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Nathan Goodyear

Kent Holtorf: Long Term Weight Loss - More Than Will Power? - 0 views

  • which is a major reason for the regaining of lost weight with dieting as well being the mechanism behind stress induced weight gain (it is not due to increased cortisol).
  • f greater than 10, it demonstrates there is a degree of leptin resistance contributing to an inability to lose weight
  • that it is difficult to lose weight with leptin resistance. High carbohydrate diets and in particular high-fructose corn syrup is shown to significantly increase leptin resistance and is a likely mechanism that high fructose corn syrup is associated with obesity
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • inactive thyroid hormone called thyroxine
  • it is problem inside the cell that the inactive T4 is not converted to T3 but rather to a mirror image of T3 called reverse T3. The reverse T3 has the opposite effect of T3, blocking the effects of T3 and lowering rather than increasing metabolism.
  • Studies are showing that stress and dieting (especially yo-yo dieting) can set this hormone into action as well as chronic illness such as diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
  • As soon as the body senses a reduction in calories, the production of reverse T3 is stimulated to lower metabolism
  • With chronic dieting or stress, the body often stays in this "starvation mode" with elevated levels of reverse T3 and decreased levels of T3, which is a major reason for the regaining of lost weight with dieting as well being the mechanism behind stress induced weight gain (it is not due to increased cortisol).
  • which is a major reason for the regaining of lost weight with dieting as well being the mechanism behind stress induced weight gain (it is not due to increased cortisol).
  • which is a major reason for the regaining of lost weight with dieting as well being the mechanism behind stress induced weight gain (it is not due to increased cortisol).
  • Studies are showing that such standard testing will miss 80% of thyroid dysfunction
  • ree T3/reverse T3 ratio
    Fantastic review by Dr. Holtorf on reverse T3, leptin, and weight loss

Best Tennis Elbow Support - 0 views

    Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb is created to reinforce, prevent and partially immobilize the wrist and the palm. This wrist brace allows natural and free activity of the fingers. It keeps the affected area compact and maintains the body heat to lessen the local pain inflammation. Its has high quality striped elastic webbing which provides high modulus of elasticity which gives the comfortable feel. It is made from the strong, durable, porous and a comfortable material which remains for a long time. This Wrist Brace provides excellent compressive strength and support to the wrist. Its Hook loop closures allow easy application and removal. It fits comfortably around the wrist and comes in universal sizing. It also has an anatomical thumb opening which fastens the healing process. It keeps the thumb in relaxed and comfortable position. Its extra porous material allows the proper ventilation to the affected skin. Wrist brace with thumb is designed to support, protect and partially immobilize the wrist and the palm while allowing free and natural movement of the fingers. It compresses the area and retains the body heat to allay local pain and inflammation. Extra grip. Extra porous Controlled compression. Anatomical thumb placement. Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb Features High quality , striped elastic webbing Strong and durable Porous and comfortable High modulus of elasticity- Retains shape and size for a long time. Excellent compressive strength, better support Hook loop closures Easy to apply and remove Ensures optimal compression Better fitting and universal sizing. Anatomical thumb opening Better pain relief and healing. Thumb in abduction remains relaxed, no fatigue Improves comfort Allows free and natural movement of the thumb and fingers. Tynor tennis elbow support is specially crafted to aid and render relief from generalized pain and tenderness in the forearm and elbow caused by repetitive strain injury due to the firm grip or ac
Nathan Goodyear

Reverse T3 as a parameter of myocardial functi... [Int J Cardiol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Another study regarding reverse T3 that many Endocrinologists need to read.  In this study, the authors find that significantly higher reverse T3 levels were associated with myocardial function impairment (MFI) class IV.  This MFI class IV was also found associated with a decreased fT3/rT3.
Nathan Goodyear

Higher Free Thyroxine Levels Predict Increased Incidence of Dementia in Older Men: The ... - 0 views

    what a silly study!  They look at free T4, the weakest thyroid hormone and found high levels to be associated with dementia.  However, they failed to assess free T3, the most biologically active, and reverse T3, inactive.  This study was like they intentionally blinded themselves of the body's physiology to study dementia.  This is the problem with a lot of research today: they have forgotten their foundation. Many older adults struggle with poor free T4 to free T3 conversion and high reverse T3 conversion.  So, without knowing what these clients were doing in these pathways makes their conclusion obsolete.
Nathan Goodyear

Association between increased levels of reverse tr... [Am J Med. 2001] - PubMed result - 0 views

  • CONCLUSION: Determination of reverse T3 levels may be a valuable and simple aid to improve identification of patients with myocardial infarction who are at high risk of subsequent mortality.
    reverse T3 predictive of increased mortality in people with myocardial infarctions
Nathan Goodyear

Reciprocal Changes in Serum Concentrations of 3,3',5'-Triiodothyronine (Reverse T3) and... - 0 views

  • The mechanism or the biological significance of such a diversion of T4, from the normally occurring conversion to highly potent T3, to the generation of poorly calorigenic rT3 in systemic illness
  • such a change in the metabolism of T4 can be reversible.
    effects of systemic illness on thyroid function: elevated Reverse T3 and low free T3
Nathan Goodyear

Reverse T3 levels in affective disorders. [Psychiatry Res. 1983] - PubMed result - 0 views

  • In the group of patients with acute major depressive disorder, however, a significant increase in reverse T3 levels and a significant decrease in T3 levels, but no significant difference in T4 or TSH levels
    low free T3:elevated reverse T3 correlates with major depression and TSH and free T4 do not.
Nathan Goodyear

A Radioimmunoassay for 3,3',5'-L-Triiodothyronine (Reverse T3): Assessment of Thyroid G... - 0 views

  • Both pregnancy and estrogen administration were associated with increases in serum reverse T3 concentrations presumably because of their ability to augment thyroxine binding globulin synthesis.
    oral estrogen supplementation increase reverse T3 and lowers metabolism and leads to weight gain
Nathan Goodyear

ScienceDirect - Psychiatry Research : High reverse T3 levels in manic and unipolar depr... - 0 views

  • measurement of reverse T3 levels as a potential tool in differential diagnosis of affective disorders
    reverse T3 tool in affective disorders
Nathan Goodyear

Reverse T3 as a parameter of myocardial function impairment in heart failure. - 0 views

    reverse T3 and the free T3:rT3 can be used to assess prognosis of those with CHF.
Nathan Goodyear

Cancer cells metabolically "fertilize" the tumor microenvironment with hydrogen peroxid... - 0 views

  • reducing oxidative stress with powerful antioxidants, is an important strategy for cancer prevention, as it would suppress one of the key early initiating steps where DNA damage and tumor-stroma metabolic-coupling begins. This would prevent cancer cells from acting as metabolic “parasites
  • Oxidative stress in cancer-associated fibroblasts triggers autophagy and mitophagy, resulting in compartmentalized cellular catabolism, loss of mitochondrial function, and the onset of aerobic glycolysis, in the tumor stroma. As such, cancer-associated fibroblasts produce high-energy nutrients (such as lactate and ketones) that fuel mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative metabolism in cancer cells. We have termed this new energy-transfer mechanism the “reverse Warburg effect.
  • Then, oxidative stress, in cancer-associated fibroblasts, triggers the activation of two main transcription factors, NFκB and HIF-1α, leading to the onset of inflammation, autophagy, mitophagy and aerobic glycolysis in the tumor microenvironment
  • ...38 more annotations...
  • oxidative stress and ROS, produced in cancer-associated fibroblasts, has a “bystander effect” on adjacent cancer cells, leading to DNA damage, genomic instability and aneuploidy, which appears to be driving tumor-stroma co-evolution
  • tumor cells produce and secrete hydrogen peroxide, thereby “fertilizing” the tumor microenvironment and driving the “reverse Warburg effect.”
  • This type of stromal metabolism then produces high-energy nutrients (lactate, ketones and glutamine), as well as recycled chemical building blocks (nucleotides, amino acids, fatty acids), to literally “feed” cancer cells
  • loss of stromal caveolin (Cav-1) is sufficient to drive mitochondrial dysfunction with increased glucose uptake in fibroblasts, mimicking the glycolytic phenotype of cancer-associated fibroblasts.
  • oxidative stress initiated in tumor cells is transferred to cancer-associated fibroblasts.
  • Then, cancer-associated fibroblasts show quantitative reductions in mitochondrial activity and compensatory increases in glucose uptake, as well as high ROS production
  • These findings may explain the prognostic value of a loss of stromal Cav-1 as a marker of a “lethal” tumor microenvironment
  • Interruption of this process, by addition of catalase (an enzyme that detoxifies hydrogen peroxide) to the tissue culture media, blocks ROS activity in cancer cells and leads to apoptotic cell death in cancer cells
  • our results may also explain the “field effect” in cancer biology,5 as hydrogen peroxide secreted by cancer cells, and the propagation of ROS production, from cancer cells to fibroblasts, would create an increasing “mutagenic field” of ROS production, due to the resulting DNA damage
  • aerobic glycolysis takes place in cancer-associated fibroblasts, rather than in tumor cells, as previously suspected.
  • In this new paradigm, cancer cells induce oxidative stress in neighboring cancer-associated fibroblasts
  • cancer-associated fibroblasts have the largest increases in glucose uptake
  • cancer cells secrete hydrogen peroxide, which induces ROS production in cancer-associated fibroblasts
  • Then, oxidative stress in cancer-associated fibroblast leads to decreases in functional mitochondrial activity, and a corresponding increase in glucose uptake, to fuel aerobic glycolysis
  • cancer cells show significant increases in mitochondrial activity, and decreases in glucose uptake
  • fibroblasts and cancer cells in co-culture become metabolically coupled, resulting in the development of a “symbiotic” or “parasitic” relationship.
  • cancer-associated fibroblasts undergo aerobic glycolysis (producing lactate), while cancer cells use oxidative mitochondrial metabolism.
  • We have previously shown that oxidative stress in cancer-associated fibroblasts drives a loss of stromal Cav-1, due to its destruction via autophagy/lysosomal degradation
  • a loss of stromal Cav-1 is sufficient to induce further oxidative stress, DNA damage and autophagy, essentially mimicking pseudo-hypoxia and driving mitochondrial dysfunction
  • loss of stromal Cav-1 is a powerful biomarker for identifying breast cancer patients with early tumor recurrence, lymph-node metastasis, drug-resistance and poor clinical outcome
  • this type of metabolism (aerobic glycolysis and autophagy in the tumor stroma) is characteristic of a lethal tumor micro-environment, as it fuels anabolic growth in cancer cells, via the production of high-energy nutrients (such as lactate, ketones and glutamine) and other chemical building blocks
  • the upstream tumor-initiating event appears to be the secretion of hydrogen peroxide
  • one such enzymatically-active protein anti-oxidant that may be of therapeutic use is catalase, as it detoxifies hydrogen peroxide to water
  • numerous studies show that “catalase therapy” in pre-clinical animal models is indeed sufficient to almost completely block tumor recurrence and metastasis
  • by eliminating oxidative stress in cancer cells and the tumor microenvironment,55 we may be able to effectively cut off the tumor's fuel supply, by blocking stromal autophagy and aerobic glycolysis
  • breast cancer patients show systemic evidence of increased oxidative stress and a decreased anti-oxidant defense, which increases with aging and tumor progression.68–70 Chemotherapy and radiation therapy then promote further oxidative stress.69 Unfortunately, “sub-lethal” doses of oxidative stress during cancer therapy may contribute to tumor recurrence and metastasis, via the activation of myofibroblasts.
  • a loss of stromal Cav-1 is associated with the increased expression of gene profiles associated with normal aging, oxidative stress, DNA damage, HIF1/hypoxia, NFκB/inflammation, glycolysis and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • cancer-associated fibroblasts show the largest increases in glucose uptake, while cancer cells show corresponding decreases in glucose uptake, under identical co-culture conditions
  • Thus, increased PET glucose avidity may actually be a surrogate marker for a loss of stromal Cav-1 in human tumors, allowing the rapid detection of a lethal tumor microenvironment.
  • it appears that astrocytes are actually the cell type responsible for the glucose avidity.
  • In the brain, astrocytes are glycolytic and undergo aerobic glycolysis. Thus, astrocytes take up and metabolically process glucose to lactate.7
  • Then, lactate is secreted via a mono-carboxylate transporter, namely MCT4. As a consequence, neurons use lactate as their preferred energy substrate
  • both astrocytes and cancer-associated fibroblasts express MCT4 (which extrudes lactate) and MCT4 is upregulated by oxidative stress in stromal fibroblasts.34
  • In accordance with the idea that cancer-associated fibroblasts take up the bulk of glucose, PET glucose avidity is also now routinely used to measure the extent of fibrosis in a number of human diseases, including interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, postsurgical scars, keloids, arthritis and a variety of collagen-vascular diseases.
  • PET glucose avidity and elevated serum inflammatory markers both correlate with poor prognosis in breast cancers.
  • PET signal over-estimates the actual anatomical size of the tumor, consistent with the idea that PET glucose avidity is really measuring fibrosis and inflammation in the tumor microenvironment.
  • human breast and lung cancer patients can be positively identified by examining their exhaled breath for the presence of hydrogen peroxide.
  • tumor cell production of hydrogen peroxide drives NFκB-activation in adjacent normal cells in culture6 and during metastasis,103 directly implicating the use of antioxidants, NFκB-inhibitors and anti-inflammatory agents, in the treatment of aggressive human cancers.
    Good description of the communication between cancer cells and fibroblasts.  This theory is termed the "reverse Warburg effect".
Nathan Goodyear

Telomerase reactivation reverses tissue degeneration in aged telomerase-deficient mice ... - 0 views

  • marked reversal of systemic degenerative phenotypes in adult mice observed here support the development of regenerative strategies designed to restore telomere integrity.
    Telomere lengthening reverses tissue degeneration; true anti-aging
Nathan Goodyear

Free T4, Free T3, and Reverse T3 in Critically III, Thermall... : The Journal of Trauma - 0 views

  • Significant suppression of serum concentrations of 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) and elevation of serum concentrations of 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) were seen
    low free T3: elevated reverse T3 in critically ill patients
Nathan Goodyear

Extrathyroidal Conversion of Thyroxine to 3,3',5'-Triiodothyronine (Reverse-T3)and to 3... - 0 views

    reverse T3 comes from peripheral conversion from free T4
Nathan Goodyear

The Failure of Physiologic Doses of Reverse T3 to Effect Thyroid-Pituitary Function in ... - 0 views

    reverse T3 does not block T4 to T3 converson; but occupies T3 receptors and inhibits T3 stimulating receptors
Nathan Goodyear

Mitochondrial Fission Induces Glycolytic Reprogramming in Cancer-Associated Myofibrobla... - 0 views

  • L-lactate functions as an onco-metabolite, stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis and OXPHOS in adjacent cancer cells, directly providing energy for tumor growth
  • Oxidative stress in stromal fibroblasts then induces their metabolic conversion into cancer-associated fibroblasts. Such oxidative stress drives the onset of autophagy, mitophagy, and aerobic glycolysis in fibroblasts, resulting in the local production of high-energy mitochondrial fuels (such as L-lactate, ketone bodies, and glutamine). These recycled nutrients are then transferred to cancer cells, where they are efficiently burned via oxidative mitochondrial metabolism (OXPHOS)
  • stromal L-lactate serves as a high-energy mitochondrial “fuel” for cancer cells. We have termed this new model of cancer metabolism “Two-Compartment Tumor Metabolism”, where two opposing metabolic compartments co-exist, side-by-side, with stromal glycolysis fueling OXPHOS in cancer cells
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Two-Compartment Tumor Metabolism
  • Reverse Warburg Effect”, is that catabolic fibroblasts should promote tumor growth, without any increases in angiogenesis
  • when cancer cells use L-lactate as a mitochondrial fuel source, this metabolic phenotype is a predictor of lethal cancer metabolism
  • tumor microenvironment is intimately involved in tumor development and progression
  • mitochondrial dysregulation is likely the “root cause” of several human disease(s), and especially epithelial cancers
  • Both in vitro and in vivo studies have now provided convincing evidence that “activated” stromal fibroblasts, a.k.a., myofibroblasts, may play a critical role in initiating tumor recurrence, via paracrine interactions with adjacent tumor epithelial cells
  • A new hypothesis is that cancer is not a cell autonomous disease, but rather a disease of the tumor microenvironment
  • cancer cells behave as metabolic parasites, by inducing oxidative stress in adjacent normal fibroblasts
  • recent experimental evidence indicates that cancer-associated fibroblasts have a catabolic phenotype, and undergo autophagy and mitophagy, resulting in the onset of glycolytic metabolism, driving L-lactate production, and its release into the tumor microenvironment
  • oncogenic mutations in cancer cells lead to ROS production and the “secretion” of hydrogen peroxide species
    A good discussion of what is proposed the Reverse Warburg effect.  A process by which the local environment dictates tumor progression.  The cancer cells release ROS primarily in the form of H2O2 and this leads to Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs) in the stroma.  The altered stromal environment increases ROS further and promotes ocogenic metabolites through the classic Warburg effect.  This high lactate production from the CAFs then is used by the cancer cells via classic oxidative phosphorylation.  Complex, beautiful and still an the understanding is a work in progress.   This study/article points to the importance of oxidative stress in some cancer development through CAFs.

Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb - 0 views

    Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb is created to reinforce, prevent and partially immobilize the wrist and the palm. This wrist brace allows natural and free activity of the fingers. It keeps the affected area compact and maintains the body heat to lessen the local pain inflammation. Its has high quality striped elastic webbing which provides high modulus of elasticity which gives the comfortable feel. It is made from the strong, durable, porous and a comfortable material which remains for a long time. This Wrist Brace provides excellent compressive strength and support to the wrist. Its Hook loop closures allow easy application and removal. It fits comfortably around the wrist and comes in universal sizing. It also has an anatomical thumb opening which fastens the healing process. It keeps the thumb in relaxed and comfortable position. Its extra porous material allows the proper ventilation to the affected skin. Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb Wrist brace with thumb is designed to support, protect and partially immobilize the wrist and the palm while allowing free and natural movement of the fingers. It compresses the area and retains the body heat to allay local pain and inflammation. Extra grip. Extra porous Controlled compression. Anatomical thumb placement. Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb Features High quality , striped elastic webbing Strong and durable Porous and comfortable High modulus of elasticity- Retains shape and size for a long time. Excellent compressive strength, better support Hook loop closures Easy to apply and remove Ensures optimal compression Better fitting and universal sizing. Anatomical thumb opening Better pain relief and healing. Thumb in abduction remains relaxed, no fatigue Improves comfort Allows free and natural movement of the thumb and fingers. Tynor Tennis Elbow Support Tennis Elbow Support is designed to help provide relief from generalized pain and tenderness in the forearm and elbow caused by repetitiv
Nathan Goodyear

PLOS ONE: Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Synergizes with Calorie Restriction to Incre... - 0 views

    calorie restriction, though not malnutrition, is associated with longevity as determined by increased telomerase reverse transcriptase and a reduction in aged related diseases.  Granted this was a mouse model.

Wheelchair Detachable Wheels - 0 views

    Wheelchairs is designed for those who prefer a removable armrest wheelchair. A removable armrest allows for easy patient transfer in and out of the chair.This chair is available in a different seat width and comes complete with swingaway footrests. It also incorporates solid rubber casters for a smooth and easy roll. Both detachable and flip-back arms are designed for easier lateral transfers. Most Wheelchairs in this category have Desk-Length arms, a shorter arm that allows rolling up to a desk or table. All are folding-frame chairs and are available in different seat widths. Detachable armrest for use in conjunction with wheelchairs. The armrest is comprised of a horizontal member supported at one end by a vertical member. The horizontal and vertical members are releasably attached to the wheelchair frame, and the attachment of the horizontal member to the wheelchair frame allows rotation of the horizontal member from the normal position to a position of non-use behind the back of the wheelchair. Wheelchairs - Arm Rests: The armrests support the arms and shoulders in comfortable positions and are often used to push off of for transferring from sitting to standing or held on to for balance. Desk-length armrests are shorter than standard length rests and are often chosen so that a person can pull up to a desk or table for easier access. The shorter length of these armrests is undesirable if the wheelchair user needs to use them to assist pushing into a standing position. In this case a full-length armrest would be preferred. Wheelchairs - Footrests: The footrest and legrest support protect the lower leg and feet. If they are too high they decrease the weight carried through the back of the thighs and can cause increased pressure over the buttock region. If they are two low they can cause pressure over the posterior thighs and cause problems with clearing barriers in the environment such as incline transitions. The suggested height of the footrest from th
Nathan Goodyear

Curcumin reverses impaired cognition and n... [Neuropharmacology. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    curcumin shown to improve and reverse memory disturbances in those with stress induced hippocampal neurodamage.  Curcumin was also shown to improve learning.  Additionally, curcumin was shown to be neuroprotective.  
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