ollie1: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 1 views
Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
Barb Ahrens on 17 May 12As an instructor, I find student feedback is valuable in making future improvements for an online class. Many times, in the online environment, it may be difficult to know if students felt confident and/or struggled with how the class was set up; management, instructor feedback, etc. Course evaluation provide an invaluable insight from the learner, if the evaluation is done correctly and confidetially for the learner.
Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
Teaching online versus face-to-face has many differences. The most challenging difference is creating a collaborative and meaningful environment amongst your learners. As an instructor, teamwork and grouping is important within the online environment. Also, creating instruction and assessments to encourage collaborative learning is essential. Too many times, face-to-face teachers believe teaching online means less work. They are incorrect. My experience as an online instructor, is many times, the workload of an onine class, can be twice the work due to 24/7 communication with students. Assessments tend to be more thorough as well, creating more time and work by the instructor.