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Roland Gesthuizen

Digital Divide and Social Media: Connectivity Doesn't End the Digital Divide, Skills Do... - 42 views

    Whether we like it or not, we live in a very unequal and stratified world. We live in societies in which inequality is ignored in education, science, and in the social media. As Internet technologies are rapidly evolving and new digital divides on the Internet emerge, we must move beyond, at some point, a singular concern over Internet access and technological infrastructure issues. We must tackle socio-cultural differences, we must focus on Internet skills, literacies and social media usage.
Roland Gesthuizen

How 3 Different Generations Use The Internet - Edudemic - 88 views

    "The web is filled with videos, social media chatter, and more resources than your brain can handle. Who is putting all that stuff online? According to a new study on internet usage by different generations, all the content on the web may be coming from some unexpected places."
Lauren Rosen

Mobile devices: Wireless devices and consoles provide new ways for teens and adults to ... - 22 views

  • African Americans are the most active users of the mobile internet, and their use is growing at a faster pace than mobile internet use among whites or Hispanics.  While African-Americans are less likely than whites to use laptops to access the internet, they are more likely to use other mobile devices such as cell phones. Half of all African-American adults (48%) have used their cell phone to access the internet, compared with 40% of Hispanic adults and just 31% of white adults.
    Information on the use of mobiles according to PEW studies.

Bing in the Classroom will eliminate adverts at no cost to school districts | eSchool N... - 23 views

  • Schools are safe havens where children should be able to learn and grow in a supportive atmosphere. At home, parents have the ability to monitor their children’s intake of consumer products by limiting television and internet usage, and helping them engage critically with the content they see. But if we allow advertising in any form in our schools, we run directly counter to the message educational institutions are trying to promote: that these are places of learning, not selling.

FAQ - Diigo help - 44 views

shared by icemanmelb on 11 Jan 10 - Cached
sabirshakir liked it
  • effectively utilize the vast array of information that resides on the internet and who are capable of processing the information collaboratively
  • superior to traditional classroom teaching alone
    • tariqy
      Important quote
  • skills
    • Sheri Stahler
      How to write comments directly on web pages and how to use easyblogs
    • toni holmberg
      Is there a way to disallow students from joining other groups. My students are young and I would rather have them just interacting with me and each other.
    • Vicki Davis
      Toni, you should set them up in the teacher console without a full profile.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • finding,
  • organizing
  • synthesizing
  • presenting information
  • facilitate online conversations within the context of the materials themselves. 
  • Teacher can setup separate accounts - one is for their professional / personal usage, and one to be used for instruction with their students.  That way, there is less concern of mingling these.
    The more I work with this tool the more I love it. This tells you how to set up student accounts even if your students don't have email.
    Diigo's page for using it in education.
    Sounds like a requirement
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