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All Work and No Play: Why Your Kids Are More Anxious, Depressed - Esther Entin - The At... - 60 views

    "For more than fifty years, children's free play time has been continually declining, and it's keeping them from turning into confident adults"

... And Extrovert Kids Need to Learn to Listen at School: BalancEdTech - 2 views

    Introvert Extrovert Ambivert Introverted Kids Need to Learn to Speak Up at School

How Self-Expression Damaged My Students - Robert Pondiscio - The Atlantic - 47 views

  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.
  • But good writers don't just do stuff. They know stuff. They have knowledge of the world that enlivens their prose and provides the ability to create examples and analogies. They have big vocabularies and solid command of the conventions of language and grammar. And if this is not explicitly taught, it will rarely develop by osmosis among children who do not grow up in language-rich homes.

The World's Richest College Dropout Urges Colleges to Stop Dropouts - Jordan Weissmann ... - 22 views

  • Gates sees this problem largely as a matter of incentives. Publications such as U.S. News and World Report reward colleges for the resources they spend on students and their exclusivity, but not necessarily for their results. High SAT scores will move a colleges up in the rankings (and so, it should be noted, will having a high graduation rate). Making sure your alums have a well-paid job, or a job at all, will not. To begin fixing this problem, we need need flip U.S. News' logic, Gates said, and reward schools that "take people with the low SAT and actually educate them well."  
    • Jon Dorbolo
      Taking in less qualified students in order to bring them up to speed is part of the the Land Grant University mission. Sal Khan (Khan Academy) recently observed that for students who take longer to master fundamental math skills, once they do so they accelerate faster such that they catch up to those who are ahead. Ubiquitous learning is species survival.

Let's Go Back to Grouping Students by Ability - Barry Garelick - The Atlantic - 3 views

    • David Hochheiser
      Terribly generalized.  
  • treated accordingly.
    • David Hochheiser
      Mistreated accordingly.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Students were tracked into the various curricula based largely on IQ but sometimes other factors such as race and skin color.
  • public schools have done away with "tracking"
  • deemed low achievers or of low cognitive ability?
  • Jonathan Kozol brought accusations against a system they found racist and sadistic.
    • David Hochheiser
      He condemns a lot more than the eduction system.  His approach to reform is much more like Finland's, holistic.
  • to restore equity to
    • David Hochheiser
      As if it ever existed?!
    • David Hochheiser
      This is an essential issue.  Are we doing it well?
  • Kozol and others did not go away, and the progressive watchword in education has continued to be "equality."
    • David Hochheiser
      I never knew that equality had such a nasty undertone to it.
  • -- a practice viewed by many in the education establishment as synonymous with tracking
    • David Hochheiser
      It is "tracking." I'm not sure what his point is here.
  • Unfortunately, the efforts and philosophies of otherwise well-meaning individuals have attempted to eliminate the achievement gap by eliminating achievement.
    • David Hochheiser
      Again, a nasty generalization.  Not only that, but the following practices he cites aren't products of heterogeneous grouping.  
  • In other words, the elimination of ability grouping has become a tracking system in itself that leaves many students behind.
    • David Hochheiser
      Now he's just not making sense.
  • Dallas Independent School District
    • David Hochheiser
      Ed research from Texas??  They want to teach evolution in science classes.
  • The rise of computer-aided learning might make it easier for them to instruct students who learn at different rates.
    • David Hochheiser
      Is this a for or against grouping statement?
  • this enables students placed in lower-ability classes to advance to higher-ability classes based on their performance and progress.
    • David Hochheiser
      Practices do not support this assertion.  Upward trajectory is very limited.
    "Mark Bowden on Being in the Slow Kids' Class"

The Cost of Saving Lives in Bangladesh - Ben W. Heineman Jr. - The Atlantic - 13 views

  • if real reform is to occur on the ground, hard, complex questions must be asked and answered
    • Mr. Mohan
      what are these questions in your mind?
  • consumers across the globe looking for cheap prices
    • Mr. Mohan
      what is OUR responsibility?
  • global garment retailers who want the incur the lowest cost--and offer the lowest price--to compete in developed markets but who do not want to be complicit in publicized worker tragedies in developing markets
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • $38 dollars per month
  • whether Bangladesh has the means to enforce such laws
  • International Labor Organization
  • Inadequate government is a huge obstacle to change
  • only about one percent of Bangladesh garment factories have good standards.
  • garment factory owners are willing to allow workers to organize in unions or associations in order to have a voice in health and safety conditions
  • "who pays" and "who is accountable"
  • Approximately 60 percent of the clothing made there goes to United States or the European Union
  • there are several problems
  • standards may depend on local law
  • buyers may simply cut off the suppliers rather than helping them improve their practices
  • global buyers simply leave the country when they conclude that conditions are so bad
  • question then becomes whether international buyers are willing to go beyond imposition of standards and supplier cut offs and to pay, in some form, for the undetermined costs
  • actually implementing major substantive change
  • significant challenge in a weak state like Bangladesh.
  • Can a robust consumer movement arise among those shopping for discount clothing in response to the Bangladesh building collapse?
  • What are the standards? What is the cost? Who is accountable?
  • drawn an analogy between the collapse of the Rana Plaza in the Bangladesh Capital of Dhaka and the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire in New York which claimed 146 lives
  • Rana Plaza catastrophe represents a more complicated set of fractured global relationships, responsibilities and financial capabilities.

How Do Millennials Like to Read the News? Very Much Like Their Grandparents - Derek Tho... - 34 views

  • Attention publishers: For all the attention given to "bold rich multi-media experiences," young mobile news readers still prefer stories the way their great-great-grandparents did: In columns of text.

Ten Skills for the Future Workforce - 10 views

  • For a full report, see the work done by Apollo Research Institute (formerly the University of Phoenix Research Institute) looking at the Skills Needed by 2020. A summery of the report and detailed findings about each of the skills are also available.
  • Shape of Jobs to Come: Possible New Careers Emerging from Advances in Science and Technology (2010 – 2030) full study from FastFuture is also very insightful (summary of study).

Bringing Twitter to the Classroom - Atlantic Mobile - 59 views

    • anonymous
      This could all be done within Diigo if Twitter isn't an option for students...
  • Learning to be concise, engaging in online dialogue about serious and important topics, condensing information, and forming an opinion in real time—these are skills that will only become more important as technology takes deeper root in society.
    • anonymous
      Life skills - not just reading/ELA/school skills!
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • anonymous
      This is the same principle as using Edmodo or Google Classroom discussion forums in a way.  Just a different, more concise platform.
    Good example of Twitter use in classroom. Seeing more examples like this one popping up daily.

Why Growth Mindsets Are Necessary to Save Math Class - The Atlantic - 36 views

  • Students with a “growth” mindset are those who believe that their ability is not “fixed” and that failure is a natural part of learning. These are the students who perform at higher levels in math and in life. But students don’t get the opportunity to see math as a growth subject if they mainly work on short, closed questions accompanied by frequent tests that communicate to them that math is all about performance and there is no room for failure.
    Looking at math as reasoning and not just answering questions builds a growth mindset

Why Girls Tend to Get Better Grades Than Boys Do - The Atlantic - 40 views

  • Gone are the days when you could blow off a series of homework assignments throughout the semester but pull through with a respectable grade by cramming for and acing that all-important mid-term exam. Getting good grades today is far more about keeping up with and producing quality homework—not to mention handing it in on time.
  • girls succeed over boys in school because they tend to be more mastery-oriented in their schoolwork habits. They are more apt to plan ahead, set academic goals, and put effort into achieving those goals. They also are more likely than boys to feel intrinsically satisfied with the whole enterprise of organizing their work, and more invested in impressing themselves and their teachers with their efforts.
  • boys approach schoolwork differently. They are more performance-oriented. Studying for and taking tests taps into their competitive instincts. For many boys, tests are quests that get their hearts pounding. Doing well on them is a public demonstration of excellence
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • “The testing situation may underestimate girls’ abilities, but the classroom may underestimate boys’ abilities.”
  • It is easy to for boys to feel alienated in an environment where homework and organization skills account for so much of their grades.
  • it appears that the overwhelming trend among teachers is to assign zero points for late work. In one survey by Conni Campbell, associate dean of the School of Education at Point Loma Nazarene University, 84 percent of teachers did just that.

Why Cliques Form at Some High Schools and Not Others - The Atlantic - 37 views

  • Schools that grouped students by academics and created other ways to force kids with different backgrounds to cooperate (whether in clubs or on sports teams) were less ruled by segregation and hierarchy.
  • how organizations shape our behavior
  • People are social animals, but we’re also creatures of our environment. Our habitats shape our habits.

History in 140 Characters: Asking Educators to Use Twitter - Naomi Coquillon - Technolo... - 51 views

  • When I discuss Twitter in workshops, responses range from "I just don't have time for that -- it's enough to keep up with email and Facebook" to "you just can't have a conversation on Twitter." And I understand. I wasn't always so fond of Twitter. I wondered how I would ever say anything useful in 140 characters
  • What I've come to love as I use Twitter, and the value I share with these teachers, is being exposed to more thought-provoking articles than I ever had before, and learning of new resources just as soon as they become available.
  • to provide our followers with the latest news about our resources or great material from other institutions, as well as being a way to get in touch with us.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Verizon Thinkfinity, "Why Use Twitter? Tell Us Your Tips"
  • Thirty Interesting Ways to Use Twitter"
  • "Help a Fellow Teacher Get on Twitter,"
    ideas and links to other resources for creatively using twitter in the classroom

Alone in the Classroom: Why Teachers Are Too Isolated - Jeffrey Mirel & Simona Goldin -... - 6 views

  • A recent study by Scholastic and the Gates Foundation found that teachers spend only about 3 percent of their teaching day collaborating with colleagues. The majority of American teachers plan, teach, and examine their practice alone
  • With a common curriculum there is agreement about what students are expected to learn, what teachers are to teach, what teacher educators are to instill in potential teachers, and what tests of student learning should measure.
  • Time and money need to be invested to support teachers' understanding of the curriculum and to develop an ethos of collaboration within schools. Also needed are ongoing professional development programs to support teachers' substantive work together.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • competitive teacher assessment schemes could reinforce teacher isolation. If teachers are competing with one another for merit pay, why should they collaborate with one another?
    "Educators spend most of their time distanced from their colleagues. Instead of forcing them to compete with each other, we should help them find new ways to work together."

25 Ways Teachers Can Connect More With Their Colleagues | Edudemic - 20 views

  • A growing criticism of the American education system is that teachers spend too much of their time distanced from their colleagues (a recent survey found that teachers spend just 3% of their school day collaborating with other teachers), encouraging competition rather than collaboration, and making it difficult for teachers to work together to solve educational and institutional issues.
    "..there are many ways that teachers can reach out and connect with their colleagues and build a more collaborative atmosphere in their schools. We've come up with just a few here.."

'There's Something Very Exciting Going On Here' - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic - 20 views

  • One effort I started in June was to announce a seed grant program to support individual faculty and small teams that wanted to try different ways of teaching their course. So the internal funding helps support students or assistants or web developers or other people to help faculty recraft all or part of their course in order to see if new approaches really help.
  • here isn't an actual fixed fund. We got about 40 applicants. Maybe 20 of those things we funded. Each one was up to $25,000. I think I'd like to continue that on a quarterly basis. And really, we're new at all this. So the scale of this effort will depend on the faculty input and the outcome of how effective we find this to be.
  • We now have the ability for individual faculty or programs on campuses to produce appealing online content with relatively low effort and distribute that wide
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • we'd like to see a number of things tried so we can have a good discussion that's informed by rational experiment and collected data. Beyond these individual experiments, one class at a time, I think it would be great to have one or two departments really try to integrate an online experience into their core curriculum so we can understand how that works, so we can provide students more options
  • Many of these first round of MOOCs were produced with a webcam by an individual instructor using a tablet PC. That's on the order of a thousand dollars worth of equipment. Maybe. Certainly, it's extremely inexpensive compared with a laptop 5 years ago. So the cost of the technology is lower. There's good software for editing video -- we're in an era where producing video is similar to word processing. And everyone is used to interacting with people online in different ways than were prevalent 10 to 15 years ago. The kind of discussion you can have online is more sophisticated. People understand social conventions for how to contribute constructively to an online discussion. Those factors really contribute to the effectiveness of a MOOC or a smaller scale online course.
  • I think we'll see an evolution of a range of different ways of using technology, and probably some expansion of the set of options that a student has. Instead of going off to college, maybe some students will live in their parents' homes or elsewhere and take a first year or two online. Or they'll spend two years in college and finish two years online as they work. There will be different, in effect, educational programs coming out of this phenomenon that offer credit, certification, job placement, and other things beyond the self learning that MOOCs provide. So I think we really are going to see a transformation in the way teaching and learning are developed and delivered
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