Enhanced linkroll doesn't work - 70 views
theenergynet wrote: > 1. Your enhanced linkroll script fails to work properly. I created an enhanced linkroll in Firefox, but when I checked the "only annotated" box, nothing showed up. I have ...
theenergynet wrote: > 1. Your enhanced linkroll script fails to work properly. I created an enhanced linkroll in Firefox, but when I checked the "only annotated" box, nothing showed up. I have ...
Hi Joel, the formatting for the linkroll text isn't working -- bold, sizing, etc. I believe it was conflicting with my existing stylesheet, but without knowing what the HTML of the linkroll looks l...
thanks for the reply maggie, the linkroll is working fine right now. :) ian maggie_diigo wrote: > We were making some backend server upgrade and temporarily interrupted the linkroll support. ...
I second that useful suggestion. Mr. DiGi wrote: > Maybe nice idea: > > Enhanced Linkrolls for Groups - not only just Group Widget with members count but true linkroll with list of bookmarks.
I don't use linkrolls, sorry; you could experiment …
I want my descriptions of my bookmarks to appear next to the links on my linkrolls. Otherwise its just a list of links that is not particularly friendly to those that visit my site. Any way to do t...
I would like to be able to modify the script for linkrolls that will inserted into another website so that the linkroll script will pull any submissions for bookmarks/titles/descriptions by *any* g...
I have successfully set up an enhanced linkroll on my website, but it seems to include the items items that I have marked as private. Is there anyway to customize the script to prevent it posting p...
Well I'm glad that you've got it figured out at least, that's half the battle. Please keep me updated on how this progresses. Thanks for your help!
I can't see either tagrolls or linkrolls in Internet Explorer. They show up fine in Firefox. Here they are if you want to see for yourself: (linkroll) htt...
Is this feature available now? or is still a good idea for developing?
That's an interesting suggestion - will discuss here. However, this is not likely a high priority now - we're gearing up to launch a series of new features shortly, so quite busy lately. Stay...
My Pleaser :) BTW whats ur Blogs address and what it about .
Thank you Vincent! Appreciate your help!
I have been using the Diigo linkroll in my wordpress sidebar for a very long time now and just realized that it isn't updating. I have it set to only present my links with a particular tag, and it ...
It would be great if the enhanced linkroll creator had an option to not include any stylesheet, giving the end user complete control over the appearance...
Hi, any ETA on this feature, still hoping to migrate completely.
Is it possible to have the linkroll script generate all URLs + Titles + Descriptions for all contributors to a group that use specific tag(s)? On a separate web site, when I generate the feed, onl...
Thank you! I looked pretty hard and never found those directions on the site. Perhaps that nugget should be a bit more "discoverable"? (in fact I found directions to use "tag1 +tag2" ) Thanks again!
> 3) For some tags in 'only these tags', no bookmarks are appearing > even in the preview even though there are bookmarks > tagged with that tag. Please enable e-mail notification for group lin...