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"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 36 views

  • Tocqueville’s observations
  • A suffix can change everything
    • lisalillian311
      Harsh adverb.  Not all students analyze "ideas from the inside out".  I think that is something that personalized learning can teach them.
  • ‘We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance.’
    • principalchris
      This is a topic that has been discussed for years - But how do I grade the project??  I am glad I do not receive a grade for being the principal!
  • ...75 more annotations...
  • If we can’t engage our kids in ideas and explorations that require no technology, then we have surely lost our way.
  • One final caveat: in the best student-centered, project-based education, kids spend much of their time learning with and from one another. Thus, while making sense of ideas is surely personal, it is not exclusively individual because it involves collaboration and takes place in a community. Even proponents of personal learning may sometimes forget that fact, but it’s a fact that was never learned by supporters of personalized learning.
    • principalchris
      I like the fact that Alfie Kohn makes the reader think.  He is a word smith and must love kids!
  • She cautions educators who may be excited about the progressive educational implications for “personalized learning” to make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means.
    • madonna63
      Educational Admin. needs to work with schools to come up with other forms of assessment that meet up with individualized forms of learning. 
    • marydermit
      Yes, new forms of assessment will be needed with PL.  I think this maybe a challenge because standardized tests are tied to funding.  I am afraid standardized tests are here to stay until funding changes are made at the state /federal level.
    • ahawthorne
      This is always an issue. Making sure everyone is on the same page.
    • lisalillian311
      I think my original comment about change being difficult for veteran teachers was deleted (accidentally by me).  Part of my statement mentioned the need for PD on PL.
    • nwhipple
      I agree that everyone needs to be on the same page.  Too many times we get bombarded in PD sessions and walk away with mixed emotions and different understandings about what we learned about.  PL needs to be a clear, cut definition amongst everyone in the building.  It wouldn't be a bad idea to have PD on PL.  Veteran teachers absolutely need to be up to date on reaching all learners and stepping themselves out of their comfort zones to help reach every student's needs individually, not in a whole group setting.  
    • dwefel
      This will be a big challenge getting everyone on board.
    • kainley
      I agree that it would be a challenge to get everyone on the same page. I like the idea of PD, but how do we get our administrators to "buy in"? Then after that, how do you get people who are set in their way, especially if it is improving test scores, to change their thinking so we are focused on the whole child?
    • kburrington
      I guess I would like to go back a step and look at how college educational departments are teaching Personal Learning. I would say most teachers are teaching the way they were taught. Maybe the change needs to start there also.
    • katie50009
      As a district we tried to define creativity during PD incorporating the 4C's. It was no easy task. It is even more difficult to measure!
    • juliefulton
      It seems as though we need a multi-phase approach at infusing PL in our educational systems. I agree with needing PD for our current teachers and that colleges need to be modeling PL for our new teachers. We also need to inspire our students to be individual thinkers rather than the 'check mark the box' learners that our system currently promotes.
  • best thing we can do for kids is empower them
  • he demands of the system — and education leaders’ desire to excel within it — lend themselves well to the computerized, modular and often very standardized system of “personalization” many ed-tech companies are offering.
    • marydermit
      This sounds like more of the same unless PL stakeholders and teachers are involved in the R&D.
    • katie50009
      When thinking about the constraints of our current system--Common Core, standards assessments, pacing guides, etc.--I wonder if PL will become anything more than a dream or a small scale implementation.
  • Personalized learning entails adjusting the difficulty level of prefabricated
  • Big questions, passion, personal interest are what should drive our use of technology, not the other way around.
  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves. In a world where we can explore almost every interest or passion in depth on our own or with others, it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
    • madonna63
      Educators will need to be informed on what it will look like for students to take these opportunities which won't be directed by us or possibly by curriculum. They will need to learn how to help students on this path and not hinder them.
    • marydermit
      PD is vital for teachers.  If left out it will not be good for anyone most of all the students.  
    • spfantz
      This definition is vague, I too would like to look at specific curriculum pathways and opportunities. Seeing personalized learning in action, and the role of the teacher would be interesting.
    • Alison Ruebel
      I now understand more the difference between "personalized" and "personal" learning, but I do agree that staff and administrators need to be more informed and given specific examples or experiences to help us learn more about implementing it and what our role is as a teacher. It would be nice to be given examples of this in action. It seems so confusing once you think about how teachers do this in the classroom, but I think it can make a big difference in schools and student learning in the future. 
    • Jessica Athen
      This quote really helped me to understand more of what we are learning about. 
    • alissahansen
      Agreed, this is a very helpful statement, but I think I would also agree that I would like to see what PL looks like. (Alissa Hansen)
    • bakersusan
      This is a very helpful statement, PD with time to implement is important for success. In addition to teachers being educated about PL, parents will also need to be educated. In my district as we have tried to incorporate more technology, unless the parents are in agreement, the changes have not been successful.
    • kaberding
      I have a better understanding of personalized learning vs. personal learning.  I like how the author states the difference; it makes it very easy to differentiate between the two terms.  In regards to the rest of the statement, I think that professional development is a vital key in getting teachers "on board" with this concept.  I have cotaught with many general education teachers, and it is difficult for some to see how this will work and what this can look like.  A bank of teachers "in action" would be great for all teachers to access to get ideas!  
    • kburrington
      I totally agree that there are a lot of people who would have to get on board. I now realize that I'm just providing personalized learning with my Odysseyware, not personal learning by any means.
  • moving ownership of learning away from the teacher and more toward the student.
    • madonna63
      Our current way of teaching is somewhat like a 'helicopter mother'. We aren't letting students try and fail on their own, without us being there to catch them. We need to be more of a teacher/resource person to instruct and /or guide when needed. Also, like a grandmother-giving positive feedback.
    • marydermit
      We do not teach students that failure is part of learning or the importance of what we can learn from a failed attempt. Sticky notes are a perfect example.
    • spfantz
      Some of the online programs such as Khan Academy and E2020 are the epitomy of nonpersonalized learning, yet we are enrolling more and more students each year.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This is where students could/should be encouraged to seek out resources that fit their individual interests.  It is a step in the right direction, but needs to be applied in a way that will help students become stronger learners. 
    • ahawthorne
      I agree the online programs are just classroom lectures put on the computer and are more of the same. 
    • jroffman
      I think it is a great idea to have students be responsible or the "owner" of their own learning, we need to get parents and administration on board with this, I feel that way too often it is the teachers fault or the schools fault when kids are not learning. 
    • dwefel
      I have to admit, I am that 'helicopter mother' teacher sometimes. I agree, teachers need to find individual interests in students and figure out how they want to learn and step away and allow students to figure out how they learn best, even if they do fail at first.
  • It requires the presence of a caring teacher who knows each child well.
    • madonna63
      The idea of each student having a teacher(s) know her/him well is vital. We don't want students just being set free and only "check in" as they go along. They will feel very disconnected and alone. They need to be known, cared for. Teachers might have times during the year when she gets her students together to do activities to get to know each other, celebrate holidays, etc.
    • marydermit
      I like your idea of getting students together for a celebration It could be a celebration of learning to highlight student work / projects.  This fits into the PL model of "learn to learn, learn to do, learn to be." 
    • lisalillian311
      I wonder in an ideal PL environment what the student/teacher ratio should be?  Large classes are tough to get to know students in the way that PL suggests
    • nwhipple
      "Ah Ha".. every teacher who is there for their students should know their students well.  Not only how they learn, but about their family life and themselves personally.  Building a relationship with each child is huge.  I couldn't imagine walking into my room every morning and not wanting to connect with each student, individually and personally, daily.  If teachers aren't going to be caring and willing to get to know each of their students, then they shouldn't be allowed to have their minds to mold.  
    • jroffman
      Part of the requirement of the Voluntary 4 year old preschool program is that I go to each home before school starts and do a home visit. I love it, I think it is the best idea ever and I really think all elementary teachers should do it. I really think that I make a strong connection with all of my students by having them meet me in their home where they are in the most control. Even though I know each child very well I just feel like there is not enough of me to go around, there are always those one or two students that require more time and energy while the rest are kind of on their own.
    • alissahansen
      I think home visits are wonderful, although I am not sure my high school students would want Mrs. Hansen coming to their house! ha ha. I do make it a priority to keep the lines of communication open with families, in fact, I send out emails weekly (personal), make calls (5 a day, positive and negative), and even send out personal welcome letters at the start of the year. It makes quite the difference in how my students work for me! (Alissa Hansen)
  • echnology was strikingly absent from these conversations. Instead, the common view of personalization focused on giving agency for learning to the student and valuing each individual in a classroom.
    • spfantz
      The definitions we have read about personalized learning incorporate technology as an important piece of the personalized learning experience, so this surprises me.
    • Alison Ruebel
      Yes this surprised me too! A lot of my kids learn best through using technology since they are surrounded by it today within this generation, and engages them more so to me it makes sense to have technology be a big part of personalized learning. 
    • Lisa Hackman
      I agree! How can technology not be part of the personal learning environment? There are so many opportunities for students to use technology to reach out to others all over the world for collaboration. Technology doesn't have to be relegated only to ed-tech programs.
    • alissahansen
      I guess the idea behind the technology is to use it so students have the freedom to gather authentic and meaningful information to help them towards mastery, instead of using technology just for technology sake. A lot of us do, but I have definitely encountered classrooms that like the idea of having technology in the classroom, but it does nothing to further learning in students. (Alissa Hansen)
    • bakersusan
      I think with this statement, the author is trying to remind us that personalized learning is more than technology. You don't have to use technology to truly personalize learning for students but that it can be one of the "tools" in the teacher's toolbox to help students learn.
    • lisa noe
      I think that the author is implying that technology itself shouldn't be the teacher but more like a partner in learning. I personally think that too many times technology impedes learning.  Students don't have to think or try to figure something out, they can just Google the answer.  If all the answers in the universe can be found in Google what is the point of learning?  We need students to think of things that aren't out there yet.  To discover the unknown.  
  • specific curriculum that will be evaluated on standardized tests, while at the same time telling teachers to be innovative and creative within their classrooms
    • spfantz
      This sentence does appear to be a contradiction. Requiring teachers to teach a specific curriculum while infusing innovation and creativity is a challenge.
    • nwhipple
      I absolutely agree with you!  It is VERY hard to teach the specific standards for the test while wanting to be creative.  More projects take time and time is inevitable.  We need more time to make learning "fun" and "meet all the standards".  I find kindergarten to be a challenge to balance the standards and crafts/fun.  I know I tried hard this year to let the kids "play" at their tables during math and reading with manipulative instead of constantly doing pages from our math/reading books.  
    • emilyzelenovich
      Curiosity is something I really see lacking in some students today (at least high school students).  Many have a really hard time thinking of things they want to know or learn about or believe they can just get the answer to a question by looking online.  I have many students, who when given the chance to research a topic of their choice, believe they aren't interested in anything. This would be a challenge with peronalized learning. 
    • lisalillian311
      I agree: curiosity has to have motivation.  I allow students to choose their research topic, and once they delve into it, they start asking me questions, which, in turn, I help them find internet info that might send them in the right direction.  Then, they fly!
    • alissahansen
      Sadly, I too have seen more and more lack of innovation and creativity with students and the issue is on the rise it seems. I know with my own experiences as a high school English teacher that students really struggle coming up with their own original ideas, and even with lots of guidance and modeling beforehand. It's as if they do not trust themselves to make a good decision and this is so sad! I try to be very eclectic with how I teach the curriculum and my students will tell you that they do have a lot of choice and voice in my class, but they still need to meet standards and achieve mastery at some levels. I just don't know what it is that seems to be holding students back anymore. I do think PL can help this issue, but I do think that students will have difficulty (as with any chance) getting into such a different system if they already struggle being authentic, generating original ideas, and being creative. (Alissa Hansen)
    • Alison Ruebel
      This is very true in many schools. I can relate to this, since our school has been focused on following our new school's reading curriculum this year and focusing on test scores each week. It isn't allowing us to be creative in our classrooms. How do we change the views of administrators to help them allow us to have more personalized learning in our classrooms?
    • kainley
      I worry about adding personalized learning to our environment too. We have seen 20% growth in reading scores on Iowa Assessments as we switched our Tier One instruction to a new curriculum. I think our curriculum and the way that teachers are constantly looking at data and working together to create better ways to meet student needs (small group instruction, mixing up classes, intensive guided groups, etc.) has been successful. I wonder how personalized learning lends it self to standardized tests...although the voice of reason in the back of my mind keeps reminding me that one test on one day is no way to measure what a student knows...or for that matter who they are!
    • alissahansen
      We have seen a lot of growth with Iowa Assessments too, and it is a result of the amazing teachers in our building and the data teams. I do wonder what assessments look like in a PL environment. There has been a sharp focus on reading and math scores, and scores equate to funding, so I have a feeling that this would be a hard sell...sadly. How can the bureaucracy of the educational world come to terms with what learners truly need/want? I guess this is always up for debate, and once you add in the giving "students the freedom to follow a meaningful line of inquiry, while building the skills to connect, synthesize and analyze information into original productions," it tends to scare people.
    • alissahansen
      (last comment was from Alissa Hansen)
    • jenniferlb
      This is a true concern, as we have pre and post assessments for each unit to gauge their mastery of the standards.  While I find that information valuable, it is a struggle (and great concern) for many of my colleagues regarding the "freedom" to be creative in how they approach the standards.  I hope to better understand how the idea of innovation and creativity can coexist with necessary curriculum through PL.  Sharing that with concerned colleagues will be a great boost to morale, for sure!
  • The larger point is this: This moment of huge disruption requires us to think deeply about our goals and practices as educators, and it requires us to think deeply about the language we use. Words matter. More importantly, our thinking about what we want our kids to learn and our changed roles in that process matters. I’m suggesting that right now, because of the Web and the plethora of new technologies, the best thing we can do for kids is empower them to make regular, important, thoughtful decisions about their own learning, what they learn and how they learn it, and to frame our use of language in that larger shift, not simply in the affordances for traditional curriculum delivery that the tools of the moment might bring.
    • Jessica Athen
      I had the pleasure of listening to Will Richardson speak at our school two years ago. I learned so much from his presentation and I was so excited about all of the ideas he provided for our district. I was saddened by how many teachers in our district were really turned off by Will, and felt that the presentation was a waste of their time. Unfortunately, because of this pervasive attitude, we never really proceeded with his ideas for our district.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      These ideas require teachers to thinking beyond the traditional model, which is difficult for most to do or think about.  His example about flipping is a good example, it could be used to really create students who know how to learn, but most don't use it in a way that encourages personal learning. 
    • dwefel
      I love this section. It really talks about students taking charge of their learning. I think it is so important for kids to make goals and to really understand where they are and where they need to be. It is neat when students can see where they started and where they end and realize that working towards goals really pays off. (Dana Wefel)
    • alissahansen
      Yes, students will only learn that metacognition and how it works by making their own goals and plans of action. I try to have my freshmen do this at the start of each school year and we revisit the list through the year. It is hard for them to create goals, even with modeling, however, so this is something that needs a lot of work (both the teaching of the concept and creating the goals). 14 and 15 year olds have a hard time seeing past the right now, and most struggle even more with articulating what they struggle with and what they are good at. I want to really help my students with this aspect as that will really help us get close to a PL environment. (Alissa Hansen)
  • That was flipping the curriculum, but it still wasn’t flipping the control of the learning.
    • Jessica Athen
      I have never really understood how flipping a classroom is supposed to be the future of education like so many educators are saying it is. 
    • bakersusan
      I totally agree. If I use the definition of flipping explain by this article, I've been flipping my classroom for most of my career.
  • Dozens of teachers agreed that a truly personalized learning experience requires student choice, is individualized, meaningful and resource rich. This kind of learning allows students to work at their own pace and level, meets the individual needs of students, and perhaps most importantly, is not a one-size fits all model. T
    • Jessica Athen
      This statement does a great job of summarizing the goals of personalized learning, but I find myself wondering how we can move in this direction? There are so many changes that need to be made at every level of education and government that it seems almost impossible that we will actually ever be able to provide this type of environment to our students.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Doesn't it also mean a lower student-to-teacher ratio? I also think it seems nearly impossible to implement on a wide scale basis. 
    • ahawthorne
      I agree the system needs to change from top to bottom. If we aren't able to see change in the levels of education we will continue to struggle to see significant change.
    • Lisa Hackman
      I agree whole-heartedly Jessica! Transitioning from a more traditional model to a personal learning model would be a HUGE undertaking. We aren't just talking about PreK-12 education, but post-secondary as well. Teacher preparation programs would need to be overhauled as well. How does everyone get on the same page in terms of what Personal Learning means and what it involves? There is much work to be done at all levels of the educational system as well as the government that funds the public educational system. I can't really wrap my head around this monumental task.
    • ascallon
      I agree students need to make their own choices.  How does the teacher motivate the student to choose more than the basics to get by.  Many students I see want to do the bare minimum and nothing more.
    • alissahansen
      I agree that change is going to be difficult and that the entire educational system would need to be revamped, and that would also mean students would need to be trained for this type of learning environment because they have been born into this "one size fits all" system. I am curious what that training would look like. I am also thinking that communities that are homes to these schools would also need to be educated on personalized learning, or I fear major problems. (Alissa Hansen)
    • nwhipple
      I changed up my teaching this year and did less large group time and more centers and small group instruction time.  I found that my time with a small group worked really well because it was individualized by what their needs were.  However, I am still tweaking my centers and how the kids motivate themselves.  I have things for them to do, but to get them to do "more" is the hard part, unless you are scaffolding it, constantly.  (Natalie Whipple)
    • moodyh
      In my traditional high school classes, I am trying to work towards a more personalized classroom experience, (although I realize in taking this class that it's actually more of a differentiation approach.) I think someone has to initiate the change and make it successful and more people will try it.  
    • alissahansen
      I am curious what you are doing to make your high school classroom more personalized. I am trying to do the same thing, but is very tough as I have classes of over 25 and see over 100 students everyday. I want this as my goal, but it seems like quite the mountain to climb. I like doing small groups, but my biggest issue is that I only see students for 45 minutes. I am not sure that is enough time to create a truly "meaningful line of inquiry, while building the skills to connect, synthesize, and analyze information into original products." (Alissa Hansen)
    • edamisch
      What if a student's pace is excruciatingly slow?  How will a teacher ever get through everything? 
  • Certain forms of technology can be used to support progressive education, but meaningful (and truly personal) learning never requires technology.
    • ahawthorne
      Some of my students are so sick of technology - and good for them. We need to remember it doesn't solve everything. 
    • lisa noe
      I agree with this statement.  Learning is a process of discovery, the acquisition or knowledge and sklls, and although you can learn many things by googling information, true learning goes beyond that.  You must know how and when to use this information.
    • bakersusan
      I too agree with this statement. Technology is a tool and shouldn't be expected to solve "problems" within education. I work in a 1:1 school, and as staff have come to a better understanding of technology and what it can and can't do, I see more true learning taking place. Once still has to remember that the most important component of learning are the people, not computers, iPads, etc...
    • alissahansen
       Agreed! I have students who cannot even tell time on a clock that is not digital or read a map...this is where things are going if we use technology for technology sake. (Alissa Hansen)
  • However, in order to navigate the system of accountability in the U.S. educational system, many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum that will be evaluated on standardized tests, while at the same time telling teachers to be innovative and creative within their classrooms. When that happens, the structures around the classroom leave little room for the kind of authentic, whole-child personalization many teachers dream of offering. The demands of the system — and education leaders’ desire to excel within it — lend themselves well to the computerized, modular and often very standardized system of “personalization” many ed-tech companies are offering.
    • Jessica Athen
      This statement really resonated with me. I feel like as a teacher, we are supposed to "do it all." We are supposed to meet the individual needs of each student while also providing a mandated one size fits all curriculum with the goal of better test scores, and if we can't do all of this, then we are told that we have failed as teachers.
    • Lisa Hackman
      Standardized testing is not consistent with personal learning. So how would schools be evaluated for progress? I don't see standardized testing going away anytime soon, but then again, it will take a long time to implement personal learning in a school, let alone the entire state and country.
    • Alison Ruebel
      Interesting and good point! I think this is important for all educators to realize and know that personal learning should never require technology. We need to use it to support our student's on going learning.
  • ‘We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance.’
    • Kristina Dvorak
      Maybe the idea of grading needs to be evaluated.  Even standards based grading does the same thing.  
    • ahawthorne
      This is always a difficult. How do we address this?
    • lisalillian311
      We use common rubrics that we design as a staff and use CCS as our guide.  It is difficult to set up at first, but it becomes second nature after a while.  On standardized writing, we set a baseline on three different student submissions so we are all on the same page while grading with the rubric, and we all understand what "proficient" and "approaching" clearly mean.  I have done this in two different districts--perhaps it is the same all over?
    • kainley
      We also use common rubrics that we designed. We are constantly changing them as we learn more about the standards. I love your idea of bringing submissions to a PLC and discussing what is truly proficient. I do wonder, how did you get your team to be brave enough to share?
  • not about giving students what they want, it’s about a
    • ahawthorne
      This is always a fear of mine. So difficult to not do for them what we really need them to do!
  • recommended learning path just for them.
  • Personalization is often used in the ed-tech community to describe a student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace.
    • Lisa Hackman
      As a user of a couple ed-tech products, they are really no different than what happens in the traditional classroom. Students are receiving the same content but in a different way. This is still not a personal learning opportunity but an individualized learning opportunity. All of the students are still meeting the same objectives and completing the same work. There is really nothing personal about it. In a weak defense of these products, I have had students do quite well using ed-tech programs. They were at least showing up to school on a more consistent basis and completing work. That doesn't necessarily mean that it was the best way for them to learn but it was a slight improvement over their previuos experience in the traditional high school setting.
    • ascallon
      I don't think using a program like Edgenuity is personalizing for students.  All students use the same program.  I think it's more differentiation and individualization.
    • bleza66
      I agree with you that programs like Edgenuity are more about differentiation or individualization and not personalization but I think we can get there with programs like this if we can get the publishers to adapt them for more personalized choices. It can be built into the programming and if there is enough market f  or it they will create it. Education is a  slow moving train but with time and a push from educators this can and I believe will happen in the future.
  • because of the larger preoccupation with data data data data data.
    • ascallon
      A comment from a recent high school grad--standardized tests don't show individuality yet schools are funded by test scores. 
  • Tracking kids’ “progress” with digital profiles
    • ascallon
      I don't think it's fair that one test has so much value for a student.  Iowa Assessment scores are used for PSEO criteria, class placement.  If the student tests poorly due to illness, classroom environment, or just a bad day--it can have quite an effect on his/her future classes.
  • their choices are limited to when — or maybe, if they’re lucky, how – they’ll master a set of skills mandated by people who have never met them.
    • lisalillian311
      I worry about students who have gotten all the way to high school with a lack of intrinsic motivation.  So many are off track to graduate, so I guess I wonder how PL will help these kids if they already lack motivation.  Often, their goals are to be in a trade, which is fine, but they may see their parent making this work look easy.  For PL, I feel cautious around motivating the hard-to-motivate.
    • emilyzelenovich
      This is one of my greatest concerns as well. I have so many students who struggle to find anything to write about, read about, talk about that matters or is thought provoking to them. How would they handle the flexibility and independence that comes with PL? 
  • If we can’t engage our kids in ideas and explorations that require no technology, then we have surely lost our way.
    • lisalillian311
      Not every subject lends itself to technology, such as science, which requires hands-on lab work.
    • moodyh
      Another image comes to mind. I am all for technology as an OPTION, not as a requirement.
    • jenniferlb
      I totally agree! It is a seemingly impossible task to get students to put aside their technology for the sake of real world interaction.  I use technology, and invite them to use technology when appropriate and, ahem, innovative ;) but to get them interested in a novel is becoming increasingly difficult.  I feel that I share my passion for what we're learning, but it is a constant struggle to keep them interested without a screen.
    • kburrington
      I think of my favorite teachers and the classes I felt I learn the most in and I never remember there being a computer there. Technology is a tool not a substitute for teaching. KB
  • artificially personalized
  • Personalization is often used in the ed-tech community to describe a student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace. The only choice a student gets is what box to check on the screen and how quickly to move through the exercises. For many educators that’s not the true meaning of “personalized learning.”
    • sheilig
      Is this where Skoolbo, Moby Max, Scootpad, and other sites like these fit? 
  • Simpler strategies, such as having kids choose, read, and discuss real books from the library may be more effective
    • sheilig
      YES! I don't see kids free reading enough. It's an inexpensive, easy, and effective strategy. It can be done when the internet is down, too! (I'm saying this because there have been times when we have lost power or internet and kids feel we should cancel school!)
    • alissahansen
      hahaha. I have heard that from so many of our students, and believe me, a little too often than not because our school is moving closer to 1-to-1 and it has done a number to the stability of the Internet, so of course as the district was increasing our bandwidth, there were a number of hours we lost power. But of course, I have students read independent reading novels each semester and create a project/presentation over what they choose, this gave them time to read in class! Most students really enjoyed reading a book, but I did have students look at me like I was crazy, "What, a book that is 100 pages or more?!"  (Alissa Hansen)
  • She cautions educators who may be excited about the progressive educational implications for “personalized learning” to make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means.
    • sheilig
      There is so much information out there that talks about "personalized learning." So, yes, I agree that everyone in the district needs to be on the same page about the definition and ways to implement it.
  • We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance
    • kainley
      This is exactly why I think that PL will be a hard sell to my district. We ARE seeing growth on the test...does that mean that we are taking into account the whole However, this is how we measure growth and I'd like to know how we can even change that?
  • ‘We often say we wan
  • don’t lear
  • it is clear that all children don’t learn the same way and personalization seems to honor those differences.
    • nwhipple
      I agree that not all students learn the same way, especially at age 5.  I honor their learning differences daily but I am often challenged by grouping them based on their ability  and fitting in time to have them reach the standard for the day on their own.  The common core wants all kids proficient by the end of their school year in all their standards.  It gets tricky to personalize every child's learning and have them do it at their own pace when some may take 4-5 weeks to accomplish 1 standard.  This is where I worry about not having enough hours in the day and days in the school year.  
    • jroffman
      I agree too! Not all students learn the same way I also think that is why now in the preschool classroom I am having to teach students how to play. I think that even at a very young age kids are taught to wait and be told what to do. I always think back to my youngest brother who struggled in school, and how he was told he would never make it. He went into farming and now at the age of 26 bought his first farm and milks over 100 cows, I would say he is successful even though he didn't make all of the common core goals. 
    • jenniferlb
      When I think of the work I do with high school students, this is clearly something we deal with every day.  I present information in a variety of ways to attempt to meet the needs of different learning styles and I really try to "keep it moving" to avoid losing the attention of very "short-attention-spanned" kids! I think we can all relate to this, and I certainly agree that personalization will help adjust traditional learning to meet the needs of all students a little better. (Jennifer Betz)
  • A personalized environment gives students the freedom to follow a meaningful line of inquiry, while building the skills to connect, synthesize and analyze information into original productions.
    • kainley
      I love that students get choice. I love that they are connecting, synthesizing and analyzing. I love that they are creating something original. I guess I am wonder what a personalized environment would be for PL. In my class we follow the Daily 5 and with that, we have a comfortable reading space, cushions that can be brought to anywhere in the room, soft lamp light, tables for 4-6 students to work together, buddy areas.."home-looking." I mean is that what this is, or am I way off base?
    • jroffman
      I struggle with creating a personalized classroom because of space, when students start projects one day they have to be put away at the end of play time otherwise we won't have space for large group or table activities. I also struggle with enough adults in the classroom, students are not comfortable with that much freedom and want a teacher next to them for guidance, but one teacher to 18 kids just doesn't work most of the time. My other issue is a personal issue I am an all or nothing type of person and I get frustrated when it doesn't look like I think it should. In reality I am probally doing an okay job with personalized learning, but I have LOTS of improvements to make. 
  • the industrialized form of education that pumps out cookie-cutter students with the same knowledge and skills.
    • lisa noe
      I agree that many students have difficultly thinking outside of the box.  I believe that is because we have quashed individuality.  We ask everyone to conform to our standards.  Our society has a habit of criticizing those that go against the norm.  We expect all students to follow the same path and to want the same things.  Students don't want to be embarrassed for thinking or looking differently.  I see this happen frequently during group work.  There always seems to be a strong-minded individual who takes charge.  Many times other members' voices are never heard even though they may have equally as good of ideas, if not better.  Many students have zero confidence in themselves so they never stand up and let their voice be heard.  Hence, cookie cutters. 
    • alissahansen
      I am nodding my head in agreement to your every statement here Lisa. With all of the assessments and data driven curriculum we have not given students any room or confidence to be creative or innovative. And when we do ask for it, students are so reluctant out of fear and that fear is paralytic. PL has so many benefits. Don't we want our future citizens to be innovators and critical thinkers? I think we do and our current educational system seems to imprison any originality. (Alissa Hansen.
    • bleza66
      I agree with both of you (Lisa and Alisson) students today are afraid of being different or standing out because they are afraid of not being accepted. I also agree that society has taught us this lesson all too well. However, if we begin to initiate higher order, more individualized thinking and expression of ideas at an early age then our societal norms will eventually begin to change and persoanalized individual learning will become the expectation and eventually the new norm. We can only hope and dream for that day to come. 
  • Three words seem to be dancing around in my head of late when it comes to current thinking about education: “personalization,” “engagement” and “flip.” All three were on display on the vendor floor and in session rooms at last week’s International Society for Technology in Education conference in San Diego, one of the largest ed tech conferences in the world attended by upward of 18,000 people.
  • It meets the needs of an individual in a very standardized way, but it doesn’t take into account who that kid is.
    • moodyh
      This is what happened in my last school district.  The administration thought that a computer program could solve all the issues, but very few students learned well from a computer program.
    • kburrington
      We have been finding that technology works good for some students but not for all. Sounds familiar kind of just like direct instruction.
    • jillnovotny
      I think the issue is differences in the meaning of personalized learning. As we discussed in class previously, personalized learning is not the same thing as differentiation, which is supposed to meet students' needs. Personalized learning is truly about putting students in control of their learning and supporting them in developing that learning!
    • juliefulton
      When a student is unsuccessful in the traditional classroom we look to computer classes to fulfill the credit requirement. The focus is on successfully fulfilling the requirement rather than on learning. If schools were to turn to component recovery with a unit that allows personalized learning, the student could do both - learn and fulfill the graduation requirement.
  • Our kids (and we ourselves) are suddenly walking around with access to the sum of human knowledge in our pockets and connections to literally millions of potential teachers. It’s a dramatic shift that requires new literacies to navigate all that access and, importantly, new dispositions to take advantage of it for learning.
    • moodyh
      This line makes me think of this image. I think there will have to be some re"training" for teachers and students to be able to deal with the vast sums of knowledge available to everyone.
    • alissahansen
      Agreed! In my own English classroom, and I know I am not alone, students have access to millions of reviews and analyses of the literature we read in our own classroom so my goal is always to have them either create a product based on their own understanding of a concept, character, plot point, etc. or I do my best to give them choices for them to navigate their own understanding. A lot of "required" literature is all found online and there is so much out there on most aspects of each piece. Technology can make this aspect very difficult as students have all of this at their fingertips, and our goal as educators is for students to gain their own sense of meaning from what they have seen, read, heard, while also building skills that lead towards mastery along the way. (Alissa Hansen)
  • You want to really engage kids? Give them opportunities to learn personally, to create their own texts and courses of study, and to pursue that learning with others in and out of the classroom who share a passion.
    • dwefel
      This is a great piece in the article. It really got me thinking of how boring school is for kids. As an educator I 100% want my students to be engaged and having fun learning. It would be so great to hear old kids tell their younger siblings how much fun school is!
  • Technology and the Web has radically changed that concept.
    • alissahansen
      Technology has changed the way EVERYTHING is done in the classroom as students have access to EVERYTHING now. So, what can we do as educators to make sure they are having meaningful and authentic experiences in our classrooms? How do some of you deal with this issue? I know I put a lot of work into the in-class and out of class work that I have students do because many questions/answers can be found so quickly by students and this occurs anytime and anywhere. (Alissa Hansen)
  • “free to expand as a standardized individual.”[1]
    • alissahansen
      I think this is a great quote that truly shows just how contradictory our world is! And especially with education. (Alissa Hansen)
    • principalchris
      Alissa, I like this quote as well.  We are free to educate as long as everyone gets 100% on the standardized test.
  • more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
  • crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
  • can explore almost every interest or passion in depth on our own or with others, it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions a
  • personalization only comes when students have authentic choice over how to tackle a problem
    • jenniferlb
      I like how this is stated..."authentic choice." We all want to be given choice in what we do each day...personally or professionally.  I think it is imperative to give students choice, when possible, in their learning.  But, the term "authentic" is what strikes me, because when I think of the choice I'm able to give students, I question whether or not it is authentic. When I offer students their choice of six different novels to read for a unit of study, is that truly authentic?  I'm doubting so.  It is a struggle, for sure.
    • katie50009
      I was also struggling with the word "authentic" here. Or even "how to tackle a problem." What problem? Why is this an important problem to tackle? Why? Would the student agree that it is worth tackling much less how to tackle it?
    • juliefulton
      I like the use of "authentic" however I am equally curious how a teacher manages a situation when the student does not believe it is worth tackling the question, as the previous reader noted. This is a great example of a need for PD - help teachers with strategies to inspire their students to want to take chances and risks to learn.
  • personalization only comes when students have authentic choice over how to tackle a problem
  • personalization only comes when students have authentic choice over how to tackle a problem
  • the prevailing narrative seems to be that we can’t engage kids without technology, without a smartphone, tablet computer or some other multimedia device or tool.
    • edamisch
      Technology is great and all, but it does have it's drawbacks.   A family friend was all excited that her baby could do XYZ on an iPad at a young age to find out later that her pediatrician thought that very thing might be why her speech was so delayed.  
  • better test scores
    • edamisch
      I've been interviewing and the question every district seems to ask it about data, data, data.  Two and four years ago, this was not the case.  I believe this is because of the high stakes testing trend in recent years.  
  • individualism yet experience a “relentless pressure to conform.”
    • edamisch
      This reminds me of the "hipster" trend - "let's all be different in the same way." 
  • “It’s so much cheaper to buy a new computer than to pay a teacher’s salary year after year.”[11]
    • edamisch
      There are districts using Rosetta Stone as opposed to foreign language teachers out there! 
  • One final caveat: in the best student-centered, project-based education, kids spend much of their time learning with and from one another.
    • edamisch
      I'll admit, there is one tiny, tiny part of me that thinks, "My parents' generation turned out alright without flipped/project-based/differentiated/insert every other educational buzzword here." Honestly sometimes I do wonder if all these best practice trends aren't leading to an egocentric, narcissistic  generation.  Selfies for example.  But then there's a larger part of me that knows the factory model doesn't work in education either.  
    • lisa noe
      I agree!  I think of all the amazing things that have been invented in history and wonder, how in the world did they do it without technology?!  I know that our world is changing, and that to continue to grow we must change, but sometimes things are better left as is. As I type that, I realize our educational system needs to be overhauled.  It's just that every time I turn around someone is trying to "sell" us something else they claim will work, and before we even have a chance to get it up and running something new comes along. :)
  • From what I’ve seen, flipping doesn’t do much for helping kids become better learners in the sense of being able to drive their own education
    • jenniferlb
      I have to agree with this statement.  With high school students who are over-involved (or resistant to be involved in anything at all) homework is rarely a priority.  Perhaps for a math class or a world language class where they have actual "work" to hand in, but when it comes to students finding reading time outside of class and putting as much effort into English is a challenge, for sure.
    • emilyzelenovich
      This is a common discussion in the English department at my school. We struggle to figure out how to make any kind of outside reading or homework a priority. We have tried providing more time in class, but then we often run out of time or students grow tired of doing one thing for too long. Trying to help them see value and meaning in the work we assign is tricky.
  • ‘We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance.’
  • The Web has changed or is changing just about everything when it comes to how we think about the ways in which we communicate, collaborate and create.
  • It’s as if engaging them in learning without technology has become this impossible task.
    • kaberding
      It is hard to compete with technology.  When I think of technology, I think of even simple things like a cd player, video (the old VHS), radio station (for current news), etc.  As educators, we have been using technology to teach since we could get our hands on it. How about a simple cassette player with the ABC song on it?  I'm sure every educator has put their hands on any technology device that can help their students gain a better understanding of what is being taught. So I tend to disagree with idea that we shouldn't have to engage students without technology.  We should have to engage them with whatever is out there; doesn't that contradict the whole idea of listening to lecture is not an effective teaching strategy?  Basically, when I think of the term technology, I think of any form of it; not just the Web.  
  • Personalization promises better student achievement and, I believe, a more effective delivery method than any one teacher with 25 or 30 students in a classroom can compete with.
    • kaberding
      Personalization scares me to the extent that we are not only talking about teaching the content, but being an expert in whatever they choose as personal learning.  Or at least knowing how or where they can access all the information for their personal learning.  With class sizes only growing, I am nervous to see how planning, tracking, and assessing the learning will go.  
    • jillnovotny
      I will admit, this is the component of personalized learning I have not yet been able to wrap my head around. In thinking about how to manage the learning of all students in the classroom when the content may be different is kind of intimidating. Teachers who have experience with personalized learning like project-based learning have shared that it is not as difficult as it might seem and that the students work harder than they do. I think it is important that people don't get the idea that it is a hands-off approach from the teacher; it is simply putting the learning in their control and supporting them with developing their learning!
  • personalization,” “engagement” and “flip
  • personalization,” “engagement” and “flip.”
  • personalization,” “engagement” and “flip.
  • personalization,” “engagement” and “flip
  • “personalization,” “engagement” and “flip
  • personalization,” “engagement” and “flip.
  • “personalization,” “engagement” and “flip.”
  • engagement
    • kaberding
      When I think of these terms, I think of differentiation.  To me that is what personalizing, engaging, and flipping learning can be.  Only until you add the term personal does that change and move away from differentiation.  
  • system of accountability in the U.S. educational system,
    • katie50009
      I struggle with the systemic changes that will need to be made to have complete personalized learning for all students while still have some accountability for what goes on in the classrooms of America. I don't want to appear negative, and I am certainly for personalized learning, but I am conflicted on how this can happen and still have accountability
    • jillnovotny
      I completely agree with you that there are a number of systematic changes that will need to occur before personalized learning really takes hold in the US. In my opinion, there are still many ways to keep teachers and students accountable through personalized learning (i.e. still meeting the standards but through a project-based way). It is going to take some time for policy makers and other stakeholders in education to realize the possibilities personalized learning has to offer. I think it starts with having success with it in our own classrooms and success only comes through a number of attempts! I like to think of it as "If not us, who? If not now, when?"
  • We often say we want creativity and innovation
  • whole-child personalization many teachers dream of offering.
  • Personal learning entails working with each child to create projects of intellectual discovery that reflect his or her unique needs and interests
    • jillnovotny
      Whether you call it personal or personalized learning, this is what it is all about! To nurture students' natural curiosity, we want students learning about things they are passionate about. By supporting students in creating projects that reflect their unique needs and interests, we are truly teaching to the child. Again, this doesn't mean teaching one student about addition using basketballs and another ballet shoes, but about getting students actively involved in their learning and putting more of the control in their hands. 
  • the industrialized form of education that pumps out cookie-cutter students with the same knowledge and skills.
    • juliefulton
      I wholeheartedly agree with all of the comments and agree that we need to place emphasis on the young learners to change societal norms which are incredibly strong in the high school culture.

Teaching on the Web - Exploring the Meanings of Silence - 1 views

    • ksteingr
      Issues to confront - 1. designing learning that will engage students 2. choosing material that is suitable for the web 3. pedagogy in the online environment
    • Pam Buysman
      Teaching an online class for the first time would be much like teaching your first group of students F2F.. In Iowa we provide mentors for new teachers. It only makes sense to provide a mentor or some kind of support system for "newbie" online facilitators as well. At the AEA, we do a support system of sorts in place. We have enough AEA people trained that can offer support to one another.
  • There are numerous major educational issues to confront and resolve when delivering learning material on the Web -- like designing learning tasks that will engage students, and choosing material which is suitable for delivery via the Web. However, these are not the subjects of this brief discussion. I want to deal with a substantive issue that is too easily ignored or trivialised -- pedagogy in the online environment.
  • The need for support of teachers and academics in these early days of online delivery cannot be underestimated. Early adopters of new technologies can easily find themselves isolated, ignored and problem solving in an intellectual vacuum.
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • establish relaxed, free-flowing and open communication within the class.
    • ksteingr
      Use threaded discussion facility - not finding success.
  • There’s just this awful, sort of silence.
    • ksteingr
      Discussion breaking down.
  • One of the hardest things to orient to in online teaching is the radically different tempo of communication.
    • ksteingr
      The change?
  • How long do you wait for a response in an online threaded discussion?
    • ksteingr
      Key question!
    • Pam Buysman
      As I'm reading this article, I'm wondering if the facilitaor has established any kind of guidelines like we currently have. The initial post is due by Friday and two reponses are expected by Sunday. I really think a timetable needs to be established, because otherwise I do think you might wait forever for some students to respond. Without the timely response, it really isn't possible to create any conversations. Without the conversations, I think learning will be compromised. Of course if a student doesn't respond, you need to try to contact them. Yet if they don't respond to you, I see no alternate but adhering to the guidelines you've established for your threaded discussions. So, I guess I'm saying, you don't wait. You have expectations and you make allowances if necessary, but at some point in time, you need to look at class expectations.
  • What replaces them?
    • ksteingr
      What does replace the brief encounters?
    • Pam Buysman
      You use available technology applications or resources. It is possible to email the student, call, skype, or create a chat room. Any or all of these can be used to create some kind of personal contact with the student. It seems as if we are looking at adult learners. At some point, learners need to take some responsibility for their own learning. Again, without structure there will be no conversation and much learning will be lost.
  • The online teacher can and does know if a particular student has logged on, when they do and which pages in the online subject they visit. But it doesn't feel that way to the student user. It will only become apparent to them later, when or if the teacher e-mails them asking if they are having difficulties.
    • ksteingr
      How do we let students know we are aware of their patterns online?
    • Pam Buysman
      We ask questions in the forum. We email students sharing that we have noticed that they have not logged on. We gently remind them about expectations. We can try calling. In short, we use whatever means we have to communicate with them.
  • ‘get to know each other sessions’
  • If you expect students to use CMC, rather than private e-mail, as the primary mode of communication with you, you have to tell them so.
  • If you expect the students to check their bulletin boards regularly, you have to let them know how often. If your expectations are not being fulfilled you have to follow up with e-mails or phone calls. Communication is critical. It is the strength of the online mode, as opposed to broadcast media like print, radio and video. The rule is, actively avoid isolation.
    • ksteingr
      the key!
    • Pam Buysman
      I agree. You need to tell your students what you expect!
  • o 'community'.
  • Because the general tempo of interaction is slower online, it may take longer.
  • E started telling her students about relevant upcoming public lectures, TV programs, useful or just plain entertaining Web sites she had come across, and so on.
  • But what sort of ‘character’ do you want to convey online, and how will you convey it with a keyboard?
  • ‘I do think that having a sort of classroom rapport, a very sensitive style, which I think I've got in some ways in the classroom, is very important online. But getting it across is ... well, it’s very hard.’
    • ksteingr
      having a sense of online style is one thing - making that clear is quite another!
  • There isn’t any right way to do it, just as there isn’t any one teacher’s ‘character’. You do have to define your own online persona and then think quite carefully on various occasions about how to convey it.
    • Pam Buysman
      I couldn't highlight this because it already was. However, I like this and would have highlighted this text if possible.
  • One of the great advantages of the threaded discussion is the time it allows for reflection, and the possibility for editing/refinement of one’s remarks.
    • ksteingr
      I had not thought about editing, but it is important.
  • This may mean that, for some students anyway, threaded discussions are not conducive to thinking out loud, to tossing out ideas for testing, to speculation.
  • The casual conversation with a student after class, the brief encounter in the corridor, the snippet of social conversation in a workshop or tutorial -- these do not exist in the same way online.
  • What 'right' does EM have to force a timetable on to them?
    • Pam Buysman
      The teacher has every right to force a timetable. Learning will not occur without structure.
  • The visual, audio and tactile cues we take for granted in our everyday teaching, and which we rely on as guides to our action, are utterly absent in the online environment.
  • The teacher in this scenario is at the behest of her students' actions (or lack of them). The centre of control has moved markedly away from the teacher, to the students.
  • Yet the establishment of a sense of community is often one of the chief objectives of a teacher with any class. The achievement of it is a milestone in the progress of a given class in the mind of the teacher.
  • It is almost embarrassing to say so, but there are other things to ‘talk’ to students about than the course material.
  • Others may find that the time they get to reflect and compose their comments invests them with a power they don't ordinarily feel in face-to-face communication.
  • Failure to respond promptly to a student request or other communication could be catastrophic. It is disarming, even alarming, to invest the time to post a message and then get no response.
  • strong conscious effort, planning, forethought, time
    like designing learning tasks that will engage students, and choosing material which is suitable for delivery via the Web.
    like designing learning tasks that will engage students, and choosing material which is suitable for delivery via the Web.

dol1: Lesson Planning: The Missing Link in e-Learning Course Design - 7 views

  • The point of the template is to force a comparison between the two instructional delivery modes, and to make the differences between them explicit to the ID.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      I work with a lot of individuals/groups who want to take their f2f training to a online/self-paced lesson/training. I have had a difficult time explaining how content needs to look different online. The comparative lesson plan/template looks like a great way to make these differences explicit to the content experts and help them begin to see how they may need to adjust their content to fit the way in which it is being delievered.
  • lesson planning does not preclude an iterative approach to e-Learning course design.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      While lesson planning may take some additional time upfront, does it streamline the time and effort it takes to storyboard and at the same time turn out a higher quality product? Thus, reducing the need to go back and "fix" things?
  • IDP to storyboards requires intermediate steps. What can we do to help close the “e-Instruction gap”? Lesson planning is the answer.
    • Deborah Cleveland
      How much overlap should one expect to see between the content in the lesson plan and what goes on the storyboard? As I work on the lesson plan, I can see myself starting to write out the content for the actually storyboard and eventually getting lost in all of the content and loosing sight of the lesson plan.
  • ...38 more annotations...
  • The comparative lesson plan requires the ID to develop the same lesson for two different delivery methods: instructor-led, face-to-face instruction, and self-paced e-Learning
    • Pam Buysman
      While different strategies and techniques are needed for F2F settings and online design, one thing that is the same is the need to plan and develop strong lessons first. 
    • kelly40
      Creating the same lesson for 2 different delivery methods will be so helpful in seeing the difference between what is needed with face to face and online instruction.
    • kelly40
      Doing both will only make the lesson more effective and make it much easier to understand if the end goal/objective is attainable and clear. I really like this comparison model.  
    • Kelly Snyder
      I like this as well.  This will definitely help with clear goals and targets for the learners. 
  • . Modeling • Learners need to see examples of a product or a process • Instructor may model or learner may model • Needs to be visual and verbal
  • But why choose? Do both. Remember, lesson planning does not preclude an iterative approach to e-Learning course design.
    • kelly40
      How do we model in a way to engage students? When they are watching a "how to" video, they are engaged, but in LA, don't have many of those types of videos...often I am modeling paragraph structure or textual citation which isn't very interesting to many.
  • Comparative lesson plans help to ensure that self paced e-Learning includes the “voice of the instructor.”
    • Judy Sweetman
      I remember learning about the "voice of the instructor" in one of the OLLIE courses. This is important not only in the course content, but also in feedback provided to the students. In all of the OLLIE courses, and also so far in this course, I've learned how important subtle (and perhaps not so subtle) humor is for the online student.
  • Since introducing lesson plans as required deliverables in my e-Learning design courses, I have seen tremendous improvements in the work of my students. Even students who have considerable experience developing e-Learning courses say they benefit from doing both comparative and detailed lesson plans. This has led to many “Aha” moments!
    • Judy Sweetman
      This is one of the reasons I am taking this course! The instructional design of my online courses definitely improved after my taking the OLLIE courses, but there is still something missing in my courses. I am hoping that learning how to design lessons in SoftChalk will be the missing piece in my courses, and that my students will benefit from this addition.
  • The graduate students’ learning products are not just mere “page turners,” they are lacking both in interactivity to hold the learner’s interest and to ensure that learning occurs, and in sufficient information to guide the learner through the lesson or course.
    • Judy Sweetman
      Even though my students typically indicate that they learn a lot from my courses, I don't feel they are very interactive. Learning how to design lessons for the courses may help with this, as well as providing sufficient information to the learners. I provide websites for students to read that are related to the module concept, but a lesson would really help to gel the resources and the objectives together.
  • “The Design Document: Your Blueprint for e-Learning Standards and Consistency” in the December 5, 2005 issue of Learning Solutions e-Magazine.
    • lauralross
      I wonder if the designs features in this dated article are still relevant to instructional design in 2016. 
  • It is important to let IDs know that not every section needs to be used for each lesson. IDs can think of “Modeling” as “show me” and “Guided Practice” as “let me try.” “Independent practice” might be used for a case study that ties together practice for multiple objectives.
    • lauralross
      I think this is reassuring that we don't have to cover each method for every lesson. How can each section, when applicable, be truly engaging for the online learner?
    • Deborah Cleveland
      I wonder if this goes back to Evan's post about Divergent or Convergent lessons. Depending on your general purpose you might vary which parts of the lesson you would include.
  • Lesson plans require clarity; they make ideas explicit.
    • lauralross
      The difficulty in lesson planning for e-learners is dealing with the unknown.  What if one of the technology aspects of the lesson plan is unsuccessful, or instructions aren't clear?  
  • For lesson planning, we assume that IDs can write learning or performance objectives. We assume that IDs know how to assess learning in meaningful ways and at the right cognitive level. And we assume that they know the limitations and possibilities of the course media. Detailed lesson plans are particularly useful for this last point. While we ask IDs to be creative in designing instruction, we also ask that they be cognizant of the appropriate use of media for instruction
    • Pam Buysman
      Just like when we are using technology in a F2F class, we need to make sure the technology fits the lesson and is not just used for it's wow factor. Again, always thinking about why and how the technology fits will make it much more effective. 
  • Too often, formal storyboarding does not occur prior to authoring. Instead, IDs use the authoring tools to generate storyboards of their already-developed instruction.
    • Pam Buysman
      What happens behind the scenes is often much more important than what we actually see! No matter what format or platform we use, that will probably never change! 
  • hey are lacking both in interactivity to hold the learner’s interest and to ensure that learning occurs, and in sufficient information to guide the learner through the lesson or course
    • khageman2
      How do new online instructors ensure that their lessons have clear instructions, engaging content, and meaningful learning outcomes?
  • Lesson planning is also useful for helping facilitators and technical writers transition to instructional design roles.
    • khageman2
      Educators transitioning to creators of online content may find great value in using comparative and detailed lesson plans to ensure development of quality course content.
  • Though developing a lesson plan for e-Learning is similar in many ways to developing a lesson plan for instructor-led learning, there are also differences.
    • khageman2
      I think it is often difficult for instructors moving from face-to-face to online environments to accurately gauge student understanding and reactions to online instructional strategies, which makes lesson planning a challenge.
  • To demonstrate the effectiveness of integrating lesson planning into the e-Learning design flow, I will work through an example of the documentation for a project. The result will be one lesson for a self-paced WBT course on using basic features of Microsoft Word. The lesson focuses on using the Word Count feature.
    • Evan Abbey
      This is a sample comment.
  • Recently, I drew upon my background in elementary education and in special education to devise a way to help novice instructional designers (IDs) progress quickly in their e-Learning design competencies
    • Evan Abbey
      Thought goes here
  • Lesson plans are merely templates that can guide the development of good e-Instruction, saving much time and effort by minimizing revisions and misunderstandings."
    • Holly Palmersheim
      I am not sure why lessons plans are seen as a negative.  Anyone delivering learning whether to students or professional learning for adults should be engaging in purposeful planning.
    • evanabbey
      Good point!
  • "In this article, I will describe [how to use] lesson planning [to help] IDs transition into e-Learning course designers without slowing down the design process. The term 'lesson plan' may sound 'school marm-ish' and academic, but I ask that you reserve judgment until you finish reading this article. Lesson plans are merely templates that can guide the development of good e-Instruction, saving much time and effort by minimizing revisions and misunderstandings."
    • evanabbey
      Sample post
  • The “e-Instruction” gap
  • Editor’s Note: Parts of this article may not format well on smartphones and smaller mobile devices. We recommend viewing on larger screens.
    • evanabbey
      Sample Thought goes here
  • How would the learner know that?
    • Holly Palmersheim
      I am lucky to work with the professionals I do.  They alert me to situations in my online courses that need more direction development and do so in an understanding manner.  I am teaching a course for the 11th time and there will be tweaks made again to try and provide the best experience possible.
    • Denise Krefting
      Very true Holly- students and participants are very helpful in vetting content. Whenever I get a "I don't understand..." message I always as them to help me make it better for others. They are often happy to be asked.
  • Our learners want to jump in and take just the training they want and need to perform a task.
    • Holly Palmersheim
      This is an area I struggle with.  Trying to gauge the level of the room to provide enough instruction that everyone can preform the tasks without frustration or boredom.
  • Checking for understanding • Has learner acquired knowledge? • Sampling — group response • Signaling — agree, disagree, not sure • Individual response — to instructor — another learner
    • Kelly Snyder
      Makes me rethink my own practice after seeing all the examples in the lessons we looked at.  Many had check for understandings along the way.  This is an area that I need to spend more time developing in my lessons.
  • The first lesson section — the Anticipatory Set — for the face-to-face lesson has the instructor displaying a Word memo and asking participants to guess how many words the memo contains.
    • Kelly Snyder
      Love using screencasts for anticipatory sets.  Give them a little snip of what you are teaching toward.
  • n the second lesson section — Objectives
    • Kelly Snyder
      I need to do a better job at writing clear objectives for the students so that they know what is expected of them in the lesson or module.  This can more easily guide the teaching and learning.
  • Gain attention Inform learner of objectives Stimulate recall of prior learning Present stimulus materials Provide learner guidance Elicit performance Provide feedback Assess performance Enhance retention and transfer
    • Kelly Snyder
      Link doesn't work.  Wanted to read this as well.
  • instructional designers start the storyboarding process. Designers
    • Denise Krefting
      I have tried for what feels like forever to have students storyboard their work. They do not like it and some have even done the work then created the storyboard for grade. When I talk about storyboarding or graphically organizing work for adults they often don't want to spend the time doing it. I would be interested how others are getting students and adults to storyboard.
    • Jamie Fath
      I have a hard time storyboarding, Denise!  I think it has to do with how different people process information and plan!  I like to think of myself as a backwards designer and start very big picture.
  • You might even address compliance with Section 508 of The Americans with Disabilities Act in the lesson plan template
    • Denise Krefting
      Great idea! This is very helpful online and something we forget about but fairly easy to do.
  • Detailed lesson plans help to ensure that there is adequate instruction — practice and feedback — for each learning objective
    • Denise Krefting
      Very important. I like that addition of simulations in the example.
  • The comparative lesson plan requires the ID to develop the same lesson for two different delivery methods: instructor-led, face-to-face instruction, and self-paced e-Learning
    • Jamie Fath
      I think this is an interesting concept - if people struggle moving from F2F instruction this seems like a good scaffold help IDs bridge the gap between F2F and eLearning.  I occasionally offer the ISU class I teach as an online module and really struggle the weeks we are online - thinking through what it would like look F2F always helps me (even if I don't formally lesson plan them out).
  • section of a comparative lesson plan
    • Jamie Fath
      This is a big a-ha for me!  I think this is an interesting concept - if people struggle moving from F2F instruction this seems like a good scaffold help IDs bridge the gap between F2F and eLearning.  I occasionally offer the ISU class I teach as an online module and really struggle the weeks we are online - thinking through what it would like look F2F always helps me (even if I don't formally lesson plan them out).
  • Guided practice
    • Jamie Fath
      As a district, we have spent a lot of time exploring two Fisher and Frey frameworks - Productive Group Work and Gradual Release of Responsibility.  I'm wondering how these frameworks would fit into an eLearning structure.
  • not all nine events were required for every lesson
  • asks IDs to consider activities,  assessment, and materials/inputs for each learning or performance objective
    • Jamie Fath
      I like that from the beginning, IDs are linking objectives and tasks together in this version
    Lesson Planning - The Missing Link in e-Learning with stickies
    Lesson Planning - The Missing Link in e-Learning with stickies

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 2 views

  • Educators at the EduCon conference hosted by Science Leadership Academy eagerly discussed the merits and challenges of personalizing learning. Dozens of teachers agreed that a truly personalized learning experience requires student choice, is individualized, meaningful and resource rich. This kind of learning allows students to work at their own pace and level, meets the individual needs of students, and perhaps most importantly, is not a one-size fits all model. Technology was strikingly absent from these conversations. Instead, the common view of personalization focused on giving agency for learning to the student and valuing each individual in a classroom.
    • anonymous
      So do the students get the necessary skills first from the teacher then are able to choose what they want to learn about? How would a teacher then keep track of how they are learning?
    • djarends
      I wonder that. Would they use the portfolio method? I also wonder about the choice issue. How is this being accomplished? Are they given the assignment / task and have choice within the project or do they have complete choice over what they learn? 
    • kbolinger
      I was wondering some of these same things too. How do students get the necessary prerequisite skills needed to complete their chosen task...the teacher? a computer? If you have 25 students and they all want/need to learn about a concept in different way or they choose different projects at multiple levels of learning, how does one teacher possibly manage that? Are young students able to have as much choice as older students or does that increase as students grow and understand more about themselves as a learner?
  • However, in order to navigate the system of accountability in the U.S. educational system, many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum that will be evaluated on standardized tests, while at the same time telling teachers to be innovative and creative within their classrooms.
    • anonymous
      I would think there would be math and science teachers asking about how personalized learning would help students improve standardized test scores for those areas. Should the specific curriculum in the U.S. educational system be tweaked to allow more personalized learning? 
    • bkoller86
      I think there is a balance between personalized learning and standardized learning. I would like the end goal would be the same for everyone, but the road to get there would be personalized. 
  • Give them opportunities to learn personally, to create their own texts and courses of study, and to pursue that learning with others in and out of the classroom who share a passion.
    • anonymous
      I love this idea! As a Spanish teacher, I want to give them the skills for communication but then let them explore and learn what they want to learn how they want to learn - can't wait to explore that option!
    • Denise Tatoian
      I agree! Students need to have the skills first then explore what and how they want to learn.
    • kkoller
      I like this idea because it teaches students to take ownership of their learning. It might also motivate those kids who constantly encounter on a daily basis that hate school. I wonder though from an elementary perspective, how do we change how we do things to better prepare our students for this kind of education?
    • bkoller86
      Whenever students and apply the skills to a passion of theirs students are able to see the purpose of courses they have taken. Students who struggle in math and science learn many of those skills in my agriculture class because they are engaged in a passion of theirs. 
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • From what I’ve seen, flipping doesn’t do much for helping kids become better learners in the sense of being able to drive their own edu
  • the best thing we can do for kids is empower them to make regular, important, thoughtful decisions about their own learning, what they learn and how they learn it, and to frame our use of language in that larger shift, not simply in the affordances for traditional curriculum delivery that the tools of the moment might bring.
    • anonymous
      Teachers need to think about goals & practices but students should also be thinking about their goals and how they learn and process information in the classroom! 
    • djarends
    • Denise Tatoian
      I agree, but the skills to do so need to be there first.
  • Personalized’ learning is something that we do to kids; ‘personal’ learning is something they do for themselves.”[4]
    • anonymous
      This is the second reference I've seen for this quote - should we then be gearing students towards a more "personal" learning concept?  
    • kbolinger
      I was thinking the same thing. It looks like the actual definition of Personalized Learning is widely debated. It would be nice if there was one term that, when spoken by educators, we would all be on the same page as to what it refers to. Either way, and no matter what it is called, the outcome that we are looking for should be the same - learner-centered schools that give students complete voice and choice.
  • A personalized environment gives students the freedom to follow a meaningful line of inquiry, while building the skills to connect, synthesize and analyze information into original productions.
    • djarends
      I like how this is worded. Students have freedom and choice. The task / learning is meaningful. Many high school students become frustrated because they do not see a reason for doing something. They learn skills that goes beyond just memorizing materials. They have to synthesize and analyze the information. Well worded.
  • lend themselves well to the computerized, modular and often very standardized system of “personalization” many ed-tech companies are offering.
    • djarends
      I become frustrated when I hear about this programs or are being pushed by administrators. I know they work for some students, but even those students need some guidance. I feel learning is more than just reading and completing material on the computer. It is interacting with people. The business world wants students that graduate with people skills (communication, cooperation, collaboration, etc.). Will this happen in a ed-tech "personalization" program only? 
  • It’s a dramatic shift that requires new literacies to navigate all that access and, importantly, new dispositions to take advantage of it for learning.
    • djarends
      "Ah, ha": As a person who has been teaching for a while and one who did not even know what a computer was until having to take a course at college for education, this rang true for me. It is a literacies that has to be learned by the older generation. My students are so immersed in this technology literacy. They navigate the web very quickly. They do not usually have the fear of the web which needs to be taught. Most of my students just laugh at me when I ask for help but do it willingly and are great teachers. I have learned a lot from them and appreciate their technology literacy skills.
  • “personal” learning is something they do for themselves
    • djarends
      I had not considered the differences before. I like that the students do it for themselves. I think they are more willing to learn when they have a purpose and the learning is much deeper. 
  • But if the point is to help kids understand ideas from the inside out and answer their own questions about the world, then what they’re doing is already personal (and varied).
    • djarends
      Facts are nothing without the understanding. What do the students THINK about their learning. The five Ws. Students become frustrated at me when I ask my favorite questions "How" or "Why" do you think that. It is hard to express our thinking. It is easy to spit out facts. 
  • because of the larger preoccupation with data data data data data.
    • djarends
  • in the best student-centered, project-based education, kids spend much of their time learning with and from one another. Thus, while making sense of ideas is surely personal, it is not exclusively individual because it involves collaboration and takes place in a community.
    • djarends
      I am glad this was added. I worry about not having students that can work well with other. 
  • Dozens of teachers agreed that a truly personalized learning experience requires student choice, is individualized, meaningful and resource rich. This kind of learning allows students to work at their own pace and level, meets the individual needs of students, and perhaps most importantly, is not a one-size fits all model.
    • Denise Tatoian
      When discussing the merits and challenges of personalized learning, it's alarming to me that technology was absent from the converstations when most of what I read includes the use of technology.
  • many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum that will be evaluated on standardized tests, while at the same time telling teachers to be innovative and creative within their classrooms. When that happens, the structures around the classroom leave little room for the kind of authentic, whole-child personalization many teachers dream of offering.
    • Denise Tatoian
      I like that conversations are getting serious about personalized learning, but how do we get school districts on board when training, planning, technology, etc., are driven by time and funding?
  • In a world where we can explore almost every interest or passion in depth on our own or with others, it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
    • Denise Tatoian
      Comes down to training. Not all students have the skills to create their own personal learning.
    • albertscarr
      I remember in 4th grade when my teacher got mad at me when I couldn't finish my math paper "on time." It would have been so much easier to go at my own pace!
  • She cautions educators who may be excited about the progressive educational implications for “personalized learning” to make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means.
    • albertscarr
      In reading these articles there does seem to be a lot of individual definitions of "personalization." However on the flip side it is personalized, so everyone is going to have their own definition.
  • Personalization promises better student achievement and, I believe, a more effective delivery method than any one teacher with 25 or 30 students in a classroom can compete with. It’s a no-brainer, right?
    • albertscarr
      With a class that size its hard to see any growth of any student with traditional methods. Personalization would help the teacher keep tack of each child's progress
  • The main objective is just to raise test scores
    • albertscarr
      Then we need to rethink the way we test!
    • bkoller86
      I agree test scores carry to much weight, but they aren't going away anytime soon. To many people in powerful places want to know where their money is going. 
  • it is clear that all children don’t learn the same way and personalization seems to honor those differences
    • kbolinger
      I agree. Personalization seems to be an almost perfect answer to addressing all of the different needs, learning styles, and achievement levels in our classrooms today. I wonder if this approach will become the norm for schools, and, if so, how long will it take for schools to completely adopt this model.
    • bkoller86
      I also agree. In a time we look at test score more and more it is increasingly more important to move every student forward. Not all children learn the same way; we can't expect them to show growth if we don't personalize the learning.
  • Personalization is often used in the ed-tech community to describe a student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace
    • kbolinger
      I feel much more knowledgeable about Personalized Learning today than I did a week ago. If someone would have asked me then if an adaptive learning or a computerized program that is tailored to a student's level and progresses them at their own pace is personalized learning, I surely would have said, "Yes!" I have now come to realize that there are many Personalized Learning components that are missing with just an adaptive learning program. Where is the student choice or goal setting? What if a computer is not that student's preferred learning method?
  • The only choice a student gets is what box to check on the screen and how quickly to move through the exercises
    • kkoller
      Teachers often use websites that will modify lessons to the student to push them ahead of their peers. I am just as guilty of this because I will often have students who are high in math, and have no one to put them with, so I use a website to help them progress. They make progress because it is personalized to them, but it doesn't tap into their interest and learning style. 
  • For many educators that’s not the true meaning of “personalized learning.” “That has nothing to do with the person sitting in front of you,” Laufenberg said. “It meets the needs of an individual in a very standardized way, but it doesn’t take into account who that kid is.
    • kkoller
      I feel teachers turn to technology because that is the quick fix to getting student learning to be ore personalized. We struggle to get enough staff, and numbers keep increasing in classrooms. How are teachers suppose to be creative and innovative when they can't get help in the room? 
  • Our kids (and we ourselves) are suddenly walking around with access to the sum of human knowledge in our pockets and connections to literally millions of potential teachers.
    • kkoller
      It is a great thing that we have such incredible access to information and others in our profession. It allows us to make connections, and reach out in education to see how other districts are getting it done. However, we as educators need to teach our students that while the access is wonderful, we need be careful of what we read. Students need to be taught the literacies of technology, and how to be critical of information found. 
  • others
  • opportunities

Articles: Delivery - 0 views

  • The biggest item that separates mediocre presenters from world class ones is the ability to connect with an audience in an honest and exciting way
    • mgoodwin5
      I think this is why it is important to use personal experiences to be able to connect with your audience. As I am presenting to my classes, I use at least one or two examples pertaining to their lives that may help them to connect with the information. Sometimes it helps and other times the students may not understand due to the fact that they have not had the exposure of the specific topic. Asking them questions afterwards and having another student give an example usual is where the discussion leads. I fell connection is an important key of successful presentations.
    • rabraham
      I agree.  Sometimes, the key to getting my students to remember things from my presentations is the story or tidbit of personal info. that I share.
    • mrswalker_
      This is so important with my elementary students. In Forest City, we take the approach that elementary is when students learn to love music and middle/high school is when they learn to truly do music. We do music reading basics and theory/history concepts, but my number one goal is to connect with students and make them choose to participate through their lives.
  • First impressions are powerful.
    • mgoodwin5
      First impressions are not only important in a job interview, but in presenting as well. That's why I think it is important to have those first slides be attention getting enough that the audience will not want to stop listening.
  • First impressions are powerful
  • ...63 more annotations...
  • impressions are powerfu
  • if you have 30 minutes for your talk, finish in 25 minutes
    • mgoodwin5
      The presenter can give more information as a one-on-one basis after the presentation if someone in the audience has questions or would like a clarification, for example. By presenting the most important information, the audience will receive the best presentation. The presenter can also hand out note pages after the presentation for the audience to have the "extras" if they have not written anything down or it may help answer questions. Keeping the presentation interesting, straight to the point, and then done, is a presentation done well.
    • bdoudwaukee
      With my youngest students I can always tell when I've talked to long. I aim for 10-15 minutes and if I hit 15 or even 20 minutes I've lost at least half of them.
    • mrswalker_
      If I would do this, I'd have 5 minutes of unplanned time! I think adding little activities into the presentation (brain breaks, songs to sing, etc) helps kids stay engaged for a longer time!
  • Get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium
  • Get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium
    • mgoodwin5
      This is difficult to do if you do not have a remote and you have to continuously change the slides to the next one. I remember one of my instructors in college tell the class that we should not stay in one spot at the front of the room, then she made us practice it. Realize you can move, which is important for the class and the teacher. If you stay in one spot, it looks as though you are glued to the floor, which obviously you are not. 
    • chaneline
      I have heard this before and always like it when the presenter is dynamic.  Bummer I read this today because I have a big presentation tomorrow and was planning to hang out behind the podium.  Now I'll be forced to come out of hiding.  
    • bdoudwaukee
      I do think having a remote in my room would be good. When I taught computers I actually just used a wireless mouse with a clipboard a lot. It worked great for what I needed at the time.
    • dougmay
      People get tied to the podium as a security blanket. They are as exposed behind it.
  • Always remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies. You need them more than they need you. So be humble in your approach. Their desires and goals — and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present.
  • Always remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies. You need them more than
  • Always remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies. You need them more than they need you. So be humble in your approach. Their desires and goals — and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present.
  • Always remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies. You need them more than they need you. So be humble in your approach. Their desires and goals — and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present.
    • mgoodwin5
      I've never thought as much about this idea until this class, but it really is the audience who is the most important. Regardless of why someone is presenting, the audience will chose if they are interested or not. Their reaction is important to you as you may need to improve your delivery or what you deliver in order to gain their attention. I like the statement of your audience determines whether your idea "spreads or dies". That definitely puts it into perspective to make you think.
    • dougmay
      I used to work in retail and I was always told that the company wasn't paying my check but the customer was. This would be the same situation. They determine our success or failure.
  • ways rememb
  • Always remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies. You need them more than they need you. So be humble in your approach. Their desires and goals — and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present
  • present
  • use images with little or no text on slides
    • mgoodwin5
      I really like this. The images are so important as we've discussed in earlier lessons and my goals is to use this tactic as much as possible.
    • dougmay
      This is something that will have to be sold to the audience since we are programed the other way.
  • Grab your digital video recorder, deliver your presentation and watch yourself,
    • mgoodwin5
      I do not like to watch myself on video (not that many people like to see themselves on video), but many times I'm too critical of myself. Not that there isn't room for improvement, so using a video might be very useful to me (or any presenter). 
  • personal/professional history, etc.
    • rabraham
      This is interesting because when I am asked to share about myself (for example when I got a teacher leader position), I tend to keep it short and simple.  I don't know what they actually want to know about me.  That's the information they tend to forget anyway.
  • It is better to have the audience wanting more (of you) than to feel that they have had more than enough.
    • rabraham
      This also allows time for questions and discussion before hurrying off to another presentation or class.
  • Remember the “B” key
    • rabraham
      This is something new that I did not know about it.  I'm sure it will be very useful knowledge in the future.
    • bdoudwaukee
      I'm really trying to remember if I knew this and just forgot or if I've never been told this - ever! I just went into powerpoint to try it! This is a really handy piece of information!
    • suzdohrer
      Ditto. I never knew of this. Great tip I can use immediately.
  • take on a conversational tone
    • rabraham
      Including the audience with interactions throughout the presentation will also help it come across as a conversation.  People usually feel less threatened when they feel like they are being talked with rather than talked at.
    • chaneline
      I really like this advice! It makes sense to me to have a conversation with the audience.  When I think of it this way it takes some of the pressure off
  • If your presentation has to be long, break it into 10-minute chunks. "At every 10 minutes or so, try to reengage the audience with something different—don't just keep showing slides," he says. Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present. "Try to find some way to break up the presentation into manageable chunks of time," he says, "so people don't get too bored."
    • rabraham
      This is a great idea to keep everyone engaged and mix up the way the information is presented.
    • chaneline
      This tip is great because it uses what we know about the brain and gives a practical tip.  The use of video clips and demonstrations help to break up the presentation and keep it interesting.
    • vmcgee
      I think this is especially true when dealing with a younger audience as many of us do.  We have to break things into short chunks.
  • he true professional can always remain cool and in control. Remember, it is your reputation, so always remain gracious even with the most challenging of audiences.
    • chaneline
      Courteousness and graciousness go along way.  People expect to be respected and the group dynamic definitely calls for that.  I was at a presentation earlier this year where the presenter forgot her manners.  She started to berated us for not asking questions and participating right off.  She seemed angry at us.  She totally lost the whole group and was very ineffective.  Interestingly, she was a national speaker who was expensive to bring in...I can't believe she has made it this far as a presenter.  
  • Practicing in front of another person or a video camera will help even more, he says. "Most of the great presenters actually rehearse much more extensively than anyone else," he says. "They don't just wing it."
    • chaneline
      This makes sense, but sometimes feels silly.  I have gone over my presentation out loud twice (several more in my head).  I am going to do another read through tonight, as the presentation is tomorrow.  Hope it's enough.
    • bdoudwaukee
      I have video taped my lessons many times and I will say that it is always beneficial. I sometimes realize that I forgot to use the correct terminology and instead used an explanation!
  • If you’ve made a sincere effort to look at the world through their eyes
  • less than 20 minutes
    • bdoudwaukee
      I always aim for short times in front of the class and can always tell when I've gone too long. The class gets restless.
    • mrswalker_
      This doesn't really work for my classroom, but my presentations often involve songs they stand up and sing, brain breaks, videos, smart board activities, and more. I think the goal is to not lecture for 20 minutes, but the total presentation can be longer.
    • aboevers
      I agree. When you switch it up it makes the students more aware and awake. I like to incorporate activities that allow them to move around every 20 minutes.
  • bullet points are the worst way to learn and impart information
    • bdoudwaukee
      I can't believe that I had never heard this before! This might be difficult at times. Sometimes I just want to quickly bullet the most important items. 
  • Practice 10 hours for every one hour of the presentation
    • bdoudwaukee
      WOW! This is a lot of time to practice! I'm wondering where I am going to find the time!
    • pkmills
      While I am not passionate about the subject of Personal Hygiene, I am passionate about presenting the Good Manuafacturing Practices topics and helping the production personnel be passionate about delivering a safe and qaulity product.
  • The audience wants to like you and they will give you a few minutes at the beginning to engage them — don’t miss the opportunity.
    • pkmills
      Each year that I do this presentation it gets more personal as I work with and get to know more of the staff each year.
  • Audience attention is greatest at the opening and then again when you say something like “In conclusion….”
    • pkmills
      Very true. Most people will remember the first thing you said and the lst thing you said and so it goes...
  • Removing physical barriers between you and the audience will help you build rapport and make a connection.
    • pkmills
      I need to work on my boss about getting a hand held remote so that all the speakers can do this.
  • If you press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote slide is showing, the screen will go blank
    • ney4cy
      This is a great tip. Instead of of just pausing on the slide you have projected you can actually create a visual break to go off topic or restate a prevouis topic. Love it!
    • aboevers
      Some projectors have a "black screen" key that works well too.
    • pkmills
      I did not know that. The "B" key will now be in my arsenal.
  • "When you prepare and rehearse the presentation—out loud, over many hours and many days—you'll come across as much more engaging as a speaker and effortless."
    • pkmills
      I do rehearse, I just need to do it more than I have in the past.
    • ney4cy
      I agree I need to step up my practice. Of course when you have your whole presentation on the slide you can just read it! Now, I know I will need to be more prepared with what I am saying.
  • "We know through research that 93 percent of the impression you leave on somebody has little to do with content and everything to do with body language and verbal ability—how you talk, sound, look and what you're wearing," Gallo says. "Only about 7 percent of the actual words or content is important."
    • ney4cy
      When I think about the best presentations I have been to this rings true. Sometimes I find myself getting preachy when I speak I need to remember this.
    • pkmills
      I try to make sure I am comfortable in the clothes that I am wearing and that translates to me being cmfortable presenting.
    • suzdohrer
      This is my number one point, learned previously. Having a remote clicker and moving among the students changes the entire dynamic of the class. I need to do this more.
  • presenting to a small group, then you can connect your computer to a large TV (via the s-video line-in). With a TV screen
    • suzdohrer
      Great idea for my small classes and seminars. I just ended a class of 6 students, and the screen at the front of the room seemed distant. We sat around a conference table and a smaller setting with a TV monitor would have worked better. Just did not ever think of it.
  • The audience is. It’s in their power to embrace — or reject — your ideas.
  • kinds of resistance
    • suzdohrer
      I face multi-tasking, over-burdened and tiredness resistance from the audience of students, commonly. They students have too much on their plates and too many distractions. So, perhaps this falls into practical resistance. There is not always a "reward" like comp time at the end.
  • discuss ideas or concepts
    • suzdohrer
      Okay, I am taking this to heart. I believe I have to go on a PowerPoint Bullet DIet.
  • most presenters will spend 99 percent of their time preparing the content and slides, and very little—if any—on understanding and controlling their body language
    • suzdohrer
      Oh yeah, of this I am soooo guilty! Another resolution.
  • Today’s projectors are bright enough to allow you to keep many of the lights on.
    • mrswalker_
      My classroom has these great dimmer lights so that I can cancel out distractions in the room without leaving the kids in the dark. Too bright of a room overstimulates some of my kids and they don't focus well.
  • Is it physically or geographically difficult for the audience to do what you’re asking?
    • mrswalker_
      I have to remember this sometimes, especially when my students are standing/sitting on choral risers!
    • ney4cy
      I like this tip. When I speak to parents it would be well forth the effort to let them know we are working together for their child.
    • vmcgee
      I agree with this statement, but I think it is because passion leads to (1) energy and (2) greater understanding.  These make for a better presentation.
    • vmcgee
      I agree.  As I reflect on my own presentations to my class, it seems that the success or lack thereof that occurs in the first few minutes of a lesson presentation will continue on through the rest of the lesson.
    • vmcgee
      I did not know this.  I could definitely use this.
  • Resistance doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, if you prepare for it, you’ll sharpen your presentation and stand a much better chance of winning your audience over.
    • vmcgee
      I agree.  In effect, this is "preparing for the worst."  If we are ready for the worst-case scenario to develop, then we can handle whatever comes our way.
  • Unfortunately, people read from their PowerPoint slides much more than they think they do, Gallo notes.
    • vmcgee
      I hadn't thought about this before.  It makes perfect sense, and I am sure that I have read from the slides more than I have thought I was doing.
  • One sure way to lose an audience is to turn your back on them.
    • ney4cy
      Yes! I confess I did this all the time. Wow. I believe I will enjoy giving presentations after this class. I have learned so much!
  • When audience members ask questions or give comments, you should be gracious and thank them for their input
    • aboevers
      This depends on the age of the class as well. I substituted in 7th grade classroom and usually they interrupt for attention on themselves, and not as part of the presentation. However, the lesson could help a lot with the delivery in this case. Focus on the purpose!
  • The audience should be looking at you more than the screen.
    • aboevers
      I have to get used to this!
  • try to come up with arguments against your perspective
    • aboevers
      I always tell my students to prepare counterarguments when writing a paper, and this is the same thing.
  • So look at things from their perspective
    • aboevers
      It is sometimes hard to see things from the perspective of an eighth grader!
  • cram as much information into bullets as humanly possible—making it exceedingly hard for people to read the slides. And then the audience gets bored
    • aboevers
      I used to be able to give students my power points so they knew what we discussed in class. Now I will need to include a script that accompanies the power point.
  • they don't even rehearse it
    • aboevers
      I usually practice in a mirror.
  • sustain eye contact
    • aboevers
      Very important to keep your eyes on students for many reasons!
  • ); voice (don't speak in a monotone voice).
    • aboevers
      Also, watch for repetition of words or sounds, like "um" or "ok" or "aaaa". Those are annoying!
  • The first 2-3 minutes of the presentation are the most important.
    • dougmay
      I agree, hook them early or lose them.
  • Anticipating resistance forces you to really think about the people you’re presenting to, and that makes it easier to influence them.
    • dougmay
      Being proactive and anticipating resistance will allow you to less reactive, which would not be good for a presentation.

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 3 views

  • all children don’t learn the same way and personalization seems to honor those differences
    • krcouch
      we need to personalize learning for students so they can grow as learners.
    • dassom
      I like the part about honoring the differencees, When we ignore the difference in our students we are not really doing that great job of teaching. Sometimes it may be more work, but teaching the same way or in the same style everyday is also not fair to our students. Mix it up some days even if you can't fully commit to personalization.
    • carlarwall
      There are many things teachers can do on the daily to make learning different for students. The important thing to remember is to start small and not overwhelm yourself by trying to do too many new things at once.
  • it implies moving away from the industrialized form of education that pumps out cookie-cutter students with the same knowledge and skills.
    • krcouch
      agreed we need to have students with different mindsets and be able to grow as learners, Not just doing the same as all other kids
    • Jen Van Fleet
      Right. No longer are the majority of our students needing a certain skill set which allowed them to return to the farm as soon as possible. So much discussion that our school system still operates as it did 100 years ago. We must address this.
  • “personalization,” “engagement” and “flip.
    • krcouch
      Love the idea of all of these. I think the wave of the future is flipping the classroom and personalizing students' learning.
  • ...51 more annotations...
  • Personal learning entails working with each child to create projects of intellectual discovery that reflect his or her unique needs and interests
    • krcouch
      love this idea
  • master a set of skills mandated by people who have never met them
    • Mike Radue
      A learner profile is a fundamental element of a personalized learning system. The use of this technique is preferred over "one size fits all" approaches to learning. Many do not want things to be mandated to them and we know that relationships are an integral part of positive learning experiences.
  • but meaningful (and truly personal) learning never requires technology
    • Mike Radue
      This is sage wisdom/advice that we can't forget. Some folks try to make it seem like you need the tech when in fact you don't. As public servants, we have to think carefully and choose wisely when it comes to decisions on software/hardware and the cost/benefit involved.
    • dassom
      When using anyone else's resources it's important to be skepitcal. The resource has the obvious puprose of teaching or informing the student of something or teaching tem something, but technology is not necessary to perzonalize the learning, the method or way to personalize learning my be very low-tech.
    • anonymous
      This really moves personal learning up in Bloom's taxonomy. Allows students to analyze and create with or without technology.
  • it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
    • Mike Radue
      The empowered learner can create their own educational opportunities. Not many people like to wait in lines, anywhere. Definitely not in school and without personalized learning, we put our students in positions at times where they have to wait for others to come along or for some other external factor beyond their control.
    • carlarwall
      It is so interesting to think about the possibilities that personalized learning could provide to so many students of all abilities.
  • We often say we want creativity and innovation
    • hansenn
      Sometimes when I give students the freedom of choice it motivates them to learn and others students lack curiosity and need guidance to spark innovation.
    • brarykat
      Too many choices can also make it confusing for students.  I hope this class will provide strategies to use with those unmotivated students.
  • student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace. The
    • hansenn
      Even this personal learning at your own pace would be difficult if students were interacting with other students in forum. Forums would need to be done at some set time.
    • brarykat
      Personalized learning should have flexible pacing, within reason.  Classes should still have deadlines and set expectations providing framework for students to succeed.
    • carlarwall
      There is certainly a difference between personalized learning and working on a set list at your own pace.
  • Technology was strikingly absent from these conversations. I
    • hansenn
      To me technology or blended learning would have to play some role in getting away from the one-size fits all model. Technology allows students to explore on their own and offers many resources to do so.
    • brarykat
      Technology also allows time to be part of student choice.  The flexibility of doing online assignments provides more options with programs, research, and making .connecting world-wide.
  • standardized tests, while at the same time telling teachers to be innovative and creative within their classrooms.
    • hansenn
      The skills needed for real life jobs and situations cannot be accessed by standardized tests. Students should be learning about how to be innovative and creative to solve real problems.
    • Jill Carlson
      Teachers feel the pressure to follow districts curriculum so closely that they are scared to get away from teaching traditionally and giving students the opportunity for personalized learning.
  • the best thing we can do for kids is empower them to make regular, important, thoughtful decisions about their own learning, what they learn and how they learn it
    • Mike Radue
      I think it all starts with the empowered learner and follows with the teacher's ability to guide as necessary, the learner has to be at the center and making the majority of the decisions around the learning plan with support as needed.
  • flipping doesn’t do much for helping kids become better learners in the sense of being able to drive their own education.
    • bbraack
      I agree flipping doesn't always help students become better learners of their own education, but I think it does help students learn the lesson since they are able to view videos and then do more deeper problem solving. But it doesn't drive their own learning, we are still telling them what they need to learn.
  • “’Personalized’ learning is something that we do to kids; ‘personal’ learning is something they do for themselves.
    • bbraack
      When something is "Personalized" for a student, I feel we still have given the student what they need to learn what they are interested in, the technology, the resources, etc. If learning is supposed to be about what the student wants to learn, then they should be the ones to find the technology and resources they need to learn. That way, it is more personal to the student.
    • carlarwall
      I completely agree with this statement. Many students will still need that adult guidance and supports and then the teacher can step back and allow students to work toward their next steps.
  • personalization only comes when students have authentic choice over how to tackle a problem
    • bbraack
      If a student doesn't have a choice or a limited number of choices in what they want to learn or how to tackle a problem, then it truly isn't Personalized. The teacher still had some say in what or how the student was to go about learning the information or problem and how to solve it. Students need complete control and/or choice in the way they go about learning their interest.
  • We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance,
    • bbraack
      It is true we always ask students to be creative and innovative so that they feel like they have control of what their end product is, but when we have the state and districts tell us what needs to be taught and then give standardized tests, the personalization has disappeared.
  • control and compliance.
    • brarykat
      Standardized testing and required assessments do not jive with personalized learning.  They are ways to assess student understanding of concepts but are examples of the control and expected compliance in our current educational system.
  • truly personalized learning experience requires student choice
    • dykstras
      Here lies the sticking point with most teachers ... giving students a choice. Finding creative ways to do this, along with meeting standards and expectations will be the challenge of today's generation of educators.
    • blockerl
      I agree with you. It is challenging to provide choice with all of the expected standards and CFAs, etc. How do we honor all things? I love to give my students choice, but it isn't always easy. Is it only the content where they don't get much choice? Can we vary our process and product options to allow for choice there?
    • Jen Van Fleet
      I think it would benefit us to see lesson plan or video examples where student choice is present while still addressing the standards. I think we talk a ton about the why but then struggle when coming up with concrete steps.
  • That was flipping the curriculum, but it still wasn’t flipping the control of the learning.
    • dykstras
      Unfortunately for me, this describes my 'flipping' experience as well. In my mind, they should be learning the material at home by reading, watching videos, and doing research and practicing, applying, and extending their learning at school. In reality what I have experienced is that only truly motivated learners want to learn this way and experience success. Forcing it on someone does not work ... and in the sense of this article is nowhere personalized learning.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      Agreed Shawn. "We" the teachers are still in charge of the students learning. We haven't given over control to the student yet.
  • “delivery of instruction.”
    • dykstras
      Interesting how the connotation with this phrase has changed over the years. One might argue in my early teaching years this was number 1 on the list of things a teacher better be good at. Today 'good teaching' is more about being a facilitator of knowledge and not the delivery boy of it.
  • The main objective is just to raise test scores
    • dykstras
      I long for the day when this isn't even a consideration! Until then, this topic must appear in every article like this. Ironic timing...we give the Iowa Assessments tomorrow and guess what, my boss(es) aren't asking me for my personalized learning plans, but rather what tactics were recently employed to raise test scores and show growth.
  • while making sense of ideas is surely personal, it is not exclusively individual because it involves collaboration and takes place in a community
    • dykstras
      Excellent advice to end with, personal does not equal individual
  • resource rich
    • blockerl
      I'm interested to see what "resource rich" looks like. If students are in charge of their own learning, what are the best resources to provide them? Is it that we have a lot of options like databases for them to draw the information, or is it the teacher's job to do some of that curation?
  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves
    • schma3
      We spend too much time doing things TO kids. And not giving students ownership.
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      This is a critical step to get our students started. This is just like swimming. We could throw them in the deep end and see what happens or we could start in the shallow end and give them the tools and skills needed to be successful. I vote for the later!
    • jwalt15
      I agree with both of you. Educators do spend too much time doing things TO kids instead of guiding them to learn it for themselves. The critical step is to get them started by encouraging them to try and fail at new things. Students don't know a world without devices but they don't know how to utilize those devices as learning tools. That is the starting point in the shallow end of the pool (or as I know it - elementary school.) It is just as important to give them the skills needed to use the tools as it is to give them the tools.
  • short term.
  • If we can’t engage our kids in ideas and explorations that require no technology, then we have surely lost our way.
    • schma3
      So true....putting technology in front of a student, does not magically make a student learn.
    • jwalt15
      I agree. They need to be exposed to the skill sets needed to utilize the technology as tools for learning.
    • carlarwall
      The challenge some teachers see with this idea is that using the technology is the easy way to get kids engaged. There were ways to engage students in learning before schools went to the one to one concept.
  • moving ownership of learning away from the teacher and more toward the student
    • schma3
      Who's doing the work? Flipping has become a very surface level strategy- as he said, taking care of those mundane housekeeping tasks, not really taking advantage of the possibilities!
    • jwalt15
      Well said! Flipping a classroom doesn't change learning ownership. It is just a different way to do the same teacher led lecture. It is not any different then creating or scanning a worksheet to do on the computer.
    • schma3
      That's a great way to think about that...who own's the learning? We haven't changed instruction or how the instruction is given.
  • for
  • A term like “mass customized learning,”
    • schma3
      Wow...someone really thought this phrase was a good idea??
  • kids spend much of their time learning with and from one another.
    • schma3
      Thinking about how adults learn best- isn't that how we learn? Collaboratively with others? Rarely do I learn in isolation.
  • tandardized way
    • dassom
      It's important that you have a standardize way of addressing the personalization. You need to know the end goal and the different pathways they can get there. If you jump into this without proper preparation you could loose some kids along the way.
  • Our systems and assessments assume that neither content nor access to teachers is widely available, and that we must deliver a proscribed, fairly narrow curriculum to each child because if they don’t have it in their heads when they need it, they will fail at the task
    • schma3
      I think about how much I have learned outside of a classroom or a course. In education we have to get over ourselves thinking that once a student leaves our high schools they know everything they need to know and will never learn again (outside of school). Unfortunately- our assessments drive this. If a student is proficient, they are "good". :-)
  • huge disruption
    • dassom
      I forgot about this phrase from our previous learning. Maybe it was in our Blended Book? I think it's a important phrase to keep in mind. If you are being true to updating your classroom/curriculum to match modern students it MUST be a disruptive environment.
  • skeptical
  • flipped classrooms, flipped teachers, flipped texts. For the uninitiated, the flipped concept suggests that we can now use technology to offload many of the more mundane classroom tasks
    • Kim Foley-Sharp
      This is such a large issue. People use technology and say they have flipped their classroom when in essence all they did was digitize their paper documents.
  • It requires the presence of a caring teacher who knows each child well.
    • blockerl
      It is important for me to know and understand my students. I think sometimes, after having new students year in and year out, we forget to do the little things that helps us to really know our students. I always appreciate the reminder.
  • “monitor students’ progress,” we should immediately ask, “What do you mean by progress?” That word, like achievement, often refers to nothing more than results on dreadful tests.
    • blockerl
      Umm, I can't help but think about the CFAs we are creating in our teacher teams. Are we doing things wrong?
  • You want to really engage kids? Give them opportunities to learn personally, to create their own texts and courses of study, and to pursue that learning with others in and out of the classroom who share a passion.
    • jwalt15
      I think this is a very powerful statement. Every learner, whether they are young or old, will be more engaged in their learning if they are given the opportunity to decide their own courses of study with others who share their passion.
  • A suffix can change everything. When you attach -ality to sentiment, for example, you end up with what Wallace Stevens called a failure of feeling.
    • Jen Van Fleet
      This is part of the discussion as to why the new ISTE standards reflect roles rather than actions. For example, instead of "digital citizenship" the standard now describes a "digital citizen", and I think this makes all the difference.
  • Will Richardson
    • Jen Van Fleet
      I wonder if we asked our students what skills they thought they should acquire via school if they would be anything remotely resembling our state standards...
  • synthesize and analyze information into original productions.
    • carlarwall
      This type of personalization also adds the higher order skills from Bloom's Taxonomy and is more rigorous for students.
  • nothing to do with the person sitting in front of you
    • emmeyer
      PERSONalized learning is all about the person sitting in front of you, not what is easy for the teacher.
  • allows students to work at their own pace and level, meets the individual needs of students
    • emmeyer
      When students are able to work at their own pace and level, they thrive. They are able to complete and correctly practice the skills that are being taught to them.
  • But as is so often the case in education, I’m not sure we as a community are spending enough time digging to parse what those words really mean, especially in the context of what deep learning now requires in a connected world.
    • emmeyer
      This is sad, but true. Often in education, we jump in without fully understanding what makes something truly effective. Or we put our own spin on it to make it easier/ "more effective."
  • And while they come from the same root, those two words are vastly different
    • emmeyer
      This is a very important distinction. Personal learning teachers students to become lifelong learners!
  • personalized environment gives students the freedom
    • anonymous
      Students would love to have "freedom" in a classroom.
  • with access to the sum of human knowledge in our pockets
    • anonymous
      Who needs to learn any more when we can "Google" the answer? I've heard this comment time and time again. So now we need to set a new standard in how students learn.
  • promote and give opportunities
    • anonymous
      Yes, give the students opportunities for personalized learning. Students can choose their opportunity, it's not owned by the teacher.
  • bits of information, not the construction of meaning.
  • word
  • only choice
    • Jill Carlson
      When students are given choice, learning is more meaningful to them.
  • eave little room for the kind of authentic, whole-child personalization many teachers dream of offering
  • many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum
    • Jill Carlson
      Teachers want to provide personalized learning but are not always allowed the freedom they need. Teachers feel the pressure of 25+ students in one classroom meeting the standards they need to meet.
  • She cautions educators who may be excited about the progressive educational implications for “personalized learning” to make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means.
    • Jill Carlson
      Each school district will need to have a conversation about what personalized learning is to be on the same page.

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 1 views

  • student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace. The only choice a student gets is what box to check on the screen and how quickly to move through the exercises
    • benrobison
      I do not think of this as personal learning. I would qualify this as individual learning. HOWEVER, I do think there's value in this. I have students who would rather work at their own pace via checklists. That said, this isn't personalized...all of the students do the same thing, just at different speeds.
    • erinlullmann
      I agree with you, Ben. I appreciated this clarification between personalized and individual learning. I know that my 5th grade son would really appreciate this style of learning as he gets very frustrated when he has to wait for other classmates to finish tasks before going on to the next thing. I think there is room in education for individualization and personalization. in fact, maybe individualized learning is a good stepping stone toward personalized learning.
    • Gina Rogers
      Ben and Erin - I agree with both of your thoughts. To me it seems that personalization has to include more than just student choice in pace of learning. Students have to have some choice in how they learn and what they learn and what they can do to demonstrate mastery. I almost wonder if those elements of personalization that I mentioned above would be difficult for some students who are box checkers like my son who is really good at checking his canvas to-do list, finishing his work, etc. He stays on top of checking the boxes, but sometimes I wonder how deeply he is learning the content that is assigned to him. I don't know if that makes a whole lot of sense.
  • personalized learning experience requires student choice, is individualized, meaningful and resource rich
    • benrobison
      I think this becomes much easier with appropriate technology (1:1 devices), but I keep coming back to how much time must be devoted to finding resources for kids. I would think that personalized learning takes a significantly larger volume of "stuff" to accomplish vs. traditional learning....and I can't think of many ways to do this without enough technology.
    • brippentrop-nuss
      As the students progress through this process, why wouldn't they be able to find their own resources?
  • If we can’t engage our kids in ideas and explorations that require no technology, then we have surely lost our way
    • benrobison
      From a PhysEd teacher's standpoint, I agree completely. Since we've moved to a 1:1 school (well before the pandemic), we made the philosophy of our PhysEd program to be a chance for the kids to unplug for 45 min. daily. Obviously, that's easy to do in our world. However, we have access to great Heart Rate-based technology. So, it's now about finding the correct balance of play, skill, and time in the THRZ. I would go so far as to say, 1:1 might be doing as much damage wit kids as it is good for them.
  • ...34 more annotations...
  • You want to really engage kids? Give them opportunities to learn personally
    • benrobison
      Virtual instruction during this pandemic has been eye-opening for me with this. With our kids who are 100% virtual learning, we are trying to give them more options for PE-at-Home. Engagement has been an issue, but for the kids that have embraced it, they've done an excellent job. I believe in functional movement in PE, so I try really hard to give the kids the freedom to do things relevant and functional for them.
    • Gina Rogers
      I am glad to hear that you have had success with virtual engagement. I have had so many conversations this year about how to engage kids in virtual settings, how to get beyond teaching to the black squares in Zoom or Meet. I admit, as a PD provider, the black boxes rattle me. It has been an interesting experience trying to find the best ways to engage online professional learning participants.
  • personalization only comes when students have authentic choice over how to tackle a problem
    • erinlullmann
      I'm not sure if anyone else (specifically math teachers) have heard of Open Middle problems before, but personalized learning kind of reminds me of those. Students all start at the same place and end at the same place (which would be learning/understanding the content and meeting standards) but how students get to the end goal is up to them.
    • dsnydersvjags
      Erin - this is how I try to teach my math classes. If I know of multiple ways to solve a problem, I will show my students all of them and then tell them they have to pick whichever method(s) fit their brains. My brain works differently than others - I am a pattern person, not a formula person. So when I am teaching the formula stuff, I always try to show my kids how my brain sees things - just in case there are other pattern people out there.
    • bhauswirth
      Students learn all different ways and I agree with showing students all ways a problem can be done and have them choose what way works best for them and their learning style!
  • When that happens, the structures around the classroom leave little room for the kind of authentic, whole-child personalization many teachers dream of offering
    • erinlullmann
      This is the conundrum that I have been facing as I've begun learning more about personalized learning through this course. How can we create a balance between the types of schools we've imagined with personalized learning and the demands placed on schools by the government?
  • The idea of personalized learning is seductive
    • erinlullmann
      Seven words into the article and I'm already saying, "YES!" As I was talking to my kids about their ideal school and imagining a day in the life of a personalized learner, I kept thinking, "Why can't we create these types of schools? I would LOVE for my kids to go to a school like this!" The idea of creating environments in which students can create their day to match their learning needs and they can pursue topics that they are most interested in is very "seductive." I want that for my students, my own kids, and even for myself. How amazing would it be to teach in a school like we've imagined?
    • dsnydersvjags
      This is how 'school' used to be. Kids went for the basics, and then as soon as they had mastered those, they found someone to apprentice to in order to learn the craft/trade that they wanted to do. Or, if they went on to a college, they simply found instructors that were talking about things they were interested in and sat in on those conversations. With the industrialization of America, we had to shift to more standardized learning because manufacturers needed those skills in their factories. So, we actually need to shift back to the old ways (in my opinion).
    • Janet Wills
      like many new "initiatives"- it's important to look past the shiny newness and see what is worth keeping
  • The Web has changed or is changing just about everything when it comes to how we think about the ways in which we communicate, collaborate and create
    • erinlullmann
      I feel like we've been hearing this for awhile now - we are preparing students for jobs that don't even exist yet. The skills and dispositions they will need to be successful in the workforce are more about problem solving, creative thinking, and communication versus an abundance of knowledge of facts and formulas. So how are we (can we) changing how schools function to match how the "real world" has changed in the last decade?
  • it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
    • erinlullmann
      I had the opportunity a few years ago to talk to upper elementary students about the concept of learning. It was amazing to me that many of these said that learning looks like sitting quietly and listening to the teacher or getting all the questions correct on a test. These definitions made me sad. How is it that in just a few years of schooling we have given students such a passive view of learning? Learning is done to them not something that they are in charge of. Personal learning is a shift in the right directions. We have to TEACH students how to be learners. We have to put them in the "driver's seat" and allow them to make the decisions that will help them learn.
    • Gina Rogers
      Erin, your comment really resonates with me. I think sometimes we inadvertently communicate this message about what learning is to our students. We focus a lot on compliance but struggle at teaching students how to learn, how to monitor their own understanding, how to determine where their are gaps in their understanding and where to go next. I think this focus on compliance creates a lot of hoop jumpers or box checkers that know how to play the "game" of school.
  • Big questions, passion, personal interest are what should drive our use of technology, not the other way around.
    • erinlullmann
      Yes, yes, yes! This is what I've been striving to get across to my technology director this year as we are working toward a 1:1 digital learning environment in our elementary schools. I want PD to be focused on best practices of instruction not simply the latest and greatest tech features. The way to engage students hasn't changed because we have more access to technology - if we want to truly engage students in the content we have to get them passionate about it and interested in learning more for the sake of learning not just scoring points on an assignment.
  • moving ownership of learning away from the teacher and more toward the student.
    • erinlullmann
      Is anyone in an AIW district? We use AIW to some extent within our district and one of the key pieces of learning I took away from my AIW training was asking "Who is carrying the cognitive load?" We need to ensure that the teacher is not the one doing all of the heavy lifting in the learning. We need to design learning experiences in which the students are the ones actively doing the learning. We don't want "sit and get" lessons in which students simply listen to the information. We want students to be asking questions and seeking their own answers.
  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves
    • travisnuss
      This statement really stuck out to me - the difference between personalized and personal learning. I think I struggle with "personal" learning because I have the traditional mindset that students need to be able to do and understand a certain amount of math, social studies, science and English to be a well rounded individual and have a hard time comprehending that students learning something for themselves is always going to equal having educational value.
  • many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum
    • travisnuss
      This is the part of the whole personal learning experience that has me baffled. This may be the traditionalist in me, but what happens to the viable and guaranteed curriculum that we have spent so many PD hours developing.
    • brippentrop-nuss
      I agree with this thought. I keep thinking aren't there some foundational skills that all student must know? Maybe this is the shift to a more standards based grading that would allow more flexibility?
  • In a world where we can explore almost every interest or passion in depth on our own or with others
    • travisnuss
      What becomes the role of the teaching with a personal learning environment, especially at the high school level where many of us have chosen the profession because we have our own passion for that area of expertise? I didn't necessarily get into this profession to help students learn anything, I kind of specifically came into this job because I have a passion for mathematics and want to specifically teach that passion.
    • travisnuss
      What becomes the role of the teaching with a personal learning environment, especially at the high school level where many of us have chosen the profession because we have our own passion for that area of expertise? I didn't necessarily get into this profession to help students learn anything, I kind of specifically came into this job because I have a passion for mathematics and want to specifically teach that passion.
  • more effective delivery method than any one teacher with 25 or 30 student
    • travisnuss
      So reading this statement, in my mind instantly pops in 25 or 30 individualized lesson plans for personal learning. It may be a more effective delivery method, but is it necessarily efficient. There has to be some sort of structural changes to the current system of education to allow for personalization of learning.
  • but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance
    • travisnuss
      Until the state changes the way they evaluate the success of schools and colleges change the way they look at admissions, especially 4 year liberal and public colleges, how do we let students do personal learning, but assure we are going to reach those requirements from the state and make sure students reach the requirements to attend the post-secondary education they want to receive. Based off of legislative decisions made so far this year, I feel like we have even less control and need to show more compliance in the near future than ever before. :(
    • Gina Rogers
      I feel you, Travis. I have often thought about this in terms of teacher licensure renewal, too, and how we would love to offer a more personalized approach to PD that are modularized that teachers can pick and choose from to put together a recertification credit. But the focus right now is on seat hours and that is incredibly frustrating when trying to come up with some more innovative PD models for recertification.
  • mass customized learning,” meanwhile, may sound Orwellian but it’s not really an oxymoron because what’s customized is mass-produced – which is to say, standardized. Authentic personal learning isn’t.[6]
    • Gina Rogers
      I love this passage so much - the mass customized learning and reference to Orwellian doublespeak are fantastic. I do think that personal learning does become somewhat bastardized when you focus so heavily on the platform, or the program, or the technology that is going to make thee learning happen. That is not personalized learning, that is algorithmized learning or learning that measures me against some predetermined set of criteria but doesn't take into account what I am interested in, what dispositions I have, etc. It is kind of a double edged sword though becuase in order to efficiently make learning personal (given our current human resources constraints in our current models of education - 1 teacher, 31 - 150 kids, prepping for multiple classes/subjects) you need to have some kind of technology to help support.
  • free to expand as a standardized individual.
    • erinlullmann
      Personal learning (as Kohn prefers it to be called) seems very good in theory. However, when it comes down to the nitty gritty - planning how it would actually function within a school / classroom, it gets messy. That is the point when many teachers I work with go back to standardization. it's easier when everyone does the same thing. How can we get over this hurdle?
    • bhauswirth
      I so agree. Personalized sounds idea but how does that work with 20 - 30 students and 1 teacher? I see where an online program works for this but believe when you put them on a program that a teacher didn't make the connection gets lost.
  • Personal learning entails working with each child to create projects of intellectual discovery that reflect his or her unique needs and interests.
    • erinlullmann
      This seems to be the definition that our class is referring to when we say personalized learning.
  • Personalized learning entails adjusting the difficulty level of prefabricated skills-based exercises based on students’ test scores.
    • erinlullmann
      This seems to be what another lesson referred to as "individualized" learning - the student has control over how fast they work through the skills, but it is the same skills for all students.
  • Personalized’ learning is something that we do to kids; ‘personal’ learning is something they do for themselves.”[4]
    • erinlullmann
      From our debate in the class forums, this quote reminds me of differentiation/individualization versus personalization. In my mind, personalized learning is personalized for each student and giving them control over the what, how, and when of the learning process while still keeping them accountable to the standards and expectations of their grade level.
  • transmission of bits of information
    • erinlullmann
      This reminded me of a blog post I read recently about thinking versus remembering. ( It also connects to the AIW (Authentic Intellectual Work) principles of construction of knowledge and conceptual understanding.
  • Personal learning tends to nourish kids’ curiosity and deepen their enthusiasm.
    • erinlullmann
      And if we are creating thinkers who are enthusiastic about learning and curious about the world around them, won't they learn more? Won't they be more employable and successful in the future? And in turn, won't they also probably do better on the state assessments? If students really have to think and understand content at a deeper level, they are more likely to remember what they've learned.
  • It’s as if engaging them in learning without technology has become this impossible task.
    • brippentrop-nuss
      This does tend to be the thought process however I feel that students are actually more engaged when we take away the technology. Without the technology they are more inclined to discuss, collaborate, and think about their work without just assuming what their "google search" search found is the only answer or for that matter the only correct answer.
  • flipping doesn’t do much for helping kids become better learners in the sense of being able to drive their own education.
    • brippentrop-nuss
      Truth! The trick is to get students to drive their own education - I don't have an answer -just a reality.
  • requires us to think deeply about our goals and practices as educators,
    • brippentrop-nuss
      This is foundational in any sort of teaching. Good pedagogy carries through no matter if it's technology driven, student driven, or teacher driven.
  • This kind of learning allows students to work at their own pace and level, meets the individual needs of students, and perhaps most importantly, is not a one-size fits all model. 
    • dsnydersvjags
      Huh. This to me says we should be doing away with the idea of CORE.... I realize why it was implemented, however... I know that many students' brains are not ready for Algebra in 6th, 7th, 8th, even 9th grade - so they really struggle and get frustrated and give up in math.
  • “That has nothing to do with the person sitting in front of you
    • dsnydersvjags
      Ugh. This phrase has no place in education. And yet - we have this attitude all of the time. By 'we' I mean those who legislate our requirements and create the standardized tests used to measure.
  • deep learning
    • bhauswirth
      Deep learning. I feel like some times when we thinking of online learning we think of videos/lectures, assignments, and etc. the same as a traditional classroom. This is when we need to do some personalization and flipping of our prior knowledge. How do we allow students to still learn the things that the standards say, but in a way that they can show their depth of knowledge by not just answering questions but by us really understanding their understanding of a certain topic. More of the deep learning takes place when they have to create or explain in their own words with reasonsing.
  • data-driven
    • bhauswirth
      Data driven was a key word that always grabs my attention. This is where data can be placed into the course to understand where a certain student's pathway lies. This would also be a great example of our students. We have students that are 18 years of age, with minimal prior education but we still place them as a senior grade level. This allows us to really personalize learning for that student for them to be successful.
  • ‘We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance.’
    • Janet Wills
      This is the tension I am struggling with- it's great to want kids to learn in a personal way, but there are standards we are accountable for
  • they digitally attached it to a generic animated child’s body that “plays” with Barney in the video.
    • Janet Wills
      that's creepy
  • “’Personalized’ learning is something that we do to kids; ‘personal’ learning is something they do for themselves.”
    • Janet Wills
      this should be on the bumper sticker
  • Tracking kids’ “progress” with digital profiles and predictive algorithms paints a 21st-century gloss on a very-early-20th-century theory of learning.
    • Janet Wills
      this brings to mind the questions of PLCs 1. What do we want all students to know and be able to do? 2. How will we know if they learn it? 3. How will we respond when some students do not learn? 4. How will we extend the learning for students who are already proficient? I'm still struggling with the idea of personalized learning and how structurally fits into our school model.
  • B.F. Skinner proposed setting each child before a teaching machine,
    • Janet Wills
      it seems that the COVID induced remotely learning across the country has served as a sign that this idea is not good for anyone
  • The idea of personalized learning is seductive
    • Janet Wills
      like many new "initiatives"- it's important to look past the shiny newness and see what is worth keeping
  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves.
    • Janet Wills
      these definitions are key to any conversation about personalized learning or even when talking about a student-centered classroom

Implementation in a Secondary Classroom (Articles) - 2 views

  • she uses choice when she assigns homework
    • travisnuss
      I've thought about figuring out a way also to give the students a choice in the delivery of the problems they do in class. Where they can choose a set of practice problems from a book, worksheet or a computer program such as IXL or Khan academy to do.
  • picked data about whatever they were interested in—flavors of ice cream, baseball statistics, basketball statistics, whatever they wanted.
    • travisnuss
      Choice works well here because there is data involved and data can be found all over the place. With many topics in math, there aren't always choices that can be given that meets a wide range of interests.
    • bhauswirth
      I so agree. This example worked, but choice is hard when solving equations (some choice as in how you want to go about solving it, but all come together). But yet again, not much choice that meets a wide range of interests as stated above.
  • Now they have access to the full unit from the beginning
    • travisnuss
      This is always a worry of mine. Just in a traditional class, I see a lot of students when given a worksheet and the students start to work and work ahead assuming they know how to do it. But when they get done and realized it's all wrong, it's frustrating to have to re-explain everything. I know, that's traditional mindset again.
    • bhauswirth
      If you have assessments throughout those worksheets to make sure students understand before going on to the next level will ensure that students understand each step. I love this idea, as some of our students work faster than others.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • The classroom is more disorganized, with one student working one way, another a different way—you get the picture. Students are more motivated to do projects than they would have been before. Yes, in the past, I might have said, ‘We’re doing a poster project, and you have to have six pictures on the poster and have this many facts. But I’ve come to the conclusion that the kids are much more motivated when I say, ‘Okay. Here’s a list of choices. Choose one. As long as you follow the steps in my rubric, you’re fine.’”
    • brippentrop-nuss
      This idea is always fascinated. I really like the idea of giving choices and having a rubric to follow. Options does increase the motivation, pick a method that inspires them and works for them in the learning process. I wonder how teachers get students to venture out and try new project ideas?
    • Janet Wills
      I'm okay with the level of chaos described if students are on task
  • I finally understood how to choose the right delivery method for various types of content
    • brippentrop-nuss
      This has to be a hard concept and skill to get right for the students. I often question what is the difference between finding a video that explains it or a screencast of my lesson. What other modes can be utilized? Been stuck at that stage for about 10 years.
  • my students are now the masters of their own learning destinies.
    • brippentrop-nuss
      What we all probably strive to get to...but how? So many times I hear students question why don't you just lecture or give us the information. Good article talking about the evolution to a more personalized type of learning.
  • Giving students a short list of topics with an option to create their own topic, with the teacher’s approval, often works well.
    • brippentrop-nuss
      Like this idea! Students sometimes are overwhelmed with too much choice. This is a nice compromise a short list of ideas with the option of creating their own.
    • Janet Wills
  • giving them some choice about whom they get to work with may increase motivation
    • travisnuss
      This is something that pre-covid I use to do a lot. My room was normally set up in groups of three and I would never create a seating chart the first day. I always found that most students would sit with others that they could work with naturally. Many times they put themselves in groups with similar abilities or with people that they knew they could work with. Honestly, this made my life easier because many times they figured out they could work through questions without asking me. Only a handful of times (usually with the freshman) would I have to move students and create the groups myself because of disruptions of class. Even the days that some groups were off topic, I never worried too much, because I figured that 95% of the other time they did stay on task was worth the tradeoff.
  • . It hasn’t been easy. It’s taken a lot of research, trial and error, and adjustments on my part. But the results have definitely been worth it.
  • My units in Schoology
  • construct my units with specific learning goals that drive the method of delivery and learning activities.
  • we worry about how to motivate students who appear unmotivated and apathetic.
  • not all choices have a positive effect on motivation and achievement.
  • . Assess as you go.
    • bhauswirth
      As I continue with blended courses I realize throwing in Kahoots, Quizlets, Quizizz, Nearpods, Peardecks, Forms, and etc. all to see where students are at throughout a chapter. This gave me a good idea of what students needed during face to face class.
  • he’s going to try to figure out a way to make it work—sometimes with the help of a fellow student
    • bhauswirth
      I had this happen during my blended course, as a video wouldn't work or his computer wasn't working and he was trying to complete homework at 11:30 when it was due at 12. These are thing students need to understand and figure out.
  • 1. Learn from others.
    • bhauswirth
      This is 100% true about anything in teaching. Collaboration and networking are key in seeing what works for others, what works well for you, and what new tools are out there!

Articles: Delivery - 1 views

    • nettiemarie
      Believe it... this is so true if you are presenting on a topic you do not fully think is important to present your audience will not buy into the presentation either
    • nettiemarie
      Removing physical barriers between you and the audience... this is difficult when I am in front of adults presenting but students I move around no barriers and eye contact between you and the audience
    • nettiemarie
      be passionate about your topic.... this is so true even when teaching I have found this to be so true... when I get passionate in my delivery the it continues to my students especially in their artwork
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • always remain gracious even with the most challenging of audiences
    • nettiemarie
      this is the hard part for me... after putting time and effort into my presentations there always seems to be that one person who seems to know better or questions everything you say\....remember to be gracious...LOL will need to remember this!
  • 30 minutes for your talk, finish in 25 minutes
    • nettiemarie
      no matter the age if you finish early the audience appreciates you and leaves room for those who want to ask questions
  • be passionate about your topic and let that enthusiasm come out
    • pattyharris123
      Be passionate and pull your audience in with you!
  • First impressions are powerful
    • pattyharris123
      As with anything, make your first impression count.
  • A handheld remote will allow you to move away from the podium.
    • pattyharris123
      Use a hand remote so you are free to move around. Sure beats walking back up to the computer after each slide!
  • press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote slide is showing, the screen will go blank
    • pattyharris123
      I didn't even know the "B Key" existed to blank out the screen!
    • Chanda Hassett
      Neither did I. I just witnessed this in our beginning of the year inservice and had no idea how the presenter was doing it. It kept the audience from reading the next slide or from dissecting the current slide. It was so fluid when she stopped to address questions not directly from the slides.
    • meyerlaura
      This was new to me, too.  Never even considered it, but many of the remotes even have a special button for blanking the screen!
  • the temptation is to turn the lights off so that the slides look better. But go for a compromise between a bright screen image and ambient room lighting.
    • pattyharris123
      Keep the lights on and keep your audience on!
    • meyerlaura
      I bought a small desk light to leave on while presenting, tho' the room is still rather dim.  No windows, only one light switch control.  Way too bright to see the whiteboard/screen.  Maybe I need another desk lamp!
  • be gracious and thank them for their input
    • pattyharris123
      We shouldn't have to be reminded to be gracious and thank the audience for their input but....
  • The first 2-3 minutes of the presentation are the most important.
    • Chanda Hassett
      So should be build our ethos or jump right to the topic?
  • Turning the lights off
    • Chanda Hassett
      This was hard in my classroom because the lights were either on or off. With no ambient lighting, students pulled out their cell phones to use the flashlight for note taking. I left the lights on for my presentations, but students just never grasped how to color coordinate their presentations.
  • Anticipating resistance forces you to really think about the people you’re presenting to, and that makes it easier to influence them
    • Chanda Hassett
      This is absolutely right! You have to take the audience into consideration or you're likely to build the wrong presentation. As everything can be perceived as an argument, how are you going to win over or influence the group?
  • break it into 10-minute chunks.
    • Chanda Hassett
      This is a good idea. I've never considered chunking the presentation but it makes sense. Since you don't want them to get up and move too much due to your time constraint, re-setting with media would serve that purpose.
  • The biggest item that separates mediocre presenters from world class ones is the ability to connect with an audience in an honest and exciting way.
    • apresler
      The presenters passion and enthusiasm make ALL the difference! 
  • Removing physical barriers between you and the audience will help you build rapport and make a connection.
    • apresler
      Proximity is necessary to connect with audience.
  • courteously deal with such individuals.
    • apresler
      Try not to take things personally! 
  • you’re not the star of the show. The audience is. It’s in their power to embrace — or reject — your ideas. You’re presenting because you need them to change their beliefs or behavior in some way, and people find it hard to change. So expect them to resist.
    • apresler
      Keep the audience in mind always! Try to "get them on your side". 
  • the most engaging speakers have a simple secret weapon: "They practice much more than the average presenter."
    • apresler
      Know your content - elevator test. 
  • the Interlink remote as well
    • meyerlaura
      unavailable on Amazon.
    Be gracious for audience input.

mollie3: Lesson Planning: The Missing Link in e-Learning Course Design - 1 views

  • Comparative lesson plans help to ensure that self paced e-Learning includes the “voice of the instructor.”
    • rmfredrickson
      This seems to be such a critical piece to understand designing online effectively. The chart made it clear, and in fact, even in a face-to-face setting, I would choose to use the e-Learning anticipatory set over the one listed in face-to-face. I wonder if e-lesson lesson planning works well in reverse?
    • Evan Abbey
      Working well in reverse? I'm intrigued. I'm taking it you mean grabbing an e-lesson and using it f2f, correct? I think with proliferation of digital devices, this is very easy to do. Wasn't so much 10 years ago, tho.
    • lwymore
      These questions are powerful for maintaining focus and alignment
  • The point of the template is to force a comparison between the two instructional delivery modes, and to make the differences between them explicit
  • ...21 more annotations...
    • lwymore
      I think this would be very helpful for those who are designing and teaching blended courses as well to take a close look at how content would be delivered and which mode would be most effective.
  • “voice of the instructor” (all the little things we say and do when standing in front of a class) is missing. The graduate students’ learning products are not just mere “page turners,” they are lacking both in interactivity to hold the learner’s interest
    • lwymore
      It is a challenge to work in that "voice of the instructor" and interactivity into lessons - especially for those new/newer to online teaching. These help develop a warm environment, a sense of community and provide appropriate scaffolding for learners...always looking for effective ways to do this.
    • Linda Hoobin
      A great definition and clarification for what is a lesson plan.
  • Lesson plans are merely templates that can guide the development of good e-Instruction, saving much time and effort by minimizing revisions and misunderstandings.
  • Sidebar 1 Madeline Hunter’s “Seven-Point” Lesson Plan Format
    • denise carlson
      Wow! I remember Madeline being the "hot new thing" back in the 80s. I'm glad to know what I learned from that training is still applicable today.
    • Linda Hoobin
      This is a good reminder/resource of the critical elements of an effective lesson
  • Sidebar 2 Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction Lesson Plan Format Robert Gagne’s “Nine Events of Instruction” or conditions of learning, as they are sometimes called, may be more suitable for your environment. His work is similar to that of Hunter. Gagne warned that not all nine events were required for every lesson
    • denise carlson
      What a great list. I can see it's usefulness in online instruction, but I think this brief checklist might be good for face to face instruction too.
    • Linda Hoobin
      New learning for me...another resource to add to the tool box. Like the similarity to Hunter in somewhat more current educational language.
  • Lesson plans require clarity; they make ideas explicit. They lessen the number of unpleasant surprises found during storyboard review
    • Linda Hoobin
      Specific now means less heartache, confusion and misunderstanding later.
  • First attempts at designing self-paced e-Learning courses are fraught with failure.
    • denise carlson
      My goodness, mine certainly was. I just like to jump in and try things, but even after teaching online a few time, I am painfully aware of how much I still need to learn
    • Evan Abbey
      I'd like to say "you get over it", but I'm not sure you do. The lack of direct, instantaneous feedback from your audience when online always makes you feel like you are failing at something.
    • Ann Van Treeck
      I was surprised at how much planning was required...or much more planning I wish I had done.  I feel like I want to go back and almost re-create my first try.  Humbling :)
  • The IDP contains a variety of information, such as the purpose of the course, its proposed length, a description of the audience(s), the instructional strategies to be used, and an outline of the content.
  • For storyboarding, we assume that IDs can write in a friendly, conversational tone
    • denise carlson
      "Tone" is so important. I've had some online students whose tone didn't come across in a very friendly or professional way. That always served to remind me to reread and edit before I hit "post".
  • For lesson planning, we assume that IDs can write learning or performance objectives.
    • denise carlson
      Hmm. . . I'm wondering if that might be an over zealous assumption.
  • If the term “lesson planning” causes pushback in your organization, simply change the term to one that is more acceptable, such as “instructional planning.” Have a “comparative instructional plan” and a “detailed instructional plan.
    • denise carlson
      I'm wondering why terminology can cause such angst. I've seen it happen, but it always surprises me a bit. This served as a good reminder that there may be terminology that in non-threatening to me, but may incite others. I will need to think about that if I ever write another course.
  • Objectives — there is little difference between the delivery methods.
    • rmfredrickson
      I would think this to be true almost all the time with e-learning and face-to-face; at least in terms of core content areas...same objectives, but HOW that is achieved would vary
  • Our learners want to jump in and take just the training they want and need to perform a task.
    • rmfredrickson
      I find this true of myself, and appreciate when courses are set up this way; good point to remember!!
  • Once the appropriate stakeholders approve the IDP, instructional designers start the storyboarding process. Designers (or their managers) often expect to move effortlessly between creating an IDP and developing storyboards from it.
    • darinjohnson
      I like how they use storyboards. This summer I've been trying to have my students use storyboards with elementary and middle school students, and I'm surprised how some students dislike planning. 
    • Evan Abbey
      You know, the idea of a storyboard has a lot of promise as an instructional activity, regardless of f2f vs. online, that I'd like to know how to do it better. If students could be versed with the structure of a narrative so well that they could intuitively build a storyboard for whatever topic, they would be excellent public speakers and writers when grown up.
  • Another convention in the example requires informing the learner of the approximate time it takes it complete the instruction.
    • darinjohnson
      Offering approximate time to complete an activity has been a requirement in ID courses in the past. I never know if my own speed is what I should expect of others.
  • Like any design documents, you will need to provide your instructional designers with clear instructions on how to prepare lesson plans and give them appropriate examples.
    • darinjohnson
      Online instruction is the only place where I have seen models of objectives and formats for lesson plans. Hunter seems old-school to me, but I don't have a newer or better model.

Implementation in a Secondary Classroom (Articles) - 2 views

  • At the end of the project they can choose how they will present their findings.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      In my classroom, this might be allowing students to choose themes or subjects for their final projects while using the techniques we are studying.  
    • alissahansen
      I find that the possibilities are endless in the English classroom as well. I use RAFTs often where students choose the role of themselves as the writer, their audience, the format of the writing, and the topic, and they excel with this. With English, work is not just organized around a work of literature, it's really much more about what is gained through that exposure to said literature. This really helps makes giving choices possible in this type of environment. It is hard to give much choice when students need to be able to write a research paper in MLA format, however. They do have the opportunity to choose a topic, resources (I give them some, but do not force them to use the ones I provide because they are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to tech resources). The research paper is probably the most difficult unit for students and I think it is because it is so rigid of an assignment. I would love to offer more choice with this, but I am not sure if that would be possible. Choice in my classroom relates to learner interest as well. I always make sure to offer options that appeal to all, whether it is acting out a scene, writing an alternative ending, creating a Facebook account for a character, a podcast, writing a blog, or creating a comic book storyboard. 
  • It is a messier way to teach, though it takes more organization on the teacher’s part, not less. You really have to be on top of things to allow the students choice since now there is more than one “right” way of doing something in the classroom. And Julie Ison (the team’s mathematics teacher) adds, “You have to have a principal who understands that when he walks into a roo
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This is very true.  As I attempt to make sense of this for my classroom, I am realizing the amount of prep work that is involved.  I realized I can continue to develop the resources that I make available to students, but I want it to be meaty to begin with.  
    • edamisch
      I am often overwhelmed by the amount of resources there are for Spanish since there are 20+ Spanish speaking countries.  It is often difficult to know where to start since I write my own curriculum. 
    • bleza66
      This is also true in the special education environment. Each student is working individually on the subject they need assistance with or on an IEP goal area. It is often difficult for people who are not familiar with what we do to see what we are working towards. 
  • The classroom is more disorganized, with one student working one way, another a different way—you get the picture.
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This quote really spoke to me.  This is often what an art room looks like.  To a degree it is already personalized, but it can be more personal for the students.  That is my goal. It is funny because so many times administrators assume I can do more because I 'just' give my students a project and they work on it all week, so of course I must have all kinds of time.  But really the classroom is constantly in motion, I just don't stand at the front and direct all the motion.  It really does take an understanding administrator for this to work well.  
    • Lisa Hackman
      This spoke to me as well. Working in an alternative education environment, I may have 10 students working on 10 different classes at any one time. Some may be working on-line while others are working out of a text book. Others may be in the hallway doing some fitness activities and still others curled up in a comfy chair reading a book. I, in the meantime, am usually traveling from student to student providing assistance. There is never a dull moment, that is for sure! And yes, an understanding and supportive administration is KEY!!
    • ksteffener
      What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly. That is how I view my job! I love when administration walks in shakes their head and leave!
  • ...51 more annotations...
  • They’ll have to post a couple of responses—and post a couple of responses to responses— as part of the class. That’s going to get them trading ideas about the literature we read in class
    • Kristina Dvorak
      This whole quote reminds me of the importance of critique. Implementing this method of teaching really makes critique even more important.  It also allows students to learn from each other and explore ideas and techniques even deeper.   
    • bleza66
      I really like this idea because it allows deeper thought and more meaningful conversations to happen. I can see where this would lead to larger conversations with students and the class as a whole. 
  • Coach Debbie Camp remembers with a chuckle what most of the kids said—they loved doing it because it was a break from math!
    • lisalillian311
      Amazing comment from the students!  They didn't even know they were learning!
  • choices that promote feelings of control, purpose, and competence are likely to be more motivating than choices that do not.
    • lisalillian311
      What if a student doubts his choice to the point of frustration?  How can the student be redirected to make a confident choice that will turn into a learning experience? As the teacher, I would be afraid to over-assist a student with choices, if that student is not confident in their learning.
    • alissahansen
      I agree! I think students need to learn how they work best and to make choices based on that. I think this is hard for some of the students that I work with. It can be difficult when students just are not used to being given choice, then all of a sudden they are asked to choose what is best for them... I think there are some that will struggle(successfully and  otherwise) and some will be even resistant to the choices offered, but students will learn how to make choices that best suit them. It just takes time. We cannot just expect them to make the best choices right away. (Alissa Hansen)
  • “without deep and flexible understanding of content, teachers are handicapped in the critical task of helping diverse students find points of access to the school curriculum”
    • lisalillian311
      As teachers need more depth of knowledge in their respective subjects, I would think that universities would begin requiring more courses to "cover" everything in a given subject.
  • A sense of competence
  • sense
    • lisalillian311
      I especially like "competence" as a part of this formula.  Students need to feel like they know how to learn and learn how to know.
    • spfantz
      Teaching meta-cognition is a life-long skill they will use forever.
  • Not anymore. Now she says, “One of you needs to move. You decide.” It is less stressful to her and focuses the students on what they need to do to regain control.
    • Lisa Hackman
      I love using this technique when students aren't being productive when sitting together. I'm all about giving students choices and then they learn they have to deal with the consequences of their choices. I've had students ask me if they can leave early. I always tell them, "It's your choice, but be prepared to live with the consequences of not meeting attendance and progress goals."
    • marydermit
      I have use the you decide but I really like your answer to students about leaving early.  I am going to try it out this year.
    • bleza66
      I also use the "it's your choice" technique. It is important for student to take responsibility for their own actions and learn that sometimes the consequences of making that choice is not worth it. Real life learning at its best. 
    • ascallon
      I use this quite often also.  It puts students in control of consequences.  It's interesting to hear their reflections when graduation requirements aren't met.  Most take responsibility for not attending and getting work done.
    • ksteffener
      This sounds a lot like Love and Logic to me.
  • “One of the things I had to learn recently was to let go and allow the kids to experience the consequences of their choices.
    • Lisa Hackman
      I see this as my biggest struggle in the day-to-day happenings in my classroom. Many of my students have already failed based on the choices they have made in the past. They attend the alternative program as what some may consider a last chance. I feel like I'm not doing my job if I "let go and allow failure." I guess in my eyes, if they fail, I fail. My principal has told me numerous times over the years that there will come a time where you just have to let go.
    • katie50009
      Lisa--This is a struggle for me as well. The feeling of "if they fail, I fail" is something very real for educators because we care so deeply about our students. 
    • Lisa Hackman
      I oftentimes feel like we, as educators, care more about our students' education than the student does. It's an uphill battle I face every year...not with all of them, but there are always a few.
    • spfantz
      I understand allowing a student to fail, but it seems silly to allow a student to fail a core class because they were unable to problem solve or troubleshoot a technology issue. I think we need to evaluate what it is that we want students to come away with. Also, project based curriculum can often times be lengthy, so I would fear students we allow to fail could loose weeks of learning.
    • ksteffener
      I have heard the same thing and I really believe that because we take our job so personally- failure is not ok. I always try and focus on the success not the failure. You may have failed the class but you did this this and this right.
  • Choices like this honor divergent ways of thinking and, in doing so, help promote strong feelings of competence in students.
    • Lisa Hackman
      I enjoy seeing students come up with different ways to solve the same problem. For those that struggle, I try to model a few different techniques and then have them pick the technique that makes the most sense to them. Sometimes they come up with something totally different and I'm OK with that.
    • alissahansen
      I like the idea of having students pick a technique that makes most sense for them and that was modeled because if I see students struggle, it is usually because they just don't know where to start. Not every student will have that innate ability of taking the initiative. I know teaching freshmen that this is an area students really struggle with because they just don't trust themselves and moving forward can be paralytic because of it. (Alissa Hansen)
  • Photo Story
    • edamisch
      Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses - I usually let students choose how they want to present their information too.  Unless I'm trying to teach a specific skill such as how to create a strong power point presentation, where everyone would be required to create one. 
    • spfantz
      I would love to see the rubric aligned with standards and benchmarks to see how they reach goals through activities and through their culminating project.
  • give my students a choice:
    • edamisch
      For my 6th graders Spanish speaking country capital unit for example, I have four ways that they can choose from to study for the quiz - two technology based ( and a youtube video) and two more paper based - worksheets and flashcards.  This works well in case kids don't have internet at home. 
  • d the
  • The kids can choose any one of those methods as long as they follow a rubric that I created about what I am looking for.”
    • jenniferlb
      I love it when I have the opportunity to allow students to choose how they will demonstrate their learning. We use one common rubric to suit multiple ways they present their information. I have found, however, that sometimes when students have freedom to choose, some are resistant to it.  Some want a specific, step-by-step set of instructions or blanks to "fill in" and having freedom to choose how they present their learning makes some uncomfortable. I find that interesting!
    • moodyh
      It is great when students have an opportunity to present in their own ways, but I find my students struggle with it.  I give them the opportunity to present their final financial literacy project any way they want, but most of them just wrote me a paper that covered what the rubric asked for.  I think students will need as much training as teachers to get used to individualized learning
  • Giving choice is about empowering students. It makes them feel that they are part of the process, not powerless; that’s the kind of feeling that motivates everyone.”
    • alissahansen
      This quote really speaks to me because it holds so much truth! It's amazing how much psychology goes into teaching! That said, choice, motivation and empowerment all go hand-in-hand. Students do so much better when they can own something (well most of the time), and when they have the opportunity to choose how they will represent their understanding to you, it also shows that you as their teacher, trust them to make that decision and I think students respond well to this. Now, sometimes students will take what they perceive as the easier approach, but they learn the consequences pretty quick. And this extends not just to those choices relating to academics, but behavior as well. I work with freshmen, who are still trying to figure out what it means to not be an eighth grader anymore, and I have found that  when it comes to discipline, giving them a choice allows them to hold themselves accountable and establishes trust. I have used, "who is going to move to a more productive place in the classroom?" often, and I have not had a situation yet where one of the students didn't make that choice. The system works for toddlers too! (Alissa Hansen)
    • marydermit
      Giving students choice builds a trust relationship that is so important.
    • ascallon
      One of my favorites is the closer to graduating, usually the closer the student sits to my desk or me.  The 1:1 time helps them get done faster.  
    • ksteffener
      I think getting at risk students to trust me as a teacher is the toughest thing I do. I need them to believe that I will move every obstacle I can.
  • 2. Use the technology you have.
    • jenniferlb
      I find this "lesson" interesting as I would think that to have a successful PLE 1:1 technology would be necessary. This allows me to think that personalized learning could become a part of traditional classrooms sooner than later!
  • ound of Kahoot
    • alissahansen
      This is my favorite discovery by far and students LOVE IT! It is a great way to review content with a program that has gaming qualities and offers a sense of healthy competition. Students can use phones, desktop computers or laptops to gain access to the interactive program and I will say that once you do it once, students will ask for it daily. You can even quiz students using the program and it will compile the data for you so you can enter in scores if you wanted to. I highly recommend it to all educators. It is a valuable resource, and it is free! (Alissa Hansen).
    • moodyh
      I love Kahoot too as a whole class assessment.  Another great (and free) resource is quizizz.  It is similar to Kahoot except that students can go through and take the quiz at their own pace instead of it being a race to see who can answer each question first.  It still compiles the data for you, but gives the students a little more privacy.
  • in a typical story unit, they can choose between just reading, and reading along as they listen to a story. They can also decide whether to annotate online or on a printed copy. They can take notes on paper or record their thoughts verbally as they analyze the story.
    • edamisch
      These choices are awesome!  Underlining and writing notes in the margins online is way different than on paper!  
    • katie50009
      I like these ideas as well. So simple and yet it gives choice to students. I like real, specific ideas to begin the implementation of PL--actually, I feel like I was not as far behind on giving PL a try because I am using strategies such as these. Feels like a postiive boost!
  • Choose the best content delivery method.
    • alissahansen
      I love utilizing technology ( is a site I visit often), but I sometimes struggle because there is just so much out there. I do a lot of playing around with different programs and resources before introducing them to students, but I do feel overwhelmed by it all at times and I am sure students feel the same way. I think this is a very important statement because with the wealth of information/tools out there, students should have the opportunity and be able to decide what is going to work best for them and teachers need to make decisions about the best tech tools to get them there. This is easier said than done as every summer I have about 100 new tech ideas to incorporate and feel there is no time to do it about cognitive overload! (Alissa Hansen)
  • skip forward, pause or rewind as needed until they get the lesson.
    • edamisch
      Great features 
    • marydermit
       I want try short videos with pharmacy tech students as an  choice to reinforce some of the key concepts with math applications.  Those that need to review can and those who have it can move on.
  • Kahoot,
    • edamisch
      This is big in my building. (middle school) 
    • marydermit
      I used it this past year to review drug classifications with pharmacy tech students. They loved it.  I want to add more units this year.
  • AP students would each have produced their own 10-page research paper.
    • edamisch
      Personally, I'm glad I had to write two 10 page papers on the topic of my choice for AP College English my senior year of high school, since papers of that length were the norm as a Spanish/Art/Education major in college.  It was good preparation.  
    • juliefulton
      I agree, we do not want to 'cheat' our students from learning and practicing valuable skills needed for success in college and/or their careers.
    • spfantz
      This would be a huge undertaking for some of my students. I wonder what types of supports and assistance is offered to students who need help.
  • use their fantasy football stats during class
    • edamisch
      cool idea! 
  • encourage you.
    • edamisch
      The above reminds me of the example "Day in the Life" assignment.  The depth of this cross curricular unit is great, but what about breadth?  Would everything be covered?  This is a concern of mine with time consuming projects.  
  • Imagine that you are a student at Tidewater High School, a fictitious comprehensive American high school that is organized into small learning communities.
    • alissahansen
      This a great resource for developing a personal plan and establishes a useful blueprint so one can see what a truly personalized learning environment would look like for: the student, teacher, administrator and even a parent! This is a resource I am going to use for my personalized plan. I especially like the breakdown from the student's experience, the purpose, what the structure of the class content would look like, assessment, and there is a useful checklist that once could use to assess yourself on implementation. (Alissa Hansen)
  • I feel that I am on this blended learning journey with them, and I truly believe it has made us all more engaged in our work and more focused learners.
    • jenniferlb
      These final sentences really sum up what I would love to be able to say about the work that I someday hope to do!
    • emilyzelenovich
      I agree completely. I want to know that students find value in meaning in the work we do in my class, and I want to know that I have helped prepare them for the world after high school. 
  • Students do not always need to work at their desks. For example, one teacher noticed students were getting restless during independent reading in class. They became more motivated and less fidgety when the teacher allowed them to find a comfortable place to read. Some students chose to remain at their desks, others crawled under the desks, and still others found comfortable places elsewhere. Even simple choices like this can give students a meaningful sense of control.
  • Students
    • jenniferlb
      Depending on the unit of study, the students in my 9th and 10th grade English classes are given regular reading days to enjoy the novels they are reading.  I love it when they ask to move around the room to get comfortable to read.  When they're given the choice of where to read, I agree that it does give them a "meaningful sense of control."
  • even in small ways, of their own education.
    • katie50009
      The phrase "even in small ways" really caught mu attention. Instead of focusing on what we can't do and can't change, I need to focus on baby steps of implementing change, one step and one student at a time. Over time it will become more natural for the teacher and student to change the traditional roles of schools and really become engaged in learning.
  • t is the purposeful design of instruction to combine face-to-face teaching, technology-assisted instruction and collaboration to leverage each student’s learning style and interests for deeper learning. When done right, it meets several of the ISTE Standards for Students and Teachers while leading to a more rigorous, challenging, engaging and thought-provoking curriculum.
    • katie50009
      I think some of the hesitation for teachers to work more fully in a PL modeled is the issue of rigor. Are students really challenging themselves? Am I giving them enough guidance and feedback to take their learning to the next level? How will I know for sure?
    • spfantz
      I agree, it would be difficult to gauge or measure how rigorous, challenging, and engaging each students' personalized path is for them.
  • When asked to explain the “why” behind my choices during professional learning sessions, I realized there was more to creating blended lessons than simply adding technology. Today I carefully construct my units with specific learning goals that drive the method of delivery and learning activities.
    • katie50009
      These statements really help me see how, as a coach, the conversations I have with teachers, and the reflections that follow, will be key to implementing PL successfully.
  • My students’ input and further pedagogical study helped me refine my lesson planning until I got it right.
    • juliefulton
      It is very important that we model for our students taking risks, asking for feedback, refine for improvement, and continually grow as individuals and professionals!
  • Now they have access to the full unit from the beginning, so they can gauge their own pacing and get practice in time management.
    • juliefulton
      Students are learning content and life skills but teacher organization of the course is important to maximize learning. If a student is confused by having access to all the course at once, they may be overwhelmed if the necessary componets are not clearly identified.
  • allowing students to pick one or two friends they would like to work with
  • Certainly, giving choice to students often means that teachers need to allow students to make their own decisions, and it can be difficult to give up this control.
    • juliefulton
      ...and teachers need to be open-minded to answers that are not right/wrong. Perhaps 'what-if' dialogues are right.
  • generally made every mistake you can imagine
  • “We have all these different methods of how kids can present the project,
    • ascallon
      My concern is how to get students to do quality projects.  Some of the things I receive are so low quality. What do I do to get the students to do more work?
  • ‘Okay. Here’s a list of choices. Choose one. As long as you follow the steps in my rubric, you’re fine.’”
    • ascallon
      This is how I set up projects, but get cut and paste type projects.  I would like ideas to get students to stretch their horizons.
  • technology failures
    • ascallon
      Technology failures get me frustrated.  The students help me so much, but I feel like a failure when I can't help them or when the technology doesn't work as planned.
    • ksteffener
      this is the single biggest roadblock I face. As a rural school we are without internet at least once a week
  • access on their own phones
    • ascallon
      Students use their own phones for research and project.  I haven't opened up to computers/tables yet.  Hopefully we will have 1:1 computers for the classroom this year.   I'm interested to see how this will change research and projects for students.  Hoping for higher level thinking skills!
  • Giving students a short list of topics with an option to create their own topic, with the teacher’s approval, often works well.
    • ascallon
      I do this with World History projects and end up copied text from a website or a PowerPoint with just the facts.  I would love some strategies to get students to think beyond the facts and cut and paste.
  • When activities require students to work in groups
    • ascallon
      A student frustration has been when the group members don't show for class.  We've tried to debate speeches and members don't show to prepare or present.  It's frustrating for the students.
    • spfantz
      I feel that if student interest drives the group dynamics, students won't feel socially pressured to group with their friends.
    • ksteffener
      This one is tough because we all have to work with different types of people and its a skill that students are lacking. I try and put groups together based on a lot of factors but knowing the students is the key to success
    • spfantz
      I have not heard of Photo Story or vodcasts, I'd like to learn more.
  • actionable feedback
    • spfantz
      I like these suggestions for quick feedback and redirection for the class.
  • t combats the dea
    • spfantz
      I'm not sure I'm following this statement. It seems profound but I'm not sure I understand the rationalization.
  • Okay, you’ve done this project. Show us what you’ve learned,’ and there we offer the kids choices. We might say to them, for instance, if you establish a future city on the moon, how would you prevent all these environmental problems on the moon that we have had on earth?
    • ksteffener
      I have found that sometimes students are overwhelmed by choices so this is where the personalization part comes into play. I want to give them choices based on what is best for them not me as the teacher.
  • he screencasts, which I create with Zaption, Screencast-o-matic and Video Ant, are better than PowerPoints because students can hear my voice instead of clicking through a silent slide deck. A
    • ksteffener
      This would be awesome for students with social anxiety who cannot stand in front of the room and give a presentation
  • “Your class is easy. I don’t mean simple — I mean it is easy for me to learn because I can pick assignments that let me do my best work.”
    • ksteffener
      this is a common misinterpretation. students feel like it is easy because they get it, not easy because its not rigourous
    • ksteffener
      This is the toughest part of working with at risk students. When a student isn't successful it takes a lot to motivate them and even if they are motivated they may not want to look like that to their peers.
    • ksteffener
      this is awesome. I would love to print this and hand it out!

Articles: Delivery - 2 views

  • If you press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote slide is showing, the screen will go blank.
    • kliston
      I never knew this trick. I will definitely be using this trick in future presentations.
    • Wendy Arch
      I didn't know it either.  That's an awesome trick that could have saved my bacon several times!  Well, lesson learned.
    • Karen Stern
      This is new to me also! I wonder if I'll be able to remember it in a crisis moment?
  • Turning the lights off — besides inducing sleep — puts all the focus on the screen.
    • kliston
      We tend to turn the lights off when we present in the library and when we do this it does turn all the attention to the slides vs. to the presenter. We will no longer be turning off the lights.
  • At every 10 minutes or so, try to reengage the audience with something different—don't just keep showing slides," he says. Try inserting a short video clip, introduce a quick demonstration, or have another speaker get up and briefly present.
    • kliston
      Keeping in mind the 10 minute rule is something that seems manageable as well as appropriate. We do this with students in elementary school so why wouldn't we do the same thing with adults? Thanks for the reminder.
    • Karen Stern
      This is a good reminder! Since my team does so much coaching in differentiation in the classroom, we have made it a habit to practice differentiation in our presentations to staff.
    • amytlach
      This reminds me of the 'brain breaks' I used to take with my students when we were working on new concepts.  Lots of interesting things come to mind that could be done to connect these chunks of time at the end of the presentation to. 
  • ...59 more annotations...
  • Practice 10 hours for every one hour of the presentation
    • kliston
      Wow! 10 hours of practice for every hour of presenting. That seems like a lot time but I know from experience the more time I spend preparing the better my presentation tends to go.
    • Wendy Arch
      That seems like a lot to me too, but maybe this could include the previous time we have spent teaching concepts before.  If we have a story that works, we can incorporate that into our 10 hours?
  • 93 percent of the impression you leave on somebody has little to do with content and everything to do with body language and verbal ability
    • kliston
      This is an amazing statistic. Gallo's tips below are something that I am totally going to apply to my next presentation.
    • Karen Stern
      That's a daunting statistic! No matter how much time and effort and study I put into a presentation, it is worthless if I don't connect with my audience.
  • The first 2-3 minutes of the presentation are the most important. The audience wants to like you and they will give you a few minutes at the beginning to engage them — don’t miss the opportunity.
    • Wendy Arch
      Important to remember the hook.  I wonder what the time frame is if the entire presentation is less than 10 minutes?  I'm thinking of myself here with web videos in the flipped environment.  10 seconds?  30?
    • Karen Stern
      Wow. This makes me realize how important it is to connect to the audience even before the presentation begins.
    • kmcastaneda
      I love this: "The audience wants to like you"  So true.  Another way I've heard it expressed is - They're rooting for you.  It's true!  
  • To advance your slides and builds, use a small, handheld remote. A handheld remote will allow you to move away from the podium. This is an absolute must.
    • Wendy Arch
      My students always get nervous and accidentally change slides when they use my Keyspan remote.  Just goes to show, you have to practice.
  • But go for a compromise between a bright screen image and ambient room lighting.
    • Wendy Arch
      A problem we also have is if it is too dark (no windows in most of our classrooms), students or attendees can't take notes.  I also  know from personal experience - it's darn hard on my eyes when everything else is dark, but there's a bright white screen in front of me.
  • Anticipating resistance forces you to really think about the people you’re presenting to, and that makes it easier to influence them.
    • Wendy Arch
      These basic concepts of logos, ethos, and pathos are the core concepts I expect my sophomores to understand and apply in their writing and speeches, so it's only reasonable that I be able to apply them as well.
    • Karen Stern
      I agree, Wendy! We should demonstrate those same characteristics that we expect from students. I think when audience members give resistance, it shows that they are engaged and struggling through the ideas that we present.
    • kmcastaneda
      Logos, ethos, pathos.  Nice connection.   And while I don't need to believe the audience will resist (this could cause more harm than good for me), I can simply consider what they might be fearful of, feel threatened by, and/or not feel familiar with.  Empathy is key.
  • Nobody is as interested in you as you think they are,
    • Wendy Arch
      Ouch.  Sad, but true.  I think this ties in heavily with the Curse of Knowledge.  As much as I think something is cool, and therefore am deeply excited and engaged by it, they don't.  And the longer I talk to try to change that, the worse it becomes.  
  • "Most of the great presenters actually rehearse much more extensively than anyone else," he says. "They don't just wing it."
    • Wendy Arch
      I wish I could get my high schoolers to believe this.  They think practice makes them boring, so their awkward mistakes that get awkward laughter is "good" for them.  Ugh.  So wrong...
  • how you talk, sound, look and what you're wearing," Gallo says. "Only about 7 percent of the actual words or content is important."
    • Wendy Arch
      I remember telling students this when I taught speech.  93% of any message isn't dependent on the specific words, but rather how those words are communicated.
  • Grab your digital video recorder, deliver your presentation and watch yourself,
    • Wendy Arch
      I make my sophomores do this before their first speech!  They have to use their school iPads and record themselves giving their speech, then watch and evaluate themselves.  Those who do it invariably get better!
    • amytlach
      This is SO HARD to do, but so good for you to take the time to do.  I hate watching myself,but untimately find it helpful and feel more relaxed when I present after watching and self evaluating
  • It is better to have the audience wanting more (of you) than to feel that they have had more than enough.
    • Karen Stern
      This ties well to the 80% rule in the Mindfulness lesson. I should always leave an audience wanting more of the information I am sharing, not looking at their watches hoping to be done soon.
    • amytlach
      I really thought long and hard about the 80% rule and this goes right with it.  We really don't need to tell EVERYTHING we know in one sitting! 
  • If I had only one tip to give, it would be to be passionate about your topic and let that enthusiasm come out.
    • kmcastaneda
      Ahhhh!  Yesss!  Thank you, Garr.  This seems like a salve for all of my presentation ailments that come with worry about delivery.  So good.  Best advice.  Makes it easy.   And if I don't feel passionate about it, I make myself find something to connect emotionally to, and work from there.  Ultimately, it's all emotional.  If I can find the emotion in it, the passion, the audience will buy in and we'll all connect.  
  • Don’t hold back
  • Be confident
  • connect
  • in an honest and exciting way
  • let your passion for your topic come out for all to see.
  • Most presenters fail here because they ramble on too long about superfluous background information or their personal/professional history, etc.
    • kmcastaneda
      Yeah, this is not the place to ramble about the boring specs.  Hook them first, then gradually disperse the resume type of accomplishments throughout the presentation if you want to, embedded within it, and relevantly attached to actual points you're expressing and demonstrating and illustrating.  Your background can be an asset to reinforce a point you're making, so you're seen as having experience with the concept...
  • Professional entertainers know this very well.
    • kmcastaneda
      So true.  I'm a musician, and whenever I play a show, I stack the songs in a way that will build momentum and allow the audience to ride the music in a way that they'll want more of us when we're gone.  It's strategic, and it's also totally about reading the vibe of the audience and scrapping any plans I had for a setlist if it doesn't feel right as gauged against the crowd.  
  • short attention spans
  • if you have 30 minutes for your talk, finish in 25 minutes.
    • kmcastaneda
      Totally, if not less, even!  This way, you can allow for bumps that arise or opportunities for conversation should that arise, too.
  • The podium is a barrier
  • Get closer to your audience
    • kmcastaneda
      I strive to make eye contact with everyone, move my body throughout the room, weaving, getting close in proximity to everybody.  My voice then travels with me, providing a different dynamic, and memory is triggered with association of spatial relationships.  So, if I'm talking about a certain topic while over here, the audience will take in that whole spatial/audio/visual relationship and it will stand out from when I made this other point while standing over there, with other spatial/audio/visual relationships at play.  It's the way our brains work, so we just capitalize on our natural proclivities.  
  • Remember the “B” key
  • By having the slide blank, all the attention can now be placed back on you
  • don’t forget to smile
  • eye contact
    • kmcastaneda
      There is a chemical called phenylethylalamine, and it is released during eye contact.  It's partically responsible for humans falling in love, among other cool things like helping digestion and improving motor skill dexterity...all of this while under the spell of phenylethylalamine.   I definitely want my audience to fall in love with me.  ;)
  • The audience should be looking at you more than the screen.
  • thank them for their input.
  • you’re not the star of the show. The audience is
  • It’s in their power to embrace — or reject — your ideas
  • You’re presenting because you need them to change their beliefs or behavior in some way
  • people find it hard to change. So expect them to resist.
    • kmcastaneda
      This is amazing.  If we expect there may be kickback, it won't be so painful or disorienting to pull order back in.   I just read an article and the author said - the more great things you do, the more people you will touch, and so the more people will know you and love you.  When you increase the number of people who know about you, you increase the number of people there will be who hate you.  Wow!
  • Resistance doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, if you prepare for it, you’ll sharpen your presentation and stand a much better chance of winning your audience over.
  • considering different points of view and addressing doubts and fears before they become roadblocks,
    • kmcastaneda
      This is sort of like the concessions at the beginning of a persuasive essay...admit there are other sides, there is controversy, there is resistance.  Name it, throw out possibilities, and then invite the audience to let go, free their minds of distractions and judgment and assume there just might be something they could take away and learn from this presentation.  Since learning has to have an emotional attachment, it's important to address that admit it, and encourage the audience to tap into that part of themselves that is open to making the time worth their while by finding a way, even forcing a way, for their engagement, which means not assuming they know everything and to have a beginner's mind.   After some shared vulnerability and expressed passion for my subject, I have audiences to somatic exercises and breathwork before I begin fully. It breaks the ice.  ;)  Makes them feel less foolish if they want to ask questions.  It softens them to me, and unites the group as a whole with a sense of camaraderie, because they all just went a bit outside of their comfort zone together.  
  • So be humble in your approach
  • and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present.
    • kmcastaneda
      They just want to be heard, want to feel seen.  They have a real response and it's triggered by a zillion things in their past and programming that I as presenter couldn't have foreseen, and I don't have the same trigger points as they do.   It's about being gentle on myself and the audience.  ANYTHING they express is valid.  Acknowledge their real feelings, embrace their right to express it, courageous is what they need to feel from it.   Resistance is a sublime opportunity to learn, as a 'teachable moment', a growing pains moment, an illuminator for new consciousness on all parts.  It definitely will help me grow and resculpt my approaches to my work.  Awareness is good. 
  • Removing physical barriers between you and the audience will help you build rapport and make a connection
    • Karen Stern
      I agree with this idea! The last time that I presented at a Teacher Quality workshop, my partner and I were in the high school auditorium. We were on the stage, and the audience was spread out all over the room. It was hard to draw a response from them!
  • audience
  • share your ideas with others before you present
    • Karen Stern
      Sharing the presentation ideas with others (especially those who work in different fields than I do) will be a good way to gauge the receptiveness of an audience.
  • Practicing in front of another person or a video camera will help even more
  • he says
  • out loud, over many hours and many days
    • Karen Stern
      Ouch. This is something I HATE to do! Especially in front of others or a video camera. It would be worth it, however, to know that I'm doing more than winging it.
    • kmcastaneda
      Agreed, Karen...this is indeed painful for me, too.  Yet, critical to success.  I don't want to flounder and flop once in front of an audience.  
  • When you read from your notes or from slides," he says, "that completely breaks the connection you have with audience."
    • Karen Stern
      I've never thought about reading from the slides in this way: that it breaks the connection to the audience. I have always tried to avoid reading from the slides just because it seems unprofessional and condescending to my audience, but I'd never thougth about the connection that gets lost.
  • so you’ll take on a conversational tone
  • it will show
  • feel more warmly toward them
  • you’ll disarm them
    • kmcastaneda
      Important not about disarming the audience.  We want openness so the message can hook them in their hearts.   Imagining each one of them is a dear friend or family member, or beloved client ALREADY, helps me frame the audience in love and wrap them in understanding and compassion.  
  • they’ll be more likely to accept your message
  • people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or die
    • kmcastaneda
      This can feel daunting and intimidating!  Solution?  Speaking with conviction about a topic I'm passionate about and believe in as something to help the audience, for their highest good...this is the remedy for worry about whether or not the audience will love me and my work.  
  • Don't make every slide look the same (i.e., Title, Bullets; Title, Bullets)
  • As you plan your presentation, try to come up with arguments against your perspective.
    • kmcastaneda
      Brilliant!  This suggest to basically build in the alternate viewpoints while planning.  It sort of happens naturally while I prepare - playing my own devil's advocate.  I'll not trust that those thoughts are worth using to make myself more prepared, instead of dismissing them.  Love this.
    • amytlach
      This is more common all the time with issues that people who are not involved in agriculture are not educated about as to how or why things are done to be productive.  Great to think about what potential is out there for opposition. 
  • alternate lines of reasoning by digging up articles, blog posts, and reports that challenge your stance.
  • And then the audience gets bored. And people start checking their BlackBerrys
  • give the audience's eyes a rest every so often."
  • you'll come across as much more engaging as a speaker and effortless."
  • internalized the content
    • kmcastaneda
      Internalizing content is complementary to finding a way to emotionally connect and feel passionate about the topic in the first place!  These two concepts seem to feed each other.
  • temptation is to turn the lights off so that the slides look better
    • amytlach
      This is a great point, but some photos need to have the room darkened some to be able to see.  I have played with brightness on a few photos and it seems to help with some. 
  • "They practice much more than the average presenter."
    • amytlach
      What a great reminder!! Preparation makes everything better. 

Articles: Delivery - 2 views

  • Get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium
    • KIM BYRD
      This is something I am very uncomforable doing, even in my own classroom. I need to work on this.
    • brendahack
      It is pretty freeing to move away from the front of the room and get a students prespective. It lets you see your slides from the back of the room, or notice what Johnny is writing or not writing on. You may find you actual enjoy it.
  • The audience should be looking at you more than the screen
    • KIM BYRD
      Most presentations I have been in at least turn off half of the lighting in the room. I will have to make sure my promethean board is able to be read with all lights on.
  • Most people listening to presentations tend to tune out after about 10 minutes
    • KIM BYRD
      Agreed. I am ready to listen to presentations, but after a while I am day-dreaming, thinking about lunch, or wondering what needs to be done in the classroom. I must be engaged or I lose interest.
  • ...36 more annotations...
  • Too many presenters stick to the PowerPoint template
    • KIM BYRD
      I sure used to stick with the templates. I thought they were a good thing. I am slowly learning that this is NOT the case.
  • Most presenters who are just considered average or mediocre are usually caught reading the text on their slides
    • KIM BYRD
      I will work on this. Usually when I am doing a presentation I am nervous, and therefore read from the slides.
  • deep, heartfelt belief in your topic.
    • stac34
      This is a key element in a successful presentation...planning, preparing, and delivering a presentation that involves a topic I am passionate about makes it seem like a lot less work. 
    • brendahack
      So true. I have been presenting on a topic that is quiet new to me, and it has taken so much more effort to plan. Working on my Zen presentation has been so much easier as it is a topic I feel I have depth of knowledge in, and see direct outcomes from. I get excited and I hope my audience gets excited too.
  • “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote slide is showing, the screen will go blank.
    • stac34
      I just learned this last year! How did I go so many years without knowing this?  Also if you push "W" your screen will go white 
    • jsoland
      Last year!?! I just learned this now! Can't wait to use it!
    • aneppl
      Yes, I can totally see how this would be good to use. I wasn't aware of it....
  • Familiarize yourself with alternate lines of reasoning by digging up articles, blog posts, and reports that challenge your stance
    • stac34
      This is a great idea to actually look into resources that challenge the topic/perspective. Rather than just having my opinion about something, I could spend some time looking into those alternative stances
  • At every 10 minutes or so, try to reengage the audience with something different
    • stac34
      This is a good reminder to break longer presentations into smaller pieces. I try to integrate playtime into some presentations, but now I am thinking that I need to make them shorter and occur more often. 
    • brendahack
      Agre! When co presenting it is much easier as you can hand off the presentation and change it up just by who is speaking. When going solo this seems even more important.
  • Only about 7 percent of the actual words or content is important
    • stac34
      This is hard to believe the content impact is so small. It definitely makes e think that i need to pay attention to my delivery style. I really dislike watching myself on video, but the hint to tape myself and reflect is probably a good one. 
    • aneppl
      Wow this is scary. I agree with it, but amazing to think about. It make me think about our recent round of teacher interviews. Our teachers are really particular about what the candidates wear. They would tell you, that if a women is not in a suit, they are literally tuned out the rest of the interview. 
  • audience will help you build rapport and make a connection.
    • sarahjmoore
      I love doing this in my classroom. I feel it gives me better classroom behavior. They never know where I am going to be. I also love that it allows me to hear some of the students who like to dwell in the back row and mumble their thoughts. I can now ask them to share that amazing thought louder.  
  • ol device
    • sarahjmoore
      Just make sure that the remote you have isn't the same one as someone next door. I have had a couple of presentations to students and my neighboring teacher was also presenting. This created a very interesting back and forth. 
  • Practice 10 hours for every one hour of the presentation
    • sarahjmoore
      I wish my students would do this too. I tell them to practice, but at the end of the day it seems we all practice a couple of times and call it good. If we really wanted to do well, we would do the 10:1 ratio. 
    • jsoland
      I just can't imagince having the time to do this and I would hate to make it an expectation of someone else if I couldn't do it myself.
    • candace berkley
      Sounds like a lot of time, but I know from presenting that it makes good sense. Don't know how student would react to this!
  • naturally you want to read from them, so you turn your back to audience and you read from slides on the display."
    • sarahjmoore
      I would almost prefer there was no text on the slide. I see a lot of presenters putting quotes on the slides. They turn around to read them and I feel like I am completely disconnected. Or if they are on the slide and aren't ever mentioned, I am confused why they had it there if they aren't going to address it. I have to disengage with the presentation to read it. In reality, there are times for text, but it seems that it needs to be connected and present in the presentation.
  • ne hundred things on your own that are annoying or maybe are some bad habits that you never knew you did."
    • sarahjmoore
      I have done this several times and I hated it! I found so much about myself that I was annoyed with. I couldn't believe how irritated I was with myself. I felt like I should apologize to my students for putting up with me everyday. It was horrible, but good. There were some behaviors, as Gallo notes, that I didn't know I had. I was then more thoughtful about them and have since strived to fix them. Although it is awkward, I would highly suggest it. You can't argue with a camera.  
  • world class ones is the ability to connect with an audience in an honest and exciting way.
    • brendahack
      The more passionate you are about your topic, the more engaging you become. You have stories and experiences that you can share with the audience and help them feel a need to know more. I agree that it builds your confidence as a presenter as well. If you are not captivated by your topic, it is extremely difficult to capture someone else's.
  • So, if you have 30 minutes for your talk, finish in 25 minutes. It is better to have the audience wanting more (of you) than to feel that they have had more than enough
    • brendahack
      I am ever appreciative of this when I am attending and not presenting. I generally find that I will take the "extra" time allowed to thank the speaker, or ask a question one to one rather than in the whole group when I feel it is specific to my needs and not a group topic.
  • By having the slide blank, all the attention can now be placed back on you. When you are ready to move on, just press the “B” key again and the image reappea
    • brendahack
      Not only does it change the focus, but it gets the light out of your eyes. It is uncomfortable to have a dialog with a audience member when you are squinting to see them.
  • You’re presenting because you need them to change their beliefs or behavior in some way, and people find it hard to change. So expect them to resist
    • brendahack
      This is a hard one, but true. You are trying to affect change. There will be those who want to prove you wrong, or challenge what you are saying. If you can use thier examples as a way to "prove" what you are saying all the better.
  • Does your audience hold fast to a bias, dogma, or moral code
    • brendahack
      My presentation that I am working on is a test taking strategy that allows the test taker to NOT read the whole reading passage when doing a reading test. As educators this is a real challenge to what we as learners did and as teachers teach. Yet it has been so effective that I am willing to meet their challenge, and provide them the opportunity to prove it to themselves.
  • Always remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies. You need them more than they need you. So be humble in your approach. Their desires and goals — and their frustrations and anxieties — should shape everything you present
    • brendahack
      Powerful statement.
    • candace berkley
      On the forum I wrote about presenting to hostile groups of teachers, and I received a good bit of advice: Talk to the principal before the presentation to get a feel for what kind of support or resistance you might encounter. Ask for the principal to assist in lessening some resistance before the date of the presentation and ask who the most supportive members of the audience might be.
  • use a small, handheld remote
    • jsoland
      This has completely changed how I present and I love how it helps me to circulate around the audience.
  • Remember, it is your reputation, so always remain gracious even with the most challenging of audiences.
    • jsoland
      I like to keep in mind that the audience won't remember the challenging person, but will remember how I handled them.
  • They glance at a slide just for a second to prompt them for the next piece of information
    • jsoland
      I have really been able to improve on this now that I'm making the focus of my slide be the image.
  • Gallo suggests that you use images with little or no text on slides to discuss ideas or concepts, which is also a great way to engage the audience. This will also, he says, "give the audience's eyes a rest every so often."
  • Grab your digital video recorder, deliver your presentation and watch yourself, he says.
  • Don’t hold back. Be confident. And let your passion for your topic come out for all to see
    • aneppl
      I wonder if it's possible to be vulnerable at the same time? I think the audience(in my case teachers), needs to know that I empathize with them and care about them, but yet I have high expectations for our students. I am often very vulnerable and I feel most appreciate it. 
  • The first 2-3 minutes of the presentation are the most important
    • aneppl
      This is typically where I try to include humor, tell a story, and try to set the stage for our time together. 
  • The true professional can always remain cool and in control
    • aneppl
      So important. Recently, a comment was made as teachers were sharing out and I made a very bad mistake. I actually rolled my eyes. Now I don't know if anyone seen me, but just as soon as I did it I was very self-concious. Not good.
  • If you’re struggling to figure out what kinds of resistance you’ll face, share your ideas with others before you present and ask them to pressure-test the content
    • aneppl
      Pretty much everything thing that I present on or co-present is as a result of discussions and decisions made by our Instructional Leadership Team. But the reality is that I hope they are being honest with me and not just agreeing to my thoughts or ideas on how to improve our instruction for students. 
    • aneppl
      I value the input of the ILT so that hopefully what we are asking or presenting on is not seen as just the principal asking for one more thing. There are very few things that I would push forward with without the support of our leadership team. I might however continue to building the background of the leadership team in hopes that one day I feel that we are at a point to share with our entire staff. 
  • So keep the presentation to less than 20 minutes
    • aneppl
      Very good point. If I know our time is going to be longer I always like to build in opportunities for sharing, collaboration, reading, etc. so that it doesn't feel like I was talking at them for an hour. 
    • aneppl
      Obviously I responeded before I read further. :)
  • "When you prepare and rehearse the presentation—out loud, over many hours and many days—you'll come across as much more engaging as a speaker and effortless."
    • aneppl
      This is definitely an area that I would need to improve in. Sometimes I get over confident, only to wake up in the middle of the night with all of these ideas that I think I can work into my presentation without practice...In other situations I have literally just completed the presentation an then it's time to present. This is something I need to contemplate, the planning phase, because if I'm not ready will I actually make the situation worse. 
  • sentati
  • They practice much more than the average presenter."
    • candace berkley
      Always practice wherever and whenever possible. Practice in front of other people. Anticipate reactions, questions, challenges and practice responding to them. Unexpected things will always occur, and if you are well-prepared for the presentation, you will be much better able to handle the things for which you are not prepared.
    • candace berkley
      Practice wherever and whenever possible. Practice in front of other people. If you are well prepared for the presentation you will be less rattled when unexpected things happen and better able to deal with them. Confidence is gained through practice.
  • However, he says most presenters will spend 99 percent of their time preparing the content and slides, and very little—if any—on understanding and controlling their body language and how they speak and sound.
    • candace berkley
      Sometimes we forget the presenting part of the presentation. It is something very different than the preparation of slides. Yes, when I remember presenters, I remember their voice, how they moved around the space, the jokes they told, and the way they made me feel. I really don't remember the slides, I remember the info. through the person who presented it.
  • Gallo's Tip:
    • candace berkley
      Reminds me of the importance of the high school speech classes where all of these skills are taught.
    • candace berkley
      These tips remind me of the importance of high school speech class. (These are all tips that our speech teacher teachers and that we expect kids to know.)

mollie3-1: Lesson Planning: The Missing Link in e-Learning Course Design - 2 views

  • Lesson plans are merely templates that can guide the development of good e-Instruction, saving much time and effort by minimizing revisions and misunderstandings.
    • Nancy Peterman
      As a teacher, I use lesson plans as a way to outline my instructional steps, so this helps connect what I do to the online environment design.
  • No matter how many examples of e-Learning courses my students review and critique, and no matter which text we use in class, many of the students’ initial attempts are sorely lacking when compared to the courses of more experienced designers. To put it simply, there is little or no instruction in the students’ e-Learning, and the “voice of the instructor”
    • Mary Trent
      I find that I have to go over and over my online classes I create just to make sure I'm writing all the things I would say if I was teaching a face-to-face class.  I often times have my husband or others go in and read my descriptions and lessons to make sure it makes sense to s stranger. I think when we are creating online lessons, we can get too close to it to see what's missing.  It helps to have someone from the outside evaluate it for you. Mary Trent
  • Though developing a lesson plan for e-Learning is similar in many ways to developing a lesson plan for instructor-led learning, there are also differences. IDs need to remember that there is no instructor present in self-paced e-Learning, and simple as this sounds, it does take some getting used to. This concept is especially difficult to grasp for experienced stand-up trainers and facilitators who are new to designing instruction.
    • Mary Trent
      When creating a lesson, you have to have opportunities for review as well as extension activities.  You also need to give students opportunities to get feedback from you along the way.  It needs to be more than just "Good job." I like to use Zoom or Adobe Connect to hold virtual classroom meetings to  answer questions and get to know my participants.  It has proven to be very valuable. Mary Trent
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Mary: I would agree providing opportunities to connect virtually for meetings or questions has been beneficial. I like the idea of having a time that students can talk with you in the off chance they have questions but need more individualized support and may not feel comfortable asking in a group meeting.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Detailed lesson plans help to ensure that there is adequate instruction — practice and feedback — for each learning objective.
    • Mary Trent
      I think it is really important especially in online classes to stay in contact with your participants and give them quality feedback and aske probing questions. This helps to make connections and to develop the discussions.
  • The graduate students’ learning products are not just mere “page turners,” they are lacking both in interactivity to hold the learner’s interest and to ensure that learning occurs, and in sufficient information to guide the learner through the lesson or course. I spend a great deal of time asking students, “How would the learner know that?”
    • Nancy Peterman
      I definitely agree that most online courses are missing the interactivity to hold the learner's interest and clarity of instruction to help the learner know what is expected or the procedure to follow.
  • Comparative lesson plans help to ensure that self paced e-Learning includes the “voice of the instructor.”
    • Nancy Peterman
      Lessons that contain the "voice of the instructor" are key to connecting with the learner. It is important to provide adequate information to answer questions before they are asked. It is also important to give your instructions "personality" so the learner does not feel alone.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      Nancy: I appreciate when examples are given by the instructor if there might be questions for clarification. The way Evan and Kristen have given an example in the forum eliminate questions that may have occurred.
  • And we assume that they know the limitations and possibilities of the course media. Detailed lesson plans are particularly useful for this last point. While we ask IDs to be creative in designing instruction, we also ask that they be cognizant of the appropriate use of media for instruction. Last, but not least, we also ask that they be mindful of the budget.
    • Nancy Peterman
      I found the mention of being mindful of the budget something I had not considered while developing online lessons or courses. It seems easy to add media to a course without expense until you need to pay for cloud storage.
  • The point of the template is to force a comparison between the two instructional delivery modes, and to make the differences between them explicit to the ID.
    • bgeanaea11
      I think this helps a new teacher to think through the similarites and differences before teaching the course.
  • • Purpose — Why is it important? • How will it help them in the future?
    • bgeanaea11
      I like these questions! This is really great to remind us of the point of the lesson/learning!
  • Developing instruction at the learning objective level also helps IDs to chunk information
  • What do they need to know or do? How will they learn it? How will we and they know they know?
    • bgeanaea11
      More great focus questions!
  • Michael Allen’s Guide to e-Learning: Building Interactive, Fun, and Effective Learning Programs for Any Company, “Storyboards and design specifications are unacceptably weak in comparison to functional prototypes.” (
  • Gain attention
  • Inform learner of objectives Stimulate recall of prior learning Present stimulus materials Provide learner guidance Elicit performance Provide feedback Assess performance Enhance retention and transfer
  • “R” in RID stands for “Rapid,” not “Rushed.”
  • An IDP may also include information about the technical requirements — both software and hardware — for taking the course.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      This is very important. I learned the hard way that you cannot assume participants have what is needed for system requirements. This was evident when teaching the integration of online resources course. I assumed teachers had been using the resources and were taking the class to further their individual learning. I found out most have not even logged in before and the baseline information needs to be provided in the welcome which includes: general login (username and password) along with detailed instructions for set-up of individual teacher accounts for development of unit portfolios. I find myself continually making revisions for ease of understanding and delivery.
  • Once the appropriate stakeholders approve the IDP, instructional designers start the storyboarding process. Designers (or their managers) often expect to move effortlessly between creating an IDP and developing storyboards from it.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      I can see the importance of storyboarding every possible item so that you can reduce or eliminate a rough beginning. This may result in working at the lowest level to be assured all participants are starting at the same point. An example: In the introduction there would be general login (username and password) along with teacher account set-up information. If the participant has completed this previously then the step can be bypassed.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      My example is in reference to the Online Resources course currently being offered.
  • Another convention in the example requires informing the learner of the approximate time it takes it complete the instruction.
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      The pacing chart has been very helpful especially when time can be a factor. The approximate time allowed at a quick glance to see what could be accomplished during that session. This is something I have started to develop for inclusion in my course to better inform students.
  • • Instructor may model or learner may model • Needs to be visual and verbal
    • Kathleen Goslinga
      This is a great point and one that I need to incorporate more often. I appreciate they way our instructors have modeled PoodLL and the forums.
    As a teacher, I use lesson plans as a way to outline my instructional steps, so this helps connect what I do to the online environment design.

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 2 views

  • many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum that will be evaluated on standardized tests, while at the same time telling teachers to be innovative and creative within their classrooms
    • anonymous
      This is a major concern I have been struggling with in regard to Personalized Learning. The content many elementary teachers have been presented with is very specific - follow the basal or system of information you have been given, present it in the order it is to be taught, in the confines of the time you have to teach it, however, be creative (but don't stray from the plan because you have Standards Based goals to achieve), reach all students with it irregardless of ability or interest (make sure you meet with those groups every day to ensure they learn the content) and get good scores on our standardized tests (but don't teach to the test and you need to show growth).  It is a challenge we face but the dream of personalized learning is not an impossible reality. We just have to understand how it can be done. 
    • wolson86
      I agree and can easily connect with your comment about sticking to the curriculum, yet being creative. This is also a major concern of mine. I often feel that there is so much to fit in and little time. A guaranteed curriculum is important but I believe teachers need to have some freedom within their room to create plans and lesson that can be personalized and meet the standards.  Once teachers are better acquainted with personalized learning I believe we will see more and more of it within classrooms across the country. 
    • Megan Schulte
      I can relate, too.  I mentioned earlier that we work in PLCs, so we write curriculum together and then go to our rooms to teach it, share Data later, and learn from each other.  I feel like this setup is too restrictive for me to implement PL.  Instead of throwing the idea away, we need to experiment with implementing PL small then look at the data and see if we can convince others to go with it.  We won't be able to make the full switch in a year, over the summer, or even within a few years until the entire system gets on board and works toward this common goal of implementing PL..
  • In a world where we can explore almost every interest or passion in depth on our own or with others, it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
    • anonymous
      As an adult learning individuals, if we want to continue to learn and grow, we need to reach out and ask questions and find the answers rather than waiting for the world to find us. We need to inspire that in our students as well. Motivation and drive with a purpose!
    • lkmace
      To instill this drive for learning and seeking one's own understanding seems so important when developing skills in our young students. When we as adults have that drive for learning continuum, modeling that passion, sharing examples on how this is evident in work environments, as well as higher education, should be a skill all students be taught. PLEs could be a great tool to do just that!
  • Personal learning entails working with each child to create projects of intellectual discovery that reflect his or her unique needs and interests. It requires the presence of a caring teacher who knows each child well. Personalized learning entails adjusting the difficulty level of prefabricated skills-based exercises based on students’ test scores.   It requires the purchase of software from one of those companies that can afford full-page ads in Education Week.
    • anonymous
      Personal Learning requires "heart" Personalized Learning requires "hardware"
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Thus, while making sense of ideas is surely personal, it is not exclusively individual because it involves collaboration and takes place in a community.
    • anonymous
      Personal doesn't mean individual. 
  • Personalization is often used in the ed-tech community to describe a student moving through a prescribed set of activities at his own pace. The only choice a student gets is what box to check on the screen and how quickly to move through the exercises. For many educators that’s not the true meaning of “personalized learning.”
    • amorarend
      At the district I teach in we have many computer programs like this. Our lower elementary students (K-4) work on ST math and our upper elementary students (5-6) work on ALEKS. Our district also recently purchased and is going to start implementing Lexia Reading Core5. I personally have not worked with any of these programs, but from what I've heard teachers really like ST Math and ALEKS. 
    • wolson86
      Our district has also just started implementing Lexia Reading Core 5 this year. I have found it to be engaging for the students, but I have a student who has already passed all levels. At this point there is nothing left for her to do. I think personalization is more than a computer program, however I am a fan of computer programs that are tailored to the students' needs. 
    • Megan Schulte
      From some of the things I've read in the PL Environment articles, these computer programs are only one part of Personalized Learning.  They have a purpose for some students who need it, but shouldn't really be implemented as a "work until you complete the program" type of thing.  More of a "you need more practice..go here" type of situation. Until we really embrace PL and truly personalize, we'll continue to encounter these issues.  So hard to do!
  • “It meets the needs of an individual in a very standardized way, but it doesn’t take into account who that kid is.” For Laufenberg, personalization only comes when students have authentic choice over how to tackle a problem.
    • amorarend
      I don't think many teachers and administrators realize this. I think most feel like the computer programs, such as ST Math, ALEKS and Lexia Reading Core5, are personalized because each student is working at their own level. From what I've learned so far in this class is that Personalized Learning takes it a step farther. 
    • lkmace
      I have felt hesitation from adminastartion with using computer programs for student learning. I'm looking for evidence that supports research in this area. Is it best for certain learning styles? I believe so.
    • lkmace
      Ditto! I've tried some pilot computer learning, and students enjoy and stay engaged. Trying to receive support from administration isn't easy - district policy, costs, and balance between classrooms are the constraints I find.
  • Personalization comes at the expense of denying students opportunities to learn personally, forming the habits of mind and “network literacies” that will serve them much more effectively than most of the content knowledge that, as we know from experience, never gets applied in real life.
    • amorarend
      I agree and disagree with this statement. I think every student in America has asked the question "When am I ever going to use this in real life?" at some point in their educational career. I know I did when I was sitting in Pre-Calc my senior year of high school. On the other hand I cringe every time one of my 5th grade students doesn't know that Iowa is a state. I had to have all of the states and state capitals memorized in 3rd grade! I do feel there are some things every well educated person should know, but the question is how do we decide what is important enough for every person to learn.
    • kelsi-johnson
      There are definitely basic, foundational skills that need to be learned by all students. For example, since our district has focused less on teaching and grading students on grammar, punctuation, and elements outside of the content of a paper, we have noticed huge gaps in performance. I had to spend an entire class period with my ninth grade students explaining when to capitalize a letter before printing their final papers. I was also able to listen to Richardson speak at my school last year, and he claimed that all math classes would be rendered irrelevant over the course of the next decade due to technology resources; however, he used many graphs and statistics in his presentation. Luckily, I had great math teachers throughout school in order to possess the skills necessary to interpret his presentation data! I would agree that we have to develop certain basic skills in all students before we can set them off to work completely independently. I think it all comes down to your final determines those priority skills or standards?
    • Megan Schulte
      I completely agree!  However, I feel we're just not advanced enough as a system or society to truly see what we're doing work well.  The standards are set up to build upon the previous year's standards.  Unless everyone is covering his/her standards, it won't work as well.  We saw this first hand at my school when our JH/HS started aligning to the core before our elementary did.  It was very difficult for our 7th grade teachers to even teach the 7th grade standards because our students were back on the 2nd/3rd grade level according to the standards.  We had to back up and teach those skills first in order to get anywhere close to our own standards.  However, in the last 4 years I have seen much improvement!  Our elementary has begun aligning, and we're not (almost) able to do our own jobs!  I have hope!
  • But the red light flashes here not just because of the focus on standardized tests but because of the larger preoccupation with data data data data data.
    • amorarend
      With being a Title 1 teacher everything I do is based on data. The school I teach at just got done doing the FAST testing for winter and when it was done I sat down with the principal and the other Title 1 teacher and used the student's test scores to determine who was going to be receiving Title 1 services. I am not a huge fan of testing, but when the state requires students who are flagged as "substantially deficient" to be in an intervention and students who are flagged as "at risk" to be progress monitored we have no choice but to be driven by the data. I really like the idea of personal learning, but I don't think school are going to be able to make that switch until the government changes things.
    • kelsi-johnson
      It is frustrating that this information/research is out there and many teachers want to shift towards learning that is less test-focused, but unfortunately we don't have the power to make those changes! I also wonder how parents would respond to a change from the traditional school format. I know when we even discussed switching to standardized based grading, we got a lot of push back and criticism from parents. I don't know how we start making these changes.
    • lkmace
      This is directly connected to the students I serve that are identified as gifted. Testing often displays data that doesn't seem to reflect their total understanding, often posing a picture where students haven't reached that area of one year's growth. This has engaged many debates as to pushing core v. pushing student interests.
  • ‘We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance.’
    • kelsi-johnson
      But at some point, don't we have to hold students and ourselves accountable for the learning taking place in the classroom? With the requirements of the current education system, there doesn't seem to be much that we as classroom teachers can do here: at some point we have to prove that we have created growth in our students through data. I wish the article would have specified other methods for depicting learning/student achievement rather than simply debunking the current ones. While I am all for personal learning and a change in the way we view student performance, I have yet to see a realistic method presented to ultimately score or evaluate the results of our students in the classroom.
    • wolson86
      I agree that it would be nice to have some other specified methods to collect data and show student growth. I do believe what we have now is not a true judgement of our students, they are so much more than a score. 
    • anonymous
      I think our major hiccup lies in our struggle with producing "proof" of learning. It is important that you state a realistic method of scoring students. In a perfect world, we would have a personalized instruction for each student with a personalized rubric guiding the learning. However, that is not realistically possible, especially if I want them to be authentic and innovative at their own level. As long as I am expected to prove my kids are learning, regardless of the system used, time will play into how personalized the instruction can be.
    • lkmace
      Before reading your post, my thinking directed to the time constraint and proving a year's growth in each of our students. This is a major component in our classrooms and often fogs up the importance of addressing individual learning needs. How do teachers with large groups of students realistically find time to implement successful PLEs? I have 40+ students on my roster between two buildings. PLEs could be the answer to providing challenges more than 30--40 minutes 1-2 times per week. That part I am excited about. Assisting with all 40+ PLEs sounds a little overwhelming, but initial skill development in students in designing their own with my assistance seems to be my starting point.
  • it implies moving away from the industrialized form of education that pumps out cookie-cutter students with the same knowledge and skills
    • wolson86
      This first sentence really stuck out to me, especially the statement cookie-cutter students. Why would we want to create students to all have the same talents? What kind of future would that be, with students who all have the same specific skills?
  • Can the Web and laptops, et al., support and expand intrinsic engagement for those parts of the world that interest us? Absolutely! But while a multimedia textbook on an iPad may be more engaging than the dog-eared paper one we’ve been handing out for decades, a textbook is still a textbook. You want to really engage kids? Give them opportunities to learn personally, to create their own texts and courses of study, and to pursue that learning with others in and out of the classroom who share a passion.
    • kelsi-johnson
      This makes me reflect on the learning we have done about the SAMR model. Because our students recently became 1:1 with iPads in our building, we have done a lot of learning on making technology usage meaningful rather than just "fluff" in the classroom. Here is a link for those of you not familiar with SAMR: As Richardson indicates, we can't simply put technology into the hands of students and call ourselves innovative. It is what we allow our students to do with technology in order to generate new ideas that stimulates innovation and creativity.
  • meaningful (and truly personal) learning never requires technology
    • kelsi-johnson
      I found this statement to be particularly profound; I never thought of it that way!
    • Megan Schulte
      Especially nowadays when technology is such a big part of their lives.
    • lkmace
      Fifth graders in our district are fortunate to have Chrome Books. After working in secondary for the past 4 years, coming back to elementary made things very exciting to know these students would have tech access at their fingertips. After a few weeks working with this age level, I found the tools could be very distracting. Starting with personal understanding to form inquiry and learning proposals allowed for focus on goals. Technology came in next as a great resource, but ending with communicating new learning (sometimes with tech, but often through discussions, writing or small group share.)
  • A personalized environment gives students the freedom to follow a meaningful line of inquiry, while building the skills to connect, synthesize and analyze information into original productions.
    • Megan Schulte
      This is so hard to really implement correctly!  Most of us are in school systems where we are really restricted by required classes, bell schedules, teacher certification, the previously mentioned DATA COLLECTION (!!!), which would look much differently in a true PL classroom.  I'm personally struggling with how to implement PL because we work in PLC teams where we have common formative assessments that need to be administered around the same time.  That allows very little room for kids to work at their own pace.
  • resource rich.
    • Megan Schulte
      I have found that finding good resources for English is really hard.  There are so many factors when it comes to literature, like readability level, topic, concept, that it's hard for ME to find resources, let alone have my students find them on their own.  Unfortunately, if someone develops something that is good, they're going to want money for it making it unattainable for many of us.  I was excited to hear about the pilot going on with the AEA Online for students.
  • Our kids (and we ourselves) are suddenly walking around with access to the sum of human knowledge in our pockets and connections to literally millions of potential teachers.
    • Megan Schulte
      A few problems come to mind.  1)  This is why it's important to climb the ladder of Bloom's with our activities and lessons and make them real life.  2) Students don't value knowing the basics because they can just Google them.  The part of speech of a word...Google can tell us that, so it isn't important.  But it IS important to know when it's applied later, for instance writing complex sentences and identifying clauses/subjects.     Or is it?
    • kelsi-johnson
      Think about how much longer it would take for students to complete seemingly simple aspects of a project or task if they had to look up every single smaller bit of information. It seems that this is where we need to set priority standards in order to determine what basics are most important for students to know in order to complete and take part in personal learning.
  • give opportunities for our kids to do personal learning.
    • Megan Schulte
      This is it!!  This is all we can hope for.  Having the perfect school, unit, support, funding, etc. to do this is not anywhere in our near future.  If our classroom is set up to give opportunities for our kids to do personalized learning, we're on the right track.  I feel it will snowball into more opportunities.  Kids will want it, the ever-important test scores will prove it, and schools will slowly jump on the PL train!
  • the best thing we can do for kids is empower them to make regular, important, thoughtful decisions about their own learning, what they learn and how they learn it, and to frame our use of language in that larger shift, not simply in the affordances for traditional curriculum delivery that the tools of the moment might bring.
    • Megan Schulte
      This is the beginning.  Find opportunities for this wherever you can and then let personalized learning grow from there.
    • lkmace
      Advanced differentiation conversations often involve the, "how do we develop independent learners?" This shift is dearly needed. Enabling students with PLEs - tool to make the shift?
  • as long as he ends up fundamentally similar to everyone else:
    • Megan Schulte
      Agreed, but this is what students need to understand when it comes to PL.  You don't just get to pretend you're working, you are still held accountable to reach the end target; you can just get there how you want.  This is my biggest fear with "setting kids free" in PL.  I'm afraid I'll check-in with their progress and they'll have done nothing.  What's the consequence?  How do you hold them accountable daily (at first) and realize they still have to do something.  Hopefully interest level, real life applications, etc will help hold them accountable.  They'll be on stage for someone hopefully.
    • anonymous
      I have a self-paced system currently in place in my classroom. Often times, I do check in, and they will have done nothing. I have the daily goal for where they should be to be on target to finish on time. My kids have figured out that I will fail them. I akin it to a job. If you do not do the task, the boss will penalize you for it. That said, grades are fluid. I have no problem changing the grade once I receive the work. Normally the work happens after a few angry emails from parents, pulling from study halls, and a little bribing. This morning I sent out an email stating I was still missing fifty papers from students, giving their names. The immediate consequence is failing, with the understanding that once work is shown, failing is not a permanent ultimatum .
  • She cautions educators who may be excited about the progressive educational implications for “personalized learning” to make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means.
    • anonymous
      I find it interesting that she says everyone we work with needs to be on the same page about the implications of personalized learning. I find, that when I try something new, even if my co workers aren't on board right away, my results speak for themselves. I am not sure it is important that BEFORE I start personalized learning, EVERYONE is onboard. 
    • lkmace
      As I "pilot" PLEs with some of my students, taking evidence from their experience to share with staff could begin those "on board" conversations and reel teachers towards learning more and trying in their classrooms, as well as sharing with administrators. Many past learning models have sounded wonderful, but without having data to show evidence of success, hesitance exists.
  • Our systems and assessments assume that neither content nor access to teachers is widely available, and that we must deliver a proscribed, fairly narrow curriculum to each child because if they don’t have it in their heads when they need it, they will fail at the task.
    • anonymous
      I find it interesting that the Web and other pieces of technology have expanded the capabilities of learning, yet our standardized testing and other assessments specify exactly what they "need" to know. I question how, regardless of how the Internet has changed education, we still use the same methods to prove proficiency. 

Articles: Delivery - 3 views

  • be passionate
    • scott fillner
      being authentically passionate about something draws your audience in, or allows them to counter you.  Either way you ellicit emotion, you engage others.
    • alberhasky
      I agree. My personal experience attests to this tip. I know when I'm passionate about my topic, it's far easier to engage my audience, then when I'm not enthusiastic about it. In terms of teaching, this often means for me switching things up. If I have taught a lesson too many times, I get bored with it, and then it's difficult to engage students. When I'm at that point, it's time to change things.
    • emoses
      Passion is actually a forte of mine, but when it comes to some of my material, my audience can definitely see I'm not into it. But then, why should they be? If I can incorporate some sort of passion into the presentation, it would really help in the long run. The students might want to know what gets the teach so excited about this material? Passion and humor are two ways to go about this.
  • passively sitting
    • scott fillner
      Planning for how to engage your audience will not only hold their attention longer, but it will also help to scaffold learning so that it may transfer for them.
  • Resistance doesn’t have to be a bad thing
    • scott fillner
      So true. Resistance can be a seeking to understand thing as well. As a presenter it is important to "Step outside" your facilitation so that you can read your audience and engage them.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Anticipating resistance
    • scott fillner
      I believe the bulk of anticipating comes in the planning of the facilitation of your presentation.  Feedback from others will aid in thinking through this as well and anticipating any blindspots.
  • Ignore Your Body Language and Vocal Delivery
    • scott fillner
      THis really takes rehearsal and practice.  You need to have the ability to "step outside" your facilitation.  This is where everything slows down and you are not solely focusing on your content.  You are able to focus on body language of your audience and yourself.  You are able to guage if your interactions are welcoming or defensive.
    • francysmaureen
      yes! and smile!!
  • The first 2-3 minutes of the presentation are the most important.
    • alberhasky
      I have found this to be true as well. As a teacher, I think the first day is often the most important to set the tone. Having a great lesson planned for the first day is key to capturing your audience right away.
    • carolborchard
      I agree that those first few minutes make or break an interaction, whether speaker to a group or one-on-one. Hook them before they check out.
  • press the “B” key while your PowerPoint or Keynote slide is showing, the screen will go blank.
    • alberhasky
      I didn't know about this function. Great tip!
    • micintosh
      I have worked in the educational technology area for 20 years and have never heard nor seen this feature before.  I will definitely use this in the future.
    • emoses
      This is a really cool idea! I mentioned earlier that it would be nice to have the students take their minds off of the projector screen, and this is a great way to do that! It would be a great function in storytelling!
  • Always remember that the people in your audience get to determine whether your idea spreads or dies.
    • alberhasky
      I teach a course called Business Communication, and we spend a lot of time talking about persuasive messages and how to overcome audience objections and remove obstacles that stand in the way of the audience taking action or changing belief based on the intent of the message. The concepts in this article are all very relevant to that!
  • "They practice much more than the average presenter."
    • alberhasky
      The proverbial addage: practice makes perfect. I agree here!
    • micintosh
      This is very true.  I know Steve Jobs ran into a few snags with WiFi but continued on with little disturbance because he knew his slides in and out.  He just jumped to a part of his presentation that had pictures instead.
  • Most people listening to presentations tend to tune out after about 10 minutes, Gallo says, based on expert opinion and research in cognitive functions. So keep the presentation to less than 20 minutes.
    • alberhasky
      Excellent point to keep in mind. Anecdotally I find this to be true as well. I try to keep lectures at 20 minutes or less, but sometimes that's difficult.
    • carolborchard
      If the audience starts to tune out after 10 minutes I need to state my most important points during that time. Use the last 10 to reinforce how and why they are important to remember maybe?
  • Gallo suggests that you use images with little or no text on slides to discuss ideas or concepts, which is also a great way to engage the audience.
    • alberhasky
      I love this point. I've been concerned about cutting all the text off my slides. I think a lecture in a classroom is a different context than a presentation. And although I think most of the concepts for presenting still apply, I think sometimes bullet-points and text are good things. Over-used? Yes, but this tip seems very practical for me. Break-up the text slides with some slides that are only visual and get the audience talking. Ideally, at least every 10 minutes, according to tip #1.
  • Most presenters fail here because they ramble on too long about superfluous background information or their personal/professional history, etc.
    • francysmaureen
      I've seen this, nobody wants to hear a person's background from them, we want to hear what you have to show us
  • Be confident.
    • francysmaureen
      Even when we doubt for a minute, if we convince ourselves we can, we'll transmit this to our audience
  • Or ask a colleague for a reality check before you present to other managers in her group.
    • francysmaureen
      It is important to know who we are talking to and their background so we can sympathize with them. That way, also people will follow our presentation and listen to us
  • At every 10 minutes or so, try to reengage the audience with something different
    • francysmaureen
      Good way to give the audience a break for later regain their attention.
    • carolborchard
      I really like that idea! I've never thought of it before but it makes perfect sense!
    • emoses
      This is a great tip! It's easy to just get into a rut when presenting information, especially if there's a lot of it and you're on a time crunch! I like to have my students get up and stretch if it's taking too long. It's something different, and perhaps it can awaken something in them to be more engaged. 
  • you'll come across as much more engaging as a speaker and effortless.
    • francysmaureen
      Practice makes perfect, like anything we do. Presentations are not the exception
  • Get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium.
    • carolborchard
      I appreciate the speaker who moves to the side or front of the podium. However I do not like it when a speaker moves all over the room. My neck and back get tired twisting around to watch while I listen.
  • will allow you to move away from the podium
    • micintosh
      This will help with one of the items I am working on with my presentations which is to have more of a conversation than a lecture.
  • connect your computer to a large TV (via the s-video line-in
    • micintosh
      This shows how quickly technology can change.  The school provided laptop I use doesn't have an old analog s-video port.  Most computers today have an HDMI port that will carry audio and video in one cable that will connect to most projectors and flat screen TVs.
  • When you read from your notes or from slides," he says, "that completely breaks the connection you have with audience."
    • micintosh
      When presenters read from their slides I tune out every single time.  I try to never do this in my presentations.
    • carolborchard
      It tends to break the flow even if the presenter doesn't turn around but looks up to read from a screen on a wall high and behind the audience. I noticed this week that a screen was placed at eye-level in the audience so the speaker and singers appeared to just be looking into the eyes of the audience. It really helped with the flow of the event!
    • emoses
      I am very guilty of this way of presenting. It's ironic, too, because I don't like when I'm sitting in this kind of presentation, so why would I make my audience suffer? But I also like to make sure they have all the pertinent information. However, sometimes it's a little too much, especially if they're taking it down once and I'm not holding them accountable for the information later on.
  • Grab your digital video recorder, deliver your presentation and watch yourself,
    • emoses
      This would be a great practice to get into, just to see what the audience sees. Perhaps there's something I'm always doing, or not moving around enough, or not projecting my voice enough. Perhaps I need more eye contact with the group. You can always learn something about your teaching style when you actually become the audience.
    I do like when a speaker moves around a little. Too much and it is harder to stay focused. Also I do not like when the speaker only reads from the Powerpoint. I agree that it is a waste of my time. Use the Powerpoint only as a reference and talk from there.

dol-2018: Lesson Planning: The Missing Link in e-Learning Course Design - 2 views

  • • Learners need to see examples of a product or a process
  • things that happen in between developing the IDP and storyboarding that designers often do not explicitly discuss, and even more often do not document.
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      Happens frequently I find in unit design and collaborative design work.
  • Since introducing lesson plans as required deliverables in my e-Learning design courses, I have seen tremendous improvements in the work of my students.
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      We cannot forget about planning a solid lesson. Even digitally it needs to happen.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Objectives — there is little difference between the delivery methods
    • mrsmeganmorgan
      At least this is the same in both types of lesson planning and delivery.
  • instructional designers who only have experience with e-Learning and might someday have a need to develop face-to-face instruction.
    • jbuerman
      Since we are used to face-to-face learning, this type of plan seems good to compare the two.

"Personalized" vs. "Personal" Learning - 1 views

  • A personalized environment gives students the freedom to follow a meaningful line of inquiry, while building the skills to connect, synthesize and analyze information into original productions.
    • hinzmanna
      I think at the lower elementary level this can be seen through play. Not everyone connects to the same linear way of doing something but when they realize it can be done a slightly different way it can be a powerful moment for the child. This realization can be found through play and exploration of the topic in various ways.
  • Thus, while making sense of ideas is surely personal, it is not exclusively individual because it involves collaboration and takes place in a community.
    • hinzmanna
      This statement resonated with me because I feel that so much emphasis has been put on the individual and their progress that we have lost sight of the fact that some of the best ideas came from collaboration. Think about all of the meetings teachers have to go to and collaborate on what is best for the school/classroom/student/etc...teaching isn't strictly an individual endeavor so learning shouldn't happen in such a closed minded, individual setting either.
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • “Personalized” learning is something that we do to kids; “personal” learning is something they do for themselves.
    • hinzmanna
      Perspective! I felt like I had a pretty good understanding of what I needed to work toward, but this makes me feel like I need to adjust my mindset a little more, to go a little deeper in my understanding. I know I need a lot more help (or learning on my own) about how to implement PL in my classroom, especially finding a balance with PL and structure for the younger students.
  • If we can’t engage our kids in ideas and explorations that require no technology, then we have surely lost our way.
    • hinzmanna
      I have to say, I think technology has it's place and is an excellent tool and resource for students and teachers alike, but it should NOT be the only way that we find our students are engaged in learning. I feel that engagement should happen in connections in the community, should be active in their learning, and through collaboration with others. I worry that some may come too dependent on technology if that is what they come to expect as their only way of engagement to learning, rather than as a tool and resource for richer learning experiences.
    • trudicabrera
      I couldn't agree more with your post! I worry that with the huge push on technology and everyone sitting behind a screen, our ability to communicate and have an effective/respectful conversation/debate with someone in person will disappear. I already work with my first grade students about making eye contact and looking at someones face when you are talking with them!
  • seductive
    • ljurich
      I like the word "seductive" because often, when students are engaged in a personalized learning experience utilizing their passions and exploring their interests, they don't even realize they are actually learning!
  • personalization only comes when students have authentic choice over how to tackle a problem
    • ljurich
      For personalization to ensure results in learning, I'm thinking of how important it is to have a structured process for providing individual students with ongoing, specific feedback. As they make choices in how to tackle a problem, a process for feedback on how to improve performance would need to be a standard practice.
  • make sure everyone they work with is on the same page about what that phrase means
    • ljurich
      YES! A proactive practice before anything happens in the classroom would be to develop common language so everyone has the same context, same vision, same expectations, etc.
  • many school district leaders require public school educators to teach a specific curriculum that will be evaluated on standardized tests, while at the same time telling teachers to be innovative and creative within their classrooms.
    • ljurich
      We have "arrived" as an educational system when personalized learning is not perceived as "one more thing on a teacher's plate" and instead is "just the way we do things around here," replacing old practices.
    • dixieluna
      Personalized learning may help students become better problem solvers, innovative, and creative, however, will personalized learning help students know how to take standardized tests? Let's be much as we all dislike standardized testing it is still used for college entrance.
    • ctinkham
      And to add on to that, colleges are still looking at class rank and GPA as well, which is often attained by "playing the game" by the rules, not being creative and innovative. Square peg in a round hole.
  • meaningful (and truly personal) learning never requires technology
    • ljurich
      This makes me think of PURPOSE. Once the learning targets are determined, IF technology is considered for the lesson, what's its purpose? Why?
    • ctinkham
      technology should simply be the icing on the cake...not the purpose for the lesson.
    • schreckkimberly
      Amen. We all know they WANT the technology. They must know it as a tool we allow them to use to reach the learning target. Otherwise it's just a time filler, and they will happily do just that. :)
  • his moment of huge disruption requires us to think deeply about our goals and practices as educators,
    • ljurich
      It is easy to be drawn to the "shiny new object" as the quick fix to raising student scores, so I appreciate this point of view in giving thoughtful consideration to goals and vision when considering what's next for improved practice.
  • compliance.
    • dixieluna
      I recently had a conversation with an educator that stated we should teach compliance because that is what will be expected in the workplace. Does personalization in the classroom hinder the reality of some jobs (labor jobs, military, etc.)?
    • ctinkham
      That's a really interesting question---it almost seems like the pendulum is swinging the other way---this movement is really emphasizing creativity and problem-solving---great for those engineering/stem/arts jobs, but not necessarily so for some labor jobs. Although, I'd also argue that problem-solving is pretty necessary even for construction jobs, car/engine maintenance, etc. I'd say the military probably would not necessarily appreciate it as much, though.
    • marthaschwind
      I think there needs to be a balance. There's a need for compliance at every job, even construction where they must have a finished product by a deadline, but there is also a need for creativity and problem solving, too. How do we fit that balance in with personalized learning? Setting deadlines/meeting standards but they choose the method?
    • schreckkimberly
      I worry a little about the lack of "structure" in personalized learning. Kids need to know how to develop self discipline to follow through on a task (project with deadline), and well as the ability to follow step by step instructions when needed--instead of throwing out the manual. An appropriate example here is that teachers must teach the CORE to assure that we are all not just exposing students to what we want them to learn. Can a student have "too much voice"? Won't many students unknowingly limit themselves to a strict palette of interests and skills if they only try want they want to try? How will they even know what they are missing if we don't require them to be exposed to what we as an education system have deemed worthy of note? Would any eighth grade choose to explore/tackle Shakespeare if not required? Have we shorted them if we don't require it? I supposed balance is the key. Shakespeare, even through a graphic novel or movie, is still Shakespeare, I suppose.
  • Personalization promises better student achievement and, I believe, a more effective delivery method than any one teacher with 25 or 30 students in a classroom can compete with
    • dixieluna
      This is my "ah-ha" moment. What teacher doesn't want better student achievement? At the least, teachers should be willing to explore and dabble in personalization.
    • trudicabrera
      I agree, we all want better student achievement for our students. With Personalization in the classroom I think students will be so much more willing to learn as they are able to work on what interests them.
  • tasks have been personalized for kids, not created by them
    • dixieluna
      I feel like this is where I am at now. I think that it is hard for educators to give over some of that control to the students.
  • A term like “mass customized learning,” meanwhile, may sound Orwellian but it’s not really an oxymoron because what’s customized is mass-produced – which is to say, standardized. Authentic personal learning isn’t
    • dixieluna
  • resource rich.
    • ctinkham
      I think this is sometimes where I struggle with personalized learning. It's overwhelming at times to start students on a project, and they want lots of resources to help them get started....I have to balance that line of giving them something to start so they aren't frustrated, but also giving them the opportunity to figure out how to find those resources themselves through research and choosing reputable resources.
  • it’s crucially more important to have the dispositions and the skills to create our own educational opportunities, not be trained to wait for opportunities that someone else has selected for delivery.
    • ctinkham
      This is so key, and where students who know nothing but traditional struggle. They are used to "sit and get", and the world just is not like that. This gives students the opportunity to explore, to try, to fail, and to reflect.
    • schreckkimberly
      Couldn't agree more. Just this morning I was chatting with a neighbor kid who was telling me about how he and his dad are breaking a mare (training a horse to be ridden) for a friend of theirs. He said it was going pretty well but would take the rest of the summer before she got used to the reins instead of just the lead rope. Then he added, "I wish school didn't start again soon. I don't really like school. It can get boring." And of course I had an AHA moment right then, with this course to thank. I couldn't help but think, this kid COULD LOVE school if he was able to bring his interests and experiences to the table and use those as a springboard for learning -- allowing him to decide (within reason) what was necessary for him to learn so that he could grow as a learner and a horse trainer. Of course a red flag also arose in my mind -- wait, let's not pigeon hole him into a career in horse-training just yet. So here's where the teachers step in to help him connect his interests and experiences with those of others, and help him see the value in those as well. Grow and challenge the whole person, so to speak. This is how I would like to develop more as a teacher-- I'm hungry for ideas on how to do so!
  • the prevailing narrative seems to be that we can’t engage kids without technology, without a smartphone, tablet computer or some other multimedia device or tool.
    • ctinkham
      I hear this a lot in my district---it's all about what technology we can get into students' hands. Yes, technology is great, and I do think it's a huge part of being able to personalize a class of 32 kids, but I also think it's not mandatory for personalized learning.
    • marthaschwind
      I feel that a lot in our district, too. I'm in agreement that it's not required for personalized learning but can be very helpful for management purposes with such large class sizes.
    • trudicabrera
      I think having technology in the hands of our students is a great resource for them to further and deepen their learning. However, I do feel like the technology can be abused at times. In my opinion students shouldn't be staring at the screen all day, students need to interact with one another, and do hands on learning as well. A lot of learning can be done through actual books and conducting experiments of their own.
  • the best thing we can do for kids is empower them to make regular, important, thoughtful decisions about their own learning
    • lfreund
      So many students have difficulty with problem solving and decsion making on their own...could traditional teaching be part of the cause?
    • trudicabrera
      Traditional teaching could be part of the cause but I also wonder if students today have difficulty problem solving because parents are impatient and are quick to give in to help their child. For example, when students are learning to tie their shoes. It can take a long time to figure out where the shoes laces go and how to move them around to make a knot. It's easier, more convenient, and takes less time if the parent/guardian does it. Maybe that has some role in difficulty problem solving as well?
  • But if the point is to help kids understand ideas from the inside out and answer their own questions about the world, then what they’re doing is already personal (and varied). It doesn’t have to be artificially personalized.
  • But if the point is to help kids understand ideas from the inside out and answer their own questions about the world, then what they’re doing is already personal (and varied). It doesn’t have to be artificially personalized.
  • Personalization is an even more disturbing example of this phenomenon because the word has come to be equated with technology
    • lfreund
      Using technology can personalize instruction, but students also require personal instruction, such as discussion with a peer about a book or collaborating with a team about a science experiment
  • Personal learning tends to nourish kids’ curiosity and deepen their enthusiasm. “Personalized” or “customized” learning – not so much.
    • lfreund
      This statement really helped me to see the difference between personalized and personal. Personalized is more of the skill being taught while personal is the connection that's made
    • schreckkimberly
      Great point here. How do we balance what skills they "have to know" with what we allow students to explore on their own?
  • We often say we want creativity and innovation – personalization – but every mechanism we use to measure it is through control and compliance
    • schreckkimberly
      Yes, very much a paradox. How is it possible to let students have choice in how they learn content and yet they all need to fill in the same bubble when testing time comes around. That's a LOT of balls to juggle at once. This is frustrating for teachers like ourselves who want to give choice and thus keep kids engaged, but who also know that scores will be what validates our success as content teachers.
  • better test scores. And, if that’s what we value as the most important outcome of schooling, it’s hard to argue that we’re in the midst of a huge advance
    • schreckkimberly
      Ha very true-- IF test scores are what matters, we could strap each kid to a computer to get them there. But I don't know any teachers that became teachers for the numbers. ;) Do better scores make better people? Do they make happier people? A great argument for "personal" learning vs. personalized learning. But again, it has to be a balance. We can't ask them to make of map of places they've never been. Thus we have the CORE. A tricky marriage of ideas!
  • As a high-school English teacher, I was flipping in the classroom in 1983, having my students read the literature at home and come into class ready to discuss it. That was flipping the curriculum

ol101-s2019: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 21 views

  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • anonymous
      When we use this data to guide instruction, that means we should also use this data to change our coursework from section to section. It can be easy to forget to modify courses from one teaching to the next.
    • salterberg
      I agree, Amanda. And I also wanted to test out the comment feature of Diigo. I've never used this before.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well
    • anonymous
      Copyright is always a tricky one - good thing it is covered well in the OLLIE series! :)
    • chriskyhl
      This is especially true in the world of social media and people not crediting others with posts/images and stealing them as their own
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • anonymous
      Being "present" online - as an instructor post comments, provide feedback, and be engaged with the students. Weekly announcements can also help students see the "human" side of the instructor.
    • vberge
      I have learned this through simple email conversations. I often have someone read/reread emails to make sure that I am interpreting it correctly or that what I am saying will be received the way it is intended. If students, in person or online, don't feel that they can approach the teacher, they often end up feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. if feedback isn't timely, the student can give up or do things incorrectly.
  • ...59 more annotations...
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • salterberg
      In the facilitation course, I learned that collaboration is essential to learning, so this standard is a high priority
    • vberge
      Collaborative group work is very important in online courses. I may not be one that looks for this in a course that I take (I am often an independent learner), however the value of that interaction and possibly the challenges to an individual's thinking is important (especially for adult learners) to really grow and learn.
    • runindevil
      I believe collaborative learning should be done to a certain extent. I have had more students within the last couple of years opt for independent learning. I think they are tired of relying on others for their potential grade. So, how does this equate to online learning?
    • cararinehart
      Interesting statements, I teach science classes and collaboration falls easily into my curriculum; however, I feel like students either rely completely on their partner to be successful or the higher achieving partner gets tired of being the one to earn the grade too as mentioned above. I struggle with collaboration always being the answer. Competition is good too - its what got us to the moon.
    • mschutjer
      I like this idea and work to do this in my current classroom. I feel it may be even easier to accomplish in an online class.
  • Demonstrates competence in content knowledge (including technological knowledge)
    • salterberg
      It's critical that we as instructors know how to use the technology and can help our students learn how to use it. That's foundational for learning content and interacting with others in the course.
    • jdowler
      With technology changing so rapidly, we as instructors must work continuously to stay on top of all the new content that is being created.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews
    • salterberg
      I want my courses to be vibrant vehicles for learning, and the design is integral to that.
    • kmolitor
      After reading the article on access and equity I think this is very important as we design our courses to make sure we keep all students in mind.
  • (SREB C.3, Varvel VII.A)
    • salterberg
      I so agree with Amanda on this one, and I can't highlight the same one she does. (I wanted to test diigo to see if it would let me, and nope!) The teacher's commitment to the students and to creating a positive environment makes learning fun and engages students.
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • jennham
      This jumped out at me immediately as this is our next step in our PLC group for any of our 'power standards'. Next year we will be focusing heavily on using a Data Wall, as well as using common assessment data to drive instruction. We have spent the last two years deciding on our Power Standards and finding common assessments to utilize.
    • kmolitor
      It is so important to use data to make sure we are reaching our learners. This make me think of the Iowa Professional Development Model and how we use that to see what we need to work on and find ways to improve our instruction.
    • jdowler
      Our district also focuses heavily on common assessments among core subjects and benchmark assessments at the end of each unit.
    • tommuller4
      I think it is really important for every teacher to use data to make sure we are teaching all of the things we are supposed to be teaching. We are moving towards SBG in near future and I think this will be very important as we make that transition.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • jennham
      I find this to be vital as not every learner is going to be successful in the same ways as other online learners. It cannot be a 'one size fits all' model.
    • vberge
      This one is obviously very important and key to teaching in any format. I am curious what this looks like though. How does the teacher meet these needs. I can see where there needs to be certain accessibility things available on the student's computer. Is it the teacher's responsibility to point these out for the student, or is there a way to imbed these things in the course?
    • runindevil
      When the standard states: "different interests and backgrounds, and and students with special needs." Students that may be ELL or special needs, how does online learning adapt to those learners? I think if tough enough when you have them face to face in class, now that you don't see them, it sounds more complex!!
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
    • jennham
      I find this to be extremely important as in the past, any online assessments that I have seen have been multiple choice. It is very important to assess students using several different mediums that require higher order thinking skills along with memorization.
    • chriskyhl
      This is vital to present students multiple ways to show their learning. Can't expect all to perform in one way
    • Kendra Carlson
      Providing multiple assessment types is imperative to meet the needs of all learners. Providing them a chance to show what they know if different ways helps us understand our students on a deeper level as well.
  • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use
    • jennham
      This one I find to be very important as I had this exact issue within the past week. I feel that it is important to handle these situations immediately while also allowing students to earn back privileges so that they may continue to learn and grow from their mistakes, as well as what they are meant to be learning online. Sometimes a bad choice can turn into a lasting memory for the better.
    • jdowler
      I think this standard is so crucial at all a academic levels and thankfully there are excellent tools out there to ensure students are acting responsibly such as Go Guardian.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • mgast40diigo
      Feedback is essential for students to improve. I need to do a better job of being more specific with my feedback instead of "Super Job!", or "See me!" and focus more on what specifically a student did or didn't do well on.
    • chriskyhl
      I agree on feedback. It's not easy to give specific and detailed feedback to students and still get them their work back in a timely of my biggest struggles as a teacher
    • Kendra Carlson
      Without feedback students will struggle to improve upon their understanding. Timely and constructive are important to the learning process so students know how to correct any misconceptions they may have, but done in a kind and effective way.
    • barbkfoster
      As educators we understand the importance of feedback - and more specifically TIMELY feedback. This is a challenge, though, in a typical teacher's day. I wonder if it will be easier - or harder - with an online course??
    • runindevil
      I agree with Barb, this could be very difficult! I deal daily with around 140 students, and to provide "timely feedback," would be most challenging
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • mgast40diigo
      This reminds me of a math class I took about when writing assessments make sure to think about how your students would answer a question. This allowed me to get rid of some questions and change some as well. It made me reflect on student understanding and my teaching practices.
  • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice
    • mgast40diigo
      It is so important for teachers to be life long learners. I enjoy researching strategies to use in the classroom and implementing them as soon as I can. Obviously some work well and some don't. The challenge of it excites me.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • mgast40diigo
      Feedback from students is critical for improving as a teacher. Even though it might not be what you want to hear, it will provide you with important ideas to improve for the future. I give evaluations periodically and they do help me improve my instruction.
    • jdowler
      Student feedback is so powerful. I use google forms to get feedback from my students quarterly. Also, I created a daily check in using google forms so students can ask for help or share problems they are having privately. It's been very successful.
    • Linda Carroll
      It's important to know the goal in advance!
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • Linda Carroll
      It's important to know the goal in advance!
    • jdowler
      I love using screen castify for this. Course overviews should be as visual as possible.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently (SREB D.1, ITS 1.g)
    • Linda Carroll
      This is always critical, no matter the delivery of the content.
    • mschutjer
      I would love to find the perfect tool for increase social interaction. I feel I have a good mix, but would like to increase my students' ability to do more literature, both reading and writing, interactions.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software
    • Linda Carroll
      This is and will always be a learning curve as new programs, platforms, apps, etc. are always being developed.
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
    • Linda Carroll
      This should be the goal of every educator! I would argue that the issue is time....which is something that educators (probably everyone) always struggle to find and/or complain that they don't have enough of it!
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
    • kmolitor
      I like the idea of networking with others in your particular area of education. Having a group of people who teach the same content can be helpful when you need help or suggestions as well as you being able to offer help or suggestions. I know I really appreciate the library network I am a part of.
    • chriskyhl
      Going from a large school with 8 teachers in my subject area to a smaller only 3 this is one of the things I miss the most is the networking. We don't take the time to do this if we don't have access to it immediately like we should
    • runindevil
      This can "sky the limit." Students can interact with different cultures, different environments, and formulate different ideas throughtout the world.
    • meinca92
      Making connections with other online instructors will require conscious effort and commitment. Teachers in general can be very isolated in their own classrooms, and I imagine this is even more of an issue for online instructors, particularly those who work in isolation.
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives
    • kmolitor
      This seems like it should not have to be spelled out, but it is critical that our assessments align with our objectives. If there is no connection between the two the assessment is not valuable at all.
    • cararinehart
      Sometimes this seems easier than it is - I've taught lessons that didn't line up directly with the assessment! Then I look back and realized that I didn't explicitly explain what I was thinking that the students should know/need to know.
    • tommuller4
      Its important to assess over things that are important to the class. You really shouldn't assess things that are not important to class content. If its not hitting a standard or has some direct connection to the class you shouldn't be assessing it.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
    • nealjulie
      I think I need to share this with my admin to make sure we are following these guidelines! :/ This would be great for our teachers to follow and make sure we are creating an online course that meets the states expectations.
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
    • nealjulie
      This is important for all learning face to face and blended learning. I would think we would need to be very cognitive on how we set this up as teachers to make sure we are providing descriptive feedback for our students' learning.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS 4.d)
    • nealjulie
      This is true for any course as well. Taking this course there are so many ways to engage students with online learning that all teachers need to be aware of to create an engaging online learning atmosphere.
  • emonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
    • nealjulie
      I see the need in a continuous professional learning with creating online learning. Teachers need to be educated on the varied of technology they can implement in their online courses and also keep updated on new technology that is out there to use as well.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • vberge
      This stands out to me. If you are a good/great face to face teacher, that does not mean that you will be effective at teaching online. The content may be the same, but the delivery, expectations, interactions, etc. are different.
  • • Meets the professional teaching standards established by a state-licensing agency, or has the academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching
    • jdowler
      I think that there is a perception out there that having taught in the classroom makes one automatically qualified to teach online and this is not the case. Online teaching really is different and should have it's own set of teaching standards.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • jdowler
      Just the nature of technology lends itself to multiple opportunities for collaboration such as we are engaging in right now.
    • barbkfoster
      To learn students need to interact not only with the content, but with the teacher and other students. As an online teacher we need to create many opportunities for all three.
  • Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate use of the internet and written communication (SREB E.2)
    • jdowler
      Students will have issues with this as they begin using technology more often. At the middle school we use Go Guardian to monitor and control what students are doing in school and at home.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
    • jdowler
      This is so much easier now with great tools such as screen castify and Zoom.
    • cararinehart
      I'm taking the OLLIE course to increase my comfort level with tools such as Diigo and screen castify. Super uncomfortable, feel like I'm in Kindergarten again - haha
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • chriskyhl
      Sometimes teachers get caught up in the use of technology and it turns projects/ideas into busy work and more the struggle of the technology and not supplementing the learning as intended (GUILTY OF THIS MYSELF)
    • Kendra Carlson
      Using technology appropriately is so important. Using it just to use it does not enhance anybody's learning nor does it make for effective instruction.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students
    • chriskyhl
      Vitally important and sometimes overlooked in some settings. Used to work in a school where they only had one certified teacher (a special education teacher) and two other aids in charge of over 50 students in close to a 100 different courses. How can we expect a teacher to be the expert in all these areas?
  • Selects and understands how to evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
    • chriskyhl
      Is what we are asking students to do vital to learning the material or just simply filler that can cause students to lose interest or ambition
  • Has knowledge of and informs student of their rights to privacy and the conditions under which their work may be shared with others
    • annott
      I need to do a better job of going over student rights to privacy, will have to make a note of this when planning online learning.
    • meinca92
      I think ethical use of intellectual property should be a major concern of all teachers, but in an online environment, it needs to be even more explicitly addressed.
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory
    • annott
      This makes me wonder how we can assess this part. Knowing where each student is developmentally can be difficult without data.
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict (Varvel VII.D, ITS 6.e)
    • cbangert
      Just like in the classroom, it's important for online teachers to create a safe online learning environment, by getting to know students, communicating clear expectations, and addressing individual needs.
    • tommuller4
      Its important for students to feel safe when working or responding to other students questions online. Also lets students know that it is ok to have different opinions from classmates and that is ok.
  • Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction (SREB D.6,
    • cbangert
      Critical to establish this early, and set clear expectations for appropriate behavior for online discussions/interactions.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • Kendra Carlson
      This stands out because without a check for understanding and feedback from students, it is hard to improve our instruction.
  • Provides opportunities that enable student self-assessment and pre-assessment within courses
    • Kendra Carlson
      Giving students the opportunity to self-reflect provides greater feedback and perspective on their learning for the instructor. Reflection and self-assessment also provides another layer of accountability and ownership for the learner. Pre-assessment will help guide instruction to best meet the needs of the students.
    • meinca92
      Based on the article about online student learning styles, this aspect is essential for helping students be successful in an online course. Since the primary means of communication with all students is what is posted, those materials have to be very clear about assessment expectations.
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • barbkfoster
      Communicating learning outcomes ties in directly with our district's SBL initiative
    • tommuller4
      I think students should be made aware of what the learning goals are for the day/week/unit. Lets them really focus in on what we as the teacher feel is important for them to know.
    • mschutjer
      I feel this would be hard for me to have a total year or half a year planned to push out to a online class. This is a great idea would just be a challenge for me.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS 4.d)
    • barbkfoster
      Online courses are no different that face-to-face courses - teachers need to engage students for learning to take place. The days of sit-and-get are gone.
  • Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures
  • using appropriate visual web design techniques
  • Selects and understands how to evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
    • meinca92
      This seems to be especially important to be able to provide content in a variety of modalities, but it also suggests that the instructor will need to develop effective skills in this area. That part seems a little daunting, especially in a world where apps come and go or change from free to fee-based.
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
    • robertsreads
      It is of the utmost importance that an online educator communicates the standards and expectations to their students up front in a clear and concise manner. ~K. Roberts (sorry- I had this set to private)
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students
    • robertsreads
      Just as in a Face-to-face classroom, online educators need to be aware of students' needs and backgrounds. They must create an environment where students are willing to share those needs. ~K. Roberts (sorry- I had this set to private)
  • available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • robertsreads
      I think this might be the most important part of being a successful online teacher. Students must feel comfortable coming to/contacting their instructor, and instructors must make sure to come across as approachable and available. ~K. Roberts (Sorry- I had this set to private)
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • robertsreads
      I think it is difficult for an online teacher to understand the ups and downs of online learning, as well as the student perspective, if they have never taken an online class themselves. ~K. Roberts (sorry- I had this set to private)
  • • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • lissward
      This, to me, is critical in any sort of online course. The opportunities for rich collaboration and conversation between student and teacher, and students and their peers is incredible and so much of the power of the course would be lost without this!
  • • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • lissward
      As an educator who works with English Learners, this stuck out to me as essential. Special considerations will need to be taken when working with language learners or students with special needs in online courses. Things such as reading level, ability to communication in writing, and background knowledge will need to be carefully considered by the instructor when designing instruction.
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • lissward
      I think this is one of the most important components of standard number one. It is absolutely critical that all instructional decisions are supported by data and that teachers are collecting the CORRECT data to help inform these decisions. I know this has been a big mind shift in my district.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • lissward
      This is one thing I really appreciate about this course-the opportunity to experience online learning as a student. It only makes sense, we all have had the experience of being in a face-to-face classroom before we set foot in the classroom as a traditional teacher. Why wouldn't we require the same for online instructors? I like that this gives me perspective and empathy for future online students.
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • rhoadsb_
      This will be important for developing a quality course
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
    • rhoadsb_
      It is important that your course is aligned with the standards.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • kylelehman
      Always important in a teaching situation but maybe even more important in an online class. The students need to know where you stand and what needs to be done as well as who to go to for questions. The communication is key for all those moving parts to work together.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • kylelehman
      Obviously, if you expect your students to be active and present, you should be too. This is not only good for building camaraderie but also building support and allowing them to know who to go to if they have questions. Building relationships isn't just for face-to-face rooms.
  • • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS 4.d)
    • kylelehman
      I think this is a really big idea when you are thinking of teaching courses for high schoolers that may lack that motivation. Changing up different methods and things like that help to keep them motivated to continue in the course.
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • kylelehman
      I like this one a lot. I think that a lot of teachers do these things in the classroom (building skills, scaffolding, etc) but then sometimes lose that ability a little bit in the online platform.

Adaptive Learning System Articles - 1 views

  • adaptive learning products in their current state is as tutors
    • brarykat
      Interesting comparison that adaptive learning products are like tutors.  Comprehensive programming guides the student depending on correct/incorrect answers to questions on specific topics.  Teachers might not catch that a student would benefit from reteach or additional practice as quickly as a comprehensive program.  Thus freeing the teacher to monitor, facilitate, and assist students as needed while the program leads students through the lesson based on their understanding of the concept.  
  • adaptive learning systems are not magic.
    • brarykat
      Important statement to remember adaptive learning systems are not end all - beat all.  They won't solve every problem but choosing best fit for school's needs can improve teaching efficiency and increase learning if implemented with integrity.
  • risk damaging the credibility of faculty while denying students support that could improve their chances of success
    • brarykat
      Ahhh.. if we could get over ourselves and do what is best for students.  Each student should receive what is needed to help them succeed.  Personal health issues for me have cemented this more than ever.  I can't study, read, or complete work like I did before.  I choose to keep trying but without changing lighting on my screen or turning blue light off I wouldn't be able to read this article.  How much do our students struggle that have not been identified and receive adaptive technology?  
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • on-demand data aggregating that information.
    • brarykat
      Isn't this what we have been talking about for at least a decade?  Let's get that data in the most efficient way so we can help students… work smarter not harder (that's said for students and staff).
    • Jen Van Fleet
      I once did a demo of GoFormative's ability to gauge students' progress toward or beyond mastery of learning targets, and a teacher in the room nearly hugged me in response to the potential of recouping some time going forward.
  • Students can also get a clearer idea of when they’re ready to move on.
    • brarykat
      This is important to students but also to parents/guardians.  I had parents in my office yesterday with real, valid concerns about their child's grades.  Real-time response keeps everyone involved apprised of the learning or lack of it.
  • only communication they may have with students is via email and Skype
    • brarykat
      I have benefited from synchronized meetings in classes during this program.  I can only imagine how much more students and teacher benefits from adaptive learning especially online.
  • they’ll be able to focus on the right work.
    • brarykat
      This comment strongly resinates with me.  I cringe thinking of years I probably didn't have students working on right work because I didn't know better. Students that showed mastery early that should have been challenged with deeper level learning or some real-world application of the skill.  Big sigh… at least we know better now.
    • anonymous
      I noticed this when I made the transition from my personal lessons to EverFi. They focused on what the students' needs were.
  • you should plan today for success with tomorrow’s technology.
    • brarykat
      That sure hits it on the nail head.  Tech is changing and advancing every minute of every day.  We still work on computers considered dinosaurs, desktops that do not allow for being portable learners or flexible learning groups.  Funding is a major issue and willingness to plan for future tech could be difficult for change makers.  At least there are trailblazers out there leading the way.
  • Adding the tech makes it possible to personalize at scale
    • brarykat
      That is a great statement.  I hadn't thought of it that way. Of course we, as teachers are/should be providing ways for individual students to succeed.  But adding tech and the ability to efficiently personalize needs (time, data-driven) in large numbers shows greater impact.
  • "We should build the technology around the teachers to empower them and put them at the center of the story.
    • brarykat
      I personally have worked hard for my degrees.  I think Ben-Naim has a valid point in keeping the teacher center to learning.  Maybe the teacher needs to be intuitive enough to recognize when to be center, when to pull back, and when to facilitate.
    • tifinif
      I think for more teachers to be on board with PLE we need to emphasize that the teacher is still key to the learning. Tech can be a great assistant in helping to suppliment what needs to be learned or give opportunities for enrichment.
  • The root of the problem is not the adaptive technology itself so much as the belief that a “good” education is entirely quantifiable and therefore manageable by computer.
    • Mike Radue
      As with other issues in our culture, there is a tendency to take things to the extremes when what is truly needed is a balance somewhere towards the middle. The best education is leveraged with technology and teachers working in concert.
    • Jen Van Fleet
      Agreed. Not to mention that if as educators we put all our stock into an adaptive program and thus ourselves in auto pilot, we've teched ourselves right out of relevance. Teacher knowledge of students and the ability to craft an educational experience that could and should include but not be limited to adaptive technology is the key.
  • Adaptive learning technology helps online students make sure they use their learning time as efficiently and productively as possible.
    • Mike Radue
      I think this comment speaks to one of the biggest benefits of adaptive learning which is maximizing learner's and teacher's time. Adaptive learning helps both parties zone in on what gaps need to be filled and what concepts expanded for example.
    • tifinif
      Exactly! This keeps kids moving forward and engaged.
    • jwalt15
      I agree with both of you. Adaptive learning zeros in on what the student knows and doesn't know about a concept. The data helps the teacher focus instruction on what the student needs.
  • To be clear, when we say “adaptive learning” we are referring to it as both a concept and a tool.
    • Mike Radue
      This is a good way to describe adaptive learning. The concepts have been the subject of much discussion/research for years but as we know technology improves at a much faster rate. Our technical capabilities are expanding faster than we can apply concepts effectively one could argue. The proliferation of options, platforms, systems has given rise to a robust industry/economy related to adaptive learning.
  • "Our partners are the experts in their target market," noted David Kuntz, vice president of research and adaptive learning at Knewton. "They create the application and pass us the data. We process that data and make a set of actionable inferences about the students, and then pass those back to the application, and the partner decides how and when to render those for the student."
    • Mike Radue
      I find this business model very interesting. Experts focused on a specific aspect of a project all contributing to supporting the success of learners. I marvel at the programmer's ability to write algorithms to make decisions and create learning pathways adapted to the learner's needs.
  • The better approach, from both educational and labor perspectives, is to examine each tool on a case-by-case basis with an open mind, insist on demystifying explanations of how it works, embrace the tools that make educational sense, and think hard about how having them could empower you to be a better teacher and provide your students with richer educational experiences.
    • Jen Van Fleet
      Definitely. It doesn't have to be an us vs them mentality. Allowing technology to automate some of the work that bogs us down on the daily allows us to use our face to face time with students in the best way possible.
  • especially at times when a professor isn’t available to give help.
    • Jen Van Fleet
      I love that our students/teachers with obligations after school can use adaptive tech to continue a shared mission despite schedules.
  • who is doing well, who is struggling on which concepts, and what areas are most difficult for the class as a whole.
    • tifinif
      For this reason, I like that lessons can be adaptive. Think about the kid who has mastered the lesson who should be able to move on but can't because the teacher has to help those who don't understand. The kid that "has it" will become bored. This is a great way to challenge kids as well has help give help to those who need it.
  • tive tech can help them get past those hurdles with a little extra help, or can alert the teacher in time to step in, so those students are more likely to receive their diplomas.
    • tifinif
      What adaptive technolies are offered at the college level? Are they free to students or do they pay? I can see this as being beneficial for those students who work jobs, go to school and even have a family to take care of.
  • Teachers won’t have to work individually with students for hours to assess which skills each student needs help with,
    • jwalt15
      This is definitely a pro argument for adaptive learning because teachers can view student reports to learn what concepts in whichj students are struggling. Then they can target their small group instruction to those students and concepts.
  • The data produced by adaptive learning tech allows faculty to steer those conversations in the directions most important to helping the student succeed.
    • jwalt15
      In online learning, this can be a real time benefit to both the teacher and the student. Questions and conversations can be focused on what is most important.
  • Personalization in teaching and learning happens best when content delivery, assessment, and mastery are “adapted” to meet students’ unique needs and abilities.
    • jwalt15
      This statement does a good job of connecting personalized and adaptive learning. Content delivery, assessment, and mastery can be adapted and personalized to meet the needs of the student.
  • Imagine if every student in your class could have a private tutor, available to them at any time for as long as they need.
    • hansenn
      Yes, adaptive learning products will act as private tutors for some of the students, but I don't think it will the same for all students. Some students would need that personal touch from a real person to get motivated. I think it would be more inportant for younger students to have interaction with a real person.
  • Do you trust the tutor to teach the right
    • hansenn
      You would have to spend a while testing out the products to see, which one would work the best for your students and your class. Especially when some of them are so costly. Who would you have test out the products? I would think it would be teachers who have taught the material before.
  • Adaptive technology can follow a student’s progress as they work and recognize which concepts they’ve mastered and in which areas they need further instruction.
    • hansenn
      The quick feedback would help the student to understand what they know and what they do not know. Teachers cannot provide feedback as fast and then change the instruction as the adaptive technologies. With larger class sizes it would be nearly impossible to provide quick feedback without the help of Tech.
  • Institutions around the world are engaged in serious explorations of the potential of an approach to instruction and remediation that uses technology
    • hansenn
      I would think all kinds of companies would be interested in adaptive technologies to help educate their employees. If you added in some VR the adaptive learning tech could add in some real world learning like simulators.
  • Help teachers adapt lessons.
    • anonymous
      I found this to be true with EverFi / Ignition. It serves as a supplement to my lessons.
  • next generation solution many institutions would benefit greatly from adopting
    • anonymous
      It may be difficult for my generation to comprehend this. It's our students who will be the ones with the next uniquely better innovation.
  • adaptive learning is that it frees up faculty members to spend more time with students, to work with them in small groups and individually
    • anonymous
      I can relate with this. Students who aren't afraid to fail will get the furthest with the least amount of teacher help. They work very well independently. Others who may have the "fear of failing" may need more teacher assistance. Adaptive learning frees me up to help those in need.
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