Safety And Security And The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay - 0 views
The intention of this research is done to determine employee safety and security training and education for guests do helps to minimize the safety and security issues in the hospitality industry.
This is because everyone take their life as precious as gold. Unfortunately nowaday, hotels only used of the tecnology safety and security system to protect their guest.
Everyone is concerning about their safety and security when they are staying in the hotel during vacation.
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Safety and security is very important in the hospitality industry. When you have tourist coming to your place every single day then you know you need to have your premises secure. In this article they talk about how hotels have separated and made two different categories, which are security and safety. This article also shows how it is very important that hotel train their staff for an emergency if it was to occur. Training your employees in safety and security would help prevent any emergency that can happen in the hospitality industry. This will just help tourist come to your hotel more because guest will feel safe at your hotel. The system that hotels implement about security and safety is very important and will help keep bringing in your guest.