Contents contributed and discussions participated by BalancEd Tech
Birmingham Covington: Building a Student-Centered School | Edutopia - 41 views
Learn more about Thinkering Studio here:
Raising a Child With Grit Can Mean Letting Her Quit - The New York Times - 77 views
thinkeringstudio - Jumpstarts - 53 views
EPortfolio Rubric (Digital Portfolio Rubric) - 72 views
12 Mistakes Schools Make When Introducing The Next Big Thing - 5 views
No. 2242: The Flying Circus of Physics - 78 views
"That's how science works at its best. A question answered is a question killed, unless the answer leads to the kind of understanding from which new questions spring." Question - How many assignments in science, social studies, etc. end with an explicit list of new questions versus a project or test full of "answers"?