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Impact Of E-Commerce On The Hospitality Industry | YOSAKI - 0 views

  • E-commerce has now become a very important and basic part of people’s lives and since it is the selling and buying of products and services via the internet it has not only impacted on the business industry but the hospitality industry as well.
  • The hospitality industry being one of the most essential industries must move together with the evolving world in order to fully satisfy consumers and this has brought an unavoidable combination of E-commerce and hospitality.
    • anonymous
      Society is constantly changing and a big part of that change is due to technological advancements. In order for the hospitality industry to move forward and keep up with society it must stay up to date with these changes and make constant improvements in the system.
  • E-commerce creates quick access to the hospitality industry as it markets the best services so that people don’t have to waste too much time looking for where the best hospitality services are.
    • anonymous
      People want to be able to access what they are looking for or what they need quick and easy.
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  • As tourists look for the best places to tour on the internet they are also provided with hospitality facilities such as accommodation (hotels), social functions, foods and cultural attractions among many others  that are displayed all over the internet.
    • anonymous
      The hospitality industry and tourism seem to almost work hand in hand through eCommerce as this example shows.
  • From a mobile phone or computer it is now very simple for to look up for where they can find the best services
  • The hospitality industry is majorly dependant on wildlife and natural scenes which are very easy to advertise through E-commerce
    • anonymous
      Being advertised through the internet gives them a better chance of having more people find them and want to use their services. People expect to find everything online.
  • Since customers can know whatever they need to know through internet, all extra costs have now been eliminated yet made everything more convenient and thus leading to a really drastic rise customer satisfaction.
    • anonymous
      eCommerce makes transactions faster by allowing guests to pay immediately for their services and since all information is available online they can have anything they need to know available for them right there. Thus it is understandable why customer satisfaction has increased.
  • When using the internet it is super fast and easy for a customer to get into contact with the supplier of the particular service or product that they need. Using emails and different social media app chats communication which is one of the key issues in developing the industry has greatly been simplified.
    • anonymous
      For customers it is very important as well to get in touch with their suppliers for any questions or concerns that they may have. When they contact them they expect to be able to do so fast and just like that they also expect a quick response from them.
  • Through the various web services, customers have been motivated to try out the most famous hotels and inns no matter how far they are and also people who were never interest in travelling are encouraged to go to destinations far away.
  • Everyone loves to have various options to pick from in order to have their needs perfectly satisfied and that is exactly what e-commerce has brought into the hospitality industry
  • All a company needs to reach out its ideal customers is create a website through which it can offers its services directly to customers, display each and every service they offer and also the necessary conditions and requirements without having to pay extremely high costs for it.
    • anonymous
      This reduction in cost makes more hospitality industry want to try eCommerce. Then with this extra money that was saved up, the company can invest it in something else to improve their services or to add things to their inventory.
  • Each and every company puts out their rates in the open giving customers the advantage of comparing prices before they can actually go on to spend the money.
    • anonymous
      This a very important thing for customers. People like being able to compare prices in order to choose the one that saves them money. They also want to be able to make the right choice in terms of what is really worth their money. But of course this means more competition within the hospitality industry.
  • Much as they work hand in hand with other industries it is now an independent industry of its own
  • Most of the companies that deal in hospitality services now allow customers to have their places of stay booked earlier, they make the payments online and have all of the details including where to find tickets, how they will be welcomed, what is required of them and so much more.
    • anonymous
      Now that all the information is available online it makes it easier for the guests to be informed beforehand and have some knowledge as to what to expect. eCommerce makes finding information about the services effortless.
  • Through the bookings and reservations done from the internet customers end up giving out way too much information something that has become overly dangerous as it exposes innocent customer’s information to unauthorized that end up using it for in wrong ways and for the wrong purposes.
    • anonymous
      Some people may also have their concerns and preoccupations about eCommerce and how safe it is. Nobody wants their personal information to end up in the internet for everyone to see and possibly steal/use.
  • E-commerce has created a world where it is extremely easy to rob, steal, kidnap and even more criminal offences such as killing among so many others.
  • The owners of such places must put strict security and warning on such attractions or else suffer with the unruly members who may use them recklessly.
  • Marketing countries with overly attractive facilities has become a threat as it has overly attracted the wrong crowd, not everyone that travels into a country come into the country with the best of intentions.
    • anonymous
      This is another possible side effect of advertising in the internet. Everyone nowadays has access to the internet and therefore can see all this information and as is mentioned here not everyone has good intentions and could turn something pleasant into something offensive and hateful. One just has to be very careful with these things.
  • The internet attracts all sorts of people since it puts out way too much information and the same way hackers get into other online businesses they have also managed to get into the hospitality industry and caused innocent countries to face huge problems with such people.
  • Since the customer never gets to meet personally with the owner of the service, a seller can easily provide them a service different from what they actually wanted, some do this by mistake while others do it intentionally due to lack of ethics.
    • anonymous
      This a very common things that does happen maybe very often depending on how well the communication between the customers and the suppliers goes. Sometimes customers end up paying for a service that wasn't exactly whet they wanted or whet they needed. This then leads to customer dissatisfaction and to poor service.
  • Service providers need to check their services to ensure that they deliver customer satisfaction
  • In conclusion, e-commerce has increased the popularity of the hospitality industry through the different ways of marketing its facilities and making them more accessible to the customers who are mostly tourists and people who enjoy lives of leisure and luxury.
    This article talks about both the pros and cons of eCommerce in the hospitality industry. It talks about how it has changed and helped the industry but also the side effects that it may have.

Technology Innovation Brings Electricity to the Hotel Industry - 0 views

  • Hotels’ total energy consumption costs can be 6 percent of the operating cost and utilities cost continue to rise.
  • While other energy-reducing technologies have produced limited results, cogeneration appears to be a technology that will meet expectations.
  • It’s a technology that has significant corporate investment behind it so we expect to see continued research and development to improve the technology and lower its pricing. 
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  • The primary reason for a change to cogeneration would be financial savings.
  • he current payback for the investment is right at three years and it is expected that timeline to continue to decrease. 
    This article focuses on the technology innovation regarding electricity in hotels. The article states that the total energy consumption costs for hotels will continue to rise. Luckily, there is an energy saving technology that is worth investing in. Cogeneration, which the article states is known as "combined heat and power (CHP), helps minimize the heat and power from a single fuel source". It takes natural gas and converts it to electricity. This helps the hotel use heat for areas of their operation. This technology supplies 95% of the electricity needed for a standard hotel. Besides helping the hotel's electricity, heat, and power system be more efficient, the CHP helps with financial costs. According to the article, investing in a CHP will bring a payback in about 3 years and this time expected to decrease. This means hotels will receive a return on their investment in a shorter period of time. In my opinion, this is great technology to invest in. It not only helps with financial savings but it is also better for the environment. The business will benefit from it because it helps with operations. Also, consumers will be more likely to want to stay in a hotel with an energy efficient system. It goes hand in hand with the Go Green initiative that has proved to be successful and consumer driven. In all, investing in technology is a risky business. For this specific energy saving technology, I believe it is worth investing in. The cogeneration would be ideal for "hotels with 100 or more rooms, high electric rates, hot water heating system, and high use needs".

Why Low Season Does Not Need to Mean Low Profits for Hoteliers | - 1 views

  • To maintain a healthy flow of guests throughout the year hoteliers need to get creative, and it all starts with keeping a handle on your data.
  • guest data provides the key that will unlock profitable opportunities during traditionally low periods of the year.
  • Batchbook that allow you to learn more about your clients in one place and build a relationship with them – and that leads on to the all-important client engagement.
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  • many admit that it’s difficult to make data meaningful and find the information unstructured
  • It’s an important factor for noticing patterns and touch points related to pre-trip, in-stay and post-trip data
  • email address
  • . Personalized email campaigns that can drive bookings and repeat stays, enabling hotels to have better occupancy rates hand-in-hand with brand loyalty.
  •   Stay in touch with your clients through text messages and social platforms as well as emails, to maintain brand awareness and generate booking and location excitement throughout the year
  • email marketing is one of the most effective channels for over 5o% of marketers, coming second only to a hotel’s direct website.
  • 80% of hoteliers believe that prioritizing guest personalization and experience would bring the most success to them, followed by branding at 67%.
  • Keep your guests informed. Let them know about your latest deals and offerings. You’ll gain deeper insights into the behaviour of your clients and better understand what motivates them.  You can use this data to send targeted off-season deals.
  • The key here is to keep a dialogue going with your guests and tap into what inspires them to book.
    This article discusses CRMs and how to make use of data to support a strong CRM system. Batchbook for example is a tool that allows businesses to learn about their clients in one place and build relationships with them. Emails on the other hand can be used to maintain awareness and generate bookings and location excitement . It's an important factor for noticing patterns and touch points related to pre-trip, in-stay and post-trip data.

Artificial Intelligence: Working Hand in Hand with Hotel Staff - 0 views

    This article is very important to many future careers in hospitality. It discusses how AI and Humans have to work together in hospitality to ensure guests are having a great experience. It is also good to read because the reality is that while AI and automation has a place within hospitality, it cannot completely replace the human touch. Without true guest service, guests would simply be receiving a service, rather than experiencing true hospitality.

What is event management software and do you really need it? - Lead Forensics - 2 views

  • The benefits of using event management software It can make your life easier The main benefit of using such solutions is that they can help you maximize registrations, while minimizing the resources that may otherwise have been needed. Once you’ve set up an event on your chosen software, then you should just be able to press go and let it get on with things – leaving you to concentrate on promoting the event. If you’re running multiple events, or a regularly occurring event, then this can be particularly useful. Saves time needed for manual processing Good solutions will help you automate most processes. They will offer features like registration tracking, payment processing and also tools that can aid audience engagement. You’ll be able to grab a quick snapshot of what’s happening, who’s registered, who’s paid, who went on to attend and more. Plus, you’ll have an easy way to track how much money an event is bringing into the business. It will save time for your communication sequences too. With just a few clicks you should be able to send out tailored emails, including “thank you for attending” messages to those that made it and “sorry we missed you” to those who didn’t. Aids professionalism and the overall experience A further benefit is that it can make the management of the process feel that much more professional. The whole experience should run more smoothly. Nothing should be missed, which you can easily risk with a manual system. The payment of any monies can also be managed more easily and you’ll have the ability to manage multiple events easily. Can help increase engagement Engagement is at the heart of all marketing. It needs to start long before an event takes place and be supported and encouraged during and after. Good event management software will provide tools to aid participant communication at all stages. It will also give you the ability to see and analyze the global picture of your overall engagement levels. Supports targeted activity Marketing is at its strongest and most effective when it is highly targeted and tailored to an individual. (The key principal of account based marketing). You can use specialist solutions to tailor your event and all associated marketing activity. For example, by creating unique guest lists and email lists, and sending out targeted emails to those different attendees using certain parameters. A holistic approach Overall, event management software can act as a hub, holding together all elements of the event’s process. It can help keep everything connected, from the agenda, to speakers, any sponsors and the attendees.
    • zeyupu
      Benefits of event registration system.
  • Hosting an event can be an effective marketing tactic for any business. They take considerable time and effort to carry out, but get it right and you could soon see a strong return on your investment. The power of an event – especially a highly tailored in-person one – lies in the opportunity it provides to get face-to-face with a target audience.
  • For businesses across all industries and sectors, they offer a way to showcase your knowledge, position yourself as an expert and generate a source of positive content. Importantly, they can help you move leads along the sales path and closer to making a purchase.
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  • The overall aim of any B2B marketing event must always be to give a good impression of the business and what it may be like to work with you.
  • It can make your life easier
  • Saves time needed for manual processing
  • Aids professionalism and the overall experience
  • Can help increase engagement
  • Supports targeted activity
  • You can use specialist solutions to tailor your event and all associated marketing activity.
  • A holistic approach
  • Lack of design options
  • he easiest way to check this out is to see if you can have a free trial or comprehensive demo.
  • Price
  • Support channels
  • Using new software will often mean a steep learning curve, so see what is offered to help you through that process and beyond.
    Hosting an event can be an effective marketing tactic for any business. They take considerable time and effort to carry out, but get it right and you could soon see a strong return on your investment. The power of an event - especially a highly tailored in-person one - lies in the opportunity it provides to get face-to-face with a target audience.
    This article goes over the benefits of using event management, which includes making your life easier, saves the time needed for manual processing, aids professionalism and the overall experience, and can help increase engagement. Furthermore, it also supports targeted activity and a holistic approach. Some cons would be a lack of design options, the price, and support channels. The top solutions would be implementing Splash, Eventbrite, Bizzabo, EventPro, Cvent, Etouches, and XING Events
    This article introduce several pros and cons of event management software. On the one hands, the event management can make the process easier for business and consumers and it can help increase engagement. But, on the other hands, The price can also vary greatly, with the most sophisticated and popular systems generally coming at the highest cost and some vendors offer a free version of their software with limited features. To recoup costs, these vendors may run advertisements on event sign-up pages or charge registrants a booking fee. That may influence users experience.

The Travel and Hospitality Industry Is Being Disrupted, Again | - 3 views

  • ravel an
  • Gladly gathers all travel information about an individual no matter if it comes from email, text, etc., allowing customer service agents to instantly know exactly what the customer is calling about, whether it's because they've had a flight cancellation or are responding to a text they've received. "Gladly makes you a person rather than a number," says Bonny Simi, President of JTV. "We started with a proof of concept and we did an investment and now we're doing a full-scale implementation."
    Travel and Technology go hand in hand and so big corporations are teaming up with startups to make technology front and center to the consumers travel experience

Benefits of Hotel PMS and POS Integration | Hotelogix - 0 views

  • The modern hotel runs on software. You use software to schedule your employees, track housekeeping supply usage and inventory, and check guests into and out of the property.
  • Your hotel PMS and POS integration can offer major benefits.
  • Basically, your PMS handles every single task related to your property outside of selling rooms.
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  • POS stands for point of sale and this system is responsible for managing all the sales on your property, such as restaurant sales, spa sales, and all the rest.
  • By integrating your hotel POS with the PMS, you make it easier to upsell all these things to your guests as add-ons.
  • By integrating your hotel POS with the PMS, you can take advantage of important features like transfer-to-room and city ledger to make it easier to bill guests during checkout.
  • By integrating a POS module into your hotel PMS, you have access to in-depth financial reports that provide you with the information necessary to make selling packages easier.
    Technology and software goes hand in hand, every device in every aspect for business operations depend on them. Integrating the PMS and the POS systems would allow the property's systems to interface and communicate easier. It would help users to up sell the amenities offered at the hotel, increasing the revenue for the property and making it as convenient as possible for the guest to do everything in one place/transaction.

Online privacy: Difference Engine: Nobbling the internet | The Economist - 1 views

  • The congressional measure, approved overwhelmingly by the Senate Judiciary Committee on November 29th, would require criminal investigators to obtain a search warrant from a judge before being able to coerce internet service providers (ISPs) to hand over a person’s e-mail.
  • Cheap storage, wholesale access to the internet, powerful mobile phones and ubiquitous social networking have dramatically increased the amount of private data kept online.
  • As a consequence, the international telecoms treaty that emerged focused on how telephone traffic flows across borders, the rules governing the quality of service and the means operators could adopt to bill one another for facilitating international calls.
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  • The main objective of the conference in Dubai is to broaden the definition of “telecommunications” to include the internet—in the name of bridging the digital divide and bringing the full benefits of the web to the poor of the world.
  • In ITU jargon, the current treaty relates only to “recognised operating agencies”—in other words, conventional telecoms operators. The ITU wants to change that to simply “operating agencies”. Were that to happen, not only would Google, Facebook and other website operators fall under the ITU’s jurisdiction, but so too would all government and business networks. It seems the stakes really are as high as the ITU’s critics have long maintained.
    The international regulation for Internet can change whole industry even whole world. Due to the prevalence of internet, the regulation of telecommunication can play an important role for the field.  However, like normal privacy, internet privacy can be treated as the same way. Nowadays, only after getting a warrant from a judge can a police coerce internet service providers (ISPs) to hand over a person's email. 
Krystal Jost

Keycard hacker picks locks, exposes gap in hotel security - Travel Kit on - 0 views

  • Last week, the self-described hacker/music aficionado demonstrated a homemade gadget that could conceivably unlock millions of hotel-room doors around the world.
  • Brocious followed up his demonstration by publishing a how-to paper that may inspire other hackers to try their hand at entering guests’ rooms without their knowledge or consent.
  • most hotel crimes are crimes of opportunity where crooks take advantage of guests’ inattention.
    Almost everyone has recently heard of Cody Brocious and his gadget that was implemented and utilized to unlock guest room doors in Onity locking systems. This issue has been recently broadcasted all over the news and has gained the awareness of millions of people, making travelers panic when staying in hotels, and questioning their safety and security. The truth is, behind the issue at hand, travelers have been utilizing hotels and other establishments without being concerned or conscious of their safety, and with some negligence, and lack of attention, they put themselves at risk in numerous different ways. Although Brocious' invention gained the attention of the public, and although he went out of his way to be sure that other hackers out there knew how to replicate the system and how to utilize it to their advantage, enabling hackers to enter guest rooms and steal their personal belongings without their permission, or potentially cause physical harm to a traveler as well. Stated in this article, according to Forbes, the gadget that Brocious invented has proven inconsistent in its effectiveness. That is not to say that it could not eventually be improved, but with the changing in technology, and now the gained awareness, hotels are focusing more intently on ensuring guest security through their technological outlets. Technology affects many aspects of a hotel guest's security - from internet access to credit card information, along with guest room locks and personal identity. The article also suggests numerous ideas for how guests can avoid a lot of problems with their safety in mind, including using secondary security systems on their door, ensuring closure of the room door when leaving he room, as well as never keeping your room number written down with your key. The article also focuses on how utilizing your energy to ensure that your belongings are safe in your room as you would in your own home, is energy more well spent than being concerned about someone

Hotel Technologies releases Bluetooth alarm clock radio | Hotel Management - 0 views

  • This month the company known for bringing "the science of feeling at home" to hotels and guests is releasing a Bluetooth Alarm Clock Radio with Speakerphone for iPhone, iPad and iPod.
  • guests can dock and charge the device PLUS answer or end calls while using the unit's speaker for voice communication, as long as the guests' cell phone is Bluetooth-capable.
  • The HiP50 offers the ultimate in hands-free convenience and communication,
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  • If consumers prefer to use their cell phones even when a landline is provided, it is safe to say that hotel guests will also prefer to use their mobile devices to communicate while in the room vs. the guestroom telephone.
    This article introduce us a new hotel guest room product called HiP50. The design company is called Hotel Technologies, this company is known for bringing "the science of feeling at home" to hotels and guests is releasing a Bluetooth Alarm Clock Radio with Speakerphone for iPhone, iPad and iPod. This Bluetooth -enabled unit puts guests' tunes in hotel rooms via the iHome digital iPhone/iPad/iPod alarm clock radio. Guest can listen to music via this device and answer the calls as long as guest's cell phone is Bluetooth-capable. This unit in hands-free convenience and communication, enabling guests to relax in their room, enjoy a room service meal, get dressed, work on a presentation, or pack for departure all while talking on the speakerphone." Recent research shows that there is a large number of American like to use the wireless telephone, and the number is increasing. This may means guest of a hotel may prefer use their own phone rather than the hotel's land line phone. So the company makes effort to developing in-room electronics and entertainment solutions to complement guest's experience. 

Emerging Technology Applied to the Modern Day: A Hospitality World with a Hotel App | A... - 0 views

  • you may very well be handed a flashy iPad tablet upon your arrival and check-in to use as your hospitality control panel, complete with an iPad menu that’s loaded with a caveat of features, and that’s able to streamline your experience via imbedded hotel app by directly communicating with hotel staff to facilitate a more enjoyable stay.
  • vehicle
  • surrounding
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  • room service
  • Do not disturb
  • checkout and pay
    Technology is changing our lives and experience. This article is a detailed description of how your lodging experience will be if you stay in a hotel with flashy iPad tablet.You can talk to the staff about your needs in basically all the services including room service, consulting and housekeeping. It will save your time on checkout by providing iPad POS to the tablet.People will get an unforgettable experience because they do not need to wait in line which may take a long time.
    The article introduces a new approach to experience a technologilized hotel stay. Having a iPad in hand with the app designed for the hotel, guest is able to check-in/out, order room service, order cab, change the room status, call housekeeping, find surrounding spots, and more. There is not need to wait in lone line or be hold on a phone call.
Carolina Villa

New airport security system could end disruptive body, shoe scans - 0 views

  • TraceGuard, a system that could detect substances used in explosives
  • TraceGuard has been developed by Israel's Trace-Safe as well as the American firm Raptor. The system was designed to ignore benign substances and prevent against false alarms.
  • or chemical weapons without opening luggage. The system, which could be integrated into scanners, magnetometers and hand-held devices, was designed to rapidly inspect both passengers and luggage without the use of full body scan and has been deployed at about 20 airports in the United States.
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  • Companies from Israel and the United States have been working on joint development of non-intrusive systems to inspect airline passengers.
    Israel and the United States are developing new security systems ti inspect airline passengers. This joint effort its creating a system that could detect substances used in explosives, or chemical weapons without having to open the passengers luggage. And it could be integrated into scanners, magnetometers and hand-held devices. Its purpose is to inspect both passengers and luggage, without the use of full body scan.
Ganna Gorbachuk

Transforming Business with Mobile Payments - 12 views

  • Mobile systems are transforming the payment environment. According to investment bank Barclays Capital, U.S. mobile commerce sales--that is, purchases made on smartphones and tablets--hit $5.3 billion in 2011, up 83 percent from the year before. Generator Research, a consulting firm specializing in digital media, projects that by 2014, usage by consumers will grow 600 percent to 490 million worldwide.
    • Joe Cilli
      Interesting information. Keep in mind there is a high level of cannibalization in that mobile sales are increasing, but the bottom line is unchanged because in-store sales are decreasing. In short, the amount of transactions and dollar amount is roughly the same; it is, however, important to recognize the shift in consumer purchasing patterns.
    Great article on the rise of mobile payment systems and how businesses who in the past may have been cash only or otherwise are seeing increased sales as the ability to take credit card payments with little hardware and software infrastructure costs. Down the street from me is probably my favorite Rib joint in town, Uncle Rodney's House of Ribs is the name. I love that place, but rarely go because they are a cash only business due in large part to the fact that the owner does not wish to pay for wireless or otherwise internet related services to make his business able to accept credit cards. What are everyone's thought to the increased use of mobile payment systems for restaurants and other businesses?
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    I think mobile payment systems are great. I personally have not used them very much but I think they would be very handy at events. I am a Timberwolves season ticket holder and my seats are close to the court where a serving staff is able to get food and beverages for you. Fans are able to pay with credit cards but the server has to take your card to the back area to ring everything up. If the servers were able to carry mobile credit card readers they would be able to speed up transactions and take more orders. It would be a benefit to everyone - the team would be able to sell more items, the servers would make more tips, and the fans would be more satisfied. If someone wanted to keep an open tab until the end of the game I'm sure there could be an app for adding items to a specific seat location instead of doing multiple credit card transactions. I'm sure mobile payment devices are being used by staff at many events and I'm a little surprised it hasn't made it's way into the Target Center yet.
    That is an interesting artivle talking about the mobile payment that i have not seen in my life. If i was a owner of a store or a restaurant, i would like to try this technology that help to save my money and increase my businesses. On the other hand, as a customer who is asked to pay in this way, i would worry about the security problem because i dont know how it works.
    It sounds great. I think it is convenience, cause I can pay by my phone whenever I need. But maybe the biggest problem is the security. How to guarantee it, we always use mobile connect ing internet which increase the danger coefficient.
    I like this idea of mobile payments. It saves business people time and money which they were supposed to spend on the traditional way of credit card payment. It turns out more likely to be a self-monitored business transaction way. However, before signing the contract, the business owner should consider the security level of this payment method from the customers's standpoint. I'm pretty sure that some customers may feel weird and unsecured when they swipe their card on a mobile device.
    This is a fascinating article. On one hand I can absolutely see the benefits for a mobile business or a business that increases it's sales by accepting mobile payments. It also seems that security would be increased for the merchant as there is not much cash available on hand for petty thieves. The crooks of the future will need to be technologically sophisticated. The increased use of smart phones has greatly increased my small business as many of my customers make their purchases through their smart phones. My personal concern is that our country will see an increase in debt and over spending as purchasing with your credit card account becomes even easier. Will it even be possible to pay with cash in the future or will it all be electronic? Also, what happens if your cell phone is stolen and all of your financial world is on there. Do these scanning systems have much security if there is not a credit card to verify a signature against? Is everything stored in cyber space where the phone thief cannot reach it without expensive technical knowledge?
    While a few hundred years ago a life of an average person in a small town could consist of two or three events as a war in his country, governor's marriage and a crime in the neighborhood. In today's world the same as centuries ago every moment is full of things which happen somewhere but now we have a unique opportunity to know about them almost few seconds after they happen. Technology can make a huge difference in a small business when an employer finds a right time to use innovation, as Miki Nishihata and Joey Garza did. Their companies got an advantages of using card readers. Mobile systems are transforming the environment of sales and payment processing. A thing which simplifies the prosess of transaction is a benefit because a lot of consumers prefer FAST and EASY shopping when every minute may cost. Assuming all this information a Square company was created by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and glass artisan Jim McKelvey. Nowadays almost everybody has a mobile phone and credit card and combining those two things with an innovative technologies of online sales is a fantastic invention!
    This is an interesting article, and it is quite amazing to see how the way of payment is drastically shifting with new technological devices such as smartphones, card readers. Just a couple of years ago, if I wanted to buy something online, I had to start my computer then go on whatever website I bought something from which took some time. Now, however, I don't even have to turn on my computer to purchase something on the web because I can buy many things through my smartphone whenever and wherever I want. It is a lot easier and faster than what it used to be.
    Spasibo bolshoe za interesting article! Ona mne ochen pomozhet v moem research!
Mary White

Hotels and Social Media - Customer interaction at its best - 4 views

I agree that hotels who use Social Media proactively will be more competitive going forwards. Social Media is a way for companies to connect directly with their customers or potential customers on ...


Bing Liu

Florida Restaurant and Lodging - POS & Technology - Social Media Trifecta for... - 0 views

    This article talks about how social media helps hotels not only to promote their public image but also provide customers a two-way road of comments and suggestions about their stay. The three websites that are best suited for hotels are Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare. Using these resources a hotel can give its clients and potential guests the freedom to freely interact with the company itself. Facebook serves greatly to allow people to comment on their recent stay and provide feedback. Twitter enables the marketing department to promote deals and upcoming special events. Foursquare is a tool similar to reward accounts. People can check-in to Foursquare at the actual location and depending on a set amount of check-ins, a guest can be awarded with a discount or special arrangement, for example, a complimentary bottle of champagne can be offered for five check-ins. Social media is an always evolving tool that goes hand-in-hand with marketing advancements and the growing use of gadgets. Iphones, blackberries and tablets are present in almost every home of travelers and are heavily used to interact, find deals and leave reviews. Hotels that use this media weapon and its technology to the fullest are on the upper hand compared to their competitors that rely on traditional advertisements.
    That is a good way for hotels and restaurants to invest more in social media. Almost all people have their facebook pages they can a lot of information from facebook. People talk about everything on the facebook and share their experiences with friends. If somebody is sharing his great hotel experience with friends, that would be like a great advertisement that does not requires much money and all friends would believe this advertisement more than others.
    The social media is a good way to promote itself from word of month. It is an easy way to get the feedback from their customers, and improve itself. The hotel can become more competitive base on the social media because it contains the real evaluations from the previous customers rather than the unconvincing advertisement.
Yoshihiro Kanno

Multiple Properties, Multiple Flags: Texas Western Uses Cloud BI to Automate Data Gathe... - 0 views

  • Texas Western began evaluating a cloud-based business intelligence system to take a load off its accounting staff by automating its property data gathering and reporting. The effort paid off – and produced some surprising results.
  • The company"s hotel software requirements included automatic downloading of property performance metrics from its Hilton OnQ and Marriott PMSes daily, as well as merging the data with labor numbers, Smith Travel Research output, and a variety of other information from TW"s corporate accounting system.
  • Texas Western selected Aptech Computer Systems, Inc. and implemented its Execuvue® hospitality Business Intelligence (BI) solution. Aptech built TW"s data warehouse and worked with Marriott and Hilton to identify, gather the data, and create the report formats TW needed for better performance management
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  • Texas Western"s BI system automatically collects and combines data from its 53 properties with ten flags, performs performance analysis and multi-property roll ups and comparisons, generates daily revenue and flash reports, and emails property specific reports to the appropriate managers.
  • Aptech offered to host our system at its secure data center in Pittsburgh and this has taken all system responsibility off our hands. They handle our data security, backups, and system maintenance so we can run our hotel company."
  • Our BI reports are mobile optimized so our executives can monitor performance anywhere." Smith added that some TW managers like to review reports on their iPads and he can track operations from his iPhone as needed.
    This article is about a decision made by Texas Western, Hotel Management Company, to introduce Cloud-Based Business Intelligent system. According to the interviews with the company executives, this investment is really paying off. This system has taken system responsibility off their hands and allowed them to cut labor costs which were used to prepare daily revenue reports or spread sheets. Mobile access to all the information also appears to be a useful feature offered by Cloud-based system. 
Tamara Lang

The World of Technology Affects Tourism Industry Immensely | .TR - 0 views

  • How does it draw the line between technology and personal service? There is no doubt that technology plays an important role in tourism and travel. Most of us are now used to booking our airline reservations on line, dealing with telephone trees and other cost saving devices. These technological advances have allowed corporations to save on manpower while at the same time empowering customers to make their own decisions
  • On the other hand, technology's growth has allowed worldwide terrorism to attack the tourism industry. Cell phones can save lives or detonate bombs; air conditioning units serve to make life bearable in hot climates, but also pollute the atmosphere and can be carriers of disease. The dawn of the computer age permits us to know weather forecasts around the world, allows business travelers to stay in touch with their offices and to supersede the problem of cross time zones negotiation, but can be used to destroy air travel.
  • Remember that tourism is about people "interfacing" with other people No matter how good your technology may be, technology does not provide human warmth of take-home experiences. Be mindful that tourism is about the selling of memories and then ask yourself at what point are you willing to sacrifice memories for efficiency.
    This article is about how technology affects world tourism. Technology plays a major role in tourism and travel and can help to reduce labor costs and bad customer service. On the other hand, because our industry is driven by human interaction too much or misuse of technology can truly hinder service. The article also stated that "technology's growth has allowed worldwide terrorism to to attack the tourism industry". Cell phones can be used to blow up bombs, air conditions, and destroy planes. As leaders in the industry we must decide how far to go with the use technology.

The Robots Are The Chefs In This Japanese Restaurant | Singularity Hub - 0 views

  • ou can see other customers in the restaurant as they experience the restaurant in their own way – some mesmerized by the robots, others focused on their food and seemingly oblivious to the fact that the robots are even there.  Its an awesome scene.
  • The robots are fully autonomous, taking a customer order and cooking it from start to finish.  This includes boiling the noodles, pouring broth, adding spices and toppings, and so on.  The orders are complex too, requiring the robots to take customer preference for amount and type of sauce, salt, noodle, and so on.   The finished product is handed off to a human server who brings the food to the customer’s table.  The irony could not be more real as we witness the lowly human in the role of a mere server while the robot takes on the cooking.
  • The restaurant, called FA-men (pronounced Fu-a-men) based in Nagoya, Japan, takes its name from the phrase “Fully Automated raMEN” says Ni-Lab.  Not content to simply sit around when there are no orders to cook, the robots can be seen doing tricks and even performing pretend combat with a sword (knife) and a shield (plate) in homage to Manzai, a  style of stand-up comedy in Japan.  If you know Japanese, or are just curious, you can check out FA-men’s website.
    Here we are, this post make the unattended POS a child's toy in the hospitality industry, look at the robot chef! The customers come into this restaurant to enjoy their meal, and suddenly they realize that their food are prepared by robots! from boiling the water, choose the customer's sauce according to the order... one thing I know, is that they will probably never mess up the order. The dish then is hand over to the HUMAN server to bring to the table. When is the last time you hear about this word? A HUMAN server? I think that in the near future, we can walk into a restaurant and find out that there is no HUMAN server, or HUMAN cook, or ever HUMAN manager. But the customers are still HUMAN though.
Marcos Oliveira

America's Most Hi-Tech Hotels - Articles - Executive Travel - 1 views

  • the hottest high-tech hotels feature an intricate network of intelligent systems working to make every aspect of your stay more comfortable, more convenient and more secure—both for you and for the hotel staff
  • Instead of swiping your card through the lock and waiting for the green light, you can simply approach the door with card in hand and walk in, thanks to smart technologies that unlock the door for you as you approach
  • radio-frequency ID (RFID) cards replace the conventional swipe card, allowing various systems throughout the hotel to detect your presence automatically and respond appropriately
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  • Hyatt is also experimenting with a version of this approach, building RFID into customer loyalty cards to let regular guests bypass the front desk and head straight for the comfort of their rooms.
  • The technology also allows the hotel to maintain better security by knowing more clearly who’s coming and going throughout the hotel, since each RFID card can be detected by multiple sensors in the lobby, elevators and rooms.
  • Hilton and InterContinental are working with a company called OpenWays to deploy a new key technology that plays a specially encoded sound from your phone. Give your cell phone number to the hotel at the time of booking, and you’ll receive a text message with a special phone number to call. When you arrive at the door of your suite, just call the number and hold the phone up to the door lock. As the garbled noise plays from your phone’s speaker, the lock will “hear” it and open on command.
  • Soon you’ll be able to use your own cell phone as your room key at a number of top hotels
  • OpenWays
  • audio key system
  • One of the most advanced high-tech security technologies, facial recognition, is starting to make its way from the government sector to the hospitality industry
  • 3VR Security
  • From the moment you step into the lobby to the time you check out, high- tech hotels of the future will be tracking your moves, identifying you to hotel staff and opening doors to luxurious amenities. This sophisticated tracking will help ensure your security and may even enhance the guest experience by personalizing your interactions with hotel staff in much the same way that Google and Facebook personalize your web browsing experience by showing you relevant content
    As hotels make every attempt to come up with new and innovative techniques to conduct business, technology companies are looking for ways to being the first on scene with new technological tools. Many hotels now have instead of swiping ones card through the lock and waiting for the green light to enter, the guest can simply approach the door with a card in their hands and walk right into their rooms. This is possible through radio frequency identification (RFID). RFID are also being used to track customer loyalty to ones brand. RFID Technology also allows the hotel to maintain better security by knowing more clearly who's coming in and going throughout the hotel, since each RFID card be detected by multiple sensors in the lobby, elevators and rooms. There is even the possibility to access ones room by simply utilizing their cell phones and having the phone unlock the door. This is done by simply dialing a phone number and when prompted placing the cell phone next to the door lock. An audio key will play and the door will be unlocked. The audio is unique to each and every reservation.

Hotel Maintenance Management Software Saves Time and Money - 0 views

  • Benefits of Hotel Maintenance Management Software
  • • Track, assign, and prioritize incoming work orders • Mapping functions allow you to view the work the needs to be completed in a list view or highlighted on a map of your existing floor plan • Generate comprehensive maintenance and inventory reports to help you plan your annual budget • Access your hotel’s maintenance management software remotely so that you can instruct your employees while you aren’t at work • Monitor the amount of hours each employee works • Manage corrective actions • Create a scheduled maintenance calendar • Keep track of lost and found items • Manage suppliers and contractors • Manage hotel information needed for periodic hotel inspections • Track your on-site inventory • Dispatch tasks to selected employees • Track energy and water usage to spot unusual trends that could indicate a problem
  • Impress Your Guests
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  • hotel maintenance management software allows you to implement a plan for scheduled maintenance. By regularly maintaining the equipment used in each room, you can spot problems early on and fix any issues.
  • Save Money by Conserving Energy
  • With hotel maintenance management software you can track the amount of energy and water that is normally used at your hotel on any given day. You can also set alerts to notify you if an excessive amount of energy or water is being used.
  • In addition to spotting problems, your new maintenance management software can monitor high-energy consumption equipment, like boilers or walk-in freezers, to ensure that the equipment maintains an energy-efficient level of operation. Not only does this help decrease your hotel’s costs, but guests like to know that they are staying in a hotel that is environment friendly
  • Track Your Inventory Levels
  • With hotel maintenance management software, you can track the levels of all of your supplies so that you know when you need to place inventory orders.
  • In addition to tracking your inventory, you can also track your suppliers and allow your suppliers to have access to the amount of inventory you have on hand. This gives you access to the suppliers contact information if you need to place an order and allows you to contract suppliers that can monitor your inventory levels and automatically ship what your hotel needs.
  • Track and Prioritize Your Work Orders
  • Tracking work orders allows you to see which work orders are open, in progress, and completed as well. Because your employees will always know what needs to be completed, they can easily stay on task
  • Track Your Employees Hotel maintenance management software also allows you to track all of your employees’ information. You have the ability to create work schedules for your employees, monitor the amount of time each employee works, track corrective action, and run payroll reports. Having all of this information located in one place makes it easy to manage multiple employees.
  • Plan Your Annual Budget
  • You can separate the expenses by department and use the information gathered in detailed reports to help you create each department’s budget for the following year. This way, you know an average amount of money that each department spends per month so that you allocate your funds appropriately.
    In this article, the author has introduced how a hotel maintenance management software does good to a business in the hospitality industry. The physical plant software enables hotels to be more efficient to manage bookings, monitor utilities and sort finances, which helps ensure daily operations run smoothly. There are several benefits of the physical plant software mentioned in the article. Firstly, the software allows hotels to implement a scheduled maintenance plan. By regular maintenance, hotels can spot problems and fix the issues. In addition, the software enables hotels to track the amount of energy and water, which will help save money and decrease the costs. Moreover, the software allows hotels to track the levels of all of the supplies and allow the suppliers to have access to the amount of inventory the hotels have on hand. Next point, such software has the ability track and prioritize work orders. Not mention the software allows hotels to track all employees' information, which makes it easy to manage multiple employees. Lastly, the physical plant software helps hotels plan an annual budget by tracking all of the hotel's expenses.
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