly personal) learning never requires technology.
  • Therefore, if an idea like personalization is presented from the start as entailing software or a screen, we ought to be extremely skeptical about who really benefits.
    • agoeser
      It seems we can't do anything without technology. Does anyone think technology has went too far? I struggle with that question.
    • anonymous
      I also struggle with that question. Is technology great? Yes. Is technology changing the way we think and teach at times? Yes. Should technology always be the main focus of our teaching/learning. I don't necessarily think so. I feel students need foundation skills (reading from print books, basic mathematics understandings, etc.) before they have the potential to be distracted by technology. Can a child learn to read on an iPad-of course! Can a child learn their numbers on an iPad-of course! But there is something about a child holding a book in their hand and flipping the pages as they are learning to read. There is also something about a child using counters and manipulating them to help them get a better sense of numbers.
    • bennettfr
      I think we need to think in terms of what works best for the student. I have students that hate getting on computers to do their work and would prefer just to work out of a workbook or have a worksheet with manipulatives. Part of personal learning is letting the students choose how to do the work, at a minimum.
    • jessicamotto
      I agree that we need to think about what works best for each student. Even in preschool we have technology requirements and I have students that could care less if they ever had tablet time. I feel bad trying to force technology on them when the information could be learned a different way.
    • cgerbracht
      I agree with you mogrena. Looking at education through a developmental lens, I do not feel that allowing young children large amounts of technology use is appropriate. Young students need to manipulate objects. It can't be done exclusively with a software program.
  • I’m not sure we as a community are spending enough time digging to parse what those words really mean, especially in the context of what deep learning now requires in a connected world.
    • agoeser
      Put 20 people into a room and you'll have 20 different answers for those words.
    • aaronpals
      Agreed, "deep learning" can mean varying degrees of effort, time, and rigor depending on who is talking.
  • In a world where we can explore almost every interest or passion in depth on our own or with others, it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
    • agoeser
      We talk about personal learning for our children. What about the learning for our educators? Should we incorporate this in the college setting?
  • pumps out cookie-cutter students with the same knowledge and skills.
    • anonymous
      I found this analogy very intriguing and have never thought of education in this way. However, now that I read this, it totally makes sense to me.
    • christopherrush
      It's a good thing to keep in mind as teachers, definitely. I have a senior doing her senior thesis on the failings of the Industrialized Education System, and it's hard to argue against her.
  • It’s as if engaging them in learning without technology has become this impossible task.
    • anonymous
      As educators and the rise of technology, I feel this is typically listed as one of the top 5 ways to engage students today. They are used to technology. However, it is our job to make the content engaging without ALWAYS having technology at our finger tips.
    • christopherrush
      We will never be able to keep up with the kids' access to latest technologies, so we just embarrass ourselves when we try to impress them with technology. We should focus on teaching them how to use it - kids don't know how to indent papers or format block quotations anymore!
  • If we can’t engage our kids in ideas and explorations that require no technology, then we have surely lost our way.
    • christopherrush
      That strikes me as a crucial point. Why are we embarrassed to say "take your library card to the library and personalize your learning in there for a few hours a day"? Is reading books old fashioned and not "real learning" anymore? Surely with all the brain research coming in about the deleterious effects of starting at screens all day, we can't continue to advocate technology as the only solution for "real" education.
  • Finally, it seems like everything is being “flipped” these days
    • christopherrush
      Not every subject lends itself well to "flipping" - mathematics springs quickly to mind. Often when students are told to teach themselves the lesson at home without initial direct instruction and guided practice by the teacher, the result seems to be frustration and tears not learning and mastery.
  • f the point is to dump a load of facts into children, then it may be necessary to adjust the style and rate of dumping – and to help teachers become more efficient at it.
    • christopherrush
      But is this not, at least in part, what is actually meant by "education"? Are we saying a third grader does not need to learn multiplication skills or division skills if he'd prefer a personal learning path of video games and potato chips all day? I'm bemused by the embarrassment over the history of human learning as if someone it is wrong for us to pass it on to the next generation. (Would we allow our children to create their own personal eating plan simply because their hearts tell them to seek out ice cream and tootsie rolls instead of vegetables and fruit?) Someone help me understand this, please.
  • kids spend much of their time learning with and from one another.
    • christopherrush
      Some of the best "test answers" I've gotten over the years are from group tests, in which students are wresting collaborative ideas and interactions with the material out of each other in a much more engaged way than they would individually. And surely quality interaction with ideas is the goal? at least one of them?
    • bennettfr
      Some of my best days in my career have been days when my students are working with partners on a topic and I get to see them helping/teaching each other and fixing each others misconceptions!
  • The main objective is just to raise test scores
    • christopherrush
      But when the Administration and the Board declare this is the only objective (to use the adjective) way we have to measure classroom "success" ... how do teachers counter that? Especially when SAT averages and college acceptance lists are the main selling points on the promotional material?
    • aaronpals
      Agreed with the premise that there are some serious issues in what counts as "success" in our school systems. Risk taking is fine, encouraged even, as long as the research behind it says it will help scores go up.
    • mriniker
      This is a sad truth in teaching today. As a reading interventionist Fast score have a large influence in what I am to be working towards and what is considered success. However, my success is when students are becoming better readers. Good readers is a much larger picture than how fast they read. Are they monitoring their reading, do they understand it? These are skills that matter greatly as well.
  • You want to really engage kids? Give them opportunities to learn personally, to create their own texts and courses of study, and to pursue that learning with others in and out of the classroom who share a passion.
    • bennettfr
      I truly do want to engage my students, but am fearful of giving up control and putting the responsibility in their hands. Especially with all the buzz about teacher accountability for student growth.
  • the best thing we can do for kids is empower them to make regular, important, thoughtful decisions about their own learning, what they learn and how they learn it
    • bennettfr
      I would agree that the best thing we can do for students is empower kids to realize that education isn't a spectator sport, they have to participate and take responsibility for their own learning, but so many kids have learned helplessness and are fearful of failure.
  • new dispositions to take advantage of it for learning.
    • aaronpals
      How do we teach these new dispositions. Now that it's easy to find "facts" about stuff and just pull up a video of someone else do we help students understand that learning encompasses more than just the ability to find out stuff?
  • The idea of personalized learning is seductive
    • aaronpals
      #1 Are my classmates seeing this? #2 Given that it is Valentine's Day and I'm bust annotating, I'm going to press pretty hard against the idea that PL is seductive. Curiosity building, full of potential, even rabbit hole-like, but definitely not seductive.
  • Follow the money” is apt advice in many sectors of education
    • aaronpals
      and to some degree, all sectors of education.
  • Personalized learning entails adjusting the difficulty level of prefabricated skills-based exercises based on students’ test scores.   It requires the purchase of software from one of those companies that can afford full-page ads in Education Week.
    • aaronpals
      But these tools the companies sell can be used as measuring stick to ensure some levels of competency are reached, right?
    • cgerbracht
      That is a challenge of personalized learning. There needs to be some accountability that students are meeting standards.
  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves.
    • jessicamotto
      As a former special education teacher, I am very familiar with personalized learning. I'm just beginning to learn how personal learning is different.
    • ashleyteunissen
      I agree, I too have been a special education teacher and feel that all I have done is personalized learning, but am on board with you that I am just learning about personal learning, about how it really includes the student, where my IEP's, although tailored to the student, didn't involve the student in decisions.
    • mriniker
      As a reading interventionist I feel we are always giving personalized goals for our students and working towards them. Personal learning sounds exciting but will take a great shift in mindset. How do we allow for personal learning while still meeting kids goals in areas they need support in?
  • Big questions, passion, personal interest are what should drive our use of technology, not the other way around.
    • jessicamotto
      I think this is true- so many times it feels like we are using technology just to use technology. We should start with what we want to learn and then decide what technology will work best.
    • ashleyteunissen
      I think teachers who aren't comfortable or well versed in all the latest technology feel incompetent, which is sad, because we can engage students without technology, but the current drive is to use technology all the time! If you're not using it, you're an old dog that can't learn new tricks.
  • Education is about the transmission of bits of information, not the construction of meaning.
    • jessicamotto
      "Learning" through rote memory is not learning. Students must understand the principles behind what they are learning to actually learn.
    • ashleyteunissen
      A professor of mine in college called this "binge and purge" teaching, where the students "binge" on the content the night before a test, then "purge" it back out for the test, and then it's gone, not thought of again! 
  • most of the content knowledge that, as we know from experience, never gets applied in real life.
    • ashleyteunissen
      Yes!  I have thought so many times that all this content knowledge is just purged out for testing purposes, then forgotten!  I've never known a content area well enough to teach it without the aid of teacher's guides and other resources.  
  • that all children don’t learn the same way and personalization seems to honor those differences.
    • anonymous
      The traditional education system is seen in a very negative light. While personalization helps build students interest in their learning and make their learning efficient, I would argue there is some value in learning to conform or be held to the same standards as peers. This is what they will face in the workplace and throughout life.
  • Instead, the common view of personalization focused on giving agency for learning to the student and valuing each individual in a classroom.
    • anonymous
      I think it is great that teachers at this conference prioritized the value of students' understanding real purpose in their learning.
  • Our kids (and we ourselves) are suddenly walking around with access to the sum of human knowledge in our pockets and connections to literally millions of potential teachers.
    • anonymous
      This is very true. Educators in today's world need to teach how to think and process information and skills to create and be critical thinkers instead of rote memorization. This is so much more complex for students and nearly impossible for teachers to teach in the traditional model. Personalization is needed for all students to be successful in the new world environment.
    • crystalseier
      I agree. We also need to teach students how to best make use of those little computers in their pockets. It's not realistic for them to tune out from their phones during learning. Students need the tools to use that technology to their advantage in order to be successful in the future.
    • cgerbracht
      Digital literacy is a huge component missing from today's education. It is such a vital component to daily life, it needs to be addressed. The amount of time spent on rote memorization of facts that students will not necessarily need to have memorized, could be devoted to teaching evaluating internet resources.
  • [10] Personalization is an even more disturbing example of this phenomenon because the word has come to be equated with technology
    • anonymous
      This is very interesting. I do think of personalized learning as requiring some form of technological component because of the world we live in. However, I didn't really realize that this assumption comes from a drive of these educational tech companies to make money.
  • When that happens, the structures around the classroom leave little room for the kind of authentic, whole-child personalization many teachers dream of offering.
    • crystalseier
      Certain elements of my school allow for such wishful thinking (shorter Flex classes that aren't necessarily tied to a standard) but it is difficult to think about designing a course based on standards/school expectations this way.
  • free up time for in-class problem-solving and discussion
    • mriniker
      The idea of flipping can be a great concept, however, if you are truly giving the student the opportunities they need each student would be in different places in their learning. It seems to be impossible to teach all the different learning possibilities in a flipped classroom if you are going to allow students to learn at their pace or interest.
  • computerized, modular and often very standardized system of “personalization”

Adaptive Learning System Articles - 0 views

  • How much you trust your adaptive technology depends a lot on what it is supposed to do.
    • rmeyer1130
      Yes! I am trying to keep in mind that none of these technologies are really meant to replace a person, but if they aid in a student's learning of some areas or learning targets, the technology is a good thing.
    • kellijhall
      I feel like I have this discussion with parents a lot. At my school, we (unfortunately) have a lot of parents who give their students technology whenever they want. Some of these parents then try to get me to use their programs in class because they believe it is better for their student. It can be a tricky conversation to navigate..
  • Adaptive technologies can have real value and are not going away. They can free up faculty to spend more time doing what they do best in the classroom—work that is not replicable by a machine.
    • rmeyer1130
      When I am skeptical, I need to remember this. Teachers can still be active in a child's learning, but utilizing technologies when appropriate can be a good thing.
    • kellijhall
      I like to utilize technology when the students aren't with me because I am working with their peers. Math stations or Literacy menu choices can be a great time for students to explore some of these resources. As a teacher, I can't meet with every student during every minute of the day so I agree that these technologies can sometimes be an alternative, but not a replacement, for the teacher at appropriate times of the day.
    • kspedersen
      This statement really struck me. Often times I don't utilize technology because I don't believe that it is as meaningful as it can be; but, it is better than nothing. I cannot meet with every student every single minute of the day and often times technology can be a good stand-in. However, I do find it difficult to find meaningful applications, but perhaps I need to have a more open-mind and not be so critical.
  • mportant to note, of course, is that in-person instruction does not fall out of the picture in most cases; in fact, it many strengthen instruction as faculty take on a more supporting, coaching role, with less time devoted to delivery of content, which students may or may not already have mastered, and more time focused on one-to-one student engagement and self-paced guidance through a curriculum.
    • rmeyer1130
      I like this point. Adaptive technology is not taking the place of teachers. It is finding smart ways to organize time.
    • kspedersen
      I agree. Adaptive technology is not in place of the instructor, rather it is an added layer of instruction. I believe that adaptive technology is a great tool and can make instruction even more meaningful by allowing students to be fully engaged more throughout the day.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • some confusion persists about the role of this technology and how drastically it may impact traditional instruction
    • rmeyer1130
      I think we're all mindful of job security! At what point will technologies be perceived as the better alternative to real teachers in traditional teaching roles?
    • kellijhall
      Agreed! However, are we also setting up our students for future success of using technology to learn something new as adults? (Other than using YouTube videos!)
  • Adaptive technology can follow a student’s progress as they work and recognize which concepts they’ve mastered and in which areas they need further instruction.
  • That umbrella term covers a range of approaches and models, Newman said, including competency-based learning, differentiated instruction and tutorial models, as well as adaptive learning.
  • all adaptive software tries to mimic some aspect of what a good teacher does, given that every student has individual needs.
    • arieux1
      Important for me to remember as I start working on the lab. Hopefully, computers will never replace teachers... but I've seen too many movies.
  • They are not expected to know everything that the instructor knows, but they are good at helping to ensure that the students get the basics right
    • arieux1
      In my mind, this is what I'd use OLPs for. I've studied them as part of my blended learning training. To me, they are a way to augment what is being done in the classroom in a personalized way. This statement is pretty much how I'd put it.
  • Students get real-time response to their work
    • arieux1
      What I like about the idea of adaptive learning tech is this. Students can work on the low level, building block skills when and where they want, as quickly as is needed for them. The tech does this automatically, taking it off the teacher's plate. Knowing this kind of stuff will help the teacher drill down to what is needed.
  • Adaptive tech can help them get past those hurdles with a little extra help
    • arieux1
      In Iowa, we probably don't see as much dropout as other parts of the world. But students do fall behind and don't achieve to the level they should - not just for them, but for the future they will encounter. Providing them with tools to overcome the gaps is something we should aspire to as teachers.
  • Educators, of course, have been doing this for centuries. What is new about this practice today, however, is simply the use of technology
    • arieux1
      So this is the thing. Teachers need to move students into the higher levels of thinking and learning to meet the needs of the future. Letting a program ensure students learn these building blocks makes it easier for the teachers to scaffold them to the higher realms of thinking.
  • Adding the tech makes it possible to personalize at scale
    • arieux1
      Ah, now that's cool! I like that sentence because it encourages people to use the tech to personalize more easily and practically for all students.
  • "Do you want them to read something, watch something and then answer a multiple choice quiz, or do you want them to build a bridge with a simulator that gives them specific feedback and specific activity based on that?"
    • arieux1
      This is a good question regardless of what you teach, the level you teach at, and the approach you take. I just wanted to point that out.
  • good” education is entirely quantifiable and therefore manageable by computer.
    • kathleenweyers
      I think this is a valid point, that adaptive tech should not be a student's entire educational experience.  Much of learning cannot be measured by a computer program!  A combination of both is best!
  • technology can help make the adaptations easier and more streamlined.
    • kathleenweyers
      Technology can be far more efficient in teaching kids things that are measurable, like math facts of sight words.  Other things, like analyzing the tone of a poem may be less measurable using technology.
  • incorporating the right mix of online and face-to-face instruction where suitable.
    • kathleenweyers
      Adaptive technology does not mean the teacher is no longer needed.  It can help students be more successful and motivated because they are learning at their own pace at their own level, but teacher intervention can and should still occur.
  • this data to evaluate student proficiencies and generates "insights" and predictions that lead to recommendations and, ultimately, an individual learning path.
    • kathleenweyers
      In the data driven world we live in, there are so many benefits to having immediate date.  Teachers do not have to grade a bunch of work to figure out where kids are in their learning path.  Teachers can easily see where kids struggle and step in to provide remediation much more quickly than not using the tech.

Best content in OLLIE Iowa | Diigo - Groups - 5 views

    • mgoodwin5
      Articles: Preparation-Whatever you are presenting needs to have a story behind it-somehow-as well as making the story interesting. Most of the time presentations can be given by doing so with personal experiences. Personally, I love hearing about other's personal experiences when it comes to pertaining to my career and their lives, due to the fact that it helps me learn from them. I feel by incorporating into the presentation some personal experience, this allows the presenter to be more comfortable in front of the audience, know their material well, and the audience will remember the presentation. Many presenters do a great job of incorporating comedy into their presentations, which adds to the creativity and helping the audience relate and remember the content.
    • cherylfletcher
      Awakenings - There seems to always be a way to tie in a story.  I agree that humor always adds more to it.
    • cherylfletcher
      Awakenings - Six words - I have broken this rule so many times!  This will be a hard one for me to break.
    • cherylfletcher
      Awakenings - Also I have sat through many boring powerpoints.  Need to really focus on how much time I have and what exactly I need to get accomplished.  Plan!
    • mgoodwin5
      Articles: Preparation-This statement has a lot of meaning to it about going first. There are many people that are not able or willing to stay for the last part of the conference, seminar, etc., due to travel time or other obligations that they may need to leave for. I've been there! And the amount of time you as the presenter takes on the presentation, you definitely do not want to only have a small portion of the audience to hear you present. Use this chance to be the first to get done with your presentation and not worry about waiting until later and not having the audience.
  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves. In a world where we can explore almost every interest or passion in depth on our own or with others, it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
    • sheilig
      I read another article by Bray and McClaskey that said personalization is learner-centered and differentiation is teacher-centered. In this article it seems they are saying "Personalized" learning is teacher-centered and "Personal" learning is learner-centered. I agree we need to give the kids the skills and tools to create their own learning. The problem solving and organizational skills they learn from doing things for themselves is much more valuable than any standardized test we ask them to take. If they are in charge of their learning when they are young, hopefully they will become life-long learners.
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    • theatregoddess
      I struggle the most with technology--just because it is constantly changing and I teach online at several places--all of use different platforms.
  • technological knowledge
    • theatregoddess
      Playing around with stuff here--but, once again, not a techie. However, most places have tech desks and I don't think it is bad at all to have students call them. I just sent an Iowa Central student to the tech desk with a question. Now, if the question would have been on rhetoric, I would have answered it myself.
    • theatregoddess
      Technology is great--when it works.I struggle when it doesn't. Technology troubleshooting isn't my favorite thing.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      Technology opens so many doors and windows - but when it acts up it is the worst!
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives (SREB I.3, Varvel VI.C, ITS 5.a)
    • tkofoot
      With my special education students, aligning assessments with objectives helps us determine what we really need to students to learn if they have modified curriculum.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • tkofoot
      This is so important to help them help guide their instruction and increase their self-advocacy skills in their classes.
  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning
    • tkofoot
      We need to make sure we meet all learning styles, so active learning will help us observe if those skills are being understood.
  • The course structure has flexibility to accommodate multiple timelines
    • tkofoot
      The flexibility helps students master curriculum.

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 2 views

  • The tasks have been personalized for kids, not created by them.
    • jnewmanfd
      At this point in the article, I have many thoughts floating around. One major thought comes to mind. Can we ever fully personalize our classrooms? I get the points given here, but as a functioning society don't we have to conform a little bit? As parents, I think we do this to our children more than most of us would like to admit and certainly our schools follow suit. Also this first line here, isn't this what state standards do? Provide some sort of standardized leaning? Or is it simply saying that kids should be able to design how they will progress through a certain standard? A student chooses his or her own path to the end. However, if is a standard of no interest to me and you make me do it anyway is that truly personal learning? I'm starting to feel like flip flopping politician.
  • folly of believing that everything can and should be reduced to numbers.[7
    • jnewmanfd
      This seems to go against our current reality in my school. We're told that everything has to be data driven or evidence based. On the surface that makes sense, but my issue has always been that we are dealing with people not things. We work in a system filled with a multitude of variables and I would agree that there is a folly in believing that everything can be reduced to numbers. The more I read this article, the more I am thinking that we might be looking at turning the traditional school upside down on it's head.
  • Our kids (and we ourselves) are suddenly walking around with access to the sum of human knowledge in our pockets and connections to literally millions of potential teachers. It’s a dramatic shift that requires new literacies to navigate all that access and, importantly, new dispositions to take advantage of it for learning.
    • jnewmanfd
      Yes, our kids today are walking around with infinite knowledge at their finger tips. Yes, they don't know how to use it and when they are provided the opportunity, they don't seem to use it. I'm not saying that they can't or won't. I'm saying that from my experiences, they are trained not to do so. So many students do not realize their own potential for learning. They want to wait for the teacher to tell them what to do, what the correct answer is, or how to go about a particular task. Maybe we trained them too well. I 500% agree that we need to teach this skill. I also know that I have struggled to do this myself. If asked, I would have say, no I don't how to teach these new literacy skills. It's talked about, but I haven't seen any real professional development on the subject. If you know of any, please share.
    • lwinter14
      I couldn't agree more with your ideas about students not knowing how to use the knowledge. Sometimes they ask me the simplest question and are offended that I don't have the answer for them. To which I ask, how could you find the answer? I feel as though they only take advantage of having that knowledge at their fingertips when it's a direct benefit to them and seems simpler than relying on someone else for the information. I encourage so many of my students to think through investigations for themselves and to try and come up with possible answers first. So many of them want to sit and wait for me to tell them everything and haven't realized how much more power there is in learning it if they put in the cognitive effort first. Coming from the same district, I also don't know how we teach them how to persevere through that when they just want to take the easy route, but there have to be some strategies out there that help to break down that "instant gratification mindset."
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  • Personalization is often used in the ed-tech community to describe a student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace. The only choice a student gets is what box to check on the screen and how quickly to move through the exercises.
    • jnewmanfd
      Yikes and ouch. Time for some personal reflection. I would say that I have done exactly this. I'm also fairly sure that personalized learning is what I would have called it. Letting students move at their own pace and not be anchored down by others in the classroom. I agree with most of this article. In fact it sounds like an utopia classroom. Students working on problems in their own way, connecting their own dots, learning new skills so they self progress along their chosen path.... At the end of reading though, I'm right back to my roadblock. How do I even begin to manage this or set it up in the first place? Thinking from the science view, we use a lot of materials and supplies, having to have these items available gives me enough anxiety alone.
  • but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance.’
    • lwinter14
      I often wrestle with these different questions/thoughts from a high school perspective. Personalization seems like a great way to reach each individual students' interests and needs, but the logistics of measuring progress always surface. How do we ensure students are still meeting all of the state standards and critera so that they can earn a credit that is satisfactory for graduation? How do we make sure that things are coded appropriately so that those courses are recognized by post-secondary institutions? How do we allow personalization but don't limit it because of the need to be compliant for some things?
    • mpercy
      I really think to implement a system which uses a personalized approach, the whole system by which we operate would need to be changed. High school graduation requirements would need to be adjusted as well as college entrance requirements.
  • A personalized environment gives students the freedom to follow a meaningful line of inquiry, while building the skills to connect, synthesize and analyze information into original productions.
    • lwinter14
      This sounds like a great opportunity for a lot of my students, but I'm not sure it will also fit every student's needs. The more flexible schedule and choice inherent within it worries me about some of my students who really struggle with staying on task and making progress. I wonder how much structure would need to be embedded for these students and would it alter it to the point that it wouldn't be considered personalized?
    • mpercy
      In theory, giving students a choice in what and how they learn would eliminate the need to keep them focused and on track. However, we have students in our classrooms today we know would struggle with this! As with any method of teaching, there would be students that would love it and thrive while others would struggle and need more intervention. Not every individual could learn this way.
  • She cautions educators who may be excited about the progressive educational implications for “personalized learning” to make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means.
    • lwinter14
      There are certainly some changes that need to happen on a macro level if we want to reach our students in the optimal way. State assessments would need to change, the way that colleges rate students may need to be different and even the way college is taught could have implications. What happens if we are teaching these high schoolers in innovative ways that are truly personalized, but then a students ends up in a freshmen lecture hall with 300 students and is put back into that cookie-cutter scenario? Will they be prepared with the skills to handle that?
    • tkofoot
      I agree with you. We find ourselves teaching for the standardized tests. We need to find out what the expectations are in college to ensure kids are learning skills that allow them to succeed in all classroom settings.
  • However, in order to navigate the system of accountability in the U.S. educational system, many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum that will be evaluated on standardized tests
    • mpercy
      This is a big hurdle to overcome if we are to adopt a personalized learning environment. How can we make sure that students know the curriculum they will be evaluated on before going on to college or other programs after high school. Can they still demonstrate success on these tests?
    • jhatcher
      My school as adopted EL Reading LA curriculum. It is very scripted and all kids read 4 books through the year. Choice in reading has really taken the backseat. No room for personalized learning here.
  • Technology was strikingly absent from these conversations.
    • mpercy
      This surprises me as it has been a focus for many districts to become 1:1 with technology. I would think that to become more personalized technology would need to be implemented.
  • After decades of this approach, it is clear that all children don’t learn the same way and personalization seems to honor those differences.
    • jhatcher
      Educators know this and have for a long time. We know our students have changed. I'm so glad to be in this class but I do not feel my administrators will support this because it is not going to fit into their mold- I can statements, success criteria, evaluation. Personalized learing is different!
  • because of the larger preoccupation with data data data data data
    • kimgrissom
      I love Alfie Kohn but this is a scathing assessment of the data-based movement. I get that not all things can and should be reduced to numbers and I tend to agree with his assessment of the dangers of these things being our focus. However, there has to be some way to see if we're making progress other than just individual feelings.
  • One final caveat: in the best student-centered, project-based education, kids spend much of their time learning with and from one another. Thus, while making sense of ideas is surely personal, it is not exclusively individual because it involves collaboration and takes place in a community.
    • kimgrissom
      I think this is a very important point as I think about personalized learning and what it might look like. My understanding of personalized doesn't exclude collaboration, but there are models that have the potential to be isolating.
  • We don’t need personalization as much as we need to promote and give opportunities for our kids to do personal learning. And while they come from the same root, those two words are vastly different. “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves.
    • kimgrissom
      To me, this is the most important point in all three of these articles. But this is such a complex issue in schools today. The pressure of all that students must learn and be prepared for has led us to a place where there is far less personal learning in schools. And at the same time, it would probably be more efficient (time-wise) to let project-based, personal learning meet the standards BUT we've also gotten to a place where funding cuts mean it's almost impossible to move away from the industrial model because the more personal project-based model requires more and different human resources. In other words, at the same time that there is more to learn and more concern about students having the engagement and perseverance to get there, we have less money to rebuild a system that currently gets us by with high student to teacher ratio.
  • If we can’t engage our kids in ideas and explorations that require no technology, then we have surely lost our way. Big questions, passion, personal interest are what should drive our use of technology, not the other way around.
    • kimgrissom
      Yes. This. So much of this. To me, this is what I love about the Blend/Flip cohort and AIW. Both of these concepts start with the kids and the content and how to engage them in the real ideas at the heart of the matter and then look at the best way of getting students to that goal with or without technology.
  • describe a student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace. The only choice a student gets is what box to check on the screen and how quickly to move through the exercises.
    • tkofoot
      This reminds me of the online courses I have observed students complete over the past few years.
  • When that happens, the structures around the classroom leave little room for the kind of authentic, whole-child personalization many teachers dream of offering.
    • tkofoot
      I know it is hard for me to give up structure with my Special Education students. This may be easier in personalized learning with students that have learned the skills to self-regulate and stay on task.
  • truly personalized learning experience requires student choice, is individualized, meaningful and resource rich.
    • tkofoot
      I think we have students that will be successful with this learning. Some students may not be prepared. How do we determine which students can be successful?
  • It’s as if engaging them in learning without technology has become this impossible task.
    • tkofoot
      I do not believe in just the Google classroom. I believe in engaging students with the community, books, and conversation.
  • animates “competency-based progression,” “mastery learning,” and programs that tweak the “delivery of instruction.”
    • Wendy Arch
      Could this also be at the center of the difference between credit recovery online/personalized learning and more robust project-based/personalized learning? If a program's goal is to get students the bare minimum of credits for a basic diploma (ala GED), then this style might make sense. If we're thinking of a broader, system-wide approach, then this attitude it definitely at the heart of a lot of fears about the automatization of education.
  • Simpler strategies, such as having kids choose, read, and discuss real books from the library may be more effective
    • Wendy Arch
      This is what lives at the core of my department's belief in individual reading. Every Friday, students in English 9, English 10, English 11/12, and American Literature read a book of their choice. There are no assignments attached. This "simpler strategy" is based on Kelly Gallahger's work in Readicide.
  • By assigning the lecture at home, we’re still in charge of delivering the curriculum, just at a different time.
    • Wendy Arch
      THIS!!!! THIS 1000% times over! It takes twice if not three times as long to prepare a flipped lesson than a live lecture. This is a point most people don't want to talk about. We're still putting in the time and effort -- it just changes to outside of class time -- which puts the onus on us. Instead of completing the majority of my work during the school day, I'm completing the majority of it outside of school in the evenings and weekends.
  • The assumption here is that curriculum can be broken into little pieces, that skills are acquired sequentially and can be assessed with discrete, contrived tests and reductive rubrics.
    • Wendy Arch
      Is this not what Standards Based/Referenced Grading believes? I am not at a SRG school, so I haven't gone through the process. My experience comes with a testing/data collection software our school is piloting called Performance Matters. All questions are tied to standards and wrapped up nicely-packaged in pretty color-coded data to allow teachers to quickly assess and regroup students based on ability or skill-demonstration. This sounds great - an easy to push students who already know the material and help students who don't - but it is testing actual growth or just test taking ability?

Adaptive Learning System Articles - 0 views

  • Most students learn pretty quickly that a Google search will yield some results that aren’t helpful and adjust accordingly.
    • jnewmanfd
      Sorry, I could resist this sentence. It's okay with me if it doesn't count towards my post, but I have to admit to laughing when I read this one. I'm not sure that most students get this today, I mean I hope they do, but the conversations I've had the past few years when students search things are scary.
  • Adaptive learning technologies are potentially transformative in that they may be able to change the economics of tutoring. Imagine if every student in your class could have a private tutor, available to them at any time for as long as they need.
    • jnewmanfd
      I think this is the most eye opening factor within adaptive learning. It helps provide equity that is often missing when it comes to education. We know, that for the most part, our low social economic students preform lower than their counterparts. Which makes sense if you need tutoring and can't afford it. Adaptive learning technology has the potential to help schools bridge those gaps. It can help provide an equal opportunity for all. The point of, adaptive technologies acting like tutors, hadn't occurred to me before. As someone who needed tutoring in math as a young student, but came from a home where that wasn't feasible, I can appreciate the usefulness of adaptive technology.
  • Adaptive learning has long been a part of education. The basic concept is simple: Coursework should be adapted to meet the individual needs of each student. Every teacher has experience modifying curriculum in some way to help students access information. Nowadays technology can help make the adaptations easier and more streamlined.
    • jnewmanfd
      Thinking about this first part and segments from the previous article, I would say that this idea would be a life saver. Sure, I realize that some students need more support than others, and sure I realize ways to give them the support they need, but how do I go about accomplishing such a daunting task? I often feel like that, at times, I'm running around with my head cut off. I can support student A who is struggling with seeing the connection from last weeks lessons to our current ones, but student B is so advanced that he's bored and tired of waiting so he's acting up instead, student C hasn't been to school in 8 days and has no idea where were at, and the list just goes on from there. I try to manage what I can by breaking students into groups, focusing on the larger picture, but I still realize that at many times, I'm falling short. If it can help assist me in meeting the needs of individual students, then I'm all for it. Later in the article it also talks about how it helps limit students from giving up. I think we can all agree, that's a huge bonus. My only unanswered questions are when to use it, how often, and at what point in the learning process? I've never used adaptive learning before, so I have lots to learn.
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  • n fact, it many strengthen instruction as faculty take on a more supporting, coaching role, with less time devoted to delivery of content, which students may or may not already have mastered, and more time focused on one-to-one student engagement and self-paced guidance through a curriculum.
    • jnewmanfd
      When I read the first sentence, I was a little offended. I'm glad I kept reading, I like this part a lot. I think that these moments, when students are working independently, are the moments where we truly get to know our students. I often feel like I don't have enough time to talk with my students about their learning. In fact, I often make lists of who I've talked to recently and who I haven't so I can get to them next time. The idea that adaptive learning can help me become an effective facilitator of learning is intriguing.
  • "One of the benefits of adaptive learning is that it frees up faculty members to spend more time with students, to work with them in small groups and individually, essentially flipping the classroom," Johnson said. "We see this [approach] as part of a much bigger pedagogical picture. The technology is a tool that gets us to our goal of rehumanizing our large classes."
    • jnewmanfd
      I've already commented on the idea and benefits of time in prior articles. Although I like the idea of having more time to work and actually talk with students, I wondered something a bit different when I read about teacher's time in this article. Along with freeing up teacher time to do the things that, I would think all of us got into education for in the first place, would adaptive technologies also help with teacher burnout? What about the fact that in our state, enrollment in teacher education programs are down at all three regent schools? I can't recall the exact reasons why teachers burn out and quit, but I'm fairly sure that time with actually working students is one of them. I hear from many new teachers say that they didn't realize how hard it was going to be to the meet the needs of every student. I wonder if data would show whether or not these systems would help with getting and retaining teachers.
  • They might help a student get unstuck on a particular step that he hasn’t quite understood.
    • tkofoot
      I have used IXL math with students. I like how it shows students the correct way to complete the program.
  • tools t
    • tkofoot
      I think the word "tools" is important to point out. It is not instruction, but an additional resource.
  • the notion of adaptive learning technologies can be abused as a kind of magic incantation by the reductionists.
    • tkofoot
      Not only abused without enough extra teaching, but used as a whole education system. There are already teachers that turn students over to programs as a way to teach without any other type of interaction. I am not ready for this as a parent or teacher.
  • work that is not replicable by a machine.
    • tkofoot
      The adaptive learning can help support learning and free up teachers to get around to more students that need individualized instruction.

iowaonlinelearning - Teaching Standards - 17 views

    • manderson34
      How often do we neglect this as educators?  I think often times we focus on the content or the tech tool without giving methods of assessment their due.
    • manderson34
      It is so important for educators to engage in professional learning.  More importantly and prominently than in the past, informal professional learning is available through social media.
  • Engages in professional growth
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  • Creates and implements a variety of assessments that meet course learning goals and provide data to improve student progress and course instruction
  • Selects and understands how to evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
    • criley55
      There are so many things out on the internet that it is extremely important to be sure to analyze what you're using and ensure it is of high quality to be putting in front of students.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students
    • criley55
      For some students just having technology in front of them is engaging but we also need to ensure we are utilizing tools for the best use for students and learning.
    • amberstrang
      I know that many of my students will love being able to use technology more in the classroom this year.  Choosing the best tools so that they are not only engaged but also learning and making progress towards learning targets is crucial.
    • syedlik
      Technology is definitely a driving force in their lives, now we need to show them how to use it as a learning guide. My son uses technology to research baseball teams and their stats. (math connection) Students could research win/loss ratios, batting averages....etc. Sara Arnold/syedlik
    • trfishe
      If students aren't engaged, they'll just go through the motions of completing what's required. I feel we've seen many resources in this course. With sufficient time and devotion, creating engaging lessons should be doable. Tim Fisher
    • samanthalowe
      Using technology and an online format doesn't necessarily mean automatic student engagement. It is important to make sure content is interesting to the students, or find a way to intrigue the students.
    • sstulken
      There is a balance that needs to occur, technology use that allows students to interact and demonstrate learning. I also think that we need to "keep the pace" of learning technology with the digital natives that are in our classrooms.
  • intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well
    • criley55
      This is something I need to learn a lot more about to ensure I am following rules!
    • mdaviscr
      As I read this line I thought the same thing. I have a basic knowledge, but I'm not sure if I'm completely up-to-date on things. 
    • samanthalowe
      I agree, it is important to be aware of privacy rights. This is something that should be looked at more closely.
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • criley55
      While adding a technology component may be engaging for students, we need to always bring it back to the content we are wanting to teach and continually analyze the strategies we are using to make sure it is fitting the needs.
    • nicolemsmith
      I completely agree that good teaching practice comes down to regularly evaluating the effectiveness of instructional strategies whether there is the integration of  technology or not.  Along with this, formative assessments and data should be the foundation of determining the accuracy and effectiveness.   (NS)
    • Kelly Snyder
      I like the way our district is going with assessments and quality instructional practices
    • Ashley Lyng
      I agree with what both of you said.  I also think it is important to continually use the data that we collect to make instructional changes.  We need to keep in mind what is best for kids and if we are not meething their needs, then we need to change our approach. 
    • conniestarr
      Informing our instructional practice through formative (ongoing) assessments is critical as we collect the evidence of learning from our students so we can design lessons through technology or other modes that meet our students' needs.
    • anonymous
      It is important to have data ready during our PLC time so that we can best meet the needs of our students.
    • maryblocker
      Mary Blocker-I agree that this fits right along with our PLC work.  We are constantly looking for ways to create and use formative assessments.  Hopefully, technology will provide us with more ways to do this efficiently.
    • christineclark
      I agree that we are headed in the right direction with the analysis of data. I always think about how data doesn't lie because it is based on facts. Ultimately, the gathering if data can't be the end, it needs not only to be analyzed, but then the gathered information needs to be used to increase student learning. I definitely look forward to doing a better job of that.
    • syedlik
      I also agree. Content trumps technology. We must focus on getting the content across to our students and also assess their learning through the course. It must provide each child the support that they need to achieve. Some students may get frustrated with the technology component, support will be needed for these students. We can't allow their achievement to suffer due to any frustration they experience in the online learning format. Sara Arnold/syedlik
    • malger17
      Marie Alger- I agree that in order to move forward data must be evaluated continuously and with a purpose. It does the students no good to have them working on tasks if there is no set purpose or growth from those tasks. This means that when we are creating technology activities we must have a way to collect student data to see if the strategy is effective. 
  • (including technological knowledge
    • criley55
      When adding technology components, you not only have to know how to use them, how to choose the right one for the task and also be able to troubleshoot to help students,
    • Ashley Lyng
      I totally agree with you!  It is very important that we are not using technology because it seems neat or new, we need to have a purpose.  I also needs to fit with what the outcome or goals of the task. 
    • syedlik
      I appreciate all of the online learning classes that have been offered this summer in our district. For me, summer is when I have time to gain new knowledge to incorporate into my classroom. I am much more prepared to incorporate canvas into my classroom. I hope this will enhance my teaching. Sara Arnold / syedlik
    • tnederhiser
      It's imperative to start with what we want students to learn. It unfolds from there!
  • Assists students with technology used in the course
    • nicolemsmith
      Teachers need to have a certain level of comfort and skill with troubleshooting and supporting their students with technology.  Instructional time is valuable and it is much more efficient if the classroom teacher can quickly resolve basic issues instead of waiting for external support all the time.  However, it will certainly take time to build this capacity within teachers.  
    • juliahendred
      I agree and know that I will need to practice and be knowledgeable personally before delivering content and modeling the use of technology to teachers via Canvas.
    • jnurre
      I was thinking the same things...we need to be risk takers and learn the ropes, just like we are expecting our students.  It is beneficial for us to know the ins and outs of the technology we incorporate into our lessons. 
    • shelbywoods
      I am glad we spent this time learning the ropes so we can use what we know and what we struggled with to help the learners in our classrooms. I want to use a lot of my computer lab time teaching about Canvas and practice using it, so when we are in the classroom, the students can pick up a surface and be independent with what they are doing. Rather than having to ask a million questions of how to get somewhere or do something.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • nicolemsmith
      When designing online instruction, it is certainly important for teachers to be very thoughtful in the organization of their content and delivery methods in order to accommodate the various learning styles of students and their experience with online learning.  I generally try to organize a course with the assumption that there is one person in my course with no experience with online learning or the Learning Management System.  In addition to this, online teachers need to consider how to support students who may need guidance with pacing their independent learning since it is very different than a face-to-face classroom. 
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • nicolemsmith
      I think it is important to keep in mind the value of collaborative work even in an online setting.  It can take a little more effort in an online setting to ensure that everyone is comfortable with the setup, but I think it helps create a community of learners, deepen learning, and add interest to the learning environment. (NS)
    • amberstrang
      I love the collaborative work that can happen in an online setting.  I think when used and taught correctly, it can be even better than in person collaborative work for some kids.
    • mdaviscr
      I really like that they specified that the work needs to be goal-oriented. I am constantly trying to get my students to keep in mind what they are working toward as they work. I think goal-setting is extremely important and something that often falls aside. I really think that teachers can get more buy-in from students if they feel like they are working toward a common goal. 
    • samanthalowe
      I love the asynchronous nature of online collaboration. It allows for students to work at their own pace and contribute when they can.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • nicolemsmith
      I think there is a lot of value in experiencing online learning from the student perspective.  I have personally gained a better understanding of what is helpful as far as the organization of a course, what is frustrating, and what tools/activities can increase the effectiveness of a course.  (NS)
    • stnovak
      I definitely agree with this!  Once you have been in the shoes of the student you have a better understanding of what they need.  It's like looking at it from the students' point of view.
    • Kelly Snyder
      I am taking a student driven learning course that meets this also!  Am enjoying it.
    • juliahendred
      I also agree! I know now from the perspective of a student how tough it can be to navigate and completely understand the online learning environment and how much your comfort level can effect your success. It has been an eye opener for me and hopefully with help me as I assist with some online instruction.
    • jnurre
      I have been taking online courses all winter and there is something to be learned from being on the other side.  I seem to be learning more about my own learning style and form of communication.  We will have students experience the same!  
    • conniestarr
      Having this experience from a student's perspective can help teachers be proactive and address misconceptions or potential barriers before the get in the way of student learning.
    • anonymous
      I certainly can understand the frustration of students when they are learning something new!
    • lsjohnson
      For the first online class I took, I felt like the learning curve was very steep!  It has gotten easier with each class and I feel like I have actually become a 21st century learner!  Students are starting with this from a much younger age and it will become just another learning tool, another way of learning for them.
    • kaylamartinwhs
      I would have to agree with this also.  When implementing Canvas at the high school level, us teachers barely knew what we were doing, but the students and parents were expected to hop on the train with us.  I wasn't able to help the students with their view because I couldn't understand mine :) I would feel like I would have a better understanding of what they are learning and assist them better as a teacher.  
    • kboesenberg
      wow...great analogy with the Canvas reference.  We make decisions based on our past experiences.  If we have never experienced online learning we may not have a good understanding of what should even be expected of an online learner.  
    • shelbywoods
      I agree with this and want to implement Canvas into my classroom as soon as possible! Becoming familiar with the website just like I did will help students in the long run. It is important to be a student before a teacher to realize what will cause problems. This is the same thing with any lesson. In science I would go through the experiments by myself first to make sure it worked and to see where students would struggle or have questions.
    • tnederhiser
      I am learning so much as I take these courses as a student! It gives us a real flavor for what our students will actively participate in.
    • malger17
      Marie Alger- I completely agree with this! It is essential that we are able to work through the course through the eyes of a student to ensure that we have sufficient directions and guidance for student success. There has been multiple times when I thought that something online would be a piece of cake yet when I went to work through it I realized that there needed to be more structure. 
    • sstulken
      I am always humbled when learning something new and is a great reminder of how students feel when faced with a new challenge. Demonstrate that risk and failure is okay-growth mindset.
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • nicolemsmith
      I think it can be easy for online instructors to create and organize their content ahead of time and not be responsive to student data throughout the course.  It is important for them to make an extra effort to be flexible and use data to guide their instruction. (NS)
    • Kelly Snyder
      I like the tool we use to facilitate conversation about instruction in our building.  I also like the teaching cycles we are going to for next year.
    • christineclark
      I agree that we need ti be flexible with instruction. If the data isn't headed in the same direction as what is written in the plan book, we need to adjust for the students!
    • Ashley Lyng
      I believe it is important to have teaching standards, so that all teachers are following the same set of guidelines throughout the state. 
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues
    • Ashley Lyng
      Students need to take ownership and responsiblity of their learning.  If they are invested in their learning, they are much more likely to do their personal best.  I have noticed the impact this has on my own students, and it's amazing!
    • anonymous
      The use of data binders is a great way for students to see thier growth as they move towards reaching their goals.
    • syedlik
      We could have online data binders. Wonder if this would be possible? We must balance online learning with traditional learning. It is important for students to gain valuable fine motor skills in their younger years. Sara Arnold/syedlik
    • tnederhiser
      Tricia Nederhiser - I agree, data binders are important way for students to track their learning!
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
    • stnovak
      I think it has to be clear what the expectations are so students know what they will need to be able to do and what concepts they need to know.
    • Ashley Lyng
      Agree with your statement.  I also think teachers need to plan ahead of time, so that the lesson has a specific purpose.  If a purpose is created and stated to the students, then the teacher will be more likely to stay focused.  
    • jnurre
      This is not only important for educators planning and preparing for students, however educational leaders need to make sure we are communicating learning outcomes and expectations for adult learners. 
    • maryblocker
      Mary Blocker-I think that this is essential for students in our daily instruction.  The training we received in writing purpose statements last year has really helped with this standard.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • stnovak
      Building relationships with your students is an important part of teaching, whether face-to-face or online
    • stnovak
      Building relationships with your students is an important part of teaching, whether face-to-face or online
    • juliahendred
      Yes, I believe that building those relationships and encouraging students has a huge impact on their success and desire to participate.
    • kaylamartinwhs
      Although the class is being taught online, the students should still be able to feel as though you are there to help answer questions, build a community of trust and grow as a student.  
    • maryblocker
      Mary Blocker - My hope is that this class will help me create an environment in my class for frequent online social interactions with me and other students in our class.  
    • shelbywoods
      I really wanted to reflect on the word positive in this highlight. It goes all the way back to Netiquette from the first OLLIE class. I think it is extremely important to the success of the student to be able to collaborate in a positive manner and not to be afraid of messing up. It is easy to get discouraged using technology when you do not know how to do something, so keeping the environment positive with room for mistakes is important to how I want to run my blended learning.
    • tnederhiser
      I agree that remaining positive is crucial. I think it's important for students to understand we don't always have the answers. Sometimes technology doesn't cooperate!
    • sstulken
      Showing our students that we embrace technology and push ourselves to learn is so important. Lifelong learner has a different look!
  • including different learning styles
    • stnovak
      I liked this because there are so many different types of presentation technologies for example, but including different learning styles will allow the students to have a choice as to which tool they would utilize best.
    • Ashley Lyng
      Choice is very important for students, however we need to make sure that the choices connect with the purpose.  I believe choices are very powerful for studnets, and it allows them to shine in different areas. 
    • conniestarr
      Choice can also increase student engagement on projects and other learning activities!  I agree Ashley, that we need to be purposeful when planning our choices.
    • anonymous
      In kindergarten we use a variety of different learning styles all day long. 
    • mdaviscr
      I agree that choice is important, but it is also important to keep in mind that students don't always make the best choices for themselves. When thinking about having choices that go with different learning styles, it probably would help to make sure the students are aware of which learning styles work best for themselves through some sort of inventory. Then you could label the choices with what learning styles they work best with. The students can then make an informed decision. I wouldn't necessarily tell them they have to pick the choice that goes with the learning style, but I would suggest it. 
    • shelbywoods
      I agree that choice is important. Sometimes technology is viewed as an option and we don't think of how we still need to differentiate within technology. Not all students are at the same levels using technology as well as intellectually. Choice is extremely important to the engagement of the students.
    • tnederhiser
      Tricia Nederhiser - As mentioned above, I agree that choice is important. I, too, am concerned that elementary students may not have the background to choose, within technology, how they will show their learning. They will need guidance and support to make good decisions.
    • samanthalowe
      Differentiation is important to student learning, no matter the format. Oftentimes an online learning format could allow more independent level of instruction for students.
  • improve practice
    • stnovak
      I feel like this is one of the purposes of this class. We need to continually learn new ways of teaching or methods and then apply that knowledge so our students can benefit from this improved practice.
    • Ashley Lyng
      I couldn't agree with you more.  It is important for us to be models for our students.  By taking classes and stretching ourselves professionally we can achieve this. 
    • anonymous
      I agree! I have spent some time this summer doing some professional reading. 
    • kaylamartinwhs
      I agree with everyone above.  If we don't continue to learn new methods, technologies, tools, ourselves as teachers how do we expect our students to grow?  
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning (SREB M.3, Varvel IV.D, ITS 3.e, ITS 4.f)
    • amberstrang
      I think it's so important to make sure that technology and online learning is used to enhance learning and improve the education of students.  It shouldn't just be included because we want more technology in schools.  We need to include it because it's what's best for the particular students learning in that course
    • trfishe
      In mathematics, I think it's critical that the online materials selected or designed be as interactive as possible. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to find suitable materials or ways to create them.
    • malger17
      Marie Alger- I agree that we should not just add technology or online learning just because we want more of it in the schools. It comes down to purposeful planning and ensuring that the technology used is supporting student learning.  
    • sstulken
      This is one that challenges me. What tool do I use to get the results I am looking for? An area that I look forward to growing in.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • amberstrang
      I think that this is a challenging but very important part of teaching, whether it is in the online or face to face setting.  I think a bonus of online learning is being able to individualize feedback more easily, though it would depend on the number of students in the course.
    • Kelly Snyder
      I think this will be a great tool for feedback
    • jnurre
      It seems to me we have more work to do with this standard.  We need to be providing feedback all the time to students and encouraging them to continue to fail forward. I am wondering how online learning impacts feedback?  Is it going to be harder to give feedback?  How will online feedback be perceived?  I know how "texts" and other "online communication" can be misconstrued.  We need to be cautious with our feedback in written form.  
    • conniestarr
      Timely feedback is so important when keeping students in the loop about their learning, they need to be partners.  Being able to give every student in your classroom individual feedback during a lesson can be challenging in one class time.  Using online tools like diigo or through Canvas would benefit teachers in giving timely specific feedback about student learning.
    • lsjohnson
      Assigning online homework makes it easy to be able to provide immediate feedback!
  • Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction
    • amberstrang
      Teaching students how to interact one another appropriately online is very important in the process of online learning.  It's not only a skill necessary for academic success online, but it could transfer over to the social media setting.  If we teach kids how to interact appropriately online, perhaps it can prevent problems online elsewhere.
    • Ashley Lyng
      Agreed! Especially since social media is so prevelant with young kids.  If we can at least give them some tools and strategies on internet safety, make we can prevent some cyber bullying. 
    • jnurre
      We need to be leading my example.  Students are watching the choices we make every day.  
    • jnurre
      We need to teach them, just like every thing else, how to interact appropriately and not appropriately.  It's a life skill!  
    • malger17
      Marie Alger- I agree! With how much our students are online now it is important that we are teaching them how to interact respectfully online. I often tell my students that people are unable to read your social ques through the internet and that it is important that you are able to articulate yourself efficiently for others to understand what you mean. 
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • mdaviscr
      I have heard people say they don't have time to stay current with technology and figure out how to use it in their classroom. Some of them even seem to pride themselves on their resistance to technology. I see that as a huge problem. When that happens, they are making a conscious decision to not do what is best for their students. The reality of the situation is that their students will have to be able to use technology in a variety of ways. Those students will have to be able to use technology in a job someday. I can't think of a single paid job that I have had that didn't require me to use technology in some way. 
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • juliahendred
      In looking at providing some instruction this next year to new and veteran teachers, I feel it will be essential for our team to determine what can be effectively delivered through Canvas and what will be best through face-to-face instruction, especially given the diverse knowledge base of the learners.
    • jnurre
      absolutely, I agree that this is an ongoing struggle. Just like our classrooms, our buildings are full of diverse learners and we need to ensure we are differentiating all the time.  
    • maryblocker
      Mary Blocker- I think this is a great cautionary note for teachers to make sure that we are meeting all the student individual needs.  Technology should be a tool we use to enhance our face-to-face instruction.
    • samanthalowe
      I completely agree with Mary, it is important to remember that technology is a great tool, but that I would like to use it to enhance face-to-face instruction.
    • jnurre
      This couldn't be more important in education.  We must lead by example. 
    • jnurre
      This seems to be ever challenging with technology changing by the moment, but as educators we have to be dedicated and risk takers in the tech world!  
  • Demonstrates
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict
    • jnurre
      In today's world we have to make sure we are teaching students about cyber bullying and how to interact appropriately (netiquette)!  
    • kboesenberg
      This is super important.  Would love to see examples of how teachers have set up high school courses and effectively dealt with this. 
    • syedlik
      This will be an area that we will constantly need to monitor. We can never let our guard down when it comes to student safety online. Netiquette needs to be taught at the onset of the class and constant supervision by the teacher will be needed, with necessary consequences established and follow through. Sara Arnold /syedlik
    • cwhitebotello
      Totally agree, being respectful of folks in the online learning environment to create an environment where folks feel free to share opinions and take risks when learning is critical.
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth (
    • conniestarr
      Collaboration with other colleagues and teachers who are also embedding some online learning can be very beneficial.  Learning about best practices together and having conversations about what it looks like in a classroom wnd with students can help grow our own practice and tool kits when providing online learning experiences and opportunities for our students.
    • kaylamartinwhs
      I would also agree with your comments.  Not only to have colleagues to collaborate with and share best practices, but to help you trouble shoot possible issues.  
    • trfishe
      I agree completely! I am hoping to find some teachers in my PLC group or building who will help me in the online portion of some classes! Tim Fisher
  • • Has knowledge of and informs student of their rights to privacy and the conditions under which their work may be shared with others (SREB E.8, Varvel I.D)
  • • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use (SREB E.7)
    • kboesenberg
      This is just as essential as how to deal with a student you caught cheating on a test.  However, I personally need to dig into techniques for dealing with these issues as I have not personal experience with this.
    • christineclark
      I agree, this is like cheating. I haven't experienced this directly, but know of multiple students who have had their internet privileges taken away for inappropriate use of their searches. I feel like teaching students what is appropriate and inappropriate online is key. Along with that maybe schools can have a process that all teachers follow in this situation so students have common expectations.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
  • Provides opportunities that enable student self-assessment and pre-assessment within courses
    • mdaviscr
      Using both self-assessment and pre-assessment would really help students monitor their own learning and take more ownership. I think this would help students and parents think more about the amount of learning taking place instead of focusing on a letter grade. 
  • ability to use computer programs required in online education
    • kboesenberg
      This is the equivalent of learning how to manage the learning of the warm bodies in our current environment.  So essential to know how to manage a course before you attempt to teach.
  • nd synchronous/asynchronous communication tools
    • maryblocker
      Mary Blocker-as an elementary teacher, I think we haven't done as much with communication tools with students.  This will be a goal to set for next year.  Canvas should allow us to improve in this area.
    • syedlik
      Sara Arnold- Asynchronous instruction/learning is the future of education. I have said for years that learning needs to be extended beyond the school day. Using canvas will allow me to connect with my students even when I am not physically in each of my three buildings.
    • tnederhiser
      Tricia Nederhiser - I agree, Mary, that we started with very basic technology, and are ready for collaboration and communication.
    • malger17
      Marie Alger- I agree that we need to be able to extend learning beyond the school day as well as providing opportunities within the school day to reach children when we are working with small groups and others are working independently. Canvas and other online tools will provide an opportunity to continuously work with students even when we are unable to be physically near them. 
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
    • maryblocker
      Mary Blocker-This is an area in which I need more guidance.  I haven't been very effective at evaluating students in this area.
    • christineclark
      This standard makes me think of the mindset of our LA curriculum planning. The idea was to plan with the end in mind. Ultimately what do we want students to know? From that answer assessments can be developed.
  • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth
    • christineclark
      I think that this is important for bettering ourselves as educators and people. To be able to have an open mind, gather knowledge presented, and use that to our advantage is learning that needs to occur.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently (SREB D.1, ITS 1.g)
    • christineclark
      This is an essential standards, that I believe can be overlooked. I wonder if it would be appropriate to address what effective communication means. Could some negative student behaviors be avoided if communication from all educators is effective, consistent, and positive?
    • trfishe
      This is going to be one of the biggest challenges once the course is up and running. Finding the time in an already full day to stay on top of the online component of a blended course is critical, but daunting too! Tim Fisher
    • shelbywoods
      One thing I worry about is keeping up with the classroom and with the online classroom with blended learning. It could be potentially easy to let the online classroom slip more and care to the classroom in front of you. It will be extremely important for me to keep my eye on the online classroom with communication that is constant and effective to let students know there is a presence and purpose.
    • cwhitebotello
      Creating an online learning community is essential to learning and yet it is likely the aspect of online teaching that may be most challenging.
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives (SREB I.3, Varvel VI.C, ITS 5.a)
  • Iowa Online Teaching Standards
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students
    • syedlik
      This online format can be a great tool for differentiating instruction by creating groups. We will be able to differentiation instruction, assignments and assessments. It seems a bit overwhelming right now, but definitely something we can work towards. Sara Arnold/syedlik
    • trfishe
      I look forward to using my online materials to assess what my students know, and then have options available to them for remediation, extra practice, or enrichment. I hope to also use groups to enable different sets of students to work together on activities based on the group's needs.
  • student feedback data
    • mdaviscr
      I really like the idea of using student feedback to improve a course. However, the instructor would need to make sure that they collect the feedback in a way that the students will take seriously and respond honestly. Asking what students liked/disliked will get very different answers than questions that ask students to say what could have been done differently to help them be more successful. 
    • malger17
      Marie Alger- I agree that you have to be careful in how you word questions to students to gain meaningful feedback. I think it would be beneficial to know what students are having difficulty with or what they would need to be able to be successful in online courses. 
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • uses data to evaluate
    • tnederhiser
      Tricia Nederhiser - The alignment of online teaching standards and Iowa teaching standards in regards to using data is quite obvious throughout the standards.
    • malger17
      Marie Alger- It is essential to be continuously evaluating instructional strategies through the use of data. In order to best support the growth of students we must be able to see where they need more help or what need to do to challenge them more. 
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • samanthalowe
      I agree with the importance of continual data collection. Assessing student progress continually allows teachers to determine instructional next steps.  Online learning can make evaluating effectiveness more efficient.
    • samanthalowe
      I agree with the importance of continual data collection. Assessing student progress continually allows teachers to determine instructional next steps. Online learning can make evaluating effectiveness more efficient.
    • samanthalowe
      Assessing student progress continually allows teachers to determine instructional next steps.  Online learning can make evaluating effectiveness more efficient.
    • sstulken
      This makes me wonder, how can we incorporate more technology into student's tracking their progress? Engagement and learning could be impacted greatly.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • cwhitebotello
      Creating an online learning community is essential to learning and yet it is likely the aspect of online teaching that may be most challenging. 
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • cwhitebotello
      Presenting streamlined content that still addresses the need for depth and diverse learners will be a challenge in designing on-line courses. 
  • Iowa Core
    • lisamsuya
      It is important that the Iowa Online Teaching Standards make reference to the Iowa Core at the beginning because technology and online tools are for the purpose of teaching core curriculum.
  • age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory
    • lisamsuya
      I think it is interesting that these particular theories are mentioned in the standards, and it seems important to have a refresher of these theories in the online learning courses.

ollie1 (Peterman): Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 2 views

  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • bbraack
      Not all instruction is appropriate for completely online. The teacher will have to decide when or what parts of the lesson can be delivered online (video, recording, etc.) and when it should be delivered F2F. Sometimes activites and discussions are better suited for F2F. While videos, quizzes, forums, etc., can be all delivered online.
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • bbraack
      Formative and summative assessments are important to see if students understand the material. If the assessments show students aren't understanding, then adjustments, such as reteaching, can be made to help students to understand.
    • leighbellville
      This particular point is important in that instructors should include formative checks for understanding along the way. There is certainly a need for this in an online course.
    • jbuerman
      This is definitely needed to help guide students and teachers with their learning.  Especially in online learning when teachers do not see their students each day.  Quality formative assessments help check to see if students are learning what they need to learn.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • pnbolton
      I think getting feedback from my students will be very important. When I finally teach a fully online course, I know I will make mistakes and hearing from my students what work and what doesn't will be very important!
    • leighbellville
      Yes, course evaluations are helpful to determine new approaches and reflect on what is working well and what needs improvement.
    • trgriffin1
      You also have to create a culture in which the feedback is constructive so that you can improve instead of just "the link doesn't work" or "this is dumb".
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
    • pnbolton
      I believe a strong intro or syllabus is very important in an online learning environment. The thing I like about online is that students can work at their own pace, and keeping deadlines or guidelines is helpful in helping students succeed.
    • leighbellville
      Yes, clear expectations are essential when designing a course. Learners should not immediately what the learning outcomes will be and the expectations for the work they are completing.
    • Catherine Hines
      Absolutely! Planning and organization are keys to learning in any classroom, but becomes even more crucial in the online environment. A student must have clear expectations and timely feedback (so he/she knows work is being done correctly) if he/she wishes to be successful in an online environment.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning (SREB M.3, Varvel IV.D, ITS 3.e, ITS 4.f)
    • leighbellville
      Selecting technology that is appropriate for the task is essential. Technology should be tested as a learner and chosen to assist participants in accessing content and demonstrating their understanding in meaningful ways. Quality of tools over quantity and allowing participants an opportunity to learn how to navigate those tools is an important consideration.
    • sjadamsbrennan
      Agreed. It is also important that the instructor has a good understanding of the tool and how to use it. I feel there are times when instrutors will choose tools that are popular, but don't understand all of the functions.
    • whitvere
      I always preach, "Don't use technology for technology's sake." I also call it in my classroom or when teaching peers, "Over-tooling." I believe that technology loses its effectiveness when not used sparingly and looking for the right tool for the purpose.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere (SREB C.3, Varvel VII.A)
    • leighbellville
      Online learning can seem distant and impersonal, or it can be a valuable and meaningful experience for the instructor and students. I read previously that if a student's first experience in an online course is positive, it is far more likely that he or she will continue online courses in the future. Learners should feel safe to ask questions and feel supported during their courses. If an instructor is mindful of reaching out to students frequently, checking on their progress, and answers questions quickly, then the overall impact will be positive.
    • sjadamsbrennan
      Your point about the instructor being mindful is so important. So much of the online learning experience is a direct result of what the instructor chooses to do with the course.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • sjadamsbrennan
      I have had the experience of being an on-line learner with various instructors. Some courses were great and others were frustrating. I think it's very important to have had the student experience before being an instructor.
    • sjadamsbrennan
      One key component of on-line instruction is to facilitate student to student and instructor- student interactions. It is the responsibilty of the instructor to structure the course in a way that will engage everyone. Setting up the expectation for on-going discussion beyond single posts is critical.
    • jbuerman
      I think it is extremely important for all teachers to have experienced being an online student.  More schools have an LMS and are required to place things online.  I think experiencing the online environment as a student enhances a teachers ability to be able to disseminate appropriate information to their students.
    • Vicki Zylstra
      It's amazing but the teacher-student interaction is every bit as important, if not more important, in the online environment.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students (SREB D.8, Varvel VI.F, ITS 5.e)
  • student
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students (SREB A.3, Varvel II.A, ITS 2.a)
    • sjadamsbrennan
      An instructor must have a solid understanding of the content that is being taught in order to determine the best methods of presenting the material online. Some content lends itself better to individual work while group work/discussion may be more appropriate in other cases. When providing content instruction, the instrutor must also be able to determine good online sources and tools from those that aren't great. Old online material or videos can often confuse students more than help them.
  • uses data to evaluate
    • trgriffin1
      This is going to be key for me because I am creating a course. I will need to establish some consistent measures to show that the blended format is effective. I am not sure how to compare the blended delivery to the traditional classes besides a common assessment - but a common assessment will limit the power of PBL and personalization, which is a key element of the course offering.
  • ability to enhance academic performance
    • trgriffin1
      This is, of course, the goal for all teachers. However, I feel that in trying something different I really need to show that the blended course that is being offered will enhance academic performance to the same extent (or more than) the traditional offering.
  • Engages in professional growth (ITS 7)
    • trgriffin1
      Continual PD and reflection will be key as tools change and research continues to show what is effective and what isn't.
    • hagartyc
      By communicating and providing information with your team/co-workers shows that you are putting in the effort to learn and share your knowledge.
  • student motivation and uses techniques to engage students
    • Catherine Hines
      I think this is a challenge to online learning. Students often take an online course with the misconception that it is easier than traditional learning. And as they work, the just think "blah blah blah let me jump through hoops and get this done". This is not a good approach for true long term learning.
    • hagartyc
      Student motivation and appropriate techniques is very important to help engage your student. The more interested your student is about the topic at hand the more willing they are to participate which equals learning!
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • whitvere
      Technology changes so quickly which is another reason why continual PD is an important standard. I try to remember that if I think that I will become an expert in technology I will never make that goal. I must instead strive to stay current and try and learn new things.
    • Vicki Zylstra
      This is so true and proven by the list of Cool Tools we looked at in Topic 1.
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment (SREB C.1, SREB G.6, Varvel V.C, ITS 3.d, ITS 4.b)
    • jbuerman
      Instructional strategies are mentioned many times in this document.  Different strategies need to be considered when providing online education.  All strategies (online & traditional) need to encourage higher order thinking skills for students.  Instructional strategies have been a major focus of our work in our district this year and I hope it continues to challenge teachers to think about how they are providing instructions and change to increase the thinking necessary to challenge students.
  • including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc
    • Vicki Zylstra
      This is very important for me to learn and do! The first online course I taught was in 1997, and most of these tools weren't even available. I have added some of them through the years but not enough. I need to step up my game in this area.
    • Catherine Hines
      It's hard to keep up with online tools because they come and go so quickly! But it's not going to change so your right; we all need to keep our game sharp if we are going to work in an online environment.
  • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use
    • Catherine Hines
      Yes, this is what I was thinking when I highlighted and commented on "creates a safe environment" but also when it comes to respecting copyright as well.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • bdowney
      Each student has a unique background set of knowledge and skills. We need to individualize to each learner whenever possible.
  • Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction (SREB D.6, ITS 6.b
    • bdowney
      Setting high expectations encourages each student to be challenged, but not frustrated. Teachers walk a fine line at times.
  • content knowledge
    • Catherine Hines
      I think content knowledge is very important and sometimes overlooked. Some become to concerned with the bells and whistles of the technology and try to create an innovative way to use the tech. However, if it is not rooted in an important knowledge base to the content the person is teaching, the technology is meaningless. As an instructor and as I coach, I first consider what content is important.
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning
    • Catherine Hines
      I am a BIG fan of TPACK learning theory and use it in my practice as a teacher and a coach. Knowing why we do what we do in the classroom, and knowing how it is supported by research and theory, is very important for quality online learning (IMHO).
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict
    • Catherine Hines
      To be honest, I had not considered this factor because my online work has been in an adult learning environment and I have never noticed any troubles in this area. However, I can see the need to work on this if teaching high school kids; they often make some poor decisions when typing online!
  • such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, IT
    • lisamsuya
      It is important to awknowledge that online instruction is to be aligned with Iowa Core standards. That is a good reminder not to use technology for technology's sake, but for a greater purpose.
  • which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (
    • lisamsuya
      Because the learning theories are specifically mentioned in the standards, one should review or increase their knowledge of these theories. It seems like these theories could be information that is added to the Ollie online courses.
  • Has knowledge of and informs student of their rights to privacy and the conditions under which their work may be shared with others (SREB E.8, Varvel I.D)
    • nickol11
      This is a huge component to any classroom whether it is a traditional, flipped for fully online learning environment. Students need to be aware of what they are doing online, what others can do with that information and how to interact with others in this environment in a safe way.
  • including rubrics for student performances
    • nickol11
      In teaching art, rubrics are an essential grading tool in summative assessments. It is very helpful to have this information available to students before they start their learning. That way they know the direct route they are going, can reflect on modifications they may need to make to reach mastery, etc.
    The student/teacher relationship has traditionally been crucial in the learning process. I continue to believe that instructors need to reach out to their students in ways that promote learning and the relationship with the class.

The Quest for Quality - Educational Leadership - 11 views

  • In the past, few educators, policymakers, or parents would have considered questioning the accuracy of these tests.
    • Denise Krefting
      I was a teacher who didn't question cut scores. In fact they made life easier for me- but there really was no real learning beyond the assessment. This transition to continual learning makes so much more sense!
    • denise carlson
      This sentence is so true. I remember bringing home ITBS scores to my parents. As long as the scores were in the 90th percentile or better they were pleased. I don't remember them ever digging deeper to ask the teacher what I actually knew or did not know. To them it was an important test and whatever the results said must have been the truth. I'm glad we're not there anymore.
    • Cindy Blinkinsop
      Very true. We never questioned ITBS or ITED scores - we believed they were the one and only true assessment of a student's abilities. My how things are changing! There are so many factors to consider (region, vocabulary, did the student eat breakfast, did the student get enough rest, etc).
    • Natalie Smithhart
      I can remember as a child being very worried about my ITBS score, I was never a good test taker and I knew how "important" these tests were. I am glad that these days we use more authentic types of assessments also.
    • Lora Lehmkuhl
      I just reviewed ITED scores with our son. I recently read that ITED scores are closely related to scores one might expect for ACTs. This really worries me as a parent since we have a special needs child whose vision problems have greatly affected his performance in school. He plans to take the ACT test this spring and I know he's not prepared to accept a low score. Convincing him that he needs to take practice tests and study has been really difficult.
  • The assessor must begin with a clear picture of why he or she is conducting the assessment.
    • Denise Krefting
      Using this with the concept of backward design shows us how many options all fit together.
    • Joletta Yoder
      I too value the "Begin with the end in mind" method. I find it easier, after establishing learning goals, to determine how I'll assess them then let that direct my method of instruction.
    • Lora Lehmkuhl
      The "end product" might have different meaning to the student. For example, I teach a cooking class and the end product is often the food prepared. It can be difficult to convince the student that a standard muffin has specific characteristics. We review the characteristics before beginning the lab. In the eyes of the student, if it is edible it's just fine! You wouldn't believe how many times students have mixed up baking soda for baking powder and have been completely satisfied with a pancake that tastes like soap.
    • Marcia Jensen
      Strangely, after all the staff development, I think some teachers don't know why they are giving certain assessments. Part of this may be that they are philosophically opposed to so much testing but I think there is still a lack of understanding about the concepts being taught: the minutiae are more clear.
  • four categories of learning targets are
    • Julie Townsend
      These targets could define four different assessments given quarterly. Don't we give informal assessments that cover some of these targets?
    • Marcia Jensen
      I like checklist type information because it helps me to evaluate and plan my own instruction. I can use these criteria to make sure I plan for all these targets in my instruction.
  • ...58 more annotations...
    • Denise Krefting
      What is the Iowa Core calling these?
  • Do the results provide clear direction for what to do next?
    • Linda Hoobin
      What plan is provided for improvement with the Iowa Assessments?
    • Darin Johnson
      I would like to see an efficient, real-world model of such a system.
    • Joletta Yoder
      I would love to see our inservices allow for time to have such reflections on our assessments and allow us to redirect our planning. How much more would we see student growth if we not only reflected and redirected but also shared our observations with colleagues who also have the students (cross-curricular and at the next level) to have growth be specific and continual rather than a 9 month experiment that restarts from Ground Zero the following year!
    • parsonsbrandi
      Yes! There's so much research that values reflection, and yet it's something that one almost feels "guilty" doing on contract time.
  • Selecting an assessment method that is incapable of reflecting the intended learning will compromise the accuracy of the results.
    • Lori Pearson
      This shows how important it is to set your learning targets and then make sure your assessment gives you the information that you are seeking in regards to those targets.
    • jalfaro
      Without proper training, I'm sure this happens all too often. Teachers often teach and test based on their own experiences and not based on best-practices.
    • Linda Hoobin
      If you can't determine an assessment to match your learning target, could it be that your learning target needs revision?
    • Julie Townsend
      I couldn't agree with you more! Some teachers refuse to open up to the latest in best practice, assuming that '36' years of teaching for example, has given them enough info to have 'all' the answers. And if the assessment is too difficult to create to match the target, why yes, revise the target. It seems we need to think outside the box, and to remind ourselves to keep updated and in touch with the world.
    • Deb Versteeg
      I think many times, the catch here is the gradebook. Many stakeholders(parents, students, administrators, etc.) have very rigid expectations for grading and equate assessment and grading. Teachers don't know how to manage both effectively, and tend to default to the needs of the gradebook for survival.
    • Lori Pearson
      Ah.......the gradebook. I believe you have hit the nail on the head, Deb.
    • Denise Krefting
      I have found it useful for another person to look at the assessment. Especially someone in a different curriculum area.
    • Deborah Ausborn
      That sounds like a good idea. Why, specifically, do you use someone from a different curriculum area? I can think of some ideas, but I don't know if they are the ones you are considering.
  • After defining inference as "a conclusion drawn from the information available,"
    • Denise Krefting
      So.. if my rubric says " requires deep thought" and I define or give examples of deep thought would that be better. I am struggling with the use of those words in my rubric- my participants have had not difficulty with the words, I just feel it isn't as specific as maybe I should make it....
    • Julie Townsend
      What is the definition of 'deep'?
  • a student might assess how strong his or her thesis statement is by using phrases from a rubric,
    • Lori Pearson
      Connection to rubrics in my group during the first week-are the phrases strong and promote further progress in their learning?
    • Darin Johnson
      I like the phrase "using phrases from a rubric." I think I'll borrow this idea and phrasing!
  • If we don't begin with clear statements of the intended learning—clear and understandable to everyone, including students—we won't end up with sound assessments.
    • Peggy Christensen
      I remember once writing a test item that had a term in it that my sophomore biology students didn't understand. Some asked me what the word meant, but what about those who were too embarrassed to ask?
    • Linda Hoobin
      This helps solidify the Iowa Core characteristic of effective instruction--assessment for learning and why it is part of the Iowa Core.
    • parsonsbrandi
      I can relate this to my children and the way that my husband and I differ on how we give directions. For example, he may say, "Your job is to be good." To a three and a five year old, "be good" is a very vague term. I might say something along the lines of, "Your job is to listen without interupting me, use good manners like saying, 'please and thank you,' and to sit down while we're eating dinner."
  • Figure 2 (page 18) clarifies which assessment methods are most likely to produce accurate results for different learning targets.
    • Peggy Christensen
      I have seen this chart from Stiggins work before and have found it to be quite useful. This reminds me of why we need to take the written portion to get an Iowa Driver's license, as well as taking Driver's Ed. or taking the Driving portion (of the test) to get a Driver's License. We need to know both the factual "stuff" (like what a STOP sign means), as well as the skill of being able to actually drive a vehicle.
  • new levels of testing that include benchmark, interim, and common assessments.
    • jalfaro
      And I wonder how much Professional Development teachers (new and old) have been given to support them as they face the new assessment expectations. I think too much is taken for granted...teachers need training if all of this testing and data is to make a real difference for our students.
    • Cheryl Merical
      Totally agree!! Teachers need to know not only how and why they are collecting data.  But how to use the data to make instructional decisions.
  • the use of multiple measures does not, by itself, translate into high-quality evidence.
    • jalfaro
      Exactly! More is necessarily better.
  • and the students themselves
    • jalfaro
      I think that we often forget about this part of the equation! I remember all too often getting a computer generated page back with test results that I couldn't understand and I'm sure that this is still happening nationwide. We must not forget that our jargon must be translated to the student and the parent so that all stakeholders are on the same page.
  • test plan.
    • jalfaro
      And how often do we as teachers fly by the seat of our pants?
    • Linda Hoobin
      This takes me back to DWALA training from Heartland AEA years ago. Anyone else remember this?
    • Julie Townsend
      We do sometimes, especially when placed into a different level of programming at the end of the school year.
  • noise distractions
    • jalfaro
      I once had to ask that they stop mowing the grass just outside my classroom window while my students took the FCAT Reading test in Florida...minor details like this can make a HUGE difference for the kids testing! I couldn't believe that my administrators hadn't considered all of the details.
    • terri lamb
      This can be major for some students - I took a professional knnowledge test years ago in an auditorium and the monitors were talking softly at the front but it really carried - they had no idea and I didn't say anything but noise doesn't normally bother me so I know it bothered others.
  • assessment literate
    • jalfaro
      something else that I think is often taken for granted....
    • Cheryl Merical
      Agree. . .another reason for TA for teachers regarding how to not only gather data, but understand how to use it.
    • Marcia Jensen
      Here lies a bigger problem than we want to acknowledge.
  • Clear Learning Targets
    • Sandy Kluver
      When I first read Stiggins and Chappius' works, it was clear that targets need to be static... not moving! We can't expect students to hit a moving target.
    • Lori Pearson
      If you don't know where you're going, how can you get there?
  • function CheckKaLogin() { if (getQuerystring('kalogin') != "") { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('?kalogin=1', ''); } } function getQuerystring(key, default_) { if (default_==null) default_=""; key = key.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]"+key+"=([^&#]*)"); var qs = regex.exec(window.location.href); if(qs == null) return default_; else return qs[1]; } window.onload = function() { if (getQuerystring('kalogin') != "" ) { // window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('?kalogin=1', ''); //alert('kalogin'); } } .smallf { font-size:9px; } MEMBER SIGN IN Username / Customer ID / E-mail Password Forgot your Username or Password? JOIN ASCD &nbsp;|&nbsp;MEMBER BENEFITS Register for ASCD EDge &nbsp; var userNameField='dnn_ctr898_ViewLoginModule_txtUserName';var passwordField='dnn_ctr898_ViewLoginModule_txtPassword';var loginField='dnn_ctr898_ViewLoginModule_btnSignIn'; function printPage() { window.print(); } //function sendData() //{ //'/dnn/desktopmodules/VCMPrintSendArticleModule/sendfriend.htm'); //} function sendData(data) { // Initialize packed or we get the word 'undefined' var packed = ""; for (i = 0; (i < data.length); i++) { if (i > 0) { packed += ","; } packed += escape(data[i]); } window.location = "/dnn/desktopmodules/VCMPrintSendArticleModule/SendFriend.htm?" + packed; } function openWindow(url) {, 'mywindow', 'width=350,height=370,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes'); } Print This ArticleSend to a Friend OAS_AD('Right'); Online Store ASCD's Top 5 Books Classroom Instruction That Works Enhancing Professional Practice, 2nd Edition The Art and Science of Teaching
  • aim for the lowest possible reading leve
    • Sandy Kluver
      This really surprises me. I've never thought to write a test at the least possible reading level. With my ESL students, I always make sure the words aren't new to the students but hadn't thought about the level I was writing the test at.
  • Use a reading score from a state accountability test as a diagnostic instrument for reading group placement.
    • Sandy Kluver
      hmmm... we do this for Instructional Decision Making groups in Carroll. It's only one piece of the puzzle, but at the beginning of the year, we rely on the ITBS Reading Comp score to place students into groups.
    • Cheryl Merical
      Unfortunately, I think that is a common practice of many districts.
    • Deb Versteeg
      Sandy, I've always been bothered by this part of IDM, also.
    • Marcia Jensen
      I have done this myself at the high school level. No other data exists for my use in connection with students I don't know and time constraints.
  • Seven strategies of assessment for learning.
    • Linda Hoobin
      This is one of the most practical resources on assessment that I have read in a long time. I recommend it to all!
  • cultural insensitivity
    • Linda Hoobin
      I witnessed this first hand when the demographics in one district changed dramatically over the course of about two years. For younger students, pictures in an assessment were used. Several of the students had never seen a rose, but they knew it was a flower--but flower wasn't a choice.
    • Cindy Blinkinsop
      This is so true! One night my husband and I were watching COPS and they were in NYC. A little boy pointed to the very small grassy area in between four apartment buildings that made a square and said, "He just ran through that meadow." I looked at my husband and said, "That kid would flunk the ITBS because he doesn't know the true definition of a meadow...for him, the small grassy area is a meadow. But for our region, a meadow is described totally differently and looks totally different." Test writers do not consider regional vocabulary enough when putting together an assessment. It is still 'one size fits all.'
    • Marcia Jensen
      There are some obvious things when it comes to cultural sensitivity. There are also some things a person preparing a test just might not know since their culture is different.
  • access to the data they want when they need it,
    • Linda Hoobin
      This implies timely feedback.
  • students
  • learning continuum
    • Linda Hoobin
      Learning progressions that Margaret Heritage talks about in Assessment for Learning.
  • The classroom is also a practical location to give students multiple opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do
    • Linda Hoobin
      Multiple is the key word here!
    • Cindy Blinkinsop
      I agree - multiple opportunities. We need to consider the various learning styles that we are teaching to each day and how each will best be able to show proficiency based on a product meaningful to the learner.
  • the reason for assessing is to document individual or group achievement or mastery of standards and measure achievement status at a point in time.
    • Julie Townsend
      Mastery is what we want as teachers, and using an accurate assessment done frequently should show us how far students have come in their achievement.
  • Choosing the Right Assessment
    • Julie Townsend
      I like this table--the categories and the description within.
    • Cheryl Merical
      Agree. Would be a good reference tool for all teachers.
    • Lisa Buss
      I think I will use this as a reference.
    • Deborah Ausborn
      I agree as well. This would be a good tool to share with my home school parents.
    • Joletta Yoder
      Great reminder for all of us, especially English teachers, that we can, and should, be using various forms of assessment. I'm hitting PRINT right now and posting this on my wall in and in my planning folders!
  • Specific, descriptive feedback linked to the targets of instruction and arising from the assessment items or rubrics communicates to students in ways that enable them to immediately take action, thereby promoting further learning.
    • Darin Johnson
      Whenever I read the word "specific," I can't help but to remember my third year of teaching when the English 9 teachers would share an old reel-to-reel converted to VHS instructional video with the class. Several minutes into the video, the narrator would tell the students: "Specific is terrific." This type of feedback is really the exception rather than the rule, isn't it?
    • Deborah Ausborn
      This is really good practice, but extremely time consuming. We need to include as much as possible, but it may not always be feasible or possible to do it all the time.
  • build balanced systems, with assessment-literate users
    • Cheryl Merical
      Wouldn't an RTI model with all its components (e.g., universal screening, progress monitoring, etc.) implemented with fidelity, meet this criteria??
  • Creating a plan like this for each assessment helps assessors sync what they taught with what they're assessing.
    • terri lamb
      .This is a great way to document each assessment.
  • In the case of summative tests, the reason for assessing is to document individual or group achievement or mastery of standards and measure achievement status at a point in time.
    • Darin Johnson
      The point where my assessment breaks down is that my formative assessments are almost always for individuals rather than for groups. Aside from ITEDs, no one beyond my classroom seems concerned with assessment data.
  • inform instructional improvement and identify struggling students and the areas in which they struggle
    • Cheryl Merical
      If we can identify students at-risk earlier through regular progress monitoring, we can move away from the "waiting to fail" model. 
  • Students learn best when they monitor and take responsibility for their own learning.
    • terri lamb
      When we begin a project in desktop publishing the students and I brainstorm the different skills and techniques they can demonstrate and use in the project which in turn becomes their checklist or rubric. They feel more ownership and may need to revisit a skills that other students - they often require more of themselves as well.
    • Lisa Buss
      I think this is very true and I also believe that the learning is at a higher level.
  • For each assessment, regardless of purpose, the assessor should organize the learning targets represented in the assessment into a written test plan that matches the learning targets represented in the curriculum
    • Lisa Buss
      In other words, we must test over wht we've taught?
    • Deb Versteeg
      Or....we need to be sure that students are learning what is going to be assessed. And what is going to be assessed is aligned with the intended learning target. I think too often in classrooms, the teaching is first, then the learning, then the alignment with the assessments or definied learning targets.
    • Natalie Smithhart
      So we need to decide what is going to be assessed first before we create the curriculum. I think often as teachers we do this the other way around. Seems like it should be simple, but sometimes I find myself creating my curriculum before I have decided what I might need to assess.
  • Teachers should design the assessment so students can use the results to self-assess and set goals.
    • Lisa Buss
      I need to do a better job of this!
  • Annual state and local district standardized tests serve annual accountability purposes, provide comparable data, and serve functions related to student placement and selection, guidance, progress monitoring, and program evaluation.
    • Lisa Buss
      But, in my opinion, what's being taught isn't necessarily what's being evaluated.
  • As a "big picture" beginning point in planning for the use of multiple measures, assessors need to consider each assessment level in light of four key questions, along with their formative and summative applications1
    • Lisa Buss
      This is brand new to me!
  • Summative applications refer to grades students receive (classroom level)
    • Lisa Buss
      I wish we could get away from grades and move to a benchmark checklist. When the student is proficient in one skill or concept they can move on to the next.
  • At the level of annual state/district standardized assessments, they involve where and how teachers can improve instruction—next year.
    • Deborah Ausborn
      It is great when this data is used to improve instruction. I was teaching in Texas whe Gov. Perry took over from George Bush (late 90s). The annual testing there was used to determined which schools received the most funds for the next year. High scoring schools received more money; low scoring schools received less money. Sadly, the low scoring schools generally needed the funds so much more than the high scoring schools. I had friends teaching in downtown Houston who told me how many of their students came to school with just a plain tortilla for lunch. They needed more funds, but since they received low scores received less funds. The students from the suburbs (such as Sugarland where at that time the mean income was $100,000/year, attending private tutoring (paid for by parents) several afternoons a week so their test scores would be higher. I literally saw students and teachers who had nervous breakdowns due to the pressure on the testing results. I agree we need assessments; I'm just concerned about how some of those assessments are used.
  • Feedback to students can use the language of the rubric:
  • Although it may seem as though having more assessments will mean we are more accurately estimating student achievement
    • Deb Versteeg
      This is definitely a common misconception.
    • Lori Pearson
      Although, there are times when we need to dig deeper to find out exactly what area needs strengthening. Take reading comprehension, for example, so they are low in that area, what does that mean-many, many components make up that area.
  • The assessor
    • Deb Versteeg
      This term, "the assessor", in and of itself has got me thinking. While the instructor might be the one "giving" the assessment, might the "assessor" at times not be the instructor? Could the state or the district be the assessor in some cases? Could the student be the assessor?
    • Amy Burns
      Devil's Advocate at work a perfect world, our assessments would inspire students to WANT to improve, but in reality, can a rubric really do that in and of itself?
    • Marcia Jensen
      I have yet to see a student use a rubric to improve a project. I think the idea of it is good, but the self-motivation is not there, or I don't know how to motivate them myself.
  • Given the rise in testing, especially in light of a heightened focus on using multiple measures, it's increasingly important to address two essential components of reliable assessments: quality and balance.
    • Amy Burns
      Agreed. Now, if multiple measures are indeed so important, why are we still so mired in the standardized tests to judge success?
    • Kay Durfey
      I believe that this article "The Quest for Quality" really gets at the heart of the importance of having "focus lessons" daily and more long-term learning targets for both teachers and students. Being specific and purposeful about what and how we want students to learn (skills and academic (vocabulary) is essential to genuine learning and performances.
  • Knowledge targets,
  • Reasoning targets
  • Performance skill targets
  • Product targets
  • It also helps them assign the appropriate balance of points in relation to the importance of each target as well as the number of items for each assessed target.
    • Marcia Jensen
      Is anyone besides me starting to feel overwhelmed? I guess this could be done as a districtwide assessment project, but what this article is really starting to accentuate is how little time teachers have for pondering once a school year begins.
  • This key ensures that the assessor has translated the learning targets into assessments that will yield accurate results. It calls attention to the proper assessment method and to the importance of minimizing any bias that might distort estimates of student learning.
    • Marcia Jensen
      This is what I really want to learn how to do!
  • A mechanism should be in place for students to track their own progress on learning targets and communicate their status to others
    • Marcia Jensen
      My comment here concerns this whole paragraph. I think we need to provide time to students as well as teachers for analyzing the results of assessments, and for using the results to make their projects better. As it is, no one has time to revisit the object of the assessment. Time constraints have all educational participants roaring along at breakneck speeds
  • Who is the decision maker?
    • Marcia Jensen
      I think this question is crucial. If the decision-maker and the purpose of the test are punitive rather than informed, no wonder people don't want to be assessed! of course we need to consider this as people who are decisionmakers and quit using tests scores to punish students--we don't like being punished for results and neither do they.
  • applying data to decisions for which they aren't suited.
  • Assessment literacy
    • Marcia Jensen
      Surely a staff development need.
  • A detailed chart listing key issues and their formative and summative applications at each of the three assessment levels is available at
    • Marcia Jensen
      Hoping to share this with our data teams this year.
  • cultural insensitivity
  • Are results communicated in time to inform the intended decisions?
  • to know what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate uses of assessment results—thereby reducing the risk of applying data to decisions for which they aren't suited.
    The point where my assessment breaks down is that my formative data is rarely shared with others. We don't look for trends or patterns or discuss needed changes in content or instructional delivery.
    I believe that this article "The Quest for Quality" really gets at the heart of the importance of having "focus lessons" daily and more long-term learning targets for both teachers and students. Being specific and purposeful about what and how we want students to learn (skills and academic (vocabulary) is essential to genuine learning and performances.
    Founded in 1943, ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies for the success of each learner. Our 175,000 members in 119 countries are professional educators from all levels and subject areas--superintendents, supervisors, principals, teachers, professors of education, and school board members.

Adaptive Learning System Articles - 0 views

  • The simplest way to think about adaptive learning products in their current state is as tutors.
    • Gina Rogers
      I agree with this statement - to an extent. I feel like tutors yes do help reinforce already taught. However, my kids experiences with adaptive learning programs is that there is a limited number of "practice problems" for students to engage in. For example, in Lexia, my kids would get an answer wrong, go through a reteaching of the skill and then get the same practice problem. I feel like a live tutor would have a deeper well of questions or checks for understanding for students to learn from.
  • 1. Help teachers adapt lessons.
    • Gina Rogers
      I agree with this. Additionally, I feel that adaptive online learning platforms help teachers adapt the instruction that they provide in the classroom based on the data that they are provided in the platform For example, if a teacher is seeing that three students in a 9th grade class are struggling to find the main idea in a text the teacher might create a small group to reteach that topic to just those students who need that targeted instruction.
  • Important to note, of course, is that in-person instruction does not fall out of the picture in most cases; in fact, it many strengthen instruction as faculty take on a more supporting, coaching role, with less time devoted to delivery of content, which students may or may not already have mastered, and more time focused on one-to-one student engagement and self-paced guidance through a curriculum.
    • Gina Rogers
      I think this is biggest benefit of possibly incorporating an adaptive OLP into the classroom: the potential for providing more targeted small group/individual instruction based on student needs.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In thinking about adopting adaptive technology, we suggest first focusing on where this technology might be most useful, which is often in remedial education.
    • Gina Rogers
      I think this is the way that I predominantly see adaptive OLP's being used in my kid's classrooms. It is used to give them targeted skills that they have not mastered yet or need to continue to work on - I don't know if I would use the words remedial, though, maybe something more like "skills they are still working on".
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