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Contents contributed and discussions participated by davido T


The 'More From' indicator at bottom of entries on 'My Bookmarks' page - 18 views

bookmarks more
started by anonymous on 13 Nov 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I third that. It's very handy to see the URLs.

    oneeye wrote:
    > Hi Noelreid,
    > It is not a bug, more like a missing feature. The unfiltered list of bookmarks shows the "more from" indicator. As soon as a tag filter is applied, you lose the indicator. I also, wish it was in all views!
H.C. Chen

How to give some of no_tag bookmarks a proper tag? - 58 views

tagging tags
started by H.C. Chen on 28 Oct 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    The closest thing to 'batch' editing that I've found is going to Edit Tags (the list of all tags) and renaming one tag to another.

    lenoxus wrote:
    > Actually, I've been having similar problems - it seems that mass-editing tags with more than one word, or an underscore, isnt working…
davido T

advanced search in User Forum, including Author? - 273 views

forum user forum
started by davido T on 31 Oct 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    hi, it would be handy to have an advanced search option just in Forum to search by Author, especially to find my own prior posts. I know, they're are plenty of things to do though. Thanks.
davido T

would be helpful to see the domain ('more from ...') in Groups - 35 views

domain_name groups domain site community context meta suggestion
davido T

new group I created isn't a share-to option when bookmarking - 82 views

groups sharing
  • davido T
    hi, I created a private group yesterday (called 'carbon footprints'), but it does not appear in the list of groups I can Share to, when I bookmark a new page using the Bookmark (Diigo icon) toolbar button. Two older groups do appear, but one older group does not, and this new group does not.

    I am able to share to the new group if I first bookmark the page, then go to My Bookmarks, check it from the list, and then do Share To Group, but that's not ideal.

  • davido T
    I'm still having the problem. Specs below.

    swanlin128 wrote:
    > it seems ok for me!
    > Firefox 2.0.7
    > Firefox toolbar 1.0.2007101800.
    > Please advise your toolbar & system specs

    Generated: Wed Oct 31 2007 10:50:51 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071008 Firefox/

    Build ID: 2007100816

    Enabled Extensions: [33]
    • Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages

    • Back IS Close 1.4 - Back button is replaced with Close button if there is no page to go back to

    • Broadband Speed Test and Diagnostics 1.1 - Test speed of your broadband connections and provide troubleshooting

    • Diigo Toolbar for Firefox 1.0.2007101800 - Social Annotation-a superset of social bookmarking and much more!

    • Endnote 0.6.1 - Exports browser page to Endnote.

    • ErrorZilla Mod 0.2 - Implements a useful error page when a website cannot be reached.

    • Extension Manager Extended 2.6.1 - Use the extension manager to view the id and the folder of an extension.

    • Fasterfox 2.0.0 - Performance and network tweaks for Firefox.

    • FAYT - Regain possesion of your 'Find As You Type' bar in Firefox 2!

    • Firefox Showcase - Easily locate any tab you've opened in Firefox.

    • Flashblock - Replaces Flash objects with a button you can click to view them.

    • FoxyTunes 2.9.5 - Control any media player from Firefox and more...

    • Google Icon 1.3 - Adds favicon to google search results.

    • Google Toolbar for Firefox 3.0.20070525W - Take the power of Google with you anywhere on the Web!

    • GooglePreview 3.3 - Inserts web site previews in Google and Yahoo search results.

    • LeechBlock 0.3.3 - Blocks those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day.

    • Link Alert 0.7.2 - Changes the cursor to indicate the target of a link.

    • Locationbar² 0.9.1 - Emphasizes the domain name and decodes URLs for better readability.

    • Long Titles 1.3 - Prevents tooltips break

    • MR Tech Link Wrapper Lite 2.1 - Wraps long links to spare you from having to scroll left and right.

    • MR Tech Local Install - Local Install power tools for all users. (en-US)

    • Notify 0.92 - Be notified when a webpage changes.

    • Page Update Checker 0.3.1 - Automatically checks to see if a web page has changed.

    • Password Finder 1.1 - Adds a find function to password manager

    • PDF Download - Allows to choose what you want to do with a PDF file: download it, view it with an external viewer or view it as HTML!

    • Print Preview Toolbar Button 0.1 - Adds a toolbar button to Open Print Preview.

    • Screen grab! 0.93 - Saves a web-page as an image.

    • SiteDelta 0.9 - Hightlights changes made to a website since last visit

    • Tab Mix Plus 0.3.6 - Tab browsing with an added boost.

    • Tags Everywhere 1.0 - Get common tags for the page

    • Talkback - Sends information about program crashes to Mozilla.

    • URL Fixer 1.3 - Fixes common misspellings in URLs entered in the address bar.

    • URL Link 2.01.0 - Allow navigation to broken/unlinked URLs

davido T

'search Diigo' via customized (pop-up) search menu - 10 views

started by davido T on 11 Oct 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    this is a 'feature suggestion' for a great feature that already exists, with a bit of tweaking... It nicely solves a problem I've begun to have: "Have I diigo'd this already?" or "What have I diigo'd on this topic?"

    I was surprised not to find 'search Diigo' as an option in the customized-search pop-up menu. So I made it, in a new category called Diigo, with these options: My Diigo full-text (basic & Advanced search), My Diigo by tags, All Diigo by tags. And best of all, it works!

    now, will you promise never to go away?
Jose Luis Pajares

Does Diigolet support simultaneous bookmarking to other online bookmarking services? - 31 views

bookmark diigolet elsewhere feature
started by Jose Luis Pajares on 18 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    It would be handy then to have some sort of flag (like the existing 'unread' feature) that a site was b'marked using Diigolet. Then we'd at least know what *hasn't* been simultaneously b'marked.

    joel wrote:
    > It's not easy to do it in diigolet and from our experience in toolbar simultaneous bookmarking feature, some bookmark service didn't provide a reliable API. However, we will consider it when we have time.
    > Thanks.
davido T

"related tags" feature suggestion - 5 views

related tags
started by davido T on 23 Sep 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    It would be nice if the "related tags" box that appears to the right of a list of b'marks (after I search on a tag) would include in parentheses *how many* of each related tag there are.

    Just a thought.
davido T

"use last tags"--a QuickD option? - 8 views

quickd tagging
  • davido T
    hi, I posted awhile back about this but I want to bring it up again. To make your wonderful service even easier, it would be SO handy to have a "use last tags" option under QuickD. In other words, if I set this option, the tags used for the last page I bookmarked would show up as the default in the QuickD box--allowing me to edit them as I need to and then bookmark with the QuickD button. This would just be another option for pre-filling the QuickD field, other than the current QuickD options--search terms or stable predefined tag(s).
  • davido T
    I hadn't thought about it. Seems that the current system is fine for those settings, but the system could be extended as you suggest.

    I just think it's a pain with the current system to tag several pages in a row with *almost* the same tag or group of tags. After I've carefully tagged the first time, I become lazy, drop tags off, etc.

    joel wrote:
    > Hi, Davido:
    > I like this idea. Do you need to keep the other bookmark settings, such as read/unread, private/public, the same as the last bookmark's when you do quickD?
davido T

auto-logout after set time - 26 views

login logout
started by davido T on 19 Sep 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    hi, it seems that Diigo doesn't logout after a set period of time, like many other services do. Is that correct? For example: if I login on one computer and forget to logout, am I logged in on that machine "forever", or at least until I login on another machine?

    I'd prefer a timeout period, for privacy purposes, since I use public computers.

davido T

'auto-add' bookmark to a group, by tag - 11 views

started by davido T on 08 Sep 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I find that when I bookmark a new page, I sometimes forget to add it to a relevant group I've created. I tag it, but don't also choose 'add bookmark to group'. Wouldn't it be nice if I could set the group (at least if it's my own) to automatically add all my own (or anyone's?) bookmarks with specified tags?

    For example, there's a group called Climate Change. Whenever I tag a page "climate change" (or "global warming" or "greenhouse gas" or ...) it's added to that group automatically!

    I just read the post "A way to apply an action to more than 20 bookmarks at once" and it occurs to me this add-by-tag idea also would be a great, quick way to add a bunch of b'marks to a new group, adding (all at once) as many bookmarks as I have that contain the tags I specify!
Marsh Feldman

Web Page Persistence - 54 views

resolved cache persistence web-page
started by Marsh Feldman on 30 Aug 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I've found Diigo's cache to be lacking, unfortunately. My highlights are accessible, but when clicking on 'cached' Diigo often can't pull up a cached version of the page. I simultaneously bookmark to Furl mainly for this reason.

    ollitolli wrote:
    > Hi swampy,
    > Yes, all these data you mentioned persist, i.e. they will still be available even if the original web page has been deleted and is now inaccessible. That is one of the big advantages/features of Diigo. This is also why you can perform whole-text searches in your Diigo archive, it is all saved in Diigo's cache/database.
    > See here:
    > ["Archive your bookmarked pages to insure they are always available as originally seen, i.e. never have to worry about link rot again (currently only html pages are archived)."]
    > ["Your bookmarked pages are archived to insure they are always available as originally seen."]
    > Just note the few restrictions about non-html content.
davido T

toolbar button to navigate to bookmarked page - 15 views

navigation toolbar
  • davido T
    this is an ease-of-use suggestion... One of the most annoying things is that I find myself on a page that I've previously bookmarked. I'd like to see a list of my highlights. How to do it? I have to open a new window, pull up My Bookmarks, and search for the page based on name or tags.

    Instead, why not have a toolbar button that pulls up my previous highlights/comments from that page. If you don't want to add more buttons, the 'About' button could do the job nicely--just have the resulting About page include (or link to) the list of my highlights/comments.
  • davido T

    joel wrote:
    > Davido:
    > This feature will be in the next version. You can even navigate your highlights from the toolbar.
davido T

improvement to 'extract highlights' - 10 views

highlights' extract
started by davido T on 03 Sep 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    hi, a suggestion on the 'extract highlights' feature, which is the best way I can find to print a list of highlights... I'd love the option to turn off the repetitive reporting of who highlighted (almost always myself) and when. I usually don't care about the who or when, and it takes up a lot of space.

    I actually prefer forwarding the bookmark to myself and printing for the very reason that this extra info is not included, but that's a bit of a hassle and seems unecessary.

    thanks for all your work!
davido T

search (my) Diigo via Google Desktop - 15 views

started by davido T on 29 Aug 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    I'm a big fan of Google Desktop, because of it's relative omniscience--it can find (in one search) words in a wide variety of file types. BUT it can't search my diigo tags or text, so I have to do a separate search.

    So, how lovely would it be if Diigo could keep a local sync copy of my bookmarks, tags and highlights that GD could search?

    Any chance of this happening?
davido T

Google Desktop + Diigo = highlight my own files - 168 views

  • davido T
    Has anyone else played with using Diigo and the ability of Google Desktop to view the content of one's files in a web browser? GD also allows pdf files to be viewed as html, so I've been able to highlight and bookmark pdf files and have them searchable via Diigo.

    Speaking of which, is there still talk of making pdf's directly highlight-able and comment-able via Diigo? The 'view as html' feature is far from perfect

  • davido T
    yes, i think

    joel wrote:
    > It's not easy to highlight online PDF file. Could you like to accept it as a premium feature later ?
davido T

search Forum / search within group - 26 views

forum groups search suggestion resolved
started by davido T on 28 Jul 07 no follow-up yet
  • davido T
    is it possible yet to search the User Forum?

    A seemingly easy and powerful way to accomplish this would be to add 'search group' as an option (under More, along with search mine and search all), but I don't see that.


Cached Pages - Inconsistency - 112 views

resolved cache suggestion bug inconsistency
  • davido T
    I agree, and that's why my one big fear re diigo is that will go away one day, and my hard work will go with it. This is a serious issue, I think, for researchers and anyone else who seriously uses the service.

    Anything on the horizon in the way of an 'export' feature that will capture bookmarks, highlights, comments, everything, and let me save to my hard drive?

    jeffreyjflim wrote:
    > I would be interested (as an actual, real life user of the service) to be given an honest (and technically accurate) answer here - it isnt the best of impressions when a service drops your data..
  • davido T
    my solution to this problem (and i've definitely noticed it too) is to use Simultaneous Bookmark to Furl (and any other service you like). It's insurance.

    woo1018 wrote:
    > What is up with the inconsistency of saving a full webpage? Some sites are cached while others are not. Does this have to do with max characters?
    > I love Diigo but am considering going back to Furl since I can capture a full page and then use a full text search for the whole page
davido T

full-text searching in Diigo forum? - 161 views

forum full-text search Google boolean help suggestion syntax
  • davido T
    I miss the old Diigo forums for at least one reason: There seems to be no way to do a full-text search of previous topics in Diigo forum! Maybe I missed it, but otherwise it's a step in the wrong direction IMHO--to rely only on tags for finding past posts.

    On the bright side, the Email Notification feature is a beautiful thing!

    By the way, it strikes me as funny that the "right" tags for this post are just about identical to the subject line. What's my point? I don't know. It's Friday.
  • davido T
    good idea! do you know how long that google-lagtime actually is?
davido T

un-sharing with a group - 12 views

groups sharing
  • davido T
    I accidentally shared a link with a group that I don't want to share. Can't figure out how to 'un-share' it. Can you help?

  • davido T
    hmm that's a bit annoying. I'll ask the admin.

    other than that, i'm liking the groups

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > Unfortunately only the group admin has that privilege.
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