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What You Don't Know About Copyright, but Should - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher ... - 0 views

  • knew the answers to basic questions such as how one gets a copyright and how long it lasts
  • only 30 percent
  • If you think you don't own any copyrights, think again
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • people don't realize that they themselves are copyright owners
  • Copyright automatically applies to book manuscripts, articles, blog posts, artwork—almost any copyrightable object that people create. That's been the law since the 1976 Copyright Act took effect.
  • shorthand
  • fair use
  • breathing space for freedom of expression within copyright law

iowaonlinelearning - Teaching Standards - 3 views

  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (
    • cjterry64
      This is so important. If students aren't getting a concept, repeating it over and over....or slower...isn't the answer. We must find a different way to approach them. This is true of all types of learning - traditional and online. 
    • cjterry64
      This is so important for all type of instruction, whether it be online or face-to-face. If a student isn't getting the concept, repeating my instruction over and over....or slower...isn't going to help. Time to try a different approach. 
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • cjterry64
      This gets me to thinking about layout of an online course and ease of navigation. If things aren't clearly laid out or easy to navigate, it makes the learning more difficult. My daughter is taking a summer class and I'm seeing first hand how course layout has affected her. The lessons are presented in Soft Chalk with the assignment directions on the assessment page. They don't take the assessments shown there, rather the ones the instructor posts in the modules. The assignment directions are not easy to return to, The pages load slowly and there is no sliding bar to just take you to the last page. The assignment directions are not shown on the assignment page where students actually submit their work. This has been a source of frustration for my daughter. Layout and ease of navigation, along with directions on the actual assignment page are extremely important for online learners. Especially students who aren't as patient as adult learners. 
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students,
    • cjterry64
      This is something I strive to do in my classroom. Face-to-face interactions make this easier. This would be more challenging in on-line learning. 
    • cjterry64
      This is something I strive to do in my classroom. Online learning presents challenges in this area. Great care and planning would be involved. I can see the importance of having a student coach. 
    • milemieux
      Accommadating for students with special needs would be a tough in the online setting. With the use of some technologies such as text to speech I think that some of those challenges could be addressed. I agree though, if it is a full online class, then a student coach would be ideal.
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  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • cjterry64
      This ties in with the first item I highlighted.
    • cjterry64
      This ties to the first item I highlighted. Assessment data, whether it be formative or summative, must guide what we do as teachers. How many times over the years have I given an assessment and didn't do anything with it? I continually strive to do better with this. 
    • milemieux
      I like this one as well. It is so hard to be a learner when you do not understand something, and the teacher continues to plow forward.
  • Creates a learning community
    • cjterry64
      A sense of community is what makes a classroom such a great place to learn. The challenge would be to create such a learning community with online learners. 
    • cjterry64
      A sense of community is so important for learning. This seems so much easier to me with face-to-face learning. Definitely a learning curve for educators as we head towards more online learning. 
    • klsgwin
      Agreed! The connections in face-to-face learning environments are more naturally occurring but in an online environment where a large component to understanding lies in the ability to effectively communicate the material, an educator must facilitate an open and safe place to do so.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • cjterry64
      Finding how to effectively communicate and monitor students consistently in an online course seems extremely important to me.  Adult learners are more likely to be independent and push on when things aren't clear. Not the case with children or teenagers. They are more likely to just "shut down" and blow the course off if they weren't able to communicate with their coach and/or instructor. 
    • cjterry64
      Finding out how to effectively communicate with online learners seems critical. Again, the importance of a student coach surfaces. Adult learners tend to push on and problem solve more. Student learners, not so much. Feedback, help with assignment, tech help, etc. must be given consistently and as quickly as possible. Finding the balance between being available and being on 24/7 would be challenging. Letting students know when you are available, when to expect a reply to message, when things will be graded must be communicated up front. And communicate if changes occur. I know even my 5th graders appreciated updates if something was taking longer to grade than anticipated or if I needed to help them a little later. 
  • Your thoughts?
  • encourages collaboration
    • elgehrke
      I feel like maybe last year I was so focused on classroom management that I didn't really take many risks in the collaboration department. I know how important that collaboration is... I just have to figure out how to make sure my students stay actively engaged with our learning during these group work or partner work times.
    • Beth Moss
      I could see how with younger students this could be... "risky." AS adults, and professionals, we self regulate and censure ourselves well. Especially with topics that are not controversial.  I wonder if canvas has a way that kids can post, and you can moderate before it is shared?
  • appropriate use of the internet
    • milemieux
      Using techniques to engage the students will push them to do more than the minimum. If they become engaged and are enjoying it they could take their learning to another level. In this class, I feel I have learned about a lot of new resources that will help engage my students in their learning.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students (SREB A.3, Varvel II.A, ITS 2.a)
    • milemieux
      This seems silly to highlight this, but students need to have an instructor that is trained in the subject matter and has the technology skills to help students as well. It brings validity to the material when presented by someone that has learned about it, experienced it and has taught the material. I would be horrible at teaching an online course about Language Arts because that is not my strength area and have limited skills providing online learning. In my opinion, if you want something to be successful you need to be fully invested and not cut corners.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning (SREB M.3, Varvel IV.D, ITS 3.e, ITS 4.f)
    • milemieux
      Technology is great but sometimes technolgy does not always fit every learning situation. Choosing the right format or multiple options, can make or break instruction. I found it very easy to follow along with the videos provided to sign up for diigo, where I probably would have struggled to more if I had to read directions and figure it out on my own. Visually seeing it put me more at ease.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students
    • milemieux
      Being able to motivate and engage students helps to push them to do more than just the minimum. Hopefully, they will take more ownership of the learning and take it to another level.
  • Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures (ITS 8.a, ITS 8.b)
    • Beth Moss
      This is potentially hard to do. There is so much copyrighted material that floats around the internet, namely on youtube and on google image search. Its tempting to just use all the resources you can easily find, and those are two HUGE sources of information. I hear the AEA website has an copyright OK picture library for school use, and I know there where some learning licensed video sights listed on the resource wiki we looked at. Anyone know some more specifics on these? #ollie_iowa
    • klsgwin
      When you are using Canvas and posting information on your class page, you can click an icon above the text box that has a list of video resources available. I would be able to tell you more however, I am new to it as well. It is the little blue V in the center of the bar above the text box.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
    • Beth Moss
      This is no different than any other course in real life, but it speaks to the rigor thats expected no matter what the delivery method. 
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
    • klsgwin
      This seems like a no-brainer but the two are distinctly different.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • klsgwin
      This is integral to a student's success. I have always held fast to the belief that if you don't understand the context of a student, you are missing out on teaching opportunities.
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives (SREB I.3, Varvel VI.C, ITS 5.a) • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation (Varvel VI.D, ITS 5.b)
    • klsgwin
      Not any different from the Learning Targets we create for our Priority Standards for our face to face classes.
    • kylejclark
      This is critical with an online course.  Not only do your criteria and standards need to be clear, but you also must have an efficient way for students to seek clarification and ask questions, just like they would in a normal classroom.
  • 8. Adheres to, models, and guides ethical behavior, including technological use (ITS 8)
    • kylejclark
      This standard as a whole is my weak point.  My knowledge about copyright laws is minimal at best.

ollie1: Iowa Online Course Standards - 2 views

  • (K-12) • Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.
    • Mary Trent
      Communication is key in online classes. I know I have been lost a time or two. I like checklists of requirements for the course.
    • anonymous
      Information literacy becomes even more important as more resources are available for our students. They need the tools to be able to filter through all the information out there and search out what is best. Middle school kids seem very willing to believe it if they saw it on the internet.
    • mhauser
      I'm 57 years old. My dad, who had an eighth grade education and would be in his 90s were he still alive used to tell us, "Don't believe everything you hear." He would also say, "Don't believe everything you read." My dad was wise. We need to be skeptics. Everyone needs to ask the questions, Who is sharing this information? Why should I believe them? What is their purpose? How old is this information? Can I understand the context in which it's offered? I'm a teacher librarian. I've been working on this for 16 years and love that information literacy is in these standards.
    • Mary Overholtzer
      Communication is the hardest thing I do as a wife, mother, teacher, and friend. When I think I am communicating well, it's obvious that others are not!!!! HA! The hardest job I will every do is communicating.
  • • The course design provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction, including timely and frequent feedback about student progress based on the learning targets.
    • Mary Trent
      It's important to encourage students to feel comfortable to ask questions especially when they are lost. Quick, easy, multiple ways to contact the instructor are important.
    • Julia Schreckengast
      I would agree so many students are too afraid to ask questions in front of a class. They are just satisfied with not knowing rather than risking embarassment.
    • Laura Eklund
      I am involved in a grant program that is about blending the online teaching with face-to-face teaching, which will make the instructor-student interaction easier.
    • Bob Pauk
      Obviously this is important, but also challenging when you see as many as 150 students per day. It makes things like clickers and online communicaiton that much more important.
    • Nancy Peterman
      Technology has made instructor-student interaction easier, while also making it difficult for students to not become involved. Students quickly see that they are accountable and instructors can track their participation.
    • Kevin Kemp
      Students and instructors both need feedback in order to achieve.  Progress can only be achieved with an ongoing, positive conversation
  • All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited and obey copyright and fair use.
    • crjessen44
      This is something I would like to know more about in the on-line world. I'm not sure on certain issues relating to this and would like to be more clear on my understanding.
    • Ashley Weaver
      I would also like information, especially about fair use!
    • Deborah Ausborn
      This is one of the greatest concerns I have in planning an online course. I did find a section in the orientation materials for this course that addressed it. It is called "Copyright BriefNotes" and is available from the AEA. I can't tell you exactly where I found it; explored way too many links to be able to retrace my steps and the printout doesn't have a web address. It was a pdf file on a link.
    • Kathy Hageman
      It is critical that we model appropriate citing, observance of copyright, and fair use for our students. My middle schoolers have difficulty grasping both the significance and the proper methods of these concepts.
    • Jessica White
      This is one of the most important details! Yes, middle school students struggle with citing. It is only going to be more important as more and more online resources are available.
    • Deb Ritchie
      I'm pretty clear on rights for print materials, but less sure when the item in question is a graphic, picture, etc. Does it make a difference that our course is only available to students in our classroom and not going out to the world wide web?
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  • Sufficient learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to students
    • crjessen44
      This is where I think Moodle or other similar tools will have an advantage. I like that I will be able to group all relevant resources together for students. I have a lot of resources right now but they are all scattered..
    • Nancy Peterman
      I definitely agree with you about these online tools making resources more available. Like you, I have many resources in many locations. I am gradually moving the resources to my Moodle course pages and plan to expand this to include Diigo. Grouping the resources will provide students with a consistent location while working and provide me with a better method for keeping web pages current.
  • Ongoing and frequent assessments
    • Ashley Weaver
      Formative assessments?
    • anonymous
      Good question - Would this be a good spot for using some of the online quiz tools that we saw on the Cool Tools website? Is it easier or harder to complete formative assessments in an online setting?
  • Instructions to students on how to meet the learning objectives are adequate and stated clearly.
    • rcordes1961
      AS Stiggens said many years ago, students need to know the target before attempting to hit the target. Trying to hit a moving target is frustrating and difficult for everyone!
    • Deborah Ausborn
      How true! It is important that the students clearly know what is expected of them.
    • Kathy Hageman
      My nine-year old even undertands this! He recently commented, "This assignment would be so much easier if (the teacher) had given us a rubric."
    • Kevin Kemp
      If our students don't know what to expect, what are we doing?  Students need and deserve to know what they are responsible to know.
    • mhauser
      I need to get better about making clear daily objectives. That's new to me, but my faculties have their learning goals posted on their walls each day. It's great for everybody. Kathy, I love what your son said. Kevin, you are right on the money!
    • Victoria Guilliatt
      I put my lesson objectives on the board when I teach my elementary library classes, it makes it easier for the students to know what I expect.
    • Mary Overholtzer
      What's amazing to me is when I have a student say, "Give me a rubric, and I can easily get an A with less effort." This scares me it's a way of putting forth mediocre work by "beating" the system. Tha'ts why every rubric I build has a perception component of quality when comparing project/discussions/etc with peers.
  • Assessment strategies and tools, such as "self-check" or practice assignments, make the student continuously aware of his/her progress in class and mastery of the content beyond letter grades.
    • Julia Schreckengast
      I am going to try to use next year with my CoPi blended classroom.
    • Amy Kemp
      I hope to create some practice problems or a quiz using Softchalk.  I have never created anything myself for them to do online.
  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning
    • Laura Eklund
      This is a great place for the cool tools for school, but there are so many out there I don't know where to begin. Also, it seems like everytime I find a tool that engages students a new and better tool comes out and I have relearn everything about that tool.
  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning
    • Bob Pauk
      Students today live in a different world than the one most of us in this class experienced when we were young. Sitting for 45 minutes with nothing more than an overhead projector or chalkboard to look at and nothing more than a teachers voice to hear is just completely out of touch with the way students experience things outside of the classroom. As educators we need to keep that in mind or we really will have kids bored to death.
    • Joleen Louwsma
      Students are multitaskers and grow bored when not challenged. Active and interactive learning is one way to keep them engaged. I also feel that as teachers we need to change our " tools" and raise the bar for learning.
    • mhauser
      In most classes, I think we have about 10 minutes to direct students toward the learning that we hope will happen that day. Then we have to let them get started on their learning and coach them as needed for the rest of the class. If there is confusion or a common thread shows up during the class time, the coach/facilitator/teacher might stop the student work to explain, or to have a student explain the issue, but otherwise, the focus is definitely not on the teacher. It's not about us. ;-)
  • • Academic integrity and netiquette (Internet etiquette) expectations regarding lesson activities, discussions, e-mail communications and plagiarism are clearly stated
    • Matt Tracy
      This, I believe, is more and more important because our students really struggle with understanding that once something is on the web, it's out there for good. They also struggle with understanding just the basics of appropriateness.
    • Kathy Hageman
      Do you think that in many cases students do know what is appropriate and what is not? I think that students sometimes push the limits to see if the instructor cares enough to hold them accountable.
  • The course goals and objectives are measurable and clearly state what the participants will know or be able to do at the end of the course
    • Bob Pauk
      This one is so simple, yet doing this effectively is probably on of the most important things an instructor can do to avoid problems down the road.
    • rcordes1961
      I agree, Bob. I think sometimes we believe students are suppose to be mind readers when it comes to what they will learn or be able to do.
    • Jason Gomez
      My school went to putting the learning target on the board everyday. I think it was good, but should be incorporated with a "ticket out the door" activity.
  • Instruction provides students with multiple learning paths to master the content, addressing individual student needs, learning styles and preferences
    • Deborah Ausborn
      I really love the idea that we can tailor courses to meet the needs of individual students. I would like to explore ways to have various paths leading to mastery. Once a student has mastered a concept, he or she can move on to the next concept. A student who needs more practice could be redirected to more learning activities on the same concept. One size does not fit all.
    • Kathy Hageman
      As I learn more about online learning and using Moodle, I am excited about the possibilities for differentiation. I see this as one of the greatest strengths of the format.
    • anonymous
      I love the idea of giving students ownership in their learning!
  • Technologies are chosen that are accessible to students
    • rcordes1961
      We need to keep in mind not all students have internet access at home. Online learning cannot be another way of separating the haves from the have nots.
    • Tresa Zaragoza
      This is the one that worries me the most. Between having enough computers and having them work when we need them.
  • A clear, complete course overview and syllabus are included in the course
    • Joleen Louwsma
      This is an important factor in making a successful class. What I think is clear and concise may be confusing to my students. Writing the syllabus, the course overview, expectations, and lesson instructions will be an ongoing process.
  • Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components
    • Kathy Hageman
      As students in this course, many of us understand that it may be easy to be overwhelmed when starting out in online learning. We help our students with simple and clear guidance.
    • Mary Overholtzer
      As time goes on, what we consider to be so difficult, becomes easier as time goes on. We must note that while we teach online learners---and naturally, while they teach us too.
  • The requirements for student work, including student interaction, are clearly articulated.
    • Kathy Hageman
      Limited experiences teaching online have taught me that the quality of student interaction rises significantly when there are rubrics that spell out expectations for student posts. Otherwise, students easily slip into the language and style of non-academic online social interactions.
  • The course provider offers the course teacher, school coordinator assistance with technical support and course management. .
    • April Tidwell
      I feel this is so important. One of my biggest concerns about going 1:1 next year is the lack of tech support. I haven't seen any plan to increase the tech department, and I often have to wait days to get answers currently from the help desk. Students get extremely frustrated when technology doesn't work especially if there is no one there to help them.
  • The course provides opportunities for appropriate student interaction with the content to foster mastery and application of the material.
    • Heather Gould
      Rigor and Relevance is the Characteristic of Effective Instruction that comes to mind as I read this. Good instruction is good instruction, regardless of the teaching modality. In a student-centered environment, as this suggests, students are encouraged to collaborate with others as they take their new knowledge and apply it.
    • Steven Petersen
      This is critical. Without face-to-face interaction there has to be a method put in place for frequent contact by the teacher. Students always have questions and an inability to address those questions will lead to frustration.
  • The course accommodates multiple school calendars; e.g., block, 4X4 and traditional schedules
    • Steven Petersen
      Why should this matter. Unless it is a blended class the confines of the school schedule should be immaterial.
  • The course provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student and student-student interaction to foster mastery and application of the material and a plan for monitoring that interaction.
    • hollysoby
      This is one I'm excited about - I'm hoping by mixing online with face to face learning I can have more interaction with quiet students - though I know from taking online classes it can be easy to just do enough to get by if there aren't a lot of opportunities to interact.
    • Tim Hadley
      I am hoping that is portion of the "face to face" is built in to help accomodate learning for students who are having trouble mastering the content. My worse fear of online learning is making the material move too quickly for students to keep up, making them frustrated and not positive learners.
  • The course structure includes a wide variety of assessment procedures to assess students’ mastery of content.
    • hollysoby
      This is something I feel like I need to be careful about - I think it's easy to get so excited about new ideas I throw a lot of projects at students at once - I need to think really hard about what I want to assess them on.
    • Tim Hadley
      Glad it isn't just me, I find that I also get pumped about something, throw it out to the students to "try" and then I realize at the end that I had no way to measure whether it was really effective or not.
  • • Grading policy and practices are easy to understand.
  • 21st century skills in the course, including: using 21st century skills in the core subjects, 21st century content, learning and thinking skills, ICT literacy, self-directed learning, global awareness
    • Tim Hadley
      Courses being online in and of themselves are 21st Century learning skills. However, I believe, online instruction should include more than just being posted on the internet. It should push students to be self-directed and global learners. Fulfilling this standard will take work, but I believe it is one of the most important goals of learning.
  • Hardware, web browser and software requirements, as well as prerequisite technology skills are specified.
    • Tim Hadley
      This is something I hadn't really thought about, but it makes sense. If students can't access your course from the beginning it would make it hard to impossible to be able to complete it.
  • Specific and descriptive criteria, including rubrics, are provided for the evaluation of students’ work and participation.
    • Jessica White
      This is always important to me as a teacher. Students must know how they are graded before the assignment/project is started. This would be the same with online learning.
  • The course provides opportunities for students to engage in higher-order thinking, critical-reasoning activities and thinking in increasingly complex ways
    • Deb Ritchie
      This is the standard that I'm most interested in. How do we make sure students are not doing the same old things only now with a computer? We need to keep the bar up there for higher-order thinking skills and critical reasoning. I'm hoing to gather ideas from class to help me do this.
  • instructional materials are aligned with the content
    • Victoria Guilliatt
      This is very important when I teach the elementary students in the library because it is very easy for them to become lost in the lesson
  • The course content and assignments are aligned with state’s content standards or nationally accepted content standards
    • Jason Gomez
      This always worries me; is the content of my class the same as the state's content? My district has gone to content mapping which makes it very easy to know that we are following state standards

ol101-f2020: Iowa Online Course Standards - 1 views

  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning.
    • erinlullmann
      When I talk to my teachers about integrating technology into the elementary classroom, I'm often suggesting ways that the technology can help increase student engagement. I'd like to learn about more ways to increase engagement using technology.
  • Instruction provides students with multiple learning paths to master the content, addressing individual student needs, learning styles and preferences
    • erinlullmann
      I think this is a potential way that technology can do something that face-to-face struggles to do on a day-to-day, lesson-by-lesson basis - meet all students' individual needs, learning styles and preferences. That can be extremely challenging in a face-to-face environment - it takes a lot of time and knowledge by the teacher. I would love to see examples of this in action during an online course. Will we explore this concept in the OLLIE series?
  • All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited and obey copyright and fair use
    • erinlullmann
      This is something that I want to remember to do when I'm creating model courses or courses for teachers. We tend to preach to our students to cite our sources and obey copyright laws, but it can be really tempting to just do a Google Images search for that perfect picture or clip art without caring about copyright. I want to make sure to do my best to model correct citing and fair use policies.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • student-student interaction
    • susanbrown87
      I think this is the component most missed in the online learning I've seen for COVID. Teachers interact with students and students with content but the student to student interaction is missing. it takes more creativity and the use of other tools to implement this well.
  • a wide variety of assessment procedures to assess students’ mastery of content
    • susanbrown87
      I need to improve in this category. After taking the OLLIE assessment course I see where I need to vary my assessments to include self and peer assessments.
  • alternatives to auditory or visual content, as well as accommodating the use of assistive technologies
    • susanbrown87
      This will be especially important for me next quarter as I will have a student with cochlear implants. In an all online course these would definitely be a challenge and something I need more help on depending on the device the student is using or abilities.
  • A variety of high-quality learning resources and materials are available to increase student success
    • susanbrown87
      Teaching online will require me to look for the variety in resources. I have my go to sites and strategies. Teaching a course strictly online would force me to increase my resources on the web. Taking the OLLIE courses has helped to increase these resources and tools.

ollie1: Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

  • The requirements for student work, including student interaction, are clearly articulated
    • herdegenk
      When you give instruction in class, it is much more convenient and easier for students to ask you to clarify any part of the assignment.  Instructions and requirements given online need to be much more articulated than if they were read in class. 
  • All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited and obey copyright and fair use.
    • herdegenk
      Can someone clarify something for me?  I was once told that I could post a document to a website for educational purposes as long as the website was password protected.  For example, I could make a copy out of a textbook, convert it to a pdf file and post it to my Moodle website so students wouldn't have to bring their textbook home with them to complete an assignment.  Is this disobeying copyright laws.

ollie1: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 2 views

  • understands how to teach the content
    • Jeff Struck
      It is more than just disseminating content. It is knowing how to deliver that content in ways that promote understanding, conceptual understanding. Your instruction needs to focus on connections, structure (models, schema), performance (application & transfer-think and act flexibly with what you know), sense making (can use it to make sense of the world), and reflection. This is an area I need a lot of practice tools and strategies for creating online learning environments that promote the Characteristics of Effective Instruction.
    • Kim Swartz
      I have a feeling many of us need a lot of practice, tools,and strategies in this area, Jeff.
    • Tami Plein
      I think the Characteristics of Effective Instruction have gotten lost in the sea of Essential Skills and Concepts. It is easier to think about teaching new content, then to think about teaching differently.
  • communicates learning outcomes
    • Jeff Struck
      It is critical in any learning situation to have the goals and success criteria identified but to also communicate them to the participants in ways that they can understand and in ways that they and the instructor can check progress.
  • best enhance student learning
    • Jeff Struck
      When designing an online course based off of a course that has previously been delivered face to face, is it best to design it completely online and then go back and look at those pieces that might best be delivered face to face?
    • Cindy Unger
      We should look at Iowa Core and the Characteristic of Effective Instruction. Shouldn't these hold true for and online course as well?
    • Becky Ahern
      I agree with you, Cindy. If it doesn't algn, we would have a problem.
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  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Jeff Struck
      If you understand how the teaching is similar and different between online and face-to-face learning, you can better prepare learning experiences that meet the needs of all learners and that supports what we know about best practices in teaching and learning. You can also make decisions about what may or may not be best suited for online learning.
  • data from assessments to guide instruction
    • Jeff Struck
      In face-to-face, you can use formative data to make changes in the content on the fly. Based on the data you get from participants you might need to revisit the content but in a different way or take the content deeper. You adjust and modify the content and how it is delivered based on what the participants know, say, and do. It will be interesting to see how one can make adjustments to content and instruction in an online environment when the content and sequence seem predetermined and somewhat 'fixed'.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals
    • bonnie gabriel
      Educators need to align content and instruction through the Iowa Core.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught
    • bonnie gabriel
      Many elementary teachers must develop a greater understanding of the math content they teach.
    • Tina Wahlert
      It will be very important to provide clear directions in how to use all tools we choose in developing our online class.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course
    • Tina Wahlert
      It will be very important to provide clear directions to students for all tools we use in our online classes.
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • Tina Wahlert
      I think that this is a very important point. Group collaboration MUST have a focus and be goal-oriented. without these components high quality learning is not possible.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • Tina Wahlert
      Our instructor has already done a very good job of modeling this standard. I hope to learn more from him related to this standard through the series of OLLIE classes. 
    • SLP John
      Communication still is so important even when the mode of communication changes from face to face to technology. I think courses in communication should consider teaching how we can communicate better via technology. The potential absence of non verbal skills can interfere with communication event.
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
    • Tina Wahlert
      It has been very helpful to have a cohort of AEA colleagues taking the OLLIE courses together. It offered both online and face-to-face interactions while learning the content.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well
    • Kim Swartz
      This becomes more and more important as information is online. We must be role models for students making sure we don't have any copyright infringement as well has teaching students about the importance of complying with copyright.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.)
    • Kim Swartz
      if people don't have these types of technology skills, I don't see how they would be able to function teaching in an online environment. This seems like a "no brainer" to me.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • Kim Swartz
      Seems like this could take a lot of time perfecting because it probably depends on age level and content of the course.
    • Cindy Unger
      I agree. Online learning takes more discipline and self-motivation than coming to a class face-to-face. As I look at the Iowa Core-the Characterisics of Effective Instruction will be in the forefront of my planning. How do you create a class that embeds all five characteristics (START)?
    • Sandy Ubben
      Another factor to consider is that technology changes so quickly. What seems like a great tool today may be replaced by a better tool in the near future. Continuous lifetime learning!
  • experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • Cindy Unger
      I feel that I am a better instructor (trainer) for Cognitively Guided Instruction because I had to experience what it was like to be the student first. The same is happening for me with this OLLIE course. The more I experience as a student, the deeper my knowledge is of how online learning can be successful
    • Tami Plein
      Having only started the Ollie training, I am truly feel like a student in high school math again-lost.
    • Vickie Parker
      I think every teacher should experience taking a class through the technology they are using so that they can better understand the challenges and frustrations the students may encounter, so they can anticipate and prevent when possible think through work throughs and have empathy.
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student
  • Provides and communicates evidence
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • Sandy Ubben
      This is so important with face-to-face and online learning. It seems like online class size needs to be managable for instructors to do this successfully. Are there guidelines regarding online class size?
  • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice
    • Tami Plein
      This is the hard part of what we do. We can learn about it, but applying it to our teaching may be a 2nd order change.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • Ann Lupkes
      This is truly the essence of the free appropriate public education for all students. This standard should help focus the desired outcome we expect for all students and then choose the appropriate method and tools to teach and assess.
  • Creates a safe environment
    • Ann Lupkes
      Creating an environment in which students feel safe and respected is an essential component of any classroom. Students in an online community still need to know their ideas, contributions, and participation are respected and honored.
  • feedback data to improve the course
    • SLP John
      The use of feedback is crtical, the instructor has have a flexible instruction and curriculum to make changes without jepordizing the intent of the standard
  • inappropriate student technological use
    • SLP John
      I am curious how this will evolve as more districts utilize computers in there classrooms. Students struggle with cell phones use/texting.
  • Establishes standards for student behavior
    • Julie Thomas
      It is important to set behavior expectations for any group. On-line learning allows for management of time, opportunities for both independent growth and social engagement, and provides measures of accountability within flexible boundaries.
    • Becky Zesiger
      I think this will be an interesting area to watch. I hope that schools change their thinking from "rules for technology" to "teaching technology etiquette."
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • Becky Zesiger
      Wow! this would be a full time job for me!
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategie
    • Becky Ahern
      How does this evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness?
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students
    • Becky Ahern
      As educators we need to keep this in mind as we consider motivation for today's learners. Motivation is huge for secondary learners!
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
    "student feedback data to improve the course"

May one stream a Netflix Video for in-class use? | University of North Texas Libraries - 2 views

    There is some helpful info from Carrie Russell, ALA Copyright Office (American Library Association) and yes you can. Her points were shared at a workshop. This doesn't summarize that, but is another reference point
    I really appreciate this information, which is a bit different than past information. It does not, however, deal with the online aspect of a private account, which I think goes beyond the pieces of this. In other words, it seems that you could show a clip in a blended classroom, but you could not rip the content and then load it to your class site. I think I am correct on that.
    This is interesting because I have not used Netflix in my classroom, but I would not have thought about asking if it was alright to use.

iowaonlinelearning - Teaching Standards - 94 views

  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • crjessen44
      I feel this is critical. As a teacher, I believe all teachers need to live this experience first hand, in the role of a student. Being a student in an on-line evironment will help me to be a better on-line faciliator. I will be more sympathetic to the stuggles of being on-line learner and hopefully I will be more effective, learning from my experience as a student.
    • Aryn Kruse
      This is so important---as a special educator I also feel it is important to also consider the impacts of a child's disability in light of their online experiences as well.
    • Kristina Greenfield
      I agree that being an online student will help me create a better online course. I think that is true with most anything we ask students to do. I try to complete my own work (usually essays) for some of my assignments that I give and by doing so, I can revise the assignment much more meaningfully.
    • Stan Newon II
      I completed my master's program entirely online 2 years ago and certainly "lived" in online learning. I believe that online learning has evolved significantly since then with many more tools available to make online learning more effective. There was some differences between how the various instructors delivered their coursework online. Being an online student certainly gives one an idea of what does and does not work and what one likes/dislikes. However I think we need to keep in mind the generational differences in learning; what I may not like about online learning as an older learner may be a very valuable online learning tool for a young student that has grown up with technology as being a natural part of their learning.
    • anonymous
      Not only is it important for an online teacher to experience online learning from the perspective of a student, but I think it is important for them to return to the role of a student from time to time. Each time I take an online course, I am reminded of the feeling of being overwhelmed by a long list of lessons/assignments and very little time to actually complete everything. It a great reminder for me as a teacher to be careful not to overload my students. Adding enrichment items might be a great way to achieve balance.
    • Christine Quisley
      Think about a traditional face to face enviroment that we all have experienced as children or as adults, with these experiences we have gained learning. As teachers we now know how we will or will not proceed because of our experiences. Online learning should be no different. You need to walk in others shoes to experience their success and/or difficulties
    • marcia knupp
      The perspective we get from our experiences colors the way we look at everything. Kind of like "your perception is your reality" Meeting the different needs of students (such as learning styles) seems unlikely with on-line learning.
    • Sherry Huffman
      My struggles in catching up and staying on track with this online class will definately have an impact on how I set up my own classes.
    • Toy Waterman
      I feel taking an online course is the very beginning of an online instructor's process for becoming effective. Being on the learning end helps an instructor know where to enhance assignment directions, proper amount of assignments for an online course, and types of assignments that are better understood from a distance learning perspective.
    • Lylia Chaffin
      I have experienced online learning and in most cases the experience was good. From the student side, it seemed pretty easy. From the teachers side it is quite complicated to create an easy to follow and interact with a good class.
    • Steve Butler
      I believe looking at things from a learner's perspective is also very important. I have sat through too many inservices and other learning opportunities thinking "there is no way I could ever teach like this and expect kids to learn" and other similar things. Observing other teachers helps a great deal too. Before I try some activities now I try to run them by my wife or other faculty members to get feedback and doing the same thing with an online course should really help.
    • Carol Price
      It is important for teachers to have had experience as an online learner before teaching an online class. Taking this online class is a new (and frightening) experience for me, but I believe that I am benefiting from this experience.
    • MaryAnn Strawhacker
      I could not agree more Carol! I tried to develop a Moodle and kept running into roadblocks. Now I am learning the problem was not with my content but rather with my lack of understanding as to how to fully use the learning platform.
    • Sarah Sieck
      I think this standard is just part a good teaching, be it online or in a regular classroom. As teachers, we need to also think about how the students will be engaged during our lessons (online or face-to-face). Being a student in an online course helps the teacher develop strategies to make their online course as engaging as possible. Learning and working with a variety of online tools (Moodle, screencasting, Diigo, blogs, etc) helps the teacher build a course that will hopefully meet their needs and the students learning needs.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • crjessen44
      This one grabbed my attention. I'm currently helping two students with special learning needs take an on-line math class for credit recovery. It has been a very frustrating experience for them in multiple capacities. They not only struggle with content, but with technology issues - the two combined are sometimes more than the students can handle. On a positive note, I've seen some really cool things you can do within an on-line class to tailor the instruction to better meet their needs. I think in some respects you could perhaps more easily tailor on-line learning to meet the needs of a more diverse set of learners?
    • Clint Luscombe
      i AGREE THAT THERE IS A LEARNING CURVE FOR TEACHER AND STUDENTS. Having the teacher monitor the student's initial work might help get them started.
    • Lora Lehmkuhl
      Learning is different for each individual. I watched my daughters take gymnastic lessons and compared their learning to the students in my classroom. Two of my daughters were flexible and learned well from their coaches. One of my daughters struggled, but kept trying to keep up. In the classroom, it really seems unfair to expect the students to all learn at the same pace. Online learning allows students to work at their own pace.
    • Pam Elwood
      Differentiation is a tricky topic. Look up research on learning styles and you will find mixed messages and limited empirical evidence. I do appreciate that I respond to visual supports, so that might increase my focus or my engagment, but after 12 months of considering learning styles in my grad work, it is hard to say that is the end all be all for tailoring instruction. Sound research and or evidence based practices...which are limited...can be generalized usually to increase student outcomes. Considering how to embedd interests and preferences is instructionally sound and can be a goal, but that may or may not include tailoring instruction. Take a look at this piece if you want to rethink learning styles as a strategy
    • Lisa Wymore
      I think this is a two-pronged issue - there is tailoring content to meet the entry points and learning styles of students, but there is also the technology piece of this with online learning. As an instructor, it will be important to provide support for using the technology & tools so that they don't become a barrier to accessing the content.
    • marcia knupp
      An on-line lesson that would give the content in multiple ways, assess the learning in multiple ways may still be too much for the students who struggle with technology issues.
    • Steve Butler
      I agree that tech can really help us with DI. My district has done some stuff with DI and I am trying to incorporate some of that in my classroom. With the knowledge from this course I hope to do more in the future.
    • Perry Bekkerus
      I love that Moodled DI (did I just make up a verb?) allows for both helping the strugglers, but also for challenging the brightest so that they are not slowed down by the mundane.
    • misti linn
      students who need reteaching or more direct instruction would benefit from online learning. i see this as a tool for me to help my AELP students with expanding their knowledge of my content area. i also enjoy using technoloyg and know that the kids in the middle, who we often forget about :( would like to use technology too.
    • Kristin Shelton
      All students deserve to have differentiated instruction. This really grabbed my attention because I feel strongly that all students can learn and deserve to have instruction to meet their needs
    • Pam Childers
      This standard seems especially important to me, given that my class will be about accessibility and engagement for all students. I will need to model what I preach!
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning (SREB M.3, Varvel IV.D, ITS 3.e, ITS 4.f)
    • linda welander
      This seems to be exactly what we are trying to do. The collaboration component of the class should provide all of us with a lot of different ideas, websites, and critiques that will save us time and effort. This is a tremendous asset.
    • Aryn Kruse
      I appreciate the use of the term "appropriate", often times technology is selected because it's the new thing, not because it's what is most appropriate for your outcome....
    • Deanna Tegeler
      I agree with you about the appropriate use of technology. It must be used with a specific purpose. When technology is overused / inappropriately used students get burned out on it just like any other teaching strategy.
    • Stan Newon II
      I agree with you as's not necessarily a good idea to use technology simply for the sake of using technology and a teacher can go overboard and use it too much. For example in a HS setting it could get annoying if every teacher was having students participate in a blog.
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      In the class I am currently taking, there have been several discussions that discuss not only "what" we teach but "why" we are teaching it. I really enjoy learning about technology myself and enjoy integrating it into my curriculum; however, I think that we need to remember that many of these resources are tools for our toolkit. They are not meant to the be the staple of the classroom. Stan, you gave a great example with blogs. Teachers need to remember that is it just as hard for students to remember different logins and passwords, especially if they have different ones for different classes. I myself do not like it when my usual username/password combination has to be altered; it is inevitable that I will forget it or lose where I wrote it down. It will be interesting to see how the next couple of years change with professional development and how they work to buffer the gap among teachers with their comfort level in technology.
    • Clint Luscombe
      I too am curious as to what type of technology the students would like to use in their "moodle" assignments.
    • Annalisa Miner
      As being 'newer' to all the on-line tools, I think this is where we have to pull in our 'experts' and be able to tell them what we need the tool to do and then get their feedback/have a discussion about what tool will best help meet our needs.
    • Pam Elwood
      I like this one...the right tech for the right learning outcome. We have been working at Kent State to define purposes and rationales for Web 2.0 tools. So when is a wiki the best choice vs. a blog. Is mandatory number of postings in a threaded discussion more likely to lead to higher order critical thinking and or engagement and dialogue in on online environment. Is there really a Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and beyond and what difference does it make? Does online interaction lead to different outcomes than face to face? It is nice to get past the novelty and consider the function and intentionally select the right tool for the right experience.
    • Lisa Wymore
      I think this is very important, but yet also poses a challenge to online instructors. We do need to be able to choose the appropriate tools. The challenge (but a good one) comes in keeping up with the new and improved options that become available in this rapidly changing environment.
    • Toy Waterman
      Appropriate tools will help with clarity and assignment directions. However, one of the better tools for distance learning is the ability to do screencasting so screens can be shared when more technical help is needed. Trying to explain how to do something can be very frustrating to a learner, when showing him/her would be a much better approach - screencasts.
    • Joan Fredrickson
      I agree Toy, screencasts are very helpful for clarifying how to do something online. I am looking forward to learning how to use a screencast tool myself and believe it will make more efficient and effective use of my time. Currently I type up directions step-by-step..which takes way too much time and increases the chances of error. Screencasts make sense!
    • d YM
      The number of potential tools for incorporating in online instruction seem limitless. I'm amazed at what is available, yet also deterred by the time it takes to locate quality resources that i envision helping me engage learners in more rigorous inquiry and achievement.
  • ...63 more annotations...
  • • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students (SREB D.8, Varvel VI.F, ITS 5.e)
    • linda welander
      I think this is one of the best features that online learning provides. With many of the programs I use students get immediate feedback, not only the correct answer but the reason that answer is correct, as the student completes the lesson. This is essential to today's students because too often once they receive a final score, they fail to read any notes or explanation from the teacher or to question why their answer was not correct.
    • Rebecca Clausen
      I would agree that the immediate feedback that online learning can provide is a real asset. Students will know results right away so they don't end up practicing or learning the wrong way.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3, Varvel III.B)
    • Rebecca Clausen
      Learning the technology necessary to have a quality online class will be an ongoing process with the rate that new technologies are being developed.
    • Cathy DeValk
      So true--not only do you need to be up-to-date and knowledgeable on the course materials, but also the methods of delivering the information.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS 4.d)
    • Rebecca Clausen
      Understanding individual student motivations may be difficult via online instruction. I think this would be a challenge.
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      I agree with you, Rebecca; however, it can be just as powerful for other students. There is a fine line that I think is going to be ongoing learning process for teahcers.
    • Clint Luscombe
      I believe that there too must a learning curve for the students! They will need to feel comfortable with on line learning and the teacher needs to find out what motivates them in this platform.
    • Sarah Nemmers
      I think that students like this technology and will use it to enhance their learning.
  • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice (SREB C.8, ITS 7.c)
    • Rebecca Clausen
      Staying current with research and new developments in content areas will be easier through new technologies.
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      Networking is vital! The one thing teachers never have enough of is TIME; I think having time to network would be another constraint for some teachers. When you are taught something new or given something to play with at a class it seems great at the time, but often seems like you need to debrief after wards. Getting involved are the two key words in this standard for me. We have been always told that practice will only make things better; in order for educators to grow professionally, we need to be just as involved as we want our students to be.
    • anonymous
      Ashlea, agree! I need to practice new learning. I need to talk to other learners. Kids are the same. It does all take time.
    • Angie Hance
      Have learned a lot from others already! Both through this class' forum but also through others, such as the GHAEA 21st century learners conference! One presenter shared what she does with jing to "edit" and record narration when she provides feedback to students on their writing assignments.
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • Chad Otdoerfer
      I believe this is one huge advantage of online courses. Online test give students immediate feedback, but maybe more importantly online data allows educators to analyze it and then use it to guide their instruction. If most students missed certain questions on a test and the teacher knows that immediately then the following day he/she can re-teach some of those concepts or ideas.
    • Ginny Kraus
      I agree - in this generation of instant response or gratification a teacher can incorporate that into the online lesson by giving that quiz that has an instant reply. Then while it's all in one place the teacher can utilize it reteach immediately.
    • Sarah Sieck
      This is another standard the is not only important in online teaching, but teaching altogether. Through an online course you need to learn different tools to assesst students' understanding of content. This can been done in simple and easy ways using polling and quizzes or responses to questions through a discussion forum.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • Chad Otdoerfer
      I think this is important in an online course because it is more difficult to build strong relationships and communicate effectively when people do not see each other face to face daily.
    • C Richardson
      As we never talk face to face, making connections with the instructor, the online social presence is critical. This piece of 'online classroom management' will be interesting to experience through this course and to determine how to create it in our own course(s).
    • Jackie Fober
      As we continue to expand PBIS in Iowa and AEA 267 as part of statewide RTI and the Department of Education's goal to have 100% of schools implementing PBIS, it will be much more difficult to provide face-to-face opportunities for schools to learn and network, particularly after they have completed the 3 years of core PBIS instruction. Social media opportunities will really assist in providing ongoing positive opportunities for PBIS schools to interact, share resources/tips, and trouble shoot challenges with PBIS implementation and sustainability.
    • Robin Olberding
      I feel that you could be on 24/7. When I am taking a class or teaching one, I find myself checking in many times. That can be both good and bad.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • Chad Otdoerfer
      If any educator wants to improve they need to consider students feedback and data and improve upon their classroom practices. I think educators who do this become more effective then those who don't.
    • Robin Olberding
      I agree that we need to consider student feedback, but you need to look at all of the feedback and not zero in on 1 negative one. It is always helpful to re-evaluate our teaching periodically.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core
    • misti linn
      It is essential that we know what our districts goals are. technology should be infused whenever possible into classrooms. students are familiar with it and like to use it
    • Janet Boyd
      Alignment with the Iowa Core is imperative especially since the advent of the Common Core. It will ensure the rigor needed to ensure all students receive a quality education.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Bret Larson
      It is great to have a learning environment where the students and teachers are on the same page. Students need to work together amongst themselves, to learn collaborative techniques. It is also important to work with the teacher, so both teacher and student are getting the most out of the class. If the student works with the content this will ensure they are covering everything they need to.
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • Bret Larson
      It is important that the teacher designs their course online correctly so the students can get the most out of the course. We should not just plan an online class to say we have done it, but rather make it appropriate to the level of the students, and the objectives you want them to complete.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Deanna Tegeler
      This is why I am taking this course. I want to enhance my students learning and I feel that greater incorperation of technology will allow me to do that. I
    • Sarah Nemmers
      I agree I want to have students have a resource outside of the classroom to use to enhance their learning. Technology helps me do that and keeps their interest
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      The more that I discuss online learning, the more I think about the face-to-face teaching. I feel that this tows a fine line as we all have a variety of learners in our classroom. Balancing the face-to-face and online instruction is an element of teaching that also depends on the age level you are teaching. I think that the older the learners are, the more content they be exposed to online.
    • Jackie Fober
      I have appreciated the recent opportunities I have had to participate in face-to-face instruction that utilize on-line tools, like moodle. It has been a good way for me to transition to using on-line learning opportunities. I find that I continue to be a little more slow and cautious as I am taking and applying my new learning. I am motivated to push my learning by the fact that I see my MS and HS daughters jump into using web 2.0 tools with ease, and know that I must keep up with the times if I am going to cpntinue to be effective in engaging with student and adult learners in a much more technology-based world.
    • Robin Olberding
      In my on-line teaching, I still have one session that is face to face. I need that time to show equipment that I do not feel can be adequaately done on-line. That is the way that I still feel like I'm dabbling my feet in the water.
    • Cathy DeValk
      I've been looking at different stuctures, like the Khan Academy, which makes "face to face" more like "sitting next to" and doing work alongside--just a different viewpoint.
  • Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction
    • Ashlea Ahrenholtz
      This benchmark is essential! Without setting and modeling clear expectation, the classroom atmosphere and learning experience will be choatic. Content and engagement are two addends to create learning. The sooner these elements are introduced to the students, the better the interaction will be for the students and the teacher.
    • misti linn
      the learning environment needs to be purposeful. i think many of use have tried to incorporate on line learning and it does become chaotic and like a game, when we want it to be purposeful and meaningful to students. setting clear expectations will help students understand that they are learning, just in a different way.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well (SREB E.5, Varvel I.B
    • Jeanine Kliefoth
      Understanding material on the internet is easy to access but is not necessarily "free" to use any way we want is important to understand. Teachers need to model this and teach the students copyright law and fair use.
    • Peggy Keegan
      I believe that we need to have a good understanding of fair use and intellectual property rights. Our students have to be taught how to be good digital citizens and follow the guidelines so that they can apply their digital literacy skills in all that they do. If we model these skills, then it shows our students how important it is to comply with the guidelines.
    • Clint Luscombe
      I very much want to comply with the "Law." But I found it difficult to know if some of the "images" I wanted to use were copyrighted.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently (SREB D.1, ITS 1.g)
    • Clint Luscombe
      I am very curious to know how much the students will like to communicate with the teacher and themselves using on line learning.
    • Janet Boyd
      I too would like to know about this. I think learning needs to be collaborative. Collaboration would have to be very different. I find it overwhelming trying to collaborate here. It is like everyone is talking at once.
    • Kathy Hay
      I like the word "creates" used twice in this standard.  Teaching is more than a degree.  It is an art that combines compassion, passion for learning, and acceptance with the belief that everyone learns everyday!
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
    • Clint Luscombe
      I hope the students would appreciate the on line communication that takes place regarding each graded assignment! Teacher feedback SHOULD MOTIVATE THEM.
    • Lori Beltran
      Feedback is key, at all stages of learning, for all types of learners. Hopefully when students work online, they will access the feedback and refer to it during their learning process.
  • including rubrics for student performances and participation
    • Clint Luscombe
      However, most rubrics I see seem to be rather subjective. They use words like several, many, one page....without defining them with perhaps numbers!
    • marcia knupp
      Good rubrics are difficult to make and more so to keep relevant to what you want your participants to accomplish.
    • misti linn
      Rubrics make sense as a classroom teacher, so that students can see the highest expectations and the lowest grade they can earn. Rubrics for online learning are just as important.
    • Kristin Shelton
      Detailed rubrics outline or should outline what is expected so a student knows the expectations. The rubrics should be user friendly and easy to understand by the student and pass a stranger test (if another teacher read it, they would understand and be able to use it).
    • Peggy Keegan
      I feel that generating a good rubric is very difficult. It is important that we are tweak and change our rubrics so that our expectations are very clear for our students.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught
    • anonymous
      How many times have you been asked to teach something and had to 'come up to speed' before you could do it?
    • Robin Olberding
      On the flip side, I work with teachers in the area of PE/special needs, who have no background and are unwilling to ask or accept assistance. It is not a reflection of them personally but in the student's best interest.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course
    • anonymous
      I think many times staff are overloaded with 'initiatives', asked to implement technology and lack the staff development they need, including practice time, to implement it, yet are expected to be able to assist the students with that technology. Many educators successfully implement new technologies, but have spent many, many hours of their own time making this happen.
    • marcia knupp
      I don't have a problem with my content or teaching it. I can definitely say problem solving the technology will be the most difficult part of teaching an on-line class.
    • Robin Olberding
      I agree with Marcia. I have a handle on the content that I am teaching but do not have the basic understanding myself to problem solve. Where is that warm body who understands when you need them?
  • how to teach the content
    • Annalisa Miner
      I think this standards gets to both sides of effecticve teaching. As Clair stated at the beginning of this standard, people are asked to teach content they have to 'get up to speed with' and then we have the other realm which I face frequently in my work with teachers...they know the content, but don't know how to make it comprehensible for student learning or how to deliver the content effectively.
    • Joan Fredrickson
      I agree. I think this is a process that will take some time and purposeful learning by the the teachers. Our school is implementing AIW, which seems to be on track with this.
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • Annalisa Miner
      Using data is so crucial in knowing what our students need. I can see where being knew to teaching on-line I will have a lot to learn about effectively using data to evauluate my on-line courses!
    • misti linn
      It makes sense that we continually use data to assess our effectiveness. This is the criteria we hold ourselves to in the face-to-face classroom, so it makes sense that data is used to show results in the online environment. Just because we like using technology, doesn't mean students are learning.
  • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use
    • anonymous
      This was not something we prepared for in my Math Methods class, circa 1986. The PC had been invented, but barely.
    • Carol Price
      #8: Rather than dealing with "issues arising from inappropriate student technological use," this standard should encourage a proactive approach with prevention as the focus. Clearly defined expectations of how students will handle the equipment to using online resources should be established as part of the instructional protocol.
    • Katie Gavin
      Website specific to Iowa Online Teaching Standards, important for accountability and consistent communication about what quality teaching looks like no matter what the platform!
  • Demonstrates growth in technology kno
    • Lori Beltran
      As educators, we need to stay ahead of the game, we must stay current with emerging technologies, but I don't think all schools are requiring teachers to stay current in technology and use technology with their students and their learning.
    • Lylia Chaffin
      Staying current in online technology and face to face methods plus the curriculum is a daunting task, but most teachers are meeting the challenges.
    • Staci Mangrich
      I agree that teachers need to be required to stay up to date with the ever changing technology. It is the method that our students love and are engaged in.
    • Peggy Keegan
      As educators, we do need to stay current with emerging technologies because our students are using every new thing they can get their hands on. We need to be comfortable and familliar with these technologies so we can help students learn in the way they know best.
  • emonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures (ITS 8.a, ITS 8.b)
    • Katie Gavin
      Standard 8 a is critical, I find that too often many don't think about the consequences of their on-line behavior and we are not always doing a great job of teaching ethics with students.  
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused (SREB C.5, Varvel V.I)
    • Jackie Fober
      Promoting opportunities to collaborate and support each other is so important in PBIS implementation. Learning and incorporating my new skills in Ollie will be critical in order to align with Iowa Teaching Standards and utilize web 2.0 tools to enhance adult learning.
  • goal-oriented and focu
  • goal-oriented and focused
  • goal-oriented and focused
  • student self-assessment and pre-assessment within courses
    • Lisa Wymore
      Providing oportunities and tools to support metacognition are key to motivation and learning.
    • Christine Quisley
      There can not just be one type of online strategy used. We must use the tools appropratly and efficently. When I plan professional development I try very hard to meet the needs of my learners no matter what my comfort level may be, of course the more I try new facilation techniques the better I get at using them. I think technology strategies and techniques should not be any different.
    • marcia knupp
      I couldn't agree more that we need to meet the students where they are and take them to where they need to be. I would say that the participants that are more advanced in technology will be the ones who keep me awake at night trying to meet their needs.
    • Christine Quisley
      Exactly! We must make clear what we will and will not except as appropriate pieces of social interaction. Posting "I agree" is sometimes appropriate and sometimes not.
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
    • Sherry Huffman
      This standard is of particular interest to me considering the content we are focusing on for this class-- it is a CONVERSATIONAL model. So, I am still thinking through the best way to assess my participant's progress with the model using technology.
  • learning outcomes and expectations
    • Sherry Huffman
      I need to continuously refer back to this one. What is the PURPOSE? What is the INTENDED LEARNING? Not, what cool stuff can I put online for my class...
    • Chris Mangrich
      This is a reminder for me as well! I get excited about new tools and resources and sometimes forge ahead with using them BEFORE I consider what I want students to learn. I need to put that in "reverse"!
    • Cathy DeValk
      So important that students and educators are on the same page--meeting expectations on both ends.
    • Janet Boyd
      Expected learning goals need to be the driving force when we design a course.
  • the professional teaching standards established by a state-licensing agency, or has the academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching (SREB A.1, Varvel II.A)
    • misti linn
      it makes sense that someone should have teaching credentials, I know this may sounds silly, but everything on the web cannot be trusted as true or credible, so should the person teaching the content have to prove or display their credentials somewhere?
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict
    • misti linn
      I would hope that conflict could be kept to a minimum, but I suppose with some content or student groups, conflict could crop up. I could see this potentially happening with high school or college students, even though I don't think that other groups could be immune to it.
  • Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate use of the internet and written communication
    • misti linn
      this is a must for 8th grade students who need to know how to use the Internet appropriately. i would hate to see students bully eachother in an on line environment that is supposed to be purely academic, not like facebook which is social
    • Staci Mangrich
      All students need to know the expectations and be taught appropriate netiquette.
    • jendittmer
      I believe that this should be explicitly taught to all students.  I think that often times teachers think that students know what is appropriate and what is not, but I am not so sure that is the case.   
    • Carol Price
      #7: This is a very appropriate standard because teachers who teach online will have first been students themselves.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
  • Has knowledge of and informs student of their rights to privacy and the conditions under which their work may be shared with others (SRE
    • Carol Price
      #8: I wonder why no one selected this standard. One cannot enter a doctor's office today without being informed of one's privacy rights. It seems appropriate that an online teacher includes privacy rights and regulations in instructional content.
  • 5. Creates and implements a variety of assessments that meet course learning goals and provide data to improve student progress and course instruction (ITS 5)
    • Janell Wright
      These seem to be a good hallmark for all instruction whether online or face-to-face
  • inappropriate student technological use
    • Janell Wright
      With the rise of cyberbullying, I think that this becomes especially important. Instructors must find a way to ensure this is not happening with their students.
  • students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • Janell Wright
      I think in some instances this could pose a real challenge. Not seeing students face-to-face could add to the challenges for these online learners with special needs.
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students
    • Peggy Keegan
      Communication is key when letting stduents know what your expectations are of them.
    • Janet Boyd
      Essential to student learning and monitoring student progress. Vital for formative assessment.
  • in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • Mary Blaisdell
      This is a tricky one. Who can keep up with the seemingly endless new technology tools? It's an important thing, though, to keep trying because new and better tools keep rolling in for us to possibly do our jobs even better with students.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds,
    • Mary Blaisdell
      I am beginning to get the picture that online instruction is one way we can do just the various needs of students. We are better able to differentiate because of the multitude of resources at our fingertips.
    • Janet Boyd
      It is important to select online sources that align and enhance the Iowa Core.
  • Selects and understands how to evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives
    • Janet Boyd
      Assessment is a big concern for me. It is so key to the learning. I just watched a TED video on online education by Daphne Koller called: What we're learning from online education. The have these huge online courses where they use peer assessments. Interesting if you have time to watch.
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
  • 4Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
  • 4Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V) • 1Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A) • 1Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and 1
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V) • 1 Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
    • barb jens
      After having been on online student and now an instructor, you really have to learn how to teach differently. It seems that while you are planning a class you have to predict all of the possible instructions that a variety of learners may not understand. Since you do not have immediate feedback as you would with face-to-face instruction, you really have to be more deliberate. You also have to be checking your class to see how you need to differentiate to meet their needs.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
  • 1 Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • denise carlson
      Certainly and important bullet point! However, from personal experience, I would say this happens over time. The more online learning/teaching experiences you have provide you with clarity regarding the differences in these two teaching venues. I think I learned as much about great and not-so-great online teaching from my experience as an online learner as I did from my few experiences as an online instructor. 
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • russelljohanna
      I think it is an important point that quality teaching, even online, requires the teacher to respond to data. A course cannot just be packaged. Quality teaching using data and FAs is the expectation. 
  • corporates social aspects into the teaching and learning process, creating a community of learners (ITS 6)
    • russelljohanna
      Another important point, for me, is how important it is to create a community of learners. Students need to know each other, even if it is online. Quality learning doesn't happen in isolation because feedback challenges our assumptions.
    This seems to be exactly what we are trying to do.
  • ...7 more comments...
    Online Iowa Teaching Standards
    I feel this is especially important as many or my students have much more experience with learning on-line than I do. They may not have taken a course of study this way yet, but they are more familiar with gathering information with this medium than I have.
    I am very glad that I am taking a moodle course online before I am having my students do this because it allows me to see the stumbling blocks as well as the potential for expanded learning.
    I am learning so much about what I thought I knew about online learning and how it's actually occurring. I appreciate the fact that I can access prior assignments, information and tutorials to refresh and clarify my learning.
    online teaching standards
    There is a delicate balance of what tools to use and how to utilize them so all students can achieve. It is important to use tools that help students further investigate and gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.
    I can so relate to this standard whenever i am navigating the waters of change. It is always exciting to entertain new ideas and to learn about different approaches, but such is not without a bit of stress. Recognizing that transitions aren't always clean or easy helps me move forward.
    online teaching standards
    Learning needs to be continuous and with variety. A teacher needs to experience what it is like to be a student periodically to continue developing and renewing the skill of empathy.

The Quest for Quality - Educational Leadership - 11 views

  • In the past, few educators, policymakers, or parents would have considered questioning the accuracy of these tests.
    • Denise Krefting
      I was a teacher who didn't question cut scores. In fact they made life easier for me- but there really was no real learning beyond the assessment. This transition to continual learning makes so much more sense!
    • denise carlson
      This sentence is so true. I remember bringing home ITBS scores to my parents. As long as the scores were in the 90th percentile or better they were pleased. I don't remember them ever digging deeper to ask the teacher what I actually knew or did not know. To them it was an important test and whatever the results said must have been the truth. I'm glad we're not there anymore.
    • Cindy Blinkinsop
      Very true. We never questioned ITBS or ITED scores - we believed they were the one and only true assessment of a student's abilities. My how things are changing! There are so many factors to consider (region, vocabulary, did the student eat breakfast, did the student get enough rest, etc).
    • Natalie Smithhart
      I can remember as a child being very worried about my ITBS score, I was never a good test taker and I knew how "important" these tests were. I am glad that these days we use more authentic types of assessments also.
    • Lora Lehmkuhl
      I just reviewed ITED scores with our son. I recently read that ITED scores are closely related to scores one might expect for ACTs. This really worries me as a parent since we have a special needs child whose vision problems have greatly affected his performance in school. He plans to take the ACT test this spring and I know he's not prepared to accept a low score. Convincing him that he needs to take practice tests and study has been really difficult.
  • The assessor must begin with a clear picture of why he or she is conducting the assessment.
    • Denise Krefting
      Using this with the concept of backward design shows us how many options all fit together.
    • Joletta Yoder
      I too value the "Begin with the end in mind" method. I find it easier, after establishing learning goals, to determine how I'll assess them then let that direct my method of instruction.
    • Lora Lehmkuhl
      The "end product" might have different meaning to the student. For example, I teach a cooking class and the end product is often the food prepared. It can be difficult to convince the student that a standard muffin has specific characteristics. We review the characteristics before beginning the lab. In the eyes of the student, if it is edible it's just fine! You wouldn't believe how many times students have mixed up baking soda for baking powder and have been completely satisfied with a pancake that tastes like soap.
    • Marcia Jensen
      Strangely, after all the staff development, I think some teachers don't know why they are giving certain assessments. Part of this may be that they are philosophically opposed to so much testing but I think there is still a lack of understanding about the concepts being taught: the minutiae are more clear.
  • four categories of learning targets are
    • Julie Townsend
      These targets could define four different assessments given quarterly. Don't we give informal assessments that cover some of these targets?
    • Marcia Jensen
      I like checklist type information because it helps me to evaluate and plan my own instruction. I can use these criteria to make sure I plan for all these targets in my instruction.
  • ...58 more annotations...
    • Denise Krefting
      What is the Iowa Core calling these?
  • Do the results provide clear direction for what to do next?
    • Linda Hoobin
      What plan is provided for improvement with the Iowa Assessments?
    • Darin Johnson
      I would like to see an efficient, real-world model of such a system.
    • Joletta Yoder
      I would love to see our inservices allow for time to have such reflections on our assessments and allow us to redirect our planning. How much more would we see student growth if we not only reflected and redirected but also shared our observations with colleagues who also have the students (cross-curricular and at the next level) to have growth be specific and continual rather than a 9 month experiment that restarts from Ground Zero the following year!
    • parsonsbrandi
      Yes! There's so much research that values reflection, and yet it's something that one almost feels "guilty" doing on contract time.
  • Selecting an assessment method that is incapable of reflecting the intended learning will compromise the accuracy of the results.
    • Lori Pearson
      This shows how important it is to set your learning targets and then make sure your assessment gives you the information that you are seeking in regards to those targets.
    • jalfaro
      Without proper training, I'm sure this happens all too often. Teachers often teach and test based on their own experiences and not based on best-practices.
    • Linda Hoobin
      If you can't determine an assessment to match your learning target, could it be that your learning target needs revision?
    • Julie Townsend
      I couldn't agree with you more! Some teachers refuse to open up to the latest in best practice, assuming that '36' years of teaching for example, has given them enough info to have 'all' the answers. And if the assessment is too difficult to create to match the target, why yes, revise the target. It seems we need to think outside the box, and to remind ourselves to keep updated and in touch with the world.
    • Deb Versteeg
      I think many times, the catch here is the gradebook. Many stakeholders(parents, students, administrators, etc.) have very rigid expectations for grading and equate assessment and grading. Teachers don't know how to manage both effectively, and tend to default to the needs of the gradebook for survival.
    • Lori Pearson
      Ah.......the gradebook. I believe you have hit the nail on the head, Deb.
    • Denise Krefting
      I have found it useful for another person to look at the assessment. Especially someone in a different curriculum area.
    • Deborah Ausborn
      That sounds like a good idea. Why, specifically, do you use someone from a different curriculum area? I can think of some ideas, but I don't know if they are the ones you are considering.
  • After defining inference as "a conclusion drawn from the information available,"
    • Denise Krefting
      So.. if my rubric says " requires deep thought" and I define or give examples of deep thought would that be better. I am struggling with the use of those words in my rubric- my participants have had not difficulty with the words, I just feel it isn't as specific as maybe I should make it....
    • Julie Townsend
      What is the definition of 'deep'?
  • a student might assess how strong his or her thesis statement is by using phrases from a rubric,
    • Lori Pearson
      Connection to rubrics in my group during the first week-are the phrases strong and promote further progress in their learning?
    • Darin Johnson
      I like the phrase "using phrases from a rubric." I think I'll borrow this idea and phrasing!
  • If we don't begin with clear statements of the intended learning—clear and understandable to everyone, including students—we won't end up with sound assessments.
    • Peggy Christensen
      I remember once writing a test item that had a term in it that my sophomore biology students didn't understand. Some asked me what the word meant, but what about those who were too embarrassed to ask?
    • Linda Hoobin
      This helps solidify the Iowa Core characteristic of effective instruction--assessment for learning and why it is part of the Iowa Core.
    • parsonsbrandi
      I can relate this to my children and the way that my husband and I differ on how we give directions. For example, he may say, "Your job is to be good." To a three and a five year old, "be good" is a very vague term. I might say something along the lines of, "Your job is to listen without interupting me, use good manners like saying, 'please and thank you,' and to sit down while we're eating dinner."
  • Figure 2 (page 18) clarifies which assessment methods are most likely to produce accurate results for different learning targets.
    • Peggy Christensen
      I have seen this chart from Stiggins work before and have found it to be quite useful. This reminds me of why we need to take the written portion to get an Iowa Driver's license, as well as taking Driver's Ed. or taking the Driving portion (of the test) to get a Driver's License. We need to know both the factual "stuff" (like what a STOP sign means), as well as the skill of being able to actually drive a vehicle.
  • new levels of testing that include benchmark, interim, and common assessments.
    • jalfaro
      And I wonder how much Professional Development teachers (new and old) have been given to support them as they face the new assessment expectations. I think too much is taken for granted...teachers need training if all of this testing and data is to make a real difference for our students.
    • Cheryl Merical
      Totally agree!! Teachers need to know not only how and why they are collecting data.  But how to use the data to make instructional decisions.
  • the use of multiple measures does not, by itself, translate into high-quality evidence.
    • jalfaro
      Exactly! More is necessarily better.
  • and the students themselves
    • jalfaro
      I think that we often forget about this part of the equation! I remember all too often getting a computer generated page back with test results that I couldn't understand and I'm sure that this is still happening nationwide. We must not forget that our jargon must be translated to the student and the parent so that all stakeholders are on the same page.
  • test plan.
    • jalfaro
      And how often do we as teachers fly by the seat of our pants?
    • Linda Hoobin
      This takes me back to DWALA training from Heartland AEA years ago. Anyone else remember this?
    • Julie Townsend
      We do sometimes, especially when placed into a different level of programming at the end of the school year.
  • noise distractions
    • jalfaro
      I once had to ask that they stop mowing the grass just outside my classroom window while my students took the FCAT Reading test in Florida...minor details like this can make a HUGE difference for the kids testing! I couldn't believe that my administrators hadn't considered all of the details.
    • terri lamb
      This can be major for some students - I took a professional knnowledge test years ago in an auditorium and the monitors were talking softly at the front but it really carried - they had no idea and I didn't say anything but noise doesn't normally bother me so I know it bothered others.
  • assessment literate
    • jalfaro
      something else that I think is often taken for granted....
    • Cheryl Merical
      Agree. . .another reason for TA for teachers regarding how to not only gather data, but understand how to use it.
    • Marcia Jensen
      Here lies a bigger problem than we want to acknowledge.
  • Clear Learning Targets
    • Sandy Kluver
      When I first read Stiggins and Chappius' works, it was clear that targets need to be static... not moving! We can't expect students to hit a moving target.
    • Lori Pearson
      If you don't know where you're going, how can you get there?
  • function CheckKaLogin() { if (getQuerystring('kalogin') != "") { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('?kalogin=1', ''); } } function getQuerystring(key, default_) { if (default_==null) default_=""; key = key.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]"+key+"=([^&#]*)"); var qs = regex.exec(window.location.href); if(qs == null) return default_; else return qs[1]; } window.onload = function() { if (getQuerystring('kalogin') != "" ) { // window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('?kalogin=1', ''); //alert('kalogin'); } } .smallf { font-size:9px; } MEMBER SIGN IN Username / Customer ID / E-mail Password Forgot your Username or Password? JOIN ASCD &nbsp;|&nbsp;MEMBER BENEFITS Register for ASCD EDge &nbsp; var userNameField='dnn_ctr898_ViewLoginModule_txtUserName';var passwordField='dnn_ctr898_ViewLoginModule_txtPassword';var loginField='dnn_ctr898_ViewLoginModule_btnSignIn'; function printPage() { window.print(); } //function sendData() //{ //'/dnn/desktopmodules/VCMPrintSendArticleModule/sendfriend.htm'); //} function sendData(data) { // Initialize packed or we get the word 'undefined' var packed = ""; for (i = 0; (i < data.length); i++) { if (i > 0) { packed += ","; } packed += escape(data[i]); } window.location = "/dnn/desktopmodules/VCMPrintSendArticleModule/SendFriend.htm?" + packed; } function openWindow(url) {, 'mywindow', 'width=350,height=370,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes'); } Print This ArticleSend to a Friend OAS_AD('Right'); Online Store ASCD's Top 5 Books Classroom Instruction That Works Enhancing Professional Practice, 2nd Edition The Art and Science of Teaching
  • aim for the lowest possible reading leve
    • Sandy Kluver
      This really surprises me. I've never thought to write a test at the least possible reading level. With my ESL students, I always make sure the words aren't new to the students but hadn't thought about the level I was writing the test at.
  • Use a reading score from a state accountability test as a diagnostic instrument for reading group placement.
    • Sandy Kluver
      hmmm... we do this for Instructional Decision Making groups in Carroll. It's only one piece of the puzzle, but at the beginning of the year, we rely on the ITBS Reading Comp score to place students into groups.
    • Cheryl Merical
      Unfortunately, I think that is a common practice of many districts.
    • Deb Versteeg
      Sandy, I've always been bothered by this part of IDM, also.
    • Marcia Jensen
      I have done this myself at the high school level. No other data exists for my use in connection with students I don't know and time constraints.
  • Seven strategies of assessment for learning.
    • Linda Hoobin
      This is one of the most practical resources on assessment that I have read in a long time. I recommend it to all!
  • cultural insensitivity
    • Linda Hoobin
      I witnessed this first hand when the demographics in one district changed dramatically over the course of about two years. For younger students, pictures in an assessment were used. Several of the students had never seen a rose, but they knew it was a flower--but flower wasn't a choice.
    • Cindy Blinkinsop
      This is so true! One night my husband and I were watching COPS and they were in NYC. A little boy pointed to the very small grassy area in between four apartment buildings that made a square and said, "He just ran through that meadow." I looked at my husband and said, "That kid would flunk the ITBS because he doesn't know the true definition of a meadow...for him, the small grassy area is a meadow. But for our region, a meadow is described totally differently and looks totally different." Test writers do not consider regional vocabulary enough when putting together an assessment. It is still 'one size fits all.'
    • Marcia Jensen
      There are some obvious things when it comes to cultural sensitivity. There are also some things a person preparing a test just might not know since their culture is different.
  • access to the data they want when they need it,
    • Linda Hoobin
      This implies timely feedback.
  • students
  • learning continuum
    • Linda Hoobin
      Learning progressions that Margaret Heritage talks about in Assessment for Learning.
  • The classroom is also a practical location to give students multiple opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do
    • Linda Hoobin
      Multiple is the key word here!
    • Cindy Blinkinsop
      I agree - multiple opportunities. We need to consider the various learning styles that we are teaching to each day and how each will best be able to show proficiency based on a product meaningful to the learner.
  • the reason for assessing is to document individual or group achievement or mastery of standards and measure achievement status at a point in time.
    • Julie Townsend
      Mastery is what we want as teachers, and using an accurate assessment done frequently should show us how far students have come in their achievement.
  • Choosing the Right Assessment
    • Julie Townsend
      I like this table--the categories and the description within.
    • Cheryl Merical
      Agree. Would be a good reference tool for all teachers.
    • Lisa Buss
      I think I will use this as a reference.
    • Deborah Ausborn
      I agree as well. This would be a good tool to share with my home school parents.
    • Joletta Yoder
      Great reminder for all of us, especially English teachers, that we can, and should, be using various forms of assessment. I'm hitting PRINT right now and posting this on my wall in and in my planning folders!
  • Specific, descriptive feedback linked to the targets of instruction and arising from the assessment items or rubrics communicates to students in ways that enable them to immediately take action, thereby promoting further learning.
    • Darin Johnson
      Whenever I read the word "specific," I can't help but to remember my third year of teaching when the English 9 teachers would share an old reel-to-reel converted to VHS instructional video with the class. Several minutes into the video, the narrator would tell the students: "Specific is terrific." This type of feedback is really the exception rather than the rule, isn't it?
    • Deborah Ausborn
      This is really good practice, but extremely time consuming. We need to include as much as possible, but it may not always be feasible or possible to do it all the time.
  • build balanced systems, with assessment-literate users
    • Cheryl Merical
      Wouldn't an RTI model with all its components (e.g., universal screening, progress monitoring, etc.) implemented with fidelity, meet this criteria??
  • Creating a plan like this for each assessment helps assessors sync what they taught with what they're assessing.
    • terri lamb
      .This is a great way to document each assessment.
  • In the case of summative tests, the reason for assessing is to document individual or group achievement or mastery of standards and measure achievement status at a point in time.
    • Darin Johnson
      The point where my assessment breaks down is that my formative assessments are almost always for individuals rather than for groups. Aside from ITEDs, no one beyond my classroom seems concerned with assessment data.
  • inform instructional improvement and identify struggling students and the areas in which they struggle
    • Cheryl Merical
      If we can identify students at-risk earlier through regular progress monitoring, we can move away from the "waiting to fail" model. 
  • Students learn best when they monitor and take responsibility for their own learning.
    • terri lamb
      When we begin a project in desktop publishing the students and I brainstorm the different skills and techniques they can demonstrate and use in the project which in turn becomes their checklist or rubric. They feel more ownership and may need to revisit a skills that other students - they often require more of themselves as well.
    • Lisa Buss
      I think this is very true and I also believe that the learning is at a higher level.
  • For each assessment, regardless of purpose, the assessor should organize the learning targets represented in the assessment into a written test plan that matches the learning targets represented in the curriculum
    • Lisa Buss
      In other words, we must test over wht we've taught?
    • Deb Versteeg
      Or....we need to be sure that students are learning what is going to be assessed. And what is going to be assessed is aligned with the intended learning target. I think too often in classrooms, the teaching is first, then the learning, then the alignment with the assessments or definied learning targets.
    • Natalie Smithhart
      So we need to decide what is going to be assessed first before we create the curriculum. I think often as teachers we do this the other way around. Seems like it should be simple, but sometimes I find myself creating my curriculum before I have decided what I might need to assess.
  • Teachers should design the assessment so students can use the results to self-assess and set goals.
    • Lisa Buss
      I need to do a better job of this!
  • Annual state and local district standardized tests serve annual accountability purposes, provide comparable data, and serve functions related to student placement and selection, guidance, progress monitoring, and program evaluation.
    • Lisa Buss
      But, in my opinion, what's being taught isn't necessarily what's being evaluated.
  • As a "big picture" beginning point in planning for the use of multiple measures, assessors need to consider each assessment level in light of four key questions, along with their formative and summative applications1
    • Lisa Buss
      This is brand new to me!
  • Summative applications refer to grades students receive (classroom level)
    • Lisa Buss
      I wish we could get away from grades and move to a benchmark checklist. When the student is proficient in one skill or concept they can move on to the next.
  • At the level of annual state/district standardized assessments, they involve where and how teachers can improve instruction—next year.
    • Deborah Ausborn
      It is great when this data is used to improve instruction. I was teaching in Texas whe Gov. Perry took over from George Bush (late 90s). The annual testing there was used to determined which schools received the most funds for the next year. High scoring schools received more money; low scoring schools received less money. Sadly, the low scoring schools generally needed the funds so much more than the high scoring schools. I had friends teaching in downtown Houston who told me how many of their students came to school with just a plain tortilla for lunch. They needed more funds, but since they received low scores received less funds. The students from the suburbs (such as Sugarland where at that time the mean income was $100,000/year, attending private tutoring (paid for by parents) several afternoons a week so their test scores would be higher. I literally saw students and teachers who had nervous breakdowns due to the pressure on the testing results. I agree we need assessments; I'm just concerned about how some of those assessments are used.
  • Feedback to students can use the language of the rubric:
  • Although it may seem as though having more assessments will mean we are more accurately estimating student achievement
    • Deb Versteeg
      This is definitely a common misconception.
    • Lori Pearson
      Although, there are times when we need to dig deeper to find out exactly what area needs strengthening. Take reading comprehension, for example, so they are low in that area, what does that mean-many, many components make up that area.
  • The assessor
    • Deb Versteeg
      This term, "the assessor", in and of itself has got me thinking. While the instructor might be the one "giving" the assessment, might the "assessor" at times not be the instructor? Could the state or the district be the assessor in some cases? Could the student be the assessor?
    • Amy Burns
      Devil's Advocate at work a perfect world, our assessments would inspire students to WANT to improve, but in reality, can a rubric really do that in and of itself?
    • Marcia Jensen
      I have yet to see a student use a rubric to improve a project. I think the idea of it is good, but the self-motivation is not there, or I don't know how to motivate them myself.
  • Given the rise in testing, especially in light of a heightened focus on using multiple measures, it's increasingly important to address two essential components of reliable assessments: quality and balance.
    • Amy Burns
      Agreed. Now, if multiple measures are indeed so important, why are we still so mired in the standardized tests to judge success?
    • Kay Durfey
      I believe that this article "The Quest for Quality" really gets at the heart of the importance of having "focus lessons" daily and more long-term learning targets for both teachers and students. Being specific and purposeful about what and how we want students to learn (skills and academic (vocabulary) is essential to genuine learning and performances.
  • Knowledge targets,
  • Reasoning targets
  • Performance skill targets
  • Product targets
  • It also helps them assign the appropriate balance of points in relation to the importance of each target as well as the number of items for each assessed target.
    • Marcia Jensen
      Is anyone besides me starting to feel overwhelmed? I guess this could be done as a districtwide assessment project, but what this article is really starting to accentuate is how little time teachers have for pondering once a school year begins.
  • This key ensures that the assessor has translated the learning targets into assessments that will yield accurate results. It calls attention to the proper assessment method and to the importance of minimizing any bias that might distort estimates of student learning.
    • Marcia Jensen
      This is what I really want to learn how to do!
  • A mechanism should be in place for students to track their own progress on learning targets and communicate their status to others
    • Marcia Jensen
      My comment here concerns this whole paragraph. I think we need to provide time to students as well as teachers for analyzing the results of assessments, and for using the results to make their projects better. As it is, no one has time to revisit the object of the assessment. Time constraints have all educational participants roaring along at breakneck speeds
  • Who is the decision maker?
    • Marcia Jensen
      I think this question is crucial. If the decision-maker and the purpose of the test are punitive rather than informed, no wonder people don't want to be assessed! of course we need to consider this as people who are decisionmakers and quit using tests scores to punish students--we don't like being punished for results and neither do they.
  • applying data to decisions for which they aren't suited.
  • Assessment literacy
    • Marcia Jensen
      Surely a staff development need.
  • A detailed chart listing key issues and their formative and summative applications at each of the three assessment levels is available at
    • Marcia Jensen
      Hoping to share this with our data teams this year.
  • cultural insensitivity
  • Are results communicated in time to inform the intended decisions?
  • to know what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate uses of assessment results—thereby reducing the risk of applying data to decisions for which they aren't suited.
    The point where my assessment breaks down is that my formative data is rarely shared with others. We don't look for trends or patterns or discuss needed changes in content or instructional delivery.
    I believe that this article "The Quest for Quality" really gets at the heart of the importance of having "focus lessons" daily and more long-term learning targets for both teachers and students. Being specific and purposeful about what and how we want students to learn (skills and academic (vocabulary) is essential to genuine learning and performances.
    Founded in 1943, ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies for the success of each learner. Our 175,000 members in 119 countries are professional educators from all levels and subject areas--superintendents, supervisors, principals, teachers, professors of education, and school board members.

ol101-f2020: Iowa Online Course Standards - 3 views

  • The course content and activities are of sufficient rigor, depth, and breadth to teach the standards being addressed
    • Janet Wills
      hardest thing to do- not get caught up in whistles and bells-- stay focused on what's important
  • • All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited and obey copyright and fair use. (iN 4.9, QM 4.3)
    • travisnuss
      I would like to have more information and help to make sure I am doing this correctly, especially since I don't cite anything I use pretty much makes me sure I am not doing this correctly. Copyright is still fuzzy to me even though we spent time in one of the Blending/Flipping classes on it.
  • A. Course Overview
    • travisnuss
      This is something I feel as a school we really need to sit down and think about and come up with some common language for integrity and netiquette. We have realized three weeks in the school year, that this wasn't something discussed with our hybride students and many of them did not realize they were responsible for the online work on the days they weren't in school, not just the work they got when they are in school. The feeling is that most of our staff felt that the students would pick that up on their own and now that we are a few weeks in, both the students and teachers are trying to adjust to that minor detail.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • The course provider offers orientation training
    • brippentrop-nuss
      I feel this is something we should work on as a district or by building level to have some common expectations. Teachers could build on it with their own expectations but lets give them the foundation to start. I fell we missed the mark on this with our hybrid students and even our online students who are working through online courses from an outside vendor.
  • Learner Engagement
    • brippentrop-nuss
      This one I'm struggling with in my one section of 100% online students. I need to learn some strategies to have students interact through zoom.
  • Learner Engagement
    • Deborah Cleveland
      I have been reading "The Online Teaching Survivial Guide" and it does a nice job of talking about these three types of interactions and how to build those into a course.
  • instructor-student interaction,
    • Deborah Cleveland
      Module Introductions and mini-lessons (text, video, podcast) Announcments that remind, coach, suggest, and inspire Explanations and interactions with students via email, forums, and live events.
  • student-student interaction
    • Deborah Cleveland
      Opportunities for small group work that encourages student to student interaction could include problem-solving, gaming, or collaborative writing. One other thing that the book mentioned is to start student-student interaction casually. This allows people to get comfortable with each other and the processes of working as a group without having to wrestle with new content.
  • student interaction with the content
  • Technologies are chosen that are accessible to students (iN 4.7, QM 6.4)
  • Technologies are chosen that are accessible to students (iN 4.7, QM 6.4
  • ogies are chosen that are accessible to students (iN 4.7, QM 6.4
    • Deborah Cleveland
      With so much technology out there it can be overwhelming. One thing that I did this summer was encourage teachers to find out what the district/school was making accessible to them and their students and then build their capacity around using that tool. Sometimes this was hard because they had to give up similar tools that did the same thing, but for the sake of consistency with students and also ensuring that all students have access to it...knowing what your school or district is using in essential.
  • student interaction with the content
    • Deborah Cleveland
      In an online course, digital content is king. Digital content allows for learners to engage in it anywhere, anytime, and often while doing other things (think podcasts while workingout). The good news is there is a ton of content out there. The bad news is as a instructor, I need to sift through it all and decide what is the best content for my learners (keeping in mind that what might be perfect for one learner may not be the case for another). One suggestion that the book had was to have learners identify resources that extended their learning around the core concepts of the course.

ollie1 (Peterman): Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 40 views

  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • ames726
      I feel that this is essential for any teacher of an online course.  Just as a classroom teacher  has at some point been a student in a classroom, so should a teacher of an online course have been an online student.  It is an imperative experience that provides empathy and understanding that would otherwise be absent
    • ljhlaura
      I agree with this comment. While I think it is possible to be successful teaching in an environment one has not experienced personally, having that experience makes it easier and more likely. As I take the first steps in designing an online course, I think about how I would experience certain elements if I were the student and am able to draw on personal experience.
    • clmensing6
      absolutely! It is very important to me to be able to do what I ask my students to do. If I don't know what they are doing, it is my hope they can teach, or at least show, me how they did what they did.
    • kelleyneumann
      I agree.  I think this applies to all teaching, not only online teaching.  Whenever I assign a new project to my students, I like to go through the assignment myself so I can be ready for questions or make adjustments to avoid confusion or frustration for my students.
    • cwhitebotello
      The experience of being an on-line learners helps me as an on-line teacher be more sensitive not only to learning to content but also the stress new on-line learners go through.  Am I doing this right? Where do I find this? Learning to "routines & procedures" in the on-line classroom can be stressful!
  • Meets the professional teaching standards established by a state-licensing agency, or has the academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching
    • ames726
      My concern here is with the word "or."  My opinion is that the correct word should be "and."  Although I believe that it is of utmost importance that an instructor have academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching, I also perceive it to be just as important that he or she meet the professional teaching standards established.
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory
    • ames726
      I agree that learning theories are an integral part of teaching.  This ties to the annotation I made under standard 2.  Having this knowledge is an innate feature of meeting the professional teaching standards established.
  • ...47 more annotations...
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning (SREB H.1, Varvel VI.C)
    • ljhlaura
      I agree that administering varying types of assessments is important to ensuring that students who learn and communicate in different ways will have an opportunity to demonstrate what they know. Some might be most successful in responding to direct, objective test questions, while others might be more effective in writing essays. Multiple types of assessments can also reveal the depth of knowledge of any one student, regardless of learning and communication style.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well
    • ljhlaura
      I am curious to learn about complying with intellectual property rights online. While copyright law allows for "fair use" for educational purposes, online courses seem especially suited to drawing material from other parts of the Internet. At what point might a teacher cross from "fair use" into a violation of someone's intellectual property rights?
    • ames726
      I am intrigued by this thought.  the term "fair use" seems vague and undefined.  I agree that online courses do seem particularly suited to drawing material from the internet.  Perhaps examples of acceptable use vs. unacceptable use would be helpful.
    • ramonasatre
      This is a great question. I don't feel I fully understand "fair use" when it comes to using material from the internet for courses.
    • Adam Cox
      I intended to highlight this as well. Perhaps since it is already highlighted I am unable to do so as well. Fair use issues and proper citing of sources is probably something many of us need an update on. Especially now that our content will be online for people to see and perhaps even borrow in their courses, we need to be sure we are legal in what we share and use.
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
    • ramonasatre
      I think networking provides great opportunities in all field for learning. Sharing real experiences are some of the best "professional development" I have attended. Just attended the science TIC; wonderful experience of teachers sharing with teachers.
    • stitesm
      You are correct.  Networking is the best way to learn.  It isn't always easy finding time to get together face 2 face but technology is enhancing our collaboration across the state in order to learn from each other
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students
    • ramonasatre
      Wish I had a clear picture of "what" motivates students. This concept in the classroom or online can be a tricky one.
  • content knowledge (including technological knowledge
    • Elizabeth Fritz
      great connection to Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) ...attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology
    • hstaebell
      Technical knowledge is a hard one for me. I feel like technology changes at such a rapid pace and with not being in a physical classroom I have to rely on myself to further my tech knowledge. That doesn't happen easily.
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • Elizabeth Fritz
      This can be a most challenging task, online group work that has true collaboration. So often we just want to be anonymous.
  • • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students (SREB D.8, Varvel VI.F, ITS 5.e)
    • senoracoffey
      As a student and as a teacher, I have found getting my assignments graded online as a student and grading them as a teacher is very time consuming. Sometimes I have even wondered if my assignments were graded by my instructors. It takes a lot of time sitting in front of the computer, opening up each student's assignment, and grading it with quality feedback. I have found that online work tends to take a lot longer to grade. 
    • Adam Cox
      We are currently using a lot of Google Docs in our classes at Woodbine, and I too have been a bit overwhelmed by the time it takes to grade work. Some resources like Flubaroo are helping me with multiple choice type work but basic writing stuff takes a long time.
    • cwhitebotello
      This seems to be a common theme and something that on-line teachers struggle with. Getting timely feedback as a student is important so new learning is affirmed before I move on to the next topic.  As a teacher it requires allot of time and self discipline to attend to. 
    • sarankin
      Getting feedback on student work is key for motivating students to work hard daily.  Google Classroom has made a big difference in face-to-face classes and I believe it could also make a different in online classes.  If the assessment is a paper, then the teacher can give feedback daily or every few days instead of just grading the paper at the end when it is due.  This feedback would allow for students to know if they are on the right track as they are working on it.  
  • • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning (SREB M.3, Varvel IV.D, ITS 3.e, ITS 4.f)
    • senoracoffey
      Having reliable, quality, affordable software to support learning is hard to come by. 
  • • Has knowledge of and informs student of their rights to privacy and the conditions under which their work may be shared with others (SREB E.8, Varvel I.D)
    • Adam Cox
      I think this would be easy to overlook in this type of class offering. Sharing student rights as it pertains to their work and who exactly will be seeing it IS important.
    • Adam Cox
      Course evaluations have been interesting to me in the past. If they are not well designed they can create a forum for feedback that is not as "helpful" as you'd hope. Putting a lot of thought into the feedback you are seeking and then asking about those things in particular with carefully worded questions might help a person avoid "extra input" that sometimes is not as helpful. (I've had students use them as a place to judge and criticize. That CAN be helpful, but it is often not the type of feedback that leads to creating change for the overall good of the course.)
  • • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course (Varvel VI.F)
    • Adam Cox
      Be careful as to the questions used for bringing in feedback and think hard about whether to make it anonymous or not as well. Open ended feedback from anonymous posters is sometimes not as helpful as you'd hope it to be. :)
    • disneygal
      My experience is that course evaluations for online or traditional AEA courses are often not completed. Those that are posted often do not have enough detail to help guide changes.  We have tried to send out a separate SurveyMonkey and don't get a good response there either. Would be concerned re: how this criteria would be evaluated.  AND, I would love to know how to encourage more course feedbackk!
    • Deena Recker
      When this was trialed in my last course, I found the pre-course evaluation fairly straight forward. The co-teacher and myself had to revise the post-course evaluation a few times as we walked through the course to ask questions that provided us with usable information. 
  • Incorporates social aspects into the teaching and learning process
    • Cari Teske
      Collaboration is key to a successful online course.  It is not enough to read content and complete assessments.  A student needs to be actively involved in the learning process.  This is where discussion forums become important as do the activities that you are directly involved with during the class.  Reflecting and responding increase the social aspects and allow for learning to go beyond the content provided.  - Cari Teske
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools (chat, email, web 2.0, videoconferencing, webinar, whiteboard, etc.) (SREB B.3
    • mcgillicutty
      As teachers we need to follow the 21st century technology standards.
  • • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • mcgillicutty
      It is important for students to learn in groups and for them to collaborate with each other, problem solve, and to learn good communication skills.
    • paulboysen
      Alignment is very important to make sure that the students are are receiving instruction to meet the local achievement goals.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • paulboysen
      With the implementation of DSI, this area becomes critical for successful implementation of this mandated instruction.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently (SREB D.1, ITS 1.g)
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
    • stitesm
      Very important for all instructors on either side of the screen.  Keep current on new research by reading, taking classes, collaborating and networking. 
    • cwdorman
      Online instruction is more than just putting print up on a website (the online version of worksheets perhaps!)--one must strive to learn all aspects of the technology and use it to be an effective online instructor.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students (SREB A.3, Varvel II.A, ITS 2.a)
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
    • shawnaharris
      Just in case the other comment wasn't posted, here it is again...All participants/students should know what is expected of them and how they will be graded and classroom expectations.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
    • shawnaharris
      There is a HUGE difference between face-to-face and online learning/teaching.
    • Cari Teske
      Very true.  Also, between blended and those mentioned above.  Strategies used need to be developed to provide learning to be at it's optimum.  
    • janevolden
      I feel there is a definite challenge that is larger barrier than teaching face-to face.  You must get your thought across without that personal face-to-face and not loosing anything in the interpretation.  you must also feel as though you have your message getting across ....quite a challenge.
    • sarankin
      I agree that there is a huge difference between online and face-to-face teaching.  I also believe that some people think it's "easier" to teach online and takes less time.  Actually I think it takes more time!
  • Continuously
  • evaluate
  • • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use (SREB E.7)
    • verploeg
      Students believe that copying and pasting from several sites alleviates the worry of plagiarism while never translating the material into their own words.  In addition, sometimes students have the false idea that posts are anonymous unaware that what is said online remains.  And edits and deletions may be impossible.  With this comes responsibility.
    • kelleyneumann
      This is a huge concern in our building since going 1:1.  Students don't understand that they can't copy and paste something word for word from the Internet.  I have had students simply change one or two words and think they can all it their own. 
  • Demonstrates techniques for dealing with issues arising from inappropriate student technological use (SREB E.7)
    • paulboysen
     This is a test.
  • • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction (SREB J, ITS 5.c)
    • paulboysen
     I have found assessment data to be very valuable in seeing if what you are teaching matches the goals of the course.  Data often show gaps in instruction.  It also indicates areas that may need to covered in more detail.
  • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict (Varvel VII.D, ITS 6.e)
    • paulboysen
     I have found that dealing with the problem before it escalates usually is the best approach.  If a student is having a problem, talking with the student in a normal calm voice can beneficial.  Sometimes, things just blow up and then the main goal is to keep the students safe.
  • • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice (SREB C.8, ITS 7.c)
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students
    • anonymous
      This corresponds to teaching mathematics. One MUST know the content at grade level, what content comes before, and what content comes after.
    • cwdorman
      This would seem to be pretty essential as one must know the content well in order to teach it effectively.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • anonymous
      I believe that the content being learned must be the focus and not the technology being used. The technology should only be a tool that enhances student learning.
    • stitesm
      Good comment!  Even with students that we work with face 2 face.... technology should not be a subject or an objective but it should be used to enhance their learning with core curriculum.  
  • presentation of the conte
    • stitesm
      This can be scary for on-line instructors because it is important that you apply the correct presentation of content for students to learn and engage.
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • verploeg
      Teaching is all about constantly tweaking the material to meet the students' needs.  What worked a year ago may not work at all with the current students.  
    • Cari Teske
      Yes, reflection is always good.  But, often times it needs to happen during the course.  As instructors we often assume that others will be able to follow along with the instruction.  When that is not the case, material needs to be retaught.  In a face-to-face classroom, one can observe the students.  In an online class, it may be more difficult to see and the method of gathering understanding from participants may take a different approach.  
    • Deena Recker
      I find it very helpful to document immediately following a lesson with a student before going on to the next. It helps keep data clear and immediate.
  • Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate use of the internet and written communication
    • verploeg
      Some students are under the mistaken impression that copying and pasting from several different websites and compiling this info is NOT plagiarism.  Translating into their own words hasn't been done and yet they don't understand that they are stealing content.  We, as educators, must establish the guidelines for writing with integrity.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • verploeg
      Knowing you can get a teacher's feedback quickly is important in keeping students engaged so frustration does not set in.
    • kelleyneumann
      This is essential to any online course.  Unfortunately, I have taken courses in which the instructor is either unavailable and/or unapproachable and it is extremely frustrating.
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • verploeg
      With all the technology available free, it seems it would be easy to throw in elements that really don't enhance the learning of a topic.  Prudence would need to be taken.
    • disneygal
      The details in this criteria include 2 items that are recognized as cornerstones of good teaching and likely share common definitions-overviews & reviews and patterns in lesson sequencing. "Appropriate visual web design techniques" on the other hand does not have a widely held definition. Where will this come from? How can online instructors keep up with what are appropriate techniques?
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS 4.d)
    • abbys213
      It is very important for an online student to be engaged. Instructors can help by adding interactive pieces to the course.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
    • abbys213
      This class is helping with that!
    • mikedemario
      This is important.  I try to go through each evaluation to improve the course experience - but would love to spend some more time creating a more thorough evaluation document
    • mikedemario
      I try to have any assignment where teachers create a lesson, worksheet, unit plan, homework activity, etc - contain a component that allows them to evaluate the impact on student learning.
  • Knows and aligns instruction
    • deb loftsgard
      It is imperative that teachers (whether teaching online or face to face) has alignment with their standards, instruction, and alignment
  • instructional strategies
    • deb loftsgard
      In an online course, instructional strategies can get tricky, but it is important to keep things fresh, and keep participants engaged in the learning process.
  • planning, designing,
    • Cari Teske
      When starting an online class is important to design it with the end in mind.  What do you want students to know by participating in this course?  Planning and designing how to get to those goals is critical.  It can often be difficult for instructors to 'unlearn' what they are already know.  In a regular classroom they pick up clues by observing the students as to whether they understand the content.  That is much harder to do in an online environment.  Therefore, it is important to carefully review your course throughout the planning and designing stage in order to deliver a clear message of instruction.
    • janevolden
      I really feel that I am working on aligning my course to the Iowa Teaching Standards.  I LOVE standards....think it is such a great thing for all. 
    • matt66ludwig
      If instruction is not aligned to the achievement goals of the district and/or state, I again would question the intent of the lesson. Alignment ensures that we are teaching and monitoring what students need to know and be able to do.
  • Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation (Varvel VI.D, ITS 5.b)
    As a yearbook advisor, I've always taught students that you can mention film, media, music, games, etc. and you can use portions of lyrics but not whole songs or poems. Attribution is important, but doesn't necessarily let you use whatever you want. If kids want to use pictures in our book from Facebook or Instagram, I make them ASK permission from the person who took the picture. As an Art teacher, I explain to students that it gets a whole lot messier. No one blinked when Warhol parodied advertising labels or art masterpieces or when Marcel Duchamp recreated the Mona Lisa with a mustache, but Shepherd Fairy was sued by the Associate Press for basing his Hope/Change/Progress posters of Barrack Obama on one of their news photographer's images from a press conference. I encourages students to use Photoshop, Pixler or Google Drawings to create their own graphics and MeMes rather than simply downloading preexisting material, but I don't think I'll ever manage to stop them from looking up pictures on the internet to draw or paint.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Okay, but don't we also need to have a feel for each individual student's learning styles, cognitive abilities, behaviors & intelligence strengths & deficits? Anyone who's been a classroom teacher for very long can also tell you that every group seems to have a "chemistry" or personality or relational dynamic which is unique too. Every year I've had to adjust because of how groups get a long or work together or respond best to. I would like to know if the social/group dynamics play as much of a role in online teaching if any. Is it like classroom teaching, something that you gain instincts about through experience? It there just as much art and science to teaching with moodle or in a chat room as in an actual school?
    Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques (SREB C.14, Varvel V.F)
    I agree to be the best teacher you have to experience the lesson from the students perspective. Having been on both sides give the educator a much better understanding of how things should be taught.

ollie1christensen: Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

  • course provider in most cases, not the course instructor or course creator
    • Erin Payne-Christiansen
      I've taught primarily in the high school setting, with a few summers of adjuncting in a small college, so this differentiation between instructor, creator, and provider struck me as very interesting. I've always been both instructor and creator; I've also felt that the "provider" (the schools I've taught within) gave me as "instructor/creator" a great deal of freedom. It seems though, that with online courses, these three roles could easily be assumed by three different people. Communication and interaction between these three roles would be perhaps even more important!
    • Lorilee Hamel
      But am reading this wrong or do I not understand it well, because I think the provider would be the school or institution giving the credit: high school, college, university, elementary school. Doesn't the CP designation identify the requirements of the institution to provide legitimate and exemplary online instruction?
    • Lorilee Hamel
      The "Learner Objectives" are similar to what would be expected in any class: online or otherwise. And are vital to ensuring quality instruction.
  • (K-12) • Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.
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    • Lorilee Hamel
      The inclusion of the online literacy skills, especially use of technology is a tricky one. One of the admonitions that we face as educators is the reminder that, for example, in an English literature course how much of my instruction should be on the application of a software program or online tool? Should any of my instruction time be taken up with instruction on those 21st century technology components or should it only be used in an English literature classroom IF the student know how to use it and no class/instructional time needs to be used up on the technical aspect of a project or learning demonstration?
  • All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited and obey copyright and fair use.
  • Information is provided to students, parents and mentors
    • Lorilee Hamel
      This new learning opportunity MUST include the method of informing and including all major educational stakeholders.
  • timely and frequent feedback about student progress based on the learning targets
  • foster mastery and application of the material and a plan for monitoring that interaction.
  • Student evaluation strategies are aligned with course goals and objectives, representative of the scope of the course and clearly stated.
  • Specific and descriptive criteria, including rubrics,
  • Ongoing and frequent assessments
    • Lorilee Hamel
      Inclusion of many opportunities for formative assessment of the student's understanding and abilities as well as clearly coordinated summative assessments is vital!
    Here are my ideas about the Online Course Standards proposal.

ollie1: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 1 views

  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • Clint Profit
      I think this is very important.  Especially when talking about doing online instruction.  When it is online you do not have the ability to change on the fly.  Everything must be very well planned.  Crisis management must be thought of ahead of time.
    • Barb Ahrens
      Agreed. An online instructor, must be well organized and think through all of the curriculum prior to teaching an online class. I believe these strategies are essential in the face-to-face classroom; however, in the face-to-face environment, there is the opportunity for changing your lesson at a moment's notice. Online is not quite as easy, nor should the learner be faced with the stress of an unorganized teacher.
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
    • Clint Profit
      This is the beauty of online instruction.  You can have different people using different tools.  Differentiation at its finest.
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  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • Barb Ahrens
      As an instructor, I find student feedback is valuable in making future improvements for an online class. Many times, in the online environment, it may be difficult to know if students felt confident and/or struggled with how the class was set up; management, instructor feedback, etc. Course evaluation provide an invaluable insight from the learner, if the evaluation is done correctly and confidetially for the learner.
    • Amy Kolln
      I agree! Any way of knowing how you can make sure everyone gives feedback yet make it confidential?
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Barb Ahrens
      Teaching online versus face-to-face has many differences. The most challenging difference is creating a collaborative and meaningful environment amongst your learners. As an instructor, teamwork and grouping is important within the online environment. Also, creating instruction and assessments to encourage collaborative learning is essential. Too many times, face-to-face teachers believe teaching online means less work. They are incorrect. My experience as an online instructor, is many times, the workload of an onine class, can be twice the work due to 24/7 communication with students. Assessments tend to be more thorough as well, creating more time and work by the instructor.
    • Amy Kolln
      Anytime I learn using collaborative instruction I not only retain more, but I feel like I have more resources for future learning in the new friends/colleagues made. This rarely happens for me face-to-face as I am not as good with in-person social interaction.
    • Denise Paustian
      Well said Barb, if the collaborative environment is not there, essential learning will not take place. And yes, it is more work. I also agree with Amy regarding the retention. I am more of a visual learner and I love having resources available to me that I can access at any time. With our students now growing up in such a digital world I feel the more we can offer them to increase their learning style, the better our students will be. I also wonder what may happen to our communication skills if some students are always allowed to only do online instruction?
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Amy Kolln
      Agreed. It can be easy to go crazy adding in all kinds of technology and images. But this can be overwhelming. Think of an ADHD learner and how they learn best without all the distractions.
    • keyna day
      I also thought that this benchmark was important since with lesson sequencing and unit/lesson overviews since the main objective is for optimum learning for the students!
    • Debbie Ryan
      I think this benchmark is important because students learn in different ways, and by using different techniques more students will be successful.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • Ann Kuhlman
      Maintaining an online presence is vital to an online course. Both my son and daughter have taken online courses for college credit and some amounted to not much more than reading assignments and online quizes. With so little contact with the instructor, they were hesitant to ask for help or discuss issues they had with ambiguous or poor test questions.
    • Jeanine Kliefoth
      I agree. Students need to feel comfortable communicating with the instructor so they don't get behind. We all have gmail accounts in our school and students contact teachers with questions all the time - I like to know if they need help.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • Ann Kuhlman
      After taking this course, I totally agree with this one! Seeing things from a student's point of view is essential for a successful experience. As a teacher, you may think you have explained everything clearly and that your course is easy to navigate through, however, this may not be the case.
    • Denise Paustian
      I agree with you Ann. I went to college later in life and was able to take many classes online to get my degree. I found those staff who had regular classroom hours for weekly discussion to be more beneficial to me. I had one class that had little to no classroom instruction other than weekly assignments. I did not hear from the teacher until the class was over and I found out my grade. In regards, I did not learn much from that class.
    • Debbie Ryan
      I also agree with you Ann. Moodle has been a real challenge for me.
  • • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well (SREB E.5, Varvel I.B)
    • Jeanine Kliefoth
      I teach the students in my technology unit about copyright and how material on the internet is not just free to use, it falls under certain rights of the author. We need to model this to students, and teach them the proper way to use information, citing information, checking to see if they can use the pictures they get from an image search, etc., and about fair use.
  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goal
    • Jeanine Kliefoth
      Instructors should know what the achievement goals are and if they align with the Iowa Core. Students need to be clear about what is expected of them, too. Standard based!
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students
    • keyna day
      It is important that the instructor have a good background in the content knowledge, the learning targets and what standards/knowledge is to be assessed.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs
    • Denise Paustian
      This is important for an effective online instruction, if a student doesn't know how to use a program they need to be able to go to the instructor for guidance. If the instructor doesn't know how to use it, the effectiveness of the learning process will not take place.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • herdegenk
      This has to be an advantage to using a website such as Moodle to allow students to work at different levels. Assignments can be given and collected through Moodle that allow all students to be challeneged in their own way.
  • Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction
    • herdegenk
      I find it interesting how students can turn collaborative websites into facebook walls and chat sessions. Students need to realize what is appropriate in a high school learning environment and when additional comments just are not needed.
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
    • keyna day
      It is essential that the course be highly organized with clear learning targets and expectations through the overview/orientation so that the student can easily follow along as the course progresses.
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • Justin Liston
      This standard is so imporant as it is referring to formative assessment which is the driving force behind our daily instruction with students.
    • Angie Lawrence
      I agree.  This aligns very well with formative assessment.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students
    • Justin Liston
      Yes, technology is important not only in the classroom but also in studnets everyday life.
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives
    • Angie Lawrence
      Switch course objectives to learning targets and this standard also is aligned with formative assessment or standard based grading.
  • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction (SREB J, ITS 5.c)
  • Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures (ITS 8.a, ITS 8.b
    • Bryan Lloyd
      Working in a district that has implemented a 1:1 initiative, I understand the importance of correct modeling of technology use. It is easy to tell students what they CAN'T do, but how often do we show them what they CAN?
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently (SREB D.1, ITS 1.g)
    • Bryan Lloyd
      What better way to increase communication with students than using online teaching tools? Students have been raised in a technological world and are encompassed by it almost literally all day. If this is how kids communicate with each other, why can't we?
    Standards for Online Teaching

Articles: Preparation - 8 views

  • Find out everything you can about the location and logistics of the venue.
    • medidiigo
      I found this out just this past week. I prepared my presentation, but when I got there I found no way to project my information on a screen large enough for everyone to see.
    • merle64
      That is a real conundrum!  I've had that happen too, and because of that, I carry concrete visuals and props that I can use in case there is a technology fail.  It's not ideal, but in a pinch, a "homespun" presentation delivered well can still convey a message.  Using Keynote has been particularly hit and miss unless the school uses Mac. 
  • Simplicity takes more forethought and planning on your part because you have to think very hard about what to include and what can be left out.
    • medidiigo
      Seems like a contradiction.
  • always put yourself in the shoes of the audience and ask “so what?”
    • tvalline
      Great reminder.  I am generally presenting to either high school students or teachers.  My approach needs to include an empathetic component...what would I think/feel/retain if I was listening to my presentation from their perspective?
    • medidiigo
      I had a professor once who always said, "Turn to your neighbor and ask 'So what? Who cares?' It really does make you think about what's important.
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  • a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points. While I’m in the venture capital business, this rule is applicable for any presentation to reach agreement: for example, raising capital, making a sale, forming a partnership, etc.
    • medidiigo
      I like this concept. I have recently attempted the PechaKucha method of 20 slides, 20 seconds each. I not only had trouble coming up with 20 slides (my presentation did not need that many), I felt like I was rushing to say what I had to say in the 20 second time period. 10x20x30 seems much more presenter-friendly to me.
    • merle64
      Hmmm.  This is certainly challenging when I'm asked to present for 45 minutes to an hour, and the technology is working well.  What if there are breaks in the presentation for interaction and activity?  I would like to take on this challenge of honing down the number of slides, while make sure I have enough content.
  • Who is the audience?
    • merle64
      This is a key question.  In the presentations I do, the audiences are often mixed with adults and children.  I could have infants to 80 year olds, so it' always a challenge to target my talk to the mixed group.  Often, I try to aim for the older elementary kids, but include the preschoolers in a few slides and activities, too.  Asking the audience question of the person in charge of booking the event may not always get me an exact answer, because they too don't know who will attend the event.  So the goal is to create a somewhat universal talk that works for both kids and adults.  
  • If your audience could remember only three things about your presentation,what would you want it to be? (1)__________ (2)__________ (3)__________
    • marydirksen
      A great "take-away" tool.
    • tvalline
      This I love.  It helps provide focus and gives permission to simplify/clarify...get rid of the unnecessary.  
  • Who is the audience?
    • nathanjenkins
      That sounds like a difficult create a slide presentation for such a range of ages.  It reminds me of reading children's books.  Some of my favorites I enjoy for different reasons than my children enjoy them, yet they reach both of us.  There are often hidden innuendos and beautiful prose that go over my children's head, but the main message is still conveyed to them too.
  • “Forget PowerPoint and statistics, to involve people at the deepest level you need to tell stories.”
    • merle64
      I agree!  And the stories need to be authentic, and not have a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" or plucked-from-the-internet-last-minute feel.  You don't want people to feel manipulated--they get to choose how the story makes them feel. 
    • nathanjenkins
      What a great class...I finally feel justification in story telling and keeping the education real.  Now, I can create presentations without having to read slide after slide, tell stories throughout, and be affirmed that I am reaching my students more than ever.
  • Internalize your story, but do not memorize it line by line. You can’t fake it. You believe in your story, or you do not. And if you do not, no amount of hyped-up, superficial enthusiasm or conviction will ever make your time with an audience meaningful. If you do not believe it, do not know it to be true, how can you connect and convince others with your words in story form? Your words will be hollow.
    • merle64
      Amen.  "You believe in your story, or you do not." The best stories I've seen told also unveiled a truth about the presenter, even if the story wasn't involving him/her.  It's fascinating to figure out why this story or that story made the cut into the presentation, but most of the time, if the story is a good one, I'm fully absorbed in the story too much for analyzation. : )
    • tvalline
      I love stories and understand why they captivate.  However, I have not previously used any in my presentations.  Now I will.
  • Start with the end in mind
    • marydirksen
      Excellent example of backward design
  • Do not fall into the trap of thinking that in order for your audience to understand anything, you must tell them everything
    • marydirksen
      This is liberating!
    • tvalline
      Agreed!  I often get bogged down in telling to much, when more would be retained if I simplified my message.
    • nathanjenkins
      Thank you! By simplifying the presentation, and leaving out some bits and pieces of information, the presenter is leaving room for the skills of reasoning to be put to work.  Inductive and deductive reasoning are crucial in the learning process.  It is wise to give them something to work for.
  • Ten slides
    • marydirksen
      Only 10? With a maximum of 6 words a piece? 60 words? Yikes!
  • Identify the problem. (This could be a problem, for example, that your product solves.) Identify causes of the problem. (Give actual examples of the conflict surrounding the problem.) Show how and why you solved the problem. (This is where you provide resolution to the conflict.)
    • marydirksen
  • participatory.
    • tvalline
      Often times it seems this part is lacking.  It's so easy to daydream when a presenter is not actively engaging the audience.
  • I often say to myself, “dakara nani?” or “sore de…?”which translate roughly as “so what?!” or “your point being…?”
    • nathanjenkins
      This quote brought me to a smile.  Why not?  Why not ask be a devil's advocate to yourself.  I definitely see this tactic helping me to remove unnecessary information/visuals from my presentation and focusing in on the important stuff.
  • To prevent an epidemic of Ménière’s in the venture capital community, I am evangelizing the 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint. It’s quite simple
    • nathanjenkins
      I find it intriguing that Kawasaki is recognizing the physical affects of not just staring at a computer screen, but of watching the presentation itself.  I think about elementary under the age of 12 shouldn't have more than 2 hours of screen time a day.  If Kawasaki is making a negative connection with too much presentation time, should we be considering the amount of time in classroom technology is used? 
  • You should give your ten slides in twenty minutes.
    • marydirksen
      This is another great "Zenlike" strategy. In the classroom as well, the presentations should never exceed 20 minutes. Students need time to actively process information, particularly if it is new content.
  • 4. Keep it simple
    • Joe Brekke
      Great reminder - this is the toughest concept to communicate to students. They still seem to think "more stuff" reflects "more knowledge." Even some of my colleagues still believe an essay of 10-12 pages means students have learned more than if they wrote a 2-3 page essay. Yikes. 
  • I suggest you start your planning in “analog mode.” That is, rather than diving right into PowerPoint (or Keynote), the best presenters often scratch out their ideas and objectives with a pen and paper.
    • Joe Brekke
      The more I read about how the brain works, the more I encounter this principle. Pen on paper is a better way to tap into our creative, idea-generating selves. Just because we are 1:1 with our digital devices doesn't mean we must always use those tools. 
    • medidiigo
      I actually found this to be rather difficult to do. I kept wanting to reach for the laptop because I am so used to typing as I think. But putting concepts on sticky notes turned out to be much more flexible because I could try different combinations/groupings of concepts.
  • In addition, it is useful to think of your entire 30 minute presentation as an opportunity to “tell a story.” Good stories have interesting, clear beginnings, provocative, engaging content in the middle, and a clear, logical conclusion.
    • Joe Brekke
      I'm planning a presentation with a colleague, so I guess we'll need to make time for both of us to tell our stories.  
  • When you remove the unknown and reduce anxiety and nervousness, then confidence is something that will naturally take the place of your anxiety.
    • Joe Brekke
      True! This is what we teach in high school English classes. I think I may just need to share these articles with my classes. Will I be breaking all copyright laws? 
  • We are wired to forget what our brains perceive as unimportant to our survival. Our conscious mind tells us to read the physical chemistry book over and over because we need to pass the class, but our brain keeps telling us this is dull, uninteresting, and unimportant to our survival. The brain cares about story.
    • Joe Brekke
      This is the history of my own education. The way they were presented to me, math and science couldn't keep my interest. No one convinced me they were essential to my life. With stories in English class, there was never any question. Of course, now I see math and science differently, and I wouldn't change my areas of study, but as my math and science colleagues continue the quest, they'll be successful using stories. Many already do :-) 
  • Kamishibai: Lessons in Visual Storytelling from Japan
    • Joe Brekke
      I love learning about this storytelling form. I plan to share this with my students as we prepare to make presentations. There is something essential about the human interaction. Slides and text alone are not as engaging. 
  • authentic
    • Joe Brekke
      Rule #1, above and beyond all else in my book. Don't try to b.s. your audience. 
  • 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint
    • Joe Brekke
      Right on! Right on! I love this! 

Creative Commons - 2 views

    Creative Commons is an important online element that needs to be understood both by the creator of online learning courses and students in the creation of any artifcats. 
    Creative Commons is extremely important to teach, reteach, and reteach again with students. Many students are stealing content and could be consider "criminals" without even realizing it.

Articles: Design - 0 views

  • The less clutter you have on your slide, the more powerful your visual message will become.
    • rabraham
      This is something that will help transform presentations.  Keeping it simple will ensure the audience stays engaged.
  • Instead of a copy of your PowerPoint slides, it is far better to prepare a written document which highlights your content from the presentation and expands on that content.
    • rabraham
      This is a great way to keep the talking points limited.  I think it will be great to use with students who are absent for the lessons too.
    • bdoudwaukee
      I was glad to see that they still advise giving a document if the thought is to not give out the slide handouts. This is good for students who are absent.
  • You will be able to notice more extraneous pieces of visual data that can be removed to increase visual clarity and improve communication.
    • rabraham
      Slide Sorter view helps you to see the big picture of the entire presentation put together.
  • ...57 more annotations...
  • But including a healthy amount of white space sharpens viewers’ focus by isolating elements.
    • rabraham
      This is a key element to remember.
    • dougmay
      I wouldn't have thought of this, but this slide looks good. The old thought process was to not have extra space.
  • Highlight the key phrases that you will help you rehearse for your presentation
    • rabraham
      This is a good step to simplify what the audiences sees and may keep them interested because they can't simply read the rest of the information.
  • Listeners will get bored very quickly if they are asked to endure slide after slide of animation. For transitions between slides, use no more than two-three different types of transition effects and do not place transition
    • suzdohrer
      I've struggled with using animations for transitions and lists. Now I read it may not be worth it. Yeah, back to basics and keep it simple.
    • Evan Abbey
      I will admit that I never use animations or transitions in any of my presentations. Not even a subtle fade. Not only is it extra junk, but it can add an hour to your development time. The most I do are builds. If I have a slide with an important point that I want to reveal, I will make two copies of the slide, and delete the "revealed" info on the first one. Then when I advance to the next slide, voila, I have a "transition".
    • dougmay
      With my students presentations, It sooooo delayed their presentations with all of their animartions and transitions. I, too, kept thinking of these articles.
  • Gill Sans
  • Cut out the extraneous content. Speak to that content when you present
    • suzdohrer
      This is when I move the cut text or additional text notes to the "Notes" section of the powerpoint, below the slide shot. Then, I like to print-out the slides to show the notes for my presentation.
    • bdoudwaukee
      I was thinking that I would be using the notes area much more too. I've even been using it to keep the information of where I got the image on the slide so that I can decide where to add that later.
    • Evan Abbey
      For many people, the notes section is really good. If you haven't tried the presenter view within Power Point, it is worth trying. On your computer, you can see your current slide, the next slide coming up, the notes that you have, and a timer/clock. The audience only sees your slide.
    • ney4cy
      I have done so few PowerPoints but this was a great tip. I will be checking out my notes section and presenter for sure.
  • The blurred backgrounds set off the stark white illustrations for quick visual processing:
    • suzdohrer
      I do not have an artisticy background, but I now think this blurred background image will be a use ful tool.
  • You can achieve this through consistent type styles, color, image treatment, and element placement throughout the slide deck.
    • suzdohrer
      Another artistic point of placement and imagery through cohesiveness. I worry that I do not have the natural talent to put this together on my own, but I do see the real difference.
    • chaneline
      Some presenters use lots of different colors, fonts and backgrounds.  May it's just because they can and they haven't taken this course.  The visual clutter distracts from the content and decreases the cohesiveness.
    • mrswalker_
      I like creating templates using Google Slides to ensure that colors and fonts translate to all of the slides in a deck.
    • Evan Abbey
      We kind of pooh-pooh color and design elements in learning, as though it is just pretty-ness. But, it does have a big effect, and it is worth it to improve one's sense of color combination.
  • If you have a detailed handout or publication for the audience to be passed out after your talk, you need not feel compelled to fill your PowerPoint slides with a great deal of text.
    • mgoodwin5
      I think this is a great point. The more I'm reading about what should (or is appropriate) be on a slide for the best presentations, it is better to have less, than more.
    • Evan Abbey
      Do you think the "after" is important? Is it better to pass it out after or before?
    • ney4cy
      interesting point.At the presentation I attend Monday afternoon the speaker handed out a document before he started his talk. in a way I liked being able to dot notes or highlight an idea or concept I wanted to review more closely later, but on the other hand it was very distracting to be leafing through the document trying to find the page that matched up with what he was discussing. I guess I would say it is better to wait till after your talk is done.
  • Use the same font set throughout your entire slide presentation, and use no more than two complementary fonts (e.g., Arial and Arial Bold).
    • mgoodwin5
      This is something that we stress to our students, since based on what students will usually do is have many different text fonts and sizes. They tend to use whatever looks best for each slide, instead of having the presentation look more smooth and have a togetherness.
    • mrswalker_
      I like using two fonts on slides: one to convey the big idea (title) and another to convey the supporting ideas (text).
    • Evan Abbey
      My rule of thumb is no more than two. One for headers, one for text (though I often use the same for each). I use a sans-serif font for my text, and either the same sans-serif font for my headers, or a designer font to communicate a special theme. I never use serif fonts.
    • ney4cy
      Okay,Okay no more Comic Sans
  • Use the same font set throughout your entire slide presentation, and use no more than two complementary fonts (e.g., Arial and Arial Bold).
  • Images can be very powerful and effective if used with careful intention.
    • mgoodwin5
      This is so true. Many times the image used, is what immediately gets the audiences attention and interest. Images are very powerful. i.e. "A picture is worth a thousand words."
    • mrswalker_
      I like the idea of using text over images, but it has to be the right image! This creates one image for students to remember, rather than an idea and an image.
  • Lots of extras actually take away meaning because they become a distraction.
    • mgoodwin5
      As goes with the statement, "Less is more." I completely understand that too much can be a distraction for the eye. Too much on a slide, take s away the meaning and I feel it also makes a person wonder what they should focus on, such as what is the most important point I'm supposed to be receiving from this slide?
    • dougmay
  • The first step is admitting that you have a problem
    • mgoodwin5
      Many of my slides in my presentations either look like this, or have started out like this. This is exactly what I need to work on! Eliminating some of the bullet points and a lot of text!
  • Depending on your content, you may be able to convert each bullet point into a separate image on one slide or over several slides.
    • mgoodwin5
      Here is what I'm going to work towards doing. Since learning about Zen, I realize I'm definitely adding too much to my slides, whether it be text or bullets. By using images, or at least less text and bullets, it appears presentations will be much more appealing and interesting to the audience. I really like the idea of using the images instead of any text at all. Then the presenter (me) will expand on the meaning of the image or what it stands for.
  • Your slides should have plenty of “white space” or “negative space.” Do not feel compelled to fill empty areas on your slide with your logo or other unnecessary graphics or text boxes that do not contribute to better understanding.
    • chaneline
      This point has been huge for me.  I really thought I would want to fill up the slide with information, not any more.  I see the power of simplicity of the white or negative space.
    • mrswalker_
      This is a great idea- I like the idea of negative space better than white space. My classroom is really bright so light text on a dark background sometimes works better than white.
  • No audience will be excited about a cookie-cutter presentation, and we must therefore shy away from any supporting visuals, such as the ubiquitous PowerPoint Design Template, that suggests your presentation is formulaic or prepackaged.You can make your own background templates which will be more tailored to your needs.
    • chaneline
      This lead me to think about use of a white background.  I was so afraid of it because it seemed boring, but with the use of visuals, a white background can be powerful and increase the interest of the slide.
  • Avoid off-the-shelf clip art (though your own sketches &amp; drawings can be a refreshing change if used consistently throughout the visuals).
    • chaneline
      Some presenters overuse cartoon type Clipart, maybe because it's easier, that's what they are used to, they are trying to be funny/cute or they haven't learned the power of a visual image/picture within a presentation.  
    • aboevers
      I don't think I will be drawing my own art either!
  • Go through your bullet points and try to highlight the main point of each bullet point. Try to bold only the key parts of each point — limit it to as few words as possible.
    • mrswalker_
      Great idea to take it step by step rather than just trying to cut a lot of information at once. 
  • Go through your bullet points and try to highlight the main point of each bullet point. Try to bold only the key parts of each point — limit it to as few words as possible.
  • It is very common for people to “brain dump” all of their ideas or thoughts into “stream of consciousness” bullet points as they create slides.
    • chaneline
      I think this happens because you want to make sure that all of the points you feel are important are given to the audience.  It has been one of the most eye opening concepts from this course.  I made note cards for my presentation, rather than putting all of the info on the slide. " Redundancy effect" is powerful!
    • bdoudwaukee
      Yes, I had always thought bullet points were a good thing! Oh how wrong I was!
    • ney4cy
      I thought bullet points would be superior to long connected text or narrative on a slide. I really felt it was the most effective way to get your message out. Now I have seen the light!
    • vmcgee
      Me too.  I have been using bullet points extensively all year.  Google slides makes it very easy to do so...
  • The best slides may have no text at all
    • bdoudwaukee
      It is interesting to go to presentations while I'm taking this class. I took the ISEA's mandatory reporter training last week and it was an RN on a video with powerpoint slides for 3 hours. Lots of text, the crayon template and a graph that she kept going back to that you couldn't even read due to tiny font. Death by PowerPoint!
    • Evan Abbey
      This is true. It also is somewhat of a curse. You can get to the point where you can't see any presentation without being critical of it :)
    • vmcgee
      Absolutely.  Just today I had to give a presentation to a class on behalf of another teacher.  It had WAY too much text and I had great difficulty keeping the attention of 13 year old students.  I couldn't help but think of this class while presenting.
    • dougmay
      In the past, I would have a hard time with no text. My thought was that the slide should do the work. My students did presentations and I kept wanting to critique their slides.
  • Presenters are usually guilty of including too much data in their on-screen charts
    • bdoudwaukee
      This can be tricky when you really need to get all of the data in the hands of your audience. What to leave out?
    • ney4cy
      I guess this is where the analog planning is helpful. Along with the elevator test.
  • though your own sketches &amp; drawings can be a refreshing change if used consistently throughout the visuals)
    • bdoudwaukee
      I had not thought about the use of your own sketches and drawings. I would be afraid that it would look corny, like the clip art, but I'm also intrigued to try this!
    • ney4cy
      It does sound interesting. I think it would nice to try student drawings too when using this if educators or students themselves.
  • The trick becomes finding just the right image(s)
    • bdoudwaukee
      This is where I feel that I could take hours second guessing my choice of image, or trying to edit it to work.
    • ney4cy
      I agree. I have already been out looking, and I just keep looking and looking. I am hoping it will get easier the more experience I have creating PowerPoints.
    • dougmay
      This can seem to take more time than the planning.
  • Use high-quality graphics including photographs.
    • mrswalker_
      My students LOVE seeing pictures of themselves in a presentation. I try to use student examples as often as possible to create images for presentations.
    • Evan Abbey
      This is a great idea! Especially for younger students!
  • But boring an audience with bullet point after bullet point is of little benefit to them
    • aboevers
      This reminds me of that first video we watched for this class and the gun image. That has stuck with me and it is all because of the image of the gun!
    • Evan Abbey
      I guess this goes to speak of the power of an image.
    • ney4cy
      I just sat through a presentation Monday afternoon on PLCs and Short Data Cycle. The presentaer was very engaging but his PowerPoint was not! Too much text and bullets very few images. I found myself critiquing his slides instead of listening to the message!
  • The right color can help persuade and motivate. Studies show that color usage can increase interest and improve learning comprehension and retention
    • aboevers
      Color can do so much, like make you feel stronger/weaker, or energize/soothe. That was why they painted our visiting team locker room pink!
  • This looks like they were going for the full-bleed background image effect but just missed
    • aboevers
      One of my classrooms has a projector that is slightly to the right and the image bleeds to the white board behind the screen. It is very distracting for me and my students!
  • in your slide deck
    • aboevers
      I have recently heard of a presentation set of slides referred to as a deck, but we certainly do not need 52 slides to present!
    • Evan Abbey
      Well, this depends. Some presenters make one master deck and then "hide" the slides they don't want. For the next preso, they hide different slides. Also, it depends on how you use your slides. If you talk for each slide, then 52 is way to many. But if you are using builds or quick sequences of slides as a substitute for bulleted lists, you can get there pretty quick. My rule of thumb is one slide every two minutes, but I do have one preso with 70 slides in it for a 45 minute preso. It is the exception, not the rule.
    • ney4cy
      At a recent in-service the speaker had 3 PowerPoints open he retrieved slides from different presentations based on our dicussion. It made the informtion much more relevant to our school but at the same time created a distraction when he couldn't find a slide and had to flip back and forth.
  • the golden rule of PowerPoint presentations — always do what is right for your audience.
    • aboevers
      Shouldn't the rule state, "Present unto others as you would like presented to you?"
    • Evan Abbey
      Ha! Hilarious!
  • add unrelated “decorations
    • aboevers
      Keep the idea of purpose in mind constantly.
    • ney4cy
      This is was my typical slide! ALL bullet points.
    • pkmills
      Somehow that simple idea got very lost along the way.
  • “Sorry I missed your presentation. I hear it was great. Can you just send me your PowerPoint slides?” But if they are good slides, they will be of little use without you.
    • pkmills
      If someone had said this to me, I would have. Now if they say it to me I still will send them the slides. Ha Ha.
  • You can take your own high-quality photographs with your digital camera,
    • pkmills
      I ran into soem object that I need for my presentation that were "iffy" for me in the copyright area, so I decided to take my own pictures instead. I feel great about how it turned out.
  • So make sure your slides pass what I call the glance test: People should be able to comprehend each one in about three seconds
    • pkmills
      Love this idea. It's a good way for me to see if I am travelling down the right road.
  • Live long and prosper.
    • pkmills
      I found out that "Live long and prosper" was added by Leonard Nimoy for character and was based in his Jewish teachings.
  • By getting out of the Slide View and into the Slide Sorter view, you can see how the logical flow of your presentation is progressing. In this view you may decide to break up one slide into, say, two-three slides so that your presentation has a more natural and logical flow or process.
    • pkmills
      I used the sticky notes at the begginnig to check the flow of my presentation. I will use the sorter to check the presentation at the end of the creation process.
  • Try to avoid text-heavy (and sleep inducing) slides like this one
    • vmcgee
      I gave a presentation today on behalf of another teacher that was structured much like this slide.  It had too much text and information on it, and I found myself racing to get through it before I lost the attention of my audience.  Afterwards, it completely felt like a waste of time.
  • Not sure what two guys shaking hands in front of a globe has to do with the fertility rate in Japan. Yet even if we were talking about "international partnership" the image is still a cliché.
    • vmcgee
      It seems like I have seen some sort of "handshake" image a thousand times.  It is overused and carries no meaning - which I think defeats the purpose of an image in a slide.
  • An audience can’t listen to your presentation and read detailed, text-heavy slides at the same time (not without missing key parts of your message, anyway
    • vmcgee
      This is probably the topic that has had the greatest effect on my presentations so far.  I have done about 3 different presentations since this course began, and I am now always concentrating on not having my students read slide material while I talk.
  • Very few audiences enjoy paragraph-length bullet points.
    • dougmay
      I can't think of anybody, let alone a few people.
  • It’s okay to cover details verbally that are not reflected in your bullet points.
    • dougmay
      I am having a hard time adjusting to this thought. In the past, I wanted to include everything in the slides. Now I thinking of it more of an outline for me.
  • &amp; contains watermark
  • &amp; contains watermark
  • &amp; contains watermark
  • &amp; contains watermark
  • ) Image is of poor quality &amp; contains watermark
  • This introduces distracting visual noi
    • dougmay
      Why would anyone do this? How could they think that this is ok?

ollie1 (Peterman): Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 28 views

  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • Gary Garles
      This is the part that I need to spend a lot of time on...
    • ronda fey
      I agree. I need to first understand the tools available from a student's point of view before I can bring it into the classroom.
    • Paloma Soria
      Yes, it is a very good personal experience.
    • Charmaine Carney
      I think that taking online courses ourselves humbles us and helps us to empathize with our students who experience problems with online learning.
    • Steve Leach
      Each time I come to this class, I am engaged in a riveting conflict that involves the following extremes: the fear of being a miserable failure vs. the thrill of successully participating online in a manner that I did not even know exsted two weeks ago.
    • Elizabeth VanDeHey
      Working as a student in an online course is so beneficial to those who will later be an instructor in an online course! I believe it provides instructors with empathy and an understanding that it will not be easy for every student and the challenges will vary with each technology tool!
    • Karen Hobbs
      I agree that this is a humbling experience.
    • Mari Haley
      I think this would be such a plus. I always thought my best early childhood college instructors were those that had had experience in an elementary classroom
    • Jonathan Wylie
      As educators, perhaps we should be doing more to experience what our lessons are like from a learner's point of view, and I mean online and offline. We would learn a lot from this.
    • Catherine Leipold
      I agree with so many of the comments in this section. It is beneficial to be attempting an online class before presenting an online class. (Or hybrid) And it is good to recall what our students will feel - the 'riveting conflict' as described by Steve Leach is something good to experience.
    • Catherine Leipold
      Being able to understand the issues students have with respect to the online presentations can help us 'fine-tune' our lessons. It can perhaps motivate us to search for easier programs or give ideas we can suggest to the publishers of our favorite program to make them work better. It is a humbling experience to jump from feeling like you know what you are doing to being totally 'lost'.
    • manderson34
      Frankly, it's fun to be a student when a lesson is engaging and hits our optimal zone of learning and challenge, but on the flip side if a lesson is poorly conceived it is difficult, even for an adult, to stay focused. It is important to put ourselves in the shoes of students in order to grow as educators. Reflection is so important.
    • meliathompson
      I think this is very important. One of the reasons I want to get involved in creating my own online course is because I enjoyed being a student and taking classes online. I feel like I know some of the criteria and how to navigate somewhat around an online course that will help me relate to my students. I always like to emphasize to my student whether in the classroom or adult students, that I am sure there will be times when we are going to be learning together.
    • ronda fey
      Being able to be in contact with the instructor (and other students) is imparative during an online course.
    • Charmaine Carney
      I agree, Ronda. Students, especially those new to online learning or using a new online platform, need that instructor support to avoid becoming too frustrated. Also, contact with other students helps students to learn from each other.
    • Steve Leach
      I am one of those students who is new to online learning. On a daily basis, I use face-to-face contact in order to succeed, so this is a very challenging way for me to learn. I am encouraged to know that my instructor and my classmates are there to help me when I have a simple question or am feeling overwhelmed by how much I don't know.
    • Karen Hobbs
      This is crucial. Technology is only a vehicle to learning. If the process is too difficult students won't be spending that time on the content.
    • tamela hatcher
      Karen, it is nice to know there is a troubleshooting area in online classes and other students to ask questions of.  It is a new way of accessing when we can't see the person on the other end.
    • ronda fey
      It is important for instructors to be able to use technology to better prepare out students
    • Charmaine Carney
      The challenge is staying current because the technology emerges so quickly.
    • Jamie Van Horn
      I agree, it is very hard to keep up and stay current with all of the new and better programs that are constantly emerging. It seems like the students are one step ahead all of the time since they are so comfortable with technology.
    • tamela hatcher
      I agree Jamie, it is a challenge for teachers to stay current on technology as it changes so fast.  School age kids can fit new technology quickly into their skill set because they have always had technology in their life.
    • cvryhof
      I agree the technology changes so fast that for teachers it is more difficult to 'keep up'. I wonder if we get used to one site that works and we get comfortable and we don't keep looking for new ideas or sites to improve our teaching.
    • Steven Sand
      With my students, we feel more of a responsibility to expose them to educational sites. The population I teach is comfortable with tech, but using it in an educational setting is were they struggle.
  • ...87 more annotations...
    • Paloma Soria
      I have been teaching my subject for twelve years now, but do I know how to demonstrate competence in content knowledge using technology?
  • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
  • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
    • Paloma Soria
      It is my wish that this class will help me to assist my students with technology as we move to 1:1 school, next year.
    • Steve Leach
      Paloma, Does 1:1 mean that every student will have a laptop or some other form of technology available for every class period?
    • jwest70
      I would also like to be more technology literate after this course.  While I will not be teaching an online course, I will be enhancing my classroom courses with online resources. 
    • Paloma Soria
      I am thinking about the importance of collaboration with other teachers and the help of the school's IT Department to help us growing technologically.
    • Steven Sand
      I think collaboration is very important. I'm the only social studies teacher in the middle school level at my school. I love getting together with other middle school social studies teachers and pitching around ideas of what we're using tech wise in class.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • Paloma Soria
      I wanted to say THANK YOU! to Nancy for doing a great job communicating with all of us, effectively and consistently. Great example in teaching us how to create a community of learners.
    • Charmaine Carney
      Yes, Paloma. Nancy is a great example. I took another course with her and was very encouraged when I communicated my frustration.
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
    • Charmaine Carney
      I believe one key to student success in any course is getting them off to a good start. A good overview/orientation is essential so that students know what they will be learning and what will be required of them.
    • Steve Leach
      I agree, Charmaine. I found the "Topic 1 Pacing Chart" to be especially helpful last week. I printed it and used check marks to keep track of my progress.
    • Gary Garles
      Having one place with all assignments listed by due date was a feature of all my classes. I would continue thta in this context.
    • Steven Sand
      This is a must with the population that I teach. We have a high ELL group (many children of first generation immigrants). Have detailed explainitions, not only at the beginning, but throughout any activity or class is needed.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Charmaine Carney
      I think that understanding these differences is essential. What works in one environment may not work in the other. Taking our face-to-face course work and merely putting it online may not be effective nor desirable.
    • Steve Leach
      As a newcomer to online learning, I believe the directions need to be incredibly explicit because the students don't necessarily "see" what the instructor sees, and the instructor isn't standing in the same room as the learner with the ability to just point at the concept that is causing the confusion.
    • Gary Garles
      Yes, and I had a glitch that prevented me from seeing these notes earlier, and that was very frustrating. Have to allow for tech issues.
    • Karen Hobbs
      Being a student in this class gives me an opportunity to experience what my students may encounter. I am presently working from three different computers and each one works (or doesn't) a little differently.
    • barb jens
      From my perspective, I feel that you need to be an online student yourself first before you can design and guide an online class. Being a student gives you the understanding and need to predict student needs when designing online instructions that are different and more challenging than face-to-face instruction. It initially takes more time to design online instruction than face-to-face
    • Mari Haley
      This is definitely something to think about. Some things would be similar, but others would be very different. I've taught face-to-face classes with adults, but never online
    • Diane Jackson
      I agree with you Mari. I believe it is very beneficial to be an online student first before you design your own course. I have worked on a course this year, but am learning so many different ways to present information and engage students by taking this course. I think this will make the course I have been working on more rigorous and engaging to the course participants.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the courseþff
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students (SREB A.3, Varvel II.A, ITS 2.a)
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students
    • Steve Leach
      At my school, North Polk, we are currently discussing how we teachers must be constantly adjusting the strategies we use to teach so that we are better able to meet the needs of all learners. It is not enough to know our curriculum; we must be able to deliver it successfully too.
    • andersonlisa
      This is so true! Quality teaching will have the most impact on student achievement - not resources, class sizes or the use of technology.
    • joycevermeer
      I appreciate the 2nd half of this statement most--understands HOW to teach the content to students. We must be developing 21st century skills through all content learning and that doesn't happen by using 19th century teaching methods. Cooperative learning and deep thinking needs to occur.
  • • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused (SREB C.5, Varvel V.I)
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • Gary Garles
      Considering my struggles with the technology to this point, anything I create would be heavily modified during pr after it's first use.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching
    • Elizabeth VanDeHey
      Using technology in a classroom is only appropriate if it is beneficial to the learning process for students. Sometimes I believe it is easy to think that using technology is in itself helping students learn, because this generation tends to focus more when on the computer or with a video game type learning device. I imagine this can make it easy to implement technology without a true educational benefit for students and teachers must stay away from that.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Elizabeth VanDeHey
      I think this standard is closely related to a standard in ITS 4 which brings up the fact that online learning is different than face-to-face learning. That is very true and because of that online instructors must strive to make their course understandable and beneficial through the presentation of the content and the use of various tools to enhance understanding.
  • • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • Karen Hobbs
      I am part of our school's Biology Data Team. We are beginning to implement Data Director to collect data to analyze our student's progress.
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues (SREB J.6, ITS 1.a)
    • Karen Hobbs
      I provide pretest and post test data to my students. I work collaboratively with another teacher to improve instruction. We always discuss methods and analyze our student data.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • renaudr
      These are very important for the same reason as what I posted above.  Because students can be more bold online, it is important to make sure that they are being appropriate in their communications...and that the discussions and work stay on task.
  • • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • renaudr
      I would be interested to know how other teachers do this.  I am new to doing things online for my courses, but I would like to know how other teachers tailor their online material to fit the different needs of students.
    • barb jens
      Sometimes I follow the forum discussions and from these discussions, I ask more guiding questions that seem to follow student interests or other sites that may support their topics for further research
    • renaudr
      I have found that students are more open to communication via online tools than they are in class.  Discussions tend to go much deeper when they are online than in the classroom.  I have had students ask me some rather profound questions that I don't think they would have face to face.
    • Jonathan Wylie
      I would agree with that. From my experience, online communication tends to break down some barriers for some students. It seems less threatening to them somehow, but this does not always apply for all students.
  • • Sets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction (SREB D.6, ITS 6.b) • Creates a safe environment, managing conflict (Varvel VII.D, ITS 6.e)
    • renaudr
      This is, of course, good for the teacher to be able to do, but I have found that as rapidly as technology changes, often times it is the students who are able to help me!
    • tamela hatcher
      I agree!  When I get lost, I turn to our children or another student to help me.  
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • James Koop
      This is important because technology is not "one size fits all" and you want the technology to help the learner not distract the learner.
    • patesl
      Yes, I agree, we must select the right tool for the right job. The tool needs to be selected after the objective of the lesson has been decided, then the tool is selected to "enhance the learning". We also need to remember that instruction on how to use the tool should be taught before it is expected to help with content learning. It is too easy to forget the content and focus on "tool proficiency."
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • James Koop
      If you don't give students appropriate and timely feedback, how will they know what to do? This is important in a face-to-face class and probably more important with online classes when you don't see the teacher each day.
    • Marcia Jensen
      I am weak in this area, but last summer experienced a total lack of communication in one of my online courses that really left me frustrated. I resolved to make sure my students never had to experience the same thing at that point.
    • cvryhof
      I think this is so important especially for those who are not sure if they are doing an assignment correctly.
    • jbrosnahan
      You are so right -- it's easy to get frustrated when there is a lack of communication.  
  • 4Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
  • 4 Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (SREB C.1, Varvel V)
  • Has knowledge of learning theory appropriate to online learning, which may include (but is not limited to) age and ability level, multiple intelligences, didactic conversation, student developmental influences, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism, and group theory (Varvel V.A)
    • apeich
      I wonder how - pr even if - this might be different for adult learners, particularly in nonformal adult education.
    • Mari Haley
      This is very similar to what we already do in our regular classrooms, so not much different for online teaching standards.
  • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS
    • jbrosnahan
      Technology can do wonders in the motivation area.  Today's students have grown up with technology and it's technology that can engage students in online or face to face classes.
    • andersonlisa
      So true - everyday I have 2-3 students ask "are going to use the iPads today?". It really is amazing how it is so much apart of their lives and I'm just learning and trying to keep up.
    • jbrosnahan
      We are going 1:1 next year - ready or not.  It's going to be a learning opportunity for everyone.  Since I teach the business classes - Microsoft Office - they won't be used as much in my room, but I'm still looking for ways to incorporate them.
    • Mari Haley
      Just like I said in the first section, this is very similar to what is expected in a classroom. I'm not sure how this would be done for creating an online class, other than having a variety of ways to get information, communicate and share what you have learned. I would think that those people taking an online class would have a more similar learning style.
    • Diane Jackson
      I've seen several instances that technology is used just for the sake of technology. It really doesn't enhance the learning. I think in an online course this hopefully would not be the case.
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessment
    • Marcia Jensen
      This has been something I have had to do deliberately because it is too easy for me to keep the same sort of activities happening all the time. I took another OLLIE course that taught me various ways of doing this. It was helpful because I was having difficulty visualizing what I could do on my own.
    • Marcia Jensen
      I have had this experience as an online student and have included it as an online instructor. In both cases, people who collaborated worked face to face, even though there was an online option. I think as a student you really have to push for inclusion in the collaboration. It is somehow less satisfying than being physically present.
  • Understands and uses course content that complies with intellectual property rights and fair use, and assists students in complying as well (
    • joycevermeer
      This needs to be a standards, but there seems to be a lot to know about how one would follow it. Sometimes I think people, myself included, may not even know they are doing things unethical. I appreciate that we are learning about this throughout the Ollie classes.
    • Marcia Jensen
      This would seem easy, but I have found it to be tempting to skim over it, doing the bare minimum. It is amazing how much content I want to borrow from other sources, which is fine, but also how much I leave the attribution to the bitter end.
    • Jamie Van Horn
      It could be difficult to use the data from assessments to guide instruction in a current course because often the online course is already established and changes cannot be made. However, data from assessments could be used for future classes.
  • As a newcomer to online learning, I believe the directions need to be incredibly explicit because the students don't necessarily "see" what the instructor sees, and the instructor isn't standing in the same room as the learner with the ability to just point at the concept
  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
    • Jonathan Wylie
      Google+ and Twitter and my go-to places to network with teachers online, so these would be my starting points for looking to meet this standard. The majority of online teachers seem to have some kind of presence on at least one of these networks.
    • tamela hatcher
      Moodle_iowa must be tagged to get full credit.  You must also search ollie iowa and join the group before the drop down menu will give you any other option but "private".
    • tamela hatcher
      The interactive, collaboration and learning community of #5 is important as we move into the online learning arena.
    • tamela hatcher
      The interactive, collaboration and learning community of #5 is important as we move into the online learning arena.
    • tamela hatcher
      Tamela is able to respond to notes already posted but not able to post original thread.  I am logged in and can see everyone's notes.  I have changed the dropdown menu to Ollie_Iowa.  What am I doing wrong?
    • tamela hatcher
      I think it finally worked.  I am not sure what I did differently!  This brings me to is so important to experience online learning from the perspective of a student :)
    • tamela hatcher
      Just like face to face learning, online teachers need to remember to provide opportunities that enable student self-assessment.
    • tamela hatcher
      It is important we select and use technology appropriately with the content and not get caught up in the bells and whistles.  I have been to classes where they used Power Point and had every icon flying in with a different sound...annoying.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • jwest70
      It's also important to be available to help students.  They will not be learning any of the important content if they are lost in "online never-never-land".
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face (
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Julianne Manock
      It is important for people to understand how to communicate when teaching online. This is different from face to face teaching. People cannot see facial expressions and cannot hear the tone of the teacher online. Making sure communication is clear, positive and professional is important.
  • Communicates assessment criteria and standards to students, including rubrics for student performances and participation
    • Julianne Manock
      Students like to understand how they are going to be graded on a project. Making sure that you show them by using a rubric will help with any questions they may have later on about their score. A rubric can also be like a checklist for students to make sure they have covered all parts of the assignment.
  • Establishes standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrity and appropriate use of the internet and written communication
    • Julianne Manock
      This is important because students need to understand that their online course is a classroom setting not a private chat room setting. Being professional and respectful in their posts and comments is important.
    • jwest70
      I think it's also important to stress the use of proper sentence structure, proper grammar, etc.  Just because it's online doesn't meet texting rules apply.
    • jbrosnahan
      It's frustrating to see text abbreviations in an academic class.  It's something I stress - the difference between what is appropriate and when it is appropriate.     
  • to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
    • jbrosnahan
      By Jan Brosnahan -- Sometimes I thinks it's hard to stay current with all the new technology out there.  That's why classes like this are helpful to bring people together with ideas that can help other teachers.
    • Barbara Day
      Insuring that students feel safe and included is of extreme importance when we are all learning in isolation, particularly when you can't rely on visual clues like in face to face education. Also written communication can so easily be misunderstood.
    • Barbara Day
      #7 is extremely important. Technology changes so quickly that you have to be constantly exposing yourself to new learning, and then you have to utilize it.
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives
    • patesl
      This just underlines the importance to test how we teach, remembering each students ability level and background knowledge. I think we have a special name for that, oh yeah, differentiation.
  • • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
    • andersonlisa
      It's so important to know the standards and teach those to our students. We can't expect them to know what they haven't been taught.
  • • Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional growth to improve practice (SREB C.8, ITS 7.c)
    • Steven Sand
      I am a firm believer in this benchmark of standard 7. I feel as if I'm falling behind when I'm not taking classes to expand my horizon. Which explains my interest in learning about moodle, etc.
    • jbrosnahan
      You will probably be able to tell my age .... but I've been going to school for 50 years!  If I don't keep taking classes on technology that can help my students, I feel like I'm not preparing them for their next step.
  • • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction (SREB J, ITS 5.c)
    • bgeanaea11
      Formative assessment is so important to adjust instruction to meet learner needs.
    • bgeanaea11
      This can be difficult and what I find most challenging with online courses.
  • Proposed Online Teaching Standards
  • Proposed Online Teaching Standards
  • Proposed Online Teaching Standards
  • These standards are an alignment of the Iowa Teaching Standards (ITS), the Southern Regional Educational Board's iNACOL standards (SREB), and the standards put forth by the University of Illinois (Virgil Varvel)
    • Steven Sand
      Asked this one the on the course standards as well. Are these standards subject to change with the coming of the Iowa Core.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • patesl
      Not only do we need to promote a collaborative and interactive situation in the face-to-face classroom, online collaboration that promote interactive activities while teaching content is very important however challenging for someone just starting to learn how to develop online classes. The tools to form collaborative situations sound great but learning how to take advantage of their full potential takes time. I think to start with I'll find one tool, maybe two, to focus on.
    • jbrosnahan
      In today's business world - teamwork is an important skill.  You are right when you say we need to promote collaborative skills with out students.  The online classes can help students work together while not being in the exact location or time.
    • natehernandez
      This one hits home with me being a science teacher. We need more scientists. We need students graduating and heading to college and majoring in the sciences. One way to capture attentiion and make science intruiging is through technology. I have found that using things like LoggerPro with Vernier Software and Hardware get students that hands-on experience that facilitate learning when they don't know they're learning.
    • natehernandez
      I believe in trying new things and I'm not afraid to jump out there along with the students. This year, we tried two new projects in class involving two different software programs. One of which, I had zero experience with and the other, minimal technical practice. One was Google Sketchup and the other was Audacity. With Sketchup, the students were highly skeptical, but became extremely more than proficient. Some got really good. When we went to Audacity, it jsut took a reminder that they can do anything they put their mind to. Students are highly adaptable when it comes to technology.
  • Meets the professional teaching standards established by a state-licensing agency, or has the academic credentials in the field in which he or she is teaching (SREB A.1, Varvel II.A)
    • joycevermeer
      I developed great respect for teaching standards over the past few years as I was required to learn all about Iowa's Early Learning Standards in my position as an Early Childhood Consultant for Northwest AEA. I observed that teachers who get to know and implement the standards have better outcomes for children. Having the credentials and meeting the standards for whatever you are teaching, on or off-line, brings credibility to what you are doing.
    • jwest70
      I'm new to online teaching.  What are your thoughts in rigor?  Do you find online classes more or less rigorous than traditional class?  
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
    • joycevermeer
      I agree. We need to have various ways to assess online learning. We need to do quick screens to get an indication of where students are at, but we must also do ongoing observations. There is value in both formal and informal types of assessment.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • jwest70
      I think reflective teaching, while very important in a standard classroom, is even more critical for an online class.  With ever changing technology, lessons will need to be continually modified
  • Demonstrates ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures
    • jwest70
      If students see instructors violate copyright laws, how can we expect them not to?  
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • apeich
      I work with many learners who insist that they cannot connect online the same way they do in person. It's my goal to win over some of these reluctant learners, but I think I need to provide them with many options for interaction.
    • Jamie Fath
      I taught a hybrid course last semester out of scheduling necessity and feedback (about the structure of the course) from students was the most beneficial part of the course for me as an instructor. I underestimated what teaching online required before that experience!
  • evaluate learning materials and resources that align with the context and enhance learning
    • Jamie Fath
      I know it's been mentioned above but this so closely replicates the Iowa Teaching Standards yet is so different at the same time. Remembering that learning material and resource needs are different for students in an online environment is so important! Again, wraps back to the importance of being an active online learner yourself to understand the needs and demands your students will require.
    Utilizes student feedback data to improve the course
  • ...8 more comments...
    Utilizes student feedback data to improve the course
    This is important because technology is not "one size fits all" and you want the technology to help the learner not distract the learner.
    From my experiences as an online student and an instructor, I have found these two criteria very important. The reasons I have found is that you have to think about how to describe in detail expectations that a variety of individuals may have as an online instructor. When you are face-to-face, you can be more general and as students immediately ask questions or you can read body language, you can adjust immediately. So, you have to use many previous experiences to predict concerns which students may have and be ready to differentiate at any time.
    Helps students with disabilities to understand the lessons snapped a picture of what is required of them for the assignments, or connect the subject lessons in reading and writing parts for all other students in class or online lectures. also works to shorten the time of the study. Asma Ali
    studying of Diigo, help increase the teacher in his style in the study, and may be a means of importance in a variety of teaching methods
    If you don't give students appropriate and timely feedback, how will they know what to do? This is important in a face-to-face class and probably more important with online classes when you don't see the teacher each day.
    Standards for teaching on-line
    Online Teaching Standards
    If you don't give students appropriate and timely feedback, how will they know what to do? This is important in a face-to-face class and probably more important with online classes when you don't see the teacher each day.
    From my experiences as an online student and an instructor, I have found these two criteria very important. The reasons I have found is that you have to think about how to describe in detail expectations that a variety of individuals may have as an online instructor. When you are face-to-face, you can be more general and as students immediately ask questions or you can read body language, you can adjust immediately. So, you have to use many previous experiences to predict concerns which students may have and be ready to differentiate at any time.
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