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Enrique Rubio Royo

Sensemaking artifacts « Connectivism - 0 views

  • Teaching and learning in social and technical networks
  • sensemaking artifacts
  • complex information settings
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • such as the images posted above. Artifacts can include a blog post, an image, a video, a podcast, a live performance
  • basically anything that allows an individual to express how they’ve come to understand something
  • 2. They are a sensegiving tool.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Sensegiving (coherence expression) tools
  • These artifacts serve two roles
  • 1. They reflect the sensemaking activity that the individual has experienced
  • how he came to understand the relationship between different entities
  • Through joint processes of sensemaking and wayfinding – see presentation below – learners begin exploring and negotiating the domain of knowledge. In the process, they produce artifacts
  • When learners are transparent in their learning through the production and sharing of artifacts, they teach others
  • Sensemaking artifacts are valuable in that
  • “if we designed education today, what would it look like?”
  • Would it look like our existing classrooms?
  • Textbooks? Libraries? Or would it look more like the internet?
  • What roles would teachers play? Or learners?
  • What would “teaching” look like
  • our current education system?
  • digital technologies change how people relate to each other and how information is created and shared
  • These trends influence the power structures in classroom or online settings
  • on the learner:
  • power change
  • requiring both educators and institutions to rethink what they do for her and what she can do for herself
  • Sensemaking artifacts reflect this power shift
  • learners can self-organize and guide each other, rather than simply walking established knowledge paths created by educators and designers
  • Each artifacts serves to “re-centre” the conversation around the sensemaking actions of learners
  • In this regard,
  • sensemaking artifacts are in competition with the planned curriculum (learning content)
  • sensemaking artifacts are another node in the learning model that distributes control and power away from the institution and the teacher and moves it (power/control) into the networks formed by students.
    Magnífica referencia, relativa al proceso de generación de significado y la forma de alcanzarlo. Relación estrecha con el proceso PKM (harold Jarche; 'seek-sense-share'), así como del modelo cynefin de David Snowden). Muy interesante la inclusión de una presentación slideshare de Georges Siemens, relativa al tema, y que provoca el posting que se referencia (en el contexto del curso MOOC sobre 'learning analytics)
Enrique Rubio Royo

The Creative Personality: Ten paradoxical traits of the - 0 views

  • Of all human activities, creativity comes closest to providing the fulfillment we all hope to get in our lives
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      De todas las actividades humanas, la creatividad es la que mas se acerca a darnos ese sentimiento de realización personal, que todos desewamos alcanzar en nuestras vidas.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      ¿Cuál es el misterioso proceso por el que la gente creativa, aporta nuevas ideas, nuevas cosas? (durante 30 años el autor se ha dedicado a investigar ¿cómo vive y trabaja la gente creativa?. He dedicado 30 años de investigación sobre cómo las personas creativas vivir y trabajar, para hacer más comprensible el misterioso proceso por el cual ellos vienen con nuevas ideas y nuevas cosas
  • What makes us different from apes--our language, values, artistic expression, scientific understanding, and technology--is the result of individual ingenuity that was recognized, rewarded, and transmitted through learning
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Aquello que nos diferencia de los monos (nuestro lenguaje, valores, expresión artística, conocimiento científico, y tecnología), es el resultado de la ingenuidad individual reconocida, premiada, y trasmitida a través del Aprendizaje.
  • But creativity also leaves an outcome that adds to the richness and complexity of the future
  • ...41 more annotations...
  • 30 years of research to how creative people live and work
  • their ability to adapt to almost any situation and to make do with whatever is at hand to reach their goals.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Adaptabilidad a casi cualquier situación, y soluciones con lo que se dispone (resolución de problemas)
  • it's complexity
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      El rasgo mas característico de las personas creativas es su COMPLEJIDAD.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Multitud de individuos en uno solo, en cuanto a tendencias que muestran, a la hora de pensar y actuar. A continuación. se muestran los 10 rasgos mas característicos (según el autor), integrados en un solo individuo, y en continua tensión dialéctica entre ellos.
  • a "multitude."
  • dialectical tension
  • 1. Creative people have a great deal of physical energy, but they're also often quiet and at rest.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      La personalidad creativa, durante su actividad, despliega una gran energía física, pero también frecuentemente semuestra reflexivo y tranquilo, en reposo.
  • concentration
  • enthusiasm
  • freshness
  • It seems that their energy is internally generated, due more to their focused minds than to the superiority of their genes.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Vitalidad que parece proceder de su interios, mas que de su naturaleza física, como resultado de la 'focalización' de su mente.
  • They consider the rhythm of activity followed by idleness or reflection very important for the success of their work
  • 2. Creative people tend to be smart yet naive at the same time.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Inteligentes e ingenuos al mismo tiempo.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Pensamiento convergente vs divergente. El primero, se mide por los tests de 'coeficiente intelectual' (resolución de problemas racionales, bien definidos y con una solución correcta). Al parecer, la creatividad pudiera requerir un cierto coeficiente intelectual (120), pero por encima del mismo, no necesariamente se es mas creativo. El pensamiento divergente conduce a soluciones resultado de 'acuerdos' (implica fluidez o capacidad para generar gran cantidad de ideas; flexibilidad o capacidad para conmutar de una perspectiva a otra; y originalidad a la hora de proponer asociaciones de ideas). Concluye que, en cualquier caso, el pensamiento divergente requiere, para que sea creativo, del pensamiento convergente, también.
  • the cutoff point is around 120
  • children with very high IQs do well in life, but after a certain point IQ does not seem to be correlated any longer with superior performance in real life.
  • n IQ beyond 120 does not necessarily imply higher creativity
  • to use well two opposite ways of thinking: the convergent and the divergent.
  • Convergent thinking is measured by IQ tests
  • Divergent thinking leads to no agreed-upon solution
  • People often claimed to have had only two or three good ideas in their entire career, but each idea was so generative that it kept them busy for a lifetime of testing, filling out, elaborating, and applying.
  • Divergent thinking
  • involves convergent thinking
  • 3. Creative people combine playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      La personalidad creativa combina juego y disciplina, responsabilidad e irresponsabilidad.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      El trabajo creativo, no todo es de 'éxtasis' y diversión, lleva apareado perseverancia, resistencia, tenacidad
  • playfully light attitude
  • doggedness, endurance, perseverance
  • 4. Creative people alternate between imagination and fantasy, and a rooted sense of reality.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Alternan entre imaginación y fantasía, con un profundo sentido de la realidad
  • 5. Creative people trend to be both extroverted and introverted.
  • 6. Creative people are humble and proud at the same time.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Las personas creativas son humildes y orgullosas al mismo tiempo.
  • in current psychological research, extroversion and introversion are considered the most stable personality traits that differentiate people from each other and that can be reliably measured
  • Creative individuals, on the other hand, seem to exhibit both traits simultaneously
  • At the same time, they know that in comparison with others, they have accomplished a great deal. And this knowledge provides a sense of security, even pride.
  • in Newton's words, "on the shoulders of giants."
  • 7. Creative people, to an extent, escape rigid gender role stereotyping.
  • androgyny is sometimes understood in purely sexual terms, and therefore it gets confused with homosexuality
  • But psychological androgyny is a much wider concept referring to a person's ability to be at the same time aggressive and nurturant, sensitive and rigid, dominant and submissive, regardless of gender.
  • 8. Creative people are both rebellious and conservative.
  • It is impossible to be creative without having first internalized an area of culture
  • 9. Most creative people are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.
  • 10. Creative people's openness and sensitivity often exposes them to suffering and pain, yet also to a great deal of enjoyment
  • A negative impulse is always frustrating
  • Without the passion, we soon lose interest in a difficult task
  • From book: Creativity: The Work and Lives of 91 Eminent People, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, published by HarperCollins, 1996. Retitled as Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention.
Enrique Rubio Royo


  • análisis desde una perspectiva fundamentalmente diferente de la adoptada por la ciencia social individualista o basada en atributos.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Perspectiva sistémica (estudio como un 'todo', de la relación entre las partes)
  • este patrón de conexiones - no sólo el capital humano de los actores individuales - lleva a un ritmo acelerado de innovación en los sectores y regiones donde se produce
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Capital social vs capital humano
  • cuestiones relacionadas con la definición de las redes sociales
  • ...63 more annotations...
  • tres principios implícitos en la perspectiva de la red social
  • Sección II
  • raíces teóricas del análisis de redes y el estado actual del campo
  • sección III
  • Sección IV
  • sección de conclusiones
  • enfoque de análisis de redes
  • métodos de las redes sociales
  • herramientas para la aplicación de la teoría de redes
  • el análisis de redes sociales se entiende mejor como una  perspectiva de las ciencias sociales y no como un método o una teoría estrictamente definidos.
  • red social
  • conjunto de nodos socialmente relevantes conectados por una o más relaciones. Los Nodos, o miembros de la red, son las unidades que están conectadas por las relaciones cuyos patrones estudiamos. Estas unidades son con mayor frecuencia personas u organizaciones, pero en principio cualesquier unidad que se pueda conectar a otras unidades pueden ser estudiadas como nodos
  • nodos a incluir en un análisis de red
  • tres enfoques para abordar este problema de especificación de límites
  • un enfoque basado en la posición
  • Un enfoque basado en eventos
  • Un enfoque basado en relaciones
  • Estos tres enfoques no son mutuamente excluyentes, y los estudios generalmente utilizan una combinación de más de un método para definir los límites de la red
  • cuatro grandes categorías de relaciones
  • Después que los investigadores han identificado miembros de la red, se deben identificar las relaciones entre estos nodos
  • las semejanzas, las relaciones sociales, las interacciones y flujos.
  • Similitudes
  • cuando dos nodos comparten los tipos de atributos frecuentemente estudiado en enfoques basados en variables,
  • relaciones sociales
  • incluyen parentesco u otro tipo de relaciones de roles comúnmente definidas
  • los lazos afectivo
  • interacciones
  • relaciones basadas en el comportamiento
  • flujos
  • relaciones basadas en intercambios o transferencias entre los nodos
  • actores
  • eventos clave que se cree definen la población
  • pequeño conjunto de nodos considerados estar dentro de la población de interés y luego se expande
  • actores
  • nodos semillas
  • Relaciones, no Atributos
  • Los individuos (y las organizaciones, países, páginas web, etc.) poseen indiscutiblemente atributos particulares
  • que están intrínsecamente contenidas dentro y no entre los actores
  • los investigadores ordenan a las personas en base a sus atributos y determinar que resultados se ven desproporcionadamente comunes para las personas con atributos particulares
  • causalidad como algo que viene de dentro personas
  • con atributos comunes que actúan independientemente sobre los individuos para producir resultados similares.
  • los analistas de redes sociales sostienen que la relación causal no se encuentra en el individuo, sino en la estructura social
  • Por el contrario
  • las personas con atributos comunes a menudo ocupan posiciones similares en la estructura social
  • Sus resultados similares son causados ​​por las limitaciones, oportunidades y percepciones creadas por estas posiciones similares en la red.
  • estudio de la conducta como incrustada en las redes sociales
  • los científicos sociales
  • los analistas de redes sociales
  • son capaces de explicar patrones de nivel macro no simplemente como un gran número de personas que actúan de manera similar debido a que son similares, sino como un gran número de personas que actúan entre sí para dar forma a las acciones del otro de una manera que genera unos resultados determinados
  • Por ejemplo
  • investigadores con un enfoque basado en atributos
  • Por el contrario
  • requiere la comprensión de cómo las relaciones
  • entre sí --y con los demás-- afectan a sus puntos de vista
  • Aunque las decisiones económicas pueden estar correlacionadas con los atributos, esto es debido a las posiciones en la red.
  • modelo más realista de la causalidad
  • una explicación basada en la red es más capaz de explicar cómo bucles de retroalimentación pueden causar una epidemia
  • Redes, no Grupos
  • las relaciones sociales requieren algo más que saber medir algunas características de las redes, tales como la densidad de sus interconexiones
  • Se requiere
  • un conjunto de suposiciones acerca de la mejor manera de describir y explicar los fenómenos sociales de interés.
  • Las explicaciones de red no asumen que los entornos, los atributos o las circunstancias afectan a los actores de forma independiente.
  • Las relaciones en un contexto relacional
Enrique Rubio Royo

TISCAR :: Comunicación y Educación en la era digital » Aprender en la incerti... - 0 views

  • Las Escuelas de Negocio tienen la responsabilidad y al mismo tiempo el privilegio de liderar este proceso de transformación de la educación superior y construir una sociedad más abierta.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Un poco arrogantes ¿no?. Asombroso decir que las escuelas de negocio tienen el privilegio de liderar el proceso de transformación de la educacion superior y de construir una sociedad mas abierta ¿?
  • Un mundo previsible, estable y regulado se soportaba en un sistema formativo que buscaba la homogeneidad, dominado por la oficialidad de las titulaciones y por un marco riguroso de competencias profesionales.
  • Las reglas han cambiado radicalmente en pocos años
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • las personas, como ciudadanos o como profesionales, demandan nuevos sistemas de aprendizaje, flexibles, permanentes y eficientes
  • crisis sistémica
  • las Escuelas de Negocio merecen una especial atención, ya que por su propia naturaleza son la punta de lanza de las transformaciones que se están produciendo en la sociedad
  • Manifiesto Cluetrain,
  • una nueva forma de hacer negocios desde el diálogo, el contacto personal y la horizontalidad como valores propios de la Red
  • los mercados son conversaciones.
  • máxima
  • La velocidad con la que se ha producido el cambio
  • se acelera de manera creciente
  • en las motivaciones personales para el aprendizaje
  • en las metodologías utilizadas
  • en los contenidos propuestos
  • en las autoridades que acreditan la experiencia acumulada
  • Será en torno a estas cuatro ideas como podamos construir los elementos característicos de la trasformación que estamos viviendo en el mundo de la formación
  • I. Compartir valores
  • ¿Qué aprendemos?
  • formación en valores a través de la introducción de la ética en sus currículos y firmando los principios de iniciativas internacionales que apelan a la responsabilidad en la formación
Enrique Rubio Royo

Liderazgo, complejidad e incertidumbre | Innovación en la gestión - 0 views

  • depende de nuestra capacidad para crear nuevas perspectivas de la realidad, de integrar nuevas experiencias y desarrollar nuevas formas de acción colectiva
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Mas que crear nuevas perspectivas de la realidad, quizás deberíamos decir: cambiar nuestra manera de 'percibir' una determinada situación o problema, o nuestro manera de tomar decisiones, así como el desarrollar un pensamiento sistémico basado en la ciencia o conceptos de la complejidad (lo que nos llevará efectivamente a asumir y desarrollar nuevas formas de acción colectiva)
  • “lo que no sabemos es más importante que lo que sabemos”
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Justificando el término y concepto del 'eAprendiz'... asumir la humildad de reconocer que 'el panorama ha cambiado, necesitamos con urgencia nuevos planteamientos, una nueva forma de pensar, de percibir que el mundo del que procedemos de desvanece, se difumina a pasos agigantados, y un nuevo mundo desconcertante e imprevisible está emergiendo. Un mundo nuevo permanentemente cambiamnte y cada vez mas complejo, en el que debemos asumir que 'lo que desconocemos es mas importante que lo que conocemos'. UN mundo interconectado y complejo, en el que dada la naturaleza inestable del 'nuevo' entorno vital emergente... solo mediante el trabajo y aprendizaje social permanente podremos tratar de sobrevivir y adecuarnos al mismo.
  • la estabilidad, en el nuevo escenario, será la excepcion en un entorno estructuralmente inestable.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • ¿Por qué seguimos hablando, explicando y prescribiendo soluciones a nuestros desafíos actuales sobre una base intelectual que contradice completamente a la experiencia?
  • explorar la verdadera realidad de nuestras organizaciones
  • ver a las organizaciones como son realmente, como sistemas adaptativos
  • Ralph Stacey
  • Las organizaciones son conversaciones
  • son las experiencias que surgen en estas conversaciones ordinarias las que establecen la estructura de poder, las relaciones de inclusión y exclusión, y la propia identidad y valores de la organización
  • son estas interacciones y relaciones entre personas las que
  • el orden jerarquico cuidadosamente planificado es realmente reemplazado,
  • por un orden emergente desde la inestabilidad a través de procesos de auto organización
  • configuran la realidad de la organización
  • transforman esa misma realidad y
  • deciden su futuro
  • necesitamos cambiar el foco y la atención para pasar de los procesos -como hasta ahora- a las personas y sus interacciones.
  • no va a resultar sencillo
  • La literatura tradicional del management
  • pone el foco en la ciencia de lo cierto, en vez ponerlo en la ciencia de la complejidad y lo incierto
  • ¿cómo tomar las decisiones adecuadas en el nuevo entorno cuando el proceso racional no puede ser aplicado, y las técnicas analíticas se muestran incapaces de establecer la dirección futura?
  • La incertidumbre se gestiona con mas diálogo e interacción y menos jerarquía y planificación
Enrique Rubio Royo

11 Ways To Explain Social Business Benefits - The BrainYard - InformationWeek - 0 views

  • strategies to explain social tools to people without drowning them in social speak or meaningless jargon
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Focus fundamental: ¿por qué suelen fallar las iniciativas 'social media' en general, y en el ámbito de las empresas en particular (social business initiatives)?. Normalmente comenzamos hablando a la gente con un lenguaje técnico, una jerga de nuevas palabras tales como blogs,wikis,microblogging, e incluso 'social business'. Niniguna de esas cosas les importa realmente. Son herramientas y métodos que nos permiten hacer cosas que SI pueden importarnos. ¿Cuáles son esas cosas de interés para la audiencia?
  • What are the things that do matter?
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      ¿Cómo deberíamos empezar a plantear las cosas?, ¿qué cosas preocupan a la audiencia?. P.e. si son empresarios, gerentes o profesionales autónomos, según la autora, deberíamos pensar en comunicarles aspectos posibles a alcanzar con el 'social business' como ... 1.- Asegurarnos de sacar el máximo provecho de los recursos que hemos invertido, de manera que se traduzca en cosas visibles y disponibles para todas las personas de nuestro ecosistema, que son al final quienes las van a valorar 2.- Conseguir que los clientes se sientan valorados y distinguidos por compartir nuestras experiencias con ellos - mediante nuestros productos, servicios, soporte y facturación - que además funcionan bien y son fáciles de usar 3.- Conseguir que los empleados sienten que se valoran sus contribuciones, atendiéndolas con el cuidado suficiente para promover sus ideas y su conexión a los recursos 4.- Aumentar el nivel de comodidad y conocimiento de nuevas conexiones (relaciones), para que de manera proactiva quieran implicarse con nuestras empresas 5.- Creación de relaciones personales para tener embajadores en más lugares que cualquier persona pudiera alcanzar
  • what matters most is ensuring that everyone in our ecosystem feels valued and recognized in proportion to their contributions because that drives revenue, profitability, and happiness.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      lo más importante es asegurar que todos los miembros de nuestro ecosistema se sientan valorados y reconocidos en proporción a sus aportaciones, ya que dicho reconocimiento promueve retornos, rentabilidad y felicidad.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • People unfamiliar with the tools of this new social business space
  • almost always react poorly to initial messages that focus on the tools and how they will "revolutionize" business
  • They freeze in their tracks
  • because they don't understand the language and the technology
  • Often they're people with years of expertise, who are knowledgeable about their work and aren't accustomed to feeling uninformed.
  • it's better to ask them if they'd like to cool off, relax, and enjoy the beautiful view from the harbor.
  • It's like asking someone who has never sailed to put in
  • You must motivate people in language that they understand before introducing new ways of doing business
  • Here are some approaches you can take to help people who are new to social tools understand them:
  • There are hundreds of small-use cases that could benefit from using networked communications environments
  • Start looking for ones that either result in a lot of lost productivity
  • or where the company spends a lot of money
  • to redesign your communications ecosystem
  • change one communications habit at a time.
  • Which you choose will depend on how much executive support you have, how culturally ready your company is, and how much budget is available.
  • regardless of your approach, the more specific you are about how these tools and processes will help people do their work, the more successful you'll be.
  • There are benefits and risks to both, but
  • where social business initiatives often fall down.
  • We start throwing language at people--words like blogs, wikis, microblogging, even the term social business itself. None of those things really matter.
  • They're tools and methods that enable us to do things that matter
Enrique Rubio Royo

Despite The Hype, Few Enterprise Workers Embrace Social Software - 0 views

  • few of them are actually using social media for work-related activities
  • The report
  • The Enterprise 2.0 User Profile: 2011
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • For the most part, the tools that are being used, no surprise, are the public social networks and not ones that operate behind corporate firewalls
  • it is Gen X and not their younger Gen Y cohorts that are burning up the social media networks
  • First
  • curious results
  • Second
  • how can corporations accelerate social media adoption
  • less than a quarter of the respondents feel that social media technologies are vital to doing their jobs,
  • social media users are more productive than non-users
  • several suggestions
  • Evaluate corporate policies on the use of public social tools.
  • Encourage early adopters to invest in their corporate social profiles
  • Find the relevant use cases for social tools and promote them company-wide.
  • Get management to formulate the appropriate social media strategies
  • Recommend and promote the right kinds of technologies company-wide
    Interesante comentario de ReadWrite acerca del report de Forrester acerca del uso de SW social por parte de trabajadores de la información en USA (Nov, 2011)
Enrique Rubio Royo

Communication Nation: The connected company - 0 views

  • The average life expectancy of a human being in the 21st century is about 67 years. Do you know what the average life expectancy for a company is?
  • Why is the life expectancy of a company so low? And why is it dropping?
  • A machine typically has the following characteristics
  • ...78 more annotations...
  • As companies grow they invariably increase in complexity, and as things get more complex they become more difficult to control.
  • As you triple the number of employees, their productivity drops by half (Chart here)
  • This “3/2 law” of employee productivity,
  • Surely we can do better?
  • The secret, I think, lies in
  • understanding the nature of large, complex systems, and letting go of some of our traditional notions of how companies function.
  • I believe that many of these companies are collapsing under their own weight
  • It’s designed to be controlled by a driver or operator
  • It needs to be maintained, and when it breaks down, you fix it.
  • works in the same way for the life
  • Eventually, things change, or the machine wears out, and you need to build or buy a new machine.
  • A car is a perfect example of machine design
  • And we tend to design companies the way we design machines:
  • The problem with this kind of thinking is that the nature of a machine is to remain static, while the nature of a company is to grow
  • What happens if we think of it less like a machine and more like an organism? Or even better, what if we compared the company with other large, complex human systems, like, for example, the city?
  • if we stop thinking of it as a machine and start thinking of it as a complex, growing system?
  • Cities are large, complex, systems, but we don’t really try to control them.
  • if we start to look at companies as complex systems instead of machines, we can start to design and manage them for productivity instead of continuously hovering on the edge of collapse.
  • Cities aren't just complex and difficult to control. They are also more productive than their corporate counterparts
  • The Living Company
  • Shell studied 40 large, long-lived companies, some of which were still surviving after 400+ years.
  • these companies had a lot in common with large cities
  • tolerated
  • Ecosystems:
  • decentralized
  • Active listening
  • The boundaries of the company were less clearly delineated
  • local groups had more autonomy over their decisions
  • very active in partnerships and joint ventures
  • Everyone in the company understood the company’s values
  • to keep that culture strong
  • Long-lived companies had their eyes and ears focused on the world around them and were constantly seeking opportunities
  • were connected by a strong, shared culture.
  • watching and listening) and metafilter (information leading to decisive action).
  • we instinctively and intuitively understand that companies are not made of cogs, levers and gears
  • For top management, it would be wonderful if
  • In the end, they are made out of people
  • You have to put your strategy into people if you want to get results.
  • And today, thanks to social technologies
  • today, thanks to social technologies
  • we finally have the tools to manage companies like the complex organisms they are
  • we finally have the tools to manage companies like the complex organisms they are
  • Social Business Design
  • It’s design for complexity, for productivity, and for longevity. It’s not design by division but design by connection.
  • the connected company
  • we must focus on the company as a complex ecosystem
  • a new discipline
  • a set of connections and potential connections, a decentralized organism that has eyes and ears everywhere that people touch the company, whether they are employees, partners, customers or suppliers.
  • but some basic rules are already emerging
  • Social Business Design
  • These emerging rules have less in common with traditional business design, and more in common with urban design and city planning.
  • design for emergence
  • It’s not about design for control so much as
  • You can’t control a complex system, but you can manage its growth, and there are a lot of things you can do that will position it for success. Here are a few of those emerging practices that signal excellence in design by connection
  • Understand the culture
  • you need to understand the culture (or cultures) that are already there, so you can look for ways to enhance and strengthen that shared identity.
  • Start small
  • As you initiate social programs, think of them as if you are designing a city street.
  • The last thing you want is a whole bunch of large, urban areas with no people in them
  • A successful street is filled with people.
  • The smaller the space is initially, the faster it will fill up with people.
  • So start small
  • A good way to start is with an organization-wide project or initiative
  • Spaces need owners.
  • Again, think of the city street: every business or building has an owner.
  • make sure that every online space you create has someone positioned to take care of it, to keep it safe and clean.
  • Every person needs a place
  • every person needs a place to live; somewhere they can put their stuff
  • make sure that every single person has a place where they can put, and see, their stuff: their projects, the links they want to get back to, the documents they have created, their role, qualifications, expertise and so on.
  • A good city street offers opportunities that are unanticipated but serendipitous
  • Jumping-off points
  • Every time someone visits an online space, there’s a chance to offer them something new.
  • Design by connection is not a top-down activity so much as bottom-up
  • Watch, listen, adjust and adapt
  • Complex systems just don’t work that way
  • Think about how city streets evolve: one small step at a time.
  • Pay attention to the culture, and watch how people react to the tools you provide.
  • The typical company has a very short life, from 15 to 50 years. But cities – and some companies – live much longer lifespans: from hundreds to thousands of years. Wouldn’t you like that for your company? I know I would
    Excelente post en el que de una manera muy clara muestra la necesidad de una nueva mentalidad acompañada de un nuevo diseño (como un organismo) para las ORGs. Excelentes también las figuras, su diseño.
Enrique Rubio Royo

Thinking Like an Ecosystem | Center for Ecoliteracy - 0 views

  • Since ecology is all about interconnection and unending change, creating patterns of causation that shape every organism and phenomenon, "thinking like an ecosystem" for me means living in the perpetual "why.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      ¿Qué significa pensar como un ecosistema?... Puesto que la ecología tiene que ver con la interconexión y el cambio incesante, la creación de patrones de causalidad que dan forma a cada organismo y fenómeno, "pensar como un ecosistema" para mí significa vivir en un perpetuo "por qué". Es comprender que todos los organismos emergen con potencialidades específicas, incluyendo el organismo humano, pero su expresión es enormemente determinada por el contexto.
  • what specific conditions bring out the best in our species?
  • the wide and fluid dispersion of power, transparency, and an assumption of mutual accountability
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • eco-mind is
  • through our consciously creating the essential context for that thriving
  • Shifting from the mechanical assumption of separateness and seeing our societies as ecosystems, we get curious about how aspects interac
  • Thinking like an ecosystem means seeing everything in context
  • Using our eco-minds, we soon realize that in our complex human ecology, many of the most important causal interactions may not immediately meet the eye — just as they don't in the wider ecosystem
  • By this I mean that, with an eco-mind, we realize that what's "good" in one context might bring disaster in other.
Enrique Rubio Royo

Complexity Science in Human Terms: A Relational Model of Business - 0 views

  • It�s amazing how far we have been able to take the linear model for understanding the world, both in science and in business. But in the new connected economy, the limitations of the mechanistic model are becoming starkly apparent and
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Es increíble lo lejos que hemos podido llevar el modelo lineal para entender el mundo, tanto en la ciencia como en los negocios. Pero en la nueva economía conectada, las limitaciones del modelo mecanicista y la necesidad de una nueva forma de pensar, son cada vez mas evidentes.
  • Changing Landscapes
  • Enter Complexity Science
  • ...297 more annotations...
  • The science is still in its infancy
  • The realization that much of the world dances to nonlinear tunes has given birth to the new science of complexity, whose midwife was the power of modern computation which for the first time allows complex processes to be studied
  • complex adaptive system
  • The avenue most relevant to understanding organizational dynamics within companies and the web of economic activity among them is the study of
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      La vía más relevante para la comprensión de la dinámica organizacional en las empresas y la actividad económica web es el estudio de los sistemas adaptativos complejos
  • complex adaptive systems are composed of a diversity of agents that interact with each other, mutually affect each other, and in so doing generate novel behavior for the system as a whole
  • But the pattern of behavior we see in these systems is not constant
  • the system is constantly adapting to the conditions around it. Over time, the system evolves through ceaseless adaptation
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      el sistema se adapta constantemente a las condiciones que le rodean. Con el tiempo, el sistema evoluciona a través de la adaptación incesante
  • Complexity scientists are learning about these dynamics of complex systems principally through computer models, but also through observation of the natural world
  • Complex adaptive systems are
  • ecosystems
  • business organizations are also complex adaptive systems
  • fundamental processes and characteristics of complex adaptive system
  • by understanding the characteristics of complex adaptive systems in general, we can find a way to understand and work with the deep nature, that is, the fundamental processes, of organizations
  • constant innovation
  • constantly adapting
  • continual evolution
  • if they are to survive
  • companies in a fast-changing business environment need to be able to produce
  • Thus if companies are to work with change optimally, they are better able to do so if they understand their organizations as complex adaptive systems and the processes that underline these systems.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Así, si las empresas pretenden trabajar de forma óptima en un entorno cambiante, estarán mejor capacitados para hacerlo si comprenden sus organizaciones como sistemas complejos adaptativos , así como los procesos que caracterizan dischos sistemas.
  • requires a different mind
  • complex and largely unpredictabl
  • Because the dynamics of complex adaptive systems are
  • more organic than mechanistic
  • Managers and executives cannot control their organizations to the degree that the mechanistic perspective implies; but they can influence where their company is going, and how it evolves
  • understanding that businesses are like living organisms
  • and tend to fluctuate between different states
  • zone of creative adaptability
  • from static to chaotic, with the edge of chaos, or the
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Niveles de complejidad
  • a chaotic state
  • a static state
  • and the zone of creative adaptability,
  • the place to be when innovation is necessary.
  • complex adaptive systems are
  • dynamic
  • diversity
  • with abundant connections
  • something new will emerge
  • will build towards a critical mass from which
  • small changes can have a big effect
  • multiple experimentation on small scales
  • which means that
  • is the most productive way and offers the greatest potential for creating big changes in an organization
  • the rules of the business game have changed. Indeed, the game itself has changed.
  • A Naturalistic Study of Business as Complex Adaptive Systems
  • a naturalistic study, which involved interviewing people
  • We were interested in companies that were following principles from the new science of complexity in running their business
  • using complexity principles
  • We found these organizations mostly by word of mouth.
  • Companies whose management is guided by principles of complexity science are
  • organizationally flat
  • diversity
  • promote
  • open and plentiful communication
  • these properties enhance a system�s capacity for adaptability
  • The companies we chose for our study therefore shared the properties of being organizationally flat and having rich, open communication
  • But we had no idea what our study would find in the realm o
  • organizational dynamics, of management style, and people�s work experience.
  • Relationships: A New Bottom Line
  • In a nonlinear, dynamic world, everything exists only in relationship to everything else, and the interactions among agents in the system lead to complex, unpredictable outcomes.
  • In a linear world, things may exist independently of each other, and when they interact, they do so in simple, predictable ways.
  • agents interact, and when they have a mutual affect on one another something novel emerges
  • Anything that enhances these interactions will enhance
  • the potential creativity and adaptability of the system
  • agents as people
  • mutuality
  • relationships that are grounded in a sense of
  • We know from complexity science that
  • interactions and connections among agents of a system are the source of novelty, creativity, and adaptability
  • relationships are the organizing principle in businesses as complex adaptive systems.
  • In this way
  • the power of relationships
  • positive relationships
  • positive relationships
  • e weak
  • poor flow of information, limiting feedback loops and thus adaptability
  • a more robust, adaptive system.
  • Open and prolific communication
  • context of genuine care
  • task of caring for their employees seriously, and this manifested itself as people caring about their work, caring for fellow workers, caring for the organization and its shared purpose, caring about their community
  • the power of caring and connected relationships for creating constructive change
  • we are talking about genuine relationships based a sense of care and connection.
  • By attending to the quality of relationships,
  • the non-linear processes of the organization
  • a new way of working
  • by self-organizing around the most immediate problems
  • people�s desire to contribute and their need to belong
  • accommodating people more in terms of their interests and skills.
  • people felt more personally fulfilled
  • "a potential in everyone to get excited about what they do at work."
  • it was the strength of these caring and connected relationships that provided
  • an ethical foundation and continuity for people during difficult times of flux, unpredictability, and change
  • it was the strength of these caring and connected relationships that provided
  • A Community of Care and Connection
  • complex adaptive systems generate emergent, creative order and adapt to changes in their environment, through simple interactions among their agents
  • what kind of culture emerges
  • has everything to do with
  • in business, how we interact and the kind of relationships we form has everything to do with
  • the emergence of creativity, productivity, and innovation in the workplace.
  • In turn
  • a feedback loop
  • Similarly in business,
  • the culture that emerges in a company will influence people�s behavior
  • There is a constant interplay between people�s behavior and the emergent culture, a dynamic feedback loop.
  • a sense of community, guided by shared values and a shared purpose, helped the organization to be more adaptable
  • People said that when they felt part of a community they were more willing to be flexible and adapt, which in turn, made their organizations more flexible and adaptable
  • organizational dynamics
  • levels of relationships that created a web of interdependence
  • interdependence
  • levels of relationships
  • a web of
  • relationships between individuals
  • among and within teams
  • with other companies
  • relationship to the natural environment.
  • within and outside the organization.
  • the source of creativity and adaptability
  • , to the CEO who embodied the organization�s purpose and values
  • in business
  • a new theory of business
  • the quality of these relationships
  • as a means towards business success
  • a new understanding of what organizations are and how they work, informed by the science of complexity
  • A relational view of business
  • we are an ecosystem of different relationships."
  • Business is bigger than your own organization..
  • a linear structure of hierarchy and bureaucracy, which impedes agility and flexibility,
  • Most organizations
  • The most effective way to change a linear structure to a nonlinear process is
  • to attend to the nonlinear world of relationships
  • Feedback loops
  • relationships need to feed into those loops
  • the root of organizational problems is often "abysmal relationships
  • it was strong, positive relationships that maintained his global organization at a high level of a creativity and adaptability.
  • design for working with nonlinear processes
  • effort to deliberately change the hierarchy and structure
  • from which a new structure could and did emerge
  • in a spirit of mutuality and experimentation,
  • a new way of working emerged and the organizations evolved from there
  • Each company had its own distinct way of working with nonlinear processes
  • Companies have to find their own way by working organically with their people, their collaborators, and their competitots; that is, working with where they are, rather than imposing plans of where you might want them to be.
  • Complexity and a human-centered approach to management
  • management practice guided by complexity science will focus on
  • relationships that leads to a very human orientation of the workplace
  • human-centered approaches in management
  • For more than half a century, there has been a constant battle between human-oriented management and scientific, or mechanistic, management, with the latter prevailing.
  • But it is only now, and for the first time, that there is a science behind the human-oriented approach
  • With complexity science, we have a human-oriented management practice emerging from science, a novelty.
  • Peter Seng
  • notes that the prevailing mechanistic model of business encourages managers to see people as machines, not as people
  • knowledge-based economy
  • when people are treated as replaceable parts, as objects to control, are taught to be compliant, are used as fuel for the existing system�inevitably the organization will be fraught with frustration, anger, and isolation, which ultimately is detrimental to the business.
  • managers focus exclusively on producing goods and services and forget that the organization is a community of human beings
  • if people are treated as machines, not as people, they are unlikely to give loyalty and trust and they will not give of their best.
  • "When an organization loses its shared vision and principles, its sense of community, it is already in a process of decay and dissolution even though it may linger with the outward appearance of success for some time
  • The companies we worked with, that engaged their organizations as complex adaptive systems, whether consciously or intuitively, were al
  • very successful in traditional bottom line terms, not despite being human-oriented, but rather
  • Management guided by the principles of complexity science
  • therefore
  • constitutes a style that is very human oriented in that it recognizes that relationships are the bottom line of business, and that creativity, culture, and productivity emerge from these interactions
  • And when those interactions are more connected and caring than not,
  • a sense of community emerges
  • increasing an organization�s potential adaptability.
  • A human-centered approach to management is not new
  • What is new is that the science of complexity gives a scientific foundation for a human-oriented management approach;
  • that is, it gives an explanation of why a human oriented management practice is successful, and a rationale for why to take this approach.
  • The complexity-guided style of management is hard to do,
  • especially for managers who seek safety in a command-and-control practice
  • It is hard even for those who embrace its principles
  • because the everyday urgency of business can make time spent interacting and nurturing relationships seem like a waste of time,
  • it requires strong interpersonal skills, and constant vigilance of one�s own behavior and the behavior of others
  • Emerging Patterns in Management Behavior
  • complex patterns are typically generated from a few simple rules of behavior for the individual agents in the system
  • There was for a long time the belief in science that complex order in the world was generated by complex processes.
  • Contrary to this belief, however, complexity scientists have discovered that
  • We saw common behaviors for sustaining constructive relationships within the organization
  • which generated
  • a different way of working and being
  • We saw particular ways of thinking and behaving
  • that cultivated conditions for a more adaptable system, from which a collective sense of connection and care emerged.
  • We call these
  • different ways of being in the workplace
  • paradoxical leadership
  • a way of leading change
  • emergent teams
  • relational practice
  • a way of working together that keeps organizations on the edge; and
  • a way of developing trust and loyalty through rich connections.
  • Paradoxical leadership
  • From a complexity perspective, paradoxes are not problematic
  • Instead paradoxes are indicative of being on the edge; paradoxes create a tension from which creative solutions emerge
  • All the leaders had come from a command and control tradition
  • They had come to recognize that they had limited control; that they depended and needed others to achieve their aims; and that they didn�t, nor should or could, have all the answers
  • This perspective expanded their style of leadership, rather than replaced it.
  • They didn�t manage people
  • They acted more as cultivators than managers.
  • Instead leaders cultivated conditions to increase positive connections in their organizations, and in their economic web, from which nonlinear results could emerge.
  • four common behaviors
  • that guided their leadership style and how they related others:
  • Allow
  • Accessible
  • Attuned
  • allowed things to unfold, allowed mistakes, and open experimentation
  • They gave a strong direction in terms of purpose and values, and then allowed people to find their own solutions according to these guidelines.
  • physically accessible to the people in the organization, to customers, to partners
  • Being accessible helped these leaders to have a finger on the pulse of the organization
  • Leaders were simultaneously aware of the organization as a whole and as a living organism--at the macro level, but also attuned to the interactive level; that is, the micro level of connections and disconnections within the organization.
  • Emergent Teams
  • emergent teams are self-organizing, self-selected, and self-governing
  • Rather than teams being imposed on workers
  • Emergent teams are a democratic approach to problem solving and opportunity seeking
  • People organize around tasks rather than positions
  • The manager�s task shifts from managing people to cultivating conditions for teams to emerge by
  • 2, cultivating an information-rich context,
  • 1, cultivating group relationships,
  • 3, cultivating connections
  • The emergent teams themselves had three characteristics
  • The purpose of emergent teams are primarily experimental
  • Relational Practice
  • Relational practice strives towards creating positive and rich connections that lends itself to
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Prácticas relacionales (de socialización) se esfuerzan hacia la creación de relaciones positivas y profusas que se prestan a fomentar la confianza y un sentido de comunidad. Hay cuatro formas de comportamiento en relación con los demás, pequeños gestos, que marcan una gran diferencia en el desarrollo de relaciones afectuosas y de conectividad.
  • building trust and a sense of community
  • Be authentic
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      4 comportamientos en las relaciones con los demás que marcan una gran diferrencia a la hora de crear relaciones afectuosas: 1.- Ser auténtico- ser uno mismo es mas eficiente en el trabajo y cuesta menos, para uno mismo, llevarlo a la práctica 2.- Reconocer los méritos de los demás- apreciar a las personas por lo que son y por lo que hacen, enriquece las conexiones y el sentido de pertenencia. El reconocimiento a lo que hacen los demás, promueve lalealtad y el compromiso 3.- Rendir cuentas- desplaza la cultura de culpas/víctimas, y cuando las personas asumen su responsabilidad, puede facilitar la solución de situaciones difíciles y complejas 4.- Ser atento- tener u profundo y genuino interés hacia los demás, conociendo sus historias, y reconocinedo el valor d eescuchar, ayuda a crear sistemas robustos y bien informados
  • Acknowledge others
  • Be accountable
  • Be attentive
  • There were four ways of behaving in relationship to others
  • being authentic makes for greater efficiency at work�it takes less time and energy to be yourself. It is also a practice
  • appreciating people for who they are as well as what they do
  • , enriches connections and a sense of belonging. Acknowledging others promotes loyalty and commitment
  • being recognized as people by managers.
  • moves the culture out of a blame/victim cycle
  • when people take responsibility for themselves, it can simplify difficult and complex issues
  • Many aspects of these management practices
  • are already alive and well in organizations
  • a way of working with organizations as complex adaptive systems that is relationship- and human-centered
  • What we have done is
  • identify an intellectual framework for all these aspects of behavior collectively
  • into a coherent whole based on a scientific understanding of the dynamics of business organizations
  • the science of complexity
  • a scientific understanding of the deep nature of business organizations
  • It is not just tha
  • but rather,
  • the science shows us, that certain behaviors engage the dynamics of complex adaptive systems in a positive way
  • to contribute to the collective purpose of an organization
  • Complexity science validates a focus on human relationships
  • and in a sense, turns things inside out
  • interpersonal skills
  • What was once regarded as "soft,"
  • is actually "hard."
  • What was once regarded as a distraction and not work, that is cultivating relationships, is the nexus of business success.
  • the emergent understanding of our organizations as complex adaptive systems in human terms
  • new business environment
  • to bring complexity to the business world,
  • In the connected economy of the twenty-first century, management cannot afford to try to succeed with management methods that were developed in a different age and for a different type of business environment
  • complexity-guided management
  • doesn�t just toss out traditional mechanistic management models, but rather encompasses and expands them
  • the principles of complexity science add to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of business organizations
  • however, we would argue that
  • the experience of working with organizations as complex adaptive systems has advanced the science in a way, too; that is, in the human dimension.
  • Science, by tradition anyway, needs to be analytical
  • which is why scientists often choose to work with simple systems
  • computer simulation models
  • such as, in the complexity realm
  • Human social systems
  • including the business environment
  • are far more complex than computer models
  • seeing organizations through new eyes
  • The science
  • intuition
  • But management no longer need constantly to seek the validation of the science for each new way we might fee
  • through
  • is right to work with organizations as complex adaptive systems
  • We cannot describe organizational behavior with the rigor that complexity scientists
  • But we can now claim to have a deeper sense of organizations
  • as complex adaptive system
  • Organizations have found, and are finding
  • new ways of working with nonlinear processes
  • that have led to bottom line success
  • twenty-first century
  • we are experiencing unprecedented structural shifts in our economy brought about by the revolutions in computation and communication technologies
  • the connected economy-
  • A new kind of economy is emerging
  • a shift that rivals the onset of the Industrial Revolution
  • Where once companies felt themselves to be the master�s of their own destiny,
  • in a connected economy, companies find themselves as interdependent players
  • The change is not only real, but it is also accelerating, driven by rapid technological innovation, the globalization of business, and, not the least of it, the arrival of the Internet
  • the new domain of Internet commerce
  • Consequently, business leaders are preoccupied with change itself�how to generate it, how to respond to it, how to avoid being overcome by it.
  • During these changing times
  • leaders and managers are finding
  • many of their background assumptions and time-honored business models inadequate
  • Tayloresque mechanistic model of their world,
  • linear thinking, control, and predictability
  • Where managers once operated with a
  • they now find themselves struggling with something more
  • nonlinear, where limited control and a restricted ability to predict
  • are the order of the day
  • Consequently, many managers and executive professionals are
Enrique Rubio Royo

How 'content curators' are connecting consumers | Changing Advertising Summit | guardia... - 0 views

  • The success of social networks and the move to socialise many others aspects of the web
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      El éxito de las redes sociales y el desplazamiento hacia la socialización de otros muchos aspectos de la web (' de contenidos y búsquedas a ofertas y comercio'), ha capturado la imaginación de analistas, creadores de contenidos y marcas. Sin embargo, los que mejor están aprovechando estos cambios, son aquellos que están desarrollando estrategias que van mas allá de las redes sociales construidas sobre la base de 'quién conoce a quién', a redes sociales construidas sobre 'intereses compartidos': son las llamadas 'comunidades de interès'.
  • from content and search to deals and commerce
  • has captured the imagination of analysts, content creators and brands.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • however,
  • are developing strategies that extend beyond social networks built on who-knows-who to those built on shared interests: so-called "communities of interest".
  • "It's no longer just social media that's social any more – all media is becoming social thanks to the maturation of creative tools and digital distribution,
  • "The new model is 'inspire, connect' rather than 'write, read'.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Ya no se trata simplemente de 'social media' que es social sin mas, todos los media se están transformando gracias a la madurez de herramientas creativas y a la distribución digital. El nuevo modelo es "inspirar, conectar" (capturar la atención mediante la difusión de adecuadas emociones) en lugar de "escribir, leer". Esto es importante para las marcas, pues lo que desean estar en entornos apasionados, emocionales. Su reto es cómo integrase mejor dentro de dicho espacio...(capturar la atención mediante la difusión de adecuadas emociones)
  • This is important to brands because they want to be in passionate environments. Their challenge, however, is how best to integrate within this space."
  • Evidence of the rise and rise of social media is not hard to find.
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • Technology has democratised publishing
  • more as curators of content rather than owners
  • This, in turn, has resulted in a new breed of media businesses that see themselves
  • These companies aggregate and package content drawn from a plethora of sources
  • "In a world in which people feel disenfranchised when it comes to big issues beyond their control, online communities represent a kind of glue making them feel part of something bigger that's real and authentic,"
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      "En un mundo en el que las personas se sienten privados de sus derechos cuando se trata de grandes problemas más allá de su control, las comunidades en línea representan una especie de pegamento haciendo que se sientan parte de algo más grande que es real y auténtico,
  • For example
  • "Many brands are confusing social graphs with interest graphs.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      No confundir 'grafos de interés con grafos sociales sin mas' (comunidades de interés vs redes sociales convencionales)
  • "Brands must create something of value for the user to earn that user's attention. This could mean providing a piece of entertainment or a specific tool or service. The key is being useful
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Las marcas deben de crear algo de 'valor' para elusuario, capaz de captar su atención,
  • "The commercial value of the communities of interest, and the information contained within them, can only grow."
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Futuro de crecimiento en cuanto al 'valor comercial de las comunidades de interés y de la información contenida en su interior'
Enrique Rubio Royo

Performance.Learning.Productivity Blog: In a Complex World, Continuous Learning and Sim... - 1 views

  • to ensure your organisation develops a continuous learning culture
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Desde nuestro punto de vista... para asegurarnos de que nuestra ORG desarrolla una cultura de aprendizaje continuo, es crítico ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de 'Aprendizaje autogestionado' (perfil eAprendiz), ayudar a la fuerza de trabajo para que mejore su meta-aprendizaje (aprender a aprender, y en particular en la RED ).
  • The Lessons
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Lecciones aprendidas del caso de las'sub-prime' y las consecuencias acaecidas: 1.- En entornos complejos, el Aprendizaje autodirigido, autogestionado, NO es opcional, es absolútamente esencial. 2.- En un mundo en cambio contínuo (en el que lo que es cierto hoy puede que mañana no lo sea)... en entornoss dinámicos, el Aprendizaje Contínuo, permanente, es la mejor herramienta disponible 3.- La Reflexión y el Pensamiento Crítico ('out-of-the-box') son esenciales para ayudar a 'focalizar' dicho Aprendizaje Contínuo.
  • core continuous learning skills
  • ...34 more annotations...
  • skills
  • skills
  • skills
  • skills
  • skills
  • skills
  • Effective search and 'find'
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • Analytical
  • Networking
  • People
  • Logic
  • A solid understanding of research methodology
  • first step
  • changing our mind-set from one that sees learning as a series of events to one that acknowledges learning is a continuous process that happens at any time, anywhere
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      1er paso.- cambiar nuestra mentalidad de pensar que el Aprendizaje es una serie de eventos a pensar que el A es un proceso contínuo que sucede en cualquier instante y en cualquier lugar 2º paso.- cambiar el modo en que trabajamos, y creamos entornos (ecologias de aprendizaje) que proporcionen funcionalidades y tecnologías a los Kworkers (eAprendices)de modo que puedan hacer su trabajo de una manera mas inteligente ('smart work'), incorporando el A en su actividad diaria ('workflow learning').
  • We know that learning doesn’t just happen in controlled and structured environments but that most learning is embedded in the flow of work.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Aprendizaje en el puesto de trabajo o Aprendizaje Informal
  • second step
  • changing the way we work, and create environments that provide tools and support to workers so they can do their jobs better through bringing learning into their work.
  • In a Complex World, Continuous Learning and Simple Truths Prevail
  • the sub-prime bubble and the resulting global financial crisis
  • in complex environments self-directed learning is not optional, it’s absolutely essential.
  • Continuous learning is the best tool available in dynamic environments
  • other ‘core skills’
  • we can learn from this story
  • reflection and critical ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking are are essential to help direct the focus of continuous learning.
  • to help the development of self-directed learning skills
  • Help your workforce
  • improve its meta-learning
  • These meta-learning skills don’t live in isolation. They live with
  • The most important single thing you can do
  • continuous learning is the only sustainable asset in a world of constant change
  • no matter how smart you are, you still needed to carry on learning.
  • learning, unlearning and re-learning
    Artículo que se alinea perfectamente con uestra propuesta de eAprendiz, como estrategia de adecuación personal a un nuevo entorno en red, expandido y complejo. En nuestro caso, además de los dos pasos finales que propone (1.- cambiar nuestra mentalidad a la hora de contemplar el A como un proceso autogestionado y permanente; y 2.- cambiar el modo en que trabajamos (smart work), proporcionando un espacio o ecología de aprendizaje (PLN, PLWE, ID, curacion contenidos, PKM,PLM,PPM, eCompetencias, ePortfolio, mi base de K personal). A estos dos pasos, y como paso previo cualitativo, es el considerar el Aprendizaje como estrategia de adaptabilidad permanente a un entorno cambiante. Comparar nuestras eCompetencias con las que aquí se proponen.
Enrique Rubio Royo

IBM - Cultivating organizational creativity in an age of complexity: A companion study ... - 0 views

  • who embrace the dynamic tension between creative disruption and operational efficiency can create new models of extraordinary value.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Alcanzar el balance (entendido como una tensión dinámica entre dos polos) entre la creación disruptiva y la eficiencia operacional.
  • Why are some organizations consistently good at innovating and/or adapting while others seem to be blindsided by change? Is it because of their disciplined innovation process or the knowledge and skills of their people?
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      ¿Cuál es la razón por la que algunas ORGs son consistentemente buenas innovando y adaptándose, mientras que otras parecen sorprenderse por el cambio?, ¿es debido a su disciplinado proceso de innovación o al K y habilidades de sus personas?, ó es su determinación a construir una cultura donde la asunción d eretosno solo se estimula, sino que se espera?
  • is it their determination to build a culture where challenging assumptions is not only encouraged, but expected? Our IBM Creative Leadership Study found that leaders
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • What, specifically, enables leading-edge organizations to capitalize on the inherent complexity in today's environment and catalyze innovation within their business models, products and services?
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Qué es lo que específicamente permiote a las ORGs de vanguardia capitalizar la complejidad inherente del entorno actual y cataloizar la innovación en sus modelos de negocio, productos y servicios?
  • According to the IBM 2010 Global CEO Study
  • the ability to embody creative leadership is among the most important attributes for capitalizing on complexity.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      La capacidad para incorporar liderazgo creativo como una de los mas importantes atributos para capitalizar la complejidad.
  • developing future leaders
  • fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • increasingly interconnected world
  • three imperatives to accelerate the development of creative capital:
  • . Organizations will need to act upon
  • Creative leadership in action
  • enables a wide range of product, process and business model innovations
  • Uncover the key capabilities of the creative organization
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      1.- Descubrir las capacidades clave de la ORG creativa. Facultar (empoderar) la capacidad de la ORG para entender cómo el mundo se comporta. Exponer a las personas que ven oportunidades donde otros no las ven y un mapa de lo que se encuentra. Conectar las ideas y las personas de maneras novedosas. Intentar muchas y variadas ideas . Inspirar la creencia de que la acción es posible. Mantener la disciplina para hacer las cosas.
  • Unlock and catalyze the creative capabilities of leaders
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      2.- Desbloquear e impulsar las capacidades creativas de los líderes - Crear alto impacto, aprendizaje experimental vinculado a problemas reales de negocio. Desarrollar modelos inspiradores que demuestren logros y el liderazgo con poder. Dar rienda suelta a equipos pequeños y diversos para perseguir ideas audaces en respuesta a los desafíos. Crear estructuras de trabajo e incentivos alineados con la motivación intrínseca. Promover una cultura de visión inspiradora basada en la autenticidad e impulsado por la confianza.
  • Unleash and scale organizational creativity
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      3.- Dar rienda suelta y escalar la creatividad de la organización - Compartir información para visión colectiva. Aprovechar las redes experiencia global. Ampliar la gestión y de los repertorios estilo de comunicación. Crear grupos Ad hoc de esos objetivos comunes compartidos. Influir en el comportamiento colectivo a través de analíticas en tiempo real.
Enrique Rubio Royo

Exploring the science of complexity - 0 views

    Exploring the science of complexity. Ideas and implications for development and humanitarian efforts. Introducción a conceptos clave de la Teoría de la Complejidad del ODI ('Overseas Developmente Insttitute, 2008).
Enrique Rubio Royo

The Content Economy: Why traditional intranets fail today's knowledge workers - 0 views

  • inputs and outputs of knowledge work – which is information and knowledge – vary from time to time, from situation to situation
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      K siempre bajo contexto
  • Knowledge work is also less structured and the structure of knowledge work typically emerges as the work proceeds.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      actividades o interacciones tácitas (complejas)
  • In a knowledge-intensive business environment,
  • ...56 more annotations...
  • very hard or even impossible to anticipate in advance what information is needed
  • You simply cannot know what information will be relevant before the moment you need it.
  • We also need to have immediate access to anyone who might possess the knowledge and information we need but which is not captured
  • often because it is hard to capture or simply does not allow itself to be captured (tacit knowledge) and exchanged.
  • There’s a long tail of information needs that still needs to be served
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Asumimos que tenemos necesidades de INFO relativas a una larga cola de permanentemente cambiante y virtualmente ilimitada cantidad de INFO . La parte izqda. de la fig. hace referencia a la INFO que necesitamos en las tradicionales actividades transaccionales o procedimentales, y las transformacionales. Se trata de una INFO predecible, de uso frecuente y reutilizable. Situación que nos permite definir, diseñar y producir el tipo y estructura de INFO, así como la INFO requerida antes de que la actividad sea llevada a cabo.
  • Long Tail power graph
  • In the left end of the power graph we have
  • for transformational and transactional activities
  • This information does not change very often and thus can be quite easily reused
  • for commonly performed activities
  • the information needs are predictable
  • This allows us to define, design and produce the type and structure of the information as well as the actual information before the next time the information need arises (the activity is performed).
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Estas son las características que definen los SSII tradicionales, orientados a CONTENIDOS (base de procedimientos + otros recursos digitales).
  • Knowledge work is often a completely different story
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Cuando hablamos de Kwork es otra cosa. La iNFO requerida para activiodades de Kwork, probablemente la encontraremos en la larga cola (parte plana de la figura). Allí se encuentran recursos de INFO usados con muy poca frecuenciaa o incluso que nunca hemos usado con antelación. La INFO que necesitamos varaia de una situación a otra, de un instante a otro (siempre bajo contexto). La INFO varía, así como el tipo y estructura de lso recursos de INFO (hiperfragmentación de la INFO y el K). Ello hace que virtualmente sea imposible definir una INFO reusable con antelación a ser necesitada. La impredictibilidad de la naturaleza del Kwork es la razón por la que necesitamos dar a los K workers acceso a tooda la INFO que existe y que puede ser relevante. Puesto que no sabemos qué puede ser relevante hasta que surja la necesidad ('just in time'), no podemos depositar INFO relevanteen una pila o repositorio. Necesitamos también, proporcionarles con las herramientas adecuadas (proceso PKM) a los K workers. Nuevo Ecosistema de INFO Organizacional (p.e. modelo ECCO Suricata), distinto a los SSII tradicionales orientados exclusivamente a INFO y a recolilar toda la INFO por adelantado.
  • the information needed for a knowledge work activity is likely to be found in the long tail
  • used infrequently or maybe even once
  • impossible to define a reusable information resource in advance before it is needed
  • The unpredictable nature of knowledge work
  • is why we need to give knowledge workers access to all information that exists and that might be relevant
  • We also need to provide them with tools
  • to serve the knowledge workers’ information needs
  • Traditional intranets are not designed for knowledge work
  • changing role of intranets in knowledge-intensive businesses
  • These intranets need to provide flexible access to both information and people
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Modelo Suricata- Ecosistema Complejo de Conocimiento Organizacional (ECCO)
  • The intranet needs to be turned into an “information broker platform” where information is freely and easily created, aggregated, shared, found and discovered at minimal effort.
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Necesidad de rediseñar la intranet tradicional en las ORGs intensivas en INFO y K: la intranet debe transformarse en una plataforma 'broker' de INFO, donde la INFO es libre y fácilmente creada, agregada, localizada y descuberta con el menor esfuerzo, pero sobre todo debe faciltar la COMPARTICIÓN y COLABORACIÓN. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las intranetstratan de ayudar a las personas que llevan a cabo actividades predefinibles y repetitivas (plataformas 'push'), pero son totalmente disfuncionales para el K work. No es una coincidencia, pues, que las intranets jueguen un papel marginal en el trabajo diario. La INFO que los Kworkers necesitan no puede conocerse por adelantado y por lo tanto atendida por la intranet tradicional. Será crítico que los K workers tenga acceso a toda la INFO disponible, qde modo que cubra las necesidades de INFO altamente variables, extensivas e impredecibles de los K workers.
  • Such an intranet gives everybody access to all information which is available and make room for virtually infinite amounts of information.
  • However, most of today’s intranets primarily consist of
  • They aim to serve people who perform predefined and repeatable tasks
  • push platforms
  • but they are quite dysfunctional for knowledge work
  • intranet plays a marginal role in their daily work
  • It’s not a coincidence that
  • The information that knowledge workers need can often not be anticipated and served by a push-based intranet
  • It is also critical that they have access to ALL information that is available
  • intranet that needs to serve the highly varying, extensive and unpredictable information needs of knowledge workers.
  • To conclude
  • push-based production model
  • assumes that all information resources on the intranet must be produced in advance
  • Knowledge workers need a social intranet
  • social intranet
  • paradigm change
  • is not just about adding a layer of social collaboration tools
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Los K workers necesitan una intranet SOCIAL (cambio de paradigma). No se trata de simplemente añadir una capa de herramientas de colaboración social; se trata de una plataforma que combina la pòtencia de l modelo 'push' con la del 'pull' para suminstrar a cualquiera que participe y contribuya con una 'empresa expandida' con la INFO, K y conecxiones que ellos necesitan para tomar las decisiones correctas y actuar para alcanzar plenamente sus objetivos. Debe equipar a cada Kworker con las herramientas que le permitan participar, contribuir, descubrir, conectar, crear (APRENDER), para compartir y coolaborar 'entre iguales'. La intranet social es una plataforma 'pull' con mecanismos para atraer de manera automática INFO y PERSONAS relevantes a cada cuál, que permitan superar la 'sobreabundancia de INFO' , mediante los oprtunos 'RADARES' y 'FILTROS', así como herramientas para la 'CURACIÓN de CONTENIDOS' alrededor de 'tópicos' concretos. La intranet social, también debe contemplar la adquisicion de INFO y PERSONAS relevantes mediante 'SERENDIPIA' (por casualidad). Necesitamos implícita y explícitamente compartir lo que hacemos y conocemos con otras personas en nuestras redes, con personas que compartan nuestros intereses. "La larga cola de iNFO soporta el núcleo del actual modelo de negocio intensivo en K: el trabajo del conocimiento ( K work).
  • it is a platform that combines the powers of push with the powers of pull to supply anyone who participates and contributes within an extended enterprise with the information, knowledge and connections they need to make the right decisions and act to fulfill their objectives
  • It equips everyone with the tools that allows them to participate, contribute, attract, discover, find and connect with each other to exchange information and knowledge and/or collaborate
  • enabling employee-to-employee information exchange.
  • A social intranet must necessarily be designed for information abundance.
  • "more is more" paradigm
  • the social intranet is a pull platform with mechanisms for automatically attracting relevant information and people to you
  • sensation commonly called information overload
  • the problem is not the amount of information but rather that the filters
  • We need to get the filters in place
  • The social intranet also has an important part to play when it comes to supporting serendipity
  • We must have ways that “automagically” attract useful information and connections to us
  • We just need to implicitly and explicitly share what do and know to other people in our networks, to people who share our interests, or to people who happen to pass us by at any other kind of cross-road.
  • push-based production mode
  • the long tail of information supports the core of a knowledge-intensive modern business: the knowledge work.
  • Knowledge work is about
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      ORGs cada vez mas intensivas en K. Kwork relativo a actividades tácitas(p.e. resolución de problemas, investigación y trabajo creativo, interacción y comunicación con otras personas, etc). Por naturaleza, es menos predecible y repetible que el tradicional trabajo industrial. Las entradas y salidas (INFO/K) siempre bajo contexto, y cambiantes. Kwork menos estructurado y la estructura del Kwork emerge tal como se desenvuelve el trabajo. En un entorno intensivo en K, muy dificil o casi imñposible anticipar por adelantado que INFO vamos a necesitar. No podemos saber qué INFO va a ser relevante en el momento que la requiramos. Necesitamos poder acceder de manera inmediata a cualquiera que pueda poseer el K e INFO que necesitamos, pero el cuál -k- es dificil de captuirar e intercambiar (K tácito).
Enrique Rubio Royo

Three Star Leadership Blog: Complex Adaptive Systems and You - 0 views

  • We love machines. They are the primary metaphor that we use for organizations.
  • Return
  • yesteryear
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • For the last century and a bit more, we've made progress by applying engineering techniques, like quantitative analysis, to organizational processes. And we've thought of our organizations as machines.
  • The thing about machines is that they're not natural. You design them. The parts of a machine don't act independently. They follow the plan. And you judge success by how well the results conform to the plan
  • It works well if
  • It works well if
  • In the 21st Century, adaptability in the face of competitive pressures and rapid change will be important. That requires a different model for our organizations and organizational strategy. We need a model that's adaptive.
  • In the 21st Century, adaptability
  • That requires a different model
  • We need a model that's adaptive
  • Good news. Nature has a lot of them
  • "complex adaptive systems."
  • The difference between complex systems and complicated systems is that
  • Raising a child is a complex endeavor
  • independent actors
  • "emergent property
  • There's no central authority
  • Complex adaptive systems adapt to the environment so the system and the environment both change.
  • outcomes are not predictable in advance
    Muy clara introducción a los Sistemas Complejos Adaptativos, partiendo de la necesidad, en la actualidad, de su existencia ante la presencia de un entorno altamente cambiante al que las organizaciones deben adaptarse, quedando invalidada la metáfora de considerar una ORG como una máquina (Sociedad Industrial). Muestra diferencias entre sistemas complicados y complejos, propiedades como la emergencia, componentes activas, etc
Enrique Rubio Royo

The Five Habits of Highly Innovative Leaders « First Friday Book Synopsis - 0 views

  • The Innovators DNA
  • anyone can innovate if they follow the five skills of disruptive innovators.
  • the authors’ point is that
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Questioning
  • which allows innovators to challenge the status quo and consider new possibilities
  • which prompts innovators to relentlessly try out new experiences, take things apart, and test new ideas
  • Observing
  • Networking
  • which permits innovators to gain radically different perspectives from individuals with diverse backgrounds
  • which helps innovators detect small behavioral details –in the activities of customers, suppliers, and other companies – that suggest new ways of doing things.
  • Experimenting
  • Associational Thinking
  • drawing connections between questions, problems, or ideas from unrelated fields—is triggered by questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting and is the catalyst for creativity
    Los autores de 'The Innovators DNA' afirman que cualquiera puede innovar si sigue las cinco habilidades de los innovadores disruptivos: 1.- Preguntas (permiten a los innovadores cuestionar el 'status quo' y considerar nuevas posibilidades); 2.- Observar (ayuda a los innovadores a detectar pequeños detalles de comportamiento (en las actividades de los clientes, suministradores, otras compañías) que les sugiere nuevas formas de hacer las cosas; 3.- Networking (permite a losinnovadores alcanzar diferentes perspectivas de individuos con diferentes 'backgrounds'; 4.- Experimentar (que incita a los innovadores a tratar sin cesar nuevas experiencias, desarmar cosas y probar nuevas ideas; 5.- Pensamiento asociativo -Associational Thinking- (estableciendo conexiones entre preguntas, problemas o ideas de campos no relacionados. Se pone en marcha interrogando, observando, navegando por la red, y experimentando,siendo el catalizador de la creatividad).
Enrique Rubio Royo

Leadership Styles - Be An Empowering Leader - 0 views

  • Give over power and authority to someone else
    • Enrique Rubio Royo
      Dar más poder y autoridad a otra persona. Innovación en la base de la pirámide. Aproximar la toma de decisiones a aquellos a quienes maas afectan.
  • Let others take decisions independently
  • Enable others and offer your support
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • It means accepting that our team members may have different ways of going about the work, and it may not be the way that we would do it. But it may be a better solution.
  • People come to work wanting to feel valued
  • Focus on your own leadership objectives and less on day-to-day management
  • Enable others to do the work.
  • becoming an empowering leader
  • By taking just few steps, you will begin empowering others and will move towards
  • To empower is to give over power and authority to someone else; to enable others.
  • What are the first steps to move towards becoming an empowering leader?
Enrique Rubio Royo

The challenge--and opportunity--of 'big data' - McKinsey Quarterly - Economic Studies -... - 0 views

  • The proliferation of data has always been part of the impact of information and communications technology. Now, as computers and cell phones continue to pervade our daily activities and as millions of networked sensors are being embedded in these devices (as well as in automobiles, “smart” meters, and other machines)
  • the amount of data available for analysis is exploding.
  • The scale and scope of the changes that such “big data” are bringing about have reached an inflection point. Companies capture trillions of bytes of information about customers, suppliers, and operations. Many citizens look with suspicion at the amount of data collected on every aspect of their lives.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Can big data play a useful role?
  • finds that collecting, storing, and mining big data for insights can create significant value for the world economy, enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of companies and the public sector and creating a substantial economic surplus for consumers
  • New research
  • Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity
  • MGI’s analysis shows that companies and policy makers must tackle significant hurdles to fully capture big data’s potential
  • The United States alone faces a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with analytical and managerial expertise and 1.5 million managers and analysts with the skills to understand and make decisions based on the study of big data (exhibit)
Enrique Rubio Royo

Value Networks and the true nature of collaboration - 0 views

  • Value Networks  and the true nature of collaboration
  • Work life is completely changing as social networking and collaboration platforms allow a more human-centric way of organizing work.
  • Yet work design tools, structures, processes, and systems
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • are not evolving as rapidly
  • and in many cases
  • are simply inadequate to support the new flexible and networked ways of working.
  • Value Networks and the true nature of collaboration meets this challenge head on with a systemic, human-network approach to managing business operations and ecosystems.
  • Creative Commons license
    Work life is completely changing as social networking and collaboration platforms allow a more human-centric way of organizing work. Yet work design tools, structures, processes, and systems are not evolving as rapidly, and in many cases are simply inadequate to support the new flexible and networked ways of working. Value Networks and the true nature of collaboration meets this challenge head on with a systemic, human-network approach to managing business operations and ecosystems.
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