Articles: Delivery - 2 views
let your passion for your topic come out for all to see.
fshellabarger on 26 Jul 14I have noticed in teaching this very same thing. The difference between engaging students or distancing them from the content is how passionate the teacher is about the information and about teaching it. Passion is key for engagement with students.
In conclusion….
This is so true! This happens all the time at our church. I love my pastor dearly and wouldn't trade her for the world, but she has a bad habit of saying "in conclusion" about 5 times before actually closing. I do notice these are the times I am most alert during the sermon. Naturally, an audience can only hold focus for so long before drifting. I want to try to get my students to my "in conclusion" before they lose their main focus.
you’ll sharpen your presentation and stand a much better chance of winning your audience over.
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