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Matti Narkia

A comparison of egg consumption with other modifiable coronary heart disease lifestyle ... - 0 views

    A comparison of egg consumption with other modifiable coronary heart disease lifestyle risk factors: a relative risk apportionment study. Barraj L, Tran N, Mink P. Risk Anal. 2009 Mar;29(3):401-15. Epub 2008 Nov 4. PMID: 19000074 DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2008.01149.x Guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA) recommend that healthy adults limit their intake of dietary cholesterol to less than 300 mg per day. Since a large egg contains about 71% of that amount, the AHA recommends restricting egg consumption unless dietary cholesterol intakes from other sources are limited. We applied a risk apportionment approach to estimate the contribution of egg consumption and other modifiable lifestyle risk factors (e.g., smoking, poor diet, minimal exercise, and alcohol intake) to coronary heart disease (CHD) risk at the population level. Specifically, we categorized the U.S. adult population ages 25+ into distinct risk groups based on the prevalence of modifiable lifestyle risk factors and applied an apportionment model, typically used to assess risk contribution at the individual level, to estimate the contribution of egg intake to CHD risk. Our analysis shows that the combination of modifiable lifestyle risk factors accounts for less than 40% of the population CHD mortality. For the majority of U.S. adults age 25+, consuming one egg a day accounts for <1% of CHD risk. Hence, focusing on decreasing egg intake as an approach to modify CHD risk would be expected to yield minimal results relative to changing other behaviors such as smoking and other dietary habits.
Matti Narkia

Fish Oil-Derived Fatty Acids, Docosahexaenoic Acid and Docosapentaenoic Acid, and the R... - 0 views

    Fish oil-derived fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid, and the risk of acute coronary events: the Kuopio ischaemic heart disease risk factor study. Rissanen T, Voutilainen S, Nyyssönen K, Lakka TA, Salonen JT. Circulation. 2000 Nov 28;102(22):2677-9. PMID: 11094031 Methods and Results-We studied this association in the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study, a prospective population study in Eastern Finland. Subjects were randomly selected and included 1871 men aged 42 to 60 years who had no clinical coronary heart disease at baseline examination. A total of 194 men had a fatal or nonfatal acute coronary event during follow-up. In a Cox proportional hazards' model adjusting for other risk factors, men in the highest fifth of the proportion of serum DHA+DPA in all fatty acids had a 44% reduced risk (P=0.014) of acute coronary events compared with men in the lowest fifth. Men in the highest fifth of DHA+DPA who had a low hair content of mercury (2.0 µg/g). There was no association between proportion of eicosapentaenoic acid and the risk of acute coronary events. Conclusions-Our data provide further confirmation for the concept that fish oil-derived fatty acids reduce the risk of acute coronary events. However, a high mercury content in fish could attenuate this protective effect.
Matti Narkia

A multicountry ecologic study of risk and risk reduction factors for prostate cancer mo... - 0 views

    A multicountry ecologic study of risk and risk reduction factors for prostate cancer mortality. Grant WB. Eur Urol. 2004 Mar;45(3):271-9. PMID: 15036670 CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), being an important risk factor for prostate cancer, with alcohol and calcium being less important risk factors, and with allium family vegetables, and, to a lesser extent, vitamin D being important risk reduction factors. These results should provide guidance for additional studies on dietary and environmental links to prostate cancer.
Matti Narkia

A comparison of egg consumption with other modifiable coronary heart disease lifestyle ... - 0 views

    A comparison of egg consumption with other modifiable coronary heart disease lifestyle risk factors: a relative risk apportionment study. Barraj L, Tran N, Mink P. Risk Anal. 2009 Mar;29(3):401-15. Epub 2008 Nov 4. PMID: 19000074 DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2008.01149.x Our analysis shows that the combination of modifiable lifestyle risk factors accounts for less than 40% of the population CHD mortality. For the majority of U.S. adults age 25+, consuming one egg a day accounts for <1% of CHD risk. Hence, focusing on decreasing egg intake as an approach to modify CHD risk would be expected to yield minimal results relative to changing other behaviors such as smoking and other dietary habits.
Matti Narkia

JAMA -- A Prospective Study of Egg Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Me... - 0 views

    A prospective study of egg consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women. Hu FB, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, Manson JE, Ascherio A, Colditz GA, Rosner BA, Spiegelman D, Speizer FE, Sacks FM, Hennekens CH, Willett WC. JAMA. 1999 Apr 21;281(15):1387-94. PMID: 10217054 Results We documented 866 incident cases of CHD and 258 incident cases of stroke in men during 8 years of follow-up and 939 incident cases of CHD and 563 incident cases of stroke in women during 14 years of follow-up. After adjustment for age, smoking, and other potential CHD risk factors, we found no evidence of an overall significant association between egg consumption and risk of CHD or stroke in either men or women. The relative risks (RRs) of CHD across categories of intake were less than 1 per week (1.0), 1 per week (1.06), 2 to 4 per week (1.12), 5 to 6 per week (0.90), and >=1 per day (1.08) (P for trend=.75) for men; and less than 1 per week (1.0), 1 per week (0.82), 2 to 4 per week (0.99), 5 to 6 per week (0.95), and >=1 per day (0.82) (P for trend=.95) for women. In subgroup analyses, higher egg consumption appeared to be associated with increased risk of CHD only among diabetic subjects (RR of CHD comparing more than 1 egg per day with less than 1 egg per week among diabetic men, 2.02 [95% confidence interval, 1.05-3.87; P for trend=.04], and among diabetic women, 1.49 [0.88-2.52; P for trend=.008]). Conclusions These findings suggest that consumption of up to 1 egg per day is unlikely to have substantial overall impact on the risk of CHD or stroke among healthy men and women. The apparent increased risk of CHD associated with higher egg consumption among diabetic participants warrants further research.
Matti Narkia

Geographic variation of prostate cancer mortality rates in the United States: Implicati... - 0 views

    Geographic variation of prostate cancer mortality rates in the United States: Implications for prostate cancer risk related to vitamin D. Grant WB. Int J Cancer. 2004 Sep 1;111(3):470-1; author reply 472. No abstract available. PMID: 15221981 10.1002/ijc.20220 The implications of our results and those of Tuohimaa et al.[1] include the following. Vitamin D supplementation should be undertaken in wintertime, a period when it is impossible to produce vitamin D by solar UVB exposure in northeastern states.[13] Given these new results, the optimal vitamin D intake and production and serum 25(OH)-vitamin D3 levels for prostate cancer appear to be lower than for other cancers. However, when developing guidelines for vitamin D fortification, many factors should be included in the analysis, including all of the potential health benefits and possible risks of vitamin D, as well as age, sex, residence, child-bearing status, etc.[14] Also, the suggestion that daily vitamin D3 supplement doses of 100 g (4,000 IU)/day are safe[15] should be reexamined. Finally, in terms of preventing prostate cancer, more attention should be given to diet, which has the greatest environmental impact on risk of prostate cancer, with animal products being important risk factors and vegetable products, especially onions and other allium family members, being important risk-reduction factors.[16]
Matti Narkia

Prospective study of serum 25(OH)-vitamin D concentration and risk of oesophageal and g... - 0 views

    Prospective study of serum 25(OH)-vitamin D concentration and risk of oesophageal and gastric cancers. Chen W, Dawsey SM, Qiao YL, Mark SD, Dong ZW, Taylor PR, Zhao P, Abnet CC. Br J Cancer. 2007 Jul 2;97(1):123-8. Epub 2007 Jun 5. PMID: 17551495 We prospectively examined the relation between pretrial serum vitamin D status and risk of oesophageal and gastric cancers among subjects who developed cancer over 5.25 years of follow-up, including 545 oesophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC), 353 gastric cardia adenocarcinomas, 81 gastric noncardia adenocarcinomas, and an age- and sex-stratified random sample of 1105 subjects. We found no associations for gastric cardia or noncardia adenocarcinoma. Among subjects with low vitamin D status, higher serum 25(OH)D concentrations were associated with significantly increased risk of ESCC in men, but not in women. Further refinements of the analysis did not suggest any factors, which could explain this unexpected result. In conclusion, we found a direct association between higher serum 25(OH)D concentration and increased risk of ESCC in men but not women in a large population-based prospective cohort study from rural China. We found no association with risk of gastric cardia or noncardia adenocarcinoma in either sex. Greater than 50% of our cohort had an inadequate serum 25(OH)D concentration, yet higher concentrations were associated with increased risk of ESCC compared to lower concentrations.
Matti Narkia

Is vitamin D deficiency linked to Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia? - 0 views

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 26, 2009 - There are several risk factors for the development of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Based on an increasing number of studies linking these risk factors with Vitamin D deficiency, an article in the current issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (May 2009) by William B. Grant, PhD of the Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center (SUNARC) suggests that further investigation of possible direct or indirect linkages between Vitamin D and these dementias is needed. Low serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] have been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, depression, dental caries, osteoporosis, and periodontal disease, all of which are either considered risk factors for dementia or have preceded incidence of dementia. In 2008, a number of studies reported that those with higher serum 25(OH)D levels had greatly reduced risk of incidence or death from cardiovascular diseases
Matti Narkia

Coffee, Tea May Stall Diabetes - Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes, Type 1, and Metabo... - 2 views

    "Dec. 14, 2009 -- Every cup of coffee a person drinks per day may lower the risk of diabetes by 7%. A new review of research on the link between lifestyle factors, like coffee and tea consumption, and diabetes risk suggests that drinking regular or decaffeinated coffee and tea all lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Researchers say the number of people with type 2 diabetes is expected to increase by 65% by 2025, reaching an estimated 380 million people worldwide. "Despite considerable research attention, the role of specific dietary and lifestyle factors remains uncertain, although obesity and physical inactivity have consistently been reported to raise the risk of diabetes mellitus," write researcher Rachel Huxley, DPhil, of the George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney, Australia, and colleagues in the Archives of Internal Medicine. They say several studies have suggested that drinking coffee may lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and others have shown that decaffeinated coffee and tea may offer similar benefits, but there has not been a recent review of the research on the issue."
Matti Narkia

Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration and Subsequent Risk of Type 2 Diabetes - Diabet... - 0 views

    Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and subsequent risk of type 2 diabetes. Mattila C, Knekt P, Männistö S, Rissanen H, Laaksonen MA, Montonen J, Reunanen A. Diabetes Care. 2007 Oct;30(10):2569-70. Epub 2007 Jul 12. PMID: 17626891 doi: 10.2337/dc07-0292 We found a significant inverse association between serum 25OHD and risk of type 2 diabetes in the simple model. However, the association was attenuated in the multivariate analysis, adjusting for potential risk factors of type 2 diabetes. To our knowledge, this is the first cohort study investigating the association between serum 25OHD and incidence of type 2 diabetes. Our results are in line with those from the Nurses' Health Study (5), where an inverse association was observed for the intake of vitamin D supplements. We could not differentiate whether the results depended on the effect of vitamin D deficiency on β-cell function or on insulin resistance. In summary, the results are in line with the hypothesis that a high serum 25OHD concentration may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Further research is needed to confirm the association and to distinguish between the independent role of vitamin D and the role of healthy dietary and lifestyle patterns in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Matti Narkia

Serum 25(OH)-Vitamin D Concentration and Risk of Esophageal Squamous Dysplasia - Cancer... - 0 views

    Serum 25(OH)-vitamin D concentration and risk of esophageal squamous dysplasia. Abnet CC, Chen W, Dawsey SM, Wei WQ, Roth MJ, Liu B, Lu N, Taylor PR, Qiao YL. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007 Sep;16(9):1889-93. PMID: 17855710 doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-07-0461 Background: Squamous dysplasia is the precursor lesion for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, and nutritional factors play an important role in the etiology of this cancer. Previous studies using a variety of measures for vitamin D exposure have reached different conclusions about the association between vitamin D and the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Conclusions: Higher serum 25(OH)D concentrations were associated with significantly increased risk of squamous dysplasia. No obvious source of measured or unmeasured confounding explains this finding. In conclusion, we found that a higher serum 25(OH)D concentration was associated with an increased risk of esophageal squamous dysplasia, the precursor lesion for ESCC. This finding concurs with our previous prospective study which found that higher vitamin D status was associated with increased risk of incident ESCC in this same population. These unexpected findings suggest that further studies of the association of vitamin D and digestive tract cancers are needed before the effect of vitamin D in different populations can be elucidated.
Matti Narkia

The Diet-Heart Hypothesis: Subdividing Lipoproteins - Whole Health Source - 0 views

    The Diet-Heart Hypothesis: Subdividing Lipoproteins Two posts ago, we made the rounds of the commonly measured blood lipids (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides) and how they associate with cardiac risk. It's important to keep in mind that many things associate with cardiac risk, not just blood lipids. For example, men with low serum vitamin D are at a 2.4-fold greater risk of heart attack than men with higher D levels. That alone is roughly equivalent to the predictive power of the blood lipids you get measured at the doctor's office. Coronary calcium scans (a measure of blood vessel calcification) also associate with cardiac risk better than the most commonly measured blood lipids. Lipoproteins Can be Subdivided into Several Subcategories In the continual search for better measures of cardiac risk, researchers in the 1980s decided to break down lipoprotein particles into sub-categories. One of these researchers is Dr. Ronald M. Krauss. Krauss published extensively on the association between lipoprotein size and cardiac risk, eventually concluding (source): The plasma lipoprotein profile accompanying a preponderance of small, dense LDL particles (specifically LDL-III) is associated with up to a threefold increase in the susceptibility of developing [coronary artery disease]. This has been demonstrated in case-control studies of myocardial infarction and angiographically documented coronary disease. Krauss found that small, dense LDL (sdLDL) doesn't travel alone: it typically comes along with low HDL and high triglycerides*. He called this combination of factors "lipoprotein pattern B"; its opposite is "lipoprotein pattern A": large, buoyant LDL, high HDL and low triglycerides. Incidentally, low HDL and high triglycerides are hallmarks of the metabolic syndrome, the quintessential modern metabolic disorder. Krauss and his colleagues went on to hypothesize that sdLDL promotes atherosclerosis because of its ability to penetrate the artery wall more easily

Cardio Defend™ (Official) | Pay Just $49/Bottle + Free Bonus - 0 views

    Cardio Defend™ Only $49/bottle - Limited Time Offer Flat Sale ONLY For Today - Special Offer Save Upto $120 + Special 71% Discount + 180 Day Money Back Guarantee CardioDefend Cardio Defend Rated FDA Approved CardioDefend Rated 5 Star Order TODAY And Save Up To $120! Save Over 71%! Cardio Defend is a dietary supplement that supports a healthy heart naturally. The lifestyle of individuals has evolved drastically, and with this evolution, mankind has seen a rise in individuals suffering from heart-related diseases. It supports healthy blood circulation and reduces blood pressure & the risk of heart disease naturally. Try CardioDefend For Over 71% OFF Today! Regular Price: $147.99/per bottle Only for: $49/per bottle Buy Cardio Defend Proven By Thousands Shannon Curry Mark Angelman Robert S Why Choose Cardio Defend? Made In The USA Made In The USA CardioDefend is manufactured on US soil. Cardio Defend 100% All Natural 100% All Natural All ingredients are pure, natural, and carefully sourced. FDA Approved Facility FDA Approved Facility CardioDefend is manufactured according to the latest standards. CardioDefend Supplement Cardio Defend Facts What is Cardio Defend? Heart disease is one of the top causes of death in the United States, but consumers continue to forgo the nourishment that they need. Even with all of the opportunities to eat better and exercise more, some people still struggle to improve their blood circulation and improve their heart health. Luckily, formulas like Cardio Defend can help a lot. CardioDefend is a dietary supplement that supports a healthy heart naturally. The lifestyle of individuals has evolved drastically, and with this evolution, mankind has seen a rise in individuals suffering from heart-related diseases. Even though exercise and healthy diets may help to reduce the risk of these conditions, they may not be 100% effective. The heart is an extremely important organ and must be taken good care of. CardioDefend naturally supports healt
Matti Narkia

A Diet Rich in Coconut Oil Reduces Diurnal Postprandial Variations in Circula... - 0 views

    A diet rich in coconut oil reduces diurnal postprandial variations in circulating tissue plasminogen activator antigen and fasting lipoprotein (a) compared with a diet rich in unsaturated fat in women. Müller H, Lindman AS, Blomfeldt A, Seljeflot I, Pedersen JI. J Nutr. 2003 Nov;133(11):3422-7. PMID: 14608053 In conclusion, our results indicate that a coconut oil-based diet (HSAFA-diet) lowers postprandial t-PA antigen concentration, and this may favorably affect the fibrinolytic system and the Lp(a) concentration compared with the HUFA-diet. The proportions of dietary saturated fatty acids more than the percentage of saturated fat energy seem to have a beneficial influence on Lp(a) levels. The connection between Lp(a) and atherosclerosis is not entirely understood. Different studies have provided strong evidence that Lp(a) level is an independent risk factor for developing coronary artery disease in men (47,48), but the question of causality continues to be debated. Recent data suggest that Lp(a) might be atherogenic (49), in particular when combined with other risk factors. High levels of Lp(a) combined with other risk factors such as the ratio of plasma total/HDL cholesterol have been shown to increase the risk for coronary heart diseases (50). It has also been reported that when substantial LDL cholesterol reductions were obtained in men with coronary heart disease, persistent elevations of Lp(a) were no longer atherogenic or clinically threatening (51). In conclusion, the present results show that the HSAFA-diet lowered postprandial t-PA antigen and thus potentially improved fibrinolysis compared with the HUFA-diet. Diets with either high or low levels of saturated fatty acids from coconut oil beneficially decrease Lp(a) compared with a HUFA-diet. The proportions of dietary saturated fatty acids more than the percentage of saturated fat energy may be of importance if the goal is to decrease Lp(a).
Matti Narkia

Largest-ever meta-analysis finds CRP is unlikely to be causal for CVD - - 0 views

    "Largest-ever meta-analysis finds CRP is unlikely to be causal for CVD December 21, 2009 | Lisa Nainggolan Cambridge, UK - In the largest and most comprehensive meta-analysis to date looking at C-reactive-protein (CRP) levels and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, British researchers conclude that CRP is unlikely to be a causal factor for cardiovascular disease [1]. Although CRP concentration was linearly associated with CHD, stroke, and vascular mortality, as well as nonvascular mortality, statistical adjustment for conventional cardiovascular risk factors "resulted in considerable weakening of associations," note the scientists of the Cambridge-based Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration (ERFC), who report their findings online December 21, 2009 in the Lancet. In an editorial accompanying the paper [2], Drs S Matthijs Boekholdt and John JP Kastelein (Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) say the UK authors "are to be commended for this impressive data set." Although the findings "add weight to the evidence of noncausality" for a role of CRP in the development of cardiovascular disease, "the debate can be resolved only by randomized trials with agents that specifically target CRP, and such compounds are currently under development," say the Dutch doctors. Commenting on the new meta-analysis for heartwire, Dr Paul Ridker (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA), a long-time advocate of CRP and the lead investigator of the JUPITER trial, said: "Whether or not CRP is 'causal' for heart disease is neither the crucial issue at hand nor relevant for public health. What is crucial is getting international agreement that CRP identifies higher-risk individuals who would not otherwise qualify for a life-saving therapy, and then showing that such individuals clearly benefit from treatment. The new meta-analysis demonstrates the former, and JUPITER demonstrates the latter." "
Matti Narkia

Lack of vitamin D may increase heart disease risk - 0 views

    "DALLAS, Jan. 8 - The same vitamin D deficiency that can result in weak bones now has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, Framingham Heart Study researchers report in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. "Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased cardiovascular risk, above and beyond established cardiovascular risk factors," said Thomas J. Wang, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass. "The higher risk associated with vitamin D deficiency was particularly evident among individuals with high blood pressure." In a study of 1,739 offspring from Framingham Heart Study participants (average age 59, all Caucasian), researchers found that those with blood levels of vitamin D below15 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) had twice the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack, heart failure or stroke in the next five years compared to those with higher levels of vitamin D."
Matti Narkia

Too Little Vitamin D Puts Heart at Risk - 0 views

    Dec. 1, 2008 -- Getting too little vitamin D may be an underappreciated heart disease risk factor that's actually easy to fix.\n\nResearchers say a growing body of evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of heart disease and is linked to other, well-known heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.
Matti Narkia

Mercury, Fish Oils, and Risk of Acute Coronary Events and Cardiovascular Disease, Coron... - 0 views

    Mercury, fish oils, and risk of acute coronary events and cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and all-cause mortality in men in eastern Finland. Virtanen JK, Voutilainen S, Rissanen TH, Mursu J, Tuomainen TP, Korhonen MJ, Valkonen VP, Seppänen K, Laukkanen JA, Salonen JT. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2005 Jan;25(1):228-33. Epub 2004 Nov 11. PMID: 15539625 doi: 10.1161/01.ATV.0000150040.20950.61 Conclusions- High content of mercury in hair may be a risk factor for acute coronary events and CVD, CHD, and all-cause mortality in middle-aged eastern Finnish men. Mercury may also attenuate the protective effects of fish on cardiovascular health. Mercury may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In this study, high mercury content in hair increased the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in middle-aged Finnish men and attenuated the beneficial effects of fish oils on cardiovascular health. Regular consumption of fish with high mercury content should be avoided.
Mango Dash india

Health And Fitness Benefits of Mango Fruit Juice - 0 views

    Mangoes are the richest source of most important vitamins (A, C, B, E, K), minerals, dietary fibbers, electrolytes and iron which are mostly required by the for better growth and development as well as being healthy and live life without any diseases and infections. It is liked by all people due to its nice color, taste, flavor and quality health aspects. I have mentioned below the few beneficial aspects of the mangoes which you must know to enhance your interest while eating mangoes: Benefits of Mango juice for Cancer Prevention Mango fruit has antioxidant compounds (such as quercetin, fisetin, astragalin, gallic acid, isoquercitrin, methyl gallate and etc) and lots of enzymes which help in protecting against various body organs cancers like colon, leukemia, breast, stomach, prostate, lungs, cervical, oral cavity cancers and etc. These compounds include, as well as the abundant. Polyphenols found in it acts as an anti inflammatory agent and restricts the growth of cancerous cells. The soluble dietary fibers, pectin found in it has property of decreasing the action of protein (galectin) found in the cancerous cells. Benefits of Mango juice for Heart health It contains highest level of soluble dietary fibers (pectin) and vitamin C which involves in lowering the bad serum cholesterol levels means Low-Density Lipoproteins as well as enhancing the good serum cholesterol levels means High-Density Lipoproteins thus keeps the heart healthy by keeping all the heart problems away. It is the rich source of potassium which involves in controlling the blood pressure thus heart rate. Benefits of Mango juice for Skin It is beneficial for the skin in both ways whether it is eaten or applied externally on the skin. It India juice has antioxidants which make the skin healthy, smooth, glowing and wrinkles free. It clear out the blocked pores and provides solution to get free from the pimples if applied on the face. It makes the skin glowing by reducing the dark spot
Matti Narkia

Glycemic index, glycemic load, and the risk of acute myocardial infarction in Finnish m... - 0 views

    Glycemic index, glycemic load, and the risk of acute myocardial infarction in Finnish men: The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study. Mursu J, Virtanen JK, Rissanen TH, Tuomainen TP, Nykänen I, Laukkanen JA, Kortelainen R, Voutilainen S. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2009 Oct 14. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19836217 doi:10.1016/j.numecd.2009.08.001 Conclusions Our results suggest that both high dietary GI and GL are associated with increased risk of AMI among overweight and GL possibly among less physically active men.
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