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Proyectos Personas Pasiones: Talent on Air - 2 views

  • “Las empresas, para crecer, tendrán que hacerse más pequeñas”
  • Nada nuevo, pero lo que parece que está cambiando es la decisión de lo que queda dentro y de lo que queda fuera
  • La lógica parece decir
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Te quedas con el talento, externalizas “mano de obra”.
  • El talento resiste cada vez menos el corsé de las empresas. Los buenos se van. Han descubierto que solos, organizándose con otros de forma temporal, ya no necesitan a la empresa para ganarse la vida, ni siquiera para conseguir posicionamiento e incluso relevancia en un determinado mercado.
  • ahora ocurre al revés
  • Profesionales con identidad propia, más allá de marcas comerciales basadas en valores abstractos
  • El talento se escapa de las organizaciones precisamente cuando estas más necesitan reformular su oferta y acelerar los procesos de innovación
  • con una capacidad de conectividad (también con la empresa que dejaron!)
  • se van y se quedan como agentes libres
  • Pero en realidad no se van. No es como antes
  • con una capacidad de generar conocimiento y valor difícilmente financiable por las estructuras de costes cortoplacistas tan habituales en nuestro ecosistema empresarial
  • Son los nuevos departamentos (externalizados) de I+D.
  • Se externalizará aquello valioso, y desde la empresa se gestionarán Redes externas de innovación que "enchufen" propuestas a las estructuras rígidas que las penalizaban. Y se mantendrá en nómina aquellos profesionales cuyo ciclo de renovación del conocimiento sea más lento, más estable, más estándar.
  • Se invierte la pirámide de la gestión del talento
  • Habrá que trabajar sobre las nuevas reglas del juego
  • las relaciones de interdependencia están cambiando
    Excelente síntesis del cambio actual en la 'gestión del talento'...

Performance.Learning.Productivity Blog: In a Complex World, Continuous Learning and Sim... - 1 views

  • to ensure your organisation develops a continuous learning culture
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Desde nuestro punto de vista... para asegurarnos de que nuestra ORG desarrolla una cultura de aprendizaje continuo, es crítico ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de 'Aprendizaje autogestionado' (perfil eAprendiz), ayudar a la fuerza de trabajo para que mejore su meta-aprendizaje (aprender a aprender, y en particular en la RED ).
  • The Lessons
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Lecciones aprendidas del caso de las'sub-prime' y las consecuencias acaecidas: 1.- En entornos complejos, el Aprendizaje autodirigido, autogestionado, NO es opcional, es absolútamente esencial. 2.- En un mundo en cambio contínuo (en el que lo que es cierto hoy puede que mañana no lo sea)... en entornoss dinámicos, el Aprendizaje Contínuo, permanente, es la mejor herramienta disponible 3.- La Reflexión y el Pensamiento Crítico ('out-of-the-box') son esenciales para ayudar a 'focalizar' dicho Aprendizaje Contínuo.
  • core continuous learning skills
  • ...34 more annotations...
  • skills
  • skills
  • skills
  • skills
  • skills
  • skills
  • Effective search and 'find'
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • Analytical
  • Networking
  • People
  • Logic
  • A solid understanding of research methodology
  • first step
  • changing our mind-set from one that sees learning as a series of events to one that acknowledges learning is a continuous process that happens at any time, anywhere
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      1er paso.- cambiar nuestra mentalidad de pensar que el Aprendizaje es una serie de eventos a pensar que el A es un proceso contínuo que sucede en cualquier instante y en cualquier lugar 2º paso.- cambiar el modo en que trabajamos, y creamos entornos (ecologias de aprendizaje) que proporcionen funcionalidades y tecnologías a los Kworkers (eAprendices)de modo que puedan hacer su trabajo de una manera mas inteligente ('smart work'), incorporando el A en su actividad diaria ('workflow learning').
  • We know that learning doesn’t just happen in controlled and structured environments but that most learning is embedded in the flow of work.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Aprendizaje en el puesto de trabajo o Aprendizaje Informal
  • second step
  • changing the way we work, and create environments that provide tools and support to workers so they can do their jobs better through bringing learning into their work.
  • In a Complex World, Continuous Learning and Simple Truths Prevail
  • the sub-prime bubble and the resulting global financial crisis
  • in complex environments self-directed learning is not optional, it’s absolutely essential.
  • Continuous learning is the best tool available in dynamic environments
  • other ‘core skills’
  • we can learn from this story
  • reflection and critical ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking are are essential to help direct the focus of continuous learning.
  • to help the development of self-directed learning skills
  • Help your workforce
  • improve its meta-learning
  • These meta-learning skills don’t live in isolation. They live with
  • The most important single thing you can do
  • continuous learning is the only sustainable asset in a world of constant change
  • no matter how smart you are, you still needed to carry on learning.
  • learning, unlearning and re-learning
    Artículo que se alinea perfectamente con uestra propuesta de eAprendiz, como estrategia de adecuación personal a un nuevo entorno en red, expandido y complejo. En nuestro caso, además de los dos pasos finales que propone (1.- cambiar nuestra mentalidad a la hora de contemplar el A como un proceso autogestionado y permanente; y 2.- cambiar el modo en que trabajamos (smart work), proporcionando un espacio o ecología de aprendizaje (PLN, PLWE, ID, curacion contenidos, PKM,PLM,PPM, eCompetencias, ePortfolio, mi base de K personal). A estos dos pasos, y como paso previo cualitativo, es el considerar el Aprendizaje como estrategia de adaptabilidad permanente a un entorno cambiante. Comparar nuestras eCompetencias con las que aquí se proponen.

A Vision of The Social Organization - 1 views

  • what does this new organization look and feel like on the inside?
  • what does this new organization look and feel like on the inside?
  • But what does this new organization look and feel like on the inside?
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • many discussions of how employment and management structures change to become more agile.
  • There is more agreement on the issues

Mi Twitter es también de mi empresa · ELPAÍ - 1 views

  • Vota Resultado 74 votos  Comentarios - 44
  • No hay normativa laboral en España que regule los mensajes 'on line'
  • El panorama está cambiando. Las empresas son conscientes de que su imagen depende de la Red. Y de que para cuidarla es mucho más importante que sus empleados se expresen apropiadamente en Facebook o Twitter a que lleven traje y corbata. Se juegan mucho en ello. Aunque solo sea porque el 83,4% de los internautas utiliza ya alguna red social
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Para controlar y gestionar esas herramientas sociales en beneficio de las empresas, tanto interna como externamente, ha nacido una nueva profesión, los
  • community managers
  • La colusión entre empresa y empleados puede ser inevitable.
  • También los trabajadores tienen que convertirse en sus propios community managers y cuidar sus perfiles en Internet
  • Debemos tener muy presente qué dice la Red sobre nosotros
  • gestionar nuestra reputación on line
  • Y no solo las empresas
  • En el caso de los medios de comunicación, esta colusión de derechos se agudiza
  • Para evitar estos incidentes, algunos medios han creado códigos férreos
  • Casi todos estos medios prohíben expresamente difundir primicias, comentar la elaboración de las noticias o mantener un debate con los lectores o con medios rivales
  • Otros medios como The New York Times aplican una autorregulación, dejando manos libres a sus profesionales
  • Ser popular y ocurrente en Twitter o en Facebook es importante. Pero antes de escribir recuerde que su seguidor y su amigo más vigilante es su jefe
  • Comentarios - 44

Open Definition : - 1 views

  • Open Definition provides criteria for openness in relation to data, content, and software services.

5 ways to add value to information - Trends in the Living Networks - 1 views

    Ross Dawson shows five ways to add value to information (my examples/descriptions follow): Filtering (separating signal from noise, based on some criteria) Validation (ensuring that information is reliable, current or supported by research) Synthesis (describing patterns, trends or flows in large amounts of information) Presentation (making information understandable through visualization or logical presentation) Customization (describing information in context)

Six ways to make Web 2.0 work - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Application ... - 0 views

  • Web 2.0 tools present a vast array of opportunities—for companies that know how to use them.

Perspective On Designing and Managing Knowledge Work - 0 views

  • Horizontal networking often creates dissonance in the vertical enterpriseThe vertical structure of knowledge did not foresee the coming of horizontal networking tools now shaping today’s workplace.
  • Today, there's a lot of chatter about bottom-up versus top-down, the collective wisdom of the organizational crowd, and various related themes.  However, there’s also ongoing dissonance or competition between the methods behind structured and defined organizational forms and activity and the growing world of hyperlinked flows in which knowledge and meaning are built layer by layer, exchange by exchange (all those hyperlinked interactions that increasingly make up what we call "knowledge work") as enabled by social computing.
  • At the heart of the issue is the way work is designed and an organization develops its structure
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • A primary tool in designing work and structure is job evaluation
  • (and derivatives like accountability mapping and redundancy analysis).  And I don’t mean job evaluation as in assessing job performance – I mean the function that assigns jobs to levels and pay grades based on job “weight” with respect to skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions (the legal criteria for assessing pay equity). I believe that these tools and their underlying assumptions are used to create the skeletal architecture of organizations, the pyramid we all know. 
  • job evaluation (or work measurement in the professional jargon) relies very heavily on the assumption that knowledge is hierarchically structured and, as well, put to use.
  • who has more of the knowledge —on paper—is she or he who deserves to be "higher up" in the organization.
    "Horizontal networking often creates dissonance in the vertical enterprise. The vertical structure of knowledge did not foresee the coming of horizontal networking tools now shaping today's workplace."

Harold Jarche » Social learning for business - 0 views

  • 10 sentences, for social learning
  • The increasing complexity of our work is a result of our global interconnectedness. Today, simple work is being automated (e.g. bank tellers). Complicated work (e.g. accounting) is getting outsourced. Complex and creative work is what gives companies unique business advantages. Complex and creative work is difficult to replicate, constantly changes and requires greater tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is best developed through conversations and social relationships. Training courses are artifacts of a time when information was scarce and connections were few; that time has passed. Social learning networks enable better and faster knowledge feedback loops. Hierarchies constrain social interactions so traditional management models must change. Learning amongst ourselves is the real work in social businesses and management’s role is to support social learning.
    buena sintesis social_learning

How companies are benefiting from Web 2.0 - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - ... - 0 views

  • The heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business.
  • benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing
  • a measurable effect on the business
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • we have tracked the rising adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, as well as the ways organizations are using them
  • are deriving measurable business benefits from their investments in the Web
  • We asked them about the value they have realized from their Web 2.0 deployments in three main areas
  • within their organizations
  • externally, in their relations with customers
  • in their dealings with suppliers, partners, and outside experts.
  • 69 percent
  • measurable business benefits
  • We found that successful companies not only tightly integrate Web 2.0 technologies with the work flows of their employees but also create a “networked company,”
  • Companies that made greater use of the technologies, the results show, report even greater benefits
  • for example,
  • the factors driving these improvements
  • management practices that produce benefits
  • types of technologies
  • organizational and cultural characteristics
  • more innovative products and services, more effective marketing, better access to knowledge, lower cost of doing business, and higher revenues
  • Web 2.0 technologies improve interactions with employees, customers, and suppliers at some companies more than at others.
  • factors that contribute most significantly to the successful use of these technologies.
  • adoption, breadth of employee use, and satisfaction
  • We then analyzed how these scores correlated with three company characteristics: the competitive environment (using industry type as a proxy), company features (the size and location of operations), and the extent to which the company actively managed Web 2.0.
    "We found that successful companies not only tightly integrate Web 2.0 technologies with the work flows of their employees but also create a "networked company,"

Business and Web 2.0 An interactive feature - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology ... - 0 views

  • how organizations are using Web 2.0 technologies
  • the emerging trends in Web 2.0 adoption.
  • the survey’s core questions
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • blogs, mash-ups (a Web application that combines multiple sources of data into a single tool), microblogging, peer to peer, podcasts, prediction markets, rating, RSS (Really Simple Syndication), social networking, tagging, video sharing, and wikis.
  • Our survey examines the business use of 12 technologies and tools
  • interactive archive
  • to evaluate their use of and satisfaction with Web 2.0.
    Resultados acumulados durante 4 años (magnífica visualización) por McKinsey acerca de ¿cómo están usando las empresas la web 2.0?, 'Uso y satisfacción de las empresas con la web 2.0', analizando 12 tecnologías y herramientas 2.0.

Network Weaving: The 4 Laws of Networks - 0 views

    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Naturaleza líquida de las redes
  • networks do not "play by the rules" because they are intrinsically too fluid and self-organizing for that
  • Let's look at 4 laws of social networks, realizing that there may be galaxies more beyond these.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The grace of serendipity is one of the most powerful and accessible currencies in networks and, as luck would have it, it happens at the intersection of (network) consciousness and being transparent about one's gifts and passions
  • innovation happens at the intersection of learning and cultivating diverse connections
  • If your passion is to create a future different from the past, you value influence and influence happens at the intersection of credibility and location in the network
  • Get to know the people in a network who know lots of other people and cultivate credibility with them, and you have natural and authentic influence.
  • Generosity and introductions accelerate the growth the networks in amazingly unpredictable and wonderful ways.
  • Networks grow at the speed of introductions and acts of generosity among and between members of a network.
  • The more we understand about networks, the more amazed we become at their immense and inscrutable power and elegance, starting with the fact that networks do not have "centers" or "boundaries" and act more like complex adaptive systems than orderly hierarchies.
    Naturaleza liquida de las redes

Social Networking: A Platform for Training New Managers Online? by Bill Brandon : Learn... - 0 views

  • Setting up a social network for manager training
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      ELGG sin duda.
  • The first task is to establish a design for the social interaction. This must come before technology selection, so that the limitations of the technology do not drive or constrain the interaction.
  • Why consider a social network for manager training?
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      En lugar de 'trabajadores' podemos plantear 'los nuevos estudiantes' (Gen 'net'), que prefieren frecuentemente usar interacción social onlne, y aprendizaje online, antes que formación presencial en Aula.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • These are the workers who will be your new supervisors and managers
  • workers in their 20s and 30s expect to be able to use the latest IT applications in their workplace. They are used to social networking online, and to online learning, often preferring these to classroom instruction
  • In addition, this also will encourage open communication between companies, employers, HR departments, owners, and managers.” 
  • Without appropriate technology tools and resources available in their work environment, they may look for help from non-work related services such as Integrating social media into the development environment eliminates this potential challenge and at the same time increases the potential for success of the development effort and of the new managers. 
  • Can social networking provide a practical way to help prepare new managers for their duties? Considering the rapid growth of social networking adoption among younger workers, this is a question well worth asking
  • Creating a curriculum for training new managers and supervisors is a common task that falls to instructional designers
  • The typical approach for many decades has consisted of a combination of classroom events, each lasting from one to five days (or more). This default design has many problems, including travel expense and time away from the job for the managers. Not infrequently, there are severe mismatches between what is taught and the actual practices supported by the organization’s culture.
  • There is an increasing number of companies and online service providers who are convinced that social networking can help overcome at least some of the issues common to the classroom-only approach
  • By combining formal classroom instruction and online reference and performance support with online coaching, mentoring, and informal learning through social networking, a new manager can gain a solid theory foundation, just-in-time help, and culturally correct application pointers.
  • Informal learning, as an object of attention by researchers, is not a new topic. However, it only appeared on the radar screens of instructional designers less than ten years ago. The emergence of online social media has led to the notion of somehow tapping into the potential of this channel, that carries so much of the real learning that goes on in organizations.
  • In our current age, we have plenty of channels in which informal learning can take place: everything from microblogs (Twitter), to communities (LinkedIn Groups, discussion forums), to user-created content (wikis, Weblogs, YouTube), to social bookmarking (Delicious), and surely more to come.
  • But we also have plenty of examples of attempts at use of these channels in which the attempts failed. The virtual landscape is littered with the remains of abandoned wikis, content-less and comment-less Weblogs, and LinkedIn Groups where the spam has driven out the discussion and all but eliminated any possibility of learning.
  • Existing informal learning groups online include a surprising variety of formats
  • Jay Cross’ Internet Time Community,
  • Participants in the Twitter #lrnchat sessions also comprise an ongoing informal learning group
  • if informal learning is going to take place online, it must be self-sustaining
  • Focus
  • Focus

Jane's Pick of the Day: 30 ways to use social media to work smarter #some4job - 0 views

  • "Working smarter is the key to sustainability and continuous improvement. Knowledge work and learning to work smarter are becoming indistinguishable. The accelerating rate of change in business forces everyone in every organization to make a choice: learn while you work or become obsolete."
  • This resource looks at 30 ways to use social media to find things out on the Social Web keep up to date with new content on the Social Web build a trusted network of colleagues communicate with your colleagues share resources, ideas and experiences with your colleagues collaborate with your colleagues improve your personal and team productivity

YouTube - Enterprise Microblogging by Socialtext - 0 views

    Socialtext: email (cerrado) vs microblogging (micro-conversaciones abiertas), en el ámbito de un grupo(s) u ORGs.

37signals: Why is Web-Based Software the smart choice? - 0 views

    Cloud computing: Ventajas para una pequeña y mediana empresa, y par un elearner

Development Seed | Technological Solutions for Progressive Organizations - 0 views

    "Deploying open source software and strategy"

Open Atrium - 0 views

    Intranet open source basada en apache, php, mysql y drupal.

Mi Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje - 0 views

    Buen ejemplo como iniciación al diseño del PLE. Plantea como cuestión final ¿cómo integrar todas esas herramientas?.

Hernani destaca el papel dinamizador de las regiones en la innovación e insta... - 0 views

  • papel "dinamizador" de las regiones en materia de innovación y abogó por crear "un verdadero espacio de investigación de las personas", que a su entender deben ser "actores principales" de los proyectos.
  • un esquema de apoyo a la investigación e innovación, cada vez más entendible por la pequeña empresa
  • mportancia del papel de las regiones como "dinamizadores" y consideró que el fortalecimiento de las interacciones entre los sistemas regionales de innovación es "muy importante" para el crecimiento
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Los expertos participantes en la conferencia también analizaron el papel de "las personas" en la innovación que, según explicó Juan Tomás Hernani, son "titulares y actores principales de los proyectos de innovación"
  • necesidad de empleos de alto valor añadido, así como la mejora de las condiciones de movilidad para "atraer talento"
  • la directora general adjunta de Investigación de la Comisión Europea subrayó que "el eje de las personas es muy importante
  • "Las personas son el número uno, ni siquiera ayuda el dinero si no tenemos personas"
  • integración, implicación e inclusión
  • papel de la ciencia en la inclusión y en la pobreza
  • creación de "un verdadero espacio de investigación de las personas, es decir, de los investigadores".
  • necesidad que tiene Europa de contar con "un esquema de apoyo en investigación e innovación, cada vez más entendible por la pequeña empresa y por el ciudadano"
  • plataforma europea de innovación e investigación
  • "profundo respeto" por la transformación realizada en Finlandia en la década de los 90, cuando con un desempleo del 20 por ciento, una destrucción del PIB de entre el 12 y el 13 por ciento y un sistema financiero "en jaque", apostó por la innovación y "hoy está a la cabeza del mundo".
    eAprendiz como agente del cambio (einnovacion)
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