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Roland Gesthuizen

What is a PLN? Or, PLE vs. PLN? » open thinking - 77 views

  • I thought it was appropriate to ask the question to my PLN (or what I perceive as my PLN) via Twitter. I asked if anyone had a definition for a PLN, or if they knew the difference between a personal learning network and personal learning environment (PLE). I received varied responses, and the majority of these are pasted below.
  • I believe that is what a PLN is all about…To act as a source AND catalyst for this sort of thought-provoking conversation and authentic experience mentioned above that leads us to a point where are required to engage, to reflect, and ultimately to contribute instead of just consuming.
    "I thought it was appropriate to ask the question to my PLN (or what I perceive as my PLN) via Twitter. I asked if anyone had a definition for a PLN, or if they knew the difference between a personal learning network and personal learning environment (PLE). I received varied responses, and the majority of these are pasted below."
Roland Gesthuizen

PLN = Perplexing Linguistic Notion | Graham Wegner - Open Educator - 54 views

    PLN. Stands for Personal Learning Network. Gets bandied around a lot by educators using social media tools. Myself included. We all think we know what we are talking about when we refer to our PLN. Well, I do, at least. Not too sure about some of you others out there. Here's what I personally think my PLN is:
Roland Gesthuizen

Making Connections and Building Your PLN [Video] | Edmodo - Where learning happens. - 1 views

    "Building a personal learning network (PLN) is a great way to exchange ideas, share resources, collaborate and get inspired. Teacher connections can be made with various web tools like Edmodo and Twitter, but did you know you can easily create a PLN within your district through Edmodo?"
Glenn Hervieux

YouTube - My PLN - by Donelle O'Brien - 50 views

    "Learning and being motivated by my PLN" - This video brings what PLNs are to life! Yeah! Created in Animoto
Sheri Edwards

PLN Challenge: How do I organize? | What Else -- - 51 views

  • easy as your ABCs
  • Add a highlight to a webpage
  • Comment in the webpage and in the description box about what you learned.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Bookmark to Diigo (into a group and/or list).
  • research sharing. Each class has their own private group, and we have one group for all our classes. And I belong to several groups, including Classroom 20, Diigo in Education , and EdTechTalk. I’ve created a group for the Teacher Challenges, called “ebchallenge” if you decide to join Diigo. That way, our new PLN we are building can share resources with each other.
  • certain topics, specific tools (like Google Apps).
  • Now that I’ve got you thinking, Diigo has a free and premium version — and teachers should apply for the education version. My language arts students use Diigo for research, note-taking, and writing feedback and
  • t that is just for Tools — Animoto, Wallwish, etc. I also may put how-to pages there, or in my How-To List. I have lists for lessons,
  • Comment in the webpage using the Sticky Note feature and in the description box about what you learned when you click bookmark. Save.
    Introduction to Diigo and group for sharing resources with our edublog challenge PLN

Stages of PLN adoption | The Thinking Stick - 17 views

    • trisha_poole
      Learn by doing - immersion...
    • trisha_poole
      After the "honeymoon" period comes evaluation: how is the SNT working? How do you need it to work? Is it a productive addition to your workday? Or is it a burden? How do you feel when you receive information from the SNT?
    how one goes about starting a PLN, how do you monitor it, and how do you learn to shut it off
GP withMdmLin

Edmodo | Home - 89 views

shared by GP withMdmLin on 28 Jan 11 - Cached
  • Flashbacks -
  • Flashbacks - Monday, February 21,2011
  • f Representatives
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Tuesday -
  • Agenda -
  • PLN:
  • Experts:
  • Livebinder:
  • Experts & Websites:
  • PLN
  • Experts & Websites:
  • Livebinders:
  • PLN
  • Experts & Websites:
  • Livebinders:
  • PLN Personal Learning Network
  • PLN: Personal Learning Network
  • Experts & Websites:
  • Livebinders:
  • eWomen
    • Brenna Novak
      An example of teacher posting and student responses/posts in Edmodo
  • Me to 2* Science Diffusion, Osmosis, & Active Transport Notes Turned in (0) DUE: May 24, 2012 Please fill-in as we go through them in class. I will upload a separate document with the diagrams. I will create a handout of the diagrams so please DO NOT print from here. Diffusion, Osmosis, & Active Transport Notes... Show Full Post Show Less
    • Brenna Novak
      The pink highlight is an example of a homework/note posting in Edmodo. You can keep track of who has completed the assignment.
    • Joel Gogwim
      Its cool
    • Monica Del Castillo
      Nice thanks
    • Cathy Hopperstad
      Yes, how do you remove the stickies from my Edmodo page?
    • Roy Sovis
      Cathy, I loaded the Diigo toolbar in IE, Firefox, and Chrome. It's the only toolbar I use. In Firefox and IE, I click on the Diigo icon in the toolbar and mouse hover over "See All Annotations". Another menu will open in whcih you can select the setting you desire in regards to public and private annotations/sticky notes.
    • Brenna Novak
      I like using the highlighting and sticky notes. This can be a great tool to use with my students. Just like I am doing for Edmodo by pointing out the different features of the site.
    • Dan Warren
      OK. Nice. Now, how do I get rid of the notes floating on my Edmodo page?
    • A Kashdan
      I started using Diigo, but I have no idea why I'm seeing these notes.
    • carmelladoty
      Ok, I read the sticky notes, now how do I remove them?
    • Diego Tutor
      You can't remove them as they are not your notes, they were published by somebody else in a group where you have access to (Public, Diigo in Education, etc.). You have the option to hide them through the Diigo toolbar, or you can abandon the group not to see any notes from any member in it. :)
  • Utilitarian education
    quotes and quotes and quotes...
Martin Burrett

UKEdMag: Importance of a PLN by @ponderingDan - 2 views

    "When you have a specific interest, it can be difficult to learn more about it from people in your immediate circle of influence. Teaching is broad and we all have that one area we love just a little more than the others. This is why I sought out to understand more about Professional Learning Networks (PLN) and their value to teachers. I am often trying to persuade my peers to get online so they can reap the benefits that I am."
Miss OConnor

Personal Learning Networks for Educators - The Educator's PLN - 67 views

    understanding the importance of building a PLN
Phil Taylor

Thumann Resources - 0 views

  • “How can educators around the world use technology to connect, collaborate, teach, support and inspire each other? Collaborative Internet applications allow educators to create online communities that support their professional learning and relieve their isolation. In this session we will focus on the ways two social networking tools, Twitter and Classroom 2.0, can be harnessed to build a rich and powerful learning community.
    From Twitter PLN - great resource and explaination for why teachers should use Twitter to build up their PLNs
    I realize there are many amazing posts on the merits of using Twitter to develop a PLN. I also realize that there already exists dozens of collections of tools for making the most of Twitter. Yet, as I prepare for my presentation at NJECC's annual conference tomorrow, I am compelled to write one of my own.
Holley Staber

Building your PLN | Edublogs Teacher Challenges - 61 views

  • Know it or not, you already have some sort of Personal Learning Network or PLN
    Ways to set up PLM

Leading Change - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 34 views

    Building your PLN
Bochi 23

FV #30 - 32+ Tools to Grow Your PLN - 12 views

    I came up with this list of 32+ tools you can use to grow your Professional Learning Environment (PLE)
Matt Renwick

Why My PLN is Like a Haystack | Reading By Example - 33 views

    Each person in my personal learning network is like a piece of hay, and one of them is bound to know where to locate the needle that I seek. It's easy to find a needle in a haystack - Ask the hays to find it!
Wendy de Jong

PLN Starter Kit - 72 views

    This crowdsourced resource is meant to help those who are just beginning to start their journey as a "connected educator." It is not exhaustive. In fact, if all goes to plan, it will be a perpetual work in progress - just like the PLNs it will hopefully help build.
Roland Gesthuizen

Why Learning Through Social Networks Is The Future - 67 views

    "Learning to create, manage and promote a professional learning network (PLN) will soon become, if it's not already, one of the most necessary and sought after skills for a global citizen, and as such, must become a prominent feature of any school curriculum. "
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