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Home/ OLLIE Iowa/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Elizabeth VanDeHey

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Elizabeth VanDeHey

Elizabeth VanDeHey

ollie1 (Peterman): Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 28 views

  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching
    • Elizabeth VanDeHey
      Using technology in a classroom is only appropriate if it is beneficial to the learning process for students. Sometimes I believe it is easy to think that using technology is in itself helping students learn, because this generation tends to focus more when on the computer or with a video game type learning device. I imagine this can make it easy to implement technology without a true educational benefit for students and teachers must stay away from that.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Elizabeth VanDeHey
      I think this standard is closely related to a standard in ITS 4 which brings up the fact that online learning is different than face-to-face learning. That is very true and because of that online instructors must strive to make their course understandable and beneficial through the presentation of the content and the use of various tools to enhance understanding.
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