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Marita Thomson

One Year Later: Assessing the Impact of iPads on Education - iPads in Education - 136 views

    Mobile digital devices rocketed to popularity around 10 years ago with the release of the iPod. Mobile computing went mainstream with the release of the iPhone in 2007. With the release of the iPad just one year ago, we are now seeing a significant shift in the dynamics of computer purchase and practice - moving away from desktops and laptops to iPads and other mobile devices. Their cost relative to laptops along with the promise of mobile computing has raised tremendous interest in iPad use in education.
Roland Gesthuizen

5 Ways Higher Education Is Leveraging Mobile Tech - 61 views

    Mobile technology is on the minds of higher education professionals more than ever before. At the recent HighEdWeb conference in Austin, the itinerary included several ways schools can use social media, blogs and mobile technologies to better captivate its student body .. As tomorrow's grads become increasingly married to their mobile devices, here are five ways that mobile tech matters just as much as social technology in the higher ed space.
Carol Findlay

Polkast - Your Personal Cloud. Fast, secure, direct access to all the files on your com... - 32 views

    Great app for the ability to access you files on another computer over wifi. Being the tech teacher I have multiple computers and devices. This app allows me to instantly access files on my other devices. Free to access 1 other device. I will be upgrading for multiple devices! 
Don Doehla

Creating a "Least Restrictive Environment" with Mobile Devices | Edutopia - 2 views

    "The U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act defines the concept of the Least Restrictive Environment as the opportunity for a student with a disability to be "provided with supplementary aids and services necessary to achieve educational goals if placed in a setting with non-disabled peers." (Daniel R.r. v. State Bd. of Educ., 874 F.2d 1036, 1050, 5th Cir.1989) This concept of providing students with "supplementary aids and services necessary to achieve educational goals" could be applied to all students. By leveraging the capabilities of mobile devices, teachers can support their students in creating a personalized learning environment with the least number of barriers. "
Lauren Rosen

Mobile devices: Wireless devices and consoles provide new ways for teens and adults to ... - 22 views

  • African Americans are the most active users of the mobile internet, and their use is growing at a faster pace than mobile internet use among whites or Hispanics.  While African-Americans are less likely than whites to use laptops to access the internet, they are more likely to use other mobile devices such as cell phones. Half of all African-American adults (48%) have used their cell phone to access the internet, compared with 40% of Hispanic adults and just 31% of white adults.
    Information on the use of mobiles according to PEW studies.
Florence Dujardin

Looking to the future: M-learning with the iPad - 1 views

    Might Apple's new iPad gain unprecedented traction in education, or is just another example of the over-hyping of new devices in a time of technological determinism (Postman, 2000)? This paper explores the potential affordances and limitations of the Apple iPad in the wider context of emergent mobile learning theory, and the social and economic drivers that fuel technology development. Against the background of effective teaching and learning, the functionality offered by the iPad, and its potential uses for learning, are discussed. A critical review of the way the iPad may support learning, that draws on learning theory, contemporary articles and e-learning literature, suggests that the device may offer an exciting platform for consuming and creating content in a collaborative, interactive way. However, of greater importance is that effective, evidence-driven, innovative practices, combined with a clear-sighted assessment of the advantages and limitations of any product, should take priority over the device itself.
Glenn Hervieux

Timeline JS3 - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. - 43 views

    Using a Google Sheets template, you can create nice timelines with embedded images, videos, sound files, etc. They play nicely on mobile devices, as well However, they must be published to the web on a desktop/laptop computer, even if they are created on a mobile device.
SJCNY Trainers

Understanding Mobility and its Impact on Learning -- Campus Technology - 49 views

    Nice set of guidelines for the integration of mobile devices into curriculum, not just use of such devices.

Mobile learning's major impact | eSchool News | eSchool News | 2 - 10 views

    • anonymous
      About HALF of all students in grades 3-5 have access to a tablet!
  • Eighty percent of students in grades 9-12, 65 percent of those in grades 6-8, 45 percent of grades 3-5 students
  • have access to a smartphone
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • A report released earlier this year confirms the trend, which seems now to be less of a trend and more of a permanent feature in schools.
  • the majority (77 percent) of families have at least one smartphone at home, and 46 percent have at least one tablet.
    • anonymous
      Devices are available and accessibility is at hand!
  • School and district administrators say that mobile technology, including tablets (41 percent), one-to-one programs (28 percent), mobile apps (22 percent), and BYOD (22 percent) have had a significant impact on teaching and learning,
  • South Korea trains teachers in digital learning and has broadband connectivity in all of its schools. Additionally, South Korea plans to phase out printed textbooks in the next two years. Turkey has plans to distribute 10 million tablets to students by 2015, and Thailand’s government has similar aims, with plans to supply 13 million mobile devices to students by 2015
Roland Gesthuizen

Education Week's Digital Directions: Schools Open Doors to Students' Mobile Devices - 44 views

    At Oak Hills High School in suburban Cincinnati, students returned from summer break to learn they were free not only to bring their mobile devices to school, but also to use them-at their teachers' discretion-to connect to the school's wireless network to do their work .. In Chicago, the Mikva Challenge's student-leadership branch suggested in an August report that the city's public schools allow students to use their own smartphones on campus for learning.
Roland Gesthuizen

Drill Down: Mobile Devices in Education -- THE Journal - 105 views

    "As educators continue to weigh the many considerations attached to allowing student-owned handheld devices on campus, Speak Up asked parents what good they think the use of mobile technologies would have on their children's education."
    Interesting to look over the perceptions reported by parents.
Martin Burrett

UKEdMag: Mobile phones in lessons? by @MsGlynn2014 - 11 views

    I used to be a massive advocate of using mobile phones in lessons; the ways they could be used are just endless. I had students use them to research topics; find the answers to a question we didn't know, even as voting devices. I used them just rarely enough that students didn't take it as a given and rarely tried to use their phones for uses other than I intended. I even use them to avoid printing off sheet after sheet of homework, instead having students take a picture on their phone (with the added bonus that they can't lose the sheet).
sanford arbogast

Learning on the Move: Mobile Learning Devices « The Power of Us - 36 views

  • Whyville , What does it take to build a sustainable, green energy community? 8th Graders are showing us how using WhyPower, an interactive learning game within the largest interactive learning world, WhyVille. Here is an interactive game. Energy Game:  WHYPOWER Whyville is a thriving community with its own economy, newspaper, government and much more.  It now has its own power grid!  As part of the WhyCareers program, we are “electrifying” Whyville with a power grid that uses traditional and renewable energy sources.  Students will manage the power grid to select the right mix of coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric, solar and wind energy. They will build homes in Whyville!  They will observe and measure power use in Whyville, and form good energy behaviors and habits. Finally, they will explore the math, science and career topics related to energy.  Just like in real life, success in Whyville is not pre-programmed!  Students skill, initiative, creativity and teamwork determines the rewards they receive and the “virtual money” they earn in WhyPower. Whyville. Run a city using energy reources.
    interesting article on mobile learning bridging the digital gap plus a link ot a great site for learning about renewable energy"whiyville" and its place in the "power grid"
Sharin Tebo

20 Awesome BYOD and Mobile Learning Apps | Edutopia - 106 views

  • For collaborative, simultaneous writing and peer feedback, Google Drive (26)/Docs is still king
  • Students should know how to convert, export, import and move data seamlessly between apps and devices of all kinds. They should also know how to "print to epaper" and how to open and annotate the documents in various readers.
  • Blogger (Kidblog (32)),
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • You can also link Dropbox (40) with (41) to have students turn work in even if they don't have access to Dropbox.
  • No matter what platform, I want every student to know how to "grab" a screenshot.
  • Not only is this a cyber safety protection skill, it's also great for turning in work from a mobile device when you just can't figure out how to export
Roland Gesthuizen

6 Reasons EdLeaders Should Let Kids Bring Devices to School | Getting Smart - 133 views

    Bans on student use of mobile devices exist for some good reasons-kids use them inappropriately at school and there are safety and security concerns.  So why bother considering a change?  There are six reasons to consider BYOD.
Judy Arzt

Technology in the Middle » Blog Archive » Digital Literacy 2011: Diigo for Ed... - 4 views

    Technology in the Middle provides information on using Diigo on a variety of devices including iPad and mobile devices
Martin Burrett

Sworkit - 4 views

    A great random workout generator. Choose the type of exercise and set the timer between 5-60 minutes. This could be used as a 5 minute challenge in a sports lesson. The site works well on mobile devices, but there are apps for Apple and Android devices to download.
Peter Beens

iPad as an Interactive White Board for $5 or $10 « Moving at the Speed of Cre... - 5 views

    School leaders around the United States continue to spend HUGE amounts of money on interactive whiteboards for classrooms, despite the fact that these devices universally FAIL to empower students to become more independent, self-directed and engaged learners in the way mobile learning devices (like laptops, tablets or other personal digital learning tools) can. Please do not misunderstand me: It definitely IS a big deal for a teacher and his/her students to have access to an LCD projector connected to a computer in the classroom if previously, the "normal" technology in the room was an overhead projector.

Education Week: Effective Use of Digital Tools Seen Lacking in Most Tech.-Rich Schools - 100 views

  • Those factors include integrating technology into intervention classes; setting aside time for professional learning and collaboration for teachers; allowing students to use technology to collaborate; integrating technology into core curricula at least weekly; administering online formative assessments at least weekly; lowering the student-to-computer ratio as much as possible; using virtual field trips at least monthly; encouraging students to use search engines daily; and providing training for principals on how to encourage best practices for technology implementation. Only about 1 percent of the 1,000 schools surveyed by Project RED followed all those steps, and those that did “saw dramatic increases in student achievement and had revenue-positive experiences,” Ms. Wilson said.
    • Adam Truitt
      Data drives decisions....or at least should
  • cut their photocopying and printing budgets in half.
    • London Jenks
      The "paperless classroom" or the "not so much paper as before" classroom
    • trisha_poole
      This is similar to what is happening in Australia, particularly NSW, I think.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • requires leadership,professional development, collaboration, and new forms of pedagogy and assessment
    Most schools that have integrated laptop computers and other digital devices into learning are not following the paths necessary to maximize the use of technology in ways that will raise student achievement and help save money, a report concludes."We all know that technology does things to improve our lives, but very few schools are implementing properly," said Leslie Wilson, a co-author of the study, "The Technology Factor: Nine Keys to Student Achievement and Cost-Effectiveness," released last month. She is the chief executive officer of the Mason, Mich.-based One-to-One Institute, which advocates putting mobile-computing devices into the hands of all students.
Randolph Hollingsworth

DataWind's Aakash 2 and Ubislate Are Cheap Tablets for the Developing World | MIT Techn... - 11 views

    planning to offer $25 mobile device + $0 access to Internet ... using apps to speed up visibility of content across slow wireless networks ... computing "hardware is dead"
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