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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dr. Fridemar Pache

Dr. Fridemar Pache

Embedding Videos in Annotations - 29 views

diigoannotations embeddedvideos
started by Dr. Fridemar Pache on 10 Jun 08 no follow-up yet
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Maggie,

    is there still a way of embedding Videos in annotations.

    It would be helpful to have a tag videocode as e.g. the Media Wiki Engine in practises it.

    By the way, (not only) for this we need annotation windows with normal window resizing buttons, like normal, maximize.

    All the best to all of us
Dr. Fridemar Pache

CommunityWiki: WikiNode - 0 views

    TwinPage Wikiannotation CommunityWiki READONLY linkcorrection
    Dear Diigos,
    I leave here a copy of my wiki contribution, before the annotated page was made READONLY.
    Before the page was made READONLY, it allowed me the quoted entry below.

    Now I wanted to correct the link below from

    MeatballWiki ( pointing erroniously to )
    MeatballWiki ( pointing now correctly to )

    Unfortunately this Wiki page switched from READ and WRITE to READONLY, so that the author couldn't correct his contribution.

    What a blessing, that there is this social annotation service Diigo. I wish, all the world would use it. It is a great help for democratic open and free expression and initiatives.
    The value of social annotation is indispensible.
    Quote of my wiki contribution:
    My suggestion is to try to establish links by userdefined TwinPages. These links are usually at the bottom of the page, but it might be a good alternative to have them at some other visible place, e.g at the top of RecentChanges, if the resp. wiki allows users to edit the top lines. If somebody objects against a link s/he may delete it with or without an argument. If there are enough supporters for establishing a TwinPage relation between the strategi

Two requests - 35 views

comment forward
started by Ivan on 19 Jul 07 no follow-up yet
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Hi Joe, hi Invanhoe and other privacy optioneers,

    wouldn't it be great for social (and also for private) annotators, if the user could set their own user defaults (overriding the system defaults):

    - BookmarkPrivacy to: 'public' or 'private' AND
    - CommentPrivacy to: 'public' or 'private'

    Currently the social annotators are annoyed each time with the (small) task to always having to redefine the system default of CommentPrivacy to 'public'.

    Imagine the cumulative loss of energy of (hopefully ;-) millions of social annotators.

    Or did I miss a user preference option to do this (to make the user-default for CommentPrivacy ='public').

    joel wrote:
    > 1) We will change the default setting as private and info you when it's done.
    > 2) Y, the alert feature is implemented in the next version. We are testing it now.
Dr. Fridemar Pache

DiiGo TrailFire Wiki Collaboration - 51 views

collaboration diigo wiki spam (electronic)
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Diigos, dear Maggie:

    it's a great feature of Diigo: Diigo groups.
    I am wondering, why this tool for focussing on a special area of interest is not used more widely.

    So I opened a group, that has its roots all over the web. This group is for cross-fertilizing and hopefully a fast growing plant, where all participants may care for and enjoy the fruits.

    DiiGo TrailFire Wiki Collaboration

  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Diigos, dear Maggie:

    I understand. Otherwise this forum might be swamped with announcements of new Diigo groups.

    In my case, I was the first one, not yet aware of these consequences, because we have not many public groups yet.

    So at least my announcement for a public Diigo group could serve as a DON'T DO IT example.

    As we are all in a flow, the rules for organizing the inner structure of the Diigo community emerge on demand.


    What about an Announcement forum on Diigo?
    Here new public groups could be announced in public.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.


    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > First of all, a general forum guideline: promotion to other groups is not appropriate here in this Diigo Community User Forum. Otherwise, we'd be faced with spam and promotions that not all Diigo users are interested. This is just common sense and good practice.
    > Having said that, we definitely encourage and believe in ideas exchange and better way to connect with people with like-minded interests. We highly encourage our users to create their own public groups or join others. We envision Diigo Groups as a new kind of online collaboration platform for both teams who wish to conduct private research & discussion, and people who wish to share their interesting findings and find others with common interest. So, we will be rolling out even more features to allow everyone to discover groups / people. Stay tuned.
Spiral Funk

Private/Public Bookmarking - 204 views

group privacy tag suggestion
started by Spiral Funk on 19 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    > > 1.Choosing between private and public bookmarking is still not fast enough, it feels silly to have a drop-down-menu as there are only two options namely private/public, it would be much faster to have the two options as buttons.

    Actually the option in the user preferences is flawed.

    There is some confusion on default settings.
    We have two sorts of defaults: system defaults and user defaults.
    And we have defaults for bookmarks and defaults for annotations.

    The system defaults are set to "private", contrary to TrailFire, where the system defaults are set to "public".

    Wether checking or unchecking the option box, in both cases we get the system default for annotations set to "private" and have to recheck it manually, each time when we want to make a public annotation.

    This is inconvenient for social minded peers, who want to use Diigo preferably for open social collaboration.

    So my suggestion is:

    If you stick to the principle "private first", setting the system defaults to "private",
    make two option boxes for letting the user set the user defaults for bookmarks and
    user defaults for annotations to "public",

    If you prefer the principle "public first", as done at Trailfire, setting the system defaults to "public",
    make two option boxes for letting the user set the user defaults for bookmarks and
    user defaults for annotations to "private",

    Of course, it would be even more practical for the programmers and perhaps for the users too, to make only one option box for bookmarks and annotations. The consequence would be: the user has only one decision to make: either they want to share their bookmarks and annotations with their peers in public or they don't want to share them with their peers, keeping them private.

    We are speaking only on default values. Nothing keeps the user off to recheck the defaults box in the dialog-window, on a case to case basis, when they actually make their bookmark or their annotation.

Dr. Fridemar Pache

Bookmarks not saved by the system - 99 views

admin group
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Bug Report:

    Dear Maggie, I tagged one of my last bookmarks with diigoforum.

    But, when searching for this bookmark, I got an error message, that this bookmark doesn't exist.

  • ...2 more comments...
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Hi, Maggie


    instead of deleting constructive annotations and bookmarks of Diigo peers, which don't
    fit the preferences of the group admin,

    what about forwarding them in the groupless category, preserving the tags?

    This builds trust and good feelings for the engaged DiiGo peers, because nobody is happy, if
    their work is lost.


    Happily Diigo's simultaneous bookmarking elsewhere appears to be intact, such that trust is preserved.

    > Hi Fridemar,
    > Not a bug. Each group admin sets his / her own group rules. This Diigo User Group is actively managed - non-Diigo stuff is deleted. Mixing other things make finding Diigo relevant things more difficult for our users.
    > For those with specific interest, please open up other public group(s) to share. We will also soon enable more meaningful ways to identify users with like-minded interest.
    > cheers
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Thank you Maggie,

    feeling that you and your team is openminded lets me breathe a sigh of relief.
    "Groupless" could be a nourishing ground for the building of new groups

    Suggestion: The Redirect to "Groupless" mechanism, should have a recommendation field, where the admin has a chance to give a nice comment, stimulating something positive and constructive.



    maggie_diigo wrote:

    > > what about forwarding them in the groupless category, preserving the tags?
    > Groupless - without a destination - where to forward to? But this inspires some interesting idea - will brainstorm with our team, and also drop you a line to discuss more.

    > Just because something is deleted from a particular group, your bookmark is still saved and untouched in your "My bookmarks" area. It's not lost by any mean :-)

    thank you
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Thank you wade,

    d'accord, agreed.


  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Maggie,

    I think, it might help to reduce anxiousness on losing bookmarks and annotations, if not addressing them on specific groups.

    Instead of this making them general and leaving a posting in the targeted groups:


    Dear Diigos,

    this TrailFireTrail demonstrates, that the Diigo annotation system needs trails to connect different pages. It is very convenient for readers and writers as well.
    The author deliberately doesn't put this annotation in one of the Diigo groups, because it could be rejected by the group admin as "not on topic".
    Instead of this, he thinks it is more efficient to put a copy of this annotation in the appropriate group-forum.


    See the tags under TrailFire, from whom we can learn a lot.


    (1) Add trails to the diigo annotation system to make

    (2) Add at least the reduced wiki-mode of FireTrail to Diigo.

    (3) Get rid of the 5000 words barrier for clipping. (On TrailFire it is not a problem to make a html-snapshot of a whole wikipage. This is an excellent backup mechanism and doesn't harm the original life wiki page, that could have changed in the meantime. Of course you need the consense of all involved wiki-authors of the page. No problem for heavy duty authors, who initiate a lot of pages.)

    (4) Offer only rich-text input fields (in Wysywig and in HTML text-mode) as TrailFire does it.

    (5) Make sharing-in public the default. It's always a nuisance to lose time for rechecking for privacy-mode=public. We are primarily a social annotating community, aren't we.

    (6) Make a true RecentChanges (and not only a "hot topic RecentChanges", which looks like censorship) Most of the time I didn't see my contributions in the general RecentChanges.

    (7) Make the annotations UrlBased, just as TrailFire did.
    This way, annotations can talk to each other, by linking to their MarkUrls. And they show up in Google.

    fridemar wrote:
    > Thank you Maggie,
    > feeling that you and your team is openminded lets me breathe a sigh of relief.
    > "Groupless" could be a nourishing ground for the building of new groups
    > Suggestion: The Redirect to "Groupless" mechanism, should have a recommendation field, where the admin has a chance to give a nice comment, stimulating something positive and constructive.
    > MayAllBeHappy
    > Fridemar
    > maggie_diigo wrote:
    > > > what about forwarding them in the groupless category, preserving the tags?
    > >
    > > Groupless - without a destination - where to forward to? But this inspires some interesting idea - will brainstorm with our team, and also drop you a line to discuss more.
    > ...
    > > Just because something is deleted from a particular group, your bookmark is still saved and untouched in your "My bookmarks" area. It's not lost by any mean :-)
    > thank you

Tags being clipped - 272 views

  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Hi donalconIon, hi Maggie,

    thank you donalconion for this excellent suggestion.

    Long tags are really helpful to connect clear cut concepts in different social communities.
    They appear indispensable for open SocialCollaboration (and IntraCorporateCollaboration too).

    By the way, what about not only allowing long tags, but making the tags sensible to uppercase and show them in CaseSensitive form. This way the readers can overlook them at least twice as fast.


    For the sake of widest open SocialCollaboration, specially for DiiGoTrailFireCollaboration, I make my posting a TrailMark annotation too and tag this accordingly.


    donalconlon wrote:
    > Yes Maggie, I do that. But the cloud still clips it if it's more that a certain number of characters.
    > maggie_diigo wrote:
    > > To use a phrase as a single tag, either put quotation marks around the phrase, or use hyphen between words.
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Thank you Diigo providers,

    Long tags are very efficient tools to interface between different social online communities and to transport ideas, that are in the Web2.0 trend.

    As example, some peers might want to search and link to long tags like:


    Currently they don't show in the Diigo tag-search, although the author made them public. Grrrh :-(
    Instead of this, if you search ("All Bookmarks by tag") at Diigo's Mainpage for


    and who would deny that millions of socially minded people would like to build and share SocialCommonWealth

    we get the wrong answer:

    No bookmarks tagged SocialCommonWealth

    The author doesn't think, that the Diigo community is happy with such a state, which appears to him only as a bug feature of the diigo software and not a missing social engagement of the Diigo provider.


    iplnts wrote:
    > HI! Maggie!
    > Thanks,
    > maggie_diigo wrote:
    > > We've finished implementing FF long tags support, but still have a little trouble with IE stylesheet. Will continue playing with it.
    > >
    > > This feature will be rolled out with the next major website release. Stay tuned.

Allowing minimal html in the forum text - 208 views

feature forum suggestion HTML text format code hyperlink link colour sticky note annotate markup wiki textile Trac WMD WYSIWYG WYSIWYM
started by iplnts on 16 May 07 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin liked it
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    We really should become accustomed to replace old fashioned forums by annotations.
    The time of only "Wow, cool" annotations is hopefully soon over.

    maggie_diigo wrote:
    > yes, you can add diigo sticky note here :-)
Marcel Weiss

Important: position of 'clip it' - 37 views

started by Marcel Weiss on 14 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Maggie, dear Marcel:

    thank you for your hints. The use of the Clip is not selfdescribing, especially if there is some conflict with other software.
    It would be very helpful, if the normal working of a new feature is "described" by a video on YouTube.

    I added a universally usable tag


    where questions to the Diigo community can be aggregated in annotations. Via the same tag: answers can be given, preferably with embedded videos, placed in YouTube.


Dr. Fridemar Pache

Date Time Stamp needs Qualifier - 26 views

started by Dr. Fridemar Pache on 22 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Maggie,

    the Date Time Stamp in annotations needs a trailing qualifier like GMT, UTC, PST or something similar.
    Otherwise it gives rise to unnecessary requests, when time critical ideas, leading to patent claims, were presented.

    Especially in the OpenSource and the CC movement, brilliant ideas are offered, that could be ripped off as patent claims. If the idea givers can give evidence, that they were some seconds earlier, the idea/concept/procedure belongs to the author or community (depending on the license) and cannot be blocked by a parasitic copyright/patent claim anymore.

    The same argument applies to graphics, music, movies, any other content claims, coupled to a time-stamped annotion of its author.

    MayAllBeHappy ( I know how difficult this may be from time to time ;-)
John L. Knight

Bookmark this link on context menu - 43 views

bookmark context menu
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear johnlknight,

    your suggestion BookmarkingLinks via the context menue is an excellent idea, because it saves a lot of time for the bookmarker as well as the readers of bookmarked links.

    Another suggestion:

    AnnotatingLinks via the context menue are in this case like little previews, that help to navigate.
    Besides that, links are more stable and visible on Webpages than other content. So they opt for a safer harbour for bookmarks.


    johnlknight wrote:
    > To bookmark a page in Diigo you must actually viewing that page.
    > Please could you add an option to the context menu to bookmark a link (as delicious does.)
    > Sometimes it's not necessary to go to a page, or I just want to save it for later viewing.
    > Cheers
    > John
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Johnlknight, dear Maggie,

    thank you johnlknight, the screenshot you gave, saves me to answer Maggie more explicitely, what is meant by tagging a link.

    Hovering over the tagged link, pops the annotation window, earlier made with tag/annotate this link.
    This is a very valuable suggested feature, because it helps to save time, when deciding on navigating away from the annotated page.


    johnlknight wrote:
    > Maggie,
    > I've demonstrated this on a screenshot, see below link
    > Cheers,
    > John
    > maggie_diigo wrote:
    > > I'm at delicious' settings page and don't see "tag this link"
    > >
    > > Can you please direct me to it? Thanks
Dr. Fridemar Pache

Maximal length of a Diigo tagname - 14 views

diigo tag
started by Dr. Fridemar Pache on 24 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Maggie,

    what is the maximal length of a tagname for use in the Diigo tagging system?

    I.e. exactly how many characters are allowable

    * in a public tag
    * in a private tag

    The article on "clipping tags" is meanwhile so long, that the simple question on the tagname length might go unnoticed, therefore the authors asks it here on a separate Diigo forum entry.

Dr. Fridemar Pache

How can we make a floating Diigo annotation - 30 views

diigo floating annotation
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    How can we produce an annotation, whose position on a page is not fixed.

    TrailFire has only floating annotations.

    I heard somewhere that Diigo plans or supports both, fixed and floating annotations.


  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Thank you Joel,

    if you can see the bubble, it worked.

    Thank you

    joel wrote:
    > In the toolbar, there is a Sticky Note button, Click it, then you can make floating annotations.
    > If you didn't see it on the toolbar, you can make it appear on the toolbar by setting options.

case-sensitive tags - any chance of it happening? - 383 views

discussion tag case CamelCase case-sensitive help suggestion
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Thank you Jeffry for supporting this powerful idea of CaseSensitiveTags in AnnotationEngines:


    • BetterOrganizing (as you state, letting me suppose, you are a programmer too, knowing how powerful this option for "identifiers" is)
    • WikiFyingAnnotions: each MixedCaseTag could be a WikiWord reference, integrated in all DiiGoForums and annotations (in which case as an example our contribution would be much more valuable for the social annotation community)
    • AutoTagging: each MixedCase word in any posting or annotation could be auto-tagged, i.e. the DiiGoEngine could automatically make a tag out of it, what would save millions of hours for our community peers.
    • FineTargetedSearch (This would make any AnnotationEngine even superior to Google, because the Google SearchEngine doesn't support mixed case)
    What a pity that the current annotation system hasn't yet realized the blessings of  the WikiPrinciples, although I preach this in public since years. In this case all the MixedCase words in this contribution would be automatic links.


    PS.: I make this excellent idea (as always a public annotation and a blog), to support it within the wider community. DiiGo has the chance to realize it . At least It would make no great effort to transfer the raw MixedCase to the associated social bookmarking communities by SimultaneousBookmarking, so that they can support it. I bookmark this highly community-relevant contribution with public bookmarks CaseSensitiveTags and AnnotationsAsWikiPages, AnnotationTitlesAsWikiPageTitles , AutoTagging,  so that you can find it by searching it via DiiGo.
  • ...7 more comments...
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache

    Comments from the Diigo community

    Suggestion: CaseSensitiveTags

    If you preserve case for viewing in
    your database anyhow, then it would be a neglectable overhead (in terms
    of computing time)
    to offer the users of the tag-search function both

    CaseSensitiveSearch: (with Case enabled)
    CaseInsensitiveSearch: (with Case disabled)


    by fridemar less than a minute ago

  • Dr. Fridemar Pache

    Thank you Davido,

    for supporting the "case" :-).

    But why restricting this time-proven concept of MixedCase only to personal tagging.
    Aren't we not an an initiative for SocialBookmarking and SocialCooperation?

    And why excluding it from searches?
    MixedCase better interfaces with the thousands of WikiCommunities.

    MixedCaseTags are a great filter for this purpose.


    Manually tagging all WikiWords as tags. AutoTagging would be a great help:


  • Dr. Fridemar Pache

    Hello Wade,

    thank you for taking the "case" seriously. The decision for supporting case is a strategic one.

    1) Not case-sensitive: Even if all other
    DiigoAffiliatedBookmarkingServices would restrict their engines on
    not-case-sensitive, this would be not a serious problem to stick to
    StrongCaseSensitivity You could transfer to them the MixedCase and
    leave them the decision, wether they apply a
    "converttolowercasefunction", hampering the reading quality and
    depriving them from a lot of fast analytical operations on tags.

    Ad 2) Case-sensitive for both display and search: If the underlying database respects case, then"IBM"
    (TM), the trademark of this computer-company and "iBM", a possible rival product of IBM to the iPod of the Apple (TM) company, are indeed different and need to be respected as valuable tags. It is no problem
    to delete the "converttolowercasefunction" call somewhere in the DiigoEngine.

    You see not only communities of programmers will have an enormous gain,
    when using CaseSensitiveTags, correctly handled by the DiigoEngine.

    Ad 3) Case-sensitive for display but not for search: Please don't put this
    unnecessary burdon (of editing tag appearances) on millions of Diigo


  • Dr. Fridemar Pache


    Hi Soulgrind:

    I can feel with you and all the other peers, who are used to work in a relaxed way without the need to bother about the case. As long as Diigo is used for private tagging, why not.

    But when subcommunities within the DiiGo sphere want to build SocialCollaboration they need precise tags. Think of distributed teams of C++ programmers, who are very sensitive in questions of case.

    For non-programmers, please rethink the iPOD (TM) versus iBM (TM) example.

    Your example could be used for differentiating tags by TypingShortCuts


    In the author's view this is not at all "annoying". It is indeed very convenient.

    It takes some carefulness of the SocialTagCommunityUser, but they will learn the advantage of CaseSensitivity very fast, as soon as they see more examples. On the other hand, as Maggie pointed out, the (private) tags remain editable.

    Even the PluralSingularIssue, well known in the different WikiCommunities, would have a total different importance in TagCommunities.

    "game" and "games" could precisely
    differentiate between a site, devoted to one game only versus a site,
    where more than one game is offered.

  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Dear Maggie, dear Diigos,

    please see the above page with manually inserted Google-links, to get a feeling of the power of AutomaticTagging, based on WikiWords.

    By the Way. There is some bug in the annotation engine. It doesn't support HTML, as this forum supports it. As test, please click the following links in the forum posting. Then for comparison click the links in the annotation.



    Hello Wade,
    thank you for taking the "case" seriously. The decision for supporting case is a strategic one.

    Ad 1) Not case-sensitive: Even if all other DiigoAffiliatedBookmarkingServices would restrict their engines on not-case-sensitive, this would be not a serious problem to stick to StrongCaseSensitivity You could transfer to them the MixedCase
    and leave them the decision, wether they apply a
    "converttolowercasefunction", hampering the reading quality and
    depriving them from a lot of fast analytical operations on tags.

    Ad 2) Case-sensitive for both display and search: If the underlying database respects case, then
    "IBM" (TM), the trademark of this computer-company and "iBM", a possible rival product of IBM to the iPod
    of the Apple (TM) company, are indeed different and need to be
    respected as valuable tags. It is no problem to delete the
    "converttolowercasefunction" somewhere in the DiigoEngine.
    You see not only communities of programmers will have an enormous gain, when using CaseSensitiveTags, correctly handled by the DiigoEngine.

    Ad 3) Case-sensitive for display but not for search: Please don't put this unnecessary burdon (of editing tag appearances) on millions of Diigo users.



    PS.:  A simple realization for Diigo-, Trailfire and other social annotation services for AutomaticTagging is given in the above text by manually making transforming all WikiWords into GoogleSearchLinks.
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Thank you wade,

    so my work to convince you, wasn't a waste of time.

    You might want to have a look at and on

    I keep my fingers crossed.

    By the way, why don't you offer a uniform WysiWyg input field for all postings, comments, sticky notes? You have the modules. Your rich text input offers more options, than the input-field of TrailFire, but it would be practical to have the sourceview too.
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache


    Dear Maggie, dear Hans

    the idea of combining annotation with transclusion is an excellent idea of HansWobbe. This solves several problem with one clap:

    * UrlBasedAnnotation: now each annotation can have it's own Url like TrailFire does it, but with the added advantage, that those WikiPageUrls have the form: WikiPrefixColonFollowedByWikiPagename and not only coded by cryptic numbers. So the readability in GoogleSearchResults is improved.

    * GlobalWikiEngineSupport:
    ** EachWikiAnnotationAsPartialPageOrFullpage 'quite normal windows, no more tiny stickies, that must be manually resized.'
    ** EachWikiAnnotationWithLookAndFeelConserved

    * LocalWikiEngineSupport 'where each wiki word is tagged automatically by a TagWiki'

    The main advantage appears to be using host wikis as source for RichLinkContext and NestingOfAnnotations in the sense of KaPingYee, who invented WebAnnotation. This means each WikiPage itself can be annotated or edited, thus CreatingSpaceForSocialCollaboration.

    Some people may object, if you have a WikiPage, you don't need annotations.

    If millions of peers of the social annotations communities, would edit the WikiPedia, what a mess.
    Unobtrusive annotations solve the problem.


    -- fridemar
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Hey wade,

    what is "soon", within 1day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, this decade ... ;-)


    -- fridemar

    This posting is not blogged on my SocialCommonWealth blog.
  • Dr. Fridemar Pache
    Hi wade,

    even, if you don't make EachCamelCaseWordAnAutomaticTag in an annotation, saving the user from the stupid work, to rewrite/copy+paste them each in the tag-list....

    ...please, please make them at least simple automatic Google-searchlinks. (In addition you can make them later double-links [one pointing to some internal or external host WikiDatabase, and another one pointing to Google's or another database].)

    Google really indexes very,very long Tags as you can verify in , take the first Meatball entry.
    These search-words are not buried under thousand other irrelevant hits.

    The longer the mixed-case tags, the more precise, the more probably it becomes, that community-oriented cooperative people can find each other via Google to collaborate via the Web in a very profound way.

    And Diigo could take a leading position in Web 2.0.... But don't sleep to long.
    As soon as Google realizes the idea itself with built in micro-payment, then it has the better cards.

    I hope, that not all is lost.


    wade wrote:

    > well, we are making it even smarter than what you want :-)
Dr. Fridemar Pache

Bug or Feature: PublicTags - 21 views

  • Dr. Fridemar Pache

    Bug or feature:

    What about putting the public tags of DiiGo
    under ?

    As example, the author tagged this contribution with the public tag: AddressesOfPublicTags

    * Why doesn't it show up in the public search?
    * Why can't we refer it by as it is standard.

    Take as standard references e.g.:

    * technorati
    * icerocket tags

  • Dr. Fridemar Pache

    Thank you Maggie, thank you Diigo:

    just checked it, you are right. You support it indeed. Perhaps the DiigoEngine earlier made a difference between PrivateTagsMadePublic and PublicTagsFromStart or it was an input error of the author.

H.C. Chen

How to search Diigo group forum? - 157 views

forum search tip
started by H.C. Chen on 05 Jun 07 no follow-up yet
Fuzbolero .

Suggestion: consider default categorisation, perhaps a separate issue tracker - 49 views

feature forum request
started by Fuzbolero . on 08 Jun 07 no follow-up yet
Dr. Fridemar Pache

NormalWindowsForSocialCollaborationByAnnotation - 83 views

annotation diigo feature space windows
started by Dr. Fridemar Pache on 11 Jun 07 no follow-up yet
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