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Joel Liu

Big Bug Publish to Blog - 75 views

I tested with the account you give me, but it worked well. Do you know a case I can test with?

blogthis bug

Marcel Weiss

big problem with the tags in daily blog posts - 37 views

sounds good. thanks for the info! does "new version" mean diigo v3? how long will it take until the final release?

blog daily posts

The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Alphabetizing bookmarks - 417 views

I'm looking through my records for the letter I sent, although, to be honest, at 12:45 am my time, I'm not sure of just how motivated I want to be, so I'll give you the reader's digest version of i...

bookmark alphabet order sort review 20090929

Maggie Tsai

New! Group bookmarks auto-posting available! - 71 views

Diigo groups are widely embraced by many work groups, interest groups and school classes for collaborative research. From listening to our users' feedback, we have now made it possible to automat...

group daily blog post auto-post

started by Maggie Tsai on 07 Nov 08 no follow-up yet
eddy he

Daily Blog Post - 40 views

me too........ Greg Balanko-Dickson wrote: > Tried adding my blog to the "Daily Blog Post" but it comes back and says there is a server error. > > It is a wordpress blog. Any suggestions?

bugs bug

Hanna Wiszniewska

Unable to create daily blog post - 133 views

The blogID is 1, Endpoint is Could you tell me whether these are what you input in the advanced setting. If yes, could you change your blog password to a ...

daily blog post wordpress

Maggie Tsai

Better CSS and HTML for daily blog postings - 46 views

Bob, Two new changes are implemented now - 1. better HTML format as you suggested 2. post interval setting: daily, twice daily and weekly Please take a look and advise any issue. Thanks!


François Bertrand

Weekly Blog Post for a group - 71 views

Thank you Maggie, it works perfectly. Your responsiveness is impressive !

blog groups weekly blog post

Clif Mims

Problems with Auto Blog Post - 177 views

Congratulations to everyone at Diigo for your recent Open Web Award! I'd like help with 2 issues related to the auto blog post tool. 1. How can I designate which of my blog's categories/tags my d...

auto-post formatting wordpress help

started by Clif Mims on 18 Dec 08 no follow-up yet

BlogThis, Daily Blog Post, and Typepad - 12 views

I am having trouble getting either the BlogThis or Daily Blog Post features to work with my TypePad blog. Your system is indicating that the blog is "valid", and it is also indicates that the blog...

started by swoda1 on 15 Dec 07 no follow-up yet
Maggie Tsai

6 Reasons Diigo is Better Than Delicious | Get A New Browser - 0 views

  • But honestly, even with their latest release - they have stopped innovating. I checked out Diigo on the recommendation of Mike Fruchter sometime ago via FriendFeed. Since signing up I hadn’t really used it. But, the latest update to delicious broke my Daily Digest series - which was the final straw. And since Diigo allows you to import from Delicious, there really is no switching costs for me. That being said I have been extremely happy with my Diigo experience. Here are six reasons Diigo is better than Delicious
    • anonymous
      Well put. I was so hopeful that Delicious would allow multi word tags. All of the other services seem to base bookmark imports/exports on the Delicious API. Even if those services use multiword tags, the API's don't.
  • 1. It’s more socialDiigo has an extra level of social networking that Delicious does not provide - at least not in a usable manner. You can connect with people that have similar interests based on what you tag. 2. AnnotationsThe annotations feature is very cool. When you bookmark something, you can highlight notable sections to refer to later. And any other Diigo users can see your highlights when they visit the page if they have the toolbar installed. 3. Superior UI and ExperienceAside from all the snazzy features, the core “bookmarks” interface is much better than that of delicious - offering many additional features and better organization. 4. MicrobloggingThe microblogging feature in delicious never got a chance. This is the “daily post” feature that basically posts a digest to your blog of all the bookmarks you have saved over X amount of time. Delicious always had it as an “experimental feature”, for 3 years. Diigo does it so much better, allowing you to post only specific tags to your blog as well as providing more customization features. 5. DiscoveryNow, this is something that delicious did fairly well but is pretty much a product of its large community. But Diigo does a great job at it too, allowing you discover what’s hot across the network but also within a group of friends. It also has a “watchlist” feature that allows you to keep tabs on certain tags in the network. And last, it shows you a river of bookmarks from your network - with a neat tag cloud to see what your community is tagging the most. 6. Better ToolboxYou can import, export. There are widgets, linkrolls, and tagrolls. They offer several ways to interact with the service - through context menu, toolbars, bookmarklets. There’s a Facebook app. You can “save elsewhere” too. So, if you still want to post stuff to delicious (let’s say you have a great community there), you can set that up. What this does is posts your new bookmarks to the other services whenever you post them to Diigo.
  • All in all Diigo wins hands down. So ditch delicious, sign up, and join me.
Graham Perrin

Convert Your Annotations to Blog Posts with 1-click - multiple pages with the same title - 7 views

Auto Blog Post (previously named Daily Blog Post) at is titled Convert Your Annotations to Blog Posts with 1-click Send to Blog at https://secure.d...

bug wording HTML title inconsistency orientation

started by Graham Perrin on 26 Oct 09 no follow-up yet
Joel Liu

More options for digest blog postings - 22 views

Thanks for your feature request. We will add it to our to do list.

Maggie Tsai

daily blog post service resumed - 57 views

Service up. Sorry for the delay

daily blog post

started by Maggie Tsai on 20 Aug 08 no follow-up yet
Joel Liu

daily blog posting - 61 views

We are looking into it.

daily blog posts

Bobby Brown

The RG Brown Daily - 0 views

    A selection of articles, blog posts, videos and photos recommended by the Editor & Writer of The RG Brown Daily...RG
    Best local sports info paper one could ever hope for...
Wade Ren Blog » Diigo: A Web 2.0 Tombstone in the Making? - 0 views

  • 3. Diigo has shown a committment to listening to its users. Well at least the educational users, and they have been making small changes almost daily since Lisa Parisi held the elluminate session this past Sunday. Maggie Tsai and Wade Ren have been in and out of multiple conversations on Diigo and posting on edubloggers pages (Look up) to actively understand our needs and look to make changed in Diigo to fit the educational model… You can be offended by the “hate” comment Wade made, but this is his company and he wants to make change to satisify folks… I really like delicious since I was introduced to it a year ago. Easy linking, I can tag from a tool bar with comments I can build a passive network… But Delicious is not listening to folks or making changes even though they “introduced” their version 2 about a year ago, and it has not appeared. Even the tech bloggers are taking delicious to task for this. The responsiveness that Wade and Maggie have shown so far is really impressive in my opinion. Just wanted to share my thoughts on why I am continuing to investigate and use Diigo. I know that you feel a bit targeted for “not drinking the coolaid” but I think what you are getting hit hard on is if you don’t like the service you do not have to use it. Or with the participation Wade and Maggie are showing get involved and see if it can become what you would like to see… Just my thoughts, Scott
    • Wade Ren
      Thank you, Scott. I couldn't have said better
  • # Scott Weidigon 02 Apr 2008 at 10:27 pm Jim, I went to post this on Diigo and then hit my back space and went to a different page and lost everything boo… but I thought that I would post here instead. I am becoming more enamored over time with Diigo. At first I didn’t get the hoopla… I don’t “do” facebooks and myspaces etc. and I have enough of a hard time keeping up with twitter (don’t know how coolcatteacher and Dembo follow 1000+ folks… ) so I didn’t think much of the social side. But it could host links and re-post them to delicious so not too bad… here is what is changing my mind. 1. Bookmarking… on one hand it is the same as delicious tags yadda yadda… but I can now tag a s ite, send it to friends in the diigo network and outside of it, forward it to a specific topic group and throw it into a specifically designed list at the same time! That is efficient in my mind. the Twit thing is neat too so I don’t have to tinyurl it and post to twitter… and I can even keep my delicious account updated through Diigo so I don’t have to do double work… (and when i imported it brough my delicious notes that was a nice touch)
  • 2. Annotation/stikites/highlighting. We all research and move information into different places, google notebook, MS OneNote, Zoho Notobook… but those pieces of information are then only our notes and ideas… Diigo’s highlighint and annotation allows you to make any page a conversational document. That is powerful. I just played with it for the first time today and was blown away with ease at which you could do this. those notes can then be seen by any diigo user. The collaborative possibilities are astounding. if you have not tried this or seen it go to and scroll down to the Best Day Ever post. If you have your Diigo sidebar open you will see two notes, and the Highlighing that Steve Kimmel did. Also, I don’t know if it is showing up yet I tagged a sticky note next to the first picture there… my comments appear in the side bar, but I see the note markup and I am thinking others will to eventually, but am not sure. Think of all the times your teachers ahve been trying to teach textmarking but can’t in the Textbooks… now we can do this to the web.
Graham Perrin

Time for localization and other suggestions - 159 views

Thomas Laigle wrote: > I'd be pleased to help with french translation if needed :) (2010-03-25) requests Diigo in french.

features localization tag (metadata) Common Tag tag bundle translate locale suggestion

Maggie Tsai

Diigo review in French - translated version of - 0 views

  • Management of time: how to stop? Diigo, doubly with accompanying notes” Diigo, a manager of bookmarks and annotations collaboratif
  • Diigo, a manager of bookmarks and annotations collaboratif I launch out, finally, in the use of Diigo ( I for some time know this product thanks to excellent tutoriels of presentation which very quickly makes it possible to see how much this tool is interesting: It is free. To exploit it fully, it is preferable to download the bar of the tasks. But, it is possible to be exempted some. On the other hand, the use of the bookmarklet appears essential to me to an about normal operation. Here a first overflight of the tool. I will make a more detailed report when I sufficiently study it with the daily newspaper. Strong points: the page of posting clear and is structured… One does not feel not lost with the first access as with Simpy or ; Public or Private Bookmarking (like Simpy) [and conversion public-private is simplissime]; Possibility of importing its bookmarks since or to import them/export towards its navigator; But, even more extremely, possibility simultaneously of recording a page in Diigo and or 8 other managers in lines or to send it to somebody by email; It is possible to underline text, to annotate it with a `post-it' (there still public or private option are available); But also to post comments which would be already associated the page by a third… that opens true prospects for collaboratif work! Integration with the blog with the possibility of writing a comment since Diigo which is posted (provided that one succeeded in identifying his API endpoint… what is not yet my case.). The supported blogs are Blogger, Wordpress. Important: not to forget to record the bookmarklet “diigolet” and to use it to activate the functions of underlining and annotations (ajax). Research relates on the tags or the full-text, autement known as, all the fields including the extracts and the annotations but also the bookmarquée page! ! Searching bookmarks in full-text will search the, tags, comments, and the full text of each bookmarked page. Thus, when searching for several search words in full-text, the search results are those bookmarks which contain all the search words in its, tags, comments, but the full text.
    You can making over $59.000 in 1 day. Look this

[News] Closed alpha volunteers wanted! - 188 views

> > 1. Your name rick oxford > > 2. Your email > > 3. Your Diigo ID luckyrickox > > 4. Your location islamabad currently > > 5. Your occupation / project(s) that you're ...

diigo news

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