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Nathan Goodyear

Boswellia carterii Extract Inhibits TH1 Cytokines and Promotes TH2 Cytokines In Vitro - 0 views

    Frankincense shown to have immunomodulatory function. Boswellia carterii shown to inhibit Th1 cytokines.
Nathan Goodyear

Endogenous Estrogen Regulation of Inflammatory Arthritis and Cytokine Express... - 0 views

    this study looked at estrogen in rheumatoid arthritis in mice. They found an anti-inflammatory effect of estrogen in men through ER-alpha. This is in contrast to other studies. Maybe the immunomodulatory effects of estrogen is, in part, through which receptors are activated.
Nathan Goodyear

Inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis in association with modification of immune re... - 0 views

    Germanium compounds found to reduced tumor growth and potentiated tumor growth in cell culture model via immunomodulatory mechanism.
Nathan Goodyear

Mistletoe and Immunomodulation: Insights and Implications for Anticancer Therapies - 0 views

    Mistletoe increases CD4:CD8 due to increase in Th1 but decrease in Treg; also increase in NK cells. Very important immunomodulatory effect.
Nathan Goodyear

Thymosin alpha 1: A comprehensive review of the literature - 0 views

    Awesome review article on TA-1 and its broad immunomodulatory effects, i.e. increase IL-1, IFN-gamma, increase dendritic cell activity, inhibition of tumor growth…
Nathan Goodyear

The molecular basis of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis - 0 views

  • Inflammation is the most predominant feature during the early (relaping) phases of the disease and declines with aging of the patients and disease duration
  • anti-inflammatory or immunomodulatory treatments are effective in the relapsing stage, but the benefit is lost when the patients have entered the progressive phase
  • in the process of oligodendrocyte destruction and demyelination in MS lesions iron is liberated from its intracellular ferritin bound stores into the extracellular space, where it is taken up by microglia and macrophages and again stored together with ferritin. When this happens in MS lesions in an environment, where free radicals are produced by oxidative burst, iron can be liberated from ferritin and transformed into reactive Fe++[114], which reacts with hydrogen peroxide to generate highly reactive hydroxyl radicals [36] and thus amplifies oxidative damage and associated cellular injury
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Inflammation will remain a key target, since the data suggest that microglia activation and oxidative burst is driven by inflammation throughout all stages of the disease.
    Very nice review of the neurodegenerative process in MS.  
Nathan Goodyear

Immunomodulatory effects of Vitamin D in multiple sclerosis - 0 views

    Vitamin D has an important immunomodulating role in MS.  Vitamin D increases Treg cells and decreases IL-6, but more importantly IL-17.
Nathan Goodyear

Interleukin‐2 enhances the natural killer cell response to Herceptin‐coated H... - 1 views

  • administration of low‐dose IL‐2 results in expansion of a CD3– / CD56+ NK cell population in patients with advanced cancer
  • approximately 20 % will overexpress theHer2 / neu proto‐oncogene
  • In breast cancer, Her2 / neu overexpression is associated with a worse histologicalgrade, decreased relapse‐free and overall survival periods, and altered sensitivity to chemotherapeutic regimens
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • NK cells are large granular lymphocytes that comprise approximately 10 % of circulating lymphocytes
  • all human NK cells express the CD56 antigen
  • treatment with various concentrations of IL‐2 in vivo may induce distinct functions within the NK cell compartment and, therefore, may have profound effects on NK cell‐mediated cytotoxicity
  • CD56bright
  • CD56dim
  • We show here that ADCC conducted by NK cells in vitro is enhanced by IL‐2 activation and is critically dependent on interactions between FcγRIII on NK cells and Herceptin‐coated tumor targets
  • administration of low‐dose IL‐2 to patients results in the marked expansion of a CD56+ population of immune effectors with the ability to lyse antibody‐coated cancer targets
  • NK cells represented only 7 % of lymphocytes prior to therapy but comprised over 50 % of the population after 10 weeks of low‐dose IL‐2
  • These data suggest that the enhanced ADCC seen following the expansion of NK cells with low‐dose IL‐2 is likely due to an increase in the overall number of NK cells
  • co‐administration of IL‐2 with rhu4D5 mAb will enhance activation of NK cell effector functions
  • Stimulation of NK cells with IL‐2 resulted in a significant increase in the lysis of rhu4D5‐coated targets
  • We have shown that costimulation with IL‐2 plus rhu4D5 results in significant production of IFN‐γ by NK cells with concomitant up‐regulation of cell‐surface activation and adhesion molecules
  • It has been previously demonstrated that continuous low‐dose IL‐2 can expand a CD56+ lymphocyte population, and we have now shown that this cell population is a potent mediator of ADCC against rhu4D5 mAb‐coated Her2 / neu+ targets
  • These results suggest that administration of low‐dose IL‐2 can be used to expand NK cell numbers, while higher doses may be used to enhance their cytolytic capacity in the setting of mAb therapy
  • we have demonstrated that NK cell lysis of Her2 / neu+ breast cancer cell lines in the presence of rhu4D5 mAb is markedly enhanced following stimulation with IL‐2
  • we have presented evidence that administration of low‐dose IL‐2 in vivo results in the expansion of a potent NK cell effector population
  • Our experiments suggest that NK cells costimulated with IL‐2 and immobilized IgG can secrete potent immunomodulatory cytokines which may serve to potentiate the anti‐tumor immune response.
    low dose IL-2 found to expand NK levels in conjuction in with herceptin in HER-2 positive breast cancer cell lines.
Nathan Goodyear

Long-Term Immunomodulatory Effects of a Mediterranean Diet in Adults at High ... - 0 views

    Mediterranean diet found to reduce hsCRP, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and MCP in high-risk adults out to 5 years!  This study compared the Mediterranean diet to a low fat diet.
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