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Biochemical effects of consumption of eggs containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty aci... - 0 views

    Biochemical effects of consumption of eggs containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Ohman M, Akerfeldt T, Nilsson I, Rosen C, Hansson LO, Carlsson M, Larsson A. Ups J Med Sci. 2008;113(3):315-23.P MID: 18991244 Today, eggs with an increased content of -3 fatty acids are available but there are few publications on the effects of consumption of such eggs on the lipoproteins and acute phase markers in humans. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of consumption of standard eggs and -3 enriched eggs on lipoproteins, glucose and inflammation markers. Nineteen healthy volunteers consumed one extra egg per day of either standard eggs or omega-3 enriched eggs in a double-blind, cross-over study. The duration of each period was 1 month. The effects of the different egg diets on apolipoprotein A1 and B (Apo A1 and B), lipoprotein (a), creatinine, cystatin C, C-reactive protein, serum amyloid protein A, interleukin 6, triglycerides, glucose, total-, high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipo-protein cholesterol concentrations were analyzed. Addition of one regular egg per day to the normal diet had no negative impact on blood lipids or inflammation markers. Consumption of omega-3 enriched eggs resulted in higher levels of ApoA1, lower ApoB/ApoA1 ratio and lower plasma glucose. These effects have been associated in previous studies with a reduced risk for cardiovascular mortality and diabetes.

Adiponectin May Be a Marker for Type 2 Diabetes - 0 views

    September 3, 2008 - Adiponectin is inversely linked with the risk for type 2 diabetes in women, but resistin is not, according to the results of a prospective, nested case-control study reported in the September 2 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine. The study authors suggest that adiponectin may be a marker for type 2 diabetes.

Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Is Associated with Markers of the Insulin Resistant Phenotyp... - 0 views

    Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin d is associated with markers of the insulin resistant phenotype in nondiabetic adults. Liu E, Meigs JB, Pittas AG, McKeown NM, Economos CD, Booth SL, Jacques PF. J Nutr. 2009 Feb;139(2):329-34. Epub 2008 Dec 23. PMID: 19106328 doi:10.3945/jn.108.093831 After adjusting for age and sex, plasma 25(OH)D was positively associated with ISI(0,120), plasma adiponectin, and HDL cholesterol and inversely associated with plasma triacylglycerol, but these associations were no longer significant after further adjustment for BMI, waist circumference, and current smoking status. 25(OH)D and 2-h post-OGTT glucose were not associated. Among adults without diabetes, vitamin D status was inversely associated with surrogate fasting measures of insulin resistance. These results suggest that vitamin D status may be an important determinant for type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Blood Glucose and Markers of In... - 0 views

    Pittas AG, Harris SS, Stark PC, Dawson-Hughes B. The effects of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on blood glucose and markers of inflammation in nondiabetic adults. Diabetes Care. 2007 Apr;30(4):980-6. Epub 2007 Feb 2. PMID: 17277040 [PubMed - in

Eggs modulate the inflammatory response to carbohydrate restricted diets in overweight ... - 0 views

    Eggs modulate the inflammatory response to carbohydrate restricted diets in overweight men. Ratliff JC, Mutungi G, Puglisi MJ, Volek JS, Fernandez ML. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008 Feb 20;5:6. PMID: 18289377 Carbohydrate restricted diets (CRD) consistently lower glucose and insulin levels and improve atherogenic dyslipidemia [decreasing triglycerides and increasing HDL cholesterol (HDL-C)]. We have previously shown that male subjects following a CRD experienced significant increases in HDL-C only if they were consuming a higher intake of cholesterol provided by eggs compared to those individuals who were taking lower concentrations of dietary cholesterol. Here, as a follow up of our previous study, we examined the effects of eggs (a source of both dietary cholesterol and lutein) on adiponectin, a marker of insulin sensitivity, and on inflammatory markers in the context of a CRD. Conclusion A CRD with daily intake of eggs decreased plasma CRP and increased plasma adiponectin compared to a CRD without eggs. These findings indicate that eggs make a significant contribution to the anti-inflammatory effects of CRD, possibly due to the presence of cholesterol, which increases HDL-C and to the antioxidant lutein which modulates certain inflammatory responses.

The Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Blood Glucose and Markers of In... - 0 views

    Pittas AG, Harris SS, Stark PC, Dawson-Hughes B. The Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Blood Glucose and Markers of Inflammation in Non-diabetic Adults. Diabetes Care. 2007 Feb 2; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 17277040 [PubMed - as sup

Low dietary potassium intakes and high dietary estimates of net endogenous acid product... - 0 views

    Low dietary potassium intakes and high dietary estimates of net endogenous acid production are associated with low bone mineral density in premenopausal women and increased markers of bone resorption in postmenopausal women. Macdonald HM, New SA, Fraser WD, Campbell MK, Reid DM. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Apr;81(4):923-33. PMID: 15817873

Vitamin D supplementation enhances the beneficial effects of weight loss on cardiovascu... - 0 views

    Vitamin D supplementation enhances the beneficial effects of weight loss on cardiovascular disease risk markers. Zittermann A, Frisch S, Berthold HK, Götting C, Kuhn J, Kleesiek K, Stehle P, Koertke H, Koerfer R. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 May;89(5):1321-7. Epub 2009 Mar 25. PMID: 19321573

Vitamin D metabolites as clinical markers in autoimmune and chronic disease. - Ann N Y ... - 0 views

    Vitamin D metabolites as clinical markers in autoimmune and chronic disease. Blaney GP, Albert PJ, Proal AD. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 Sep;1173:384-90. PMID: 19758177 DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04875.x

Effects of cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on insulin... - 0 views

    Effects of cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on insulin sensitivity, lipid peroxidation, and proinflammatory markers in obese men. Riserus U, Vessby B, Arnlov J, Basu S. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Aug;80(2):279-83. PMID: 15277146 CONCLUSIONS: A CLA preparation containing the purified c9,t11 CLA isomer increased insulin resistance and lipid peroxidation compared with placebo in obese men. Because c9,t11 CLA occurs in commercial supplements as well as in the diet, the present results should be confirmed in larger studies that also include women.

The Heart Scan Blog: CRP and Jupiter - 0 views

    What is C-reactive protein (CRP)? It is a blood-borne protein that originates in the liver and serves as an index of the body's inflammatory state. It is triggered by yet another inflammatory signal molecule, interleukin-6. What triggers this cascade of inflammatory markers? Any inflammatory stimulus, such as being overweight, lack of exercise, vitamin D deficiency, viral illness no matter how trivial, any inflammatory disease like arthritis, small LDL, high triglycerides, poor diet rich in processed foods, resistance to insulin, any injury, incipient diabetes, hidden cancer, lack of education (no kidding), etc.

Th1/Th2 balance: the hypothesis, its limitations, and implications for health and disea... - 0 views

    Th1/Th2 balance: the hypothesis, its limitations, and implications for health and disease. Kidd P. Altern Med Rev. 2003 Aug;8(3):223-46. Review. PMID: 12946237 Th1 pathways typically produce activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (Tc), NK cells, macrophages, and monocytes, all of which can attack cancer cells and generally defend against tumors. 55 IFN-gamma and other Th1 cytokines are typically lower in advanced cancer patients, while the Th2 marker IL-4 can be higher or unchanged.56 Nodules of non-small cell lung cancer freshly removed from patients expressed a marked imbalance toward Th2, as did biopsy samples from basal cell carcinoma.57 In prostate cancer patients IL-2 was low (Th1) and IL-10 high.58 IL-10 is a confirmed Th1-suppressive cytokine, and heightened IL-10 is a common factor in cancer.55 IL-10 has a variety of suppressive effects that include inhibiting Th1 cytokine production, down-regulating APC and NK cell function, and lowering overall T-cell proliferation.57 Especially under the influence of IL-4 (Th2), tumor cells apparently up-regulate IL-10 that suppresses nearby killer cells. Tumor-derived IL-10 has been documented in lymphoma, ovarian carcinoma, melanoma, neuroblastoma, and renal cell and colon carcinoma.57 IL-12 is another cytokine that can be up-regulated by Th1 activity and inhibited by Th2.59 A low IL-12/IL-10 ratio was found in cervical cancer patients.55 Recent clinical studies suggest elevated IL-10 is predictive of a poor prognosis. 57 With both IL-4 and IL-10 being proven inhibitors of Th1 and promoters of Th2 activity, the recognized capability of cancerous tissue to suppress immunity is readily rationalized.

CLA-rich cheese may boost heart health: Study - 0 views

    Consuming cheese from ewe's milk, rich in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), may reduce markers linked to heart disease, suggest results from a small Italian study. Researchers from the University of Florence report that ewe's milk rich in cis-9, trans-11 CLA produced favourable changes in inflammatory cytokines and platelet aggregation, both of which are associated with atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries due to the build-up of fatty deposits on artery walls.

Spinach Knocks Out Cancer and Boosts Brain Power - 0 views

    Scientists in Japan recently studied some of the glyconutrients from spinach and found they inhibited destruction of DNA, cancer cell growth, and tumor growth. They used the nutrients to suppress the growth of colon adenocarcinoma in mice. After a two week period of ingesting the nutrients, a 56.1% decrease in solid tumor volume occurred without any side effects. And the nutrients reduced the ability of tumors to supply themselves with blood which they need to fuel their growth. Markers of cell proliferation were drastically reduced. (Lipids, August, 2008)

The Heart Scan Blog: Vitamin D and inflammation - 0 views

    A German group has now shown that the important inflammatory marker, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), is also reduced by vitamin D supplementation. Many studies have implicated increased TNF levels in promoting cancer. In this study, a modest vitamin D dose of 3320 units (83 micrograms) was given vs. placebo. The 25-hydroxy D level reached in the treated group was 34.2 ng/ml (85.5 nmol/L), which resulted in a 26.5% reduction in TNF compared with 18.7% reduction (?) in the placebo group.

A seasonal variation of calcitropic hormones, bone turnover and bone mineral density in... - 0 views

    A seasonal variation of calcitropic hormones, bone turnover and bone mineral density in early and mid-puberty girls - a cross-sectional study. Viljakainen HT, Palssa A, Kärkkäinen M, Jakobsen J, Cashman KD, Mølgaard C, Lamberg-Allardt C. Br J Nutr. 2006 Jul;96(1):124-30. PMID: 16870000 Seasonal variation in S-25-OHD and bone remodelling markers accompanied by negative correlation between S-25-OHD and S-iPTH was seen in this cross-sectional study of adolescent girls. In addition, the seasonal rhythm contributed 7.0-7.6 % difference in the BMD of lumbar vertebrae and left femur in early puberty girls. This variation should be avoided since it could hamper peak bone mass attainment.

A positive dose-response effect of vitamin D supplementation on site-specific bone mine... - 0 views

    A positive dose-response effect of vitamin D supplementation on site-specific bone mineral augmentation in adolescent girls: a double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled 1-year intervention. Viljakainen HT, Natri AM, Kärkkäinen M, Huttunen MM, Palssa A, Jakobsen J, Cashman KD, Mølgaard C, Lamberg-Allardt C. J Bone Miner Res. 2006 Jun;21(6):836-44. PMID: 16753014 doi: 10.1359/jbmr.060302 We conclude that the current vitamin D recommendation for adolescent girls, at least in the northern latitudes, is too low to ensure sufficient vitamin D status during winter. Intake of vitamin D at rates of 10-15 μg/day aids to maintain stable S-25(OH)D concentrations during winter. Vitamin D induced BMC augmentation by decreasing bone resorption, but not affecting bone formation, which was reflected by the biochemical markers of bone turnover. Optimizing bone mineral gain in adolescence is crucial to the prevention of osteoporosis later in life. Increasing vitamin D intake to 10-15 μg/day aids in attaining this goal.

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations and carotid artery intima-media thickness amo... - 0 views

    Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations and carotid artery intima-media thickness among type 2 diabetic patients. Targher G, Bertolini L, Padovani R, Zenari L, Scala L, Cigolini M, Arcaro G. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2006 Nov;65(5):593-7. PMID: 17054459 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2006.02633.x CONCLUSIONS: Hypovitaminosis D is highly prevalent in type 2 diabetic adults and is strongly and independently associated with increased carotid IMT. Further investigation into whether vitamin D may play a role in the prevention of atherosclerosis appears to be warranted. In conclusion, our results show that type 2 diabetic adults have significant reductions in serum 25(OH)D concentrations (vs matched controls) that predict preclinical atherosclerosis, independent of classical risk factors, renal function tests, inflammatory markers, use of medications and presence of the metabolic syndrome. These findings suggest the need for ongoing evaluation of the possible protective role of vitamin D3 supplementation in the development of atherosclerosis.

Fatigue fractures in military conscripts : A study on risk factors, diagnostics and lon... - 0 views

    Fatigue fractures in military conscripts : A study on risk factors, diagnostics and long-term consequences Ruohola, Juha-Petri University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Helsinki University Central Hospital Centre of Military Medicine, Helsinki 2007-03-09 Doctoral dissertation (article-based) It seems likely that low vitamin D levels are related to fatigue fractures, and that an increasing trend exists between TRACP-5b bone resorption marker elevation and fatigue fracture incidence. Though seldom detected by plain radiography, fatigue fractures often underlie unclear lower leg stress-related pain occurring in the distal parts of the tibia. Femoral neck fatigue fractures, when displaced, lead to long-term morbidity in a high percentage of patients, whereas, when non-displaced, they do not predispose patients to subsequent adverse complications. Importantly, an educational intervention can diminish the incidence of fracture displacement by enhancing awareness and providing instructions for earlier diagnosis of fatigue fractures

Biochemical effects of consumption of eggs containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty aci... - 0 views

    Biochemical effects of consumption of eggs containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Ohman M, Akerfeldt T, Nilsson I, Rosen C, Hansson LO, Carlsson M, Larsson A. Ups J Med Sci. 2008;113(3):315-23. PMID: 18991244 Addition of one regular egg per day to the normal diet had no negative impact on blood lipids or inflammation markers. Consumption of omega-3 enriched eggs resulted in higher levels of ApoA1, lower ApoB/ApoA1 ratio and lower plasma glucose. These effects have been associated in previous studies with a reduced risk for cardiovascular mortality and diabetes.
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