Contents contributed and discussions participated by Mr. DiGi
private comments - 63 views
Two or more volunteers, please - 15 views
Google Chrome Extensions: Diigo bookmarks - 27 views
Tools for Google Chrome? - 1521 views
Are you working on full support in Chrome? Extensions are already supported:
Google Sidewiki - 3 views
Suggestion: 'Find & Replace' tags - 52 views
Go to Home - My Tags - Edit...
Link just for you:
You can rename tags (and join if you type existing names)
Can't add comment to group Floating annotation (comment is not saved) - 148 views
Page is bookmarked in my group with group floating annotation.
I see floating icon and existing annotations. I can add comment on page but it is not saved - just disappears. It is same for floating sticky editor and sidebar too. Comment target is group, not public or private).
Only way that is working is adding comment directly on Diigo's group page.
Advertising - 287 views
Unread bookmarks in Diigo Sidebar and Toolbar - 40 views
They are in "Diigo" Main menu (in Firefox - between Bookmarks and Tools) - not in sidebar...
Chris Z wrote:
> Can we have the unread bookmarks directly available in the sidebar and the diigo toolbar menu? I think it was possible in the old (v2) toolbar, and I consider it one of the most important features.
Website Search form bug - 60 views
When I click on Search button then search condition disappears.
Also there could be simpler way to get into Advanced search options...
Does Diigo work with the official, released version of FireFox 3.0? - 332 views
- ...1 more comments...
I can't reproduce that :( Sign out, sign in, without any troubles and crashes.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0, Diigo Toolbar + 13 addons. But I don't install toolbar right now, it is update from older versions.
Helaine . wrote:
> I installed FireFox 3.0 and came here. When I tried to sign in, FireFox crashed. It continues to do so each time I try to sign in. I had to use Flock in order to leave this comment. :-(
> -
Firegestures: Get Scripts - 0 views
Control your Diigo Toolbar and add bookmarks by mouse gestures with Firegestures.
Drag these links to Firegestures Scrips window: Diigo Show/Hide Sidebar Diigo Show/Hide Toolbar Diigo One-Click Save Diigo Bookmark This Diigo Email to... Diigo Collect Flash Sidebar controls: Diigo Bookmars Diigo Readers Diigo Annotations Diigo Add page Comment Diigo Friends Diigo Show bookmakrs/Hide Sidebar Diigo Search selected text in Sidebar
Missing image file: our-rating.gif - 30 views
File is missing - linked in Diigo's webpage source...
Missing Floating/Sticky Notes icon - 63 views
I don't know from when it started exactly (about month ago?) Sticky Icons gone. I have only plain number floating somewhere on page.
I checked Sticky note place with Firebug. Icon is in CSS style (and Firebug can display it) - but it is not displayed on page. Maybe some kind of security?
Image file (background:transparent url('chrome://diigotb/skin/float_icon.png') no-repeat 50% 50%;) is not displayed as blockable/blocked item in Adblock.
Firefox RC1 (3 PC's with same behavior), current Diigo toolbar. -
custom search changes not syncing - 41 views
Are you talking about ?
I must restart browser to apply changes - but I don't use toolbar, just only popup menu and two small buttons (dragged from toolbar).
Firefox 3 RC1, current toolbar...
Rick Shide wrote:
> ok, after a dozen attempts they finally are showing in the browser.
> what's the delay?
> Rick Shide wrote:
> > my custom search changes are not syncing with the firefox browser plugin.
> > the new searches that i add don't display in the context menu or in the diigo toolbar
Enhanced Linkrolls for Groups - 65 views
Sections are counted as bookmarks in lists - wrong paging - 31 views
Sections in lists are counted just as ordinary bookmarks.
Diigo correctly displays [20/50/100] bookmarks on a page (depends on your preferences), but counters on top and bottom of the list includes sections - and will display "next >" even when all bookmarks are displayed on first page.
20 bookmarks per page
19 bookmarks in list
2 sections
reloading page is needed to update top/bottom counters
There will be next > pointing at empty page...
I hope for quick fix since 8.0 version is now stable.