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Contents contributed and discussions participated by iplnts

Vitaliy Berdinskikh

How to add an existent user to friend-list? - 29 views

started by Vitaliy Berdinskikh on 08 Oct 07 no follow-up yet

Would it be applied the drag&drop moving in MyBookmarks & My Groups too? - 23 views

bookmarks discussion feature lists moving
started by iplnts on 11 Oct 07 no follow-up yet
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    My old theme the moving of bookmarks....
    I'm actually very glad to see the movable bookmarks (rearranging their arbitrary order), but it is applied on in the MyLists view.

    I can understand the very cleverly cooked several of views & functionality of possible arrangement/filtering and action in the different frontages
    (for example: In MyBokmarks All/Unread/Public/Private - filtering by specifc tags - Comment/Edit/....MyList, MyTags, MyGroups.. etc..)

    But it would be also very useful to add the moving feature of any already bookmarked page both in MyBookmarks & MyGroup frontage!
    1. Owing to if one uses the MyBookmarks/My Groups' bookmarks only looking into the abbreviated annotations (which is also a cool feature of diigo:)) one would wish to arrange the reading order
    2. If one bookmarked pages in a read sequence (byTime) but wish to change its reading order in MyBookmarks view he must delete the bookmarked pages and re-bookmark them again. This also entrainsdoing those same actions in MyGroups if the bookmarked pages had been shared immedately by toolbar option setting.
    3. The MyLists feature allows this but, it is not allowed in MyGroups..

    The moving feature also in both of frontages would be a very time.consuming feature

    Thanks for your answer

How to close a solved post? - 37 views

discussion feature forum
  • iplnts

    Although my question seems to be scary, there i a little reason for putting it!
    I'm a little familiar with the difference of goal of using a ticket sytem used for helpdesk and forum. I understand too, a normal forum thread not same as a ticket thread.
    But, in connection with my ealier question about DiigoLab

    If there is no strict distinguished possibility to handle a general discussion and the technical problems which latter would be solved by a tickect sytem feature which enable to close a thread when it is solved...the forum may become increasingly unembraceable as the topics grow.

    suggestion: Probably, it would be applied a coloured or not or combo-dropdown + information field named 'ToDo' or 'Tasks' (chooseable: unanswered yet, hanging, on ToDo, solved...) put on to the forum header.

    It can be also coupled with to help and improve the perspicuity of threading
    discussed at topic: Threaded Annotation

    and also would be combined with a similar new chooseable drop-drow combo field on the forum header (rather than tags view) more simply for directing the goal of change of highlighting
    dicussed at topic: New highlight colors

    Thanks for your considering.
  • iplnts
    HI! Maggie!

    My programmer mind went a little far, I understand your concepts.
    Even so if you have sufficient capacity for it your system may be really more refined and truly in profession of using the best abilitiies of (Aadobe & Google NoteBook. etc) combined in one!

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Very good points here. Thanks very much for actively thinking along and sharing! Really appreciate it :-)
    > We have an internal tracking system for feature / bugs, etc, but not in a forum env't. Will discuss more here.
    > However, while this is a very desirable feature, we need to carefully juggle our development priorities, given our limited resources. Do we spend our time on mission-critical features development, vs. a desirable enhancement but much less direct impact to Diigo growth? Good challenge to us :-)

Tags being clipped - 272 views

  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    I'm here again!

    It is welcome to hear that the Tags are under more development now.! WOW!!

    I agree too, with this post thread: it would be good at least if the longer tagnames coudn't be cut off.

    I understand from a programmer view it is not so simple to resolve, similarly the toggling between the uppercase and lowercase, due to backend.

    - In latter case it may be probable a satisfactorily enough solution only allowing to type both lowercase & uppercase characters in tag names (i don't quite undertand why this would not be allowed :), It is a bit weaker conditions than the toggling between lower/uppercase ones.

    - Regarding to the long tag names appearance: Consider the tags appearing in drop down combo box added with a short and or filter feature at MyBookmark seeing the taglist under the link, instead of tag cloud which takes much more place from the screen. (it immediately would be edited, or picked up in another window the details as it is now;... it is only a tipp:)

    I already put an earlier post regarding to the
    Editing tags: which may be combined and solved elegantly and simply with this problem.

    I'd like also drawing to your attention too here according to the tag improvement my another earlier post confirming my and probably else one's claim for:
    There would be more charaters allowed in the tag names than 256.
    How many characters are allowed in the tag list?

    I'd appreciate your solution for improving the tag feature owing to it is a really sensitive part of the perspicuity.

    Thanks, for your listening

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Good feedback from you both.
    > > Long tags are really helpful to connect clear cut concepts in different social communities.
    > Got it. Tags are under more development now.
    > >
    > > By the way, what about not only allowing long tags, but making the tags sensible to uppercase and show them in CaseSensitive form. This way the readers can overlook them at least twice as fast.
    > This is not a simple switch on / off - will involve & affect a lot of our backend stuff. Need careful evaluation by our team.
  • iplnts
    HI! Maggie!


    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > We've finished implementing FF long tags support, but still have a little trouble with IE stylesheet. Will continue playing with it.
    > This feature will be rolled out with the next major website release. Stay tuned.
Maggie Tsai

[Wanted] Call for interesitng Diigo applications / usecases - we want to hear from you ... - 31 views

discussion testiomonial usecase
started by Maggie Tsai on 18 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • iplnts
    HI Maggie!

    I dropped you an email to your address regarding to this theme.

    I'm curious hearing form you

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Hi everyone,
    > We're preparing some marketing material and evaluate some new features. We would really love to hear and talk to some of you to see how Diigo is being used, and in what industry and application.
    > I'd particularly like to talk to some educators and see how Diigo is being used in a classroom setting. Of course, all industry and applications are very welcome and appreciated! Bet there are a lot of creative ways in Diigo that we don't even realize yet :-)
    > Please feel free to to share your experience here, or drop me an email to info at diigo dot com discuss in private. I really, really, really, really want to hear from you. Best chance to get one-on-one with me :-) and get your testimonial showcased.
    > Thanks so much for your help in advance,
    > cheers,
    > ~ Maggie
    > PS. We'll do a Diigo usecase / application contest soon (need to do some prep work here) - all of your contribution here will also be considered as part of the forthcoming contest. Please also help us think along to see what will make this contest attractive. Thanks a lot

Importatnt!! - The order of clippings is now preserved?? - 24 views

bug clipit
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    I shouldn't like hurry on your team, but i like using Diigo on a daily base, and i feel these problems are very hot!
    I know, your team may be in continous huge working on of some earlier & future features' improvements being been posted by many of us. (ie. tags, Bookmark order, highlight color, ..etc.) and certainly they have another tasks on ToDo than these only!

    However there is a problem again with:
    The order of clippings is now preserved .

    What is written on your What is New pages under this header:

    ...The sequential order in which multiple clippings of the same webpage are displayed now follows their original positions on that webpage. So for example, if you made 10 highlights on a long web article, then the 10 clippings corresponding to the 10 highlights will be sorted according to their original positions in the article (and not according to the time the highlights were made)...

    It is unfortunately fails now. The clipping order is either displayed by the original position or erratically in the My Bookmark Expaned view.

    I don't know what may cause this.
    I used and basically not in sequential order the clippings with the below commands criss-crossed:
    - the right menu Diigo in main window: highlight or higlight & and sticky note
    - drop-down or floating Diigo menu when highlighted any text: highlight or higlight & and sticky note
    - form the Diigo toolbar : Highlight button
    - form the Diigo toolbar : Sticky Note button
    But, the result of the clipping order in the My bookmark Expanded view was a bit confused.

    Please look after if it is possible!

    It would be eliminated if the clipping order would be rearrangable in the My Bookmark Expanded view by dragging the clippings to the appropriate place by the owner, as it was proposed to be allowed also for the bookmarked pages' order.
    Re: Rearranging of Bookmark order at MyBookmark

    Please see here again about the enforcing of the rearrangement of bookmark order somehow owing to it also would conduced to the above error.

    The latter I mean, the boomark order rearranging also very miserable, and would be demanded to be soon as possible.
    Naturally there may be tricks to rearrange the already bookmarked pages.
    I can for eample open the already bookmarked page in another browser's tab. I can delete the page from the Diigo My Bookmarks' order and then bookmark again this page from the browser view. This process can retain the tags, but not the clippings. Those vanish. Owing to the opened page in another browser's tab was initiated from the MyBookmark view thus, i can see both the earlier clippings and tags! It is obvious when i delete the page the clippings vanish and when this page has been bookmarked again, the tags would be rewritten. Although the clippings are not yet in the fresh bookmarked pages even so i can see them yet in the browser view, and i must somehow delete or re-clipit.
    I made this very exhaustive work either to be the already typed long tags at least retained or i hoped the clipping kept also. But certainly this abnormal manipulation could cause also the above error.

    Thanks for you listening of my comments.
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    I was very chatty again in the above post.
    I've looked after and can not reproduce momentarily this error. Now everything worked well.
    Certainly, i was who made some shuffling.

    Aside from it, it would be really great and useful to arrange (move) arbitrary the clipping boxes', also the bookmarked pages' sequence.
    I guess, it is also not so simple to solve technically and you have already answered me on my another post these are on the ToDo list! I'll be more patient! There is not any trick until!


    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Please advise the URLs that you're having problem with - also, like to take of look of your pages (please set them as public so we can view.) Thanks

Why i can't see the clipped pictures? -->> how to clip picture vs. video - 42 views

clip discussion picture
  • iplnts

    I can't see the clipped pictures either in MyBookmarks Expanded view or MyGropps Bookmarks expanded view. Could it be looked after?
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    here is the link.
    My link
    Maggie i think this link will be opened in a new window. There is no problem in browser view only in the MyBookmarks/Group Bookmarks Expeanded view. Additionally I put this bookmark public until, i don't know it helps to see or not.
    I'm using Version: 1.0.2007053100 toolbar.
    Thanks for your looking after.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Please give us some URLs to look into. Thanks
    > Also, what version toolbar do you have? Please make sure you have the latest version (go to My Tools" to check

Doubled Sticky text in MyGroup Bookmarks! - 16 views

bug group sticky
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    When i open a page in browser (Firefox) from MyGroup/Bookmarks View and add a sticky (in rich text format) the text will be shown 2x in the MyGroup/Bookmarks Expanded View.

    When i do same thing (as above) invoking the page from MyBookmarks then add a sticky then i share this page with my group the problem is same. The sticky text will shown 2x in the MyGroup/Bookmarks Expanded View.

    Another problem: When i add new highlights or stickies from MyBookmarks the newly added higlights or stickies will not be sychronized in MyGroup Bookmarks Expanded View. I mean i can't see those newly added hihlights or stickies. When i do the same thing from MyGroup Bookmarks the MyBookmark Expanded View will be well synchronized.

    Maggie! You know my Goup is private, so i will send you an invitation to be a goup member to your email to be allowed to make any view, try or edit in my group.

    Thanks for your help.
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    I checked, thanks for solving this problem.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Fixed. Please check. Thanks
Sean Mitchell

Save or print with highlights and stickies visible - 489 views

backup highlight print save sticky
started by Sean Mitchell on 10 Jun 07 no follow-up yet
technocrat313 liked it
Dr. Fridemar Pache

NormalWindowsForSocialCollaborationByAnnotation - 83 views

annotation diigo feature space windows
started by Dr. Fridemar Pache on 11 Jun 07 no follow-up yet
  • iplnts
    Hi fridemar & Maggie!

    I looked after what fridemar offered. (It is a little exhaustive for me momentarily, although it may be a very good idea)
    But, i can confirm that the stícky window really very little ( it would be at least not only scrolllable and movable but, sizeable, too). Owing to i also struggled with more times to wrap the text again after i'd saved and edited a text in rich text mode. Because of the too little sticky window it often wraps the text wrongly after saving.

    I offered yet in an earlier of my topics
    1. Sizeable Sticky pop-up & misleading of sticky or comment

    Regarding to
    > * external links produce crippled representations of the target pages inside the tinies.
    There would be a little backway to solve this...
    When someone insert a link in rich text mode of sticky then one can edit that link in text mode inserting to this link in html mode"_blank". It will open the link in a new window not in the sticky. But, there is little problem for example in Firefox it will open a new Firefox window not a new tab. I don't how it would be solved. By the way: it would be solved automatically by Diigo, when the sticky saved

    fridemar wrote:

    > Dear Maggie, dear Diigos,
    > wouldn't be it nice, to have
    > (A) FullsizedWindowsOnDemand, instead of tiny stickies, where
    > * the workflow of CollaborationByAnnotation is hampered,
    > * time lost by fiddeling around with the scrollbar and where
    > * external links produce crippled representations of the target pages inside the tinies.
    > :).....
    > -- fridemar
    > DemoForTrailfireAnnotation

    > DemoForDiigoAnnotation
Maggie Tsai

[News] Closed alpha volunteers wanted! - 188 views

diigo news
started by Maggie Tsai on 13 Jun 07 no follow-up yet
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    Sent a mail to your address,
    Thanks for reading it.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > We're working on our next major release. We'd like to invite a few selective loyal Diigo users to participate in our closed alpha testing. We're looking for users who want to help us make Diigo the best it can be by reporting bugs and making suggestions.
    > To be considered, we'd love to learn more about you, and you must be willing to sign a NDA for non disclosure purpose. For now, we plan to be quite selective and only open up limited spots. In case we might have more volunteers than we can accommodate, please bear with us… we'll be sure to save your name and email and try to get you in at some point in the future.
    > Please fill out this short survey and email it to info at diigo dot com.
    > 1. Your name
    > 2. Your email
    > 3. Your Diigo ID
    > 4. Your location
    > 5. Your occupation / project(s) that you're involved with
    > 6. Your blog / website
    > 7. Where do you use Diigo? Home / Work / School / Other
    > 8. What operating system(s) are you using? Windows / Mac / Linux / Other
    > 9. What browser(s) do you use?
    > 10. How often do you use Diigo? Daily / 3-4 times a week / Once a week / few times a month
    > 11. What Diigo features do you use?
    > 12. What are your likes / dislikes about Diigo?
    > 13. What feature(s) would you like to see next?
    > 14. How did you learn about Diigo?
    > 15. Any thing that you would like to share with us about you (particularly your expertise/interests, etc…), and other comments or information you think might be useful?
    > Thanks so much and looking forward to hearing from you!

Does the DiigoLab put off? - 20 views

  • iplnts
    HI Maggie!

    Does the DiigoLab function yet? Or had it been overriden with the group-forum feature?

    Thanks, for your answer
  • iplnts
    HI Maggie!

    What i do not quite exactly understand where does this appear when it 's needed?

    I1m interesting about widget. Where can i find it?

    Thanks, for your answer

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Diigo Lab - we only roll it out when we have some alpha feature that we'd like to open it up for users to try out.
    > So, for example, a new alpha toolbar (one that has major changes - that we wish to do limited release first to get some feedback), or a certain alpha website feature (such as a widget) that we can release independently.
    > We will advise when something new is available to our users to try. It will not show when it's not needed.
    > Hope this answers your question.

Allowing minimal html in the forum text - 208 views

feature forum suggestion HTML text format code hyperlink link colour sticky note annotate markup wiki textile Trac WMD WYSIWYG WYSIWYM
  • iplnts

    suggestion: Would it be allowed similar rich text editing in forum view? At least inserting any hyperlink.

    Thanks, for considering
  • ...1 more comments...
  • iplnts
    Hi ollitolli!

    You are an adept. ( I can see from your profile we can have some common interest on another fields too:))

    Many thanks, for your tip! (in-situ) see below

    ollitolli wrote:
    > Inserting hyperlinks into forum posts is already possible as you can see for example here and here. But it requires using HTML code, so it is not very convenient.
    > And text formatting is possible too by using HTML code. Of course, rich text editing similar to the way it can be done within sticky notes would be better.

    HI again, when this reply i had started I couldn't see yet the resolution. It would had been a really 'magick' although i haven't sent yet the reply in.situ i noticed the resolution. It would had happened also i was frightfully absent during the reading!
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    I was not too exact in this post.

    I meant, as ollitolli said above - allowing the reach text editing in adding a new forum post or replying to a forum post would be easier and better!

    Would it be solved somehow?

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > yes, you can add diigo sticky note here :-)
  • iplnts
    Hi! ollitolli

    HTML code here! Its seems working (but when i'm just trying to type i really don't know yet) Thanks, again!

Editing tags - 43 views

discussion edit feature tag performance
  • iplnts

    It'd be helpful at the Bookmark Edit feature if the already existing tags could be choosen and added from a dropdown box. ( Similarly when a page is first time bookmarked or as it is here in tooltip.. It is very annoying to type again when modifiying more bookmarks.)

    I have to reload the page to be the long line more tags wrapped properly.

    It would be also helpful, if the edited tags could be also saved to the local bookmark after editing .
    When i use the export bookmark tools the tag-mappas are not retained.. It is also very annoying to create individually every changed or new tag-mappas in the local bookmark.

    Thanls for your help.
  • iplnts

    First of all, many thanks for your really quick reaction & care for many of topics.

    As above:
    - the export tag-mappas was not only my problem as i'd seen in the forum list.
    It's ok, i understand it is very critical to solve.

    The above problem about the editing tags had solved by me until a little backway. I opened the page again and again and added a new tag from the dropdown (or added a new bookmark) from the bookmark the page menu. It saved the tag-mappas to the local bookmark list as times as i had done. It worked well.

    Although it is not quite same process i concerned in this question editing the tags under My Bookmark at Diigo at reviewing of my bookmarks may be really important also.
    I guess (only), if the editing would be solved in this case by same way choosing from a dropdown, or tooltip and evidently it must be saved it may or it can belike update the local bookmarks already tagged.

    Both of above written solve the 'exproting tag' problem for individual bookmarks, although a little laborious.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > iplnts wrote:
    > > Hi!
    > >
    > > It'd be helpful at the Bookmark Edit feature if the already existing tags could be choosen and added from a dropdown box. ( Similarly when a page is first time bookmarked or as it is here in tooltip.. It is very annoying to type again when modifiying more bookmarks.)
    > Good point - already on our To-Do list, just haven't had time to get around to it yet.
    > > It would be also helpful, if the edited tags could be also saved to the local bookmark after editing .
    > > When i use the export bookmark tools the tag-mappas are not retained.. It is also very annoying to create individually every changed or new tag-mappas in the local bookmark.
    > Retain tag-mappas, when you have lots of bookmarks, this feature will demand lots of performance resources. Thus, unless we have a good solution, we probably won't support this yet.
Hilary Reynolds

Threaded Annotation - 474 views

discussion feature forum
  • iplnts

    As i could understand from the sequential reading of THIS forum threads and as i looked after the things; we could speaking of two or three things ( and much else) having been overlapped.

    1. A group member can add 'a comment' to an existing sticky in Browser View of an annotated page when he clicks on a link in the Group Bookmark view. That highlighted text is "blue' which marks it has a sticky. Hovering over the blue text the sticky appears and the user can choose an action to Add (a) Comment. The Comment would be Rich Text edited which is a very excellent mode to distinguish the added comment to a specific sticky.There would be made as many comments as many group members review this specific sticky and all can change the comment format in rich text editing mode. I think, there is no else neccessary information than provided by userxx made this comment under each of the comments. Owing to it is very well followable. At best the sticky editing box would be larger fitting for the actual window position. The reader can go through the highlights quickly by smooth scrolling the mouse, hovering over the blue ones and review both the stickies and their comments. I don't exactly understand what is the problem about it?
    2. Second case when somebody oversees the bookmarked pages in MyBookmarks Expanded view where he can see also a sequentially listed order ( as it is in the text) of highlights and its stickies. This case of view regarded only for the owner of the group bookmarks. The owner also can glance over every notes and he can initiate a new sticky notes from this view by 'Add a Sticky'

    There is an inconsistency here!!! Owing to the sticky posted by the owner from here is not a new sticky in fact. It will be displayed both in this view and also in Browser view as a comment. From this view the owner can not choose rich text editing which is a mistake, i think.
    + An additional suggestion due to the clear-cutting would be here in this view making the sequentally listed highlights to be collapsible/expandable ( as also it is in the GoogleNotebook)
    + the shadow color of highlights boxes would be consistent with the highlighting colors ( yellowish which has no sticky, bluish has sticky...)
    3. Regards to the forum post. The present forum threading allows anybody to reply to any specific #n comment under a topic. Nevertheless any reply will attached to the bottom of the forum thread where the header userxx said (on date replied to useryyyy on #n)" marks which comment or reply regards to which.
    It may be perhaps troublesome that someone must read through the whole of contents of a topic to understand the last comment. May be best thing inserting the reply to the bottom of content which to it regards to. I don't know whether would it be possible or not.

    Please, i looked through this topics comments and i tried to give you an opinion as you asked. I hope it could give some summary and some another ideas of improving...

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > I see.
    > Interesting that you point this out - wonder how important is that additional "userxxx said ...(on 05-11-2007 replied to useryyyy on #1)"? We'd like to hear other people's opinion on this, because this is related to another new feature design that we're working on.
    > 1) Do people realize that you can reply to a specific post within a thread, or do people just default to use the last comment in a thread to "reply"?
    > 2) For readers reading a forum discussion thread, do they really pay attention to the # on a thread, and actively trying to follow which comment is replied to which comment, or they just read through the thread sequentially?
    > Love to hear everyone's thought on this. Thanks
  • iplnts
    Hi loyola!

    I might be a little perplexed your thoughts about what you whished to say originally in your #1 post with my earlier #6 post. Although, i only whished to clear the differences owing to you spoke of the 'threaded annotation' originally in your # 1.

    I understand your problem, and as this post start to become very long this is a very good example for how much difficult to overview and handle the 'comment threads'. I absolutely agree in that with you, it would be (perhaps) minimally good to logically insert the responses under that comment to which the replies refer to.
    (I can only guess how would it be simple solved, for example manually drag them by the reviewer which is a bit miserable, but it could work, i think! )
    Or i can offer here to your attention there is yet a hiperlink #n which is already allowed to jump to the appropriate comment as permalink, (as i can see, and using, but it is in fact not same you would like to see.)

    There may be else improvements making the threads to be better followable not seen here, but much rather at the normal Forum View window improving the fields of forum header. Which i suggested in my more posts.

    Look at them under the links as follows.

    improve the Diigo Group Forum with a ranking system

    Sorting/filtering the forum by author and/or author's last post

    How to close a solved post?

    + as one can see also who read this ...
    How nice would be also a little improving with rich text editing feature this view!!!!

    see also at my post:
    Allowing minimal html in the forum text

    Thanks for anyone's listening to my comments!


Hyperlink & Picture insert do not work in Rich Text editing mode of Sticky - 30 views

bug hyperlinks picture sticky note
  • iplnts

    1. I'm unsuccessful to insert a hiperlink when i'm editing in Rich textmode of sticky. (also picture insert doesn't work)
    2. When i want to edit my Rich text format sticky the text vanish.
    2a. It would be nice also to be allowed to edit my sticky when i view My Bookmarks in Expanded mode.

    Thanks for your help
  • iplnts

    I'll verify, and I'm waiting for it asap owing to this feature really strongly useful.

    Some comment regarding to 2. (it'd be helpful for you) it was not written when i opened this new post:
    - The text vanishing problem at editing arised when a sticky had been created in rich text mode and already had been saved! It worked well until a sticky was not saved!!!

    - The problem happened in a sticky attached to a highlight. Probably a floating sticky uses same routine (creating and editing a sticky in rich text mode) thus it also fails this, but I did not try that yet.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Thanks for reporting. The new FF toolbar should fix this problem. Please verify. Thanks
  • iplnts
    Thanks for quick solving of the problem!!

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Thanks for reporting. The new FF toolbar should fix this problem. Please verify. Thanks

Could Extract highlights contain the attached sticky too? - 32 views

extract feature
started by iplnts on 12 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • iplnts
    Hi! (I'm very active today :)

    The extracting highlights is a grand idea for much of further using...REALLY (i feel)!

    It would be nice if it could also list the attached stickies (and all of its comments if the user selects that too) similarly as it is seen when in My Bookmarks Extended view.

    Don't i wish too much???? (But, is is why i really like using the Diigo:)

How many characters are allowed in the tag list? - 42 views

feature tag
  • iplnts
    Hi again!

    It seems me the taglist would contain maximized character length. I got again
    tags: ...
    when i gave more tags which exceeded 256 characters.
    I didn't count exactly how many characters i'd typed which was yet accepted.
    It is very annoying to count how many charaters are enabled to add when one types going-along more keywords(tags). I spent almost one hour to correct my only bookmarks' tag while i had lost more times my highlightings ..etc. -brrrrrrr
    (I noticed too, when i make a mistake in typing, for example i add more than one separator space between the tags the same error occurs)

    I appreciate your answer asap, many thanks.

    I regard here again to my earlier post: max length for tags

    iplnts wrote:
    > Hi!
    > I discerned, there would be a barrier of displaying the very long tag list at My Bookmark.
    > The tags map and save the bookmarked page to local bookmark list well, when have been adding a new tag, but the displayed taglist under My Bookmark becomes ... and appears in the tag editing (at right hand) under Others ...
    > Is there a barrier how many tags would be added, or how long ( how many characters) the taglist would be?
    > Thanks for revisioning it.
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    I understand the tags or tagging similarly as adding any keywords for example to any documents. ( I may fail about this concept..)

    I'm working on a theme which spans a very large scale of interested area..i 'm able not to decide exactly in advance how many characters would be required. ( Think of it as when you are about to plan mapping a large area of a scientifical information set its meta-science relations on many domain of sciences and else regards and trying to give reviewable information which come under common keywords. There would be many exceeded the only 256 characters foreseen at guess. )

    Naturally i adjust myself to the given possibility if it is maximized only 256 characters.

    But, i think ( from a programmers view), it would not be so much effort to replace a 256 limited text box to a larger sizeable text area input field. Although it certainly requires considerable much more space in the database containing the tags and much time for loading sorting.. etc. and some limitatation is really neccessary which is important for and is based on the server capacity. I guess it would be 1024.

    Using a drop down text area input field in the MyBookmarks view and also in the Tag Editing window would also help to choose the already added bookmarks. As i referred to in my another post earlier
    Re: Editing tags.

    I mention here, again: it would be also useful to separate the tags with much rather comma ( or semicolon..or else character) instead of space owing to if one makes a mistake or type two spaces the text continuity somehow breaks and ... appears in the taglist.

    Thanks, for revisioning.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > How many tags you normally add to your bookmarks? I think our limit is more than adequate.
    > While tagging is very helpful, don't really see why people add excessive tagging?
  • iplnts
    Hi Maggie!

    You are absolutely right. I was redundant. It really unneccessarily increases the space.

    I will be attentive to this in the future!

    Thanks for drawing to my attention!

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > In this post, your original tags were:
    > "bug,feature,feature idea,tag,tags"
    > I have edited to only "feature, tag" - to keep it more consistent and easier for others to locate relevant posts.

How to undo someone flagged as spammer? - 27 views

spam spam (electronic)
  • iplnts

    I was curious and i'd flagged unfortunately someone spammer whom i had never known. How can i undo this?

    Thanks, thanks....
  • iplnts
    Hi nickywang,

    SIncere thanks for your forgivingness!!
    The person nickname whom i causelessly and unknowingly flagged is: Rageman

    Please undo my unfortunate action.

    nickywang wrote:
    > Hi iplnts:
    > Don't worry. We'll see to this.
    > It's ok, it's ok........
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