Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tyme 2.0
suggestion : a widget for Netvibes - 30 views
/n in Notes instead of breakline - 30 views
new thread is there :
( new feedback forum )
please use this new link above -
New Uservoice Channels available - 75 views
Basic plan : no price for month ? - 37 views
PREMIUM : alternative to no more SNAPSHOT : the counter - 223 views
I understand that caching web page needs servers and servers need money, but when Diigo team disable snapshot/cached , they disable a big attractive point of Diigo !
So Diigo becomes a ordinary bookmarker, it's business nonsense...
Add counter to snapshots and offer free snapshots / month with basic Diigo
only big consumers filling servers will need PREMIUM -
Other members with same bookmarks? - 38 views
[suggest] Add READ LATER keyboard shortcut - 13 views
[suggest] Add " Expand all" to "related tags" , please ! - 20 views
I notice that when there is selected tags, I don't find all the "related tags" so I can't press their " + " button to find my bookmarks
exemple : tags selected : outil ( tools! ) + online, I can't find tag PDF, even if I've 26 BM with these 3 tags, because I've 18 tags before with more BM included outil and online
Why can't I search with the other " less than 26 BM " related tags ?
( Don't tell me to use "My Library tagged" field, because I've 300 tags and I don't remember exactly the tags, I like read my tags.. my way using tags is like association of ideas, so a tag couold be used for various contexts, so I can't type all the tags in the field )
So please add "expand all" like "my tags"
[suggest] read later : option check box : not close the tab ! - 38 views
I 've a lot of open tab, sometimes FF crash and I lose my tabs
.. 83 this morning :-(
Xmarks does'nt save last tabs , just current tabs ( You can't go back to the past , like with your bookmarks )
So I think the answer is Diigo, with "read later" button , but I don't want to close the tab !! ( I'llpress the toolbar button when I know I want to read later )
It's not because I will read later that I want to close the tab ( Now with bartab and 2010 big memory computer, you don't need anymore to close your dozens of tabs )
( And for me , a tab closed is a tab I'll not read later.. nothing to remind me that I 've a readlater BM to read ! )
If FF crash, I will find my last tabs with readlater list
So , I would like a option checkbox to choose to not close the tab when press " read later button"
I hope some of you will like my suggestion
Export bookmarks - what's NOT exported - 146 views
Bookmark export getting only a small number of bookmarks - 135 views

anonymous and Graham Perrin liked it
Diigo people ? who is " diigo people" here !?
I suggest "Diigo people to use
for a better support of Diigo customers
( I had used it for an online apps and it's great )
..or give us more feedback here !
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I would like a " Apply to join -- approval required " in the "follow me" settings
Some people do self promotion bookmarks ( They BM a lot of their pages ) with following "featured users" ( right of page ) of Hot Bookmarks from the Diigo Community
( )
These people use Diigo and most active members to do get good ranking in search engine and other ranking 2.0 tools...
I don't want to do the promotion of these links !
And I wouldn't like Diigo become the place / the tool for self promotion
Want some examples ? let me know..