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5 Reasons Why Event Management is Important in Tourism - 2 views

  • Events act as important motivators for tourism.
  • If you look at the destinations that gained popularity in recent times, you’ll find out that the flow of tourists to this place began after the successful event management.
  • This is the major reason why the role of event management in tourism is so important. Tourists and travelers need to understand why they should visit a particular destination. Therefore, event tourism comes to the rescue.
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  • These plans should focus on the planning of social events in order to achieve the full potential of tourism. Managing events is the activity that deals with developing and planning various kinds of events for that society. A fruitful integration of event management into touristic activities will win success and attract numerous customers to the target destination.
  • The development of tourism and the introduction of new destinations reveals the huge perspectives for the growth of event management. The majority of most social activities, such as festivals, recreational events, etc., have become possible due to the tourists, which travel around the world in search for new impressions and emotions.
  • Tourism event management promotes the loyalty of regular customers.
  • The term “event management” can puzzle some people who have never thought about its meaning and role in modern society. I
  • The key tourism goal for events is to attract more tourists (especially in off-peak seasons) to serve as a catalyst for urban renewal and to increase the infrastructure and tourism capacity of the destination to foster a positive destination image, which contributes to general place marketing to animate specific attractions or areas.
  • Nowadays, events can mitigate or aggravate political situations, which is another lure for tourists.
  • he best example for this is the impact of major sporting events, such as the Olympic Games or Worl
  • When certain parts of society reached a certain economic peak, they shifted to a more thoughtful way of life that included alternative energies, wise ecology, and environmental protection. This also made way for the birth of completely new consumer needs, which increased the demand for a specific range of events and tourism.
  • Management of events provides various opportunities for the travelers to spend their time without being bored. If you plan your visit to some exotic country, it doesn’t mean that your vacation will be limited with rambling across the sights and historical monuments of the destination. You can diversify your trip with extreme events or any social activities.Thanks in part to event management, you will surely experience a wide array of emotions and experience many new things.
    • ngerv001
      Wherever and whenever one is planning a trip to a location they want to have fun and live in the moment. From cruises that have excursions and on boat activities, to hotels that offer cocktail hours for incoming groups to live performances, having a way to keep guests entertained are crucial and vital to keeping a guests happy. It is important for the hospitality industry have different outlets to provide a memorable experience for their guests that will lead to positive reviews, word of mouth recommendations to repeat business, event managements are important. As event managers it is key to always be looking for ways to keep guests entertained, relaxed and overall having a great time.
  • Events in tourism development produce an incredible impact on the industry as a whole and influence a broad range of human activities: politics, environment, socio-cultural, and other aspects.
  • Although event management and tourism are different notions, it should be mentioned that they are closely aligned with each other. Actually, regardless of the type of tourism you choose, event management will accompany it within the entire period of activity.
  • The key tourism goal for events is to attract more tourists (especially in off-peak seasons) to serve as a catalyst for urban renewal and to increase the infrastructure and tourism capacity of the destination to foster a positive destination image, which contributes to general place marketing to animate specific attractions or areas.
  • You cannot possibly underestimate the importance of events for tourism. The most popular types of tourism events, regardless of the tourism type, come in a wide range of exciting options. Various types of festivals and events have always existed as significant parts of human society.
  • Tourism and event management are said to have evolved from primitive gatherings of people for agricultural or religious reasons into the more modern type of events—large-scale, corporate and governmental—as well as their long history of attracting tourists and establishing host communities as tourist destinations.
  • The emergence of new political powers, capitalism, new products, and new social relations, as well as a new way of modern life, paved the way for more versatile event tourism development and a growing number of cutting-edge events.
  • Today, it is not surprising that apart from the above-mentioned impacts, events also have the power to affect the formation of a destination’s image and can help with promoting, positioning, and branding it across the globe.
    This article greatly described the importance and significance event management has for the tourism industry. Special events definitely draws individuals in to multiple destinations, which delivers a huge boost for the tourism industry.
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    The following article, 5 Reasons Why Event Management is Important in Tourism, focuses on event management within the hospitality industry. The role of an event manager within the hospitality industry is a very complex job and it takes someone with a vision and skills in order for a successful outcome. Event management is important within the hospitality industry because tourism is truly dependent on the effective management of events. The article provies the following example, Niagara Falls is now a known destination and is a prominent place to visit, however, the main "flow" of tourist started as soon as the event managers had begun to arrange tours, cruises, etc. Event management is vital within the industry and this article highlights some of the important impacts it has on the industry as a whole. "Naturally, tourism and event management can exist separately, but their consolidation can bring many benefits not only for the development of tourism but also for the development of the economy of countries or cities in total."
    The article highlights why event planning is an important element of tourism. It discusses key social, political, and cultural events that span both tourism and event planning. It strives to establish a clear connection between the benefits of tourism and social events implemented from a streamlined perspective.
    This article talks about how different types of events are important for tourism. Events such as mega, hallmark, major and local events attract more tourists such as the olympic games or the Superbowl. Some destinations are visited only for special events, driving more tourism to that destination. As tourism has become very dependent on effective event management, small events such as arranging tours in a destination have led to an increase in tourism. The development of tourism and the introduction of new destinations reveals the huge perspectives for the growth of event management. The majority of most social activities, such as festivals, and other recreational events have become possible due to the successful event management and the travelers that they attract.
    Event Management can be both local and global, it is the management of various activities including conventions, meeting and other major activities. Tourism is not considered a part of event management; it is classified as a set of tourism related activities. Tourism is thus divided into various niche activities. No matter what tourism type you choose, event management will always be a part of the activity. There are various types of classifications. Events may be condsidered Mega, Hallmark, Major or local. It is necessary to recognize the importance of events to the tourism product, and as such, you should never take for granted the need for proper and effective coordination. It is also important to note that events such as cultural activities also aid in destination development. A key factor in having these events is to promote the destination and attract more visitors, particularly at times in the season when things are slow. The introduction of events can serve to stimulate local economies and draw attention to unseen parts of the destination, as well as aid in the building of infrastructure in those communities. It is also important to note any event requires significant planning, the who, what, where and how allows a better understanding of how a proposed event may impact a destination's image and can help with building a stronger global brand. The significance of tourism in event management is centered around possible offshoot activities such as tours and entertainment or any other economic benefits that maybe be derived beyond the event itself. By creating such signature activities, it is likely that you broker relationships with visitors, which could likely create loyalty to your brand.
lamia elachchabi

The power of partnerships | Green Hotelier - 0 views

  • Taking a partnership approach is often the most effective way to find a successful lasting solution to a problem that achieves ‘buy-in’ from all parties
  • A key partnership mechanism is the Global Compact, an international multi-stakeholder initiative which brings companies together with UN agencies, governments, labour and civil society to support universal environmental and social principles.
  • With specific regard to tourism, as far back as 1999, the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UN-CSD) identified that sustainable tourism development ‘cannot be successful without a profound collaboration with all stakeholders’] It stressed the importance of involving small and large-scale tourism operators in solving problems;
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  • One of the most important issues facing the world today is poverty and how to alleviate it. The MDGs aim to eradicate extreme poverty and halve the number of workers living on less than one US dollar a day, among other aims. Tourism creates economic opportunity through employment business linkages, and other income-generating possibilities -and therefore has the potential to reduce poverty
  • This needs to be addressed so that traditions and local culture are carried through the generations and not watered down or commercialised
  • Despite its potential for negative impacts, tourism by its very nature also offers a mechanism through which to address issues and achieve positive outcomes.
  • No industry is more customer-focused than tourism -satisfying people’s needs, desires and dreams. But as well as ensuring the well-being of its clients there are others whose well-being is fundamental to the sustainability of any tourism enterprise:
  • Tourism can seriously damage the environment at both global and local level if it is not developed and operated responsibly:
  • The negative effects of poorly-planned hotel and tourism infrastructure development can place an intolerable strain upon natural systems, particularly in terms of demand for water and the effect of its treatment and disposal.
  • Too many tourists visiting fragile archaeological and architectural sites of historic and cultural significance
  • Various types of partnership have been formed to address the issues relating to sustainable tourism development and are supported by the case studies on these and the following pages:
  • To be successful, partnerships need:
  • appropriate stakeholders
  • organisations or individuals
  • mutually agreed goals and processes
  • sensitivity to the power balance between members
  • the ability to accept compromise
    The power of partnerships The tourism industry is partnering with other organizations to solve problems on how to bring a more sustainable tourism. Global impact is an international multi-stakeholders consensus to bring together companies, UN agencies, government and communities to support environment. The project need not only for NGOs to facilitate contracts but also for governments to have the right legislations dealing with sustainable tourism. Tourism can affect three key areas: * Communities: Tourism creates economic opportunity but should not affect negatively traditions and local cultures. * Individuals: Tourism should be creating the right safe working environment. * Environment: Tourism should not damage the environment. Any waste should be disposed of properly. Tourism can achieve positive impacts on the region such as funding wild life conservations. There are se several partnerships that develop to better control the tourism industry and its impacts on the region. To be successful a partnership must have appropriate stakeholders, mutually agreed goal and process, and sensitivity to the power members among other characteristics.
Ling Xiang

E-Marketing and E-Tourism - 0 views

  • It started out as just a way to get a name across and functionality of most services was very low.
  • It then moved on to focussing on customer acquisition
  • which made life easier for customers and allowed hospitality centres to be independently known and successful.
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  • The customer became the priority and profit secondary.
  • The focus then shifted to customer retention.
  • Hospitality Centres could target specific customer segments and focus on developing customer value in particular segments. The development of softwares that allow identifying and targeting a certain kind of customer for the business
  • Over the last few years, information and communication technologies (ICT) have had a growing impact on tourism promotion, marketing and sales.
  • More and more people now prefer to search for information on tourism destinations and offers on the Internet.
  • But in most cases it is not developing countries that benefit from new tourism opportunities. World tourism is mostly concentrated in a handful of rich countries
  • Most information on tourism opportunities in developing countries is generated, updated and marketed online by major international service providers based in developed countries.
  • What can be done to reverse this trend? One solution is for developing countries to take advantage of the new opportunities offered by ICT to brand and promote their own tourism industry.
  • e-tourism could help developing countries exploit the untapped development opportunities tourism offers and, if set up efficiently, could give them better control of their own tourism industry.
  • E-tourism represents the paradigm-shift experienced in the tourism industry
  • It is evident that all best business practices have been transformed as a result, and that the each stakeholder in the marketplace is going through a redefinition of their role and scope. There are both challenges and opportunities emerging but the competitiveness of all tourism enterprises and destinations has been altered dramatically.
    • Juan Du
      The chart is totally describe the e-marketing about the tourism system. A guest can easily book air ticket, hotel and car from one website. He/She can choose a way to save his/her money. This kind of system make life easier for customers and allowed hospitality centers to be independently known and successful. E-tourism is important in nowadays, people can't do many things without the Internet. The e-marketing has great space to improve.  Guests can choose their favorite route by using this technical.
    This article discusses 'E-Tourism Evolution' from tourism initial goal of establishing an online presence (96-99) to acquiring customers (99-03) and then retaining customers (2003-now). E-Tourism started with a focus on getting travel industry members in front of consumers on their computers, then offering attractive travel site features such as direct booking for customer convenience. This course has shown that while travel providers increased online travel options and services, consumers were finding a lack of personalized customer service which prompted increased dissatisfaction with the eMarketing providers. This led to the current focus by the tourism industry seeking to provide exceptional customer service within their eMarketing platform to ensure effective service and enhanced customer satisfaction, thereby ensuring increased customer retention. Whereas eMarketing has greatly increased travel to under developed countries, such countries must gain greater access to information and communication technologies to capture more of the tourism market. Tourism is utilizing a variety of communication channels including social media. Facebook booking engines are utilized by online travel sites, and travel packages and services are auctioned or bought direct on eBay. An online brochure, VBrochure by VFM Leonardo provides virtual tours and marketing content for mobile applications as well.
    In the beginning of this article, it uses a chart to depicts the transformation and evolution of e-tourism over the past 15 years. According to the chart, we can easily find out that the goal and focus has changed as the year changes, from just to establish an online presence to customer retention. Then, it uses the changes of the number of tourists visiting Cambodia, one of the poorest countries in the world, as an example to say how information and communication technologies impact the tourism industry. However, this trend seems put more good impacts on developed countries. So next, the article gives some solutions to reverse this trend. In the end of the article it shows a chart to compare the percentage that people use e-market with the percentage that people use traditional methods.
    E-tourism represents the paradigm-shift experienced in the tourism industry as a result of the adoption of ICTs and the Internet. It is evident that all best business practices have been transformed as a result, and that the each stakeholder in the marketplace is going through a redefinition of their role and scope. There are both challenges and opportunities emerging but the competitiveness of all tourism enterprises and destinations has been altered dramatically. It is evident that the "only constant is change." Organisations which compute will be able to compete in the future.

New technology coming to cruise ships in the next few years | Miami Herald - 2 views

  • Wristbands, which open doors, come for an additional price but are free for children.
  • The app will also have facial recognition to allow crew to identify passengers. Other features include way-finding navigation — like Google Maps for ships, — the ability to make purchases, request services, book excursions and plan daily activities in-app. The MSC for Me app will also offer suggestions based on guest preferences.
  • The Miami-based cruise line announced earlier this month a new Cruise Norwegian app that will allow passengers to check in ahead of their vacation, book excursions, make dinner and show reservations, and purchase drink packages or other amenities. Unlike the Carnival or Royal Caribbean versions, the app doesn’t change the physical embarkation process, but it does offer the option to go paperless with the documentation needed to go aboard.
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  • Like Norwegian, it will rely heavily on an app component, that, like Carnival, will also be available on interactive screens around the ship, in addition to mobile devices and stateroom TVs. And, like Royal, MSC will have a smart watch with geo-location that is also connected to the app.
  • Beyond that, Royal Caribbean plans to add virtual reality and augmented reality into the passenger experience. These concepts might transform cabin interiors with images of a starry night or a peaceful sunset displayed on screens on the walls, ceiling and floors. It could also transform dining by introducing virtual reality glasses that can transform the venue into a new landscape based on the cuisine passengers are eating.
  • In the short-term, those innovations will looks like this: Guests will check-in through facial recognition technology — not check-in counters, thus eliminating lines. On board, passengers will be able to sign up for excursions, order drinks and make dinner reservations from a new Royal Caribbean app that also will enable crew to find passengers based on facial recognition. The app will partner with Royal’s WOW Bands, similar to Disney’s MagicBands, to open stateroom doors. And, thanks to RFID tags on luggage, guests will also be able to track the progress of their bags to their rooms. As with Carnival, the more passengers interact with the technology, the better equipped the app will be to offer meaningful recommendations.
  • For example, as guests approach their stateroom doors, the door senses the medallion and unlocks it for them. A digital photo wall senses a passenger’s approach — thanks to the medallion — and adjusts to show the cruiser his or her vacation pictures. After a guest requests a drink, either on an interactive screen, a smart phone or other device, crew can find that passenger wherever he or she is on the vessel because of the geo-location in the medallion.The operating system behind the medallion is Ocean Compass, an online vacation profile that passengers create before sailing, where they input their preferences; during the trip, they can add information via onboard screens and personal devices. Crew can also access passenger profiles in Ocean Compass, allowing them to offer relevant suggestions and address passengers by name.
  • In January, Carnival revealed the result of an 18-month project aimed at making the cruise experience more intuitive. Instead of largely relying on a smart phone, the company chose to build a “medallion.” The quarter-sized, two-ounce disc contains passenger information, incorporates geo-location services and is personalized with each cruiser’s name and sail date. It can be carried in pockets or worn on wristbands or pendants for an additional cost.The medallion interacts with the whole of the ship, which will be retrofitted with thousands of sensors and interactive screens, and miles of cable.
  • But with the new technology will likely come privacy concerns. Much of the software cruise lines are introducing also involves capturing passenger information and using it to curate suggestions about what to do.
  • It’s already happening. In 2014, Starwood Hotels announced plans to start using smart phones as hotel keys, with the help of an app and Bluetooth connection. Hilton this year discussed plans to build a “Connected Room” in 2018, which will allow guests to control features of the room through an app, including lighting, entertainment and temperature.
  • It elevates the experience for everyone, not just the highest paying passengers, and not just on its best and newest units. I think it will become the norm...eventually the cruise industry and, not just the cruise industry, but other places, other tourism [entities].
  • The technology aims to ease irritations: the long lines to embark or disembark, crowded bars, the impersonal feeling of a mass congregation of people.
  • Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings and MSC Cruises — have all come out with tech that promises to make cruising a less cumbersome experience. Most of it incorporates facial recognition and geo-location.
  • In the next five years, the new normal in cruising is going to be a better-connected voyage that will largely do away with lines and waiting — some of the factors that deter travelers from cruising to begin with.
    The article revolves around new technological concepts that the main cruise lines are adding to the cruising experience. While they have heavily focused on the ships hardware, they want to implement new software that will make the experience more enjoyable and simpler for guests to enjoy. Carnival, would like to implement a "medallion" called the Ocean Compass, that is crossover between the Disney Magic Band, and the band seen at the Universal Volcano Bay water park. It fits the Disney aspect, because it holds information,can open doors, and links guest pictures to the technology. It is similar to Universal, because it informs guests of when to attend something, so that they do not have to wait in a line. Royal Caribbean, likes the band idea that Disney presented, and wants to make bands of their own, that have similar functions that the Ocean Compass from Carnival has. In addition, Royal Caribbean wants to expose their guests to Virtual Reality. They hope to create an immersive experience for their guests, from the comfort of their rooms. Norwegian and MSC are mostly developing smart phone applications, that allow guests to check-in, book excursions, and open rooms. It is obvious that Disney developed a great idea with combining a "magical" band and phone application. The concept is so successful, that other players want to utilize the same formula. Let us see how well it works in the cruising industry.

Big data and analytics in tourism and hospitality: opportunities and risks - ProQuest - 0 views

  • The purpose of this paper is to examine and provide insights into one of the most influential technologies impacting the tourism and hospitality industry over the next five years, i.e. big data and analytics. It reflects on both opportunities and risks that such technological advances create for both consumers and tourism organisations, highlighting the importance of data governance and processes for effective and ethical data management in both tourism and hospitality
  • This paper identifies and examines key opportunities and risks posed by the rising technological trend of big data and analytics in tourism and hospitality. While big data is generally regarded as beneficial to tourism and hospitality organisations, there are extensively held ethical, privacy and security concerns about it. Therefore, the paper is making the case for more research on data governance and data ethics in tourism and hospitality and posits that to successfully use data for competitive advantage, tourism and hospitality organisations need to solely expand compliance-based data governance frameworks to frameworks that include more effective privacy and ethics data solutions.
  • Technology (and its rapid development) is one of the key megatrends and driving forces that are seen to shape the future of tourism (Yeoman, 2012, 2018; Yeoman and McMahon-Beattie, 2018) via changes that will impact the way tourism and hospitality providers interact with travellers.
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  • A recent business report on key megatrends and market disruptors suggests that technology and new ways of engaging and interacting with customers are fuelling the rate of disruption as currently businesses are able to reach new customers in new ways and can reinvent customer engagement around service and convenience (Boumphrey, 2019).
  • One of the most important uses of data is to improve personalisation, travel companies using the information they gather to make specific adjustments to their offerings.
  • Currently, considerable amount of structured and unstructured data are produced globally (Nunan and Di Domenico, 2013; Verdino, 2013), a so-called “digital exhaust” (Wang, 2013; Barocas and Nissenbaum, 2014) that is passively generated by users of products and services using mobile devices (Shilton, 2009), an abundance of publicly available data shared on social networking platforms (Nov et al., 2010) and customer data and information purposely collected by tourism organisations’ booking systems or customer relations management (CRM) systems
  • This abundance of data and the act of processing data on a large scale has led to the concept of “Big Data,” which Mayer-Schönberger and Cukier (2013) define as “things one can do at a large scale that cannot be done at a smaller one, to extract new insights or create new forms of value, in ways that change markets, organisations, the relationship between citizens and governments, and more” (p. 6
  • ndeed, one of the latest Euromonitor International travel industry reports confirms that big data and analytics is expected to be the most influential technology impacting the industry in the next five years (Bremmer, 2019), followed by artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.
  • The use of data is viewed as a disruptive innovation in the tourism and hospitality industry, although it allows organisations in the industry to facilitate personalisation, offer convenience, save costs and overall gain competitive advantage (Evans, 2020).
  • Not surprisingly, privacy is now the top data issue and concern for organisations
  • In particular, in the tourism and hospitality sector, the effective use of big data is associated with revenue management (e.g. using and combining internal data, such as occupancy rates and current bookings, with external data such as information about local events, school holidays and flight information to forecast demand and maximise revenues); market research and strategic marketing purposes (e.g. identifying customer trends to best cater marketing opportunities); customer experience and reputation management (e.g. social media conversations and online reviews, service usage data and internal feedback via customer surveys). A good example of an organisation that successfully uses big data to gain competitive advantage is AirBnB (Evans, 2020; Guttentag, 2019).
  • These concerns have been intensified by recent global cyber-attacks and more specifically by significant data breaches in a wide range of industries and sectors, including the tourism and hospitality industry (Armerding, 2018; PwC, 2016, 2017). The hospitality industry is now in the media spotlight because of high profile breaches (PwC, 2016, 2017).
  • One of the biggest data breaches of the 21st century has affected one of the largest hospitality companies, Marriott International. Starting in 2014, the data breach occurred on systems supporting Starwood hotel brands, which were acquired by Marriott in 2016 and affected ∼500 million customers worldwide, with the breach only being discovered in September 2018. Data and information on names, contact information, passport numbers, travel information and other personal information were compromised, and information on credit card numbers and expiration dates of more than 100 million customers was stolen (Armerding, 2018).
  • Indeed, the 2018 Global State of Enterprise Analytics survey found that globally 49 per cent of companies surveyed believed that the primary challenges organisations most commonly face are data privacy and security concerns (MicroStrategy, 2018). Similarly, another recent industry report shows that over 40 per cent of tourism industry professionals claimed that data privacy and cybersecurity are one of the most influential factors impacting digital commerce in this sector (Bremmer, 2019).
  • These technological advances provide significant opportunities for businesses to harness the wealth of data to support their activities and gain competitive advantage. The efficient uses of data and analytics drive process and cost efficiencies and strategy and change (MicroStrategy, 2018).
  • When selecting analytics solutions, tourism and hospitality organisations are required to address the growing concerns around privacy and security of customer data by putting in place well-designed data governance frameworks capable of providing quality data and be able to provide effective frameworks of data security and protection for all stakeholders
  • Potential frameworks for ethical data management and digital privacy specific to tourism and hospitality would need to identify, in addition to the protections afforded under the recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (ICO, 2018), how data is collected, what it is used for and who has access to it and why
  • Big data and analytics are playing a crucial role in digital transformation efforts of organisations in general and in the tourism and hospitality industry, thus driving greater effectiveness and efficiency and the strategy to define new business models and bring about successful change (Evans, 2020; MicroStrategy, 2018)
    This was about the risks in the hospitality and tourism industry when it comes to big data and analytics. Big data is so important in the hospitality industry because it's how companies know who to cater to and with what and how. In addition to the importance of big data, there are risks that come with it. A few risks are data leaks, hackers, etc. Companies invest money in their systems so these things are avoided.
lamia elachchabi

Comprehensive IT in Tourism - 0 views

    There is an information technology revolution that changed not only the economies of countries but also companies of all sizes everywhere. The development of information technology has become a very important component for the competitiveness of companies. The IT revolution has a big impact on the tourism industry and its management. Services are bought before time of their use and away from the place of consumption. Easy access to information and marketing are keys to the success of companies in the tourism industry. Computerized networks and electronic distributions have caused structural changes in the tourism industry. Computer Reservation System (CRS) is a data base program that helps tourism organizations to manage their inventory and make it accessible to their distribution channels partners. Airlines, hotels chains and tour operators are examples of users of the Centralize Reserve System. The growth of tourism demand has only been possible with the use of powerful CRSs. It has helped with: * Easy access for consumers * Transparency of information * Easy to compare information and choices * Greater degree of flexibility * Travelers can book reservations at the last time The growth of tourism supply has also benefited from Computer Reservation System: * CRS is used to manage inventory * Expansion of tourism enterprises globally * Sell products globally * Flexibility in prices * Improve competitive advantage Internet has increased the interactivity between consumers and suppliers. It enables businesses to custom make and facilitates services. The World Wide Web helps distribution of multimedia information. Tourism enterprises will be able to communicate directly to their consumers and custom made the product according to their needs.

Accounting and Bookkeeping for the Tourism Industry - 0 views

  • Just as the history of the tourism and hotel industry has grown and evolved into the mega economic force it is today, so has the bookkeeping necessary grown into a mega accounting career that the tourism business could not live without.
  • Opportunities working in the accounting services of major tourism theme parks and related companies may include professional and managerial roles in Financial Analysis, Planning Operations, Auditing, Tax preparation and Contract Reporting. To advance into tourism management training for upper corporate managerial level you would require knowledge in of these areas: Cash-flow Operation & Cost Budget Pensions Foreign Currency Accounting System Integrity Accounting & Reporting Standards
  • The career incentives of all bookkeeping and accounting positions within  tourism and especially the major theme park resort industry are immense.  You have a career length opportunity for travel to exotic locations and if desired, working and living abroad.  The world of tourism, theme parks and resorts is always growing and consequently your work environment’s aspects grow with it.
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  • Basic accounting training is still the obvious first step, even starting with career college based diplomas.
  • Avail yourself of basic certification, familiarize yourself with quality bookkeeping and accounting software, and climb aboard the hospitality and tourism career train!
    Module 8: "Everything in the business world is about the bottom line, and the accounting department of an organization is the keeper of that bottom line's flame." The following article, Accounting and Bookkeeping For The Tourism Industry gives and inside look and new perspective into the accounting and bookkeeping within the hospitality and tourism industry. The following are a few topics that are required in order to successfully run financial aspects within the travel industry; cash-flow, operation & cost budget, pensions, foreign currency, accounting system integrity and accounting & reporting standards. I was interested to read all of the possible job opportunities that are available in accounting and booking sides of the travel industry; for example - opportunities to travel to exotic locations, work/live abroad, possible events, etc. It is clear to read that employees in both accounting and booking are vital today and their role continues to play a major role in the overall success of the industry. "Just as the history of the tourism and hotel industry has grown and evolved into the mega economic force it is today, so has the bookkeeping necessary grown into a mega accounting career that the tourism business could not live without."

Rwanda's Tourism Seeks Innovative Minds to Recover from Covid-19 Shock - KT PRESS - 1 views

  • Rwandans with tech or innovative business solutions will this June have an opportunity to pitch their business ideas that could help the country’s tourism and hospitality sector recover from the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis.
  • Rwanda Development Board (RDB), Private Sector Federation (PSF) ICT and Tourism Chambers will this June 4, host an online conversation and workshop to identify innovations and solutions the technology sector currently has, or could build to support the recovery process.
  • The digitalisation of tourism will play a big role in leading the needed recovery for the economy just like it is helping in other sectors like trade, education and healthcare as global economies face-off the Covid-19 pandemic,”
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  • focus on digitalisation of the tourism sector as the new driver of the economic recovery for tourism businesses, which have been one of hardest hit in the country as a result of closed travel for local and international visitors.
  • We want to be inspired with new ideas. Not only digital way to also expose more ideas, answering the potential challenges that we have, not locked to one way (digitalisation) but many more alternatives of improving the sector going forward,” Kariza told KTPress today. 
  • session will expose the sector to listen into new concepts and ideas that they (participants) have, so as to tackle different challenges emerging from Covid19 but also for the overall sector.
  • government has embarked on starting up a Rwf100billion Covid-19 economy recovery fund, which will largely support the tourism and hospitality, industry, and water, electricity, road infrastructure projects among other income-generating activities.
  • online workshop aims at opening up new opportunities for technology companies to better understand the need in the tourism sector and in doing so develop solutions fit for driving the sector’s growth.
  • largely focus on strategies that could leverage technology to encourage domestic tourism covering but not limited to travel and hospitality sectors.
  • ICT Chamber has been working with the Chamber of Tourism to promote digitalization of the industry, by supporting companies that are serving in the industry through incubation programs at the ICT Innovation Center in Kicukiro district.
  • accelerate digitalization of the tourism sector through public private dialogue. 
  • RDB’s intent is to leverage technology and the solutions we have to stimulate domestic tourism and help the sector’s recovery. Taking lessons from what has been done with e-commerce and the online e-learning platforms. RDB will also present to us their challenges that tech companies can turn into monetize-able opportunities
    Rwanda is seeking to engage the technology industry in a conversation to generate ways that e-commerce can be used to help the Tourism and Hospitality sector recover in the wake of COVID-19. This will be an online conversation on June 4 to find ways the technology already has or could create to help tourism. It notes how digitization has been important to other sectors of the economy during the pandemic including sectors such as education and Healthcare. By leveraging technology it is hoped that ways can be found to stimulate the tourism industry

Internet Tourism Marketing: Potential and Constraints - 0 views

  • The Internet is the global 'network of networks" of interlinked computers operating on a standard protocol which allows data to be transferred between them. As an information exchange system, the most important aspect of the Internet is its connectivity, the ability to allow everyone to access the network  (Young et al 1999). The potential of using the Internet for marketing activities is derived from its general use as an information exchange system in the digital age. The information can be stored,  indexed,  retrieved,  restructured  and redistributed automatically by software and without human  intervention.  The  Internet  connects companies  with  companies,  companies  with customers, and people with people without regard to time, space and hardware/ software platforms (Mathur et al 1998).
    This article talk about the Internet Tourism Marketing. The Internet has increasingly become a popular medium for marketing. This paper attempted to investigate the potential of the Internet for tourism marketing and the current constraints on the full realisation of such potential. Through an examination of the advantages of the Internet as a marketing tool and the characteristics of the tourism industry, the paper found that the Internet was ideal for marketing tourism. It then analysed the main Internet applications in tourism marketing and explored the key factors that were attributable to the current low level of travel sales an the Internet The paper concluded with a brief discussion of the major strategic issues in the implementation of Internet tourism marketing.
    The Internet has increasingly become a popular medium for marketing. This paper attempted to investigate the potential of the Internet for tourism marketing and the current constraints on the full realisation of such potential. Through an examination of the advantages of the Internet as a marketing tool and the characteristics of the tourism industry, the paper found that the Internet was ideal for marketing tourism. It then analysed the main Internet applications in tourism marketing and explored the key factors that were attributable to the current low level of travel sales an the Internet The paper concluded with a brief discussion of the major strategic issues in the implementation of Internet tourism marketing.
    This paper has so far examined some of the key issues related to the marketing of tourism on the Internet. In particular, it has highlighted the main features of the Internet as an effective and efficient communication medium, including its addressability, interactivity, flexibility and accessibility, and its role in improving customer service and reducing costs. It has also analysed the unique characteristics of tourism which make it perfect to be marketed on the Internet and further explored the main areas in tourism marketing where the Internet could play a significant role and provide substantial benefits for both the marketer and the consumer. In an investigation of the key forces which drive Internet commerce, it has found that a wide variety of factors, grouped conveniently in four broad categories demand, organisational, technological and governmental - could both enable and restrict the application of the Internet in tourism marketing.

Safety and Security in the Tourism Industry - A Regional Perspective on Tourism Security - 1 views

    Safety and security is crucial when it comes to the tourism industry. Traveling in the Caribbean has increased from 1980 to 2004, from 6.9 million in sales to 21.8 million. I am sure now that it's 2012 this amount has tripled. Tourism is worldwide and a very competitive industry. The consumer has to spend a good amount of money just to be able to afford traveling by cruise, or airplane to a good hotel (Possibly a Travel Package) just to be able to stay in the Caribbean some more so than others. So at this point in time the consumer is also sensitive to the tourism product since it is perceived as subjective and experimental. Tourism, therefore; becomes highly aware to these perceptions of any possible danger in traveling to the Caribbean and security in your stay there. Since 9/11/01 this became highly evident that the safety of your consumers is extremely important into providing excellent service in the traveling industry.
    Tourism security is something that all travelers are worried about. People coming from all over the world to see a new place are excited to explore their new surroundings. Safety and security are key to providing quality in tourism. The success or failure of any tourism destination strictly depends on being able to provide a safe and secure environment for tourist. We all have some concerns about our safety when it comes to booking our next trip. This is highly understood with all the massive attacks thats going on around us. For instance New York city is one of the most busiest in America it also know for the tragic 9/11 incident that took the lives of thousands of innocent people. New York recently had an explosion that injured 29 people in Manhattan just last year September. With incidents like this happening it effects airport business many passengers are not content flying into NYC. The inclination of tourist from different parts of the world fell sharply after 9/11 according to World Tourism Operation international tourist arrivals slumped by 1.3 percent in 2001
Tamara Lang

The World of Technology Affects Tourism Industry Immensely | .TR - 0 views

  • How does it draw the line between technology and personal service? There is no doubt that technology plays an important role in tourism and travel. Most of us are now used to booking our airline reservations on line, dealing with telephone trees and other cost saving devices. These technological advances have allowed corporations to save on manpower while at the same time empowering customers to make their own decisions
  • On the other hand, technology's growth has allowed worldwide terrorism to attack the tourism industry. Cell phones can save lives or detonate bombs; air conditioning units serve to make life bearable in hot climates, but also pollute the atmosphere and can be carriers of disease. The dawn of the computer age permits us to know weather forecasts around the world, allows business travelers to stay in touch with their offices and to supersede the problem of cross time zones negotiation, but can be used to destroy air travel.
  • Remember that tourism is about people "interfacing" with other people No matter how good your technology may be, technology does not provide human warmth of take-home experiences. Be mindful that tourism is about the selling of memories and then ask yourself at what point are you willing to sacrifice memories for efficiency.
    This article is about how technology affects world tourism. Technology plays a major role in tourism and travel and can help to reduce labor costs and bad customer service. On the other hand, because our industry is driven by human interaction too much or misuse of technology can truly hinder service. The article also stated that "technology's growth has allowed worldwide terrorism to to attack the tourism industry". Cell phones can be used to blow up bombs, air conditions, and destroy planes. As leaders in the industry we must decide how far to go with the use technology.

Destination World E-Newsletter - 0 views

  • Based on the false premise that security adds nothing to the bottom line, police departments and professional security agencies have seen their budgets curtailed precisely when they are most needed. This police and security cutback is especially challenging to every form of tourism: from hotels to attractions, from restaurants to transportation providers. To help you place this need in perspective, consider the following:
  • Do not let the media scare you about an increase in crime due to an economic turndown.
  • Without tourism security even the best marketing will fail
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  • Use tourism security to attract baby boomers
  • Passive security equipment is helpful but does not take the place of real human beings.
  • Advertise to both your guests and locals and make sure they understand that you have a tourism security plan
  • Do not just use security professionals, be they private or public, as merely passive officers
  • Think through what your tourism security priorities are.
  • Promote tourism security as you would promote a new business
  • Never forget that no one ever needs to take a vacation
  • Despite some of the optimistic talk of global economic recovery, the highest likelihood is that the tourism industry still has several challenging months or even years ahead of it.
  • t only takes one incident to destroy the sense of security that visitors demand.
  • Even before September 11, 2001 visitors wanted to know if a locale provides good tourism security.
  • As people age, the issue of security and safety moves to the forefront. Presence is essential and the cost of a security professional is a lot less than the cost of additional advertising due to loss revenue. 
  • perception often governs a tourist's reality and if our visitors believe that an economic downturn will produce an increase in crime, then showing a tourism security presence becomes even more important.
  • Machines, however, do not provide a sense of empathetic hospitality that is essential for a successful tourism industry. The best course of action is to blend human security with technology.
  • Promote safety and security programmes to people in this niche.
  • These are the times to think out of the box. When people are scared then tourism security is part of economic security. 
    This article shows the relationship between tourism security and economy. Tourism security is an important factor that will affect the economy, people should pay attention to it and also the staff in tourism industry should pay attention to it, cause they can make full use of this factor to improve the economy.
    Great read!! Explains how tourist need to feel safe in order to travel. The importance of safety is the most important thing tourist look for when traveling. Currently the world is in a disarray. 

Florida tourism jobs, training to increase - Sun Sentinel - 0 views

  • Tourism projections show visitation is expected to climb to 127 million tourists in 2020, according to Visit Florida, the state's official tourism marketing organization.lRelated BusinessSwanky Villas at Crane's BeachHouse to debut on Nov. 1See all related8 To accommodate that growth, Florida will need 315,000 new hospitality jobs, forecast data show.
  • new training and certification program for hospitality employees
  • Visit Florida also is rolling out several other programs to keep the destination top-of-mind with domestic and international travelers.
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  • Visit Florida unveiled the training program and its other new initiatives Tuesday during the 47th Annual Florida Governor's Conference on Tourism at the Boca Raton Resort & Club
    Visit Florida has announced they are coming out with a new, free certificate and training for hospitality employees. Due to the increase in Florida tourism, they will launch this new program to hopefully keep more tourists coming back because of the remarkable hospitality they received. Tourism is up from 2012 and they feel 2014 will surpass 2013, which the state welcomed 93.7 million visitors. That being said, this is a great opportunity for our industry. This will open so many doors for event planners and other hotel positions to help with the increasing tourism and being able to cater to their needs.

The Concept of Comprehensive Tracking Software to Support Sustainable Tourism in Protec... - 0 views

shared by marble_bird on 25 May 20 - No Cached
  • Visitor management of protected areas [1–3] is supposed to keep the tourism intensity below the area limits while respecting the needs of the local economy and community as a multi-faceted goal of participative management [4]. It requires reliable, comprehensive, and detailed data about tourism intensity, including its impacts and practical methods and tools to exploit the data for the purpose of visitor management
  • Visitor management of protected areas [1–3] is supposed to keep the tourism intensity below the area limits while respecting the needs of the local economy and community as a multi-faceted goal of participative management [4]. It requires reliable, comprehensive, and detailed data about tourism intensity, including its impacts and practical methods and tools to exploit the data for the purpose of visitor management
  • At first, a literature review (Section 2) is conducted in the areas of tourism impacts, tourism sustainability , visitor management, tourism modelling and simulations, visitor monitoring and tracking, and the utilization of data about visitors. Specific attention is paid to the promising method of individual tracking, its variants, and the challenges related to its deployment.
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  • The LAC method [12,13], the carrying capacity [2,4,8,10,14–18], tourism sustainability indicators [8,10,19], or visitor management models [2,4,11] are some of the theoretical concepts and methods which the protected area visitor management may use to assess the effects of tourism and tourism infrastructure construction and maintenance.
  • isitor counts can be used to form a model reflecting the dynamics of the destination system, allowing visitor flow simulations
  • However, the quality of such models is critically dependent on the extent, quality, and readiness of the entry data [21]. The use of real-time data in models of destination systems is not common
  • Individual tracking methods are based on satellite positioning (e.g., The Global Positioning System known as GPS, or Galileo), active mobile positioning, Bluetooth positioning, Wi-Fi positioning, or indirect monitoring based on geocoded social media, or photo databases
  • Thus, attention should be paid to the categorization of visitors, including their needs, motivations, limitations, and the resulting patterns of behavior. Such analysis may help to reveal which categories of visitors are desired, e.g., because of their positive impact on the local economy, and which should rather be discouraged from coming
  • The use of visitor monitoring methods is a common part of visitor management practice, however, monitoring is often not implemented
  • systematically enough and data is often available with a significant delay (for example, from oine people counters installed in the terrain or when using data from mobile operators), making the assessment of the destination system state in real-time impossible
  • Correct and ecient data integration requires a systematic and consistent approach. However, a relevant methodology for the utilization of heterogeneous data is not available, which may be one of the reasons why comprehensive visitor monitoring is so rare.
  • the universally applicable concept of an intelligent tour guide for visitor tracking and for visitor characteristics acquisition are introduced in the results section of the manuscript. The ongoing experimental implementation of the proposed concept is mentioned, and relevant challenges are discussed at the end.
  • Gradually, five representatives and experts from protected area management, six destination organization experts, and four geopark experts were involved. None of the protected area experts involved in the research had any previous experience with systematic visitor data integration or with using the concept of the intelligent software tour guide.
  • The brainstorming and focus group were used to raise new ideas, and the Delphi method was used to reach a consensus when needed.
  • The knowledge gathered from experts served as an input for systems analysis, leading to the design of a computer program—an intelligent tour guide for each involved protected area. Namely, use cases, functional requirements, and other characteristics of the software were identified and discussed.
  • Because meaningful visitor flow and visitor impact modelling require suciently comprehensive and accurate data [21], systematic exploitation of all available relevant heterogeneous data about visitors (collected by a variety of methods, each with its specific limitations, e.g., visitor profiles, numbers of sold tickets, counts from sensors, space-time curves of individual visitors) is a recommended [36] and cost-e ective approach.
  • Visitor management of a protected area requires tourism impact estimates depending on its intensity (step 1). Estimates of proportions of various visitor categories depending on days of the week, holidays, weather, or season, or other factors together with expert estimates of specific impacts of these categories of visitors are available
  • The concept is meant to be generic enough to fit a variety of geographic areas (size, protected features of the local nature, local community , tourism intensity , division of roles in participative management between organizations, etc.)
  • The intelligent tour guide has to be:
  • Reliable, accessible, compatible.
  • Personalized.
  • Location-sensitive.
  • Destination-system-aware.
  • Interactive and collaborative.
  • Dialogue-wise.
  • Decently gamified.
  • Regarding human factors, the potential of individual visitor tracking to provide rich and valuable data may be hindered by the low motivation to participate [21,50,51]. Low participation may limit the usability of the resulting data and negatively a ect the e ects of possible attempts to influence the flow of visitors.
  • From the technical side, active mobile positioning provides spatially accurate data collected with a sucient sampling rate, for example, compared to passive localization data automatically recorded by mobile operators. However, still, the low satellite signal in rocks or under the canopy of a dense forest in combination with less-sensitive mobile devices may a ect the quality of the data and even the function of the tour guide.
  • Regarding the interpretation of the resulting data, the bias caused by the selection of participants and the willingness and fitness of members of di erent visitor groups has to be considered. Also, individual tracking may have an unintended influence on visitors’ movement and behavior [49], though the impact and resulting bias is usually acceptably low
  • Ethically and legally acceptable data collection may require the acquisition of informed consent from each participant.
  • An inadequate budget can lead to compromises, e.g., in the project management, analysis, or implementation, a ecting the compatibility, reliability, or usability of the program, or the quality and extent of the underlying model and the set of descriptive data.
  • Experimental verification of the individual tracking method, supplemented by visitors’ feelings and experiences by means of an intelligent tour guide operated in the context of a complex destination application, currently takes place in all involved areas. The application is being carefully designed in harmony with all recommended principles. Namely, a clear distinction is being made between the universal part of the application and area-specific models, configurations, deployment choices, or custom pieces of code.
  • The research team is looking for other possibilities of verifying the concept presented elsewhere in the Czech Republic and the world. Further research will reveal if the concept is truly generally applicable, as hypothesized, or not.
    This article covers the research behind and design of software implemented in the Czech Republic to monitor visitor activity in protected areas. The software is designed to act as a "tour guide" and keeps track of visitors through satellite positioning. The article discusses the process by which this software would be developed, rationale for its implementation, and consumer data that may be collected through this process that would benefit National Parks and other protected areas. Theoretical questions in regard to human interaction, privacy concerns, and effectiveness of the application in low-service areas are discussed. Though the application requires more research and strict attention to variables, its implementation worldwide could change how sustainable tourism is managed and would provide important information on consumer habits in protected areas.
Xiaoxiao Wang

Fair to bring tourism and software together - 0 views

    This article shows the importance to bring software and tourism industires together. As the development of tourism technology, more and more hotels and tour agents start to use different kind of software to increase the ratio of online deals. It uses specific examples which Thai software firms hope they can offer software solutions to every point in the tourism ecosystem. In this way, Thai tourism businesses will gain benefits from getting the right software solutions to help tourism indury grow.
Casrine Kelly

Tourisphere- The role of information technology in tourism industry - Daily Observer - 0 views

  • IT relates to tourism in many ways hence the only option before the advent of IT globally if you wanted to travel any where you have to walk from your house down to the street to get the local agency either as outbound and inbound tourist.
  • But with the advent of IT this can be done online, sitting on your bedroom as a tourist you can get all the necessary information without stress, this is just a matter of settling down with your laptop in your house and log into your desire website. So IT opens up the possibilities for tourism.
  • Now information technology is being used for a variety of functions in the tourism industry, ranging from an internal organization role to external communication between different parts of the industry.
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  • oday, a wide range of tourism sectors is taking the advantage of the information superhighway. Technology facilitates the speed and efficiency with which information of the tourism industry is processed, stored, retrieved, distributed and otherwise manipulated.
    In the article Mr. Lassana Tunkara talks about the positive impacts information technology has on the travel agencies, tourism industries and individuals that uses the internet. Everybody is becoming computer literate since it's the number one means of communication through the internet. Information technology has taken over the world. In the past if you want to book a vacation, you would have to find the closest travel agencies to you. You would spend a couple days in the travel agent office looking through brochures. With the advance in information technology, you can do so from the comfort of your home with just your laptop and an internet connection and logging to your desire website. The tourism and travel industry depends a whole lot on the internet as a means of communication, through emails and other forms of communications. With the advance in information technology cost is reduced, the speed at which information is transferred and retrieved has increased. Information technology has transformed the tourism industry, it changes the way the services are delivered and customers' expectations are much higher. With the internet all these industries are able to communicate with each other, such as travel agencies, airline, hotel and car rental companies. Doing reservation is much easier for everyone involve, it can be done anytime and anywhere without having to sit in a travel agencies office going through tons of brochures.

ECommerce in Hospitality and Tourism Industry - 1 views

  • New technologies are providing different channels for marketing and management that improve the capabilities of society. And computers are providing faster and more reliable processing with lower cost continually.
  • In Hospitality and Tourism industry, hardware, software, information management, and telecommunications systems have allowed for the processing and information flow amongst organizations. The way in which tourism organizations take advantage of IT tools may determine their future success in the marketplace [4]. We consider the importance of the trend of Information Technology by implementing an effective IT system for advertising, distribution, encouragement and co-ordination of the industry. It is important that Hotel Industry take the lead of the emerging technologies to improve management abilities and develop business plans focusing on the most efficient income of delivering value added products to clients.
  • B2C transactions involve business-to-customer interactions.
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  • B2B transactions involve business-to-business.
  • B2E transactions involve a business and its employees.
  • C2C transactions involve two or more consumers (customer-to-customer).
  • The industry can make profits to many countries and pull foreign currencies into the country.
  • The travel distribution system is currently facing many changes as online agencies such as Priceline, Travelocity, Expedia, etc. have introduced a way to access travel suppliers directly via the worldwide web. In general, Global Distribution Systems have not shown much of an effort toward targeting on-line customers. As an alternative, Customer Relation Systems have remained trustworthy to their travel agency distributors.
  • The Internet is not the full solution to success in the Hospitality and Tourism industry. However, the Internet is the “overall business answer” across industries
  • The success of the Hospitality and Tourism industry will depend upon the abilities to identify and answer quickly to current and potential customer needs
  • Starwood Hotel Group was standing ahead of other Hotels to offer a online “virtual tours” of its properties. This feature provides a site visit to potential guests without having to travel to each property. And now, many well-known hotels are also providing this promotion feature for stand top of the roles to attract potential customers.
  • Google presented the vision of Internet marketing is likely to grow by 2015. Some of them are worth to be informed and aware about.
  • 50% of ad campaigns will include video ads bought on a cost-per-view basis 50% of ads will be bought using this real-time bidding technology to tailor experiences for different viewers Smartphones / mobile phone will be the number one screen for digital brands to engage users There will be at least 5 metrics that advertisers will regard as more important than the “click” 75% of web ads will be “social” in nature such as facebook. Therefore, Ads will be shared, discussed, subscribed to and recommended Multimedia formats enable great creativity and interaction – these will grow from 6% of display ad impressions to 50%, especially for brand building campaigns Digital display advertising is going to grow to a $50 billion industry This forecast shows that competition to attract potential customers via worldwide web will be more and more drastic.
  • World Tourism Organization (WTO) estimates that over 1.5 billion tourists would take international journeys in the year 2020.
  • Airlines have a stronger straight link to customers as they compete directly against travel agents [23]. Furthermore, they could have stronger control over the customers due in part to the e-ticketing. In this respect, online technology has replaced the travel agency by adding value via fare shoppers, promotions, and personalized recommendations
  • Another e-Commerce model such as Auction style-pricing models are becoming customer preference, where the customer are able to control the price of the products and services to be consumed.
  • Customers are almost guaranteed that they will obtain the best price by negotiating via an online agent such as Priceline. But a shortcoming to all of this is that the customer will not understand all of the normal benefits of air tickets as they are sacrificed via online auction purchases. For example, in many cases the travel ticket does not permit any changes or accrual of or without significant penalty charges.
  • Online companies have more of a chance at success in Hong Kong due to the dense population, strong education systems, high credit card and cell phone usage. This leaves room for the future development of the next Priceline or Travelocity in Asia which could pose a major threat to hospitality & tourism organizations. Based on the high volume cell phone usage in Hong Kong, Mobile commerce should be a new trend on next stage. [29]
  • As low cost computer real-time data, fast speed internet access, voice and video communications become a reality, travel agencies may no longer be needed. On the other hand, the Internet challenge can also mean chance. Hotel owners and operators who understand and master e-commerce or m-commerce challenges will be able to jump ahead of online threats from large players such as Priceline. Otherwise, many will find themselves out of business.
  • Information Technology tools have allowed travel intermediaries to expand their role in the industry by presenting opportunities to venture into other markets on a geographical level.
  • Not only should hoteliers focus on the business traveler, but they should also consider whether there are other types of potential target customers as we may find that both young and older generations were sitting in the Internet shops utilizing online services during their vacation as well.
  • Organizations have to invest in the expertise and equipment (Hardware, Software) for building a strong IT base at first.
  • Internet security has been a major issue surrounding the Internet community.
  • Governments are currently addressing Internet based global commerce by considering rules of conduct, guiding principles, laws and taxation. [*30]
  • Today, hotels are distributing their product via more and more channels. How they keep control of availability and price, maintain a consistent level of customer service, in addition to keep their distribution partners up to date at the same time has becomes a complicated and expensive process.
  • The core transactions of our business involve intimate face-to-face interactions, which have certain limitations in regard to the use of e-commerce in the hospitality industry compared with other enterprises
  • It is important to take a look at how Internet technology will affect the future of the tourism industry. Most IT tools are being utilized
  • The hospitality & tourism internet future suggests a universal system where property management systems will eliminate the need for expensive on-site computer hardware/software.
  • Future success for hospitality & tourism companies depends upon their abilities to identify a target market and the strategic opportunities available for survival and growth.
  • It is crucial for hospitality & tourism organizations to stay on top of the roles of the major online players that are posing a serious threat to the industry such as Travelocity, Priceline, Expedia, Yahoo, etc. Their role in the future of hospitality & tourism marketing is crucial to the survival of Hoteliers.
    This article highlights the different aspects that e-commerce brings to society. It highlights the many ways that e-commerce has affected the Hospitality Industry and the things that can be done about it, and it also highlights the economical and political impact that e-commerce might have on the future of our society (especially the hospitality industry).

Modern Management Technologies in the Hospitality Industry - 2 views

The article talks about how it's worth investing in proximity marketing to increase the speed of a customer's decision, increase engagement, and eloyalty. The article states that marketers who know...


Automation and artificial intelligence in hospitality and tourism | Emerald Insight - 0 views

  • Human knowledge, services and robotics applications were the most significant factors influencing automation and AI implementation. Practitioners and researchers in the hospitality and tourism industry could apply the proposed framework to develop sustainable strategies for implementing and managing automation and AI. The proposed framework may also be useful in future studies examining AI implementation in the hospitality and tourism industry.
  • Smart technologies like automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have become important elements of hospitality and tourism
  • Hospitality and tourism firms use smart technology to dynamically enhance consumer experience (Buhalis and Sinarta, 2019). Smart hospitality and tourism have provided opportunities for firms to enhance their operations and productivity, resulting in higher quality products and better processes for delivering services to customer
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  • Although hospitality and tourism organizations have already implemented smart technologies such as AI and robotics into their business activities (Epiknetworks, 2018), the companies adopting them are still limited owing to the individual, organizational and external environment barriers.
  • Researchers still need to engage better, investigate and understand these nascent developments (Murphy et al., 2017), and limited studies have examined the implementation challenges.
  • Technological development plays a vital role in tourists’ decision-making processes. Digital technologies and cyber-physical systems may even act as extensions of a tourist’s self (Stylos, 2019). Several researchers have focused on the importance of including AI in tourism education (Murphy et al., 2017) and to be prepared for technology shifts in their industry
  • They also suggested that employees in the hospitality and tourism sector should study robot design and machine learning to link changes in technology to the international tourism industry.
  • In future, tourism will take place in a robonomic economy and tourists will demand a high-touch service experience
  • The use of smart technologies such as chatbots usually receives positive feedback and the benefits of this technology outweigh the challenges (Buhalis and Yen, 2020). The advancement of novel technologies involves a process of knowledge management, including maintenance, disruption and change. This needs the integration of technologies and institutions and results in the growth of new values and services (Vargo et al., 2015).
  • Service providers need to think critically about how AI applications in hospitality and tourism might affect people’s use of the service. They should also consider what needs to be changed to ensure that robots and employees work together seamlessly to augment the service experience (Buhalis et al., 2019). Smart technologies and AI could disrupt services in the hospitality industry, altering customer engagement plans and expectations (Helkkula et al., 2018).
  • Hospitality software has moved from local to server-based to Web-based to cloud-based platforms (Leung, 2020). The future smart infrastructure with high-speed networks enables efficient data exchange amongst databases in real time and therefore immediate service (Buhalis and Sinarta, 2019)
  • Technologies tested in previous studies have been improved by highly interactive systems, increased capability and a more user-friendly interface, so examining perceived interactivity of technology has become more important for advanced robot acceptance models (Go et al., 2020). Ivanov et al. (2019) stated that robotics was not introduced early to the travel, tourism and hospitality industries, because of the complexity of human reactions to customer needs.
  • Customers must experience feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction interacting with the robot. Customer attitudes are shaped by experience, and employee skills depend on education and training, as well as the company’s needs (Ivanov et al., 2019). Robots are expected to eventually overtake humans for cognitive tasks, with human input only required for duties requiring empathy and emotion
  • Intelligent agent technology is one of the most useful methods for supply chain management because it combines social ability, intelligence and collaboration (Alsetoohy and Ayoun, 2018). Alsetoohy et al. (2019) claimed that current procurement practices lack coordination and proactivity between suppliers and buyers, intelligent tools for finding suitable suppliers, performance evaluation and automation
  • By pairing robots and humans, service delivery can be optimized, leading to increased productivity and reduced costs
    This study was about adoption and automation of AI in hospitality. It gives great insight on the process as well as what people think of AI and their opinions. In addition to that, this study goes into different techniques that were used to understand how and why AI should be implemented. Human interaction cannot be beat, along with personal touch and humans can't remember everything a computer can, but if you have robots and humans working together you can get the best of both worlds. Smart technologies are now and the future.

Developing an eMarketing model for tourism and hospitality: a keyword analysis - ProQuest - 0 views

  • Advances in IT have prompted the hospitality and tourism industries to move in a new direction, i.e. internet marketing or eMarketing (Leung et al., 2015)
  • On the other hand, from the customer perspective, tourism and hospitality are an information-intensive consumption experience because a customer might make considerable efforts to collect information and understand the image of a travel destination before making a purchase decision (Kim and Law, 2015). In this regard, search engines and social media are two of most fundamental information sources for making such decisions (Xiang and Gretzel, 2010). With their information-sharing capability, social media empower customers, granting them a “democratic consumption culture” by reducing information asymmetry and increasing their bargaining power (Leung et al., 2013). The pervasiveness and powerful computational capability of mobile technology make it possible for tourists to easily access information, book online services or even make impromptu purchases (Kim and Law, 2015). Apparently, the tourism and hospitality industries have been facing a revolution that has arisen largely because of IT turbulence (Piccoli, 2008).
  • Studies suggest that IT plays a prominent role in the tourism and hospitality industries, and it will be imperative, and indeed beneficial, for tourism and hospitality practitioners and scholars to keep abreast of all the advances in IT
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  • Correspondingly, the frontiers of IT-related research will not only benefit the innovation and encroachment of the industry but also support managers, researchers, policymakers and other interested audiences in understanding the progress of developing trends and themes in the context of IT development
  • Among these analyzes, the keyword co-occurrence network particularly aims to construct knowledge, as the keywords of an article are anchored by the authors to distill the core concepts of a paper. Keywords generally represent the main idea of a research paper and express authors’ understandings of their work within the thematic context of their research domains (Ali et al., 2019). Keywords are regarded as one of the most meaningful indicators of an article’s content (Weismayer and Pezenka, 2017). Although keywords indicate the topic area and key variables/theories used in a study, they do not convey key findings such as the causal relationship between two keywords. Nevertheless, a group of keywords from the same domain creates an intellectual knowledge map of that realm. A knowledge map is generated from keywords according to the following steps
  • Keywords are collected from journal articles. A network of these keywords is built. A knowledge map connects the same keywords in different articles. A complete knowledge map is formed when all articles undergo the previous three steps.
  • eMarketing Capability As this study’s model of eMarketing capabilities is a major contribution and these capabilities play a critical role in marketing performance, future studies can investigate the antecedents/consequences of eMarketing capability, develop a scale or investigate the formation process of this construct. Future studies might validate the proposed model-based either on a single eMarketing capability or on multiple eMarketing capabilities. Empirical studies could benefit the development of research concerning eMarketing tourism and hospitality.
  • 3. Methods3.1 Data collection
  • 3.2 Data processing
  • 3.3 Analysis process and tools
  • Emerging Digital Technologies The purpose of this study is aimed at understanding the impact of IT on tourism and hospitality. However, as IT continues to evolve and advance, and as new technologies often alter customers’ behavior, as well as firms’ marketing strategies, it is necessary to pay attention to the impact of new digital technologies on focal fields. Specifically, it could be interesting and promising to explore the impact and role of forthcoming digital technologies in different eras, specifically, artificial intelligence, machine leaning, AR, virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), chatbots, robotics, blockchain, 5 G or the internet of things (Park et al., 2018; Tung and Au, 2018).
  • As the database contains journals from various domains, this study first identified the target journals by using the keywords “travel,” “tourism” and “hospitality,” identifying 24 journals. Next, as these journals are affiliated with different publishers, the keywords “IT*,” “IS” and “technology*” were input to search ICT-related articles on the official website of each journal from its first issue to April 2020.
  • Customer Equity and Engagement Value Customer equity and engagement value are two of the crucial variables that require a better understanding in the eMarketing tourism and hospitality research. With the application and support of advanced IT and quantitative mathematical models, it will be valuable for future work to explore all aspects of the factors that influence customer experiences over time to synergize and maximize customer equity and CEV for DMOs or hotels.
  • Marketing Performance Apart from loyalty, other marketing performance indicators including financial and non-financial ones are encouraged to be developed. Such work will contribute to both the tourism and hospitality academia and allow industrial managers to link financial performance with innovative IT in terms of profit, sales revenue or cash flow. Moreover, assessing non-financial marketing performance (market share, quality of services or CEV) will help researchers and managers better understand the predictors of future financial performance than traditional accounting measures have in the past, and it should also supplement financial indicators in internal accounting systems (Ittner and Larcker, 1998). Finally, it will be contributory to develop a combined indicator linking financial and non-financial measures. Table 4 summarizes the overview of future research avenues.
    This article is about how hospitality and tourism have been reshaped through IT, eMarketing and how it has helped prove sales, information, made destinations more popular and also help travelers plan. eMarketing also is a massive platform for word of mouth. This study also shows what helped eMarketing become what it is. When certain things are typed into search bars, this data is collected and used for eMakreting and to target specific groups of people.
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