3 Ways to Help Your Speakers Help Your Hybrid Event - 0 views
Ganna Gorbachuk on 15 Apr 12Hybrid meetings - meetings where some part of the event is broadcast to attendees tuning in remotely become more and more popular right now! There are few technical requirements for Skype conferences, video calls and so on which need to be done. First rule - try to communicate before the actual event, check up the sound, try to make a plan, what if smth fails. Second rule - less music and live video. People are using different devices to connect with you, so you cannot be sure everyone can get all the audial part of the presentation clearly. Third rule - speaker issues. We should remember speakers are not necessarily bringing the sound up to the listener just as you say it. There might be some glitches, the sound may delay, sometimes you need to check if the audience have heard everything clearly, or you need to repeat several things.